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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1961, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CA!~ADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO TmYRSDAY, MAR. 23rd, --I BETHrNE-Eugene andi Barbara are happy ta an- nounce the bintb o! their son Lindsay George on March 15, 1961. A brother for Laurie Jean. Our thanks ta Dr. Sîcion and staff o! Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. 12-1 BONSTEEL-Rev. and Mrs.1 Bonsteel o! Bronte, Ont., an- nounce the arrivai o! a daugbt- en. Rev. Bonsteel was in1 charge o! the Manvers pastoral charge for several years. 12-if DADSON-Bill and Marion (nee Tink) are pleased ta an-- riaunce the arrivai o! their daugbter Jo-Anne Mary at Peterborough Civic Hospital on Monday, March 13, 1961.* A sister for John. 12-1j GIBSON-Cecil and Marie are vcny happy ta announce the safe arrivai of a daugbter, Grace Manie, on March 2lst, 1961, at Oshawa General Hos- * tal, a sister for Anne and kennetb. 12-i MOORCRAFT - Ronald andý Joan (nec Wonnacott) are happy ta annaunce the bintb o! a daughter Susan Elaine, March 3, 1961, at the Womens College Hospital, Toronto. 12-1 SISSON-Heather and Judy Lynne, daugbters o! Robert and Marion Sisson arc pleased ta announce the arrivai o! tbeir sister Launie Ann, on Mancb 17, 1961, at Civîc Ras- pital, Peterborough. 12-1 Deaths DOIDGE-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, March lgth, 1961, Lottie Pearl Horn, Hampton, aged 69 years, beloved wife of the late Non- man Doidge, dean sister of William, Mary <Mrs. Tom Wray), Minnie, Nonah and Edgar. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, ]Bowmanville, on Tuesday, March 2lst, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Hampton Cemet=. ROWE-At Bannes Nursing Home, Brampton, on Monday, Manch 2th, 1961, Fredcrick Rager Rowe, Newcastle, aged 77 yeans, beloved husband o! Vera Gilbank, dear father o! Ailin, Lois (Mrs. Scott Pal- lard), Keitl-, Howard and Hazel (TNIvs. Don Parker). Resting-àt the Morris Funerali PhapfiY Bowmanvilie. Service in 4'he Chapel on Thunsday, Varch 23rd, at 2 oclock. Cre- jiation Toronto Crematorium. 12-1 STAINTON - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, Manch 2th, 1961, Thomas Herbert Stainton, Hampton, in bis 79th year, be- loved busband o! Edith M. Creepen, dean father o! Eric, Leonard, Jini, Henry, Jean (Mrs. Ernest Carlson), Annie (Mrs. Clarence Englisb), Betty (Mns. Lindsay Scott) and Bob. Service was beld in the Mar- ris Funeral Chapel, Bawman- ville, on Wednesday, Marcb 22 at 2 o'clock. Intenment Bowmanville Cemetery. 12-1 12-1 Oshawa Monument Company' Speciallzlng lu MONUMENTS, MARKERS, MEMORIALS, CORNERS, STONES STATUARY 0F ALL TYPES CEMETERY LETTERINGS 1435 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-3111 - Evenlng RA 8-8876 6-5*ý GIRL'S bicycle. Phone MAIUSED 3-piece bath set witb 3-5990. 12-11fittings, $25. L. Rundie, MAý STRAW and bay. Phone New. DRY corn (on the cob), ap- castle 2196. 11-2* proximateîy 7 tons. Victor LIGRT blue fanmal, size 14,Rali,_1152 Onono. 12-1* like new. MA 3-2819. 1241*IÏHOME.-GRiOWN Red Clver 100 BUSHELS o! feed whea Seed and quantity o! bay. L. IPhone Oshawa RA 5-5056. *IJ. Wood. Phone MA 3-2001. 1, 500 BALES hay, 400 bales WATER for sale and delivered. straw. A. Ehasoo, R.R. 3, New- Cail Cli!! Pethick, CO 3-2131. castle, Ont. Clarke 24 n 14. 32-tf 21-1* QUANTITY o! baled hay. SPRING is Here-.Non-clogg- IPhone MA 3-3057, after 7 P.fl. ing flexible banrows, with steel 12 t! dnaw bans, 10, 15 and 20 foot TWO girl's suits, size 9, good sets; auto type steering wagons, condition. Phone MA 3-3400. 3 ta 5 tons, standard and 74- 12-1! inch track; two-wheeI heavy ENGLISH style carniage, gray, duty trailen, 7 x 12 platfonm, good condition. Phone MA $125; all metal shed, 26 x 15; 3-3740. 12-1 easily moved, $295; 6.70 x 15 tires, 4-ply rating, $11.95 (witb CIRCULAR sawing machine Class A trade-in); Kelly Ryan fraie with 30" blade. COlfax PTO spreaders, 100 and 125 3-2754. l2-l* bushel, single or tandem UPRIGHT piano in good con- wheel. Hoskin General Store, dition, $150. Phone Black- Phone Blackstock 2. 12-i stock 87 r 4. 12-1*1 W-1- 17-4-.A BRANTFORD combination box 7' x il1 with hoist. Phone Newcastle 2346. 12-1 USED lumber, in good con- dition. Cail Hermnan Vande- belt, CO 3-2282. 3-tf-f LIGHT blue Spring Coat, size 10 teen; excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3420. 12-1* QUANTITY of cleaned timothy seed. Apply J. H. Malette, Tyrone. CO 3-2417. 12-1 FIRE WOOD for fireplace, stove or furnace, $10 a load, delivered. CO 3-2275. 12-1 QUANTITY of Rodney oats for seed and feed. Harold Ormiston, Enfield. Phone CO 3-2095. 12-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii ta you. Phîllips Lumber Ca., Kinniaunt, Ont a r i o. Phone 17n11. 45-tf KEYS cut automatically, while-. yau wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King., i5. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service ta electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf FBA TH tub, 4 ft. 6 in. long, deep tub on legs, like new; also 2-burner heavy duty electric range with oven. Phone New- castle 3621. 10-3 GRAIN for sale, Garry oats end Brant; Barley; will gnow greenhouse plants, tamatoes, etc. order now. Phone 2139, Newcastle. 11-2* TWO Only-1960 Inglis Dry- ers, fuliy automatic, bargain. J. Bnough, Plumbing & Heat- ing, Division St., S., Bownian- ville. MA 3-5615. 12-1 DURO piston type shallow well pressure system complete with 1/6 h.p. motor and tank with 60 cycle motor. Price $75. MA 3-3665. 12-11, INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phane Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phane MArket 3-3305. 7-tf BROADLOOM - wall-to-wal or room size. Free estimatesi on wail-to-wail. Samples tak-. en out ta your home for colour and decorating ideas. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E.,' MA 3-7071. 34-tf SPECIALS-General Electric Floor Polîshers, $34.95; Sani- vac Vacuum Cleaners, $49.50; Chrome High Chairs, catalogue prices, $16.95 - sale pnice $12.95; Jute Orientai Rugs, 7 x 10'/2, $69.50; Continental Beds with headboard, no but- tons, $59.50; Sealy Mattresses, $59.50 value, $39.95; Chromeý lep vv anieu LADIES wanted, make up ta $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare tume. Write Box 491, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. 11.3* MEN or women for Food S-§U plement Business. Every re- ply answered. Write Adver- tiser 117, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 12-2. MEN or Women-full or spare tume. Experience not neces- sary. We train you. No cap- ital needed. Write Rawleigh Dept. C-248-B, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. - -12-1 RURAL LADIES If you like people, enjoy mak- ing friends and want ta earn money, contact your Avon Mane,ýtr, Miss K. MacKean, .58 Gilmour Street, Peter- ýborough. RI 3-4006. 12-1 APPLICATIONS are invited fan f ull or part tume eniploy- ment in the kitchen and restaurant for the Easter va- cation and summer season at the Nortbway Restaurant on Higbway 115. Telephone Orono 107. 12-1 DO you want ta be your own boss? Serve customers with a large line of bousebold ne- cessities in your sunroundings. *We offer you a pleasant and paying agency, bigh commis- sion and bonus, 30 day trial, etc. Familex Pnoducts, Dept. 9, 1600 Deloriniien, Montreal, P.Q. 12-1 Teachers Wanted SOUTH Hope Schooi Area wili requine Protestant teacher for Sept. 1961. Apply, stating qualification, salary expected and name o! last inspector, ta A. Peters, Sec.-Treas., R.R.l, Port Hope, Ont. 12-1 Nursing Home- IN Bowmanville - Pnivate home for the aged at pension rate. Write Advertiser 115, c/a The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bownianviiie. 12-4* SOUTH Haven Nursing Home -Accommodation fan private a nd semi-pnivate patients, lounge TV. Fuliy licensed, new building, modern. Visitons welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf Money to Loan MORTGAGE ON Funds avallable on suitable farms, homes, stores, apart- ments, hotels, motels. Pleasant courteous service. For infor- mation write, phone, or drop in. UNITED COUNTY INVESTMENTS LTD. 3645 Bathurst St., Toronto 19, Ont. RU 9-2125 11-4 JCars for Sale ALLSTATE Auto Insurance.1 Save 20%. Six montbs ta pay. Fan persanal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2t! Buy yourself a Good Used Cari for a change1 If's - Good - For - Youl Buy from the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who thlnk always say lt's none than... ART'S CAR MARKEI For the Flnest Guaranteed Used Ca, Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 5 1952 Ford Coach Serial No. 0470H52-25443 1960 License Plates No. A37495 To be sold by public auction ta the highest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario beglnlng at 7:30 p.m. on MARCH 30, 1961 ART'S CAR MARKET « 94 & 196 Church Street -Bowmanville - Ontario -We- Bulld - Better - Customers 12-1 Repossessedl Vehicle For Sale 1955 Monarch Sedan Serial No. 353CK55-52844 1960 License Plates No. A37297 To be sold by public auction ta the highest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario beginlng at 7:30 p.m. on MARCH 30, 1961 ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church Street Bowmanville - Ontario We - Build - Better - Customerp 12-1 Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 1956 Ford Coach Serial No. 470CK56-148484 1960 License Plates No. A35677 To be sold by public auction ta the highest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St.. OSHAWA, Ontario begining at 7:30 v.m. on MARCH 30, 1961 ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Churcli Street Bowmanvllle - Ontario We - Build - Better - Customers1 12-1 Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 1955 Ford Coach Serial No. 470BK55-63759 1960 Lîcense Plates No. A38175 To be sold by public auction ta the bigbest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario begining at 7:30 p.m. on MARCH 30, 1961 ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church Street Bowmanville - Ontario We - Build - Better - Customers 12-1 K.O0 USED CARS 1956 CHEV. 2-DR. Clean. No rust. 1955 CHEV. SEýDAN DELIV. piece Chesterfields, $99.50.l Cars for Sale Wt utn-ul ai NoticesMurphy Furniture, King W., MA_3-3781. 12-11e ~ , 1954 MONARCH 2-DR. Dr. Ewcrt's office will be __ HARDTOP closed froni March 31 ta April USED Tractons - McCormick Custom-buiit radio. 9 inclusive. 12-2 W4; Fanniali C with 2-furrow*** plow; Model 20-85 Ferguson; OPNAL Anyone wishing ta go ta Allis-Chalmers WC with 2-mow 1954 REO 4-TON TRUCK Napanee on Kingston on Fni- scufflen; Allis-Chainiers C, Cab and Chas§is. day morning, March 31, con- overhauled, excellent rubben; 1 68"~ wheelbase, equipped with tact Marvin Hughes, MAnket Massey 101, good shape. Used bard rock lug tires. 3-2645. 12-1 Machinery - International 18- T<rT A SA-I condition. Hobbies - Register youn ruxi Double Disk Drill; Case USED C*AlaS hobby for Spring Hobby Show. l5-disk Drill; 3-furrow John 1959 SIMCA 4-DR. See these Guaranteed by writing ta Bowmanville Deere Pîow, on rubber; Dean - Exceptionaliy dean, inside and Used Cars at Hlandcraft Guîld, P.O. Box br 2-furrow Plow, 3-point out. Sportstone Ivory and 1523, MA 3-3587. 7-tf hitch;, Case 2-furrow Plow, 3- Black, white wall tires. R YW IH L FOR CMPLET point hitch; International self-, 1959 REVDR -R OY W.ANILL O FORCRIPLTE propeiled Combine; Interna- HALEROP D tional No. 45 Baien, P.TO.;HRTPBWAVLELT12-1 In u a c o e a e International Speader, PTO.;1Push button drive. Sparking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S ee Bill Morrison rubbe; C khut -whl mies vr cean, radio. USED CARS Spreader; Case P.T.O. Coi-ý 1959 FORD 2-DR. 26 CONCESSION ST. W. ibine; Massey 17-nozzle Spray-iV-8. Sportstone Bluei andi 100% Waranty on MA 3-3048 er with Pump and Boom.I.WbIite, autoniatic transmision, AIl Used Cars ifir - hef - AtombiCowan Equipient Ca. 1341 radio.Il 15POTA -R Thei utoobleKing St. E., Bowmanvilie.1 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Radio, back seat speak, Travel - Life lPhone MA 3-5689. 12-116-cyl., 3-speed push button. white wall tires, two-tone. 22-tfj One owner car, spotless. Sap- ------------ 165 i Torsion-Air ride,. hrp$,4 Notice to Creditors WA T H L 1956 SAVOY 4-DR. 1957 FORD 4-DR. COUNTRY TAKE OTIC tha ah red-Autoniatic transmission, radio.1 STATION IWAGON tons NdTC a theshaving ýdais'! hTwo-tone Green and Grey. Low mileage. In excellent agrsaind the esate o! Achiais i your 1956 DODGE REGENT 4-DR.1'condition---- --------- $1,475 Haines Cox, who died at the'IC N T X ' V-8 with Power Flite transmis- 1956 FORD 2-DR. Town o! Bowmanvilie o r N M *l O sion, radio, perfect condition.1 White w~all tires. about the 4th day o! FebruaryI Ve have one nw Sportstone Green. j Excellent shape --------- $925 1961, are required ta deliveni REMINGTON '55 DODGE 2-DR. SUBURBANi 1955 METEOR 2-DR. ta the undersigned a full state- i ADDN 6-cyl.. radio. ýRadio. Real Sharp -------- $795 ment o! thein dlaims, if any, DN Good niechanical condition. egainst the said deceased, on MA "" 1955 PLY5IOUTHI 4-DR 1954dio TIACku 4-DRht. or before the lSth day o! i MAC HN New paint job, good rubben.!Top cRaditonbckp47gt 5 Apnil, 1961, aften which date' Hand-operated Engine avenhauled. Blue. cniin$7 the Executors wil prc,. dAt I Rr.$15- C..-.n ât-.. 155 MERUçnY,' 2v 1952 MONARCH 4-DR. $200 dîstn7i t e assets -o! -the said deceased amongst those, entitled thereto, having regard, enly ta the claims o! which they shall then have notice. DATED at Windsor, Ontario, this 1Oth day o! March, 1961., R. S. RIDDELL. Q.C., 702 Canada Trust Bldg., Windsor, Ontario. Solicitor for the aboya Egtate. $125.00 Cash Sec It Today at The Sialesman King St. W. BOWMAN VILLE Sharp running car. 1954 FARGO % -TON PANEL TRUCK 1947 FORD 2-TON i With Plat!orm ------ $175' *a *0 ISeed (Grain for Sale! Livestoclc For Sale RED Claver Seed, and fewiPORTY well started York- bushels of timothy (cleaned). shire pigs. Phone Oshawa CO 3-2075. 12-i* RA 8-4830. 12-1l CLOVER and grass seeds in- cluding newest varieties. Stew- art's Seeds, Bowmanviile. il-tf COMMERCIAL seed o ats, Rodney and Garry. cleaned and treated, $1.50 per bushel at Enniskillen Seed Cleaning Plant. Fred Trewin. 11-2ýl twler DON'T delay, we are now op enating full ttue and will be glad ta dlean and treat your seed before the Spring rush. We also handie a f uli une o! r grass seed. Swain Seed Clean-J Lrs DURHAM COUNTY ýSHORTHORN CLUBiý 40fh ANNUAL SALE ai BLACKSTOCK TUES., APRIL 41h 5 BULLS - 26 FEMALES cows cla, - _BRED and OPEN HEIFERS S E E D S jFor catalogues write Secretary SPRING TIME IS SEED TDIE'ROY PHILP, Pres., Port Hope Now is the time to get your' JOHN RICKARD, Sec.. seed neady. Have it cleaned New'castle 12-1* and treated to control diseas ________________ and increase ylelds. ear SAVE THE BEST ... __________ FEED THE REST RADIO and television repairs, If you are thinking o! changing Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. seed, SOW CERTIFIED SEED E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t1 and BE SURE 0F VARIETY. profits, cail at RICKARD'S SEED PLANT HIÇH1VAY No. 2 EAST 0F BOWINANVILLE PHONE M3A 3-7150 8t Auction Sale Farm iniplements, all stable equipment, Saturday, April 1, two miles west of Pickering, South of Base Line at French- man's Bay, Bay Ridges. R. W. Balsdon. Sale at 1 oclock. Prentice, auctioneers. 12-2* ELMER WILBUR FURNITURE & FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 30 Years Experience PHONE Hampion CO 3-2294 Auction sale blood-tested, vaccinated, Holstein milkens, springers, open and bred heif- ers, Ford tractor, tractor mia- chinery, nearly new chain- saw, baled hay, straw, grain, etc., the property of Mn. Mar- ine Rensink, Lot 17, Concession 6, Danlington Township, 1 Con- cession north and a haîf mile. ýeast of Hanipton, Saturday, Apnil 1. Sale to commence promptly at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. No reserve. Fanm sold. Fur- ther particulans, see bills. Lawrence Harris, clenk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 11-3* Work Wanted GENERAL housework by the day. Cail MA 3-5512. 12-1 BASEMENTS, attic and gar- ages cleaned. Phone MArket 3-2739. 12-1* Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Concrete and Carpentry NEW WORK and REPAIRS PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 3-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORI< R. L. TAFT GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Same day service. Television Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tl REPAIRS and rewinding, arm-1 atures turned, toalal makes of electric motors. Higgon Eiec- trie, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of sewing machines, Free pickup and delivery. Lavcrty's Sew- ing Machine Sales & Service. Phone MA 3-2155. 42-tf REPAIRS toalal niakes of ne- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRING Certified Watchmaker of Canadian Jewellers' Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 8-tf COMET TV AND RADIO SERVICE BLACKSTOCK REPAIRS TO TV - RAI RECORD PLAYERS SPECIALIZED Hearing Aid Serv Cali Collect Blackstock REPAIR SERVII In REFRIGERATION OIL HEATING and al DOMESTIC APPLIANC' GARDEN TRACTORS CHAIN SAIVS and LAWN MOWERS ALSO SHARPENING LAWN MOWERS J. HOLTBY MArket 3-7062 R.R. 3, Bowmanville AT MAPLE GROVE Wanted to Buy 54 King St. E. MA 3-50301GOOD commercial giits, 5( 16-tf 75 lbs. Phone Blackstock 6 A RENDS A GOOD used piano. Ph ELE TRI MO ORS108W Blackstock or MAi REPAIRS and REWINDING ta GOOD used boat trailer, al your Electnical Equipment able o! handling 18-foot Sales & Service MA 3-3058 board. Phone CO 3-2075. 43 Third St. Bowmanvilli. 9t' COINS, Canadian silver WHY WAIT 'TH, S>RING lars. 19.38, '4i, '416, '47, '48. Have Your pnices Dial RA 5-5227, Osha Power Lawn Mower' Tuned Up Now! Ail Makes Free Pickup and Deiivery HIGHEST pnîces pald for poultry, goose feathers, fez er ticks, scnap iran. r metals and raw furs. Ph RA 3-2043 Oshawa coileci. WESTER TIREALL kincls o! live poul WESTERN TIRE feathers, e goose andd POEMA 3-3134 also aid fektther ticks wan 12-1, Highiest prices paid. M. FI ___ Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 71 jWhllewashing Stableslcoliect. AND DISINFECTING, USED 21" heavy duty ee stove. State condition, n Pumping ýand pnice. Write Advert NO. 114, c/o The Canaè S epiic Tanks Stten PO. Box 190, B, BANPANIN LDER style bouse in coun B ER TOM KINS needing repairs acceptable; BERT TOMP INS tenacres land. Price twc 5 NEIVTONVILLE tbnee thousand dollars. W Phone Clarke 4721 10-t! on 'phone Bert Maman,2 Sovereign St., Bronte. 5 mwI 7-2039.1 TV TOWERS Aerials and Rotors Repaîrs to Aerials and Rotors O SH A WA T V Supply Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Leask Gooci condition. No Down Pa1ymU1V111 Zquira 8U-8-tf PALMEF COWAN Pets f or Sale MOTOR SALES EQUIPMENT CO. LAB.-BEAGLE puppies. Wond-, King St. E. Bownunviueil34 King St. E. MA 3-5689 ienfu1 pets and hunters. Pbone1 12.1' 12-1 MA 3-3958. 12-11 USED ton or up truck. be gaod condition. Have ton pickup for trade. Pl Blackstack 87 r 4. 1 Gel Your Price For Your Liveslai through S TA T ESM AN C LA SS 1F 1E D Phone MA.rket 3-3303 )iOS 113 Il-tf For lient 1APARTMENT. MA 3-3573.' 6-tf1 1THREE roonis and bath, in ,Enniskillen. Phone MA 3-3134, 12-11 ,SMALL apantment, ail con- veniences, $45. 45 Concession East. 12-1 S4-ROOMED apartment, adults 'only. 32 Church St. MArket 1 3-7124. 12-1 THREE rooms and bath, beat- cd, self-contained. 205 King St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf HEATED apartment, suitable for young couple, fully furnish- ed._Apply 33 King St. E. 12-1 IN Newcastle, 5-room modemn apartnient. Heated. Laundry and dnyer. Phone Newcastle 3936. 10-4 COMMERCIAL property onj znilver Street (formerly black- smith Shop). Phone MArket 3-3393. 1-tf1 TWO-bedrooni apartment in Hampton. Heated, private entrance. heavy wiring. Phone CO 3-2692. 12-1 FURNISHED bed sitting nooni and kitchenette. Available im- mediately. Phone MA 3-3591. Cali after 7 p.m. 12-1 OFFICE space available in Library Building fornierly oc- cupied by Works Dept. Con- tact J. L. Reid, Town Hall. 12-i GROUND floor apantment, two roonis, 2-piece bath, kitchen sink and built-in cupboards. Phone MA 3-5868 or 3-2453. 12-1 FOUR-noom semi - detached house, heated, bath; two miles from Post Office; paved road. Phone MA 3-3057 after 7 p.m. 12-tf DUPLEX, 4 roonis, self-con- tained, ahl conveniences, large garden, close ta school, church, store, 10 minutes to Bowman- ville or Oshawa. CO 3-2531. 12-1 STORE at 22 King St. West. Central, (formerly Northcutt & Smith). Good depth and parking and garage space. Wîll renovate ta suit reliable ten- ant. Apply ta owner, L. C. Mason, 30 King W. 10-3* FOUR roonis and full bath, heavy wiring, separate en- trance front and rear, adequate parking, TV aerial, bot water heater. Victor Manor Block, King St. W. Apply Wm. Curt- is. Phone 3-7035. Immediate occupancy. 12-tf Business Opportunity NATIONAL Food Campanyl offers responsible persans part or full tume light delivery and collection contnacts. No seil- _ teal tEstate for Sae 1ieal tstate fb; Sale 11-ACRE farm. Roo-r#KiaorM1 J. VanNest ogs. Liberty North. Phone REAL ESTATE BROKER IMA 3-2042. 9-4* 118 ingE. M 3-230NINE-room stucco house on Bowmanvllle double ravine lot, town water, Division Street, fine room near sehool. Possession April brick dwelling, hot water ou l st. Termis arranged. Wilson heated. This is a well situated Abernethy. 23 Jackman Rd., property and priced to seil to Bowmanville. MA 3-2419. close an estate. 12-1 Liberty North, close ta KingPAIU sirom uga Street, seven-roomed framel5AIUSsxrombna flouse, hot wvater ail heated; low, with fireplace, sunroom built-in three room apartment'Iand garage. Modern facilities rented. 'jthroughout, centrally located Cottage, West Beach, wood in Bowvnanville withîni walk- panelled walls and designed ing distance of business section. for aii-year living. Owner Reasonably priced. Ternis to leaving town. suit. Phone Bowmanville MA We also suggest one four- 3-7041 or Orono 138. 11-4 roont bungalow; two five- room houses and a six-roomiPedwell Real Esfie for your inspection. Service station, g a r a g e, 30 Acr-es gai-den ]and, insul booth, six-room apartment. stone bouse, bank barn 40 x This property holds an "A"' 60,, cernent floors, hydro, and "C" licence for wrecking tractor andl equipment, lots of yard if you are interested. water. On No. 2 Highway, 12-1'close to Welcome. Owner will sacrifice at $7,500 for quick Peler reddema sale. Ternis. REAL ESTATE BROKER New 6-room clapboard bouse, 100 Acre fanm, 7 monm frame al conveniences, beautifully hous, Ol frnae, arn eqi-s ituated arnong trees and over- ped for 12,000 broilers, good lother intelre r. n ciy, i contract, two full lines of nia-ha te nrssincys chinery. Price $28,000. Ternis. reason for selling. $6,500 with 100 Acre farm, 9 roorn framc, $500 down - $60.00 monthly. house, L-shaped bank barn, Two 4-room houses, $4,000 implement shed, garage. Very each. Ternis. good soil. Price only $12,500. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Ternis. n--iR.. .ft -1 a 50 Acre fan. lO0-rooni bouse in good condition, barni 30 x 100, bydro, pressure sys- teni. WVii trade on dairy fanm or seil for $11,500.00. Terms. 15 acres near Bowmanville, 7 roomed brick bouse, siail barn, good garden sal. Pnice $13,500. Tenîs. 10 Acres, 8 room brick bouse, attached garage, 4 miles froni Oshawa. Pnice $12,500. Down $2,500. Bownianville- 4 Bedroorn home, bath, garage, paved driveway, near school. Price $8,500. Down $1,000. Owner also willing ta trade. Mapie Grave - 3 bedroorn bungalow, fully modern, two" acres. Owner must sdil. Give us an of fer. Bowmanville - 2 bedroomn bungalow, attached garage,I bath, ail furnace, near scbooi. Price $9,000. Low down pay-1 ment.1 Newcastle - 6 room bunga-1 low, ail funnace, nean sebool. Price $8,500. Down $1,500.1 Hlghway No. 2 East of Bowmanvllle Telephone MArket 3-3644 1 Salesmen : G. Blyleven, Phono MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, 3506 12-1 ýDe Wiih Real Estate, Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3858 12-1 Blisiow & Mlen REALTORS Bowmanville, 22 Liberty Place Owner transfenred, must sel this 3-bedroom home, modern kitchen and new finished fam- ily rooni. Included are vene. tian blinds, drapes, G.E. stove, Westinghouse automatic wasb- er, dryci- and TV aenial. Good location off main street in residential area with land- scaped grounds. Priced ta sehi, at $14,000 with $4,000 down. Owner will hoid first mort- gage for balance. $1,000 Down - Pnîce $5,500 6 room home with modemn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, ail beated. Rai! acre Io' home in good condition, Io~ cd close ta Biackstock. ~i home cant be beat for econaip ical living. Office Resîdence RA 8-5107 RA 8-2155 19 Athol St. W. Oshawa 12-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & Dfistricti - ng. Steauy year-rounu in-248 Acre farm near Bethany, - .-..Re£l Estae Boa br r"came. Applicants must hiave 48 acres in bush, nolling land, RelEteBor CEJ- car on ight truck. $670.00 cash L-shaped bank barn, drive 50 Acres with 2 trout streamu requined, wbich is fully secur- shed, etc.; 9 roomed bouse. north of Bowmanviile. Ideal ed. Write Manager, 2008 Building in good repair. Pnice for club or camp. Asking Queen St., East, Toronta, Ont. $10,000. Tennis., $8,800 with $3,000 down. 12-2 92 Acre farm, the best o! 83 Acre farn with bouse and E soul, L-shaped bank barn, lange barn. Orono area. E XCL U SIVE water on tap, silo, garage, etc.; $13,500, $3,000 down. "ES 8 Roonied bouse, running 2 Bedrooni bungalow on I-ITTT'nn~~TTV water. Close ta school. Ask- large lot in Bowmanville, rfllLCu-DLrIIA ng $16,000. Easy ternis. $7,000 witb $1,500 down. 100 Acre farm, near Pont 4 Bedroani 2-storey home, EQ IP EDPerry, 70' x 40' bank barnlxr large lot in Bowman- runnng wtercree, et-; ille. $10,000 with $2,000 down. 8 roomned bouse with furnace, Cotg Cea Crs Coin Operaied running water. Asking $250 Ctae n ea rs with $Ï,500 down. Beach. Bathroom, 3 bed- Laundereite Has 200 Acre fanm, 150 acies roonis, fireplace. Asking. workable, creek, lange U- $,90.$1,000 dawn. Make shaped bank barn, water bowls, offer. A mazing Profit steel stanchions, drive shed, Apa'trncnt building with 47 etc.; 14 roomed stone bouse suites, ail rented. Asking only- Poienlial with modern conveiences. $15,000 with low down pay.- with Haîf cash. We have a large selection of, 150 Acre fanm, near Pont farrns, homes, acreages and Double-Load Hope, 100 acres workable, U- businesses. 8-tf shaped bank barn, streani, T~L fl .j garage, etc.; 7 roomed new Cal DLoule-Profit bouse with modemn conven- WALTER FRANK iences. Consider bouse for 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 50 ta WASHERS down payîent. omnil 66r4. 100 Acre fanm near li omavhl 12-2 and brook with streani. L-shaped _____ 12-1 lhone COIN OPERATED bank barn, drive shed, water Pt Y nrket on tap, etc.; 7 roomed bouse etr .iowai 12-1 DRY C LEANING witb modernm neincs ELO Asking $13,000 with $2,500REL R cap- MACHINES down. AND GENERAL INSURANCE in-5 Acres with 8 noomed brick 52 King St. W.- MA 3-2453, house, ahl modern conveniences. 9 King St. E. MA 3-5868; 2~*For Information Without Located 9 miles fri Oshawa. do- Obligation . . . Contact Asking $9,500. Tennis. 8 Rooni 1'2 storey fraie dol-10 Acres with 4 roomedihome in Biackstock. Ahl con- For ionLudr aebunealow, ail furnace and veniences. Suit two famîhies.> ýawaKoin aundr Sal sniali bar-n. Asking $6,500 Wih] sell or exehange an fanm. 8-*Ld ih$500 dowrî. Asking only $10,000.00. Liv. 9 Acres with 6 roomed 10 Acres with a good 7 om ath- 20 COLLEGE STREET house, creek, running bot andCbick home with ail conven- rags, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO cold water. garage. Pnice $5,0001 ienccs. 011 heating. Garage. hone Telephone WNA 5-4515 with $1,500 down. Impleni.nt shed, etc. Good 4t. 1040Acreages, lots in Newcastle, well. Oîîly $2,500.00 down. ______________ 10__-4o Taunton Road, etc. Pnices Nean Courtice. fri $750 and Up. 5 Acres witb a 6 room 11~/ ltry, Wanted to Rent 12 Roomed brick bouse in sae oe ub~r i nted. HOUSE in or nean Bownian- Bowmanville witb ail modern conveniences. GaragLri;Wick- Platt. ville. CO 321 18. 12-1 canveniences. Centnaily la- en bann. Soie fruit trees. r 13SMAL upta 0 aces.cated, quiet street. Ideal for Priced ta seli at $12,500.0 2 1t Write fanm, pt50ars apartnients. Price and tenis Ternis. 21-i WiteAdvertiser 112, c/a The arranged. cti Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 8 Roomed home at Manivers 3 Bedroomn brick bungalow -iakec 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 10-3 Station an i11/2 acre lot. Ask- on Southway Drive. Nicely tiser 2-BEDROOM apartient, cent- ing $5,000. Ternis. landscaped. Very attractive. idian rai, in good district, by two 5 Roomed un!inished house Only $12,000.00. Ternis. 3ow- professional ladies, by late at Kendal with ciu furnace, Third St., 3 bedroomn new 2-2* suniner. Write Advertisen 116, kitchen cupboards, etc. Price bungalow with ail modern ap-' -c/o Canadian Statesman, p.O. $3,200 with $500 down. pointments. Oul heating. $2,500 ntry, Box 190, Bowmanville. 12.1* 9 Roomed bouse with double down. ;ance- garage and workshop. Ail 3 Bedroomn bungalow Ir% io ta 'Wanted modern conveniences, near Maple Grave. One year tid. Vrite DEA Orono. Price and ternis an- Oul heating. Asking oniy 2356 DA and crippled farn stock, ranged. $9,500.00. Terms. KA picked up promptly. Telephane 6 Roomned bouse at Kendal1 Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga. 12.1 COlfax 3-2721. Margwîll Fur with ail furnace, kitchen cup. low in Hampton. Exception., Fanm, Tynone. Licence 115. boards, running water. Asking ally well buîlt. Oul heating.. M1ust il-tf $5,500 with $1,000 down. Oniy $10,000. Ternis. - GROCERY STORE in Bow- Stream! Lovely 5 room honePesn manville with full line o! bungalow with ail canven. 2-1 * ________________ equipment and 6-roomed liv- iences. SmaUl barn. Young- -OLD, RUNDOWN ? Ostrex ing quarters. Ail modemn con- orchard. On good higbway.,- Tonic Tablets help <pep-up"~ veniences. Price and ternis Pnice and ternis arranged. thousands of men, women past arranged. 11/2 storey brick home on 40. Only 69c. At ail drug- Jh F iii lett St. 011 heating. This in gists. 21 h . De wiin a very weîî kept home and Je ck HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Realtor and General Insurance being offered at a reasonable goods) mailed postpaid in plain Newcastle Phone 3341 pnice. $11,500. Ternis. sealed envelope with price list. aemn iSix saip les 25c, 24 saniples Donald MountJoy, MA 3-3950 .SalesrMn à $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, Ross Davidson. Bethany, 30R3 C.Spr - M Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 J. A. Barton MA 3 - HMQüton, Ont. -2 2112. Births1 Articles for Sale1 Articles for_ Sale DEADLINE 1 FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. *20 -- - - -- - - . 1 w .. 1 r 0-4 1 1 -4 r Pq .1 10-4 1 WIN - - r - È,% --l - i T "-- - , - li- " - - ii Ili - 1 1" - -- " - . 1" - --l 1-1-. . r 1 i ýli - 1 11 -. THE CANADffl STATESMAN, BOWMANVn.LZ ONTAIUO 1 -. il lý 11-31 THMSDAY, MAR. 23rd, àýi PAGE TOIURTEEN

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