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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1961, p. 11

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'THTRST)AY. MAR. l6th, 1961 THE CANAD!AN STATESMANfl OWMANVILLr, ONTARIOCAEELV Newcastle - The March meeting o! the Merry Mar- mu ried Couplc's Club a! the Uni- CL AR E v W N S ted Church was held at the THE LARK TOW SHI home o! Mr. and Mrs. Bren- tnRickard on Wednesday cvening with twelvc couples present. The Rcv. F. J. Reed o! Hampton who wvas slatcd "V O T N O "as guest speaker at the meet- "*ï O @ E N O "ing sent his regrets for not bcing present duc to, the storni in the district. COMM ITTEE "Wearing o! the Green" wvas the themne of the evening with each mnember wearing some- *thing green. Each lady brou- ght a gaily decorated basket containing the first course o! a lunch. ASK Q ESTIO The committec in charge o! A SK EST I N 1the evening conducted games WHETHER YOU DRINK OR NOT ... ASK YOURSELF! Rickard as tume keeper. The prize frtepretticst bse was wvon by Mss. Albert * v.xiat is the real motive for bringmng in cocktail bars and dmring ue cnetso h lounges? baskets a been consumed, ithe members a! the coni- mittec served pie, ice creani Will cocktail brsad nn one ae lreTwsi and coffee for descrt. IThe committec composed o! better place in which to live? Mr. and Mrs. Brenton ik ard, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Eni- blcy and Mr. and Mrs. Bill * Who will benefit most if such lic ensed premises are established? 'Allun were thanked by Ross bers for the fine evening and Can, money spent i cocail ar or admmig lounge be spent IteRv .C ôdadpo nounced the benediction ta in our stores? close the meeting. *Will cocktail bars and dining lounges make the highways saf er for our boys and girls?Y THINK VOTE O X ARCI 29&Newcastle- Following are AND 17 the resultso! the high scorers in the various leagues for last week on the cammunity bowl-, INSERTED BY CLARKE TOWNSHIP "VOTE NO" COMMJTTEE n lanes. jMonday Ladies League-ý US. No. 1 Grade - Tasty Tropical Flavour X GO D N B O 'L U T A E PEN E A PP L E . -.Ea. 25c TEGLENDOILUuAE U. S. No. 1 - Original Bunchcs DICTIONARY! ONLY 99c EACH GREEN OJNOS--3Fo2c Availahie Now ai IGA No. 1 Grade Home Grown Hlot flouse A must for your child * Easy ta use * Easy CUCUM ERS 19C8 Volumes today. WeReere heRight ta Limit Quantities EX RA TOAL "Choice New Zealand Lamb Sale" I N B ON UST A PE S i m)Whoie WITH FREE WITH FREE $2 TAPE or Leg O'Lam Bl b.45 $6 BONUS TAPES CGOKING Canada No. 1( Whole ~~~IGA Sunny Morn k.o ONN 3MCel Loin O'Lamb Onk lb. T EdAthGS '00te Birds Eye - French Cut , h Rath G an10 aM elFrozen Chopa MSUGR Bagt, D FotlaStew lb. 21Çureen uean L k. Fron O'Lmb 3Iou TableRite Sllced TableRite Rindiessiqi WAX 2TIan- SLGAPg SLICED SIDE BACON Lb. 75c White or Blue - 12e Off Swift's Premium Cryovac - 2 - 3 lb. Avg. B E Z 81ze Lb. WITH FREE $4 BONUS TAPE Corned Beef Brisket-Lb 79C IGA MARGARINE 2 Pkt* .- SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanvilfle IGA Market DO WNAN VILLE - ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market NEwcASTi LEiOnTARI a Zon31, Iendiuntrnhcmtomeoaattendnd thew Public S hool Gle Club ins Top Festival Honors8t Peter oroug hmn12, or-weeks with his grandparents YELVERTONPoica (oito et Pu lc S h o le C u is T p Fe tv lfo o s a ee b r u h een Langstaf f 211, Lillian Far- and were supper guests of Mr. bti oot nArl ro 1.and Mrs. Carl Elliot and new The recent busteryrz p ietr eenmda .... .... Men's League (225 and granddaughter Kimbe r 1 e y~ pearance cf Old Man intrflos ess .J e over)- Lowell Highfield 307, Dawn. cagtan aredetUlp ndJhAtnVtoi Bih ake 94, rt Dbeau Mr. nd Ms. Ian Rhrerprepared <with bis snwecCoMes.T.RHarom Bil Lae 24,ArtDubau Mr.andMrs Ian ohrr:dowvn as it were).Heea 281, Ken Whitney 279, Irv and family and David Craw- Mloi eaefcdwt~ n m .Hrn nat McCullough 273, Earl Evans ford were Sunday visitors the dilemma, after evain tC. r ap ihrso 21,Len Wood 212, Doug Wai- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wes-IalwnrheertpuoPE..cny;M.Aa R 273, "i Linol wNorthumerlandeCQt ton 256, Bob Brown 248, Lamne ton and family, Maple Grove. those storm windowsorn- M.CetrH itnPe- Johnson 242, Albert Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs jutoemjrdcso1fe bruhC. n orhml 24 6e. en e 2 6 B b P r and Billie visted Sunday w ith 'another!(?)s ri e H r e Mac l , D - WddyAter non2a his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli The March meeting !Ylla ony Mensa feno ai. verton W. A. wvas held eety M hse anla dies League- Betty Brown' Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- at the Art Rowanswihaapntdbtesdrcor 245, Wilma Lovekin 235, Ruth ers werc recent visitors with large attendance pree. Tea ieto o oe2 *Couch 234, Bessie Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodehglhtote e 232, Marilyn Couch 231. Lti rti.ehglgto h etn a oadMlomfnsta Thursday Mixed League- Acalod ! esieonedas salo e ch To aodofNsteonld ther lureas nce aegoufitrsti si ctv i Mahel Lewis 287. Marilyn ies ittendcd the Fashion Showthreueceowntrasmdlstektoswhm Couch 257, Stan Couch 240, in l3ethany on Saturday ev cordially acceptedan wc-sieatbtBomnll SArt Dubeau 235, Bill Harri- ening. comed-the would-bc-aao adOoo son 234. __________ iehs, wvhose hockey eao Friday Mixed League - had been prematureiyitr Alice Rowe 369, Verne Rowc lT!c'eTTT rupted. On Friday levnga w:. yue 282, Irv. McCullough 277, LONGVIU £LULT . team conprised o!f avr Larry Pearce 262, George Twp. Jrs. (JanetvillePny Kirniball 242, Don Parker 240, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kayacs pool, Yelverten) mettheirO PN Ken Whitney 239, Brenton were Saturday eveningv visi- counterparts at O0e1 e Newcastle- The 38 voice tô the George Hamilton school The students left Newcastle tered for the occasion by the local school teachers. Fred Albear2,Perc He 223, to onf r. abv a 3-2Mur, marg loint theyee Public School took !irst prize field Public School taking accompanied by their princi- The Glee Club receivcd companiment in the competi- Tracy Embley 216, Bill Har- were Sunday guests of Mr.' bined with a spiritofgoeeCuo!te ewatenWlom ihteLk-aut70MnaynoigNeateLontsCubGrampaetepaoacnnhm21,SnBon27. r.nd r.W.anvpiidcnsdabekl omfi.. in the class for village schools third place. The Newcastle pal, Ronald Munro and Mrs. their training from Mr. Ar- h io 1,VreJns29 n r.Pu ek e- sportsmanship. Scorin o attteth eerbrougeKianisPubgc ShoowwasawadPdbunrocndtheoohol bord huraollson !MBuvmaviand tthea thsstuenansan - CuJen MCuhlu2h288,Besie tnvile. r. ad Ms. Cas.Mannrs ere . Sinhoafo Music Festival on Monday the South Peterborough Ki- vice chairman, Mrs. Wm. school music teacher and Mrs. selection, "Comne to the Fair" Ferguson 207, Bill McCracken Penwirden and familv were Ylverton and Fisk forPn mornng.Secnd riz wen wais lubTrohy.Storks, on a Burley Bus char- George Stapleton one of thrc According to Mrs. Stork4 206, Gerrit Boumeester 200. Str a vnn iiosa pool. mrigSeodpzewn aiClbToh.there was perfect disciplinf S_______________On te sae eveing num amongst thc students on te theW bny'. te ! aie fomelvrtn duringthe copetiton. Sttionehr W. aladisesI obuy.i trip to and from Pcterboroughi Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr andi attendcd the Fashon h apn enering the village ion Nesileto ton Brenda were Friday evcning held in Bethany PaisHa Upo etein th vllgeonguests o! Mr. and Mrs. Les and returned home bgee the return trip about 11:30 M-. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson Cochran and Sunday dinncr and discontentcd, mtri I < 1k IV e cad e Ye p eu da.m. the students opened the attdnàd the funeral of lMrs guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Elmer incoîierently, to) mates ude windows of the bus and gave aesne s in i F *eo Lee, Enfield. îy and wisely struck da n thrughthevilageasM.oan Ms. ackIrvnedumb, about havingnohg Goron gne, Eifo Phnev nt tougthevilngtavhp- GFalso Modary. Wihl- Toronto, were Sunday evcning'to wear. To waste alt Gordon Agne, Ediior2rone chee ra Glad torport Pcrcyvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-'shapcîv samples o! femaepG N I eheers could b hearda block iamson was relcascd fro man Davis. crtd eosrtn A awayconisha opta improve in Mr. and Mrs.-Ryc Gibson1wardrobes on a bunch !f health. andi Mr. and Mrs. Norman males who lack the racln moefao Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freec Davis were weekenrl guests of1 innate sense o! apprecitol n -or:prl " love Peerbooug, an Mrtheir aunt, Mrs. H. O. Wil-: such matters, sccms indeun -mrfr ?le ca t 'eoo, vistedrtouhundMr R e i i g V l q e C e kand Mrs. Percy Huibert, Tr lianis, Alderwaod, when ail fortunate. Methinksitoud ormse Ile casle nt, vsitd rthr Tobr-. attendcd the Ice Orama at the. have been more rEwri, Lakeshore Skating Club, New~ wardrobe wisc, for th1 itl Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gib- womcn to have sent hubi- e rs visited Mr. and Mrs. Mal- son were Sunday dinner guests! stead-migsht sharpen u hs A fier Seven Years Service,, Soct -aI and £(Personal colnm Elford, Port Perry. . at the Norman Davis'. reflexes as el MavnNesbitt visited Mr. A very good crowd attendcd On Thursday afterna andMrs Js. aris ndMrs te LngSault Home & meeting o! Bec! Produ( so Is ono ed by oun ilMr. Harold Deline o! Tor- family ta hclp celebrate the 6th Hugh Taylor, Lindsay. School Box Social an Fridav adjacent counties washlw il o or d b C u c lonto spcnt Sunday visiting birthciay o! Tommy Lees. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wood evcning. There was a smahl thc Ag. Rep. office inPtr with Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Reg. LeGreslcy left this wcek via air for a program and srnie good pic- borough. Those presne- Newcastle- Appreciation O!f The municipal office will be inspection and third reading Storks and family. and Mrs. P. F. LeGresley vis- month's vacation in Florida. turcs were shown. Excellentdorscd the nced o!f e! QATSl. O 5 her sven yars ! serice o ope evey Monay, ednesawasgivena byaw reardig Mr nd Ms Melir.eJoncsitedxvitBMr.-ad Mr.aBad Mr.and MsarHrodd lhio, lunhesncrhesjoye and roduers' rganzatio and SIX 1 OZ.BOTTLS 41 he svllageas omunicl c e n da and F day, ro n e t 2scpi tnMisalains ! aetnviîî. elandlerJnsfour LcGrcsley and famuly an Cheryl and Ralph of Leask- everyone present had a very1 namcd eight cauntyvtigPSDPOT .2 A eouinws dSunday. dlbogtDvdEho representatives for ti h was expressed at the Marcii a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. for the Arslto a passed Mrs. Bruce Lcuty o! Port Hope The Scout Mother's Auxil- mneeting o! the village council, public to transact municipal authorizing the requcstcd puý-r- udydne uss-r il hi otl et to Mrs. Floyd Butler, following business. chasc o! a typewriter and swi- -th r. Sundydirs.g.S.Brts ayîiî hirmn1l et her rcading o! the February There was considerable dis-. vel chair for the municipal wît, r.adMr.H.S ng in the kitchen o! the Coni- IGA Royal Guest - Coc 5o.Tn minutes of the council by cussion regarding a letter re- office, omnt al ccsla Reee D G Cuninha. Ms. eied romth Nccaslc A ltter was reccived advis-. Captain Jo Hockin o! Reg- Feb. 24th, with 12 members Rueve D.oGCtnindhas. villageivel fom ent NCow, a stlen ing the counicil o! the 1961 ina, Sask., spent the weekend present. This meeting was held-- elerk on February 28th, was council to make an agreement counties mill rate o! 12.75 vîsiting with his mother, Mrs. in the form o! a Bakieless Bake DE S R prcencdby heRevewit fr hecansideration o! the mihîs an increase o! .62 milîs W. J. Hockin and Mr. and Mrs. Sale with each mother contri- arsne loey tReutgsve anita corpn. onilistutdhvre90 Albert Pearce and family. buting a $1.00 in place o! bak- a e tha ss as e nda for ing their equc istruct vatr 19ad6s0Jh.esad il ilbearget IACoc 2 f rO China Floral Bowl on behaîf the clerk ta write to the coni- Mr. and Mrs. George Lees ing. The mothers who missed h5ZARlK - of the council. Mrs. Butler, pany informing theni that it is and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mac- this May contribute at aur next wh ws omltey urrse te omay' rspnibliy oD Donald and threc sons o! Osh- meeting on March 28th, when G Chie-2 by the presentation, expressed draw an agreement embody- l\ecentl vveu aa wcrc Sunday guests with Mrs. Carl Devitt o! Bowman- eis memento o! ber associa- main extension along with thcera Il ion with the village adminis- verbal promises they have E DNmnadthuse wrM. tration. made ta council, for its con-WEDNthgro'bohewsct Thirdand fnal radin was ideraion.Charles Green and Mr. Sedg- n- u Thsinrd a sfiapponting Thssieraincwcut plumbing BILL - FINLEY man, bath o! Toronto. ** gvnto h llaoige hre, eglatoun er dsuseda Te0eepilaashedInww treasuLenr, ta collae c re ome lngth icusding t eSt. George's An g i1 c a _n Th cepih Hallad o hel IGn 1 z.Tn bruding ad wedisetor. 100% ieeInth euragte orCurhhNwcslc nt, a o is heHallradforothe buildingand_________________100%__________ Intheratesfor____rth ewc o atr, Feb woco e besatherwit-h5 o.-in ruery 25, 10onSatu3 o'clo ck forethigacle soresoa s- HOIC the arri5 1,ag o Nlda June cigacesris T s £Prm r se .t rthsedwars, aghtofcr a Mr. sit, the groom's mother Cfo r7CE W. C. auht fin Mry, chase navy bloc crepe With 9 ),rimrosecaste, and Mrs.W . FankhinNew- pink accessories. Bath wore 2539Yong St Torntola nid oM ro nto.n Thecorages o! pink rases and carnations. presents a variety of fine quality gro isheon!Mrad As the couple lcft on theirIG -TaIin Mrs. James Hill, Toronto, honcymoon ta Niagara Falls alTn hP JACKETS CAPES Re.D.RDwdc wa and New York City, the bride FU OATSJ CK T and C P SRv .R ede a was wearing a mauve and Mr n Ms Fanlnthe officiating clergyman and white plaid wool suit with E cp rl Mr n r. rnlnthe wedding music was play- mnatching accessaries. Ms. and fl II' at Wallace Hill are shown sign- cd by Mrs. D. Garrod. Mrs. Hill will reside at 549 4 "I 1 o ing the register folawing their SodEC OesN D11 marriage in St. George's Ang- The bride, given in marriage Broadvicw Ave., Toronto. Fodectie LAA Pauline's Specialty2Shoppe1. full-skirted strcetiength gown bride ws ust ofarrateB IG Wl! fLI( March 16-17-18 I MAIN ST. NEWCASTLE The bride is the former' Nelda O! embsoidcred organza and two miscelaneous showers in June Edwards, daughter o! Mr. pearlizcd leather pumps. Hes Toronto and at a similar show -_________________________BrsEeARylod FRIDAT MARC 171,anîd Mrss.W. C. Finlcy, Ncw:j shoulder lcngth veil fell froni er in Newcastle whcn ber HatBFo and o.iN.dsip o ws FRIDAYr MARC 171h castleOnt. The groom is the a tiara of pearîs and spark- sister, Mss. Gilbert Alldread, A Hat Energy Fo aaaN.1NB son o! Mr. and Mrs. James ling rhinestones and she car- was hostcss. A LO PIG PCASHîi, Toronto. rîed pink roses and lily-o!- 2 . R EvenRN SEIASt hebrde ws tencbyBPotatoes 25KRUIKI69H ES Persian Lamb (Dyed) - Muskrat (Dyed) Coming asketh bie a atnddb Gre Kd Naurl)- hia in (ye) Ec. Th Furh nnalGil er sister, Mrs. Gilbert i- a ke ocial U.S. No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh - Extra Large Heads PE GreyKid(Naura) -Chia Mnk Dye) -Etc Th Forthannal irldread o! Newcastle, in blue~ Guie Trefoil Tea and Bake lace fcaturing a full skirt and' I1 z Enquire about Remodelling or Repairing Sale, Saturday a!tcr n o o n, scoop neckline, matching glo- En joyed by LE T T UCE - - - - 2 o 29c 1 z k.8~ k your fur coat. March 18, from 3 ta 5 in the ves and flowercd hat. Her "L U.S. No. 1 Grade - Snow Wrhite - Ceilo Wraplo 1 Lions Room. Brownics wilseli bouquet was o! ycîîow roses. Copl e s1 1,r% 1 An . r 1,, 1 k 12M M for 7 9 I l' -. Mr miaruya %.uuua .4ug, dulçc -J v

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