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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1961, p. 15

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TI~1SD~yj4AR. 23rd 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - -- -s..JamesJ. 4.àJy.k were: Mrs. James Lowery ~~~industrial reform c 98hswîh proa od n S@ fV Laurel Mtal girls prize faîled bottie-'s H e ____ _________ ____ Rnni Rnor. by' przeshortagesadbacsace ______ Thanks ards Thanks i A marketing. Ar 4f- ROM PAGE ONEl and Mrs. Merv Allun. Pau this A rewiabe reportohavebeen thebasccu in Mem-o-r'irn -C(lso h sCads o__________tte___ inuiis:Koal E llnsacLilnd sabous t he ManyBronquîle rîes oa, EdAs p m a, Lean iEdward Crankshaw h o-ltr ho v"rosmas BROWN-In loving niemory I would lîke to thank 1 wish my friends, neighbors iDaiout om Misstow ae dCraco,LMr.W.Hle oa don Observer's koldgaeint ayofxre sr- cfa dear husband and father. friends adnihor o and relatives tofknownthatelataved out ont the taeanPs1 LRy Shortt, Hilton United Counties t o b a cec olused to illustrate various pointseprtoRusaafar.aeo loteerhnght ae aby rw h hi ito eeiinstapeit eym he made a great hit. LaughterTink, Mrs. George Irwin, Peter'growers were advîsed of two under discussion. epr i usa passed awav March 19, 1960. which 1 certainly do enjoy. cards, flowers, calîs and many and applause rewarded him ýFeddema, Clarence Soper,' new varieties which are ex-ý The following was the pro- "For many year, ewie.ayod atd aae You annt s~, vu mst lot Sincerely, "Brumn" Johnson. acts off kindness during ny when he told 'What JohniHarry McLaughlin, Hank Vanýpected to be widely grown inlgram: A report on weather -the Soviet Unioncnbuadcre htsple hr 12-1recnt ojorn isalke Sav". ormuR.C. eaoe, rs. C. W 96,at meetings Mondav in fleck studies; information on! to have led the wordi ide eeadr-elte tii Say Thanks also to Drs. Pickerinig, Betty Ellen Kuknke. Maple Dovrey, John Rundle, Leland'Orono and Castieton. ýnew strains and varieties;ýand rackets offvrykd-laepies. Trehv Thahhaitdcdie sis dead, He isKndl nd ymndanustfftGoveaael. teoai, E Hckday S S. fryJL S Vikey ff heexerircemcalstriizaio ofoof aJmtoy, ntl atey.arsinlbenthefier. wo rrng W it h a ewrvy smni 1e, physîcians. ta those who ,isiî& off Port Perry and Oshawa ho! g udecewt hrbe,'esTylr(oaBoos)d.mntlsb-ttina Diic edbd; etliaio a drc ouot fth uctoiofoplcte c Isbewc Awd aq .%,S fth aï cd me whi]e in the hospital. pitals for their considerate!tiful vocal solos. Her l_______________________Wriht,!________the________________o______(b______ofa____traize îl a wned no nfrofts n the manacrd care. voice was most pleasing, and!iSam Turner. Francis Jose, Alv- te.YllwGl and Delhi!dressing; controaioof the seed! unknwn and hatcheeed e wile n bth Gadv Thmpso. hr sigin of"Just a Closer in Metcalf, Ross Adams, John 61. had shown good results!corfl maggot and other ii-1 unkow lad hatcherd m wileinbot Gads Tomson hr iging off heIl Fayer, Carl Tamblyn, Hans in three Years off experimental ,seets:ithea use oftilsueckerinco-r And left us drearning how hospitals, and at my sister's. 121*Cmn ondteMuti"Geisberger, Mrs. Peter Sikma.' growth.trlosan blk uig. U I- u I - t ery fair~ Agnes Marlow.C mngE ns a n d "The Cradle Song" ýDoris Wannan, James Atkin _! Yellow Gold has proved Guide.___J t 11Y l i It________mustbc______________ (Brahm's Lullaby) wr much, son, Mrs. James Lowery, Mrs. most resîstant to weather.]u Stink offhe im friîgoas T tihlkertan c:owavleSktn lb1apadd.Ms ilimLidNorm Davis, Walter Hans, Er- fleck, while Delhi 61 ld 17cT~~TT m a n D u l p i n a , G l eniQ uiC leb.a po wl t hedb i g g e stWi l l idmoLa ia n dear tives and friends for kindneqç Pops-Carnival and Broomball,Iaccompanied her on the piano. maLor ne Pral, llQim e-.1var eîy as xels te esf v WELELILLE In the love off There as the and cards; also Dr. Miklos and Aea hr. a.2,8pm oryugldeteTr Vries, AIf Brown, C. H. Rob- quali¶v on1 a three vear aver- As he sam . nd .d' a d mal a tic thi n ett s, aveY O U lof love off Here, staff off M emorial Hospital. n bao dnsa' offW .L ke r.H rv y1a eSpring las arrix c ~ 1 p e iin b t n twirling. Carol is n .T L k, M s-lrvca ae da n y fd and air T hin k ff hl m stîliB o x m a n v ille . d u rin g m v re - N e a rly N e w S a le - w as th e le a er, a n Joseph'she ead Corad en on KuzenkP Salo, Mer- Available in 196,.)00. Crows have become vcr\~ M ~ U H-e is flot dead, hie is jusi Thelma Kelsey. Church Auditorium, 2 !.m.the others taking pr ee~AuC .Salw e Sufficient seed for growing vocal and in the bright sunl- [ away.en ns. 12 -1 March 24 and 25. 11-2Mare Mrin Te the two strains is expected t1 hine at the beginning off the£ i i i -Teauedi nenoVb\lpa , eI be available for 1962, lie said. ïveek, woodchucks wcre seen -Treasrcd nrntrnoy b\ ~Spend Easter in New York. ' attractive costumes with re Ien nSome seed will be sown on by several people taking their Grace and ffamilx\. 12 -If Ixwnuld lîke 'o express sin- Travel by Charter Bus. F or, velvet. tops and short -taranpltinDra srngerie _____eitint omn-ifrainphn r.H T'krs r experimental Plt nDralpigeecs. THIS QUESTiNlA AYASES ____vilee apre itiri bwad-enformaton po ne MMrs-26 . H .sits 3J*and Northumberland this year, 1 Mrs. Woodhouse orf Port' HUGHES-In loving nernovileFr rgdnihosCl A336. 11-1' Sam Paquette, Case Brown r a uleiif e added. Hope demonstrated au dio- ofan ris a nd specBragg w ord 1m n y S o~ n sls s p rvs r fr O troThe purpose off the two visual aids in Port Hope Unit- HERE ARE A EW ofAear uhusband and aterof a ks 10 Ewaorrnt ag ,.hClub Annual Banquet, Friday, and Quebec, told the people' * meetings ai Castleton in the' ed Church lasi. Saturday 1taa a way todav1 24,is1ed9.luinýG. rwo April 7i at 7i o'clock in Solina! present off the major prize, Diest A\rticle jýafternoon and Orono ai. night group froni churches i~ne thea His memory isas d Crawford Hall. John Rickard, Sec. S15,000 value. ta be drawn iý was 1a acquaint district flue- Port Hope-Cobourg a'r s. t apbi As in the hour hie passed awa\. 12-1*1-~ Toronto earîx' in June. He icured tobacco growers withThese skills hadi been shown -Lovingly remnemhered by his said th ai he hop)ed n fte omni iie wife, daughter Rilda and 1 ý\h isfluIothanîk al le Club 15 Draw. Camp]ee-doeofte A omn'le cUe the latest department off agri-, at Belleville earlier in the it serves., scmniivwîhics dcts grandchildren Lois and Albert. fîns n eltvs o adeasterSd.Da Dnne frch10 ýauieexwold intatit. C. RY Smrae) Aicreasa utr ifrain wnewee r.Wo-ing, editia com tndcttimc. 121and other kindnesses shown eierd rw ac s. aueper iexcapla n1 ed tha thisC Rov slmont'sctre ap- Assisting Mr. Vickery werel house was representing Co- It promotspoeî hc tblee vl me while I xvas a patient in Tickets 25e each, 5 for s uprprzian.lyb w erDies in aismnaticl eaen- M. C. Watson, G. E. McCann bourg Presbytery W. A. Ber- 10-3i by a bona fide farmer, and re-e'Distnanicen- and N. W. Shedow, extension niece Best and Allan Clarkc m-ake thsabte lc iiwihl ie hospital. Special thanks to -1 minded those present that titIed "You are under at- pcaittbcosbsaiorpeetdti ponmn LARMER-In loving nmemory nurses and staff and ta Dr.' The Memorial H o spt ai later in teporm ohrtack". Marshal Slemno's Deii C, oourd si w eprelent c hsageintPorti ta inuatrglt off a dear husband and father, Rund le. Women's Auxiliary will hold tpize wo pd ograwn. The "ifeelai.formerly Marion - Heopecm hrei ot Jaewopse wyMrhEdna Brummell. its Annual Birthday Tea, winner off the $15,000 value Siemnon, daughter off Mrs. 1THe nau 21 95.I 2I hrsa, ach2, i te wiîbealebchoe n the late Dr. C. W. Sie- ýPno that thîs property is Tere was a good atiendance 21,n1956.opinionhurtdaconaerîs23, ktpeperiz. wnetalabledtpchocreiand There is a link death '!__Lions Centre, from 3 - 5. 10-3 przea itleto arsSthfo.rsilat Sunday school and church I ov anymacinetheCas Co- nonChueh t.dential zoning. untlrlt Sunday morning. Joan almhdpout tgvsenlyci Love and remenibrance last My deepest gratitude ta Dr.' Brown's Home & School pani makes, hie said. He 1soL describes the proeed- Huhssatdta cuclNichols read the scripture. aroud1)had ffa li, forever. Hubbard. Dr. Gill, nursing staff ýiClub Annual Euchre, Draw Pointed out that anyone who tires whicls were followed Hugreys sa es h ouion Mr. and Mrs. L. Oughtred, errt -Lovingly remembered by and. many friends for the and Dance at Brown's School, purchased a machine uaina lat Octobe whennth %vitfe Elizabeth and family. aîusepesin ofkn- Thursday, March 30, 7:45. Ad- the special period from Janu- NORAD headquarters in Col- therboscthernn this land wfer in tL isy on Stu ra niess shown to me during myimission 50c. Refreshments. ary 26th until the draw would orado received somne alarm-whrb th Industrial Corn- atrno ovstwt r It's a busines recnt tayat erroril Hs-ý12-1* have the purchase price re- ing reports pn the interna- mission bas been empowereid Crumb who is ill. They visit-1 reenita y owanilMemoia Hs - ta promise services if an *n- cd wth Mr. and Mrs. Percy ii nosfi ttsa ouawucac o pilai, Bowmovngme-SuanviLarne. Old Tyme Dancing, Satur- funded, in addition tb receiv- tinlwrigssei coming industry locales there1 Burley in Kendal on Sunday. I no McryoBEoR fTS-l obg e-tar arai day, March 25, Solina Hall. Jim ing the valuable first prize. During the Incident, Mar-1 Counillor Ken Nicks saidl Visitors during the week- newsparsadartic. tpysisfl Jmory off our t her obseril ih rs O c eta qare He also stated that a igh Ji shal SIe mron, second-in-corn- t a h e outo as d p e rnd r :M rs. WmCRssi e l ripa ti JamesMcRoberls955honpassed - i uex rssiv ice and Round Dancing at is best. Set would be presented 1a the mand, was in complete vul y wth arsoluion arega d b any ofMrOsawd Mr..d rus. Bih away M atrh 2, 5a d a ls T wîîî lu ex re-,îy si ce Everyone w elcom e. Dancing lady of the bouse, charge and ertainly did is îa d o ned w as indurgard not lu l oero ffh w etr boro wid M r . i e vi e c t hls m n ur otr MagrtM-appreciation ta the Township'sîarts 9 p.m. l-~ Every lady who attended the ,Job well in an extremely 'heland ,d ndesriscno us on. er ofve and M whrsL . old- srvci R o r ts w h p s ed a wyf C rtr9h5ad6I.t os ! P o n ty p o o l H ock ey T eam ' S e r w h w r c iv d a t n e s t at o .a d r l D ep u ty -R eev e H ob s sta ted la w a y. M r. an d M rs. L I o rn 'I r e 1 i e i f r m t o r c g i a î c b t Api ,15.who helped plan and arrange ', adnc1addrwpackage off needles, and each'l as manyan friends'It ris Sunshin fdesaedsfadesth vry ideWsdenadon-ssosthega dveryn drfineire Wardaena tist Ban-ay rieon ndSatdttatMrhresl251hin be spllon Sotrdayg rc 2 ian rcîe eltgtbot- . .tattersouin nqetiOnNoble and children off Tor'- truhisclmsadproa hog faîlt- quel given in my honor lastIthe Or ayal. ea 0 l a. n er hidpr-alives in tbis area ivili be concer-ned Ibis section off the hog Bu see rmebrnt nl-Friday night. Special thanks nesal.eveanlclt very l pre mîiteeseclhraing fre nesnfr eo di.hMr.adE . ar- issaf l lsîidscini h oa lasîs aIl. 1thON.Cufocae' Icitizens have donated prizes. etwsgvnllio. the article, cause the cosl off servicing tbis'ci od r.E arw -Ever rcmembered hv ieingthth is deO licifos diner-lCome out and give the lads Clem LeValley, sales mana- __ -an hdbencmudnt clough was in Toronto for the Mnarketplc.Iste th enuy on family. 12inAlso thns 1 m fniiy foir yu upot 12-if ger, who has been 30 years 1 weekend. ,re n omnt onelr 1__ - 1 -_-- ----- with the company, congratu- ID te costs of servîcing otller Wanda Ford and Barbara, - - their very thoughtful gift. i Woodview Community Centre lated Mr. Brown on thew - vuln Dinner lied with three other' ROMOUH-n ov gil(JBruce Ashton. '-Monster B i ngo. Twenty derful turnout for the i Coùncillor Fiee asserted that v ap amstetydlas couples for fourth place in a' lt's a 100 om/nsiuto mory off a dear sister 1-igme-wet dlar;five He spoke off the marvellou la athe rlai y0 oim day landH sresIisdstitrist23, n awas Romboughwho passd awav -games-thirty dollars; $150 new farm machinery aval- ln teriîa iI e on March 28, 19,58. oles, (Arthur Jaines) -MArs. jcpt n woicpt i able now from Mr. Brown. uts eekl pherll rmaîn almot enirel $250. Door prizes. Next1 He described the new model IFROM PAGE ONE, 'valuable for light industry, 1A twee .-Sadly missed by Bella amnd Kenneth Hull and fainily offer M'Wonday, 8 p.m., Red Baril, 600 now on the mnarket, andaist i the financinu off 0 ave resioud oe des rurîouin the arc.Istxshl upr oa W I L L I A M S - I m î Io vir m gr e c ia iome -'a lpr e c i a ti o ne l 1- »sail hfri e n d sa n r e l - -ly b u is c h o o lsr aacp tal o c aldi ogh ae r n m e n t.tia I lob utyss ha il mory off my niother, Ednal atives and neighbors for their' Durham County Ju n i o r new combine that wii] harvesî financiaily approcd indu Cuclo O. J.possosiblaer Irene, who passed away March kind expressions off sympaîhylFarmers annual banquet and beans, corn, well. Mr. Le- tris y loae on a indus- Coubci ouî.J.iî o Hu- 25, 1959. :and beauliful floral Iributes ýdance ta be held on Friday, Valley aiso drew attention tbo W Bowbrook Invesîments Ltd.,I ges, ocd that the ler u.J-ari f hevieo tepol I treasure stili, with love during Iheir recent bereave-1 March -24, iin the Lions Com- the Case Company's new baler. adGlnRegarh h es tabed for fu te nma -_____ sîncere, ment. Graleful thanlks ta Rev. munity Centre aI 6:30 p.mNHe slaîed that every farmer claration Rxv a ign e d y bblregrgbfrmer foma_ When .RussaKrish1chethvvic Bea iful memories off one so;Haroid Turner, also ta Dr. E. Guest speaker Mr. Savage finds that modern cquipment prsient.Nesonsorne, amîdîjýton rea thefaranmber a- is bbc Wcst tat hissocia-Ispineeeot, omuvîî,itî dear. Ewcrt and staff aI Memoriali Oshawa. Tickets- banquet is nccessary for bhc successful bbc secrctary, K. N. Morris. i tof qus tonsê bresolvumed . imwl onbr u a ita-mro bscmuiyi uhaw ta hter Geraldine a nl d Hospital, Bowmanviile, forl 1.75, dance 75c. Tickets can be operabion off bis business. This lfqetost ersle.'mwl onbr u aia-mro 121 their kind services. 12-l"* obtaincd from any Junio macbinery enables him ta cul Councillor Glemîholme Hu-Ih oinwscrid ism bis argument is based in e ayu eran bohis rblm ad Farmners' miember. 11-2 the cost off production the ghes, seconded by Deputy- i A lelter ffrom tbe Bowman- large part on a claimed su- isop speaker asserted. Reeve Ivan Hobbs, moved that' ville Chamber off Commerce perior efficiency for bbc plan-isopruite.I savta atri i Thr s' uhtm et,.Attention, Darlimîglon Foot- Harry Jose, Newcastle,. high- the deciaration be referred 10eo rtdo nlgnrl ned economy over the free!operation ohoire epnil oen baIl League players and fans. ly commended Mr. Brown, the Towni Solicitor. This was ee n sang asi ee a- economy. He bas some be-ý ment and nbch f edmcai There wiil be a full lengtb who is well known througboul carried. w3 us cvin eldmaes wcre dVis- lievers, 100, even among those niidas Hae ou ee tete ýoieofte ntratonlSoc- Durham Counîy and bbc ad- Couneîlloi' lemî Nicks assel't-b Cussed with a view to select- woabrcmuim hs move of te Iteratina are bbc people who theorize' cer game beîween Real Ma- joining districts. He express- cd that lic felt having bbc ingf those most deservingof that only bbc state can direct, f' an:drid, Spain, and Einbracbt, cd appreciation off the wonder- letîci' referred ta a solicitor, Ibe Chamber off Commcrce'santinscomy1maehee U ld i l e Geran , p1a60 d in Gariagowfu h owd akd for a bigBrows a reflectio on i e group: support and sudy during the b st use of its human resoure- T h eI CIU h Onl a ew orewees bfor spingwor Sctlad, 960 inDaringon andforMic Bowmanville Industrial De- year, il stated. It added that es, industrial apparatus and Onyafwmrewesbfresrn ok Township Recreation Centre, The crowd gave Mr. Brown veiopments, LId. the bown's program off indus- raw materials. Y() O ENE SAE begins ... but still tîme enough for you to Hampton, April 5 aI 7:30 p.m. an ovation whcn lbe came out Councilior Hughes repIied trial dcvelopmenl xvas off Off course capiîalism blas ils, in f ~~~* ~ Evcryone welcome. 12-2 on the stage. Mm. Brown' thal the motion was not in- grealest concern. nfcicesadlsnqui- your graing.~ The Durham Drama Work- bbanked bbc large audience for tended in any way as a re- "'The meeting resolved thal ics, its speculators who garn-, ~~~~~~~so presents a evening off attcnding and making the 1961 flection. "But ibis malter in-'this letter be willen 1ta '-cm eadetofpooîo 0 t~ e antratyou sedwih hefamnous. one-act piays on Friday, March Case Brown Show a success. volves an expenditure off apu1 gralulate Town Council o isthi lbo.Bu n t oepandi ,nationally advertised PANOGEN PROCESS :241h and Saturday, Marcb 25tb "It is only through you, our proximalely $114,000. A litfle' decision to extend essential eeonomy, contrary ta what bhc (ET YOU CO MRIL RNT G ,-~~'V ... the modem mnethod which is recommended in the Town Hall, Bowman- customers and fricnds, thatwicag aneaionadsrvesbheGnrokn-toissmy sueub by agricultural colleges coast tb cost Fr ville, Ontario, ai 8:15 p.m. these shows car be such a suc- whas se n u e ad ladsrile a aeGlndberokI-ess rbcmac nossome ut T U AESA lJ k / better, heaithier stands and bigger yields flexit adsha ndmis osio tucfod ests. a s e usoes ayw ou aeb ewitn l i ays 1the iope that Ibis projecl will mulbiplicd. A major propa-! havsit will pay you to brinir vour seed in The paysa10be pracnbed rc:obae.iLas summe wben e . dout witb al pos- ganda campaign under way in' DIAL MA 3-30 O MNI harveatb peete r:hae at umr hnw CuellrHgess .sible speed." bbc Soviet press is evidence and have us Panogenizc ir. "Dark Brown", by Philip John- had what could have been Councîllor Hughes said.t * ~~~~son, directed by Madeline fatal accident wc really found Athettura.Cortcie fo onilrFe se h Ia vnKrsce' ra _____ ,.GretB ucad Tooley "A, Sweet Mystery," out what rea rends are", Mm. eDm~?Bony District' K. N. - -- - _______ K. N BOWMANVILLE MA 3-7150 by Vie. Auger. "A Battle off He also paid tribute bot cmda tepuhneow f he aaem f b Chamber off Wisby Norman Williams, co-opemation off bhc companies former Holgale building, and' Commerce, how many people 'directed by Jerri Ross._-12-1 whose goods hee bandles, and cxpressed bbc hope Ihal the attended the annual meeting. ________ ___who were represented on the ultimate tise off the properly Mr. Mor-ris eplied "28 Iî Memomial Park are holding. would nol be for anylhing thiiik". Councillor Fiee slaled!NTC ibheir Annual Bazaar in th platfform by their raveilers. ClubHoue, arch25t atMr. LaValley, an official off the detrimenlal 10 Bowmanvillc1thatliehe ad been told thatl O ClbHuiMrh25ha firrn reprcscntcd bbc Case High Scbool, wbiclî is situaied only 10 people bad been Ihere.__________________________ 3:00 p.m. Th ooh aea Company, aeross tbc street. ýThat figure is incorrect, Mr.! folIows: Miscelianeous, Wh te sarin mucl m- Depuly-Rceve Hobbs, sec-:Morris said. Ele han, H me akig ad ertainm nt povidd by Waly, ondd bW Councillor Wesley1 On motion of Counillor; Candy, Fisb Pond and good _AdHifld ime-- __rsFe, moved Îthait Ie elerbePNck , ndribr Counillor T tn denbc o n ue .Mm3- B359. S12-1Donald G. Cow], 18 Lamb's G O Y A liii dei, Phoe MA 32359. 1-i PRO ERTY ~Lane, Bowmanvillc, eceivd ~OYA N ony 3 bIonIy c lb IOR SALE BY TENDER mîorinuie i aoe ar WHT DOMINIONTIEWH T _______________ Tenders xii! be received bv accident on Saîurday at 5:40RIFMR S tbc undersigned Soliciton up ffcnr. ole' c yr . - nou 10 12:00 o'clock noon on Sat-ofcnrln Highway No. 2an IN DR GOCER DEARTM NT rdav th Firt dy of Apil. ITHjust casi off the Ontario Police ___________________ 1961, for tbc purchase off the fîces propcniy off tbc late Robent fcs off _______hLttecositig fMmr. Cowle was trcated foi- W hite Rose Trotaia o i e booM rgrn ouse and lot on the nomlb side -aeainst i rigbt car at off Satioun Street in the Village C a U Memonia] Hospial and thenan heP SIECOIS off Orono. C NFD NCE2 was able tb returnn bis adOhrPoui ShisICE COOKIESa faJe borne Constable H. G. Wgt 4 1bS1 -00 9bouse with 7 roorns, garage and offie . wsteinvesligaling Hrl ilb lt ohv - .I M A garden, oil lîea bing, bard and o fier r t l p o e B a Terms: 10% off price %vith Representatîve tween lwo cars on King Street' tender; balance to be paid in at the corner off Liberty Street' cash on closing: closimîg date 10 floxard Foîder, foriienv off Blackstock, lias ioiîîed our disonthe as 6:50 p.m. Then be arranged. RYSOK ihst Hiles orilanx euder i sales staff and is beadîng our ffarmmand country properiy treamenad HEl1.lais, utRYSOK ise ota3alhN "h aehe oa e nccessanîly accepted.div ision. fie is a long lime resident off Ibis rural area SreadHg .Sms uiesaqanacsi h at Inspection off bhe buildings aîîd weil qualifîed to advise ýo i on your eai estabe 'Lambert Street. Two passen- buiesaqinnc nthps. N %1 may be arangcd by contact- tansactions. cers in the Ellis car, Kenrîelb Q ~~ing John Douglas Moffat. Miller and Donald Mcadows. of Bay wiIck otinue prae on l cknrh ne hesienm miboPonth41 o Rbetoff Newcastle, neceived Franlin ulbrfor. Orno. liI~IJVf~ ~ REALORS bruises and scratches. Tee to you in the future. &5UFrPhnek10in ,Eeutrf rmor damages b the &elcphone Blackslock 711r roiisl.** ls2cW. .LT. Office RA 8.51017 Res. RA 8-2155 bwo cars involved in bbc acci--A .SOK Or.nLCOtTi, dent. Constable Don Anden- Solicitor for the \'cndors. 19 thol St. W.~ Oshawa son off the Bowmanviîle Police d "11-3 - Department investigabed. THURSDAY, MAR. 23rd. ib-- - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTv,.vm N 1. 1961

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