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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1961, p. 7

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:~TsAY 'MAR. 16th. 1181 cSo CaI Ci ____Phone MW .4r. and 'Mrs. Glenn Lan-der werewekn gueFts off i. and Mrs.. G. Ja:re:. Fointi Clire, Que. Mr.WýIobert Stari:ng wy.on attending Queen's Universitc. Kingston, visited witi Mc. a"Pi Mrs. A. Marjcrrison and farn- ily over tic weekend. Mrs. A. Lunnemuinn off Duke Street ceturned Mnim frîrn a fwo v.eek visit .%b-rt daugiter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matisz, -n with Dr. I. A. Shank, -ii'off Pittsburgh, Pa. Wi*nnec.;oft*the Lions. Clubl Hockey Draw ior the fi,~ playofff gaine are Dr. 1' i Siernon a n'( Dick W' ldc:-j comnbe, and for tiLshe 1 playofff gamne, Ian Srnýiilîand E. Bromeil. Mr. and î Mrs. Ross Clark, Bowmanvilie, and Mci. ClIarksz' niotier. MNrs. Chiarles Cia-k o' Port Perry, recentl 'v itur" home frorn a ffive-wek ij oli-1 day in Florida. Norman Wùoodcock. R. R. 1t 13owmrunville, ceccn'lv ie!rI-'i 29 iand icn cri*ibtae 'vii playing viii the f-' -i %vorkers durî.ng Ion-h b-a1:i at tichene'-IMotors, Osi, - TIIE C*~ADIAN STATESMAIN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'AGE SEVE~N - ----- -'Pencil set tram tne choiro choîce industrial land avail- tic Birtidav Party to be heldTecrepnigsce-dcddt uns h ob hier retirement. The presýnta- apley able te indus1ry ut liw prices:' af fie Lions Cornmunity Cen- ary, Mrs. H. Saunders, report.-f i e diint en io n afdress was made by and (d) congratuiatingr Town trenTusa feno d fiat sic iad written temo- HuIl and Ruti Girardi St ~ýCouncil on its decision ef iast Mrc n hrd o fretefive think tic Hampton IVomen"'oilHsia.Tswsmv n- lie tic presentation. Fol- 'rono irnpaciovid essen- c-cnvnos Institute for tic liberal gift cd by tirs. Rudeli, sccondcd!C a k v Stronepte Impacptvide o'clock. Th ne no Sic aoflo e a seer aices off îrs. W.H. Birks, g FoM PAEOiE e 1 a social heur lunch wus tlal services toe cncw Gicn 1îeeet r.T'cutroroflv averatce.b 'bsroedbk hoi meber. O Au ien e- ticthe ev'enbers.on wiicheacdi Seas edsvea oe f'Mrs. Hoe e Y, babieswerir F01PGON _____- or ebes.Aeaan x-ý Mrs Roenigk, passed a list to tianks sent te the auxiliary. crmte iimn uu Th 30 __ ne Afternoon Auxiliarv offdsgae h h !< ý, nce j,-rk M b carie ou wih' t fod onti- Regret wus cxpressed on tic, td a xeln eor.Isadulc Trinity IVM.S. heid t neir I rnt ntdCuu iiunof ea.btossewl iefrtcsad ne,%,s off tic passing off eaneecen repr Tice Open House was off par- Marccimeeting on Tuesdav I d- it niedC d h mniumo d q. ion lewl gv o hKyle Squair. Tic auxiîiaryadoption vas secondcd b3-tedo rl nokn t .;- -ner -t rae13wIt go atndne.h on Suidy ex -ýi n1- nnaud-,The appointing of appre- Birtiday Party. , c~c esnd a card offsr Ms.Bce utoiept'Nbngw aenylel- s5,tdl:f ,ycon*ernplating tic aworshýI.Dservice was ln chargc enc f ppoiîtey 30PrM osmite ecar u a1 R~ udel will bc in char- pathy toMrs. Squair, a mein- peid .truder, or iutruider-. .course off study and off Mir. Sso sitdby ihe lay hs. J.n 'O Conîil, Marathons wa TedereS irthdy Paty antNLRoseA 1eeSturients . -ei:e given an Miss Weeires, 1Mcc. Bragd and crticplyCiri5 l ttaCn- tome ndatiBoardvas Birtiduy Pacy a nndMcc. A. tic bospitai. rie onvener, st4 ad in hr ercS:io -N.2Hi v.-'.%n. rs. M\offfatt. Thc offerin g xas, unhiSih. ils h Crero M'-s N c-llxx-ees received by _Mcs. Couc i andl hsplay ilinstrates tic ecters. Hughes wece appointed pub- vnrs.oDuteabn Sîliconi- repvdori t 4had broen ei yatiecrrof ro K vrz . Oke. and w-as ýdedicaîed 1Passion off Jesus Christ froi President Bell observed fiat; iicity cenveners for fie event. vnroFtcbuigcmi- eived r efis rit la I Roadas agise uTheredo S'rieet West. accompnie byb .N-.S-o.le l-tlree points ofVc. istteetdescna hv n Ms.Msnreidd presented lier report. Shi Meary. S Bide saind ffi oda-iig.Ter'nr I.r crs Satm1c. ia. Iunli-'The Stiiu fie.Frtteesuiscr alhv n ,r. aO- eiddte!told off a letter. conffiriiiiugiMctonBig "'n-P'was gained by bceakiî coltMrs IvebrogandEd Boç,jceic- rs 1îrarticactors, altihougll dressed imnportaunt bearing on fie members tîîat thc Regional tcaxlay re f im-I Party' xii be held at flic'w-idx-uIci,îii iog co' etebr ougCn-ihanwa s cntitk ' areiEsiaiun plain nocnicoh-,Por- to0wn s future econemy. Help Meeting off Hospital Auxil- c lo efieao o ieLesCmnat eteo u.Ntin ssoe ri ut tc esdence -noffn ýe~ay'P-s~ex ssD'tray-histonucal ciorctcrs (-. ilbe wo-elcDi.ned wi,,erever it iacics xviii be ieid'on Thur-hsitl.1:prniig ifilna ceig Arlitî.lt ex c tlon.Apent SdtOrluy uidrc. d e .kca-iefticPD. tu'Piaw MryvM-cda 'mm b fcud ut i tc pu- ayevnigMaci23dat' viî av afie ea qacn-'Tc dotih fffis eprt I, iovc boi iiAï e fG- domPoCatca. PlansteeMary tirs-, soanitreports offnvan-. - cfor a Caon h v Faniy ee -- n). Secondiy, ail tic actors, 'ion off several speakers, tic; the Lions Conîrunîty Centre, tee. IMcs. Srnih aise siowcd w-as eoddb r.W .1anîd+ticc vho fo)rCel Etr on(l or to bzlieldo~în Fm e-,t osserum-1. e ~g~ as a chorus, the lus-1grcatest intercst and support' Sic askcd fa i i oîlfi cb-stwe large tea-lCourtncy. i easl vCleziiers, xxer ul cdxihthe NMizpah Bnde-trcl1xcishirly i soi e ntnlyfri o ss v attend tic Regional' pots and a lhet xatcr jug. It, Mcs. Birks, chairman off ticloin o cs Ev(,]m- nBoy'l cri'crtc nem i la Rex'. H. Turner officiated uttic historical figures (..eahave tic grcatest sake tic provincial president, Mrs. tI te Mcc. Smith. nuade by fie meibers-qasîbroe thfe "îa una reardo houefr off the 851h bi:7-tî,dnx of a vecy inspirýr service ln St.1mdmeeuue îos-if)iitetonsftr rse- M. C. Telford, 0w-en Sound,j r ueiredaltenionti, and outiined suci' at Mr '.itisarsst 12cr a uit \Ir. S. H. ii1aje off Paul's UnitedI Cliurci Sundav' ebin i esae no t.xill be at thc Regional Meef- frorn Dm. George Miller, nat- Iplans for .Macci. Site spokerodfntteEtwuBo- T~cmc Fcu-ceî eatveaîrulr .-c Ms Rs. r.sharper focus for flic mederal Coffece and douginuts we ig a reco f teCndioftcncdfrmgzigs n Alro o. :2'igîv. r1n ;.tn f-rgnmaionetlieringtoii, A. Cuthbertsonî audience. hcs is revealed fie served iut fie close off tic f or-J Ticieco f h Cnd rate-d froua Brantfford. We.3- and G. Graham, were orduined! significance of iuttlfopmimetiîof Iifome inte fftu es inRe Cos oceyfitanaavl in ieconaitc wa eiidni>xvrefil itn tcri and Dunbaruton te honor as ecle,-s off x:îc churci. îm-1tue modemnxvorld us fie cn ru icin ;cn-on'meetingwî raI by tfliccarmued tic assurance off the! hus a gool up3ofvmec xxu yawtidg i Mu,.BlaN. Ecrlie shehal:medîtel foloxvig ti ord-i cete ity iscuions10:30 con- secretary, IMrs. L. T. McLau- ceatinueous suppiy off blood te books fer young patients. Mrs.'Bxsnaîxille Detacilîetc MrS B1ke.Eiriershehad .folowiar he rdi1cgi-lin. A satisfuctomy finaniatMemrnoial Hospital by the Red CaxvkcMrsB reordlt.c ao s ionlesuuluroPicial Polic heen piven a tclepiorle cailito:nu1Ion the aforemeuîtioned ci-The plauy made a stmong i- statement xvas submitted b Cross. Dr. illetir wmete itofMs ik'rpr.Scaiei uvsiaiz eebek lirnim u'~ eiuwù- l ers liaI thîe fleasuceof re actn i adcuc frin-tctraum, Ms Ra.ndfv dfetnhtes f bol ffml edoae oletinla adhi luft rniBec' setn iuîe att e n dua nc enisens. It was good artisti- 1<jc cn Cewie, wlie mevel ifs adop- wxiii be shipped te tiche sp'- 1off digest magazines. ,Grocci-y prizes tote rfolloxing: Ian'cally boti because off the ce- te.TswasscaeKyJ ao i am a aiwck Tasm cveeyMs . ireohr ra-a n 1,e-d iv Abert Darch, wr-l McQIuajrrie, Silcen lMcQuiacric,iver fast-nioviîug peetry o in hswsscne ytlontesm a aEwe e a ere yMs .Tic te rn- l:îurn oca nuusicantueBrue Cuihe'tsn, aucen' iiiip urnr aul bcune e u rs. Wesley Cawker, and1by train or bus. I G. Scott, Mrs. G. Witvoet, and theffs teck place liBtin ux';'rColiegiate band Off Wýood, Margarct Werry, Penny th e intelIligent anud firaf.iieaive Entertain iare.JTcaxluyuaiosyr.Guhs nMna îgt P-:'cuhp1pns to vi naabit d Sott r irection cf Mb _ 'l1iii the New Ycrk Cib-ta Editi hbonun'son lis clgiocs i ea g ' ~ Âm~Vr ri c S' - d o "gnd Jocel-',Sett Mrs. Doa- strong aund vital. iYI l3COPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE r .fr-_ I ie'é -ckend off nll Vcet-un of 'To"roiuno v' --CO. awa, soliih ,1Sflf. o< 3 ar I t9. The un. n- guest oit The Bowinanville KCinsnen, Mr. and MIrs. Vctor Cu A1:- - c uiir <di-ector ~Club's arinunal " Son andý son, accomipanied bv Mc.r an-i Darch. ex o gicý s- or Miss Isabel DFavIs, Mrs. AÉnna f ur nqu SS 1Duh Night", held at thei Mrs. Denis Tobin off Os 1 v a, hre concerts in scaols in Watson and Mr,. Mary Gi q U Flying Dutelhman Motor Hotel,! were in Indinapolis, Indýam,. hie Seaford area. repre-cnted ihe local Businessý on a recent evening, was al last week -%whIen Mr. Cok- - f ~ ~ adPofes-siaa re s e d er f reat success. Don Stutt, theï Panu c Club M qthe United Nations:peiet rsdd n vl was sole judge of the Indiaina c ,"eh hor on Th-day nSatdaav Mrh'icored the many young guests, Draft Horse Show and Sale. e'.'en on \krîtPth, c.d et at rc}{wW e n s avX oiladaWfefltn. - Run à',tlcRvýIyo ;-hal hda ndar Oshawa,a Ben Thompson a t t e n d e c l ke hnme off Mrs. C. H. Dud- Torono. Spekers rorn cro-s Open House off the Facult-y of lrn', Courtice. and surp-'sed the seasi' ncuded Miss Este!le Iqel talented mauician, delighted; Pharmac-yUniversity off Tor- M;.Dudlev with the pro-cn- :A, wo~oeo Gaa Four iqisswere Ihucl 1 ongtr ih nect onto, last Monday evLiiing. tatiofi off a Sheaffer Pen d Attri erif tuet tth er n enedyMr i 'ing and fascinating prograrn.i Unîversitv off Toronto wholî teConilChmer ithî.sîeight off hand tricks and" ~ tld ff aksanandKh ,vderdicts in the first thrcee -ýa1eling stunts were rewardedi Babaa who:'e topic was thec, da w o oprs. w\itii inucli applause. The1 teDr. C. J. Austin wvas coroner.1young gnests were also de-! 'Trinity Uin ied (JIurch women of the Arao, cauntries. The fi-st iinqucs'ýýa t lb 05C Presen-t %wcre also pri- 10a.r. osthiboy cidb,. several arnusing: Minister - Rev. Win. K. 1-oulander, B.A., B.D. vileg-ed to hear Mr. Wlonbr Prescott'off the Toivnshi p lron motion pictures. Orgaist- Mr ArhurCollsoi, Ms.B. L.,S.lýi. ood»de f Tron o 0 cif Manvers, R.R. 2, Pontypoolj The winners of the Lucky Orgnit M. rturColion Ms..,L..SM. one off the outstanding morn- age 54 Draw prizes were Lloyd~ _____ ng session speakers, and Mr. . a'rahaýn, Danny Hooper, J- Hr MovtwoThe jury composed off Doi ne. Collacutt, Sally Firth, t dessvedas RigAlanJauk n e . Williams, Charles Cat- 11 .n.-MORNING WORSTIHP gtbigatquehe Dvenîn lp. fwCuthib-. rt ii "aa Jr an meWerry. o af at 1 oh r îer Don îd a d Wrn Ki1 atr ct3 young guest at the dinner i :' fe U t e N ti r l E xEeuti e Of found t iat le carne Io ls w g v n a tt a t v it Confirmation Servitcee nitedNations Associationdeath in the Towriniieof wsgvna trciegf. Coniratin ervcein Canada. Manvers at 8:09 in the after-ý Te ern nsrnen Club will, "Makers of Peace" that cicat. -,as catilMertin,-to be held at the Lions' Ne A P b .~ ed Éy him runuîing across tie'oniii3 Centr on Mondayi 7 - '~N~I~7IN e w PDaT1TTIroaci in fotoff a',car cdriven ý - irMarci t1 7p.m. EENNGWOSIP iIU- b 7Shirley Clemnent. No bi unoý - 1FROMPAGE as attach-d tac the driverofI "The Inner Life of the Church" spreadunemploynen tin ti ecar.Lo a country w as also severely Tie second iinouest concern- o a critic s ed by Mr. Argue. Yadth a 23,f riarlChuff H.R 4 Sundy Schol ~oolinc{ fr jobs yet ard, the death orian ChufReh.D au Sunday School"There are ff3.000 Cvnadians 1. Whitby. The jury, Sicd-neym yetLabr Martin, Floyd MàcKiniev, Wm I 'FRO1M PAGE ONE) 9:45 a.m.-Junior, Interniediate and Senior Minister Michael Starr only Stacey, Peter Kowal anid1or Ede Cole. 11:00 ani.-Nlrsery ays it is up to management Harvey PaIicr, found that lhe Ah Swveet Mystery, will fol-, 11:0 arn.Nureryind labour tu soive this prob- deceascd carne tu lis d ath ali loy. Dark Brown. This de- lem", Mr. Argue pointed out. 1 o'clock in the forenioon nli VtfI1fareb JonKk- 11:20 a..-Kinderarten an PrimHe referred to tb 1sterrn tht day of Nov., 1960 and )4i'wl b decdby SericeH vthat death wa- caus-oci by anl Baby-sittingSevc raised in parljamnent by Mr. accident, lie losingcot< la Auger, and wil star stu-> A CORDAL WECOME O ALLStarr regairdini-ff, the appear- bis vehiele. dents off Bowmianville High! A CRDIL WLC ME O AI1ance off an unemployed work- . School. B3.i.S. lias sponsored' er, on television. "Has the day The thirýd inquezt v&-cs une' thi!ý Production. under theý now corne when Our Labor the denth off Allen Juf~'of teWorkzhop. In: Minister .-an srnear the liffe Kitcheni, ',0, off Willovdde. lieithe pcýae-1,ryTinpo, hof anyone hie feels lîke by died in Toronto Gencra.1103- tri eat aceLarrPut Glo ry P~~LIflIC'TIAk~~~ pital, folloxving an accIdeint Ci ol'ntaePtGMry REHOBOTH CHRITIA i sing tie National Unernplov- -Mundy, Helen Vanstone, An-' Tment Ser-vices os his reffer- Highway 115 on Oct. 18i, ForsterBt rw ad ence librarvj?" tie CCF leader The jury brought in a verdict L ehCrw,.n of ccdnaidahwî Fred Gralaun. Pronîpter isý REFORM ED CHU RCH Ibteyse. mk ecnblareattahed tothe driivé', i~Oe Scugog Street. Dowinanville can rernove the fact that ai- Jurers v.ere Robert Dav - offinper J tMost 700.000 Canadians are Sidney Murdoch, Joseph Mars- Teïf il production ofth Fiev. J'ohn C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. o! fwr adteeissfWeCalRb ndîih Vts written iv Canadian Ner- Minister ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fecing. There is lots ~ e onlfia nus ftcdy uhmadsti ac Minister ~~~~done. We can handie te - Thina nus ftedym1 Wlim n e nacý enemic problemn. This %vislivas tu, start ut 23 .ný oin China. This play sa shown in times gene by with1 cecning tie death off Wtrs. Helen chrihgcoi ilad will be' tic budget of Ilsey and Rais-1 Robinson, RHR 1, PontypoolI pcrfformied on tie traditional L10 A.11. - -SERVICE IN ENGLISH l'ton (Libncals) during World Iwh-o died at the scorne off an;'eîniptv stage off',tie Chinesei L i W~ý1ar Il by the creuton off aiaccident, Sept. 2, 1960Di. - 'J Tcte Drc* b er j:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCI tfudwhd a sa-JA cAtu -stcT101.: o A Batte off Wits will flislied by Canadians lending Iand jurers were fvIrvin Boi star Tom Park, Helen 'Nelles, Sunay chol iîmciatly fte iTfundis tte egoverninient tu John Bo GCarnet !McCoy,,Judy vJeffervy, Mr English,ý Alinvest in new indastries and IVlter ChiapoNwicki, and Percy FukSegr onBon Sunday moi-ning service. Ui equipmyent." j Cowling. At press flîne, eroile and Apha Hodgins. Winý h verdict had been received. lWornnurott will prompt and, Fretasotto o hs wligbt nbe1lCRpen. ions were discus-i John ll3rownlee will handie. Fre tanpotatonfo hsewilin bt nn lFe dby the 'meaker. lie said i tihe Iprpties.1 bo atiend the servies. Phone MA î-5037 LI tha' more thcn 2000 retired E ' Th e entice production is un-' before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. CNR enmployees receîved only 1 ME ect el der the supervision off Jean'i IS25 a niontiî pens1on;, and; Seridan, assisted bv Keith' atiotier 4,700 have pensions (FR0 i PArE ONE) Jackson and Margot Sarnuel.J or Ies!; thaii $1,50 a rnonti. Clru tmas season.-______ "Bak o Gd our Boadass jl "We sluould have a great na- Relinquising the gave1 e "BackTo Gd Hor" Bradcats ,tional social security systein President Lander Chned h CKL. shaaal3 pin eervSuda fl ý' hich people pay fromi member; for tlhir loet u t es f KL. shwa t prn ce~-Suda- lincome te ra1e nt)i oý-n during li3terns oi office and! in ' CKEY, Toronto, at 7 a.11. i for tlieir r'etircrnent," Mr. called for continued suppoct! ~ ~ ~ z -~~ iArgcue adviscd. off incomniing President Bell.U ~ Mc. eiltoiit Btyd gett Ife also stited that s1urn r elsfrtdt START IN '61 conditlons must be attacked, lead a discussion off varieusi !FROM PAGE ONE) poitin On tat 5 pr atters off dolc eternient in for 1960. ToNvard a IVonderful Job F"uture - Etiroli Nom, off housing iin this country i whici the Chanubc'r rnght in- Deupiy Reeve, Ted Presser, sub-standa rd. More slol terest i:,self. Whlile the dis-1 Cobotirg, suggested that the for the Easter Terni at thec n r>shol,1c udhop.itals are also nieedied I CUSSIOfl coveecd a wide range1 ud- thfe Health Unit lue ad'ded. off tcpics, there w Isceeri migît w-cii be questioned, "Al- O shaw a ~ ~~~agreemnent i th îpahicular at- teSprvio of Mr.Arge t]( oftheNe enionsi.oýilr bepad I Todslias now been. renovel frorni e0 urtcclarucnnu n'e ect îunit andi nov.' nias its owvn bud-; B usiness ~ ~~~~~~lookiig prooi~'i -dfcad fJ«:.v:ux n a: ~tI~ eu:ntitio opN-g atde i ;'ie a; 0to tic, lîud'et" f I~.., ruvir;ci..l anditeeri cv-l ,i ri ad .1ü L52 rg ie nchbe Dr. Charlotte Horier whol C le e Mc. Argue concluded. 'inupa'ct u,îorcmnu;ti ,-as asked te give an expiana- Prof' --soi Brune Morawetz, tlhe Os-zh:i%'a lHrbour'Mi 2aro- fion .said tiat wvi1e plurnbingi COMMIENCING Peterborough. forrnerly pro-Prjee1 p'-,! i nspectuons caine under lier de-J fosoroffhiosohvutthe codn t ln partment, ail fees cellected UA U Liver.sitv cf Toronito. Qpo.ke1 It 1Aa "i5 enseliot tilzx.thle ,ent te the healti unit te cern-1 on thAe ain-s c' the New Pat.Osnxa a arP r o j e c t.1 pen.ate for ihe salary off tic ýsAPRIL -~b npl-aeJtve. TU S J P I 9 1 ýTecaputIiiStic S.\ o~ ~ ' mMd npeo.If tic f eeswre not E comulet0ely cutmodeci, and I o provide1,îu jobs. If th:'s enouuh, the diffecence was I If vou %vould like a career %vith a fine '<il ry, good iwork- ew fiormula muut he -foLllA bappers, thcue is ceti*o bC 1 maile up by thie healti unit te orevent uverpiroduction i,,a p labnoverllow. freinun. inc conditions, pleasîjît cgo worker',, anîd excellent pro-hDa nince.u1ïpr- mnotion opportuities - get ..pecu-îizcd Business Training. indu-stry," lie suated. OsTw ud cc. rifpe- he main reu5on why tie sure on Bownatville teo ict as Hleti Unit l.udgjet sioxved'ne Canacla and the United Sta- a convenoent dormitonv towui. decrcaFe xvas that tic unit was At the O'%lI VA BL INI ,% L OL[ EGE ,our training tes are the oly- tx.vo couintriesi On thc o'her hariml, t %was feil, short off murscs. An increase off îill be concentr-îtedl on prîctical, job-getting .t a d ro lv etera '1 fatrctive and f-îIIII- tic budget w-as only saved be- raisin subjetcialu st igfvndexpertte-icers frendlyi d uu:rl lnd '.5cause off ths. At present tiece coLng suerat caer'o hlp 3O gxetahead r rinl ocialist Party as tie officiai avaîijý-ble, BMiuniena- w-as a defficiency off public consderae -eage tohell yougetahea. oposition. Professer Morawetz, be aile to capture sûnuie (If th-e heaith nurses and fie budget aid. 'We aie prieed Out Off isatel1ite industrv is ai- iad te allow for tic possible Even Intis job-scarce period- Grades of the Oshaiva ,.orld market- . Tic only v.aylImost certain to re-zult fi'omn iiirig off replacements. Business Coliege are in demand. tu put Canada back on tielticOsav-adevelo-pmen.t. Af~ rn r onr n-Il- teeut ut- e-- -. In legt1vd-susso- of tcrnde a appr. oean mi I IE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR 'TIIIS WEEK MARCH1 Monday through Satur I.D.A. BRAND HEAVY M'Nýpcil ALENINERAL GIL ~ ,-..,Ac A medicinul lubricant off fhe 9c c pe h'."'ligicst quality, I r lnaî r l"Sav e 16e ae or do%Onpor. 16 o., reg. 65c 40 oz., reg. 1.23 Laa'SPlalk49C 99C fain al O E T M F E ol ed Into a seE TI E F E p1atiC~ cse MILK OF MAGNESRA 2..CO ..Mbecand TABLETS SA~VE ON IIALIBUT Halihut Liver Oul Capsules I.DA. Bi-andc- An excellent source off Vitamins A and D Save Save Save 26e 40e 800 100's 250's 500,3 meg,. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 89c 1.89 3.49 Cuting down on calories? effervescent, fast-dissolving I.D.A. BRAND Saccharin Tablets t'4 Grain Size Save 16a Save 20e 500's reg. ouc 39C 1000's reg. 79c 59C 1 Save two ways on Cold Cream Soap It's an extra large oval cake It's at a reduced price! eg. 2 for 29c or 6 for 85o 2 For 25c 6 For 73c For eye comfort . . . and safcty w lien drlvlng wear Sun GMasses SPECIAL! AVIATION STYLE Marrh Sale Special Eez. 98e 79c ~ nadiet or 1or ,oting foc jcight dres DRUG SALE - Mur. l3th Cottie of 500 Tabletm ONLY 98-c- SAVE 14c ... BUY 6 ROLLS I.D.A. Brand TOILET TISSUE Regular Price 2 fer 29c -~ Special March Sale Prices 2 for 25C 6 for 73c I IDA. Heavy Grade- 100 ft. Roil - Reg. 32c Wax Paper a it 2k,ý 2 For 55C Each tablet 5 grains - Dee-Tee Brand - 00's, 300'& A.S.A. Tablels*- 25c, 59c I.D.A. Brand - 4 and 16 ox. - Reg. 98c, $2.49 Slomach Powder 79c, $ 1.89, I.DA. - White, 70's - Reg. 19e Paper Napkins- 17c, 2 For 33c I.D.A. Brand - 16 and 32 oz. - Eeg. 50c, 85e Milk of Maunesia 39c, 69c m lSthl Economîcal, positive protec- tion against rnoth damuage! Paradichiorbenzeiie Molk Crystals 2 lb. hag 59c For floors you can rcbuff airain and again . . . use LI).A. Brand "'Easi-Gloss" Floor Wax Unies quickiy and 1îlsies te a durable, liard finish titat eally siiuuies- 1 lb. Tin - teg. price 59e S'AVE Il 45c, 2 Ur 89c Inexpensive w ashing com- pound te lxelp dean %walls, floors and cellings. Tri-Sodium Phosphate Just mxx tie ameunt of compouri nd Iwucm xvatcr indicated on flic package 1 lb. Pkg.- Onlyv I___________________________IEveryday Gifi Wrap Paper MAO NRMSPECIAL Suitalîle for nuî gifft oc- ALARM CLOCK 10BBYPN casions. Couitainus ', 25c Stcrdy construction 10BBYPN packages paper, 2 tagm*, Sliatterproof face For39 40 niatching sc-mls. Oniy $2z.25 býUgr W urs0 a'JI Saffety hip Bob Pins 59C Sla tionery Speciali usheets Gage "Stuart Hall" vel- 1cmn wruting paper, 6" x 8" and 30 nutcling envelepes, 4" x 6" Ici poly wrapped pack. 49C Pack of 5 ASSORTED NYLON COUBS $Oc Value 49C Pack confains Dressing Comb, Rat hall Comb, Bobby Comb and 2 Men's Peekef Combs. PRESCRIPTIONS ASPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugsl We Deliver Your Local I.DA Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 Lii I I 1 1 THE CANADMIN STATESMAN. BOMIANMLE, ONTARIO i rAGE SEVEN

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