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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1961, p. 2

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PAGE TWO_____ ___ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAi, MAR. 23rd, lS!. wiii discuss plans for the An- one in particular "Your Mon- Towd ae eehl tol ual Faters Sos, ad Du-I ru e ~ n na ~ YS rtRlh In Foo". ra Scout mN rews night-one dcaling with tlk n R otarians Hear, See ghters Night." D 00 ued rael ilmer0WinnkÇing Speecht B emnvI1eScotsortundy mrnig.ChaldsEv The guest speaker. Walter excerpts from Dr. Marion Hil- (Intended for last week) ing le E. lScoutsa inrowne b oasr lae'-dboon" Wove oc H i h i h s o r pWalter DeGeer, a past District1 - Camp Fim sSatBmaescouts a n cs anouned th y Governor. He told the club' Mrs. Hector Morton read "aa La astweed2no cu s Ken Ncols ookthe Bb~gt T l v n ~*that Mr. Elliott was born in' r g o athekn 6By cus e icosto h ReetyteBomnilaLo n r e oteand herehe as pedu: ýThe Bowmanville Lions Club Herb Goddard thanked Miss Ms. Addison Scott chaired Nrt Ohwa Te nir srmnitlhdel ReetyteBwavlffellow Rotarians that $38 of l bilingual. wll have an entry this springýAmes on behaîf of bis fellow1h business session and ex- weekend was a great sucoutsa.Ten r0 M.EIotsatdhsbs-ithanulLoqDistrict Ai Lions, and conratulated her on' pressed her thanks to every- toal h priiptd nte" ern onhebylar-Ea Fenatonofanexeptonll a Critma fr usca d ness in Montreal in 1936. This Convention parade to be hIslecting sch a vitux' îm- eîd Frinhthethecamp ,,e ed how t h e pasebcatsy! the FashofionecepShowly ofChianmsmal msprints- Inantvsnow hlanderthTh 1'ne series of colored slides cational purposes was bc'in yerar e is ele ratngis 2thin ingsatthen, On eTi.sispran oiday night. Conven o r s Ofeering." An "Aerxal Runwaylso pele'sfotrnts Te depicting the bighlights of a spent to take 34 Public School envray i imi h dcddeîh inrmeig The programn chairman, Mr.1 standing committees w e r was constructed by the byIcotut sien lere ow t trip to il European countries children to Toronto by char- cogs salse n no h omnil in Kent, then introduced Ross1 esked to bave their reports and some sheking legs and'ostutaimlrpebdg taken by Walter E. Elliott, tered bus on Sunday, Marchn anadian Marketing Research. Club held at the Lions comn- Metealf, an active Lion, whol in readiness for the April thrills were felt as the boys !o n ieo h re ToonoIat umer M. l-l2htoher smpon cn-Mr. Elliott moved its head of- munity Centre on Monday is weîî known as a talented metig, hih wonfeaer gided oof the oeoE--- Tooto as gav eran .Eelnt erto et M as Hall. on-,f iceeto Toronto in 1940. March 13. Plans were made to organist. He spoke of the the annualwelectionio! offaicues spded dpullte.Ti roecti haveta unitaof BowmanHalle ers iomxt aro v n eth elsa rsdn R .Rcayws Mr. Elliott is the president hLioa nsiaco omnvlepleasure Mr. Metcalf bas asoand will be held at the home was completed on Saturdey, thmenr obslnchen metingth Pe ck i nP.c ! the ho- Elliott-Haynes, Ltd., whicb iosacopefied by the given many audiences witb his10f Mrs. Ralph Preston. morning. On Seturday afe theld at th lingDu metimn te dnayw. Gt resftere undertakes many and varied Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band singing o! a varied repertoire' tesnig o!ronte arl hedatte lin uthane da. ust reet epFollowing tesnig onteptoscompeted, Moton Hlote]. Bernard Holden. Bowmnanville,1y o eeac nl din er. ntecneninpr godslcinI the National Antbem and the against one enother in a "Four Murdch eatn tld is . Rihars, nd o e radio and television surveys, ae neetn A series o! excellent colored Institute Grece, lunch was event"' competition. The events------------ Mur och____________NRihar s, and______pulic atttuea d twno A e pa t ipogam was pre t n ded, taken during bis ex- served by the hostess assist- covered "First Aid", "Signal- L DronOrshaa. icd studies, consumer and dealers itOpr rga a r-tne European vacation trip cd by Mrs. Harry Ryîey, Mrs. ing", "Ploneening" and "Bush NTE PERWOt,WI1O KAtI~ Donw o ret is anohtad been y, and continuing ad-'sented et the dinner meeting. lest summer, was presented Ina Palmer, Mrs. Hector Mor- Trial Course." The winners FO MM,'SA from ettehe nad n r vevrtising lineage audits. He js First Miss Jill A mes, daugh- by Mr. Metealf. His graphie ton and Mrs. Mansel Finn ey. were the Fox Patrol with 3801 FiNDs :THEIf couLD< Cniple Chlden.Socetyfo alo pesien o!Pubic ur te o!theclb'ssecetayand witty commentany added Mns. Earl McQuaid expres- points from a possible 510. ~V ORWDF Criple Chldrn.He told the vey, Ltd., a specialized agen- Ralpb Ames, was introduced toth nom tofhepcsdtetak ftemm-WAEOM D1 clu tiet issGloia kiwn-cy, and president o! Radio by Program Chairmen Robert the enicormt o! is vedte hnk f h mm zi h ititdinecton, bas Time-Teletime, Ltd., a Mon- Kent. toa con !b svits of bers to Mrs. Neals for the use!D u Heie thee district JllEngland, Scotland, France, the o! ber home and ta the hos- B* -' Hannah, formerly o! Sault St-! addition he is also president o! a Grd1 ui tCnrl cnia esgop ,,Marie. Miss Hannah will be iný the Flying Dutchman MoorScbool, bad brought bonor to via. ._Cub___________la moth charge o! the cntire Peter- Hotels, Ltd., which operaies her scbool by winning the A eary oteo!thaks a3- Cub hdthirTreulresmont' borough district. This includes motor'botels in Bowmanville Bowmanville Public Scbools tendered to Mn. Meteal!. Pe OBITUARY ig ac 4h h rsdn !Durbam, Northumbcrland, On- and Kitchener. Oretoricel Contest. Funther sident Walter Rundle also' conducted1 the business portion o tario, Peterborough, Victori, M.'eersadta Wle onor was won by young Miss tbenked young Miss Ames and'n and Halibunton C o u n t i e s. Eîîiott joined the Rotary Club Ames for ber sebool and the Mn. Metcal! for their contni- L-O. .H IOB o be meeting, d finalthe r which at preseni have 1,103o!Trnoi 196 ad town when sbe placed fîrst in1 butions to the entertainîngiTedabocne tSn oigcr at.MsM patients. hgi-iîv r-nddb i the Durham Countv Oratonical program. nvbrook Hospital, Toronto, on Sinclair conductcd a gamnei Thc second itter fr[to herc de'y i fellow !Contest for Public Schooll Fred Cole, a Past presidentSuavveigFb.9,11,uhe. inrsbigM Ontario Societv for Cipplezi liott's keen intenest in Rotary lîs, Mr. Kent stated. o! the club, and Herb Goddardl,! following an illness o! five Eva McIlroy and Mrs. Hl' Eveybo y's Childnen announced that the and of bis club activities. a The speech with wbich shc International Councillor, werc wecks. of Lt.-Col. P e nec yCall. Low scores were held by Timmy Easten Panade o! Stars Tefrs ld chieved such an outstandin.- each presented witb 15 Ycar Hwihes Jnbb. He wa.s in his Mrs. Wilda Simpson and Mrs. d oing it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h wil ebcdonSndy fe n.E liott presented by'record wvas given by Jill. HeriPerfect Attendance Pins. A 7t er ane oel noon, March 26th, at Maple: etc8,0 showed the ma-C adience at the Lions Club deleffation o! seven membens, A son of the late Robent! Mr. and Mms. J. Cunson Sr.I~i ,jsi 300ton liner "Queeni listened with attention as she o! the Lindsav Lions Club'Jb n aa uhs î&wt M.adMs .Hcs o~R I. cobnîgFre hfiad Leaf Gandens, Tononto. 'Elizabeth" in which he saîlcd sok on "Conservation of attended the dinner meetin iJ. decaned Sasr Nove. 2,wion Mr.unday..R.Hik Lîaultyproecio ino ne Mn. Morris also informed 'h(> with his wife, daughter. and Our Canadian Way oci-. Ohr ust crenia e86Carw ibt o n si. M.adMsJ.Hrwc club that Mns. Ralph Camp- niece for their three months, Her thought provoking address John Miller, Winnipeg. 1on6!,He n Cs mardin tToronto in nirs oono.istdo =eonomical HOMEOWNERS bell bas a bal! hour film tak- European vacation. hssi a ie ihpieadLo e MleRnHp 92t h omrVoe al-ndavgirsTnth , Mn. and rs POIC. avs outie nd en at the Cerebral Palsy Club.hse ce o 120 ndca-modesty. ;kins, Toronto, and Bud Law-'bat wopeecae i jSinclair and Mn. and Mrs. S. xnoney. Just one pohicy ta keep Clinie in Oshawa, and bas ask- ries 2,400 passengers. International Cou n c i1Il o r son, Oshawa. bat h rdcae i track of, one premium-and cdith clbwudîe A numben o! îoveîy vie'Ns A-1956. 4 see it. The local Rotary Club soigLno' aynrs yucan budget your payments sends several chldren under weshownLndo'sMr.ny lorkseA rsidet.-o! obhad fr 4 'with our easy Premium Pay- its cane ta this clinie, which sis s pictureYsi o! the Towern or' E Hock mnent Plan. Whether you own doing wonderful work. Mn. London were r e ma rk able.1 O Fiday evening about fui St. Patnîck's Dance on He was a mnember of North-, your home or rent, sec us for Morris stated..1 There was a vîvîd slde o! the 140 people attended the Pot Friday nigbt, with Malcolm minster United Chunch and of!ieBte Eetial full etail. BobSteves, wh \"' s în"Bloody Tower," and among Luck Supper and Congrega- Bradt's orchestra supplying teLylOag og t chage ! te ickt sle orother awe inspining scenes tional meeting in the United the music. Baktc.H a loeps fui dtals "or Yeteda",anouce was one o! the execution place Church Sunday Sehool Hall. Ralpb Penny. Belleville, aster o.da2Ld0, sa. F that ticket proceeds aone there wbere Anne Boleyn, and AhM.eNo.r270, Oshawa. to $00. his amount cued'CteieHwad aeGa Following the suppen bour, wxvas hom orth wekn The deceased served as bail- ta 0.Ti utincludd athei ne owadJan GryC reighton C arr led in group wt i fml.if! o! the 8tb Division Court - a doatin fom DvidG ~and many other bistonical pris- Newcastle. A complete state-loeswr utt et. singing. A film "The Beginn- The members of the Wo- o! the County o! Ontario for ment including expenses will~ ing" was sbown, after wbicb men's Missionary Society o! appnoximately 28 veens. be made at the clubs next Lno adak eewl the cbildnen went upstairs ta tbe United Church held thein A nepbew o! the late Sir STU RT . J 14E metingMr. Steectensand threIer see cthen pictures, and Rev. meeting et the home o! Mrs. Sam Hughes, who served as Siain TU RTreJME a the prhoi slides o! the picturesque Eng- George Richardsoun explained Winnifred Spencer on Wed- minister o! militia in the cabi-.. ï INSURANCE REAL ESTATE $600. tht po i h country side, Strat!ord- the purpose o! h meeting. nesday eveni. g, with Mrs. net o! Sir Robent Borden dur- Ring~~~ S.. Bo anle As chairman of the Youth on-Avon, Edinburgh, and the "Every family must be madc Spencer presiding. Mns. Henry ing the Finst World War, Lt - .H Service Cnmmittec. Mr. Stev- cttsHihad. heveswaeo! aur Churcb's task Jakeman read the scipture Col. Jobb bad a long and ds- O lmn ae OffIc Reslenc~ens clled meeing o itso! Ireland were also most in- nd stirred ta share in mak- lesson with Mrs. H. Coppins, tinguished militery career. oe uoatal MA -581MA members, A. L. Hooey. John tnsig ingr it a vital Christian force Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. He started bis cancer in the Bain,-Dr.1W.AM. Rudeli, n baidition to pictures o! jin this community." Spencer giving the responses Canadian militia in 1900 as a when demand i Tom Rebder. _ The meeting Paris and other parts of aslWigtgv h and leading in prayer. Miss bugler with the 46th Regiment etahay ________France, Mn. Elliott showed hglgt ft Blanche Gerbard, missionary and in 1906 received bis comn- scenes taken in Belium, Hol- hiiihso reiu et n Alberta is the special mis- mission as a lieutenant in tbe and ermny.Butthein gs beld by Stewards and so For Tose .land snlGran udestdepît-ad icuse be ary for prayer this year 34th Ontario Regiment. He be- Fo hse...most fascinating s.àsdpc Elder ns for sedt he u- the President spoke brie!- came a company commander chunch's pragram andtefu e d the famous Passion Play lof ber work in that pro- in tbe 46tb Regiment in 1908. per!ormed in Oberammergau, tune. vince. Lt.-Col. Jobb enlisted for M m ~ i~ m aa D A Y S Germeny, last summer, as it Dr. S. L. Speller gave a On account o! the storm, vres srie wt h b has been every ltb year for brie! financial report and dis- night, the gnouo was smaller 136th Battalion in 1915 and bundreds o! years. cussed the future needs, bning- than usuial anci Mrs. Edearlserved in France and Belgiumn D uring LJent Glenholme Hughes moved a ing out a proposed financial Beer, who was ta have led with the second battalion o! hearty vote o! thanks to Mn. budget, whicb was discussed the study period was unable the regiment !rom Augiist, RAISIN COTTAGE CHEESE PIE Elliott, and R. P. Rickaby, et lengtb. to attend. In ber absence, 1917 ta July, 1918. He was president o! the club, elso ex- Rov. George Ricbardson ex- Mrs. T. Jackson gave an ac- wounded et Passcbendacle and i ý lb dnRepesd appreciation of bis plained the planncd Visitation counto!br ttdnc etws etindidspces vivid cammentany and fine which mrould take place in the Churcb Onama held ear- RtnigaCndan19,i CotageChesepctures. whîcb every home in the lier in Whitby, whicb she bed he assisted in the reogai- i' cp ugrcommunity would be visitcd attended for a week. Mns. tion o! the Durham Regiment ,/à cu Suga hxr a rpnpqpnttiv f fi , the Jacsn sai"This Ormaus end was commanding officer B S U E church ta explain what the e wonderful expenuence de- of the unit from 1927 ta 1932 churcb docs in a community, picting by picture, posters and wben he was placed in tbe E (bnendd or as wck) wbat it hapes ta do end bow exhibits, every phase o! the reserve. (Itnddfo as ee) evenyone cen share. work o! the Chunch, with In August, 1940, hie nevented M Mns. C. Staples, Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slatcn relies fnom all the different ta major and accepted com- ,Mns. Lawrence Staples, Barry and thein thnee cbildrcn o! missions in Afnica, Japan, In. mend o! "ID" Company o! the r and David, Betbeny, werc Fînnie, Sask., are visiting with dia, Trinidad as wcll as Cen- Midland Regiment. He was Sunday nigbt tee guests of Mn. ber parents, Mn. and Mns. ada." She also mentioned the appointed second in command and Mrs. Edward Folcy and Clarence Rowen. Rev. Z. Zurbrig o! Hamilton o! the regiment in Apnil, 1942 i!fmily.. and Mrs. William Ment- and bis work in the Afnican and retired in June o! thet iMn. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, ichenko and son Larry of Msinfedya ihtern fLetn Oshawa, were Sunday visitons Toronto spent the weekend Following the elosing devo- ant Colonel. o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wright witb Mrs. Orboe Wright. tions, the hostess servcd lunch Lt.-Col. Jobb was elways ;and fmily.and a social houn was cnjoycd. keenly intcrested in the youth adfmy.Richard Sanr Pembroke, o! the district and when the Mn. Jackie Woodward, Ton- Spent the past week with Mn: Twenty-five members o! Osbawa (Chadburn) Air Cadet onto, spent the weekend with and Mrs. Fnank Prussak. Bethany Womnen's Institute Squadnon was organized in bhis gnandparents, Mn. and Mns. The members o! the Loyal breved Monday nîght's storm 1942 he was appointed the first George Coombs and uncles ta attend the meeting et the cmedngofcro! the Bill and Jack.Oag Ldg bedasce-he!Ms. Walter Neals. squadnon. Mn. and Mrs. Denny Bat- Dr. H. Huhbard o! Bowmen- He is survived hy a son.. tams, Mn. Sam Battams, Mns. O IU R ville was ta bave been the Arnold, o! Agincount, and ai Conley Battams motoned ta BTU R guest speaker, but telcphoned dau'gbter, Mrs. Stanley Fin-! Elgin ta spend the weekend. Care Berson Tyrreil shortly after the meeting bow (Jean), o! Toronto; seven' ,Mns. Gardon Tunnbull endi hre started that the roads were grandchildrcn and four great- Devid returned home withi The death o! Charles Bersofi very bad and he hald ta turn gnandchiîdrcn. them. Tynreli occurred on Febnuery back. The funeral service was 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van- 1l, 1961, et bis lete residence, The pnogram feat u r ed beîdet the McIntosh-Anderson Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bnow- main Street, Orono. Home Economics and Hcaltb, Funeral Home, Oshawa, Wed- nell werc Seturday evenung Telt n ynl a witb Mns. Mansel Finney as nesday. Feb. 22, !ollowed byl guests o! Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Telt r yrl a Meea!,Osaw.born in Toronto and wes the convener. Mrs. Finney ex- interment in Cadmus Union' Duc ta inlement wcatben son a! the late Walter Tyrrell plained th vnn' ot eeey. and bad roads, this correspon- and Annie Mannison. He wes "Don't wonk aIl your life ta A masonie service wves beldý dent is sorry that the ncws orphaned et an earîy age and {ria<e a living, but work toaet the funeral home Tuesdey budget hed to be beld aven grew up in Hamilton wbere e all youn life." evening Feb. 21. until this week. be attended public school. Mrs. Thomas Jennings ne-, (Bae ine Mnch2oh) Leter, he moved ta Shelburne ported on e recent workshop' Air, Rail or Steamship (Bae LneMarh 2th) wbene he gradueted from high beld et Garden Hill featuring T 1 C K E T S Mn. Clifford Wilson attend- school. Having served bis ep- "Eet ta Live". She conducted TO EVERYWHERE ced the funenal o! bis sister, prenticesbip wîtb W. J. Cor- a quiz on bnîngung members Consult ,Mrs. M. M. Damon, Sawyen- bett in Creemore and Gardon up ta date on fod velues, men- ville, Quebec, on Wednesday, Temblyn LUI. in Toronto, be tioning the pamphlets and 3 [U R Y & LO VE L Manch 15th. Mns. Damon wRs gnadueted as an honours stu- books available et no_ cost 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 buried !rom ber son Mn. Law- dent fnom the Ontario College fromn the Dcpartment o! Ag- Bowmanville ry's home. Sympathy o! the o! Pharnmacy in 1934, wbere riculture and recommended ______________ communit.y is extcnded ta Mn. be was secretery o! bis class Wilson in the loî o! bis sister in bath junior and senior Mrs. Roy VanCamp visitcd ycars. Following bis gradua- Mns. Cynil Luke, Oshawa, on, tion be was employed as a FridaY.j dispenser et MacMillan & Co. The Base Line community in the Medical Arts Building,' was well represented et the Toronto. In 1937 he purchas- Case Show in Bowmenvillc on cd the dnug business of J. J. Friday evening. Some were Gilfillen, Orono, whîch lie ýlucky enough ta win some of openeted for the past 24 years,i the pnizes. takin-g an active part in many Mns. Margaret Anderson, community activities. '1 Oshewa, and ber son Donald Mn. Tyrrell was well known 'Nichais, spent Sunday after- frbswr saMeo.H noon with Mn. and Mrs. Samý was a" Past Master o! Orona Bettams.1 Lodge A.F.&A.M. 325. District Miss Sharon Leach was an, Deputy Grand Master o! On- overnigbt guest o! Miss Grece tnaDsrc 984;amm Banneson Setrday.ber o! Palestine Chapten.r,' Royal Arch Masans, Bowman- .. ville, and o! Peterborough Lodge o! Perfection, Scottish' Rite. The funeral service took place in Onono United Church,l o! wbich he was a memben, i on Mondey. February 2th. Masons fnom Orono Lodge and other lodges in the district joined a large group o!f fiends in paying thein leut respects. He is survived by bis wîdow,1 Mrs. Ethel (Stark) Tyrreli. hi- three daughters, Connie, Mer- ' H AA gery and Lyndàt. a sister Mer-' do yours at T A A gery(Mrs 0.Hodgkins), and! a brother, Walter Tyrrell, bath residents o! Tororito. Pallbearers werà esr Fred Lvcett, Wilfrid Hawke.1 James Rickaby, Herbent Du-' vaîl, Carl Billings and Gardoni f DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA Cotter. 499 HURO0N $TRET, TORONTO5 Interment wes in the Langi - Chapel, Orono Cemetery. *- it proved reallY iînter-. j' to sec howx the boys tack- the job and how thev camne the hardships of ssing the creck without ting wet. would like to thank ail fathers who helped us i transport and also Mur- Woods, Ken Nichols, Bob ins and Luther Welsh who ped me to instruet and lead boys in such a good camp. surs in Scouting, ~ Robert Davis «Kanga". or Best Resuis TRY OUR Automatic ',,AR WASH 'e car Nvash that tive. ou that glearning wax rusgh. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES Bottom:elenient mintains abondant a5serte for . ormal ne eds. 'We neyer run out of hot water! We've got a new, fast-recovery electrie water heater with two elements" Ev eu ini largc famuilles the rNc fav ICCO\ erN, two-clemnt ni ectrit a 1Cr heater meets the hea\ iest hot walcr demands, for 001) a f cents a da)!. W\hy flot guarantec the coinfort of a constant hot mwaîer supply in xour home. Install a safe, clran, flaimclcss two-clcmient wvater lied ten -ius wcck. (:dI yotir local 1Ipidro C nlay. HYDRO lu yours DIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 1/ cup Glen Rae Milk 'TG 3 Eggs Beaten '/ tsp. Sait M2 cup Chopped Raisins Rind and Juice o! one Lemnon 1 tsp. Melted Butter Press cheese through a fine sieve. Add ncxt 7 ingredients and stir until well mixed. Line a deep pie i pan with pastry and bake in a bot oven 450 degrees 1 until crust is a light brown. Filwith cheese mixture and continue baking in a moderate oven 350 degree, until filling is firm, 15 to 20 min. COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King Si. W., Bowmanville, and drivers. Also from: Dominion Stores and McQuinn's Red & White Grocery, Bowvman- ville. and Tom's I.G.A., Newvcastle. N EW!. Tropicana Decoralor Designed TrHERMO»-MUGS Limiled Offer - $1.25 Value Order your sets of decorator colors today! Thermo-mugs filled with fine, nutritious Glen Rae COTTAGE CHEESE., c Order from your Glen Rae Driver or purchase ai Glen Rae Dairy, King Si. W. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone MA 3-5444 98 KING ST. . BOWMANVILLEJ ' I N

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