ment if your approval is the U.S. by the fourth, the given. A Dining Lounge Lic- review points out. ence would naturaily increase Further Reduction The O ro o N w sthe business for those holding "A drawing clown of stocks- T he O ro o N e w ssuch a licence, but we wouldin-trade is tantamount, of: flot be aiiowed to work there, course, ta new production be-, Ricars, oiorwhile other restaurants in theiing Iess than concurrent de- tArs. James E Rcad, Eio area would probably suffer ta mand; such a situation cannot' the extent that they would persist indefiniteiy but it is flot need extra help. altogether probable that some Mns. Clarence Duncan. Ot- Over ten tons of paper was ted Church. The Sacraxnent Although we have no vote,ifurthcr reduction in business! tawa, spent Saturday with collected. of the Lord's Supper will be econon otchse inventories may have to oc-, Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick. Mis. Geo. Crowther and observed at the regular ser- wieyoiusaf cro ahsdso h a-' Mr. itd Mrs. John Cook. Jamie. Newcastle. spent Sun-Ivice or worship. There will Representing a group of ifl der before generai repleni- Scrorh were weekend day with Mrs. Chas. WVood. !also be the reception of mem- terested Orono and District ment is resumed." guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Or-' Mr. Lyali Lowery. Mr. bers. tenirNvrhlsdsîecn ville Chatterton and family. Staniey Chapman attended - Margery Tyrreli. cern over mounting unem- Mr. Wallace Barra b a 1,!the Canservative Convention Donna Couvier. Iployrnent and declines in in- Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-:at Ottawva last week. ____dustrial production, the banik sdil Gimblett, Mr. and Mrs.. Miss Ann Samells and Mrs. points out that business ini Robt. Barrabali and family., Fay Adams attended the Hair- D~ - i bath coutties hias generally Maple Grave, visited Mr. and dressers Convention in Tor- iurnng Po n "fluctuated at a higlh level." Mrs. Luther Barrabali. onto last week. /II Many business indicators in Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaters, Mrs. In1E11 iowed, infct. -iittle Mns. Howard J. McComb of Wm. Reid and Mrs. Jimý Tan,- THE TEENAGERS $PEAK I conomies the r'ate of risc that marked Oshawa on their 50th wed-, blyn supplied at Orono Pub- Orotno, Ontario, -L 99. the reviexv adds. ding anniversary. Mrs. Mc-:lic School last week. March 20, 1961. ay e t For the future. there are Comb was the former Miss, Mr. Gea. Fuester, a former-TotheEdior tuand c.niitngidiaiosast Laura Edwards of Orona and Manager of the Canadian oteEircnfcigidcaosaso their marriage was in Orona.:Bank a!o Commerce in Orono, ca1 u otelFb 8 ua what might happen ta the , Der Si: Mntrel, Fb. 8- Trn-over-ali continental business Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bail and, has been transterred toa a' As a group off teenagers wve ing points in the economies ofclimat e, the B of M believei. ion John, Aylmer. spent the; branch in Lindsay. realize that we cannot mark both Canada and the U.S. 01 the ane hand, further weekend with hier mother . and Mis. Luther Barra-la ballot in the forthcoming May now be at hand and oneiimpravement o! Canadian and Mrs. Neil Porter. ýbail. Mr. and Mxs. Sîd. Barra-, vote in Clarke Twp. on March o! the major factors conceriu-IUS xot a edtr Mrs. Wm. McElroy. Peter- rbail visited -Mr. Jack Kiveli, 29, but we hope that aur point cd probably will be increased US .slcexpn sineeatnre borough. visîted Mr. and Mis. Saline on Wed. 15th. of view wili be carcîulîy con- spending by bath federal gov -iî outside North America. Wmn. Robinson. Mr. andl Mrs. O. M. G. Fa- sidcred by those who do enjay ernlments. Yet. on the otheî' hand, sur- Mrs. Carl Tennant lias been gan. Michael and Kaen the privilege off voting. We Sa says the Bank off Mont- veys ;of consumer buying in- iii at her home., Maîkham, spent Sundav with i1 have studied and discussed real's Business Review forj tentions in the U.S. 'appear ta Mr. Horace Best attcnded'Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper 1 the resuit of suc, a vote and February. just îssued, wicie indicate saine increase in a Council Executive Com- who returned home last week'ask that we may express aur covers the current business buying Of durables compared mitteman's Course in Peter- from spending several 1ek feelings through this letter ta picture on this continent. with intentions express e d borough last Saturday in con- , ith -Mr. Robert Cootner and you. The îcvîew says, 'Possibi',' carlier in the yeaî'." nectian xith Boy Scouting. family in Warren. Michigan. oal~', vudcnie n !tems oiiei~ Similarly, survcys off cap- The Orono Boy Scouts and, while Mis. R. Cooper was in Tobait . ve uggecos tatlerncfe i bt couitie itaxediuepan: Cub-s held a very successful the hospital. voting 'Ye-q' esgetta fune nbt orir nýia xeniuepasi it paper drive last Saturday. Next Sunclay al Orono Uni- by your vote you are bluc- the mronths ahiead wili pîrovp U.S. indicate onny a mioder- p..nting oui, future drinking ta be the actions already taken aie reduction in outlays for jUCS habits. Xour approval of or arnnouniced by the federal new, plant and equipmcut in SUCCESSdîinking in public eating pla- goverroments in raising their 1961. "In Canada, the officiai ces (if it is approved on Maîch outlays. Eeven more import. farecast of capital investinent To work until rny body is tired 9t) ilinuuaeasclant nmay be the stimulus there- is awaited with more thani And yet my soul remain ail fit'cd custom which wiil be accept- by given ta a revival of ex- usuL'l interest and if is haped1 To find some bitter and sorte sweet, cd later as the way off lire for penctîture on other fronts." tha& the strong tipturn in' Perliaps find ane victory. much defeat. many as they reach maturity. Another major influence oni' hou.i,îg starts iii the c'losiiugr To do nothing that cou]d mai' By accepting tîiîs custom of the reneral level of economnicr onlh 1s of last year wili con- A n ot er' h a p in e s -- n e a ut ai.p u b li c d rin k in g you ca o p lace aiîikt h ere an d in th e U .S .Iti n uL e .' Anohers hppnes - ea orfarfcmptation an aur door-step ji ieyta be found in chang- -- To touch a littie chilcl's hand andi can give us th~e incentîve ing business inventories, th And say so often "I uindcrstand". and tools foi, disrupting law banik says. A!ter the firsl BALANCE Pehp ti s e t apaes nd urder. As it, has been dif- i9uarteo! 1accu0,ltionrae oyfewsfýiligl P e l a s this is a ey t al suc ess ' ficult t a enforce legal age îq var tero f 19c 6u m ut ionrai ofe i M lig ; Pcrhaps hsia elscs' minimum regarding beer con ly diminishied, changing fa Otne of Ie arguments put io Frdsumrptian if will be even more' over-ali reduction in Canada ,fOrth iin favor o! a greater in- -Mario Forddifficuit ta enfarce age min- by tho- third quarter nd in 'flux o! immigrants was that, imuis cocerino î~ur co- -by increasing the population. pubm onenigliq con- it wvould provide a larger home sumpion n eaîng ~ ccientmarket for Canadian praducts -- - -places. A cd n and thus offset oui depenidence U 1 E DAs-8yaunig people wha will .. upon export trade for the sale be attending the ncw 1High teiè or. oui surpluses. That was Schooi, we ask that your veryStatisics quite logical, and if we had c A R Searnest consideration be given ý I ep .oi home market for aur- ta the danger element aiready y re t rr t selves ail might have been acutc on highway 115. Ap- \veii: but what happened?' We rai off drinking in publice Siecnuinsii xssîM'ae u home mar'ket al isnKUMo- Msuu- '60 uismoie iSm ofso tl xssiirae u places, which can oniy be according ta reports, over 1 right by împorting millions of 2-dor arctop rcached by automobile, in- cotaitrysaîtcsqoeinexv consurners, but al, the creases the hazard for those by twvo speakers at a recent' saine fume w'.e increased aur who wili have no choice in Chamber o! Commerce meet -Iiniport s off foreign products 1158 Mercury the matter of travelling ta in in Orona. and reduced aur exports. lo schoai by bus, as well as ta E. R. Woodyard, in pres.s' Oui- home market ils flooded SSedan ýthe many other activities cen- ing for a "yes" vote in thc with foreign-made goods o! al- I eigaround school if e. towvnship declared thiaf ac- nîost every description, except We feel that restriction cording ta statistics. liquo1r i wheat and otheî' faimn pro- 154 PlymoUth til, of necessity, be piaced dîning alauniges would flot ducts, %which are costing uis uousin the roatter o! s create adriving hazard.. more t produce, subsidizean Hartop'îr the tamiiy car for weck- stated that only 2l'% eo! dniv -store away than they are end activities. Parents, ap- ers involved in accidentsii wort'h for, sale. prehlensive undeî' the mast Ontario were faund ta be in- I Is it, any wonder fliat. we suitable conditions, wvll feel paired.1 have sçverai hiundred thousand 1 even more hesitant as they Gardon Cotter, on behalf off unemployed? If is nat owing realize the increased trafficl the "no" vote suggested t h at l u'lc !te"nwh hazard and the temptation sol the figure should have beeîi or the latest production equip- te close af hand in the resotaur- 45%, according ta other sur- ment that these foreign gaods ants we have prevîously en- vey:; which had been made. are pouring int0 aur home 'OEN9A M.-..BODY SHOP 9A.M.-6 P. joyed. Silice the meeting. the On- market and putting sa nianly Those of us Who depend taria Department off Trans- o! oui people out o! work. Oui upon summer holiday and port lias released statisties in- exparf.s consisf; chiefly of raw 8,1111 I111,1 LIVilweekend employment in local dicatîng that the 2½,% figure materials, whichi refuin to us resaurnt fei hatwewil gven by Mr, Woodyard was in manufactured goods àt hekav t l ha t! mîyrect. ll 1, - -irces with which aur factories ____________have___________chance__ofemploy-___correct. - caninot compete. 'N0 nation was ever ruined by trade," said Benjamin Franklin, But the w o ici trade" implies a reciprocal interchange o! goods or scr- N OPE LET ER THEvices on a fair competitive balance of trade rnay vaiy CITI ENS F CL RKEpermanent one-sideci trade is worse than no trade at all. No business can prosper or Pven carry on with a chronic debit TO W N S IP 1balance. It snay boîster ts working capital by boriowing frorn the banik, but the banks themnselves depend on a favor- able balance o! trade and the condition of foreign exchange. Thurc~The lopsided trade between HANDS Soft baby hands, like petals of a rose, Sa innocent and sweet, They have flot learned ta grasp for greed, Anrnv.,i ,Ç f tprs-c fnes. PAGE TEnflRE! Turn Down $110 Tender For OId Township Hall wI0 Ml a Dont4aée 4 DOMINION lI tribute Io the. thousands of grad oii shop at Dominion every week, your Dominion store manager has "mated"i ing variety of «grand couples" ... iem, together lîke lant and eggs! Someq xiatural combinations ini evMday fo listed li luis advertisement - and yc dozens mtore at the store I Shop ibis the se family favourites and mnake doub!E -at Dominion ... t he choîce cf "GrandC for over 40 years! Ipieswho frîendly an excit- as that go of these ,oclg, are ou'lII find week for le-aavings couples, 00 ft. Roil 37c 20 oz. Tit rd49C 2 lM. Loaf 95C 16 or. Jar 29c 20c OFF 6 oz. Jar 85C 2, 1961 2Z or. Pkg. 29c 'j oz. Pkg. 29c 3 oz. Pkg. 29C Pkg. of 3 29c Chili and Scervr SPECIAL Redeeni Your 10c Coupon Silver Ribbuni 48 oz. Tin Ifandi-Wrap - Clear Tomato Juice 2 for 49c Sandwich Wrap Fc Stoney Creek Choice HaI"es 28 oz. Tini Dessert Pears 4 forl1.00 TOMATOES 3 foi Swect. and Tender SPECIAL Real Value - iBro, Lynti Valley Standard 15 oz. Tin CHEESE PEAS Ungraded 8 for 1.00 Heat aund Serve Cordon Bleui - toc Off Peck 20 oz. Tii S L DO IE M EAT BALLS 2 for 69C Savings At Tm fPrhs ookliei StoeciiUn au thIIîi pri Nescafe Yor k 10 oz. Tin Instant Coffee BEANS with PORK 10c ____ ilGO-TOGETHER ITEMS I Richmello - lJnity Jat Peanut Butter R ic hucil lo BREAD Rich niello Salad Dressing lEaster Will Be Observed April Dairy Maid - Easter 16 oz. Jar CREAM EGGS 37c Dare'-, Panned 24ozc afMARSHMALLQ EGGS 16 oz. J'ar Dare's Easter 35c A.B. GUMS 11 10i/ i: Large Hcads Mloir's Crcam Filled or Head Lettuce 2 for 3 3c- MARSHMALLO EGGS Ontibte0 r ir afel - "4-ac yers I quered the %world with tiîat' Coftrbu'ner ,' .wy eRhm car." And it would scern ta toWothfll cues.effort an andWi11ingthey have. Ma1y o And flic Japanese have cci'- rnerners fnn ainly conquered the Conodiaîî ai-i fi an i a SUportRecently I was looking fora tf ounwo plhhie'Causs Mci U re active transistor radio and was shown me bs f h rjes . ca W resand Supporters , yt-oc e ardsetagor, We I $24-95. It was made in Japon. Weare not 1 was told if was their "best ft LLi1fg t u~t seller." Other sets were priced e~tWlj~~o examJned a small transistor set, lne t fa1ciiesW eiveh onhPo in Vancouver, it was priced at: it jsain the thit $79, plus a local sales tax. I: t0Wshvt e "es a turned it down and lateri One aay f bought a small battery set fori rnkn hs onhP(1 etrPlace. '$17, bearing thc naine "Woles."i Nee, Vec1escjaý 0 presumed if vas made in' y Britain. W'hen 1 had it re-' serius'befre yu g toWe Uge ou o tpairedi in Toronto. I 'vas fold vote.ift 'as made in Japan. The moral is obvious. The Germans and Japanese, covery froni the loss and suf- THIS PACEfeîing tney in the waî, CONTRIBUTED BY THE and we should not be jealousi ~PROGRESSIVE TAXPAYERS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIlP self ishness or spite on oui part if %v'e desire to defend oui in- iutis froin these forcigo in- vso! of uihomne -market. il Caldwell's SKINLESS WIENERS 21lb. pkg.75 C Burns S.P. Vac. - 1/2 COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 49c Florida No. 1 - Marsh Seedless - White GRA&PEFRUIT size 96's 10 for 39c Ontario No. i Buy 2, Get 1 FREE TABLE POTATOES 10 Ibs. 45c AUl nerchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited Values effective in Bowmanville until closing turne, is unconditionally guaranteed tu give Saturday, March 25th, 1961 100% satisfaction DOMINION STORES LIMITED i.... '1 I. TEIE CAIfADIAN STATESMAN, 3BOWMANV=LL. ONTARIO MONEY SAVING SPECIALS!C IUI>MDAY. MAR. 2ard. 1981 M*,,mai ul rnf l à * *O- uub.Clif! Pethick vais re-ap-1Sît.Councilior Carnish And henthebusyhand o!litte gilspoînted Warbie Fly Inspeto sked for a recorded vote, And hen th buy hnds f lttl gilsfor the township in 1961 atland the council voted as fol- Soft-fingered as they cut out paper dolis, tIhe meeting o! Darlington lows: Cauncillors Cornish and Or wind sweet wreathes of daisies, Municipal Counicil held in theiSmifh in favour af the ina- Aogtheit' golden curis. Township Hall, Hampton, last' tion, Reeve Garnet Rickard AmngThursday affernoon. Ail memn- and Councillor H. C. Muir bers o! the counicil wcre pre- against if. The motion was And sa t hrough yIcaî's ta dainty hands of youth. !sent at the meeting with the dcclarcd lost. Action regard- No lines, al] smoothness and set-ene,i exception o! Deputy-Reeve ing the tenders 'vas then And an the tapered finget' of a slim young hand. A. E. Blanchard., who is va- postponed until the next Themathin beutyo!a fawlss cwe'sgleam.. caionuig in Flanida. meeting af Dariington Town- The nathin beaty f aflawessjewl'sCouncillor Sidney Corniblh ship Council. ,secanded by Councilior H. C. A communication was l'e- On. oni. liiillctî lifc's race is run, Mluir. novcd that the cost af ceivcd from the Richîmond The hands of age show mtute îvaible fiy spiaying o! cattle Hill Municipal Council. It con. Trhe marks of til, and self Icss service true, Nwill be 25c a lîead for herds fained a copy af a resolufion 'rhesuet wtnes o thir urpse oni up ta and including 25, and passed by that council in fa- The ilet wrtnes o ther prpos doc. 20 cents per head for 25 and van o! the Provincial Legie- -a rjo'e u ngharn'up. Thisa was carried. The lature assuming responsibil: animais will be the samne as mary and secondary educa- 1 SEE GOD Ithe fiist spraying. Ilt was de- tin in Ontario. cided that the inspector's sal- The letter from the Richi- i Sec God ini a lttie Biu'd ,aiy ill be $1.25 per hour and mond Hill Council stated that Ashg tfis asntaword: 10 cents a mile, copies o! the resolution wene As hgh t ftcs sas nt aA roads By-Law ftheficni- being sent toalal municipal 1 Sce God ini the ct'cnig sunsef itial amnount o! $150,000 was counicils in the province, and As it falîs silcntiv iuît. the wvest. enacted, and the council alsa that it will -aiso be sent ta passed a By-Lawv ta authorize the Mayors and Reeves As- 1 Sec God a-, a child kneels in prayer, !the collection of dues for the saciation Convention for dis. luis Peace is with Lus and everywhere. Farmers Union on a voluntary cussion. On motion of Coun. 1 Sec God as a maun ueturns f ram work blasi3. the memnbers ta state cillai Smith. seconded b:f Tiî'ed- but tno dufv he would shirk; 'in writing if they want their Councillor Muir, the Rich- due-, collected by the town- mond Hill communication 1 Seco(iod iin o Mother, standing by. i. was filed for furthcr study. To corrifoul caurc, aund even dry an eyc. Four tenders wceeî'eceived 1 Sec God ini those wvho wvork sa faitlîfullyi for flic puichase anîd removal A child drinks in the oui- 'lO bin us Truth, anîd inform us happily ;of the old township hall. %vard world through the eyes Councillor Siduney Cornislî and rejoices in the draught.- i Seo' Gnd. no fiatiet xxhere I look! Ali, Fricucl! inovcd fhaf couricil accept the Mary Baker Eddy. Auîd Foc'lie brings Joy that knaws no end! tenider o! G. W. Chant, Hamp. Where childien arc not, foui of $1 10. This was second- heaven is not. - Algernon -Marion For ed by' Couicillor Fred G.Charles Swinburne. 1