- * - - - - . -.. - . . . TIM CANAD"AYSTATLSMANBOWMM4VffL, OTAM! Irish Eyes are Smiing," whle ReliinfrT d yMn. Siemonan mly t1 dies' Night oft NWOV L EMs. Gilmer accompanied on i o fo o a Don Mills. Ldg nStra.pse.Fiwsuaios C ik n o s sil g igad M s Red W o .The spian o r. a ca-Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. p'ed Best wishes to M.ad Ms. O hrd y vnn h the rounds in aur school. ; Miss Anita Watts of Port ter's talk was "Farmn Safety." t C ~f0 alterLonio, Me.and MsJohrihomdacn otersr okyta gi e Miss Bertha Thornpson of Hope was a weekend visitor She has been one of over 5000 ggg 1Nf N fI Ill N'UU~Vaisted Mr. and Mr. W.ad- vihoe saatio. the Wihs(ene uir.Thougl Tornt ws n hevilae n it M. ndMrs. Arnold volunteerw\orkers in the Farm The Fine A rt of L JEtdel rono Sn r.Rday. werehststionSaTu a vn edn b w ol h 15aturday. Wade. Safety Campaign, and report- elOoSudywr hs nSa Miss Dianne Gilmer spent' Mn. and Mrs. Robert Wood 293 that last vear there were A lVeekly Talk lheants averflow with the milk' my comxnmandments."l John 14-' Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm'ing to a "house wmig. irtpiohylst-5a the weekend with Mns. Herb and daughter of Lindsay spent29 deaths, 3à6 permanent in-, By Rev. R. R. Nicholson 1 of human kindness. These are 15, and again He said: "He and family accompanied Mn.i On Thursday ametn ofhendfte3dpei. Gilmer ot Bownianville. Sunday with Miss Anne Nes- juries and a loss of aven five. Most people appreciate the the great servants of the race. that hath My commandments,ý an r.WltrRh TY.: Yelventon UnitedChurch i million dollars in pnoperty a power and beauty of love. I adkeehteh t~rnt un ie nSun-mmesad ffltsws Mr. and Mrs. Hanny Wadp bitt. arsî facdnsta av ee nw n esntatdoep t me. Jh 42. a.hldi hiCuc al ih MRA HSIA were weekend visitons withl A dance and presentation rmight oave iendent ed. hvedid flowh to beroedi ThoetLife." ofhenyD n ns14:C. Garnard ion 70hen, me nadWEKYRP T Mn ad rs elile oui- ashed nth Nwtn i Oe ft he bcaus ene mp- his is not snpisng ors onbyPrf.Gere dan comanedSg.an .chlne i atednc. ol'Fo0te eemenah 3 nana ofKinsto.KiongnittHal.atu -ayev-iene o hury;anoherimhStrJon;witeninhisFirt im-:'- Smthrevahsa hantovres0uinan andfamly ncilowng a pt-lck uppa 1pinlusve Mns Gorg Sapeto muIni inHnraf aur a Smpoiig sn omtigEite Blveltu o&~oinih, ave an God and' n an ail ns. db0tteeeigi h huc its ae eai turned home from ME monial newlyweds, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. without being sure it is safe. ane another: for love iS of! frhsfllwe.Kit ootfor the children. 1e.Gog icags6 Sunday. with a lazy-boy chair and a sponsible. We should plan for is born of Cod, and knoweth bowihhs eoeaadBrr n n Richadonkig e isttinpo-Mno ppains.....1 Weeknde vsitasis ihtMn' pariotlaMsr.Tey asorn-ssaetythikh wnkkad drve' odnde tatilvethnot.now-etclssietody, ad iscalld C.Garnrd ttened Hmpta'naeid sggesed or te Emngeny tratmets andMn. Cino~ non wrecelved a casserole and a fry safely-Always Be Caneful. eth flot God: for God is love. "The Gneatest Thing in the United Chunch Thank-OffeinMneshaeAmoont Vsingous3-4pm M~'r. and Mns. Kenneth .oy andpan fromthiSongGs o. Thnrîlcal asA imlearohg4e7.8 the What is love BrownwGodfProf.e ShoreWorlCo."TDr.roGeorge wAdaA ServiceIJounday 7and wened.teD. Georgponemthersivesitationndatre and 7 taon8:30ipm. Mrs. Bertha Dean of Toronto.! Mission Band Home Remedv." Duning h!Wa slv nGd rf Smith, bis biognapher, says of guests of Mn. and Mrs. M.' Mnr. and Mrs. Lew Hutchi-' Miso;adme ac 8social houn, Mrs. Henderson'W. N. Clarke has given us this hm Sm e aea c onjy son af Bowmanville spent 16, ih 6c!arn rs ntid her group served lunch, excellent definition in hi casional jounney into the thir- Sympathy is extended ta theý Eunday with Mn. and Mrs.' Fol]oin teMisin Mrs. Pearce was winner of the'"Outline o! Christian Theolo-tehcapro!FstCn-Sanonaiyadrltvs Gea. Ryan.Purpose and Lord's andlck nie Ms M sGo' dsret thians, but Dnummond was a in the passinar o! Mn. Herbertý Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred WOOd business portion was held pre-1moved a vote af thanks ta the' impant Himself and alI good mnwolvdteecntn- titno odya e- ta the bing, nd a assssly. His lange capacity for loy- oanal Hospital, Bowmanvile. attcndd the unera o! Mn'side aven v Presdent ~ne!hotess.them for his'owvn in spiritual nIokmdehmalvn Perrv Pye-Finch at Toronto Stacey and Secnetary Audrey elwhp igfksmaei aivn on Mondav. ýTeengs. Audrey nead a poem, felwhin agnet, and one who knew Mrs. D. F. Cameron o! Belle-,"atnPas" s h alt Y N Love is sometimes defined him said that when he enteredYE V TOI ville with Mrs. G. W. oe osi. An Easter hymn was as God's supreme goodwill, ta-. om i rsnesee on Saturcl-iv. o'osi. wards all people, good andý ta changre the atmosphere." 'sung, after which Jane read, Mn. and Mns. D. Delaney, bad. alike. NwJsshs odu a Mn. FloydSisniscn,' Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Skelding.the scripture. Jimmy Stacey Mrs. M. 'Yeo, Mn. and Mrs.1W nMsNavi oide Rv R .Ncosno hsc' mma ,dmedt rntveno insoa "busman'" an-d daughter Betty soent'and Billie McDonald held .A RsvaradKentWas ivng i.Cvn ColigeRe Wh iholsouse "Thushactove th n mengtsbo1reholday thi kn a ttesmnd- Sunday ihM.adMs snpuecrst.ho h vr aud iiosofMjnWasingintnWit er uH !T aous ilRges a a hsl!"Lv i la igavPuninaspoknorend' 't C"reSednI!Bakdifference in aur tran-71ation and Mrs. Larry Rosevear and. n a'riasosre rpt !t'k and that o! Uday, a boy from Lori Anne, Walkerton. 'band who was the President, a man o! vast gaodwill for ah' associated with service. Jesusi St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. Just ArnldWae asin' Afnica i u toy Teo! the United States, she bad'men. He wvas kind. tender-r said: "I am among you as ,e' can't get away from thase' ~r. Anold ade ~as i aur tory,"The Mn. and Mrs. A. Garson an intevewwtbaJournal- bearted, forgiving, gentle and'tbat servetb," Luke 22: 27,dm pis Y< 'iener for a few days at-' Fourth Train Stop." A POcm, were necent dinner guests of ist, and among other ques-' gnacious, and with a love thaý and in the Book of Acts 10:1 In connection with the park Mn. and Mrs. Bryan Noble'Gary VanLonden. "Bîrds are Echo Products, and Mrs. Sil- wene ber favorite books, and ýlionized bim, and some actual- about doing good." Doing (former director at large o!, of Scarborougrh were weckend singing, woods are ringing" verman, Rosedale. she answened: "People." SheIly tried ta get him ta run for good, serving others in lowly the Hog Producers' Onganiza- visitons with ber parents, Mn.! was sung, and a couple of!1Mn. and Mns. R. McLaugh- quoted the lines o! a sangthe office o! President o! the service, that is truly loving tion hailing from near Lind-1 an-i Mrs. Frank Ovens. Igames wene played before thellin and Debbie, Nestleton, about girls, wvbich non: UniteinSates.oreaaughed t people Mn. and Mrs. Jack Effiott' meeting closed with the Bene- visited berin say in Victoria hotthCftthounty) was taes H lugedatpeffe the Ms.Edth"Te hor. befa, helenthem, and said: "Don't bc The Apostle John is known elected ta represent this Zone! an ogtnDrob ted'diction. World Fiends maga- Murphy. tbe taîl: foolish, I'm js a cowboy, as tbe APOstle o! Love. "Dur- at the Zone meeting o! County: ed a birthdav party beld at zines were received. Mr. and Mns. Frank Wenry I don't give a rap; I lave them wbo bad a little bit o! success, ing bis last years, he lived in Directors in Uxbridge on theso!o rt.Hpeand s at- Newtonville W. 1. were Satunday evening din- ail." but one thing I will say, is the city of Epbesus. He hadlWednesday. Results o! necent'~ 1-ur1ay ofePMatchHmeeting o! te ner guests o! Miss Flonence And that wvas the woy, she ' that I neyer'hated anybody, grown aId and feeble and wos election promises no particu- url'y TeMac mein f hWerry. Hampton. said, she feît about people. non bave I even met a mon Iino longer able ta speak from Jan change in the Dolicy o! the Miss Vivian Beatty and Mn. Newtonville W. I. was beld on A family gathering was An Amenican writen bas didn't like." the pulpit o! the church where Ontario Hog Praducers. . Melville Mayhee o! Port Hope Wednesday afternoon at the, beîd Sunday in honour O! caînmented: "Wbat a fine anti We thiînk o! such men as the heworshipped. But they car- On Fniday evening eight wene Sunday visitons with Mn.i home o! Mrs. Fred Henderson, Mn. and Mrs. Horace Hall's is this-the art o! loving peo- iodveotunous and brave mis- ried him in every Sunday, and tables o! euchnie were plaved ....._....... * Iwith an attendance o! 22 32nd wedding anniversany at ple! To love thern os indivi-1sianary, David Livingstone, be sot there through the ser- in the Church Hall at a partyv 1 membens and 2 visitons. their home. duals and ta love them os aiývh,) laid down bis life in ice. At the end o! the ser- sponsorcd by the Family Club "Whctr~ Mrs. C. Brown, president. Congratulations ta Mr. John whole, ta love themn in gen-' Afnica, hecause he loved the vice the ministen rauld ask witb M. and Mrs. Jerry Bris-'Whi s 1 opened the meeting wit ol Maynard who celebroted bis eral and ta love themn in par-' peopfle o! that dark continethitasyjtawodate:o nd n.nd rsMuay jaining in the Institute Oe,1 Btb birtbday Wednesday. ticular, ta love thern for what with a great passion and was neople bv way o! benediction.!lcomati a'hssfr'Ms lnse omny aa r o ual aod' rt ole rs.ndM.ar ste- r. and Mrs. E. Holiphant te r n olv acl cica ot o Ms lnse *YOUR FRIENDLY PLUM8E ar's Prer, and .M. ary M they arewilling ta make any sacrificeHe wold r* slowly, andl ' withcasion.aiscovened drugs. Get prompt "ad gandauhteSDebi spee.!-ndraelvethe iny icewtheîe dthnocates, nersdecar an rndagte ebi fspt fwbat they are; not, for them. Isoy, "Little cbildren, love one ed were Mrs. Howard Malcolm -VESINDED- cc.tres. nad he mnuts,1orne Park, Mn. and Mns. ta love them because they are; John Wesley loved ail men onotber." oand Mr. Stewart Thompsan. medical attentio.Veoerursvienco- I S A FRIENDE TO VE financial report an~d cornes- Frank Colbory, Etobicoke, mode in the image o! God, I and declared "The world is my1 He olways said that. When -WHEN YO'ENNE! pndne iie Mrs.n r.Kr eauete r neesigiaih1 A speedy convalescence taý pounding your otrspecitos NEE! anenc. av th vsied n.an Mr. ar beaue beyar iterstng pais."one o! his friends asked him Mn. WeslyWih ois Mr. Ferguson g v h Colbany. 'and because tbey need lovinrf' Tbinik o! Sciler, the Ger-1why he always said the some crrn ly h iht e hon iter 5;jý 'P ~treasuren $22.25 wich berl Congratulations ta Mn. and -thi is anc of the chie! gifts monl poet, whase sympothy fan thing he repîied: "Because j cunty oita hear di- Newcastle group n aisedf M1rs. Waltcr Park Jr., on their0of Nature anrd a! grace"'. mankind \VOs sa broad, that there is nothin.g mare ta e tai fa te etovileCm 1unI20th xedding anniversary Thiene are litcrary souIs who'be said he could take up the said. If we love one anather, hding crdH ar tier s arin th is week. nevel in books. There are world in bis armis and kiss it. that is everything."' Belated congratulations to1 e îMr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and sinii icsta idter TeMn. and Mrs. W. J. MalcolmI SERVIC for the same purpose. Dona-M n Ms .Ram a-supeme cieigd ht fin theWanTn Art o! loving is a Chnis- Remember: wo clbae ah ten i tios wee givn Ma.I tnd aGnfr eunion Somt- dupers o! tbpuiense.there duty as vell os a preciaus "Lovi.ng ,wonds will cost us birthdays a.nd their 46th wed-i Cross, Cancer Society, and t' a yevening in honoun 'Of areege nci gltiaus ppar- ittleding anniversary on St. Pot- H j~~STR j afamly ecetl bunedaut a!ar phlonbroic ous whotunity, wbich we must aIl As along tbrough life we 90,, BOWMANvILLE The W.I. drecidl red cot or r cousin, Allan Giffin ci! j ave a genius for loving pea- earnestly cultivate. ýLet us, then, make others' Hcosway.Mlol :i)wdhs TheW.I.dingfordatr fr arinManitoit ba, b leHowardvea asioMafr:colrna rt hi gratawe apy-r bisLa the, Jack Haod Supply Ca. at aatpieyTeybavlapaeio fn Jsu tughttislret rt apy-pictures -inPort Penn t a__ the scbool on April l8th. Enniskillen Hall. humanity. Their chie! inter-'o! loving ta bis disciples. He I o oetetl hm- . . . . .. . . . . . . .___________ ___________________ Mrs FedHedeso, rap1Mn. and Mrs. James Park est is in__personality Thenr'said: "If you lave me, keep . leadr, caed oendMrs. W. r-1 iand boys, Mr. Howard Steel e, __ A&rowa fr, curentvns, thenar-Peterborough. spent the week- Erla Tester, Monian Butteyj BN -E IN 1announced that aur speacrPairk, Jr. and attended thej Davies and Ray Twist were' d d F elIf olIc A RE.E £9SoBURNER DEALER CsoïqLas nseour. j ,Mr. .25 wedding anniversarn Sundav uprcusso r, ORNO172Mrs. Lancaster finst asked1 celebration o! Mn. and Mrs. and v supperlackue rns o! M ___ 179 aIl ta join in singing "When Arthur Coverly, Bowman- !amily. DIr i __________________________________ ville, Saturdoy evening. n u l L d e ' N g tAO I1 ~ i xedd t Home and School r. nd Mns. Henry Stainton Despite the bad weathen, theý D E O A I GM. Hrbainsten Mr t1TeSno no g No. 66, I.O.O.F., was held an love and truth, if practiced inB WM VL E BR N H 0 ___phy and family visited Mn. won tbe pennont for the March llth in Trinity Sunday aur daily lives wiîî oct osMr n r.WlerMr a.TeSeirro gi CANADIAN CANCER O IT -i Mand Mrs. Wilfned Gillis, Mill- month. School. nubber tire fan the wheel a! SPrE C iA i. brook, Sunday. An invitation ta attend thel Noble Grand Harny Wade life. are holding a public etn Mn. A. V. Edwards, WeII- Hampton H. & S. meeting, in introduced head table guests: A vote of thanks was tender- BORERS________--- --S :and, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. Apnil wos occepted by auiriBnp. M. J. and Mns. Elliott, ed the speaker fan bis fine BORDRS\vin-----cott-.5 members. Mrs. McPhail andi Armand Hollingsworth, D.D addness by Bro. Wm. Begley. ROLLER COATER and 'Miss D. Taylor, Salem, wene charge o! arrangements. The'shahf, D.D.G.M. Glen Wa.nna- thanked the comniittee, Bras.WE.MAC H9 99C Es Saturday evening guests o! treasurer's report shoxved the1 maker, Dist. 41, Mrs. Wanna- Wm, Conden, L. B. Nichols, 80 i TRAY Complete --1-- - -- -Mn. and Mrs. A. Ganson and eucbre panty ta be quite a suc- 1 maker, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Les- Wm. Begley for arranging the8:0PM Sunday guests wene Mn. and cess and well attended by thej lie NichaIs, Bnp. Luther B. eve.ning, and expnessed oppre- in the ALTINT, 5-lb. bag, reg. $1.50 99C_____Mns. H. Mellin g and family, commun ity. 1 NichaIs. Vetenan members, 50 ciation for the attendance o! 1Guildwood Village, and Mn. Mrs. Sbacklcton's group took' years and aven, R. Gay, W.1 widows o! departed Bras. Mrs. REDYPATE and Mns. A. Hamilton. charge o! the meeting and the' Cawken, S. Morris, J. High- Arthur Youngmon prcsided at BRDERPST-- 4-d25col 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park, ententainment for the everiingr field were introduced. ithe piano for "0 Canada". . L IO N S CEN TRE, BEC1AE Mn. nd Ms. loydSkinenAs the first guest, Mrs. Shac-~ BODR -d po Mn. and Mrs. altednkiParkeo nrdue ieya A number a! vocal selections SPECIAL SPEAKER WILL BE: WALLPAPER REMOVER - - bottle 60C i Cecile, Douglas and Ralph, old Dougie Woodcack, occon- DilR OMeeesdme SyBac, . HVanO Bowens attended the 25th dianist. Aîthough Dougic's ac- Mrs . Ok Blettwre enjoed.. ( BS ) wedding celebration a! Mn. cordian was almost as big as eith r. Bi. was oa r.Edam- HAYDO iN A DiNR.sLE E H L We Also Carry ..*and Mns. Arthur Covenly, himself, he mostened it quite mopani vBoteL.o.f iha oIs tM.dna MaugiRos Bowmanville, Satunday even- well. Aften bis first two selec- mvdavt !tak o iii. n n r.Rs Mrs. Hoit is President of District 3 ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER PADS, all tYPes ing. tions he wvaq caled bockfo their contributions. Ashton and family. TREMCLAD, the rust paint for metal surfaces Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Giffin an encore. It ivas o pîcasureý The Toast ta the Ladies was Mr. Earl Thompson and Mn. Canadian Cancer Society, and member of DEFT Wood Finish ýand family, Enniskillen; Mn. ta sec this small boy performpropased by Bro. M. J. Elliott1 Donald Thompson, Bowman- th Exeso m itefrOnaoD DEFT Wood Finish '~~~Allan Griffin o! Danlingfond, in such a mannen. and responded ta by Mns. Elmo ville, at Mrs. W. Tbompson's. th Exeso Co itefrOtri D- FULL LINE 0F 1961 WALLPAPERS ýMon., wene Tuesdoy evening The ne-xt guests xvere Mns. Anderson. Mn. Jim Graham, Bowman- vion h bahdmu eprnc i KEM LIE 0F AINTSSPREDSATIN dinnen guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Avery ond Mcs. Twist whir e ilrmvd ville, called on bis parents, vso.Sehshdmc xeinei KN IEO ANSSRDW. Rabm. sn a duet entitled "Endear- a nk oth aie fMn. and Mrs. Leslie Gram voluntary service ad caial ok ALL TYPES 0F PAINT BRUSHES ing Young Cbarms" and "Cra-1 1aera!atdanksta the ladies o 1Trinity W. A. fan the deliciaus 91Mn.neand Mrs. Clayton Read-Q fd LEM ~dle Sang." Mns. Gladys Willisît înn n byPtnoogb ee ognzngdie nrtigatce o ~~~' ~~social time enjoyed. dyrcohn If you would like a career with a fine salary, good work- About 40 attended the pot- softer-easier to iron. Gone is the old washday« drudgery. Dry clothes any day.. lng conditions, pleasant co-workers, and excellent pro- Iuck upr a t henchupnr any weather for only about 2ý a normal Ioad. motion opportunities - get specialized Business Training. by the chunch improvement committee. Several plans for At the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE your training renavations on addition were No pr o e o w wil be concentrated on practical, job-getting, pay.. discussed. Ballots were given N w E e y n a w ralslng subJeets. ITou 'viii find expert teachers friendly out for voting on these plans.Gu r e et hi LoP ic considenate - eager to help you get ahead. Murray Twist was able ta aor e tt i o rc Even in this iob-scarce perlod - Grades of the Oshawa hcing a patient in Memorial Hospital fan sevenal days. Best Business Coilege are in demand. wishes for a speedy recaveny. Elght courses from which to choose. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, aASY eUD Coilege is open throughout entire year. gauests o! Mn. and Mrs. E. O011s hi! Start now - graduate lin the fall - when jobs are Mr~,. Don Welsh, K.A.S., O nIy gsbl more pientiful. Kemptville, was home for the91 Modern Eqnipment and Teachlng Methods. weekend. Mns. Ken Maynand enter- Ask about the new Student Loan Program. tained !iends at a showen last week for Miss Velma Davis, For Complet e Information Cal! Phone - Write or Visit - Obtain the latest literature wxhose manniag-e ta Mn. Doug- !as Walken tokes place this ACT NOIV S3 'tîîda v. Miss Kathy Twist was a (ànumr' as weekend visitor with her D jal RA 5-3375 cousins, Misses Koren and Linda Bell. Town. ZENITH 1700 (No toil charge) -Misses Barbara Bathgate,i ý 1 .. . . . à . , . . 1 . PAGE rWELV3 qqumIMAv %gale qmýj vdqm m