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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1961, p. 4

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PAGE TMUR TECNDA TTSA.BWAVLE NAI Last week, the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting with only 20 or 25 in attendance . .- an extrernely poar showing con- sidering the number who, one wauld think, should be intcrested in ways and rneans of improving business and the community generally. Fortunately, those who were pres- ent undertook a frank and wort hwhile discussion, exprcssing their feelings concerning several problems. These included the ever-increasing tax rate, the need for more parking, the lack of good building lots for better than average homes, the behind-the-times appearance of many stores, the pros- pects of new industry and other sim- ilar topics. The group also went on record as supporting the Industrial Commission and tise new Development Company, the setting aside of an area for a fully-. serviced industrial park. They discuss- ed the passible impact of a new ware- housîng development in Oshawa which may employ 12,000 people and, con- ceivably, could add ta the housing prob- lem here. Ail of these subjects should be of Interest ta every merchant along the main street, every professional persan, and, in faci., every persan living in Bow- WDITOUIL LUMNT Councils Stili Pondering Tax Rate Only a few more days ta, go before taxpayers ini this comrmunity will hear the sad news concerning the 1961 tax rate on residential and industrial property. Our information is that the new rate could be up between 10 and 13 m-ills, a sizeable increase for home owners already paying a high tax rate on their properties. One consolation is that councils here, in the townships and neighboning municipalities, have been working late hours paring here and there as much as possible, in an endeavor ta keep the rate as love as possible. Hoi-ever, when the sad news does came, don't be surprised. We are Ir the process of too much new tax-paiè building ta expect the rate ta remnai: the same or be lower. Even the com. paratively wealthy Ontario governmeni has found it necessary ta add a threE per cent retail sales tax ta boost itý revenues, a step which might be called politically courageaus in that at long last the government is facing up ta the fact that mare tax money must be rais- cd if the services are ta be provide< that the citizens expect. The tragic part is that these highe: taxes locally and provincially are being imposed at a time whcn people can least afford it. Time Has Run Out on Delinquents As of today, anyone driving a motar vehicle in Ontario with 1960 plates or driving permit is asking for trouble and an expensive appearance in court. l-aving purchased our new plates on Tuesday, we can be quite smug on this subject andi feel free ta warn others who have delayed too long. Local licence sales as of that date were down considerably over last year, indicating that either a great many cars are na longer on tihe road or their owners and drivers have failed ta ptuchase their new plates. \Vitil money considerably tighiter than in former years, possibiy many are holding off ta the last minute before renewing; or, indced, many may have decided ta leave their cars in the garage until tise cash is available or until financial improvement enables them tc purchase necessary insurance. Whatever the reason, we urge driv- ers without up-to-date plates and per- mits ta stay off the roads until they are propérly equipped with legal in- signia, or the law will surely take ils course against them. Bath town and provincial police have had their hands full the past few weeks, tracking down the many break- Ins and robbenies which have taken place in this area. At the moment, there is a flood of them that has cost the victims and the insurance campanies a great deal of maney. Citizens gexerally can be of great assistance in apprehending culprits by notifying police ahead of time if they spot suspicious-looking persans or vehicles in their section. Oddly enough, the crookçs in the latest thefts have operated not in the late night or early inorning hours. In at least two cases, they have done their dirty work in day- light or tihe early evening hours. Mercisants, service station operatars and other likely spots would be well- adviscd ta keep a minimum of cash on hand until the present rush of thefts is over. For some reason, most of these things appear ta occur in buncises with the gang being apprehended sooner or later. But, ta date, they are stili on the loase, waîting and planning mare break- ins. Quite obviousiy, these robbers are daring and experienced. Lis fact, the safe-cracking job at onie of tise local grocery stores wvas ciuite expert, ai- though this pattorn of proficiency did not follow through on some of the other cases. It might be tisat there are sev- eral groups of thieves on the pro wl. Police are working hard trying to catch up ta, these law-breakers, but the town and the entire countryside is a huge territory ta caver. If further attempts are ta be prevented and the robbers taken out of circulation, al citizens will have ta be aiert ini report- ing any and ail occurrences which they feel are of a suspiciaus nature. The sooner the tisieves are brought ta the bar of justice the better. A SENSE OF JIORROR Tomn Green, of The Winnipeg Tribune, in a thoughtful discussion aiP William Shirer's new book about the rise and fail of the Third Reich, says, "The book leaves tise reader w,,ith a sense of horror that such things eould have happened. But is also contains a lesson, one that should nat be forgotten taday. Hitler proved that it was pas- sible for a dictator ta ta]k of peace and justice while prcparing for war, that it was passible for a totalitarian regime ta blackmail peace-loving peoples into disunity and surrender". Another ghastly fact must be remembered about tise rise of Hitler is that the idealogy on which his party was based arase in the universities and w-as extolled for a hundred years. It was the concept of the hero, of the élite, of the supermen who would be sa many cuts above the average that they could command the compiete subservience of the individuai ta the State. The notions that supermen could be above ordinam-y morality became almast respectable. Tire sense of horror Green speaks about is essential if the idea of the ail- powerful State is ta be held in check. The fact is that governments, even in democratic cauntries, ail too often act as if they were the masters of the people, instead of their servants. Ut e afbî4n litt#man Durham Countys Great famniy Journai Estabhshed 107 y.arsa go in 1854 Aloo Incorpozauîng ii TeNewcaat.Independent The Onono News &U:hwlzt cmSecond Cla8àMaUibY the Pott Office Dept.. Ottawa Produced Every Thursday by JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITD PO. Box 190 62-6 Mug St. W., Bownanll. Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EmZon-PtJILIS $&DO c Year, trctly in advance GEO. P. MORRIS BusimEs Mc;& $5-00 aI YOMrti the United Strte I soan and ivison vie got t*he-e1 vcloped is those places ta a Of coue. Wo s beouu alev~ ankesash!voe visit withrvrati-ýes and frien's Fred W. Neibes, poua igaot ola)(ý- tht-v vw-ena point which wil fat be reach-O ore b sbte ieat--neî ms t -at Dundonald andi vieinity. Street Grocer-, is this w-eek - ch Iegte, n 0 re i lak wp nth et 1 0tartng agtsr ni7 rc i ik winthe.nex t ue the angro ! irthn alyc O idcs Mn. W. O. LaBelle, son of1 cnlargiiig bis store ta provide p0unformesi police an bard. 50 years. If vau wish ta drink prorueofaelo hnaabled you ta ray notbinig but ville, b. a Beslsi bos iten ar ]3ou-rsalletPublickilti The stailiumw-as built rayer-aiis a bar Is Clarke Twp, It v-il persan w-ho has felt ts efforts? I"kl!Hi!Hui:"I for about vileliaýig oldhi iterst Bwninvll Puli Ujli s- yars aqo !or-tire O1vmp.c .oe necessar- atrviby~;The Dept. oi Landis & For-sts!our minutes. -n the Kîngan's H&-rdsvre Cuminis-loîsTrc- ,r- .as is-I ae Ocgud sidi wy1Ter o otr al-. ai-I bwsts Deputy Ganse a-1 That old brutalty ha. &il Conmpany, Peterborough, ie!t1riched this w;eel b:,- $10,783.22 u i t i., çtoheei agi-c ht doeandns andi other assist ants froru, gone by the board now, anid Monday. Mur-ch i lth for Cal-Inop,eienting the Thirteenth asuppthe eopta hsolesai Il 0,000,1 but1Nowa gar, Afa Hyro ow-r ibI rbatsi y-people w-cie gettingsoatnv countnies have a mare sensib jmagth pole w-aacafistlg Iay oa itylonly isold 85,000. attitude toviard the use oifeu' rhntr ns iher- as fakdde ochn jMn. Harr-y Walker visitedî1he Provincial Hydro Commis- Wedoefrul leri~bqo hnbsee enci1men. not fr-ar people w-ho that disquallfleri hlm for a ffiends aven the weekend n sin n. i have nov;er been in the bush sound beit ln the chops, you Hope. Hamnpton: Mviss Elinor Sykes, lioraires' section, and such es-ident un Carada, thev are alsoïon handlcd a fîrearm Tliseseirealîze he"â not dolng it jmat Hfampton: Mr. Frank M.;O.LC.. Wbitby, w-us bomeover altates Oee pilevelycarne sesibletsenog no-t ta havsame Isunters and fishermenti for heliery, he's emotlonahly Browin o! Traders Bank,îtlie w-eekerd. ain tetwt aeybgths ult în ihsedhave been our mast active;disturbed. INevi,.castît- 1; borne recuperat-I Sauina: Congratulations ta modern bungalows on ane ssidel lbighviwayrs.anpestntcizsinhlAdte iqaprit Iing aftor a bad siege a! grip'Mvr. anrd Mrs. A. J. Baisoiron adcts eawf ulest bookýrsg bev- i Fiftb: If vie onlv vote fo' asiersistnentvctize nsd1 thel A'sd the dsappreiat ey' esand rnud shacks a' popeDinîng Lounges, vilîl that notJmte icnevto nJsd rmtefc htte' andi tonsîlitis. tOc tsvýe.rty-fifth anniversary lvn ieaian he lveeprbeThs lihunting practices. Sure 1 y havea aw1 o yuif you Bi3acl-bur-n.Iow a, U.S., is visit-! Tvrone: Mrs. L, . G dninlo' rsie. A 20 or 30 pnobably tise most naive ques- etoe o!us fwlhon.oy a mosi- a e themirty 'nio, smth' ing bher father, Mn. W. C.1 cnteztained a number o!idsuais way In tre middile svithi-tiora aiaIl. Tisere are those ae use o!a mleaoli bevoer- evinde-fol nd smpat Blackburn, - ladies on Wedriesday aftenoon o ypdîrnS and vie suv Il ti wo -oclieust belleve w>nk for conditions whicb vie l'Il bot the es not a single kid Enxisiloa M-.ard rsand also had a mat bee. Iittle pigs about 30 or40ls. ta o nstbya$0 believe ta be beneficral t us in any off my grades w-ho W. Worry, Mnr. and Mrs.. Biuckstock: Mrs. Herb Hooey trottln. along like they werc'Tneal in arder ta ge-t a drink ail. would refuse ta sign the class fFietcher andi Mr. and Mrs. R ifeul this. veek and broke ber runinfg away fraome a'iin a Dining Lounge. The - S o ems aecado oiaec am J.Lu. ,Kernspnteoa Kesh idoroiinowa- oucold' bane hMopInfetistata lae iurdeison 1EHE Wawfplfateer a e -uodf day at Mn. Jas. A. Wcrr-y's in ville Hospital. One day ivie took a five houricrackers on the table f ulfîlls DRNK R deiiNO THeR WuIt d e , Ifa buldoer-.ob rndw Isonor o! Master Ernest Werry's Newicastle: Mr. Beni Moise tour out arnong sme native the requirements oi the law.î 1 !ifth birthday. j dislocated bis shouider Fri- villages, anrd o! course eve rv ý i, sn't even necessary o - 'cidc whether or not vie cari!* Sauina: Miss El fie Vice has day and was taken ta Boy.- tour incbudes some aid historie thern. Need vie beto safeiy mix alcahol and gaso-'i How do 1I]lke teachlng? netuned home fi-rn a pro- manville Hospital for an ex - cburcb. We ended up at the!pressed by the statement that whnte. o not, ve marse ilnSeWlsy hvntr longed visit vith relatives at amination; bis iojury csedpmd s vih are reallveven the applicants do not wjte rna i r vuln1tise to discuss it, right now. auc p'-raridsto accept moral responsibilityl I have four bours' homnework Islay. ~~~hirn considerable pairs. J sorething, built as nean as want Cocktail Launges, only for the lors off life and Pr-oiadnexmatot p- Tyrane: Mn. and Mrs. P. F.1Manie Gi-ove: Miss Ruthltbey cao tell, 20C;0 ta 3000 Dining Lounges? Wouid youpe14+ h Ih ill probablyi ne- parcd, and ano's orie- kt Wbittingh'-am left Friday for;Arms'trong, R.N., Grace I-las - yeors ugo. go ta the expense ofi provid- P" 7tî.e chooî ea book. CoAI-' their home ut Edgeley, Sask.,lpitaî, Toronto, spent thc w-eek- Tiser-e.w-ere ses-en Passen-iing another room and a bar-i Yusvr 1eshwlyabo..Ce ,foliowed by the best wishes of! end ut her father's, Mr. R. H. gens in oui- car and ienactender If you casiid achieve Yusvr truily back and asic me ithe sua-. aU for prosperity in the west. Armâtrong. couple got lIn 1taought 1 had the sanie resuit by providing Gordon Cotter. mer of '63. AFew 1-ear Excellent Discussion manville. The town council, plannin board and other officiai bodies cann( be expected ta do ail the co-operati' thinking ahead f or the rest of the con munity. They are too busy attendun ta the ever-increasing administrati- problems confronting them. The Chamber of Commercei essentially a group of business men an women who in the interest of impro, ing their community . .. and their o-w lot in that community ... gather togetl er ta attack problems by joint effai It is nat, as some people seem ta thinl a few citizens trying ta tell the reE what ta do. We sa often have heard merchant moan "What has the Chambe done for me?" One could so easil- answer "What have you dane for tÈ Chamber yourse'Lf?" If merchants ar, oChers will flot came ta meetings, tak time ta assist, the Chamber cannot d, anything for anybody. If we all jaii together, do some wark, some planniri and iess beefing, we can achieve aima, anything we want ta. The Chambero Commerce can be a great vibrai organization for this tawn onily if wi are willing ta become a working par of it. There is much work ta be doný here, but, so few are wiliing to lendi hand. 1 Flood of Daring Robberies GEO. W. GRAHAM A M AM SUBSCRIPTON RATES TIM CANADIAN STATLPSMAN, BOWMANVILLLP, ONTARIO "Sniffer" Plays Important Role jI/O gmn' Here 19 an open letter ta! Jane's funeral. That evening must be nudging etghty-fou, ane of my very favourite you called for me and ive noiv, but ta e 'yogu are t peopledrove up the 3rd Concession't.he samle good temipered, hiard lerotzl f rot1tefam whirh working, nice Iooking your.g ve Mav thnk ~wfr th beaui my home for- the ladyv who always tried to make yers fe pIeasan for tecek M_ fui o rthdav .card, and enclos- We rode in a *'deimocrz-t," little Cockney orphan, by see. nged letter , ou kindly sent, and'bein a pair of spanking ing that 'fe slept in a coni. ve which arrived in the mail black roadsters namied Susic fortable bed. in a nicUroom:. Xyesterday. and Joker. It was my first ate pienty of good, whMsorne How in the world did you experience of going alang a tood; dressed in dlean, tidr' ~. remember that my birthday isi country road, after rmn;atnddpbiad .~*~ March l5th? Guess 1 dan't scared the dickens out of!nme, Suïiday schools regu1arlv; gave Sneed te tell you that this isiespecially when I heard the hinm medicine when ill; ap- Ixt-sxt aoferar a farm dags bark, and wondered plied salve and adgst vn my birthdav. It seems a long if they were wolves that the man-v cuis and bruises; wav from when I was nine!miight attack us. suku o l hnh o k, . ~ .. . . ~andl a half, on October l2th. I The following morning, 1 into scrapes (wvhich wsof ~t.~>'-ý' 1904, vwhen vou, your Dad, andisaw, for the first tirne, rren tený. lIn short. you took the S>. l k <, Fanny met me at Shanty BaylImixing cement:, saw my firs t place of the niother that I had ýst i. .. ... Station, then left mie with Mr.lfieki of potatoes: the first lost efghteen months before aand 'Mrs. Brownice the village1 purmpkins on the vines 1which meeting you. It was all se hlacksmi'h, while ),ou aliI thoughit were Italian melons, long ago. btIhv ee iydrove ta Barrie e attend Aunti although thev didn't seem ta ceased t be grateful to you, 1Y ----taste right when I ate soine.rand ta wish for vou the best he. entena bfr.~hnrw UnýtilI1 sawv vou xnilk a th,1t life ca.n bso id .; ~ ~ve compared notes. we fo)und coiv. I lad alxvay s suppoged, Whilc living with you and ke M., ~out -,c hifl bollh worke.i for[miilk %as ruade and, cannied b yey)u r Dad, on that farm north th %,aLo i Comuany in the Nesie Coni-anv. Do voai o! Shiantv Bay, I lcarned many- TunrVleAbra nth oitne ml le You e thfngs thiat hive praven o i srme wcl! in 1927, but on di!- memiber how r suggested oilir g gr ea v3luet ei h n ig ~frent shifts, se we had quite the littie vheels that I thou glht tervening vears, such as 1'anvý ýst avst were unider the stone boa.pthngvô-rth doing-, is avorth ofI cou&d go on writing but 1hecnuse it squeaked c-ach tîme doingrih" the rnroper care tiare arc tooa man.- thircs ta it va pulled over grav-e1? arnd 1' tiding ,,o? animais, Vedo ard sec to be w Digtm eforée crutng taoada. Icnver to silirk rcsDonsihilit e lzc~ this. A-S Bill says, trying' had attended Angcli.-nn'ser- trY andl liv.2 blvthe Golden The Sniffer, an electro-chemical device for detecting escaping gas, piays ta'ecib o leg e'evcswih lmd0KutlRu.I'vc flot been a suc- ie a major i-oie in The Consuners' Gras Company's leakag7e survey prograr-n. i4 seen is just like trving to de- 1 discovered that, ot the Metl- cess, the blamie rests ivith me, detects even minor traces of natural gas in catch basins, manholes or basernents scribe a kbis you've got ta ex- odits churcli, it was not con- not I.ou folks, whoaialvays as survey inspectors patrol ail areas at regular intervais. The Sniffer was part 1 erience it ta knowýý what its sideredi necessairv ta de o sa gve 'our hest. For ail your of an extensive safety exhibition thown this week ta Members of the OntarioA lk nd I guv ess h s igta auch kneclîngr tng g, op mn'-kiindesses ta me, I amn Legisiature and provincial departments, aimed at dernonstrating that Consurners' Adrf1nie u cywavwih ý!,v aaddw uIg -ansic . e, truindgrardsWini ad Gas personnel knoxv their job. Shown at the Queen Elizabeth Building, Canad- selvcr ,te siccp evcry night ardent 'Method1ist. b auLeonird: md lhope 1ian National Exhibition grounds, the more than 50 exhibits portravted ail the think:ng abDut vou pox)or folks When Ive first met, in 1904, ta visit you bath w-hile on our I iporantsteps in bringing natural gas fi-rn Alberta ta Onlario homs ndbak tere shovaling snow! you were twenty-sevcn ycars current lholidavs Lve 'n industries. Pretty blonde holding the Snif fer is Carole Ray, of Consurners' cus icre.a1ae hihman ht o d d Industrial Sales department. Ilerb. Rogers,~rzj 'ai March 13, 1901 SG 111 ts ~On March 294h the voters o ýCarke Twp. will be asked to3. Àa d TRIP To NMEXICO 1tharii, "Lady Luzok*' end xl-S oeo whether or flot they'à ýg iself) i'a- vonerfu1 tnDp V e sperit a -fewý days irn the areinfav-our af the establishi- ýe F.ditor's Noie -- Wheii Cd nbrewihgo radtopcatcpuoxhcimto! inn Lonead'~It ij we heard that Herb. Rogers andi:dw.hrwt odrasirpc tAtpIo hcii!etoDnngLue ndS P C Dr illBothan wrepla- and good xvaher, and Lîdy la fablaous place to secbtCkai Lounges in aur Town- D Wl oh-ir eepa- ukscems ta he a wonderful ; tîh the temiperature in the, ship, Much lins beer, said bot i d ning after Christmas la tal:.cipc. fplcst tay.adte i-i'yautlpro ind cor, but it scems ta an cxteided notor trip ipckr Bacs say jtilsandtu hrrivab rMeN. co and through the Unit- We sLopped severai days in the rmwc :cloit n--ts'me that there are eight ques- cd States wve asked Mr. ro rx eilTexasý, oz, h1r ]c o o~'nu o in ;hc tn u b 9 r~i exrudsnIu IeIMexican border, and one day!cunie hack t5 ieX:ý:rC.tyali other,.-. "110ow do you like the teach-! to do the samne. And at Christ- n ter fol Sitesmian roadors,!tooî<150 imile drive thirotighiwb&-re e are now. We i,-ve. First: Wili it eIIiminate iggm?"S aypeople msIseteacl 72hus giving sonie impressions and;the nios; beautiful countrv' gottert tule ipcA aloii,! drin.king in cars? 1 believeýhave asked mne this question iniduring iny- holiday week, experiences of their trip. I1e with thousands of acres co! wv;i thousandF o! otfb'ers, fhaýtl that it will1 not. Tne percent- the past fevi months that Iî papers, and it wvill be gialvcosetodan breisve-etables and citrus fruit!this Place 1-2s Lthe hast clirra1c!age of the population wha thoughit I'd try ta answcr it the saine at Easter. And then, bis first letter which is ex-I treýs. It vias hard ta -eani.ei of any place in th; .nd ol rn in cars is small, here. My usual replv is wvhat at fhe end off another year, treinely interesting and' in-lit lwas winter time, Wc rtop.!,Sunny every day, temrpernfure buat those who are irrespans- I hope is an eloquent shrug. vihen 1 amn quaiified as a tea- formative, as vieil as bubýblin,' ced for lunch in Westlaca, bl the 70's andl at '400L) ft, the ible for this will ot One reason 1 lef t the new's-, cher, I have ta go back ta over bore and thiere wit' boping ta ruri inoaR sl!i eoins ta have a tome lu it change their ia vs because; paper business for teaching1 summer school for yet another chaactrisie er. Ro ge rs'Gilertandhi patybutnoYou w ýou11ld aoagot that ini- there are Lounges availabie. I vas that I thought it wouldleight .veeks ta get my speclal- eiuor uck, pression if yoit w-er2 in the A person viho believes it isigive me more tirne with mlits'5criiae Btjs hn humr. e vsrtd n ad fien .dining roomn at meal trne. Ia ilright ta buv a bottie a! fami*(-,, As a weekly editorl-In 1963 l'Il have the whale flotl Gnev mie fom WlkalaN. .,ýWhen vie k-ft Bowmravilie' chcap liquar andâ drink it alongl I va's out night after nightjSufl!Tlr off. That's certainly 7a.oe Londes 13 mine ro m Walkn te alla,1N. we expccted ta, drive all thc, the road wiil ot pay four orlcovcring meetings, attendingibetter than the one miserable r1exico, D. Fitesb rwsvle.Oj via utihnAA . b Bravins- five times as inuch for thei banquets and tire Lice. Thelwe a year 1.tse Oe akeJ Mexico r heudbi ietk ville~ advised us ta leý-ve our prîvilege o! dninking it at a only time 1 had with the kids5the nevispaper business. Der eoge pm.hean hs if tokuscar in Brownsville and aftor table with a wihite cloth. We.was on w'eek ends. * * *% i erGog:for a long drive across tetl gta severmýI others, ý;-i-no will therefore be faced with As ea i pn alt And then, of conse t1 When 1 promrised tu witci re nt eio a-Il vere in a positionto kno these saniecopleand i d-mare tme athom.Adl,eýot e sgo.M aehm sMe ic I bad r:a id f! thrndowcd bae ct :fsde-s oiare wv e eer tado just that and dition ill have those who e n eat of yfme. nd I see money rod ithakhof Mexco.1 hd n iea hcrýiýd sowd bthsids o lfelre e eergaid as the in-ýi:r- banve been in the bars. We canIokedaayi-te mk- i---- truck drlvers--almost as wouid be so nany WMe have iii lyexiro. the verv icb and:rJ1 aa u smn-" onyho wyalittle aven 1tu;e vo rv poor. VWe got the irm- Ban d trF, nanre .0a epctsm rtcio ri i little room on the second good as that of a welder or a a monh ard aieady ve hve'pnssi traain xco j ai s onlyj te police if they catch tbe;fîoor, live niglits a week and bricklayer. Unlike them, mor îrnrssrn~ ha a on- 2'cey o cntrsts labout anc cent a -m ile, bDus f are lavi;-breakers in the cars, butîmost of Saturday and Sunday. don't draw overtime, but thlnk mor innesî,-ný d-n ý oufr o cn!'ZassSiceli.h ct r ny3c. and taxis tbey can do littie about the!I aee so littie of the kids that of the securlty. AUIl have te tist's office. ro 1 tloug'bt I'd t1hen we ha;e -ý raiei1erd rom!are ver-v cheap. There arepeople in the bars unlesg theylIthere are time. vhen 1 eanqt do is teach for 35 year., and I send a f,2w to you ta get rid one end of Mexico ta the othoni1o--or 1,0 fteii hs as nacdn.Te t sqiermme hi o! tms. nd hîf wy bak agin ad i ~ j,ÛO a thos b his ausean ccidnt. hen t iSqult remmbertheithert geutlefu ensenoon. rAm î city and they al 50cm ito be'too late I fles* ever golng te, raise hell around T1he three of us (Will Beni- haven't changed that irmpres-i ou the streets n.t the ramne tiinel Second, Shouid vie adopt 0 the lawn bowling club wheu fi gbtinz for the right of wy the attitude "If we can't lick J Anather i-easan for embai-k- 1 get on that pension! Whcel. You s"ldom t-oc a' private carý themr, join thern."? We are ing on a teaching career vias chair or no wheelehafr. on the streets dow-n tovin. told that peoDle will always' ail thase hoiida'is. Two months* * 1l can Lunderstand now ,vhyTdrink and drive, so why not i the summer. A week at But alltese thigs are you c-.%n get a hiaircut for fi-rn av end3 it in these Cbnistrnas and anather at Eas- mere adjuncts ta teaching, I5 tac 8 pezos (40 ta 64c), a.fîer! 1.Lounges. Thevr say vie canIt1 ter. Of course, last summer Aftcr ail, we're nat just in. U lýthe close colisonc hns in thc dr) about it anyw.ay. I had te go ta summier schooiterested in maney and secur- ýtaxs o se- soeon tring oý ismora an wok lie adogfortviaity, areie? Wel, ARE WE? t cross the ide streets and get cavardice oi the w,.-rst kind. montbs. And thig year 1 have Off course. wecre i-ot. Money Iicr v týcaught in thie niddle w--hon fb&Even if vie believe thant aur i omr motn hn D istant PasS~ 'liht cha3nges. 1'erh i so'lvs and property are fotia: n rces amr motn hn a crakers breathing.N, what we Froni The Statesman Files Iszandirg on end and crsy ta wortfi defonding, vie have f0 sixth: I-low abo)ut tbie raxoriare' concernied with in life la Cut! 'gtota xpoac a ur elidren:that Clanke Twp. l colithe deep, basic things. Like, Tis i ct;- bas a o lainta nere d- angers everyileet? Thiose In favour have uh, satisfaction In a job vieli 25 VEAR AGO oa over 5 millions arci se&n time they ha abotet nmay1dûnce. and, uh, the rich reviard 49YASAOit fr-arn the tua of a rvunrain lias the day,1 passed vihen par-! --s iuh a $1000. er--roff guidinrT vourg lives, and, ý,%,areh 21, 1912) (Mareh 19, 1936) at niglit, like vie did the niq,ý' ents tnied, b;- their oenevi n .prer1- Ptridr Bn- luy of iol. J. IL. Johnston, Principal of we canne fi-om 1,, u~xisa'an-re. ta feich the-Irchildren! ntxsI i pl hi!lk ht '- Rthe 1800 assessrnents in Clarke! You have no Idea of the ýc g -ýtcn at principle was ortb'T,-pvie find that vie sxif ex-1tbrill a teacher feels when ho erirg fronm a liglit attaci: cîf' v.p3electod Presidcnt o! tîseI Our htlis sitý-tarini 'afigbntirg for? IVe are quiek pect ta rave the miagnîficelltirealizes that but for the guld. scrk-t f Hî- Iis uh-JIoniutr Society at tIre1 mcea Drt <c-ff ic -kror -enour-h fo riticize these rame sma 5 o resnnalelehsgvnyugJe Mi-s. by trorsulof-55ndper1 tswr-st fl1oor t :h children verv tinnp mak Ivr.Johrn Rickaby, assistod b -i1uImeeting o MÈonday. rni,, ow2 7orSicide vr iý,they mletbroug tee ae.if vie the latter mjght have wound Mrs Boa-Luuu Oano hvcJThe rmcently organizeýd BowTot-anto. It bas 430 ru a vsinbe choice.cosi-rte 87 ponenu lth petniay lu been earing for Ihlm. iavleDan lb Wwth baths mnd beatcri wto Third: What avouid b. the'tco n(r thip 87, vie a ie seadfintefrnien Cchos regongtabo~~irle Dran-a Cluplaysena t t7litard iswfi-Il mli tse ri igé .,pcstet oofbaving a bar near TmmqnAv- VAW- lath- let

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