PAGE TE%;~ KEDRON Mr. and MeIs. Georce P:d- Knsox and faînilv off Solirsa duck and Ronald. of 8 Os ha. vXere Sundas.'gsie'sts off Mr. were guestr Off Mri. a:'dN1rý. and MNrs. Grant Giover*. StanIe 'v 0gleard fail'.'- on Mr. and M.\rz. Harold Weri"v Fridav evening.oce Sundav dinner gtsests off Mr. antd M:'. Gcor-r' Scs esHa" hnx Were cailers ai the home csf a, Gr-eenba.nk Mr. and Mrg. EX.c:ett .\oujn'- JOv thisiv;erk. Mr. ansd Mrs. TsrnAdrs. and their t:ve tUx- bridge. and Mer. and M. Joi EE RiC LTrD. ~ COTACTING REPAIRS RRGERATION -ELECTRIÇ. MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE IV- RADIO -APPIlANCES jirz,- - 8 . 4 s' 4 4 CANADA M.ansd Ms s Beat Nikla- and famî]v ealled on several itr.end.z n the Kedron corn- inunitv. on SundaX' affrernoon. MViss aisn Moon ,vas a Xvpckend guest off Miss Yvonnîe H:eks. Under thce.spoiîsoiship ut thc Women's Au.xililary%, a spe- esal eX'ensng wâs lheld in thte LoXveî' Hall of Kedron United Church on Satu,-da%, ho honor toco s.otsg recentIv marriecl coupies. Mr. and Mrs. Wa *vne Norris and Mr. and Mes. Doug- las M%,cNall. A ver5' arntuing part off the progeam s.vas the staging off a moek xvedding iin '.hich Ms Jvan Henr ' played the part off .the bride. I rs Grant Glover the groom. Mes. Bill SnoX'.den, thc bridesmaid, Mes. Elmci Paî'ks the best mnan. Mi's. Ben Hitchens the ifinîster, Mrs. Lorue Tregusîina the father off the bride, and M'rs. Ro>s Lee playved the ,veciding music. Miss Eleanor CaIX'eri sang t\'.vo solos. "Glwv Bay" and "Mas.' Xou AlXvavs", acconi- panîed bv lies' sister. Miss Lincla Calvet't. Me. and I'Is. Noi'iis wvere presciîted seiti. a shep ped- table. a coffee table, a statis- less, steel flatxars',et. and an attractive table cents'epieee. Me. and Mes. MclNallyý receivcd[ a pair off end tab les acofffec JOIN A 4-H CLUB DURHAM COUNTY 4-H CLUBS ORGANIZATION WED., APRIL 5th at 1:30 in the TOWN HALL, ORONO Coi nucîtud 1be the Ontario Departrnent of Agriculture and the Durhani County 4-11 Club Leaders Association iin co-operation X tilhe1 local sponsoring organizations. Club mienîbers nust attendc rnonthly m-eetings in the project off their choice. O>PEN TO GIRLS AND BOYS OVER 12 ON JAN. 1, 1961, AND UNDER 21 YEARS 0F AGE ON DEC. 1, 1961 CALF CLUBS-Durhani Junior Dairy Calf Club, Durham Senior Dairv Caif Club, Beef Caif Club. Mlillbrook Mixed Calf Club, Hope Mixed Calf Club. The followinî clubs '.vill be organlzed proXided there are at least ten miembers a club. GRAIN CLUBS-South Durham Grain Club, North Durhiam Grain Club SHEEP CLUB-Durharn Sheep Clubi SWINE CLUB-Durhain Swine Club POTATO CLUB-Durhanm Potato Club TRACTOR M1AINTENANCE -Durhani Tractor Maintenance Club AUTOMVOTIVE & FARMN SAFETY CLUB- Durhamx Autoinotive & Farin Safety Club APPLE CLUB-Durhani Apple Club POULTRY CLUB-Durham Poultry Club The Poult ' \-, Sheep, milbrook Caîf, Hope Caif and Apple Clubs areXe orgassized. If you wvish to joi and h not donce so. additionai applications XXiii be accepted Coffl acttsusr local 4-1-1 Club Leader or the Oîîiario Depariniesît ut Agriiullure. 3 Ksng Street East. Bo\%iisîaîî s. sue. for fîrther inftormnation. President. .Agricultural Rep., Club Leaders Association D>urham County UON. %V. A. GOODFELLOW Ministrr of Agriculture, Province of Ontario 1-1l1 APPLICATION FORM rar'c prupncs' g oui- mailing list off 4-11 menibes foi' I161. Il' *siLI arc inticted iii onse of the above clubs ïmîd Is' u appliîd. please coinplete this forrn anti torw.ardi'drIo the Deparimient off Agriculture. Box 7:10. lins."niasislic 1. Wilich Of (lie abovr mentionied clubs would 3'ou lîke tn joinii i1961? 1 Nanie of P<arent--------- ! 1ui \h'sXXs (' 'ciXs' oti~s lsjis 5e' iiscec lt u ' t'eues s. e snotice uort he urgassîizat sois meetinig foi- 4-Il Clubs in î \oui:'arva.I ,abie and a centrepiece, Ladies off the W. A. serv- Pd a deiclous lunch off curra'î: 'oedand coffee. The con- venoîs for the eX'eniig w'ere Mrs. Lamne Teegunna. 1\11-z Elmer Parks and NIrs. Bell Hitchens. Kedron Public Schiool. Xvhjeh %vXas completed iii tmi-e for classes to begisi in September,' held an Open House on Frida'. night to mark its officiaI open-, 'n Z. For the occasion the sehool XX'as vei'X'attractiv 2 X%-sth baskets of ftlovvers. On hand to greet the gtsstz XXere the mem'bers off the East Whitbs. Board off Educatiosi, Ms'r. Robert Patte, .NMe. Howvard Farndaie, Me. Ber't Smith, 'Mr.ý Leonai'd Sînte. MIr. Vernon' Powvell, and the Secretar' Treasures'. Mr. H-aivev PascoC. There ,vas no formai opening' ceremon 'v, but, par'ents and guests X.ei'e sl'owXn aî' thc neXv school, and Xet'e given the opportunit. off making the acquaintance Off the teachers. Mr. Earl Burke, Nies. Ro: Robertson and Mss. Har'old Werr.v 1LunIch oas seI".'ed bs' tO Kedron Doubles' Club iin tOc ciassroom s.'.'hsch is not sîsed for classes thîs vear. The tab- les Xvere attractivelv decorat- ed in a St. Patrick's motif. ConX'enors for the tea soon' 'seee Mi's. Derek Barnett and :\rs. Douglas Love. assistcl b%-, Mes. Bill SuoXeden. NIes. Gi'an'., GIoX'eî and Mrs. ElImer Pai'ký. On Fs'ila v afternoon Atis'. Siuiclairs s' ooin at 2lx.'l Heiglhts Sehool heId an auctiosi sale at wshich SI1.80 seas ri'as- ed foi' thc Junior Red Cross. Mans' interestin. a ad X'arictl objects XXeie tuî'ned in for thp sale inclucling a set off dol] s dressed in costumes of X'a'sotu- lands. XXhich wXas set aside to be sent ho a children's 1osp3i- ta]. The chilciren trsed oii' theis' skill as auctioneers.!i Karen Kots.'nko being ehoscu as the most proffessionai. On Fridlas. e'ning ah :1t ReX'. Ronald Love Xviii hoIri anlother Leader'ship <s'uai i7i, elass for SLsndas.'School teacýi- ers at the churcn. TOc meeting X5.ilI close ah 8:15. besides a large number of 1 G ra d C ampon how an catt le. machineeX' and feed. Grand.anChampion Showmanwei Xere honored guests at a sur-, prise party, arranged by their relatives. and heid at Mr. and -k 1 NIrs. 'Tios. Wilsoli's ihome, Newcastle. the occasion beincr Mr. and Mrs, Casweil's 35SUs wedding anniversary. The hap- py couple were presented wsth a lovely chrome dinette suite. Mrs. Ralph Gerow has î'c- turned from a two veek-, vacation with ber son and daughter-in-laXv in Toronto. ~. Mr. and MIrs. Harold Caswel attended the anniversary par- ty heid for Mr. and Mrs. E. Casweil. Mrs. C. Raby spent Monday evening in Toronto. and David attended the Sports- mani Show in Toronto last Saturda\. atrona h X, A cieaning bee wvas hield church bv the ladies of the ; W. A. A short meeting. and refreshments. foilowed at the home off Mrs. Douglas Whit- ne. Church servisces were hield attendance. Bey. Mr. E. K. ~, ~ t~'- t'. oi'man was in charge. Sun- day sehool was lheld at Il ar. Las.'sece oasshs f' Nestieton, Ontario, a first year tudeit t the ith a fair attendance. Our Ontario A-î'icuiliui-ai Culese. Guelph, tvas declared the Grand Champion Show- next church service will be mail at tie î'c ut C oliee Ro\ ai. lie is showtlin the photo with the prize iScnday. April 2n)id. at 10 Yorksliir'c tuai lielpcc i hsm ýx n thiis coveted axvard. MAore than 4,000 people There w.ill also be a Commun- atteucit't this u'5ndn <"eut ai the Guelph Coliege. io Service. - Mir. and Ms's. C.Meil'. haci ci muer Suniîdv -vsith Me.i nu t nzbail S0p.U4e. labo1a,203-and Mes. C. Meneilley, Port Q uinte QCattIe ~ofoNew rrolect Hope. Have $244,081 1960 Receipis QiuiluieDi. su n'eBsus eris Ass 1iisijnil5'ss'C il. eoXX': bî'cd iî: a c ; i lî th- at thse assn.i,11 se s. far i suesl' Ilni bc'si- s C.l! t N r I i -i i bSu i : îîsil ;-ott', is-u771 1 îi ii7i.;,l lîît1esded foi' lasi ss.'cck) Ï~' . s The Group Conîî'nithee or ccsiicn..issuP1uîiî thie Scocuts anîd Cubs silet its4.977. DMiiýý1- 's. ithe (liuchO on Wedsiesdas' Hoitis 11)Ut *~ Ihi h i veningXwith ia gooci attecid- A.'-~is iî .i' .470î aîî'e ini spihe offthie stol"i" Sb octlsos 's S is: )n ir;5la iiigi. Thc Pesideît . M'tIi'. îc'tiiocss 9:W: :c. sr ,: _ýI Derck Barnett presided ovemAsi'i.192. stîi " 'i' thc meeting. Oseedi'. Setus h .s 5 55 s.s. Ta raise fun&d. <lie Coni-Hc'fti sî:rsi sts muithce XiI carry OcUI a Papeî' total off 4.0)19. Drive oui Saturdas.v. Apr-il IS5th. andîth iey ask ail iheir friciid' <ýîu' " <0 hto saxe thesu' îeXspapers ansd 'Tie a est'si" s'Si oid rîsagazines. 1*2 s ayu~î i1s ~istii Ilh-%vas cecidcd <o pur'elase Oîssile.ssitusr 5 a fiag foi'thc Sc'ocuts. aîîd 1 il in thue 5IwanlX ts -:ss't: i Har" Rose Xas asked ho sec., tai tcX esiIe 241.8t.sisi ex- if thue Mothiers' Attxiliaî'l eitiLc.2î 2 rnight provide teflicfag fo'!:s' osîu i 'e O' s <tie Cubs. Uîîtil i'ow. -flags sr.'sc slsic.' ] 2.121.s hiave beesi borroXved fi*osus cîIciSg 64,988 s . .111 -a CamnpSamac for ceremnsia eousisss:ois off te 11ili -: occasionus. asscl i 3,1,oto i eci' Therewil il be ain oversuilî l ii g e e.c.'. ss lîike foi'tise boys on Apsril 8th aind il was decsdcd <o a i d .- Pis. 1 ' vs lîold a speciai meeting of thhn gust.' w'f'tIi'. sal id .\lss ,Group Comnîithee on; Aprus colin t-cc of ssi (Iisîss.. 12<0 %viti a speaker. Io con-1 sider thec matter of obtainiîsg 'I le t\oties>'Csi iitet' os camping equiumeît so tlîat a 'flie 2.51h; B'nss.' -Pa.i- scms'xes' camp could be estaih- urcusgiîîg a dus u-' u i lit' C011u1- iished for' tOc Scouts ussd IIILsII î'Vli all oniMss cli 2ts Cubs. on Scusîîssd a i'iisssco 'iis' A Goisîg-Upcecremnyi sa~Rcsîssî id Lssvi sîfs sats si st si field al thc Tuesday evcuissg pris-uts' bapti smal si.'urs' if meeting off the 21st Scouts altlet'sicsi'eli foi' Ps r I. 1 îsîîsoî' .Kedeon Ciiurch, XXhen Bobbv Wiii.,oi. infiiati sn f Msi-.ssud Dale asîd Harvev Ward gradcî- âMm>. Petes' Wsli.suis. Psesst ated froin the Ctsb Pack aasîci si ls rie 'sss .'.sî' l-cs' wseie îeccis.ed i ito lhe Scouît AlvI . îSpesits-s- si I 1 lsîci Troop. Theicparenuts off tOe Wei-rs.' .Mrs.Xii s p5- ' boys w'cre pî'escnt. andc a spec- Mr. anid hIcs. l ix Stiisssrt iaî gttest al thec mee<iîg osf 0>iiwss.a i.. I l('Lsiicr District Scoutmast e r Fred Ssuîaî'.1N'Ic. J,Js'Larocsis-îs. i. Sicîrch. usnd Ms'. w'iiissns isîc'ti Ou1 Suinday affteî'îooîî a aîsd Cilici: e iilis ai mcci :ng off tle pianîîissg 'oii 7Mr, a-.las'i tîs. r. a n'ls rnittee foi' the progs'anî off al R' ci's si-i t"'ciii- ,AtIi-io-Ssal SkIiShops fr-V )' flisu .ss \s Mi-. Li. OsiuaXa Pt'esbyterx' \vas field Noble luis s' rt'id ii Kedroui United Cluurch. Mi' - Deux-k Bariet off Keds'on anucý suii~ i -t MI.'i. assu Mtrs. Clifford Navlor of Col- 'tIs. llars n .. -eil'lI tîmbus arc nieiiibct's offtheî ~~' isic" .s~t. E C~nssihhe.Planus w'e'e uuads"Kii..lsaîc is.:ci'i for' a Skil Sîop foi' appossît- -Jois I lis". '-ali ii:1l cd delegates oui April 8tiî. Iale, aIl of llu:sîsitcîsî. be fsield in <lie Oshaw.a area. Tliis past we.'ek Mi'. Cis- cite Xerryliîadthue î'nisfom-i BLACKSTOCK lue ho fail fi'oi-n a loft thrî'- tgol a chucte <o thi eniiClli \Nis'and l Iu' ,iii X flooî' belo\.'.Bs'bad luck, "etc 'sci.ilslji - n:us is theu'c Xas no hay<b'ckl- s.semc Wcuiicscks.' aIucgiis' fail. and lus hip beokei. uof 'Msr.antid M" .'s(S He takcuî ho OshîawvaGeî- îla,,, sii sic osscccs>:sI O f> B:Il'. eai I'ospital by ambculancec. foits :t!sc wh'îeréàe <c bî'cak '\\as >et XXitii a pun. ItXiii nucatua ' as.B'-i 5 'ti stay off about six\ s.eeks iiitise E. ( >sî îss's'.lss . liospital. Al l its masy freisds cd ,Ms'. uai 'ttc. C' iB. Xisli him a good recoX'ei'x. on Mosidue. N-Te. Jack Artîott off Ars. ic. Ris. 'tii-GO ici 3Mi-- vsa 'wvekensd visitos' off iiiýl5WI-i.(I:: .i > andMui'ts. Stausie v' Ogle.'Duri-ecri rs s'cIluii -its sug thle s.'cekcucî lie calles i s.!cieSu5i' 'M r. andc 'trs. Geos'gc Scot1 .1:.o isiMr,'- 'ii: .' i- offet' his conîgratulationîs on liîii s it's I sr- R i s)' Bs. u'ý4 the occasioni of <Oergolden, andcf hIrs. 1'", b- .ftj. ;is wecidiiig aîusiversar-. sIlle'. s-son 'i, Ou Tucsday eveisusssg !st1r. Ms'.uaiii Sis 'I Thanks a a We wish to thank ail our f riends and customers, attended the Annual "Showcase" last Friday night in the Town Hall, Bow- manville. We were more than pleased to welcome this prize is announced it will be published in this space. W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER MA 3-5497 i ' esuc . - 'FTo rol u. s.'.fs s Sil.i das.'-siptei-iLC - s' \: C' NI r. a ii i 1ih .1 i. W\\ s'." Kims il iici .Siîas.1:. H i ,i a.isc l ' %s. Oee 11. 5e.- 5' s 'tics. Crl htt1 Vsi' 1niu:L 't:c,.5'ci 51:.- 1 j u-. s.r atd ,S. s'W. i to_ Sa ardus.'. Casîsîi -l u ssic s.'s- 5 Caîgars., Pu':ue A 1,-)c- rl Brasiuai r: ' u- foi' tile Oaii oi Me. asud Me s. -L cola I auud bos.- .-;\'si M'.a' ii île A. Ma's-iantdts' ti-e. on tso.s 'tIi'.andil Mrs.o I ~ 'Mu'. anud tI> Jolis!R) "' and Mr. asnd 'trS. Ru-i shlaI .oiucd otlui' . i . 5 Oshuaw.a a-, tuie ucmne csf hI -- Paulinc esî:o. sabuosb Saturdias.v g four a ý1rrese parts.vIo Mrsi- hI'!1:(lic-Ir. pIe .vere presezutecl i .: a TV swivel chair. ilixd i. d sst5s.vere reported ,îtvi.c a1Bellevil. 'Mvure ]W31 Port Hope 12.1i79: J-v ~ IS isWn .1:toîte Iland 40:FeontenuiseNosth 357. and .\snher:t Island 16,5. I:\Pect 41,000 This Year Foril'-'isn e t' eut 0of tii2 :1l'population off bi'ccdiigý i- i Ilth cQui nte ci stIrictXXei'e !ssedti î~fie:ally I ast "car. D'.ý . ALf Sicean. t scasuier- iin- agvc ni tise Asociati hosu sIn isi'crd 4 <(100coXX'5ii t9111. aiid ài t s.s'i suggristecl tOut SI lle nex't decacle 60 pet' 1'('1i1 uf tise Qui'ntetattie popuI- l:toî ouI i Ie ei'isollerl. Tii5,, 1mîs -S'eù of 19 Pei' cent XXottld 'maui n i5)remsg on son-mein- lisbu: sse Ille seed foi' effi- CS hsiierch .if tues. .s.ei'e j '('isu iniiithecldair'vand beef bu, suc' DeeLeaii said the e1St' Off i co,'ess sesîeis hacdgroXXn froisi272 eos.s.'lu1959 ho i10,'278 n I1960. or appioximahely 25 Pe: s-eus of thse total business. Drisisldfus' f'ozc'sîsernr fîsssn<l ot ssf Ihlc provi'nsce a!ý an s>sse'csig s Icou Id re- PiriesscI this s. as' tle brecding off sspsioximatey,'1.900 )coXe. Ru-MsI Oshos'sî of NeXecas.- cf s.- t'llais'san off thc meet- !n. s.'uthi ansattesîdasîce off cou ~~ In 250,I 4-H ClubsELIZABETH VILLE ýin Du rh am fi..sholad hr Thc Dureham' Cotusts. 4-IH Misses Gloria Quasîtrili, Suz- Cluîb MSibers ar'e taksng o11 aune Thickson, Mar'ie anti the 4- -CItib Project that '.s'il Glesîda Mercer sanîg a quai'- be the fiî"t off itls type ini on- tette. and sve had a Teinper- taî'io. Thjis is the hormnation ance speaker Xvho spokie weil. off a 4-H Apple Clsub. On W%ýediiesdas.' s',e had our. The Apple Club vvill be os'- W. A. meetinîg. Ih was heid LIn1 .gaîsîzesl at a mîeeting at thse thc basement aînd we finisheri. farn off Harold Watson. Ba'.w- quiîting sos-e quilts svhich wevc nianv ilie. at 10:00 a.11.. On Sa.-ihad started on Tuesdav.' Msr' tî'a.Mur'ch 25tl. Thirhsren:Peacock acted as pe'esidenhi 4-H clcub menîbeis froni Dcsr-,Tue minutes were read and: bai Cotunt\- have alread ' vie- approved. A letter from Mes.. teî'erithc club asnd it ik cx- Gordoti was read and a thasik-' pected that there Xill be ad-iyou note feom Poweiis. Mesj ditional nicmbei'slfor the club ;Tbickson gave the chapters on at the orgasîizarion imeetinig. ýSt. John. Lunch was servedi The objcs off thse club are and plans mnade for the next] Io dcnionstî'ate the valise off meeting ini April. c'ood cultural practises iin the! On Tuesda\' eXening thc production off apples and ho.Hope Juînior Farmers held; locus attention ou these pro-,'iheir meeting ah Shir'ley Scott's duction costs. Attention wiil home. The policeman who ivas, be given ici the ps'ojech hoto speak on Saffety xvas unabie, marketing asnd rciated prob- to coi-e. lcms, such as storage, g'du. Mes. H. Thicksoiî spent Fi-: paclkag;ing. etc. At the saie day ah Me. and Mes. Ross1' tie the overai] 4-H Cltub ob- Synos.Btmre kep-s jective off developing leads's- the childeen syhile MeI. anti siiip asnd peovsicling trainiisg i11 Mi's. C. Vanbolis gol. settied. good citizeiîship for 4-H1 clubý- s'ueiibei's does applv 10 tliis I Club a1so I FINE! QI! &ITV Quinte Directors The îîembcr is'll pruneicah t)ostî' f <lie Quinîte Dis- leasi four trees in tOhelhomue - "tC::tte Bricdiiig Associa- or'ciard. Tiiev also svl co-; lionîî.ie s-l uthlir couliît.t' operate ss.ithîthe pareunts in, ns's': sss'-s are: H astigs - A liaîîithie sprav ps'ogeaîîîîîe kcep- Ms, Csssi.b. Bs'lleville. anîd Joiilui g enst records on au le-ast' (X -:rs., titit;Prsinee Ed- one acre c-os'osclîrd. Tise, w - IF ued Iltsbbs aînd Tom in jesbers shall, aitIte bcgiîî-1 hîus.- tsîans icvW'ri'v îîing off the pî'oject. designahe' ands MIrl hisHoîssi: Norîîîum- the acr'clie ou' stucis cuterinlg' hus-iasscl- As. hues' rPcthbcrick, iii tle club. Tluh -e nibeu's Xiii ('sspbit fcs.WallaceButtaî', shud-v and practice eecosîî- 1i , c- ii d n ug. anud Wi'n. îîîcded culttural practises for' \uu'.CoboLsrg: Fronîtenac - thec cîop and at h<ie Xarious: su' X'rcosîîalanusd FranklcLinîc- mreetings .ilI hav.e lîîstrtîcîiotî sais : Ls'isox-Aidsî'stoii - Ar- ors pruning, spraX'iig, miarket- i tisir 'tlcLatsgliliii. Bath, anti ing auîd otiies related topics. 1C lar'esietBaker.Npaîe._ For <Oe racliievemest cdavy haif biashci lots off apples off FARM S RVICE tOc membeu'sxw;ilexhibit w DL AD,(01,I) &i CRÎPPLED The basis or axeards iuntO F tM STOCK club wilI be as foiloXe>: 200 Reino'cd Fee of Charge poiîits fou' the exlîibit aitOc 1 Immiiediate '14-11r. Service Aelîievcmnîît Day,. 18<) poinuts Ask VIour Operator Fo r f'nmanagemuent, prcîuîsug -*Me- ZEnth 555 <ons. etc.. 20 poinîts fou' fi Z]Enth 6550 collection off roots. Icaves. Liu-uce No. 46-C-60 twjgs. etc.. siuoXisig insect asnd No ToIl Charge disease danuage. 200 points foi' Nick Ilcconi Peterborough fieldtitoes a nd liuîascial state-, - mnt.20 poinîts fou' questiosuc bascd on club 'Xoi'k. cltus'all pi'actiscs, etc., i00 o pints foi' îudging .w\oi'k iii udg-isîg van- ous varichies off appies, 100 poinîts for athendatice at mect- SThe (club is spouusou'ccl oi'. ]v I.'be <lue BnX'.inanXille Ki\v'l, sis Club. the Productin Se:- visce of tlhe Canada Dopai- meut off Agriculture an~d tOc Dtur'bas-nCousîtYs'Bu'aîîcloff <li' -Extension Bu'anch off tOc Onl- S--tario Depaettîient off AgricssI-ý --i turc. The club Icales's a' - Haeold Watson atnd Robcît ~-Caî'rutlîers off Bownianv'ilIc. whiie assistance ,vill be gis.'îs ici the programme by. Charlez Let a URO doBiekie, Canada Departnueni off the Pum ping !Môi-le Webster.Ext eilsioi Beanch, tOc Ontar'io Dcpart- 'SsIN(, 1 'I . . . RIJDCC. mntt off Agricultur'e. rgio.1 \hG AOiR . .. INCRF--AS- and A. O. DaîrYmple, Agri- I N. (*, DUROD'î O-, )~ cultur'al Represetîtat ive. Piisiîr-. i'-'ii'si frisr1anis dsiîy -________ ýup1isis fi '.i vatCýr w lure and wle lsy~ou need it ... inite om Zion (Hope Township)u . . )àrl .. .poîsîry yrd' tris(,, i..guidci . .. provides reserve Ss. " thi,; comsiiîsiit's soi ti:'e protection. ;' '.1-s etn-o <e asy-f" O 5S'c sia 1' sber or DURO laie Mi's Rober't. Harsîcss off ui or suit snsonuation about Morrish, XX'io passed aw.av oui tic t\i,'c of DC RO SlisàIow or Monda v. Feb. 27. at the Boxu' lJrs'j, \\ecd Pumo syou reed, or ians.iiîe H'ospital. : , or's' s'scier, "Runnint Water, S"riupathy is also extendeti the Farm Necesàity". tlue offt<elaieae Mr'.5 s'onu Rt oses wiiose funeraul. 'Port Hope. Fire on Fidav nîoruuisu 't'Iarcli 10. comipIetcIX' destî'ov. >'--? ___ d tOc old Oomcstead of Ms'.1 Ros' Best. situated " 4 - m 1e ./ I Xest off Zion ChtuicO. TOc' I h-Iouse was occupied by Me. and I Mes. DrcXv aîîd <Oe frive chul-i dren, also Mrs. D'esv's ageti parcsnts, MeI. and Mes. Udefl. TOe familY' ial'i'oXv' scaoccl Xvitli their lives and Xvcrc icfft pu'acticalis. destitute. SCXeral were taken î he<ichospital sufffering fronu >eveî'e frost bites anti other ;injuries. Ai J AC K B RO UG Hemergencvfund was openedi PLUMBING and HEATING XX'e sincereiy. trust that briglt-h e davs are in store for <0cmn. Division Street South Fnd also for Mr. Best \%,'oO MA ~5I3 BWMANILLEsufffered a great loss less than MA__-à-5615 ____________ a year ago when h; home barn was destroyed l- f. ire, To 1.1ONUMENTS AND MARKERS 4 l&c u Msd. VIW. 7RUL "f» of ps. if OF ST&FFORD ,imtfri 1 Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E. Vhitby Phone lVhitb! N1Ohawk 8-ô552 in their new home. Mr. and Westpori. as a sguest for the Mrs. Vanboli.; and famîilv have weekend. spent the last IXX o xs ekSXIs Oî t'dssochcda ul M r. and Me-I s. Svemons. 0 ussg t ia e fe ld a d qu it- Alisses Donna, Ru th ia ii cd two quilts for Mrs. H. Mul. Gweii Mereer. Tosronto.,spe:d*I rs. Shieppard. the weekend at hlomle. 'M,. About ien atiended due to the Ruth ýhad 'IiRon Pi-eX o*,.storiiiY est ir. RED CROSS4 MONDAY MARCH 27 7 -8 P.M. Picase hclî, 'our local lRedtCross Brinchl n continue their services to this area, Canada andl the %world. s" 15 ~ .5 4 î'y':~s~j.~ ~. *.. g c THE STORY 0F PEAK PROFIT PASTURE As'ro i re.silitroucil ertl:r il/ as.kes rs.blpsuîe i/1 lig d;lss s11,k i sdýs, -and cmitr.- basprudilstion %wcre c siretull,\ rccordeti andti LX .ilid ted. l'lie re n r lit io%\-tha t on fliac rscethe Xci n t 'rî'ss I>st"tucIor.î n i ii ttsirn ocit ".50 s;e j 1Z.00 uirn e"ted itertillz'er. Ysaî gr ' co t stîle Out clsL'rie, kccp rlsti u s i -useioliîgcr m..i tIi pprnîtrugeun rt1~.sin flere s-,,/hcTiwi- 1 s, Ls~ ciý.nu sms ~..lddîî îniurnîpfAiîOn"sii liss' Jiî 0 e-\u rOtf ss1 <Ur bii' ielîss u *n p th Pei rs < OOcr 1sr' oî îr. s ueuthl i '.c it sDollar i niý ent .sisnip i Cis. Lnii Vor io,ît i 1 urt,lnt 5, Onîit;sul. iA ER(0)LiR E5 ED -- El' FFI1C 1ENCY CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITE * '. el, Lsgd. Insuraiice means dee-d means Peace of Mi AIL CANVADA INSURANCE FE.DERATION en bahcit cf s7,ure shcn isi-'Sc-S ' ..np5755 Wi,sirng fat,. Aui.smo.ait and CsusslsÏ 1&uujncs. THUSDA, MR.23rd 9j 2. Nane numbering over 1,000, who capacity audience. When winner of $ 15,000.00 grand 91 King St. '. For the Hom.éowner. Today, Insurance is nicking it possible for more Canadian fami- lies than ever befor. to enjoy the security of home ownership. Without the protection of insurance cigainsi lire and other discutera, probably few of to- days new homes could ever have been stcuhed. Knowledge that a home and its contents arie adequately insured against sudden loas replaces worry with Peace of Mmnd. Last year, the companies wri<ing fire. auto. mobile and casualty in--,-e-nce paid out more than 500 Million Dollars in claims acrons Canada - real evidence that insurance in- i . d. A 711 E CANADI AN STATESMAN, BOMIA"MLE, ONTARIO