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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1961, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAR STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. O?~TARLTfl sIaa~ a ::s:sm:am~s By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234: HURRAY FOR THE SHAMROCKS Three games in four nigbts resulted in three Bow. manvillo victories to give the Sbamrocks a commanding 3-1 lead in the best of seven series with Trenton. However, the series isn't by any means in the bag, unlesof course the locais won last Monday night. (The story appears else- wbere on the sports pages). As Playing-Coach Don Masters remarked following Saturday's game, it bas been such a close soties, that either club migbt have taken four straigbt. Perbaps the turning point was reached in the second garne when the Flyers completeiy outplayed the Sbamrocks for two periods only to trail 3-2 tbanks to a sensational goal- keeping display by Vince Vanstone. Trenton folded in the final session and Bowmanville came on to tie the series, when they should have been two games down. The locals played their best game in a couple of months in the series opener but lost 4-0 when goalie Don Ogden ran bis scoreless skein agýainst Bowmanville to 167 minutes. A major difference in the Shamrocks fortunes bas been the p]lay of Jim Olinski, Lloyd Hamilton and Bob Marjerrison, wbo lhave been playing their best hockey of the season dur- Ing the past twe weeks. Playing-Coacb Don Masters is in the best condition for several years, having pared bis weight down 20 pounds. He Is conspquently skating faster and along witb "Buck" Cowle and lai " have formed a top forward line. We hear a lot about "Buck's" lack of back-checking, but it must be pointod out'tbat bis know-how on the attacki bas been a major factor in the Shamrocks success throu,,h-ý out the season. And don't forgot that bis bard-bitting in the centre zone can't help but slow the opposition down. The Shamrocks have been criticized but let's not forget~ that win, lose or draw, good game or bad, they can't be criticized for lack of trying. Winner of the Trenton Flyers - Bowmanville Sham-ý rocks series will meet defending champion Sundridge Beaversý in the Ontario Intermediate "B" Semni-iFnals. t1* ti t Î. ti ALLISTON DIFFERENT CLUB AT HOME Those Alliston Hrmets live up to their name on home ice, but in an exhibition and the second play-otf tilt bore, the Bowiianviile club bas handled tbem easily. The locals were only 50 seconds away from making it three games te nil in the best of seven series, when Alliston used six attackers, scored the tying goal and fired the winner in overtimo. W lock for the Juveniles to bave a 3-1 lead, after Tuesday night, te carry back te Alliston for the fifth game. The Hlornets play it a lot rougber on home ice and we Imagine that Mike Osborne and Don Gihhooly would be a lot bappier if the tean didnt 'have te play there again. Incidentaliy, Oakvilie, the team we bad been tipped off te be in the finals, wvas eiiminated 2-1 in a best of three series by Thorold. f ti i.t t i BADMI1NTON CHAMPIONSHIPS DECIDED Oshawa players, spear-headed by Ken Smith, walked off with most of the badminton laurels in the Central Ontaric Badminton Charnpionships held here last weekend. Ken,a rnember of the Bowmanville Club, captured the mens singles, partnered with George Long to win the doubles and also toolk the mnixed doubles with Lil Beamish, who also won the ladies' singles. Peterborough broke Up the monopoly witb a victory "by M7ýaurïce Charlton and Marg Baker in the ladies' doubles. The major upset of the tourney saw Bob Gallagher and Bill Kellar eliminate Gary Tighe and Bilil Burgess to reaci the finals. Once there, they came within a single point ci lifting the crown from Smith and Long. 1*t 1 t t it WHTA WEEKEND InA the last Statesman, this reporter was mildly comn- plaining about being in the wrong spot for watching sports ettewrong time, but the past weekend was even worse. Friday night we made a return to the badminton wars, while ILitening to the juvenile game via radio, and wonder- ing how ihe Shamrocks were making out in Trenton. Satur- day night we tried to talk the editor into supplying us witlh a motor scooter to travel from the Badminton Club to the f Arena. Editor John was sympathetie but thought the exercise might improve this scribe's conditioning for future badmin- ton tournaments. I Don't know about that, but we did see almost ail of 4 the hockey garne and quite a bit of badminton. Things are bound to be better. IIM em orial Arena ; I BOWMANVI LLE I PUBLIC SKATI MG FR1., MAR. 171h 8-10 P.M. SATURDAY, NARCH 181h JUVENILE HOCKEY If 6th game is needed Bowmanville Juveniles ivili meet Alliston here. ADM1ISSION Aduits 75c- Children 35c SUNDAY, MARCH 19th FAMILY SKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. THURSDAY, NARCH 23rd BOWMANVILLE SKATING CLUB POP CARNI VAL AND DRGGNDALL 8:00 P.M. Admission 50e - 25e -~-oe Central Ontario Badminton Champions Snuffy's Beat Fuels Surplus Upset Cafe ln Town Basketbal Snuffy's Auto Body troun- dogs to victory witb an ei, ced Stephen Fuels 35-19 and point perf orm a n c e. "D Surplus Sales upset Corona- Woodlock addod seveWU tion Cafo 35-33 as the play- Glen Hodgson and John Fo offs got underway in Mens' 1er each added six. Town League Basketball, last Dan Seto was the nigh Tuesday night. top scorer with ten poir -Snuffy's, ponnant winners John Stainton scored balf in he eguarscedulewl dozen and Pote Boisey, B carry a 16 point bulge into Dianiond and Glenn Richai the second game of the total rappcd in four apiece. point series, having practically assured themselves of a berth in the finals. The winner of the other series wvas left ver fe n o much in doubt, aftor the Sal-er oo es, winners of only i game al a s ile baske. eclbBowling se asninipebskt.Cfecu In the opener, Stephen's Ollie Patfield's team to were ablo te score single bas- over first place this week kets in the first~ second and the resuit of wvinning bc final quarters, as Snuffy's game from Doris Hoîro3 buiit up an 18-5 haîf timne Richards, Sellers and Bici lead, wero outscored in the aIse took 2 points each. Hi third quarter and came back double went to Ollie Patfie strong te vin 35-19. Ken Kelly with nice games of 274 ai was tbe winner's big gun, 216 for a 490 total. Other2 scoring eight points while Joe games were roiiod by Hel Markie and Barry Cowling Dunn 254, Betty Richards2 each bad hait a dozen and and Audrey Bickeil 209. Gord Dudley anid Ted Rob- Team Standings son added five npiece. Team P Bill Nicholsavitch matcbed Patfield ..... Kelly's eigbt point effort, in Sellers a iosing cause.,svith Ted Dad- Bickeli l son chipping in with five. Bucknell The nightcap was si see-saw Gibson battle which saw Surplus Richards--_-_-_-- leading by a slim 18-17 mar- Lyle. gin at halt time, the Corona- tion in front 24-22 after theHory third quarter and the Sales Averages puliing out the slim victory Audrey Bickell -- _ 2 with a 13 point rally. Joyce Lyle-- - 2 Don Welsh led the under- Ena Etcher ------------_2 I. Clubs from Peterborough, Picton and Oshawa, as well as our local Badminton Club, competed here last weekend in the Central Ontario Badminton Tournament. Play commenced Friday night and upon compiction of the games late Saturday night, the winners were as follows, from lef t to right Jeanne Siemon, mixed doubles runner-up; Geo. Long, mixed doubles runner-up, men's singles runner-up, men's doubles champion; Ken Smith, men's singles, mixed doubles and men's doubles champion; Lii Beamîsh, ladies' singles and mixed doubles champion; Marg Baker, ladies' doubles champion; Maurice Charlton, ladies' doubles champion and singles runner-up;. Bill Kellar, men's doubles runner-up; Bob Gallagher, men's doubles runner-up; Colleen Hutchinson, ladies' doubles runner-up and Betty Lobb, ladies' doubles runner-up. No n-OHA Refs.Used Badminton Finals HeId oAs Shamrocks Bow 10 Here on Saturday Evening 1'ren ton F lyers 6-1 mshaastKén Smitb, a Kellar of Oshawa upset Gary (B) dot. Ownswortb P) y rneber o theBowmanville Tighe and Bill Burgess et the Ladies' doubles- Baker and On the scre-board Trenton engaged ta do the game, i- Club, was tbe big winner in host club and then came Charlton (P) dot. Keliar and Fhyers defcated Boxvmanville stead et regular officiais. the C.O.B.A. Championsbips, witbin a single point ot win- Lucas (O and B); Lobb and rShamnrocks 6-1, Monday night Even if it bad been a weil- beld bore last Friday and Sat- ning over Smith and Long in Hutchinson (B) dot. Eimsley [ in "lhe Air Force city te eut bandled gamo, the Shamrocks' urday. Smith captured the the finals. and Frank (P and B). f the locals lead in the best cf beet would be purely techni- triple crown- singles doub- The men's doubles produced Men's doubles- Smith and seven series te three gamnes cal. But when Trenton and les and mixed and Lii Beam- the most excitîng match Sat- Long (B) dot. Ross and Mar- te one. However, if the score Bowmanville fans alike are ish won tbe ladies singles and urday night, with most efthte kie (B); Keilar and Galla- stands it is a travesty cf jus-! dis.gusted- the neadens can partnered with Ken, as Osh- crowd puliing for the unden- gber (0 and Pic.) det. Hunt tice, a complote mockery oft wehl imagine just what type awa players took most et the dog Gailagher-Keilar duo te and Mustard (P). O.H.A. regulations. cf efficiating it was. bonours. Maurice Charlton pull an upset. Mixed Doubles- Smith and The referees handiing the At one stage tbe Shamirocks and Marg Baker defeated Atter dropplng the finst Beamish (B and O) def. Hon- game- Lionel Botley and Ed drew (?) three penalties in Bowmanvilie's Colleen Hut- game 15-10, the defending ry and Elmsley (P); Long and sMcCrimmon, we were tohd bY 46 seconds cf tbe second per. chinson and Betty Lobb te champs came roaring back te Slemon (B) def. Slemon and- Trenton people-are definitoly iod. In the third, Bowmanvilie capture the ladies doubles for win the second game easily Lebb (B). net O.H.A. officials. Wben players became se disgusted Peterborough. 15-2. Gallagher and Kellan inl askod te produce their cards, that they openly tried te get George Long was the run- led 14-8, Smith and Long Fnl they didn't bave any, and if the gate, resulting in a new non-up ta Smith in the sing- closed the gap ta 14-12, but Ladies' singles - BeamIsh O.H.A. crests were on their record ot three in haIt 'a min- les, and along witb Jeanne lest tbe service and Gallagher det. Charlton 11-4, 13-10. sweaters, tbey must bave been uto. Siemon reached the mixed bit the net with a smash that Men's singles- Smith del. Hwearing themi (the sweaters) A n iefv bmok doubles final. Long, another would bave ended it. How- Long 15-11, 15-12. inside eut.Aton iefvShmck Bowmanviile membor was even, given another chance Men's doubes- Long and *Referees are appoint e d tered isick lod amiltovestof- e-half of the men's doubles the titie-bolders tied It up ta Smith dot. Keilan and Galla- tbroughout the sbason by t? the ficial in stxck angoesfora winners. force a three point battie and gher, 10-15, 15-2, 17-14. OHA., and it is known in wthe offca n ebis fourt tp.In Bob Gallagber and Bill won 17-14. Ladies' doubles- Charlton Trenton that the Flyer's cap- wth e nhsfurhti.I Play in tbe tounnament re- and Baker dot. Lobb and Hut- tai Ov Gavliexsn th e third, Bob Marjerrison sulted as foliows: chinson, 15-2, 15-9. ti r Grvlews'injolted a Tronton player, Mort Semi - Finals Mi'xed doubles - Beamish faveur et hig Vern Goyer, be- Richards got the gate for Lais'ige- BaîbadSmith dot. Slemori and cause hoexwas too strict. ThechLO)dot.esley- (P);Ch aLng,1- 58 question is- how did Betley carging and Bob Abbott was(0 e.EmlyP)Chr Ln,1-,158 1ac ihPco, ansnonced as sittng th ae ton (P) dot. Ownsworth (P). Key: B - Bowmanville; P - - M î PidX er w it BePictn lanlentncFahUoEheLaeMen's singles- Smith (O) Peterborough ; Pic. - Picton; Cimmo eguepa eibeville Play. dot. Bill Burgess (B); LongÏO-Osbawa. _____ - It was sa bad that opposing Legion Bwi. players and people in the LF m u Ca R cr ýLegio o ing crowxd were caliing the penal-0 L ties and the rets were blow- a o s Ca a e Bate mae te bi moe ~iog the whistle. In the final the Legion Leagýue last Tues- openriodicthe hrksweae day night, trouncing Taylor oStniyridiugin th ret, a 7-0 te cîimb past Samis nt y engaged in a game calied .~>S i ln V o s t scond place, six hache et the one in tbe sin bin is a FOR leaders. The loss cropped rotten egg 1 oplldofa4ust oegave Vince Vanstone agreat SEICEL om ee a M sp r 'Samnis to vacate Iast place.. ovation in the thîrd perîod, Stirling Mess, the world's car te the model Stirling Mess Martyn beid first on the when the Flyens enjoyed a QIVE us best known international rac- will be racing. strength of a 5-2 win over two-man advantage for tbree .%Lin drvwl acinCn Terce iibeiitde Perfect. minutes, but couhdn't sco¶re. iagdfre filrtetienen h aewl elmtdt Kcith Yeo set the pace ,.itiiBowvmanville drew 16 minons2aafo the ewrcte tnckMos sponts-racing cars et the type a 762 triple. other high totals te Trenton's eight. CaptainpotafwmienrtofO- hcircetLeM sadS- going~~ t Eni Pefc 72,Ji Oiskdewamcon- ono. Ho wiii be driving a Le- bring. Among the cars com- GereEiiott 652, Pete Dob-' duet, but ho bad te try bard tus MK 19, known as a Monte peting June 24, will be two bins 646, Jim Barclay 636, andl before they gave it te him. A .S U R C aItesot a eso Canadian buiht machines de- TomyGrha ad tee Jue St. Pierre paced the ot the fast and bighly success- signed and constructed by Bill Neiligain bnth at 63'.l 'Flyers with a hat-trick, sing- Lf ~ Tl fui Formula i Lotus wbich Sadier et the Sadien Car Jim Barcliy took bigh triple le's&going to GravelleSt.CatFranes henours wits a big 306GravelleLFrais with another British car, the Cmaye t ahnns fiiowed bvithabitg316grneh.ewi and "Red" Bisson.MA356 Cooper bas dominated inter- Ont. These cars, poered by floc yElot2ô5,. ill!Phaying-coach Don MastersMA351 national nacing ton more than V-8 Corvette engines mounted amn 283, Yeo 265, 256, 241;lnotched the Shamrocks lone BOWMANVILLE a yoan. behind the driver and driv- Perfcet 256, 256: Dave Both-: taîîy on a breakaxvay.___________ s wiî ecmptn ing the rean wbeels, will b e well 219 and Bill Bates 237. _____________________ n plted byrBillCR dA ch ndn Team Standings KINSM against 29 othen weii-knownls Martyn Bates- - Sarnis - - Perfect Y eo -------- - --- T ay lor ---- -- ------ . -- Averages up te and IncIud M1arch 7, 1961 Namne P. Dobbins G. Elliott ______ E. Perfect __- K. Yeo ------ J. Martyn R. McKnig~ht S. Nelligan D. Taylor_______ R. Wright F. Sami1S ____ W. Bat es________ R. Stocker H. Bennett______ 'M. Yourth_______ T. Grahiarn-____ R. Perfect J. Geddes ____ R. Hayes R. Cale _____ I. Beaunrie______ V. Conriors-____ J. Barclay C. Anderson ___ R. Johinson J. Kniight___ I. Davies _______ Ptssports car drivers in the speC driver Grant Clanke et Geor- 52 TENX ISE tacular annuai race organ- getown, Ont. 45> ýDrivers Association. This yean r)0 the event is being sponsored 20 UPER fCAR B IGU by Phayers Cigarettes and wili 17 ho known as the Playen's 200. ling FIA ,M RH 2 The race will consist et two FRIDA , MARH 24beats each et 100. miles i MvV.iength and the winnens w l A 3.3303 228 share a total et $9,300 in pnize r 216 $ 7 50 in prizes EiE 909 The race is sbaplng up te ANA 20 ZIncluding ho Canada's fastest and most 203 colorful event. It wiil be theSRVC 203~'*- first te be run oven the 2.5 E IC 203 $1500 Sj~jj*j nowbaii (52 Nos.) m mille winding, cunvîng $250, 200' Z 000 race course at Mospont, 196 ~ ~ fffAtU nonth cf Onono, a course 195 $1,000.00 i-Lo Jackipot which was built tnom thead 195 vice et nacing drivers, indlu- 193 1~ od~I ding Moss, and onganizens in 191 191Fr or $200.0i Cash North Amenica and Europe. 190 The race has been gnanted 50 Tasly Easter Hams as ncgiinb h oî A. H. 17 9 moton sport governing body, 178 ~~D.. the Fedenatien Internationale' Free Boor PV ize de 'Astomobiîe in Paris. 1 175 i Belgium's Oliver Gende- 171 91 LEDU O G 1961 bien, a twe-time winner at The LondonJI 171 FORDRBOFORD Le Mans, France and Sebring. 5 o 169 FOREDGFORD 'Fla., and Peter Ryan et Mont 1 o 167 Trembant are expected te be Phone Bowm anville MA 3 liKINSMEN cempeting in the race. ORD Ryan bas ordered a similarl FU: API port Hope Golf & Country Club ANNOUNCING 1961 NON-RESIDENTS FEES JLL CLUB MEMBERSHIP $50.00 Including men, Women, Family Out-of-Town Membershlp ln Limited invite eariy applications 'PLY: SECRETARY, 98 BRAMLEY ST. SOUTH PORT HOPE, ONTARIO LIBERTY BOWL LTD., BASE UNE Featurlng AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phono MA 3-5663 Time Available for More League Bowling SAVE MONEY Now! WATCH FOR ROBSON MOTORS LTD. SERVICE SPECIALS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL (CLIP THIS COUPON) -COUPON BRAKE RE-LINING 1951-58 CHEV. OR PONTIAC REG. si LABOR 9.00 PARTS 21.00 LABO PART PECIAL 7.00 1$22.0 15.00 1959-61 CHEV. OR PONTIAC REG. SPECIAL )R 9.00 7.00 s25.00 'S 23.00 18.00 - ---- ---COUPON See Our Selection of Good Used Cars ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. McMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhali Cars - GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Line RA 5-2712 (BERT) JOHNSTON representing Life Insurance Company Scession St. E., Bowmanville 3-3675 Phone Oshawa RA 3-4681 j' THURSDAY, MA.R. IMt, 1~ ýight )OUg and 0ow- grht'à ints, Ifa Bob ards tok cas Doth oyd. kell iigh eld and 200 clen 218 'P I 1. -BrA Il PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAS, BOWMANVME, ONTAMO

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