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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1961, p. 5

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THURSDAY. MAR. l6th, 1961 THE CAYADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMA!~VTLI~ ONTAIUO PA~ VIVE It Allgood, Smaked, Sliced, Rindiets SIDE BACON Swet Pickled, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS Fancy Quality, SLICED BEEF LU VER fresh FruitS &0.1fGE GOLDEN RIPE, NO GR D ,MWPOWtrEDýNEW CRO,LONG, GREEN' Ol RD Tb39c GREENCRAU ,6 -- - - I Slb M~39( Shapsy's, Boneleas, Mild Cure 1-lb pkg59c CO'RNED BEEF lb79c Coaked and Breaded lb 5 3c HADDOCK PORTIONS lb145C Wheatley Reg. 39c-SAVE 4c lb43< FISH STICKS H1ADDOCK 1-oz pkg35c More Out standing Values! A&P Fancy Quality Red Reg. tin 59e-SAVE 2o SOCKEYE SALMON '/z' t n5 7c Reg. box $1.03 - SAVE AN EXTRA 4c - TOTAL SAVING 49c FAB 45c OFF DEAL king sizebx 99 c Heinz Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins S3c-SAVE 4c TOMATO JUICE 220-,ztns 29c B9urns Reg. tin &5e--SAVE Ilie CHILI CON CARNE 215-oztns5 9c Regular & Quartera Reg. 2 Ibe 650-SAVE lia MARGARINE moNARcH 41-lb pkgs 99c A-Penn Hard Finish Reg. tin 79o-SAVE 14e LIQUID WAX quart tin6.5 c Kraft Plai Reg. 2 lbs $l.19-AVE 8c VELVEETA CHEESE 2-lb loaf 1 .11 Jane Parker Reg- toaf 19c--SAVE Se B READ CRACKED wHEAT 2 24-,,,,,,,s 3 3c Jane Parker Reg. 49.-SAVE 10o APPLEPIE C 3 9c Atl Prices tIn This Ad Guarante.d Through Bat., March 18, lml clutiireasuries. Tickets are available from the foliowing groups: Albert Street United Church Wcmen's Red Cross Loan Cupboard Service. This pool of sick- roomn equipment is available to anyone ill at home free of charge. My inadvertent use cf the phrase 'in need' may have caused some confusion- for this I apologize. I referred to the 'mnedical need' not the 'fin- ancial need' of the persons asking for Red Cross assist- ance. The Canadian Red Cross plays nxo favourites! Your lo- cal l3ranch and the entire National Society stands ready to serve anyone- regardless cf race, creed or financial status - whenever the need arises. Please feel free to cail MA 3-2343 or MA 3-3882 at any time tind we will do our best to assist you. Thank you, Mrs. W. R. Spry, Chairman Red Cross Loan Cupboard Service, 89 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Box 575, Ontario Training School, Guelph, Ontario, March 10, 1961. Dear John: Herewith a cheque for four dollars to guarantee contin- ued contact with "Hometown Hi Jinks"; we regard it as a m or e precious investment these days than ever before, which just goes to prove that one has to move farther afield to fully appreciate your fine pae. Yours sincerely, Don Williams. STARK VILLE Miss Norma Hallowell, Tor-j onto, spent the weekend atý Mr. Llew Hallowell's. Mr .and Mrs. Ewart Robin-ý son and sons visited in Osh-1 awa, Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls entertained friends at their home Saturday evening at a, birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim at- tended the Masonic banquet in Newcastle, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswelli attended the Odd Fellows' banquet at Trinity Church,! Bowmanville, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- wcll and Jim visited in Tor- onto recently. Cuo, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cusn Oshawva, were recent guests at Mr. Bert Trim's. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday school and church, services were held as usual. Several of the school chul- dren go te Peterborough to sing at the Musical Festival this week. Sympathies are extended to our bereaved family in the death of the late Ernest Pow- ell last week. The funeral service wvas held on Thursday In the chapel in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Pea- cock and two boys and Miss, Mary Powell came down from' Kapuskasing for theŽ funeral.' They went back again on Sat- urdav. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill: were among the Co-op mem-ý bers who attended their din-, ner on Tuesday in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa, visited in the village Sunday. On FridaY evening the 4-H Club girls held their third meeting at Mrs. McAllister's and made a steamed pudding with fruit sauce. The next meeting will be after the exams. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer spent a day in Toronto with their girls last week when the girls moved into different apartments. We expect to have our quiiting and W. A. meeting this week.-, Walker's Own Diapers ef super sof t napped flannelette pure white first-quality fabric. attractively packoged for gift-giving ...two sizes: 21 " x 36"- 39 Pkg. of 12 .............39 26" x 26"- 31 Pkg. of 12......... Canadiang fought for liberty! ecc'nmic but of our hopes* -, ete s to t e c it r in 1812.1 Such ventures as Elliott Lake, , Consu m ers, a o £ ette s to the & itor Under it French-Canadians the non-profit Seaway, have: led the van at Courcelette for led us to the more sericus de- P e ~ ~ Ensign Show3 ',o Subservienceideals, religions, freedoms and the freedom of the world. And flation of our ill-based hopes. re ent Coo ing Sho cofin f.Look at two reasons for the: [t is gratifying te see pub- ihistory are ail so bcund up in it has covered the eofin onieeson h n ever CandiansoniPariry'sonthe eSpringtimeen. Ilc opinion mnoving towards it that It is, in truth, our flag. branch of the fighting ser-;emplcyment Insurance Fund Pa i ifhlS rng i e acceptance cf the Canadian Cabot on the east, Hudson on vices who received a nationls[seems a vortex of quick-sand, F.ný;i'gr a Canada's offi cial the north, Vancouver on the honors at his funeral. Can we* despite the support cf the Oshawa will be one cf 1 flag. It is already se rerog- west, brought it to Canadian forget that, .or lightly put mn h d o enft Ontario centres te be visited rized ail over the worid and shores and made it our flac, aside nine centuries cf our ls doubtfuî justice even, that by The Consumers' Gas Com- 1 nyremnains for Canadians Itwspatdb on own heritage and history? low income people should tvrslve tofollw sit. ý Itwasplated y Wlfework and save and then be pany's "Paris in the Spring-1I ,.,. efolwsi. the Heights cf Abraham and' Thus te include the Unioncalled upon to succer such as ieshw-amn lg TheCaadin nsin n-enshrouded his fallen body. Jack in Canada's flag isflo may have a several thousand ntral gas our kiesn dmo-y. eluesin he lac ofhonrIt waved over the United Em- sign cf subservience te Eng- dollar income. Surely the des- strato tou hpese nted b the' Union Jack. It is fitting pire Loyalists in Upper Can- land. Rather it is there be- titute, through no personal Betty Bright Home Service and mroper that it should 'ne ada and was thrown te the cause, first, it is part cf alms ehpdbt osdpamn. there. Canadian -traditions, breezes cf Quebec as French:we now are, and secondly be- tms etbenthnelped, bt ees de art e. Knz n cause it shows the world our uths faeteena Exe lande rs aeMcKns plae i th Comonealh u fae i, een rih lndMiss Diana Dee will direct plac intheCommnwelthcannot long support a multi- the demonstration te be held cf Nations united for the fuI- tude cf those, who, net hav- Wednesday, March 22nd at 1er life in a free and peaceful ing considered the seven fat 8 p.m., in the Central Col- cc-existence. and the seven lean years Of legiate Institute, Oshawa. G. Alex Phare, Egypt, have, through lack cf Five home eccncmists will : St. George's Society thrift or "picky-ness," ne alternate at the demonstratiens. cf Toronto. savings. which have been arranged This aise, even rich Canada through womens' clubs and cannot frvr and in this church groups across the prv Hampton, Ontario. age cf rivalry, enrich the li- ince... f Dear Mr. James:- quor barons and trade-resuits.... I feel that our C.B.C. is net and stay in the race. Why ccnsistently upholding Can- shouid the public be expect- adian dignity nor effering ed te take on the burden cf trusty solutions to our social rmany who patronize the Scott Mrs. Diana Dee problemns. I find that dispar- Mision etc., fi our courts ori agers cf many programmes make driving hazardous. 0f Auxiliary; S im c oe Street increase, sa that many intel- course we asked for it! Such Church, Women's Auxiliary; ligent, but sated folk desert social and econmical practices... Albert Street Church Friendly their 'sets'. F,,m our multi- morecetainly menace us Couples Club; Holy Trinity million support, we rightly than nuclear war. They onîy . Anglican Women's Auxiliary; expect only excellence, and if invite a 'Red' take ever. We Women's Auxilîary Centre St. The m an fromn M utual Life fine programmes are net just cannot be s0 profligate United Chtirch;8 shw him as the coachavailable, let the schedule be in the 'Sixties', -ýith ipn-. ~ WmnsCrsinTmeac Perhape your young son knows hma h oc accordingly curtailed. The ity. Only a myopic sees in WmnsCrsinTmeac of the neighbourhood peewee hockey team. Ho enjoys Exelby affair is darkly thou- more tax revenue, more de- Uion; Laies' uxlaraN.43 ibi bcase e niys eiin chldex. A wrk ~ght-provoking. preciated bonds and more de-adnLeinBnc No43 beiping people is his prime concern. He's an expert atith- c o er ehv andvlaigdlas etfct and District; Business and Pro- ofunempîcyment com in g cf prosperity. fessional Women's Club cf a lifé insurance counseilor. A valued friend. through the inevitable grcwth Fred J. Reed. L saa otmntrCm cf trade competition; the ex- Doble Club; Ladies' Auxiliary THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA travagance cf government ______ HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO. ONTARIO and people and resultant price Bowmanville, Ont., L _____ . th Oshawa Scouts; First Bap- An outstanding record of high dividends hikes. Canadians, hopeful but Mac ,91 ist cen' Axlary; 'Cu & I unreaiisitic, surmis e d that DeaRr Mr. James: Mrs. Jane MacKenzie and T.O.P.S. Club. Representative: FLOYD H. MCKINLEY many lands would need our The local Canadian Red Free recipe bocks and prize Mearns Avenue grain, are, goods and skills Cross Branch would apprec- Costs cf the tour will be draws will be features of .nal ad infinitum. Travelled folk iate your co-operation in as- berne by The Consumers' Gas "Pari in the Springtime". Bowmanville, nal knew that could not be. The sisting us te clear up a mis- Company and prcceeds from -al Phone MA 3-5372 recession unon us is not onlv. understancling reeizreiniz the ticket sales will benefit local d 1. «- Air, Rail or Steaanship TI1CKE T S TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 Ring St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanv'ille - by the Rev. Joseph Barnes at The couple had eight child- Courtice and resided in this ren, oeeof whlch là deceased; district for many years be-1 19 grandchlldren and seven fore moving to West Hill great - grandchildren. Couple Wed Fifty Years Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mont- gomery celebrated their 5Otlx wedding anniversary en Feb- ruary 22, 1961, by receiving their friends and relatives at their home in West Hill. A centrepiece cf yellow daffodils and golden candies complemented the wedding cake. Mrs. Walter Suider, sis- te r cf Mrs. Montgomery, pcured tea, and the guests were served by R. Hay- nes, Mrs. D. Govan, Mrs. F. Kirkwood and Mrs. J. McCre- ady, daughters cf Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. Mr. Herb Nichols, brother cf Mrs. Montgomery, called the family together and a poem composed by Mrs. Wal- ter Snider was read by her, recalling bygone days and extending good wishes. Mr. Gardon Montgomery, brother cf the groom, made a congratulatory speech and Mr. Sidney Nichols presented a gift cf money te the feted couple on behaif cf their families. Mr. Montgomery re- plied expressing his apprec- iation. Many ether gifts were received, as well as congrat- ulatory cards and flowers. Mr. Montgomery is a son cf the late David and Caro- line Montgomery and Mrs. Montgomery was the former Clara Nichais, daughter cf the late William and Alice Nichais. Mr. and Mrs. Mont- gomery were married in 1911 ALL YOUR GOODS ARE WELL CARED FOR WHEN n YOU STORE WITH US! Jusi don't worry ai al! We take the best of care of everything yen store! Guaranteed' protection! Everything lnsured in storage! PRESTON TRANSPORT LTD. BOWMANVILLE - 01 )I'ffARIO! layette needs.. for baby's comfortj Ail things ta keep baby happy and comf-y ...for shower gifts, the new-bom, and on through the yeos. .. just a few of Wolker's wide selection are illustrated for you ta see here . .. for a single need or a complete layette, Walker'6 is ever- ready ta help you with baby's comfort. . yours by 0 Charge 0 Budget Plan *Layawoy or * Cash and Carry. eý Infants Ormilers Weil mode cf fine Bedford Cord with print trim bib end leg eut fs . - . ad- justable .shoulder straps, elasticized boxer bock ond dorne croteli . . . red, Diue, gold or lilac. sizes 1, 2 or 3. lach...... vu9 h & Hooded Towol Sots of acf t, absorbent t"rrycatton ond consisting cf one towel 36" x36 with hocd, and one face cloth 9" x P e.. gift Mother's lOve ta get. Boxedr .e .....1198 Infants plastic Pants mode of ever-plioble plastic wlth rom- choflng elostlc teg and waist openlngs ..sozes amii, medium or large white, pink, blue, or meize. loch .. 0...... 825 i lnsulated Diaper Bug Se handy for baby's needs - mode of emnbossed petal design plastic . . . two separate zippered compartments, inside battie holdiers, adjustoble shoulder strap. . self-insulated with'seal.tuft ...size about 12" x 10" x 4" pink, blue or mai0. 29 loch . . . . . . . 2 Esmond Crib Blankets The favaurite for Infants - crtb blankets of "Bunny Scft" Esmaond bian. ket cloth .-. rlbbon trimmed for odded ottractivevmes . . . boxed for glft. giving . . . plik, btiae, or white, wlth 7" matchlng ocetote bindlng. 29 F . ...................L of Bowmanville 5 King St. E. MA 3-5451 SAVE CASH on CANNED FOODS ut A&P! Weekend Super-Right Quality Meat Features CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT GRADED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTERNOUSE, SIRLOIN or WING Smoked, Cooked, Ready to Eat, Picnic Style PORK SHOULDERS ýjj -, lim il '-i ý TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOV;MANVn= ONTARIO PAGE Tm a q l VMRSDAY, ". 16th, 1961 No Problems for You

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