? - w14pi-w-t - 1 TZ CAINADIAN STATESMAN. BOW MANVI.LE. ONTARIO r JAKadBrths Cards of Thcmks 1 Coniing Events Articles for Sale1 Articles fo r Sale1 HeIp Wanted % asfr~f eaEtt o aeRal Estat orS! JAKadJILL are happy to' Sincere thanks ta Dr. Ewert1 Bowmnanville Skating Club OX'E kitchen buffet o. LAn_Ç'F quanit'ty of goad baled 1BOY ta work on a dairy farm, 1959 ChEV. corich'atmtc -C2 e-.R-: rl 11-1 ndspald relativesM nrenai two-'el es.T1Ato 331n .1u-1 ce their first record by r-er-mbers:also thanks toneig vîosis ,Thlur.-.. Mar. 23, 8 p.ni ~GJG :tù,cna HSEF LD d-<k11il en. CO 3-2615. 1-;--M i~2 4.R.% SAEBOE Ladies' Trio. The ne-c:arrival icards, ITRfWad aywPee ews1- alyfeaeyerro spo-Fonptsni eric tmeUIbî ra3-3ot4t9-6.tr, Bwn-Sil is for sale at 1-oopers Jcl-' d1n ysa a h opt Dance in Tyrone Hall, Sat.,ar, n37Sx196s t a,;NNE,,oris lr>ý and Higeon Eli a'Ann Nd7vNarh 1. lr _ebtt' __ ___aoi. i.d.,ach 1. ra e castie 2196i. 1- __ - iti-on, English or Germanîhoime cal] Oshaw..a RA 5-2802,1near school. 1~eso pi~Dvsin Srefn or $3.00 each. 11. 11*; Music 1Mikers. Admission 75c., SEALY mattresses, 39.95; rugs, sneakinc. Ontario Trad i zig col] zý .L t' lst. Term-q arragd isnbikcv'lig o ae i 1- 0"4-BRN«IEr, naturel gas broadIoo-m,, Axmin-ter . ,iltan,1 Post,. R.Rà. 2, Orono, l0&19.ili197FR Pe hra c-p'brnt,23 ac an d.hat.Thssawe iute MATISZ-.-StEv,ýe and Mra s a xrs toxe M -75.1-1 cleariing sat l1,2 ofýf; o;,e ol. - ------thwi.dseld v-ashers, ra- Bwraniii A 3219 rpry dpie t & 'ne Soch re app taa t-ta axprss My 2Th ; early New Sale-- clothing L GFqatiyc *b ed-chesterfloldiv_îth chiair, LADIES .,wanted, nia7e eUp to !o .r.i lIcoseanese. thankssent nd smll aricles St. ose~h~ .~ ai ~ one Orybedrûori suite, 1S26.C a v- eel dcing simpl iceoe ciss oe.n rourue ce arrhe i otther snü' tnpathv crds an r2ov:rs Chuch Audtor4uma2dp.rn. s:ra.v. Ca] RA 54055..r 42" cest, 2" d:erer,1 hzr SeVil Call sRAne5-405-o.-e11nis*. ::cellnt sPÀCoTjs L_' rt North closeta Kin P.ee nrw a ..çni nd a special. thanks ta thle March_24 and 25. 1- 7_11 ridti.LlvIieg.P -1W fHosptalPftsbur. P Feb. 1e. ebetlora- S e er1-2~ATER for sale and delivered. 1 ilitibed, regular $349 for $6.tir.e. VWrite Box 491, Adelai è odt . o iege r-o ,with firepic,~~f~hue o ae i rm York Cal bes, ffic, imrono, ntevaie sale. garane. heated; nwlr1119.1. i11t1 thraughoutofYorkcentralhW Pocated CO3-2131 Conttentae raom naparttonents Ir. and Mý%rz. A. Jwnnrmann. kn ept ei ybrae Travel by Chart~er Eus, For - ý2'tf liattresseç, caiplete wt11-3* __ --' ~ ~ W~ aklftd Donad M.RobbColmi-_A 3-265. lt-t40, oodcondtion phoe \A 12hairs, $12.93; Arborite coffee EXPERIENCED saieslady far* gOoocodtn trjbdneRaoab PAYNE Mr. and Mrs. M-~~~r- _ _____ - ----- ~~ tab'es 5: G.E. roolisher,i ready ta ,vear storle. ReplY, Irecentlv blas tî:ree new tires, Ij rcd e-n aibic uglw i etd t blClub 13 Draw. Conomte 13-62 34.Î5. Trade-in re!r.geratorsl gilvinlg age, experience, mari- 1 re ,as ytma~16 ut hn omnil ahdgrg n ihm r~~cî PalnP *~fl TO ~~IO1He Rster S-nday Dinner fcr îo,IGIELS l-i-cycle 20" fraiie.,alld ranges and kitchen su.ite.itel status, to Advertiser Il pats 25.Api 1PrineL.4 rOoo18 14rxrs 1 ria fe~o . ,i I; c: d like ta thar-k Ty7-'eteli--ered, Dra, :.ar ' 'z1.C i con1dJic. Phonrîe MA Murpli,"v'Ki gF;:rn ______iial po. 1"), nt Port Hope Ho -pta'.. A2à.îo-1S. ae etaR;ri fe10 A E!nh '-.-ofer or erel~,.f~"'e'rc'e L.O.B.A., neighboo rs, Ticýets 9,5c 3ch 5for $. 34$1ii*,t:r ing':oCnainSttsanP.5t.bse etap-r:ettte,0 AR"fri4ar,6 ars1,5.l .-ls cd deie le'or -73. - 11 'o 80 4îravi]. 11-1,4:30 pan2. 2nl 0 acres er cý o l-er 1-~ we ~RO~nd î nends and relatives for gifts, l00 ý1'tO BE14RY crates, ail new, - -- - cherries, - -- b; --- onca sand Runi, anurs.es n S.Par1'sCrdPrt i 'iiiaiso take ordes. ampDton;IUSED TatnV MCric OMEN make big mnrey, full;BuvY ourself a Good Uqe r ed chreblncC a Brow Mon.aem&nid oERPh'\e17.nurse.snaand T1 IL qattvc od11-1 1W4;Ferma'l C wih2-furrow or part tirne. Take orders1 for a ehangf ern cuini taedro uglw;tafie Marol aU solf Memorial Hospital for J-ePISChiur&'Adioim O3-24 qa-plaw; 1odel 20-85 7egsn rmfins eai.o.Hsey ,-a onvRa 0nlsvet01 ossadasxro You- ~r. inn~mirc i. ~-~ ,,~rkindnes anr care ur- ~ îdayA imarerq\WC wtv-owsis antiem, et-. SerA ri 7, i ls Gd-For -. Y ~ ~ .fr orisuc:n W t .seph i nE. I n'.I. H-;r Dn-, 14 'le Meiill H sIIG(] II.ga- -j t:e lgc sd tT-a:o -'.t oagPieoI-o- cs0ilai. iO . V1>in aat:n W td WebO-Ter. si) (If M and> Woner.s xi -i. 1 -'o cli e n -. 1TP, 0 n o c 7 r 4 . iner.' - 71, nat ic. ai U ~~a- u:-et< ~ )(pc~ oCsri" YlrIa-'r W- ,-.L ~ .:nte -ex ir lr,,Fin;snice:-e -s An:nual E:rt,'day ica, Ea:a. 'r D- 'iD i'"- ayFIçLSIi1 ot Iieht1I rh hil îve -' -r>, ci.- r 1"xe o u-c': p r't1air.. Ot )m 1. Te-e-tu a ge .(thaîiks Io ny relatives. frienris i "xsJe- arc.t 21 ý h*TTIsi-T cothier puotatoes, A I'd ï-, th -i' ilcf I - ~ v i rcsa1 a~ ss l~ no. ohr ct 1 kda' ':~--:,-a-' 9; : --:~- f. -l il, take ieon eiiv ad e-ighbiors fLrthe lovely .Li.on.s (Centre. fremo i ~.1 '_ ---~e-tfe )ce'e Ploiv, orir ae'.eîerablislàaci. E:-leto MarD-h 31 . I9 -Il-! fiuwers, gifts and carcis --e:; ,,t - - -~--~. h~ ~ - Da- -rut..Yili'e WneaIA Tr Pee Deahsnie %viie il the Meniorial Ifos- r atr o ec ' rc 0i iirl :-->'PpitO'e a'eg'.Depit. C-.,2 nital. Sieal pi-iguet on Sl4-tzer'.arAd4n 'fn-TSET) i:bn :,o- oîi iI. P .10 4005 BL.eiS. fJntxl mmean th eentretv' -ucIi hon Marcn 2", 3 r(i"Ufl. ('all é.ieriaiV --It' m cl A P-.Adults " ARK.5.cS Snd COeGo 2'-'f î'~~~-' c~~ Coî;a"~~- k"-"na-fie iinest o-c.i;rn-ehaseui ~'FPzFN Aif. R.t, RU, . sfRAL LADIES 13 161 lui eu1. gm H:s25~.c. Spen--oree, b7, W.A. Eey-asm v N.1145. " i(; fura1eI ed Cr - jd <' 1,u' rLir, oc i a r r p t r O -, , o n \ o m Sý Pf-o e w e c o n .1 - I . ' n o g o, c . 1 c r i a r ý i m - i ifi P i ' i i t s o i k p o p e , e i o m L -dP a k d . S .O h i msq o : t a c , ' v r i lrs ý44yeam s. vi re Of tim-e a c Car- Old Tym-ne Darcirg, Satun - C(703-C9 zfte-r F. l- I u. T Srn:e , !'ing friends and w ant to esrn R ~1 - îm m'- .: 2OO er~ num--- - r - .1; Cok'is :._' t 4 - ;volrnoneý, contact Tour AVON RAOC 8.e 9n:e.9 oor .-ips EAyvin Cien-mirlnen -ci lea r Ve 'visn ta ewpre-im ont sin- day,Mac 25, Sali--e Hall. i -RIZ4,' dasbe ha-; a h- .ai er ase Pi.T Co K.ge 0MIS . McE NBnildingk1.t.T. -r- 1' nother ni Ge-do11l11à, ep- t cre thanks ta frierds, r.eigh- ,ýihe:-' 1rh\r, Sfac~ a3 ~ai' satcî OF~r asse--; 1?- h CARS Gimc-r $a.,hocserbLot. haFour i , heo. ing aIt he , rLFunerâl ('ha- c,;rý p-q .l r e1 l'or tlierand Rounrd Dancing e 2t os.'37.+!-k .Netetn.il-s -n v:hnDû- Sry-s ftlînNs Se PteSooîgUS D 1at - Icmce.na- n;e:.'tDh.CARS~e Vr pel Bomam-ilç..Sericei nmany enquiries, des fk ýd1E--er-ocne lwelco'me Dai"l'-c~ni --~ &. e,----, - 'h lae1n nseô n e er-s starts 9 "- .'P.-m vl . Jla:-g- n-e1- t: î-5 <U -DOOB - E '"dck lre-m nî 1(i,oem, _ýf(Illo'vimg o r ci- accident. 1I- ---- - -_rî . -- "e rrt v - miJC -, ., * _iX. E A Biimio Hi-ll Cme~ ' \T':aeu. Il o aso1oDr Eubard PrkCarti Parnty. Memr r- mW "O'IPl Om- 'Phen1 1A 3 - .j 09. 11-_1 eM I.cca nc IiAnIL.f'- SEDAN Bu O rnm-cr. o':- a-id - cf- C'îbhun', Lor--;S-2t.'i I - CO i o .:e a l,.tii';lo . T"nr 'mr:m -A 1 o; .I:e- at. ." i~i' also re-Diaff Me:b:r'a ;SaeP', b I Ci-. L 'FS : i k -- -t H~ :a1 1 % . i -y 33 2 04 1 ltrie Y'-t rnduti ne e r u lp,r(.îburni"! 'a'ng ý eme b :. 'y > r-h i-. i Meninia Hop:ml, Ior ro-o- \ln. Brn- Ta lor and ~ L-nch ser ed. Dea Pnre. Ad-I -n~~ t ~ c. i i p~ .;mr;;m I eli ho:seh id ecesmue~ 'os-195] < 11V 44) Oft -'ul ~ r~ ese.e-:, --.Yrn ~ -cli -" T'l's St s. S c.,c e 2 o1e. C9;1r-e r, O -a '- -'--&" o ex eine ne ce'D LU I U A k r-e' ~ c"'n r ri 1 A'-. ~ c ii. r [ie n 1o ra~- \ln h :-,il bri asy So o l id Chnt- P o e 7n1 TI AT P W I B U t nte fo "e rt bg e 'm e3.' th Pu 'e iii phj sc j'l9ge6.1,L hro 'e at8-'.e! gl- ge 'iie n1v ior r-n'îeh o'>"Meros. HopTal o ar l :e - ontee in o T-e1yHa - a i. R.c O CDETar LUriue 95 [SEK2 D. AND O ~iio" a-- t- ar g-ndm~ e f txmc~Od kîdnsm so-a anmwi mssio n .Prcedýollr;C er o_ 'îKire 0fPHO E 12,00 - tea:ct' î fmr, -dr -.1R ennt, ., on Uo tnaaB aiaso H mtn ui am star' nias: 'c OUiE Nb. nc: op o ',-,. o e"t:e-'.- mr --'rl1P~e ng e neî* ~- ,-r 'r.. - lw-for;p --Pc' 1-- cm . _- à;; 9' -br i-v ~ r1t4e, ftmîd al po.ai r olandC l catalogueo'-m -n H mIU ii h A A IbE T. 1. a and!i ..11mr e mce etsol:'a- 1e"-iue HeanrOhaa ofI 'the laieio seeVOCieetdvouldvi e rea Ve-: lea;. nid ami ut cd pi&ae bth nt e'm"ate ne. Il.rii 'us Sa-.id; a r g r n dp C er- o fm - - 25 n i - T o sp ta l fo , a lBo w mn-st ez, B n a n h C t - e v ele -r î p p la cS4 ,.' r m a i d o s n m i e ~ T k h r u o t i e t i c mre an d st cfapto rrai;- Spae,,tir r w L be Ms. , ro ,. U'ao ee;t'm.ble e, ta . ri, o 89 nt oth 1 ex-'-f . M -13.ihfnîc5.10 -i-dv a- wimii tlct d: Shol e appe. rcietin sjcputlic r«-rc to, 'bbý pem ai Hao1s ,.m petoeen CO-2 2.94 ___ i':R Y limt-.e'cse 6ro; no-v., ie i BO MA5.1I l1 -Si'l m5'flCE\ nr: SîiOOI MONU ENTS~IAanaS. neighbo f for id plsans 23.Di -_ - ¶I .[iej.o-iner; Righiai ale Meais - ~T M RIN .S CO Ni. S, . m ath ' how ii t e ] ss f!amp anwni e nCh nc 'Ieas ee H mpVe.r:'-cra:-,jI n, warls e- casle, fuiy odeOI, a.0N . '-o lr5.h- G ilbon ertAndc M ai I a n'ey oiey. ol lag r 29-tfes .prad.blýJbe STATI IRI 0F AIT.mTeting- T he c ar wl e'1 1teln S'git l-ther parti.ruiar - asc NUs.ia - PIVie . A LLO-5M3 - - Ail Ued C.Erq - - ns E - .aes e i GUdReNTEED eie;-raîon2ed 1958 PON'1UC 4-DR. 7,Na-wri-'Southt-reott-rdernjG- BIyleven, Phone MA 11-530 ~r; ER'ê'LET ERI(5 i ne r Homef or SpekrdIaker sted b:- ne cir-. te -eu- Ia--eneleï HarniswI, .r ai '.------- W- - -1-. T --s Monument Companyc Peteprborotugh. teci.eTundry . R. eo-eiin,-eweast . 3Mr 14~ Knz St V. pP wa hanIs. and Soapr, Mratiw ' uxîder the dreioý nvof Mrteeptu!otles, i1 t-; ise brne da- sr;rr: 'Lotmiie ROYwhie W . a] is t O-tnL 1 ~ ii- eni In A887e ofrelte, friA. squ a n d Murdoch Beaon Coieand £ -ner e-,ý .- ' i -y eletrci Au> îî..-r l,- Mervî- n Bp,1 ow,-Ige1 je 'BPIOn î 3sa- Sa" rp. E O alc'JM1' ieiF c 2s -pit nD ih e l E i îîîi orhp- ihU5 - 14 res, ifh o'îe4, . otir E,,n mn' lL ils ee; c onyj 95..R -D . CO'1V'ile "%nm-f. r el i - DurhaRSCocmy Juniro'caster k2nd- I soIand arsc ,addems Sa ol1--I - ---I T TI N A ON ' I'i-'1h. Phn 'Akt 9 An fa- laec ria Flowers~~~~~~~~1ie - lî ;od r nteîuh 'resanulbnue n RANf"sle a a: t- ies an nmt-----h EPISa~ îeid-:g m- ~ n-.e; epth s aur grin tue -loq . a mptncntaehed ad rd y, e d Brnt; Paieu ";rgo- -a' ed ed yIon. -e-e--r-- ,t-il-ke i ~~ù.îu a'.ie 7ti e'r . N ,- I oî,e rît- shorti'- I-0EIR PA!RS ta ai1.Qkes 1935 METEOR -DR. - 31X-rocnm hanse in vîlîPrcf itm-servicmn'cri i &i] (CA R S a,.1 brteis edh.Jur pr -1e O ' A L T * Fý%d Fu - rG'sP;z n ir Rd MB. KLng iz ie ard Zker,____ N . f- - -- o in the iaw- Prh-eoen. e fP- w o k h tt il x' n ( y i McinS- P e S l s 4 e vc .1 0%4 POrntIA y- R on1 t is t n D ~ ey j ' d b n n n, 'rv h t, Tac-eabeenmore.kihe.cnat ho will00 bales 11aylerlirity -, - -* m1Top uondition. 'o 2 HIGHWAY, eestMRoUnned vCars rmLE-Te R\lonri -uea hpe. yRsarantHmean Huaihvleton;th>'e eenie 10,2" pl,et e s. ii ;.il e ace-, i gerAEtosDoîetce± on ~ - - utbe in to o-ho:a;a sihig' BAIN IT -" - 1947 OiD.2-To O\E t oet. R ,3eaon --]. i -o 'în nohe;~- ;-t 13liK n t Ce s ha Not Xi to e ditors gladiy r -e erc;ncadte a î în e jahAI1N o m net: -- - - -- --- - Zith Pl satfo -- $9 t a ai e Apl i-, $5 Asig 20 0. '-n s be ghî: th smnmer bt ;anhi gaî-n-edF're st-î VoksentrWicH ePAIRiNGclper- et, . Pliy r.N id b-- ~ eilu 'm- 13;'-n~n;îleL.ekle . laI qof'Me Tev 'fMuirdoh Bon, Ole i-i. ÇFARNG adsrie esig U 1IV L'1- , ice ' ' r ýi- Ri*m.ccaî G i. P.RA. Bo873'S-mm il, , 'eCen t f s ervicd,' on ' tyeltoc f l GENR, aleCON liRACin R ar'sJ eweleM'A S1R3 a.388Wet.- '-'Sharp', Flow rs 'h I e e ' ord a hr': t ;a ile Oî:tcnio, et 8:15 and. GRi. N - . sale. I -y hnEs an f i .R_-AISad_ T TON W GN___tSriý exp:drs o-:ur g ontc'-de e-' ta L ncent eled oare: dayadkrnt arl -id iet-v! D1 ,aRepairs I boise with r;ecl-rm coi--en- relaties, frends a d 'g 4paii.gnotie c.ondition. ilentconrot;:'- ~ cor" tht- 2th ci' -.Nlarch:, .1, Li y e L os on, '.- eehouslomQUICK SERVICE ' Dic mtorsV iaoPVarh ermatll. l-f B Nsmte. -kn 1300 ' i'cb.ors r < r n lairamm. of id-'m*\h 5.enet a b6':30 ip. )fletc. o sr- d P ne l.2 1ate 5 edo atLicL--RiePA38S TO Ta - R DO ony ac eiy end ;be r.n.eî]akbm - 1 .,,ron M,.-956 F RD -DR . e b s ib t , et r:, es[il.eî:om i;.; fini- o'e s andG tse Kn a ker M:ri . Sa lab- ' m>t- r ' '-:l -Heefod aid - : 7 :ooiiîed noiMee.1 ia K eiD -ECnt - os fPderh s-17',dnew3. W'ctacz e le c"lvi;she rt1, :-u20'i-g ad KinRE PE t iAlIZ raeD sa Of" '-'î; ~ IV *ire;ccek m, Il M L ': & - s.5li31ETEO. C-l] u ' -- - -- b'nd and c fls-t ir - '-V. ½lieilInss 2ur n' hmTnmg >m8" ('o'imgfl- er -t ir f LId U 1ILrac I U s,. F erice u Dn T ea, 'e ae o. u-- P I o O tkTuV si e "B la +in .cr caO l - - tl b givo r co s tle, n -ýs S a i o. ea l.ccd tra o: O 5 iO' -ri- t t' e---. <'i. a, ufield..-.je C aHouse, -r.rc:î 2ta aI atîcm-waii- fg M cie Saes-S rî e r-ti Ac-fre 'e So-m g rr:e - - *',- i-,- Red : RO$e - 'r' 'r adýýcen' -rz aca- mi anm r-dm -1954 PONETTIAMT RS R P IR S RV CCW ie -mn1eaful]aeo4E U PP Dhe, Prte 600 r- In nrss i-dstffrold't1 Woldal cntiuton t AliMA 3-871. 111êr 4) adiô -cupliht.t;unetDr.esiI hpv ben or 'rd.ThnkstheiAtsand -afs S o n o -"-to-e,-ah lSarnovr ow ec. P oniMr3215,.t! to e-Wo -ii- m:p,-'-and mh ? bei a>-hang 1 a Th ,Nrth-iod and col- ,iru- furYOireSeIe .bil r,3r- 358 S E E aeso r- 15tIIO A CHD ane 1rte Ha. ma -m S- k. ' ,,- - - " -ste- :. wo ao; pc-ie gle -a;:-R- -7 ? 4 Thrd St.Roc man ll e rao s o in ie AriG -1fcot-m. r. mn gec-tee -n - Ni. kIte t entrge'lia- 115,nu c.'i'le-,- 'woaamode- h NE IA 3-1 ~ - I~-~ m.11s1, i m-c-s1enni n îamw aacesae, li1 ' -.o I d.1erýI -'I--ii olr i-; 11 H V -O £m~". ': an ~icicr ~ fie guit '.ik e cm-a'r.et flCr li.oe RAmcnum fa. Il- Tf f e d DNIncele Ia,-ctiorr i.mi ecrc - t 3 i n d raq a c nriu-ee lC, qc'i e-e d-. Phone'MA - '19m 11-1 reas. w.. plieg -:1c1os ormt3nie E-.2PhoAR eS'MTA 3-33105 ide- 7-xff;'-dif Notices ! Notice to Credîts thoenv m1 te urer. AIl do- i nges * ock t-ri ta cir- Wltom ýal" nT'tyRSDA&Y, MAR. 1#tlt. 18< Mn. ,.n Me A bem- >- - \r- 0'i 95 -tins - ------, .--- --£ -V Mr. 3 - 33 Njrý. A ,ui. -v - L e gîaefî:ly recels- i special puî-cma-e tram $19.95. and FEED THE RES'I1 Joubie-L a a:b -I ;mrsmp ' 11- 'mnot-tp emlttiniattresses.' eptic Tank~s LAWN MOIWERS f3ou art îhînking of ehangin.- ~ hePoi U'I -l.C t~,na Sb"nn'ue f-'-nd- m.e -Tenders Wanted - - - --- 4 on'), ;"hile they lest. $17. - BR ASI&'ed O EIIIDSE rebmivcs 20muli'- -BMa'e PAINTINGsoues FmmnmtmnR20FChucn AISODouble-'N 21 mm-'.m 1 pý-m ùý - ., *OR SALE BY TENDER .N-ursng Homne S:. Ob;J-e TMPIS n B SR O VRET. AHESp ,'--- ii-,a'ieu ocaicuc >,c23- -'(m. eiriswill Le recei-cd b-. .rs-rgandr'.eWRF- -- I T - -. _____ For çgher ln.lity and greater adn . -n co:. mme l '"ucTrig~ o!cjoe nhas vacancies nw ainsN WOVLE-profitcs, cati at d.i vi~ .~ 5. r Notice ta Creditors thms -'e Fi;sr o aî. a! on gnound floor. Tras' ANTPhane Cîarke 4".Zl1lOtf JHLB osontï m l<0rvi - tm-'M r::-mîsea m srnce Dy ecdnihtcane -WUBLP %VY WAIT 'TIL SPRING ob,),ry fil a e tReasonable rates. Mrs. Glady s Ar:t R-012 hCfK A <-R-DuoS ith al . te.cYsý Vem+ -q.a e, P ietor. Phone' y urHave Vour Nir.R. 3 B omnsle 1 LA NDRY- 1..1 Cm j.te- ;qgamntl il e.î e'~ cmm eme iiro 28.w l )1ard,, )-, 1,,, ! t e n e t-'rtlside o!.le -E E D P11ÀN1 r- labi Cc':.vine m11P '-~Ief S*ai-,-,n Strpet ir the Vilage SUHFaenNrlgHome; PowerONE TAX ? i AT MAPLE GROVE - HGWYN.2headt:m irnem about 1lit'i, -lh ci-vof Ft-lmmim m-se;, Te ee-- saf A ccomamn d e -patein vtsV hv nenwT11nMd Up N- rEAST 0F BOIVMANVILLE For Informationc ihttFremi- uea 196, u-enmcturcm t '-I - ljc:î pe - ý.-it raus&garaed:ouîe T. uiyiene e have onA Mke v afte PHONE MA 3-7150 Obligation ...Cma 1<l . ta theamnîd im-rsjmmm c-h a- m' -,-L nient of f r tb'.l, mi. rl Frey _l-k-p-and De Koin Laundrà ae,1 c .u uh -n -. tccer, i bcirebadan cc, b Rdig aden.iýrs.~ADIDING - rePeu n eleyCOINýS. Canadian si!ver dol- -- wne mmr men c tt-- -k,:. - . ~f:mc'n.- i~:one le sonaS414' ratslana, 1928, 45'4r, '47, '43. Foi-' 1Wanted :r~-~'.Pi--?3mO orbo li., ti,-i;! ie- mm , -n-e 1% 0 m-rbval ioe euatl 4 -t I E pres 1DiallRA 5-5?27, Osh,ýaa- -cîpe a: tcIL .L' or bcf1961'- >m-13- -im î, u enr:-alnce t Le paici 'M -.- -r-MACH- INEivWESTERN TREEAD and rpldfn.stcLd () \Ciim"11 '-t ,-umcle 4nrangci. on y -oLoan-al î':tb PHONoMA'-3fn-na m, pr distrtitîe thme a,sm î> cf tiee 1IgeonRe'tndrg. ORG GE L$N145 - Clearing at il-h ALL kidcs of lite poultry,'COlfax 3-2721. 1\e1rgwill Fur, TORONTO 1.cn."c- Pîc $aimi d-cel-ed amnum,-î those'necessryacpe. Fniaalbl n sial feathens, rew goose and duck :F a rm, Trn. Iiec s' TRNO '.OTRO ' enitedfLco- -'grear -îspeiy ctç a!lce ild ns aa aho es. ones aat $ 25 T WESaiso aId feather tic-is ented.r ît eehn V -55 irqwt 5 InTF D e Wý->ori--b-r.Omtamo Ooco.Phnge v-atýen142t-rte m. Pea epairs ta AerilI &aii. IPoe7r1 Personal ~ onF eWi or Rob1t' mtion srvice FOrJohor- eouglaoday t and aton1:ollec21-tf-----------------:,unhi For ealt[tammîlGPnerî In,.î-nîc DAE tOcL.Pop151 rRbeaato 'e hn, rdo -_ YE;I upiL --- wat. hne34 tbi 0 h hi-'<J 5:- mch. 9~l.T':-nucŽ-. Fui-.rfor. Orm;a.in. uS ~ aies aR OS H W I 0.HSG HTA Wue pa1i fo liv orclcem,,c lod o<fcd m.livT O I-ohtemm c;'. . du im Cana1011dav TJ 194Q.C. FPhanc ý. 1R6.Eeuthror. Cr(o n TETheOUST l e m. - Supply Ltd po-try, goose feethona, feath-. eaied ezive.:op' 'AiiL 7c-*h neCu -î1 (J'DnldMuto.NA3 S. Ontani. Q.ron o,-u4iOntEeni,:tI UIS ETE C S LTD King8 0srttikW.scru il ai, rgs, Six sampies 25c, 2-4 su.e .~ do.Otro rzoOnai,3645 Bathnrpt St.. Toranto 191,: B8111E an d Bob Lesk retals and raw f-ars. Phone $1.00. MJail Ordeir Dept. -8 REGI STE Il ED rsaTi ocDvdonBthn,0 riter foi- the abo-.e £siate. 'l-I for tho Vendors.1 0 t. RU9-2125 RA 3-2043 Oýhawa collect. N;.Rubr Ca., iojr Pl,-sprbnger Jersete ru- Ç.Je-- oreA.Pra t, lrk 2I - 11-31 îî~t11-4 1-8tt 48- tf Hamilton, Ont. -i'e.CC) 3-2014'. 1- PAGE TWELVI PI M