IHURSDAY MAR. 23d, 1961TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO A5 TM p S PC> TOP ICS ITrenton Wins 4-2 BASKETBALL FINALS UNDERWAY 't a ik a It is the top against the bottam in the Men's Town League Basketball finals. Snuffy's Auto Body, league pen-, j fant winnens, lost anly ane game in the neguiar schedule, whiie their opponents - Surplus Sales, had oniy a singie The two-game total point series started Tuesday night, Bawmanviil e Sh amnocks 'a farce. with ee second tilt slated ta go this Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at'1 couldn't have picked a better, The 'Shamrocks drew nine the Fih School gym. Spectatars, we understand, are, night for a hockey game- St. minors, a fighting major ta, wclcome. Patrick's, but Trenton Globe-l Bob Marjennison and a mis- f t t t. j Trottens nefused ta ca-apenate. Terry Masters. Trenton had downing the locals 4-2 ta end 'canduct ta "Buck" Cawic and REAL FANS the best of seven series ail six minons and two majors. even. Each club won threer Le Grande drew anc for A tip of the hat ta the follawing local hockey fans, times with a single contest' fighting with Marjennisan thsreporter in his plans. caitle.do Bwmnvll ajo ol ietelcl t i. t i.t I JUNIOR BOWLERS DO WELL Shamrocks Seventeen tcams competcd in the Central Ontarioa Iér ato Recreation Commission Junior Bowling Tournament, held Tie Trenton Iey »oug Saturday i Peterborough. Each team wvas made up of five lnrHce boys and five girls 15 yeans aid and unden. Trenton R.C.A.F. Globe- MnrHce Trotter staved off elimina- A speciai meeting was held Bowmanville's entry did very well, ending Up second tio)n in their best of seven, last Monday evening ta set- ta Peterborough Duffis club, and except for a sub-pan third senies here last Wednesdav' tle ail protests fihed during gamne, the locals might have won it. night, when the visitons and the Minor Hockey Playoff Denis Wesslis wn th hightripl for BowmanvilieBomnile Shamrocks bat- schedulc. Listed below arc the Dense essllswonthehig trpleforBowanvlletled ta a 3-3 tic. The Sham- results of these protcsts: and xvas third in the girls' singles. Other local bowlens who rocks hold a 3-2 edge in gamn- Hawks vs Leafs the Hawks tlid well were Helen Vanstone and Mike Charles, bath third es, and with the tie, need ana- werc awanded the gaine; Can- in the triples of each division. ther tic Friday night ini Tren- adians vs Wings the gamne In regular league bowling, iast week, John Rundle set ton ta take the series. stands as played; Rangers vs a tenae lagu rcor whn h role gaes f 33, 10 The Globe-Trotters appear- Leafs the gaine stands as a tenae lagu reordwhe h roiedgams o 33, 30 d ta be on their way ta even- played; Flyens vs Braves the and 274 for an excellent 917 triple. ing the set as they skated ta gaine stands as piayed; Lions t t t t t a 3-1 Iead in the first haîf of vs Cubs the Lions were aw- the opening peniod. Goalie anded the gamne; Onphans vs JUVENILES IN FINALS Vince Vanstane had different CornEts the Orphans were BowanvlleJuvniis wilmee ciherLeaingondeas howcver, turnnng in a awanded the gamne; Orphans BowanvlleJuvnils wllmee eiherLeaingongreat puck-stopping exhibi- vs Raiders the gamne stands on Thorold in the Ontario Minor "A" finals. Thorold wvon tion ta hold the visitons off as playcd. the first gaine 6-3 Satunday and the two teams meet this the score-sheet for the ne- A panel of impartial judgcs Satunday in Leamington, in the netunn match of the total maining 59 minutes and 33 was used ta settle the above goal series. Ta keep in shape, the Juveniies are piaying seconds. protests. Bissan vas alone in front Minor Hockey Night Maniboros (the team that was here befone) at the Memonial the rigging after only 49 sec- T he Recreation Depart- Anena, Saturday nîght. ta wack Clarke's pass into - After watching the gamne in Ailiston last week, it's fiat1 ands of play. Jim Olinski bard ta sec where the Hornets get their nough tactics from. knotted the count 55 seconds M O Nf E Y Notal - utsevra ofth hoe-ow fas re ealy utlatr nI partially screened Notail- bt sveri o th hoe-twn ansareneaiy utdrivé> fromn the blue line, with fan blood. Bob Majernison and "Archie" AVAILABLE FOR The Bowmanville players wvcre warned ta be carefuIlCrossey drawiug assists. Tren-G Ini the third period, but Alliston didn't came close ta drawing, ton. quickly went in front MO T1A a pnaty a thy hoedanunkow ailty o la godagain as Le Grande haDppd in fiO T A E a pnalyas heyshwedanunkownablit taply god u nmolested ta cash-in St. hockey. It xvas a surprise - but a weicome anc ta the Pierre's canner pass-aut.EA H Juveniies, who cani't afford injuries naxv. The next manker was a BALP*VAONE t t t t t heant-breaker as Vanstone! ORON STLL I I st track of the nolling puck' Barrister and Solicitor ORN T Na nd Clarke tapped it aven the 10Kn t . Ohw Lakefield took their best of seven senies with Orona goal-line. 10Kn t . Ohw The locals stormed ta the RA 8-6246 Orphans four games ta two, winning four straight after thelattack in the second, nesult- dlefending Intermediate "C" Chathpion Orphafis had won ing in a goal by "Buck" Cowle first two. fnom Lloyd Hamilton and ~- Orono won a protest that Lakefieid hadn't dressedDo Matrat15.TeT' enaugh home-brew players and won. Now the series has1GoeTterhcmd ow L TSK manville in their own end forL t 'T l k reverted ta two wins apiece, the last twa Lakeficld victories 'most of the remainden, with i being throxvn out. Given another chance - iet's hope the Vanstone saving the day. Orono boys can came through. Mort Richards banged Ini r Bob Mari ernison's pass-out i a mid-way thnough the third ta r fonce overtime. The Sham- Don'1 Use The rocks cud' e nrce Goodyear Bowling dvantage for a minute and rnCa a half, whil Trantomi::sd! 1 as8inl mm followcd tuityas the locals Iccsioai the econ schdul it ppeas iwcre short-handcd for fourl ly run acrossî theseon sccdleit ppar by Bihl Holroyd-758 Fane- minutes later on. Vanstone1 a m otoar is t thtnothing wilh stop the welh Blackburn- 688 ' Jack made a great gloved save with1d r iv i ng a Y, Combines in their bld ta end 1 Geddes- 659, Walter Goode seodsrmannf high-compres- *. -.r. up first. The Combines gavel-646, Fred Smith-642 andi ________8________ Up their first points in fouriAlton Richards-625. r car who 10& weeks, whîle dawning the1 Bihl Holrayd took high sin-:msaken1y ࣠Office 5-3. The runner-up 1rie e g e tiksh s .embb Tigers gained ground on the gle honours with a nice 324, sIavLe gu inks hey sn ls x stregthof a7-O bhaninggamne, other high scores go- nnvsngesc- ovrer thof a7-Beltbtai ing ta "Jake" Brown- 315, B pensive standard gasoline. ovrth a Blsbttri'32 auie owy-27, B w ing Net enly Is there ne sav- the leaders by 16 points. 0:MuieCna-27 The Braves, nioving inta Murray Grant-263, Phillip I ing In per-mileage costs In high gear, defeated the Beits Vowles-254, Farewell Black-' Bromeilimavcd into a sec- this practice, but real harm burn252,249 AlfRande ond place tic but xvcrc un- can result 'te valves and 5-2, taking aven third positionbu-2 24 ;Al and Ate ic bic ta gain much ground af- pistens I~f t lu eentinued fer with the Belts slipping ta 244. ter d4-3 ing th eiedBi-glog fourth. The Cornets cdged the Etcer defeaing t ge - xedingwlong Machine Shop 4-3 ta tic the Vyvien Rogers came up ing League, Fniday night. When standard gasalineI Belts, whihe the Lead Press with a top effort ta pace the, Runner-up Sleep was upset is used lu a high-compres- upset the Braiders 7-O ta ladies with a 678 triple and 7-O by Hilda Brock. The win 1 sion engine, the explosion break out of the cellar with 285 single. Carole Gould was movcd Brock out of the ccl- of gasoline at the head of the lasers taking aven. right in step, rolling up a 650 Ian, with Mohun taking aven, the piston, which should In the ladies' league, the total, inciuding games of 253 after Iosing 5-2 ta Palmer. occur ut the precise moment Petunias stnetched their icad and 215. Other 200 games Yeo maved ta within a' the piston reaches the peak ta il points on a 5-2 win aven werc bowied by Marg Os- single point of second, on thei of its upxvard movement, the Daisies. borne-203, 200; Brenda Oke strength of a 5-2 win aven takes place prematureiy. "Jake" Brown turned in a -203 and Peggy Frank- Castlc and Spicer dcfcatcdý terrific 820 triple- highcst of 200. Bnock 5-2. When- this happens,- the HOOPER'S jWLLERY and GifT SHOP ~KIG S T. E. 3 -5747 Average leader Onie Etcher turncd in a tremendous ef- fort, roiling games af 350,' 259, and 208 for an 817 triple, ta swcep alI the honours.! Hilda Brack was only mune pins off the single pace wvith a 341, other big games going1 ta Elton Brock-318 (mens', high single), Mary Nowlan-, 290, Pat Yeo-283, 274, 209; "Duke" Brunt-273, 254: Jim r Castle-258, Howard Brom- eii-254, 243: Glen Hodgson' -253, Lotu Welsh-- 250, 21.2;i Arnold Seep- 249, 204; Helen Parl:-242 and Glen Fry--240, 20(7 and 205. Pat Yeo's 766 total took mens' high triple honouns,. followed by "Duke" Brunt- 701, Hilda Brock- 693, How-, ard Bromeli -691, Elton. Brok- 676, Glen Fry- 659, Arnold Sleep- 647, Frauk, Mohun- 628, Jîm Caste- 628, Vi O'Rourke-- 624, Art Spicer--- 612, Jim Cox- 603, Lau Welsh- 601 and Glen Hedgson- 600. Teams Standing W L Pts. Etcher 22 Il 52 Bromel-.- 19 14 44, Sleep 19 14 44 Yeo ___ 18 15 43 Palmner - 17 16 40 Spîcer-. 16 17 37 E. Brock ...15 18 34 H. Brock 14 19 32 Castle -- 13 20 31. 'Mohun------- 12 21 28 Averages Onie Etcher ___ 33 226 'Elton Brock 33 221 Hilda Brock - 33 212 Art Spicer 30 211 Frank Mahun - 33 21t) Hap Palmer ---- 27 210 Howard Bromeli 33 207 Norm O'Rourke- 33 203 Glen Fr3'--...- 33 201 Matt Harrison - 33 200 Joe Noxvhan --------- 33 200 Ladies' High Singe- Onie Etcher 350. Men's High Single- Elton Brock 318. Ladies' High Triple- Onie lEtcher 81-s. IMen's Higli Triple- Pat IYeo 766. piston has stili a short distance to travel upward. For this interval, the ex- panding heat front the gasoline explosion ls drlv- Ing It downward. The engine is literaily m-orking against itself. The result is loss of energy from the momentum of the crankshaft moving AGAINST the very source of power that should be dniving it. This puts the mechanical parts involvcd under severe strain. When this happens, the engine "Ipings"' or "knocks" with every stroke of the pistons, Excessive amounts of carboa remainlng ini the combustion chamber can aiso cause this "pre-Igniition" probiem, though this cause can usually bie eliinated by adding top lubricant to your fuel. High-test gasoline. which contains tetraethyl Iead as an antiknock agent. Is manu- factured ta withstand the greater cylinder compres- sion of today's high pow- ercd engines. While it is more expensive ta buy, the greater energy resulting fram it largely offsets the increased cost. Red Cross Bliz DION.# MARCH 27 7 to 8 p.m. President. Robson Nolors Lid. 166 King St. E. Phones: MA 3-3321 Oshawa RA 5-2712 Wasn 't imrocks- back with thrce in seven min- utes ta iead 3-1 at the end ai ethe second. Lewis opcned the powcr- play scaning ut thc 5:25 mark just as Tenny Masters return- cd from a tripping sentence. Ray Preston wvas off when Bîsson and St. Pierre scored. Mort Richards put Bowman- ville back in the running carly in the third on a play with Bob Manjenrisan and Dan Masters. The Shamrocks were short- handcd again, Prestan off for interference, when MacDon- ald nctted the insurance mark- er ut 8:35. ri k(ev*eýws ýgIas Rigg ment's Tenth Annual Minor 1Hockey Night will be hield at -Memorial Arena next Wed- nesday, March 29th, starting, time is 6:30 p.m. The first game of the even- in., will be for the Atom Championship with the Bar- ons and Indians playing off. The second game scheduled 3to start at appraximately 7:301 will be for the Pee Weel Championship. The Rangers xviii play the winner of a! special playoff game betweený the Canadians and Hawks. The Bantamn Champianship' game is scheduied to start at! approximately 8:30 p.m. bet-J ween the Lions and Flyers.: The Lions Midget-Juvenilei Chamnpionship game will close' off the evenings proceedings starting at 9:30 p.m. The Mar-, oons wil play the winner of 1 a special playoff game blet-' ween the Raiders and Gener-! ais. As a speciai feature of the evening we hope ta have a few members of the Bowrnan- ville Skating Club perform between games for your add- ed enjoyment. Ali crests and trophies will be presented to, the various winners at the conclusion of each game. These games will bring to a close the 1960-61 Minor Hockey season here in Bow- manville. Admission prices for Minor Hockey Night wili be Aduitsi 50c and Chiidren 25c. Let's have a goad turnout to sup- port the boys who are taking part in Minor Hockey Night. Remember- Minor Hockey is a family affair - Don't send your boy to the Arena take him. Mut Serles The Mug Series is designed for ail teams who do flot make a spot in Minor Hockey Night. The winners of the Elimina- tion Tournament in each lea- gue will be presented with a '*Mug" Lîsted below 15 the sched- ule for the Mug Series: Game No. 1- March 2Oth, 5:00 p.m., Rams vs Bisons (Rams won 3-0). Game No. 2- March 21st,, 6:00 p.m., Hornets vs Bomb- r ers. Game No. 3- Mareh 22nd, 5:00 p.m., Giants vs Rams. 6:00 p.m., Canidians vs Hawks (special playoff). Game No. 4- March 25th, 7:00 a.m., Bruins vs Bears. Game No. 5-7.45 a.m., Tee Pees vs Braves. Game No. 6- 8:35 a.m., Cubs vs Huskies. Game No. 7-9:20 a.m. Leafs vs Wings. 10:20 a.m., Raiders vs Generals (special playoff). Gaine No. 8- March 27th, 5:00 p.m., Winner game No., 4 vs Canadians or Hawks. Game No. 9- March 27,, Mats Win 1 Goodyearr Puck Titie 1The 'Mats came from be- hind a 4-3 third period def-, icit ta defeat the Office 8-5, Sunday afternoon at the Men-J anial Arena. Thie win gave the Mats the bcst of five final series ln three straight games, and the Local 189 Trophy, emiblcmatic of the Goodyear Leari£ue Championshir,. After a scoreless first per-' iod "Chuck" Kilpatrick put, the winners in front early in: the second. Brian Hughes notched a pair, 59 seconds' apart, at the mid-way mark ta make it 3-0, but the Of-' fice came roaring back late in the period on goals by Bob, Fairey and Bob Sheridan. Fairey put the Office ron even terms at 1:18 of the final stanza and when Howard, Quinnîey scored at 3:01 an up- set seemed possible. "Barney' Woodward knotted the caunt and Kilpatnick sent the Mats in front 5-4 at the 19:11 mark. The Office got a tough break, five minutes la;ter xwhen Nel-, Playground Supervisors seven weck period beginning The Bowmanviile Recrea-iJuly 3rd. tion Depantment requl r e s 1 All successful applicants p~ronnl t ac asplagrond ill be required ta attend a pýronnI t ac asplagrond layrond Leaders Tnaining supervisors on the Bowman- Course, starting June 23rd ta ville Playgrounds this caM- June 29th. ing summen. Application forms wiil be The wage scale will runavailable fiext xveek at -the $ý18 ta $30 per week accord- I Recreation Office in the Lions ing ta the qualifications and Centre and at the Towvn experience of the applicant. Clerk's Office in the Towvn Employment wili be for a Hall. 6:00 p.m. Winner game no. 5' cert and the Broombail final vs Pirates. will be Aduits 50c and Child- Games te Be Scheduled ren 25c. When Timne Permîts Final Playoft Standings Game No. 10- Bantanî The two top tcams in each Winner game fia. 6 vs Tigers.ý league wili playaff for the Game No. il- Mid.-jruv r league Championship on Min- Orphans vs Cornets. j or Hockey Night, Wedncsday, Game No. 12- Atom. -Win. March 29th. nrie game no. 2 vs winner Atorn League game fia. 3. W L T Pts.I Game No. 13- Pce Wee. Indians 4 0 2 10 Winner game fia. 7 vs winner Barans . 4 1 1 9 game no. 8. IGiants ...4 1 1 9 Game No. 14- Bantam'Hornets 2 2 1 5 Winner game no. 9 vs winniu.Rams 1 4 1 3 game no. 10. B3ombers --1 4 1 3~ Game No. 15- Mid.-Juv. r Bisons ---- -i1 4 i 3 Winner game fia, il vs Raid- IPec lVee League cers or Generals. 1 ~ LTPs AI] Mug Senies games wili Rangers- 4 1 1 9 be two twenty minute per- Canadians - 3 2 1 7, iods with the iast two min- ak 2 2 3 7 utes of the game stop time. If-Leaws 2 2 32 6 gaesar ie a heen f'IBruis 2 2 2 6, negulation time sudden death!Wings 2 2 1 5 overtime will be played. Thc' Bears ------ 1 5 0 2 first team ta score a goal wins Bantam League the game. WV L T Pts. Girls Broombail Lions 6 1 0 12 The Girls Broombaîl final Flyers 5 2 0 10 game wili be played this Pirates 4 2 1 9 Thursday, March 23rd, as part Tigens 3 2 2 81 of the Bawmanville Skating Cubs 3 3 1 7 Club Pop Concert. The Roses Braves 3 4 0 6ý au~d Daisies will playoff foi- Huskies 1 5 1 3! the icague Championship, Tee Pees - O _0 6 i11! Don't fonget ta attend the Lions Midget-Juvenile League' iSkating Club's Pop Concer W L T Pts. this Thursday, March 23rd, at 'Maroons 4 0 2 10; Memoirial Arena. Forty young Raiders 4 3 0 8, people from Bowmanville Generals 3 .3 I1 anid District will be featured Orphans --- 2 4 1 in the cast for this show. WeirComets -------i 4 2 4. are also very fortunate in 1 Girls Broombaill baving a number of the Osh- W L T Pts., awa Skating Club meinbers Daîsies 2 O 2 6; t ake part in the Pop Concert. Roscs---- 1 2 1 3ý A dmission for thle Pop Con-1 Violet s - ------- 2 i1 v ir.»IXfà £41nri TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE GARBAGE usually pickcd up on GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 31sf will be picked up on THURSDAY, MARCH 301h iýffURSDAY. MAR. 23rd, 1961 PAMP. wrir. 5 T. K. STEWART, Works Supt. ji