THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO AGETHMER Flats and littie heels thi spring are the gayest ev,: Most flats v, 11 feature thE stacked leather 1cowbov' heek and the sharp elongated trip1 pin toes. Styles with laces and ties are more popular tha.- ever with the High Schocl crowd. Watch for the deiight- .Lm>Lnqes,.Ijght greens and CANADA'S ONLY SHORT HEELh FASHION STORES à HI-STYLE FLAiT5 (JET HETLS) 7.99 to 12.95 (SIZES) 4 to il Write For Our Caogue oV stUs 7 LIPTOWN:3095 BATHURST ST. DOWNTOWN. 270 YIONGE ST. TORONTO ONT. is watermelor. pinks t r. espec;aIlv nice in je e, purnps. P-imps on [sheeh v wili be stvledv je fronts. Two jet hi id available thizz spning. in 1" and'ithe other is dSlinaW. Plans Spril Activities 1The March meeting Sauina Wornen's Instit i held in the Communý Anyone baving labE fany Canada Paekers1 rernember te handt ; as we stilI need sever sand. Il was decided vass for the Cancer Several tbank yoi were ncad for fruit ar ens !rom those on1 list. Il was movcd and ed that we caler ta Producers' banquet on 22nd and also the Sh banquet on the 7tho The different con /Ç 0 o aster CROSSES GoId filled and sterling chaîns wlth cross $2.95 Up EARRINGS $2.00 pair Ladies' Religions Watch Bracelet 50 ~har -------- 0 MEDALS St. Anthony St. Christopher Perpetual Help $2.95 a Large Selection of COLOURED BEADED NECKLACI $1.00 Up EARRINGS TO MATCH MARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 39 KING ST. W. MA 3-. Laies! in... Hat Fash ions from CHILDS SKING ST. W. ffrom Waterloo College aven erich. IAI the neception w e r e fromi the weekend. On the day o! the wedding guesîs !nom Brampton, God-DEO OKLN Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- annîversany, Mn. and Mrsec. MacstnPrte- jr.Emn tpeFct hi on n aroyRa nNwateadBwaland wenc guesîs o! Mn. and Seat c beld Open House at ry, Dunharton, London, Or- SAUSAGE wodc, and bad as necent Nontii during the a!terneeo ville. A caîl from Rev. and .SOAD S3 5 guests Mrs. Wm. McCabc of and evening. For the occasion Mrs. Robent Wylic, a formler SAE$$M B.. 9 $ 3 4 .9 #5 ~Yclventon and Mn. and Mns. the bouse was brigbt with minister now living in Ton.A 358 CRlJohn Nesbitt. baskets o! rases and chrysan-' unIe, was greatly appreciated.LENFRS Mrs. George Bawers opened tbcmurns in shacles a! geld, Mn.anAMN, coî, he . ber borne on Thursday after- vellow and white and potted were mannied in FIR THd noon te tbe regular meeting nIlants, gifts o! their rnany 1911 by Rev. Borland, have Hf lAN1 3BRG *o! Nestîcton W.A. friends. The tea table wasilivcd the whole 50 years of Sevenal Nestîcton folk en- spnead with a band crochetedi thein married life on their dod B R O S . 3 LBS. $1 .00 joyed a visit wilh Mn. and lace clotb, which Mns. Scot'rsn fanm. Forty years ago ______________________ Mns. Jas.Hnnsad Mshdmde laid aven a clath thev built their present hos- ULT ET AI-w a~erDorathy Harris on the occa- o! gold bnoadclotb. The tablelpiaàble ned brick home. Be- 47 King St. E. EOK LI L Ail-wealher sien o their 4t weddingan was centrcd witb a three- cmesthi son and daughter,P0BN IB niversa n y. Mn. and Mrs. ticned wedding cake. tall they have eleven grandchild- LENFRESH George Bowers, Mrs. N. C. white tapers and arrange- ren. Their many friends hope LB. 3c C A SMarlow, Miss Ruth Proutt menis o! golden roses. that tbey may enjoy manv _______0__________ and Mr-. Manvin Nesbitt were Receiving the guesîs, wbe 'more years o! health and hap- iCOG O $ 2 5Friday evening callers. numbered about 250. wcne piness tgether. COC O Mn. and Mns. Walter Dur- the honouncd couple, assistediS1 ' $220915 ~~stan netunned home afler by Mr. and Mns. Ray Scoit tS TCS spending Iwo weeks in Ton- and Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Fr i j . 16-o:. onto. Down. Miss Linda Scott sup- For l nppliaflces Ilb.. Marvin Nesbitt and Dick ervised the signing o!f the'_______3 9____ _____________4 9c__ in a Columbus nursing home ed the dean for callens in te e tCs oa iGel WTTFIT' LEAN, STORE SLICED W A Ron Sunday. aGrantn nd ennth nathroughhae es son visiîed bis mother in Sun- service in the evening. S T A T E SUMAN today if the Indians had baild Ctrtmtr-Sna" x àS BOWIMAN VILLE derland and called on Mn. I Those wba pouned tea were C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 t0o Ils."B.A.1Nb and Mrs. Jas. Harris, Lind-1 Mrs. Arthur Ross, (Mrs. Phone MArket 3-3303 V - - say on Sunda.y eveniing. Scott's twin sister), Miss Bea -_____________ CHOSE YOUR E ASTER WARDROBE HERE!© -Ae Haaeppy Brother a ndrSister Mia pe Grdve foflc from the Mrs. L. C. Snowdenwrech May.Hap y Br the an Siser apie G ro e 1Public Relations Offi c e r, had been suggested as copy Theroi cal, A ualty ! .~ rs. Chas. Greenbiam asked for school children's Safety Gh odCitize, " was wty of' fr reor c-tion incompleting Council project. Mr. Ross repot onevaluation of TV Metcalfe, who was on hancl àa okasee ymmes h and radio programis and said as stormy night chauffeur, ýet heeled program was in charge o! the i . nPvIiri that two interviews had been took over at the piano for the the jet' village group with Mrs. R. 4'u.., ~ ' granted our organization's re- Easter bonnet parade. Mrs. L. With higa Eakin convenor. I presentatîves by the head of C. Snowden and Mrs. Harold ieels are Mrs. Doug Flett comment-i Mrs. Harold Cooney, con- C.B.C. regri ls ye' Coygtth venor of Citizenship and Ed- grigls ersCoe o h nod frorn One is ed on the motto, "happy hom- reports. e judge Mr. Lucas. !i" high. es do not happen, they are " ucation committee. presiding A omte Mrs. Stuart Mrs. Cooney and ber group i the results of combined e!- for the March l3th program rto r.Cc]Jfeysevdrfehet o forts." Miss Avie Lycett and o al rv oe' n and Mrs. Clifford Swallow, social haif hour. Annual meet- rendaHennig fro Bow-stitute, introduced guest I. nd Henteg rtand wt sekrM. .Lcso Bow- was appointed to look after ing in Apnil; ai Call, "A ~manville High School teacli- a dinner to be served. It was programi suggestion for next baton twirling, dancing and'l ih col ec decided to hold the W.I. year and pay your dues." singing.Rap Daiitrdcin stf.tec muiyslin ay Mrs. Mrs. H. Cryderman in charge. ýng MrsPosing questiontrWhat S. Doyle, Mrs. L. C. Snowden Mr. Lucas was thanked by is Religion peak", Mr.Luare and Mrs. Harold Cooney in Mrs. Cooney on behaîf o! the ed te gestspeaerMn.ferred to the vexing question Kaye Lycett of Orono, who M ..- o! religlous teaching in scho-cag._______________ spoke on "Legal Affairs Per- . ols. He felt strongly that the ig o! the taining to Women" basing his . child should neyer be asked itute was remnarks mainly on "Wills". to decide from his enlig-hten- iity hall. Everyone was free to ask ing exposition of the bistor- 1 17 ' P op i questions, which Mr. Lycett icaobakgrond f ma an el s from very capably answered. the origin of the four philos- products I piso eiinwihhv them in' Mrs. Eakin thanked aloh so1rl9in61c hv raI thou-1 who had taken part on the Y»'~ influcnced mankind over the 6 tCa-prognamn and the village group past 5000 ycars. it wvas frit Fund. served lunch. fi the true Iiiitory of religion T W A L OW A IL I - &could be safely taught. u notes O f note was the information md flow- ~~~~that 5000 years aga water, rudcyApi6t thesic lfertile land, crops and trans- T 1 second- u ilar portation were of prime im- ýn March by wandering tnibes. From horthorn . BuddhiFm, Confuici a n i s in, Friday, A pril 7th f Arîl fRussia Orihodox, Roma mttees Catholic. Protesta-nt and *ew- On March 9th, the Scout *. dreds of diviFions and splin- 'u d y p i t On Mrch9th theScot .... .... er groups. This would cern- v Mothers' Auxiliary met in the p rise reliElious instruction but8:5pm ÏM Lions Centre. President Rae The sriîling group pictured above are the children of Mr. an-d Mrs. Way-1heuSto nal nkd Shackelton opened the meet burn Adams, 8 Mearns Ave., Bowmanville. Shown left to right are Cynthia, was, "What is reiqion?". - -------Tickets available from -- ------- Promwite Minutswre rad 5 years, Michael, 4 years, and Debarah, 9 years. They are grandchildren of Mr. In commentîng on- thp mot- Prois. Mnueswer radand Mrs. Z. Adams, Liberty North, and yaungest grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs ta- "There is no Royal rond JACK & JILL CLUB MEMEERS Z and approved. SamOvr ensA . -Photo by Hrs to learnincý," Mrs. Stephen Fifteen members answered y-leMersAe Doyle summarîzed education ADMISSION-- --- --- --- --- --- -----75e the roll caîl, ineluding twu and learnin- as heginning in pcaStdn'Pre - - - - - 50 new members which were in-E infancy and- continuiniý thno- SeilSuetsPie---------0 troduced and made welcome ughout one's whole life. In Thursday Night Only bste e! tentreasuer Rae o p i a B a r p p o vthe lhome, parents flay be too abene f hetrasre, ae1busy or too careless io take- NO RESERVED SEATS Shackelton read and approvedi the harder road of sFacrifirc the report submitted. Sun- and co-onenationi with their_____ shine convenor sent one card N e e d C o s o n r c children. There is foday a do,- to n il eadr.clieand aluegrattandarist Legion stated that an even- n u ,, hleg st ing meeting xvould not be pos- teacIh a knowledge of good, sibie, but an afternoon space o ri o oc and evii. The teaching of theZ would e avalable It Bs Chidren should learn in RED C R O S4S wouied hb e vaile. t Iolthw J J 7I I I 1 euisfauchtudyoft Fail before making any de- The Board of Directors cfi Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason,!mittee. Mr. Walters presented'scîî testsacino 1 good doy's work or they may Cision. Memon a] Hospital appraved presîdent o! the Women's a comprehensive report on the never renli,-e it in the mqking Arrangements regarding i-e- the new contract from the, Auxilîary ta Memorial Hospi- wa 'Ys and means o! obtaîning o! a livin,. The students in, freshments for the papen Canadian Red Cross Society;:tal, informed the meeting that nursing personnel. The chair- aur sehools odv r u iti- drive on March l8th were for supplying blood ta the 'the auxîliary will furnish the man o! the board thanked Mn. zens o! tomorrow. se the first' made. Due to a busy sched- hospital fast week. At the lobby o! the new wing. She Walters for his informative aim of eclucation shouid ha te; u, t aeetib djoed taLadee thagftebe ordb ed oth e arties tateough thÈe pestedachn ! h as- o! our loc al w oe.Ray LI T ers' Nîght be postpaned tilI Wednesday evening, March has receiveri a patient lift and Mn. Holden, the hospital ad- law-ah(Iding citizens withuei adcddthtLd-m tngotebarhldnasoeptdtatheoptarpr.mae ons ad-nin teFaIl. l5thý Dr. Charles J. Austin, the Red Cross Loan Cupboard1 min istrator, submitted his ne- desire for excellence in their Boî nie McDonald moved seconded by Harry Jose, mav- had been given a bed and port for Febnuany. He aIse wonk. The example xvas given, I te etin as ecnde -b and returned. ceurtesy of the Women's Hos-, pital's departmnents, their on-Du.c ,hoataiadyx tph oiwas epeat d fleed igobhebadweeteUntdCurh'h nsdavihe io-ndpesnnl, d lee bu t tbyany royael MO lD A Y Jean Devitt. The Scout Miz- Those present at the meet- pitl Auxilîarv and St. Pauls, ganizatio n erce- nd ec btntb ayryl by a lovely lunch served by chairman, Glenhoîrne Hughes, 1 beneficianies cf the estate of, The administraton reparted, A lovelv Irish noem- "The the hostesses for the evening. Ivan Hobbs, Harry Jose, New-IAgnes Bleakley. ýthat there were 200 admissions Mother Back in Ireland," was castle, James Stutt, Harry Chairman Hug-hes expressed tO the hospital in February. nead hy Mrs. Stenhlen Jeffery. MRH -2 ~ 'M itchell's Rex Walters, A. M. Thompson:' of the auxiliary ndtespchrsa i6 patients m .two piano aconinnmes.7 -8 P M C. Mason, Mns. L. W. Dippell, tal. Mn. Crvderman, secondedof 1,660 patient days. The Tlhreads Amnong the Goir7i."R M SfLlQ C Mrs. Chanles Warren, Darling- by Mn. Stutt, moved a vote o! average numben o! patients First vice-presid"nt ;MS. ýCorners [1 & S ton, Mns. Harold Gibson, tak ateaxlayadial a 96,teaeaeHwn rde conducted Please help your local Red Cross Branch to Clarke, and Ray J. Dilling, the was carried unanimously. ýnumber o! aduits daily was the busqineFss; Roil Cal-- "An A .secretany-tneasunen. Mrs. Mason, the presi dent, 152.36, and the average num- Irish Joke". Mrs. CI fford continue their services to this 'area, Canada ,-A ssociation The chairman, Mn. Hughes, invited the members o! tIie ber Of infants dailv was 7.25. Swallow reperted seven val- ntrouce th ne adini 1Board of Directors ta the WO-perations were 42 major, 67 entine cards and two bouqu- adtewrd The Feruaitrtroduce te ewadmosinis- men 's Hospital Auxiliary's minar, and 55 emergencies. ets cf !lowers sent ta aider MTchellsF rer oeanrenadylenoth or meeting cf tao !MmnilHsia,49th Birthday Partv ta be beldi On motion o! Mn. Thomp- - - -- Mîthel's ornrs omeandBerardHoienta he oar this a! tennoon, T h u n s d a y,1 son seconded by Mn. Walters, Sehool Association was held o! Dinectors. John Sieunhuse,ý HAMPTONa heLosCo-ltwa eied.ta teml in the sehool on Wednesday, the hospital's accountant, was HAMPTOaNheLosCen l a eiddta temi Feb. lSth, in the fonm o! Open'aIso present aI the meeting. rrunitv Centre frnm three la staff, engineering and bouse- Hampton WlI. held a 'very <' House. Deputy-Reeve Ivan fie 'lok keinberqurd awensucccssfuî social evening ta ESHbb James Stuît, chairmant o! uniforms.makS.PtiksDy President Mrs. William Ne- chairman o! the finance coin-, the Equipment and Furnishingi On motion of Deputy ReevemArkSIut nck'sD ay.ei mis gneeted the guests. The mittee, presenîed bis report, Comrnittee. subinitted bis ne- Hebbs, seeonded by Mrs. L . Aot10eiydad l iere's Tour Chance parents spoke ta the teachens and announced that the pro- part. Mr. Stutt stated that the W. Dippeil, plans were maebus Pot luck sunper. A litIle _______________ and looked at their children's vincial grant o! $73,000 hadca mmittee is investigating the te bave a check of the supp!e- as ery c cenj oyed.talent w ork. been received. Payment O! cost and the most efficient and mentary emendency ligbting, a eymc noe. oB l Badcpe Cidrn Abuffet lunch, arranged by accounts amounting ta $8,- cnI a wvo finsh. ' uhoiywa ienfr At aur regular meeting o!f _______________________ economicaurwav cfaf andshing9an.9autho aty wasdgiven forc last week Mrs. Borek gave a T adcpe hlrn cMsiAthu îcmnanee,979 was mc appro-to fDpt-eve o ma- the new wing. Mrs. Mason as-, he purchase o! any necessary very inîenesting taîk an berý DURING comtew uhap e lono!Depty-ei vhJako.ssured the meeting tbat the'extra ligbts. cidoddy n Erp ciated. scne yKihJcsn Women's Hospital Auxiliary Mn. Crvderman, president o! chidhod days II.urp Mrs. Bud Hircock was cbair-ý The Building Committee would be willing ta assist the Region Na. 8 of the OntariaouigWndWn l a i g We man o! the bake sale wbich chairman, Harry V. Cryden- funnisbing committee's wark if Hospitals Association, announ- 1 ury l u i g We 543 wsheld during Open House man, neported that the con- Ibis should be desired. ced that the Regionai Meeting 1"T 5 a63 d a total cf $23.OQ was neal-1 struction o! the addition ta the' Rex Waltens, chairman o! o! the O.H.A. will be held at E FE DMR H 1 t o 2 t - ized framthis sale. ospital is making satis!actory the Nurse Recruiting Commit- the Lions Cammunity Centre M.adMs rnlnTm pro.res. H sad tat he eetol th meeingtha li onThusda evnin. Mrchblyn and children, Hamnilton, penthouse on top o! the founth had appainled A. M. Tbomp- 23rd, aI 7:30 o'cloek. He urged Ail Proceeds from .... . flooris now being huilt. This son, James Stutt, and Ray J. aIl members o! the board o! visited at W. Bowman's. floorMr. and Mrs. L. Cochrane penthouse will canlaîn the Dilling, members o!_Ibis cein- dinectars la attend.______ iiç nad Ms Bl vle lelevalon macbinerv and yen- r l u i g T e tilating system equ i pment Mnad Harry Jose, chairman o! the a au o liead KihDvy wiIl be turned over to grounds cr.mitteesreporîeScMtr. M rs.e andtGarth. Tyrone,RAY thgrave]s bad been rptedn*. . LPsc. uM5Wdwr -itb Mn. Ad ns.W l - n