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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1961, p. 5

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tbCURSDA-Y. NIAR 23rd. 1961 TEE CANADIAN STATESMA?4. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIOPAEFV Marjorie Couch showed ani teeth. After several days ofl grandchildren will be udro n atclrehc entertaining and irteresting , i hunger and thirst added ta' Cornrunist rule. I hopeta trtedsubnea h Le i n Z n a l series of pictures with her, o rtheir other sufferings, two ofievery one interested nt-UN anesrninrve d mayineesig cere fo: in eneyhad known themn' estly th at this will neye a-mnsi " r hita the snowv storms of last win- in private Iffe and said, "Youi pen. Mothers, read the euai nwtatteewl ee H r r d y N g tter in Ontario ta 1960 sum haven't given ten cents to the tiful Bible staries ta yur bwolpeetiieroe Hee Frd y Nihrrac views of the Gaspe dis-Il In An Unbroken Line wark of hechrc in ten 1tl lit:e. he The Royal C&nad*.Ian Legion stated that thie St. Patrick's tit.Cards were also pla B . Pecot e m strahtra g a ar eas n 0yasyears, Sa do you think you 1 urderstand them now, btte Go.1e s pry fr ta Zon-ý Rýîly -I bcheld in Dance to be held by Bac ymany o teSenior Ct- B r.A .Pect, w utrahtruht u eas n5 er h lcssol xetGdt itnwl eebrte 24th. P:aris for thce Z01-2 Rally Marc:& l8tih. romises ta bec lj uc ws oThis year the World DaYcomp lacent superiority, re- aur young people develop a lives that we need neyer be they face the world aste- orthnsaewuhtb weedtu da h eting maost enjoyable. vedbyheberiiu lnhs r of u Prayer is mare significarit place it with Christian dignity. more earnest outlook an lie. ashamed ta pray. Let us also agers.Pae, he i by sranh 1 at the Le- yothe mpbrsenfClu than ever before, as this isj On a recent TV Panel Dis-'Along much the same note, an remember ta be Doers f the1 At present, a much-deaeiTa hswrddem f ginH t Tusa ee- appy1,15 irdy " foprethsangan ecumnenical year; offering cussion "Youth and Religion"eiailcmetn nPe.Wrnthaesol.Fihisei eiiu dcto n hrfrlttyviers Ifgo Ha as huPayeen Hap Se i rdyor Citiensa greater opportunity than ane of the panelists, a high Kennedy's State of the Union without works is dead. 0aur schaols. Let us hopeta~lk onan r. 'Senir Ciizens wnase irt- lever before, for women Of school student, said. quote: message, said, Quote "Taday TeUie hrhCln tra ertie savrîoHm pot firJakKgftdays are this month, and par- every denomination ta meet "Many children and yaung:the US. was transported from afo191gvs2grpilreprcng f Informed th e meeting that the ticularly for Wesley Alun, 6 tgther ta pray for the ex- people are seldom expased ta the steam room of Mr. Eisen- da- o 91gts1 rpi~irepretg fcide Frwa r e etrta $32 proeeds forn theInter-"-"--- -'~ ~l- togepic tures of the Christian work wouid otherwise receie o shporga, Club ribaeeTfournmentn earntanreo Street, who will cele pansion of World-Wide Christ- Christianity, b ec a u sle t h e hower, into the cold lakte of ben oetrogottereligtious instruction. Thesm fkaigGd elf o ClbCibg oraetbrate his 90th birthday on ianity. grawn-ups in their famiiy cir-S ealism, as Pres. Kennedy worîd. The last two pages of1 pie Bible stories, TenCr ad fPaer, Iield recently by Branch 17& Saturday, March 25th. In -the worid today, there ele just calan the minister sees thi.ngs". WrdDymnmnsadPam ol ahfrorevs n hs of the Rayai Canadian Lelion,'nthe program for the Wri aymb ett wthot ampig w calarfens of Prayer giheswan amazmg the Bov.'rnanvilie Lions Club.! r o fime Ail the Senior Citizens re- are 700 million people Who for a wedding, christening, orý Are we church people rest-ofPae isana znc th Bwmnile ia i~ceived complimentary tickets cannot read or write. Paverty, funeral," unquote. Th e s eing on aur laurels and clos- îîst af the work being dane by Clbdthe Bo wmniie Th omanville Senorta ee "ThiSisssaîl malnutrition, disease and su- young people shun the church, ji ing aur eyes, minds and sois the wamen's groups of the__ Kinsmen Ciuh. has heen dona- Citizens Club had a success- Robinson" at the Royal Thea- perstitian are rampant. The seek recreatian elsewhere, and~ as ta the cold lake of Reality, church, but there is much, E U S E ted ta the CNIB's White Cane fui meeting at the Lions Com- tr-~ from Mrs. Mary Gi. The Christians can and must reach drift along with the tide of as ta how well we can carry more ta be done. =~r U ~ W~ w.nner of the door prize was their minds and souls before irresponsýble teen-agers, aek ut Christ's greatest Comn- Th loaan iteainl Week fund. munity Centre on a recent seehelcaknditentinl evein wth59 emer pe-Mrs. Alic 51 ,KingStet the Communists do. Our ing pleasùie in worldly thrills, mandment, Go ye into all the nw fteps ekso Ernest Perfect, chairman of levening withn59 membegasipre-faceimaesîng ree - ' -- Treato theLades Niht omittesent. Mrs. Helen White, Club' East. The evening closed with young people need ta er ai n exmgzns at world and preach the Gospel us that aur prayers for a dis- tadiesa' ticl:ts arie nw, steMC the singing of "Blest Be The a sense of responsibility, a cars. A wise parent once saidit alal creatures."l That ail turbed worid are needed mare stordthties eve n n A ,n- sthe clem scalpo Tie That Binds," the Senior feeling of respect for time and that if parents can keep theirl means people of ail races, than ever before. While in- availablefothseetiAr- Teecletmsalp- Citizens's Hymn, by the mem- haw it is used. If ail parents youth on the straight path tili! colors and creeds. Who are weeplmetisaeiu adchid. o ru r ~fc ~as hi-gram presented by Murdoch bers. knew where their young peo- thev are eidýhteen, thev xvillto say that the blac'k race ma mn o wlarttr Ceri mn fte SyNgh o hoýeaol, dwas rofmuc oer _______ pie were and what they were seldom get into trouble later not rule in 50 years, but let cal Plant at Langford Millis isit Duy ae s Firth e owasmanvile P u i doîng, there would be less on. In the war years, gas was ýus devout Christian wamen Longford, Ont., are insisting Ditrc Dptý amsFit ite omavll ubi crime, less juvenile delin- rationed, and could oniy be!put forward an even greater an their empioyees working, presented a repart on the Pro-j Mr. Beaton, a taiented mus- Br t e hood quency. là Mr. Ed Youngmnan's used for business and church.!effort for missionary wark, ta seven days a week. Quotel vicaIxctieCneec ician, piayed several excep- coiumn recentiy, he gave us The family was a closely knit' the end, that if the black race from Feb. United Church Ob-! of the Royal Canadian Legionj tionaliy pleasiflg selections on HoPo a graphic description of how body, ail at home and enjoy- do dorninate, it will be a evr heid at the Royal York - thepaopilirtnme U some of aur University Stu- ing the simple pleasures of the Christian domination. on Februar:y 24th and 25th !was one of Chopin's memor- dents waste their tiiwe. home. To-day, the white race The Sunday Battle Keith Fergion was appointed aeofrig.Hasoxps-1L This is to be the ecumenicai On a recent TV program the rules, but so many are flot Dear Sir, . . . Yaur edîtorial, chairman of the Branch 178 sivlefely nye aioe sàc-e year in the work of the point was stressed that iný Christian, or Christian in name "Let's Support the Strike' and! 1obileareDrwrann. t; ion y pazartand o rry een-Lu churches, a Oneness of Pur- Japan the teen-agers a n donlv, and what are the resuits the "50 Mon Battie Big Indu-' Thbie seda . to.11 The Caurtice Circuit Men's pose, a uniting for the coin- young aduits are restiess. dis- -aicoholics, narcotics, broken try,"1 show what is happenîng, Deliglit your p emingta the Cu th- M eto' njya i rohho el herc os- good of ail, a departure satisfied, seeking for something homes, unwanted ch i1 d r len, ta aur Sunday. .. When peope, permsio t the C Meetserh piano solos inciuded an in- ing meeting for the seasan on fram bigatry, seifishness or as tangible. The comme nt a tor murders, suicides, riots, inte- support coiimmerciaiized sports, younkgsters ivith thi ern othinon o the rotins i prnghmada ru fThrdy ach 9ti h it has been named,-"A Holier said, "They do not want an-! gration. Sunday sports, Sun- and amusements on Sundayl monthin oe 'ýfthe ooms iltiing Soihym anag He Ofthenfr af arcot-lucknsup e tthan Thou attitude." Is my ather war, but they do want I day mavies, beverage rooms, they are making it big busi- 1 handsomne strap sho the Legian Hall. A letter was ýlligSots og.H hnfr faptlc upra church right and are the oth- something." Their religiaus, weekend drinking parties. To ness. In time other businesý! made for rough pasho Ambulplnce Biiii on he oldlk t ae ede.I ws"ade igh"This feeling must be repiaced titre life, nothing ta dling to.' more moncy is spent on drink on the Sabbath, thus creatingi ingth poriii'v Fistsîngsong. The wvas an and the men were very effic- Iby a breadth of vision, lead- They don't know it, but theinayrtanssptaneucopitn vt the resultl assurance of the bs nqaiyadpretft idgth Cosebing hofld hon". nthusiastic "'yes", and ail ient in the kitchen and serv-. haya ta sset neu opeiinwt Tis loette a aldutltokpr ntesnsng led ing the meal. ng each one of us ta seek out bleaknoss of their lives carn cation. that workers wili be aked and' Every pair of shocisftebyhearos usr Thi e tum.Ettner was by M niljtokprtn.e wasog e ing h el the best in each Christian be- oniy be met and fiiled byL In the February issue of then forced toi work on Sun-ý anponte caetae'rof he e- AferwrdsMrs Frd Pil- A liveiy sing-sang wa nlief; gather these best points Christianity, which m e a n s "Reader's Digest" there was day. This plague is upon us. Brw 8-onFttn a. aopintd cretkerof he e- Afirwads rs.Fre Phl-charge of Elmer Dawn with1 into anc "complote whoio", more missionarios, more ma-I an interesting stary, "Survival Thank you for your support., gion Hall. Ilips, Providence, was in char- Mrs. L. Down at the piano., and sa live together as one terial and spiritual supportat Sea," a story of the bravery May they win this great bat-: Presick'nt J-aiies Woodward ge of the Reading Room. Miss Musical selections were pre- 1 famiiy under God. from ail Christian people; re-'of Pros. Kennedy when he was tie.- J * J sented by Mr. H. Osborne, A well-educatod African in, presented bv ail1 the womei 1 a. nig nWol ar$6atieLuub'smre X Mr. W. McKnight and Mr. jToronto recentiy was inter-1 of the worid, who have gath- His ship was dut in two by ai i the Congo causcd a i-cal riot and Mrs. L. Somerscales, ail viewed on TV, and one ques-iered for this Day of Praycr. -Jappnese torpedo, but he sav-lin the United Nation's Asserm- of Courtice. tion he raised was, "How cani Dr. Murray Ross, recently1ed the lives of several of hisibly, the worst neot in sixteen V O T E 1W.OH. Xro!nyo white peaple keep on instailed as Dean of York creiv who were adrift andlyears, which wvas no doubt m ~the guest speaker, Mr. How- sending missionarios ta us, University, said "We must 1 badly burned. Ho swam ta the' pianned and carried out under ard Malcolm of Janetviiie, when the white people in educate every white child !ni nearest island towing a mnan'the leadership of Commun ist, 49 KING ST. W. Belw i shwn sapl balotof he wo i h tod fhiexrens America ostracize the blacksisome foim of useful work,l by holding a strap of the agents. Mr. Khrushchov has queston ss hion asamlle bal o ote tw onwh told of hipen icesin schoaîs, restaurants, on the, there must be fiadrop-outs, wounded man's ciothing in his recently boasted that au quetios o whch ou vil beaskd t oe .-an s mp a Rssia. dbus, in barber shops, and re- XMARCH 29th. by Als f, . alowi, assstd fuse to rent them living quar-~ I byhs wif, shoed i te-trs9"' We must rememberý 1. A Dining Lounge license permits hard lhquars igcloIdpitrs.Jc that~ a piano must have black. 1Hurrie expressed thanks toa ky aaIl swht.Suey ta be served with meals or a sandwich on Who had entertained and Mrs.kosawelswht. uey licensed promnises. Stephen Doyle voiced the 2. Longolicnseperitshar liuor tobe thanks of the ladies for their Kinettes HoId servd inCockail ars n liense proises President Glenn Piokel h n a serve in ocktil Brs o licnsedpremses. recallod memaries of the first 1*oeoemnua meeting which was held 25 ~irP years aga. Ho read portions Are ouin fv c f thesaeo from the Canadian Statosman Brh a a t liquor under:a lounge Iles E. as fullwsui "The mon of BA',IO P t for consumptiCirncuicemeedat Maple The regular dinner meeting for onsmptin o licnse Grave hall on Friday cvening, of the Bowmanviile Kinettos!i prenilses. ANO X November l3th, 1936, with was held &t the Flying Dutch- 1 1the purpose of arganizing a man Motor Hotel on Wednes- Broheroo. Rv.W. C. day, March 15. The dinner I ___________________________________________ Smith called the meeting ta meeting, which was planned order and explained the pur- by Kinettos Mary Wilcox and Are you in lavor cf the sale of pose of caming tagether and June McMullen, was aiso the liquor under a dining lounge _________ some of the roasans why a ciub's fifth annual birthday licnseforconumpion wlt oBrotherhood might Weil be dinner. meals on licensed premises? AThr. were Mrs. Ralph Campbell, N O X IlThere had been some secretary af the area Cere- h'lwnahttog wi erct... 1 doubt as ta the wisdam Of bral Palsy Parent Council, Sel atahtt owt e ot...Teetreo ayso h ,,, such an arganization, but and littie Miss Debbie Bath- versatiiity of Walker's largeclecin ~kIwhen the crowd of mon gath- well who was accompantied V O TE %N W MUO ered in such numbers, there by bier mother. Mrs. Camp- ~urjjseemed fia further doubt. The bell gave a most informative $1-98 AND $9 whale circuit was well repre- addrcss pertaining ta the tra- BO TH BA LLsented. They came in large ining received by childi-en af- numberg from Ebonezer, Cour- flicted with cerebral palsy If your "NO" is liot registered now . it will tîce, Base Lino and Mapie and illustrated the variaus as- mean that you *îll flot be considercd when Grave and filied the bail. pecso the educational pi- othe ouiet ar opned. . pehap onyou R."The guest speaker Mr. A. gram with films. Mrs. Camp- othe ouletsareopeed prhas onyou R.Virgin of the Boy's Train- bell was introduced by Mary street. ing School at Bowmanville Wilcox and thanked by June Contr.sbuted by Clar-ke Township dress. Miss Debbie Bothwell said i ~ , "VoteNo" ommitee "Nominating Commnittee re- Grace before dinner and later "VteNo om îteeIpartcd these officers who in the pi-agi-arn sang a de-i _____________were elected: President - lightfuî sang eai-n ed at, I/0 George F. Annis; Vice.-Pres. school. She also demonstrated R. R. Stevens; Secrotary, Wmn.lher ability ta, waik aided by Lycett; Troas., Fred Stevens; baces and crutches. Debbi The Mode Wa Song Leader, Jas. Harîcock; was presented with a silver . gram Com., Walter Rundie, It was second vice-presi- 'J Y E L R To B Traitioally * Kn Cortic, Ro Van Cam ednuts nighit with Second Vice- Weddiïng Invitations ThPrtno.-engraved (IBAISE» LE'rTERINrG1 !edding and engagement announicements, birth announce- inents, confirmation invitations, golden and silber anniversary anriauncecîents, etc. Thernio-engraving (RAISED LETTERING) ILOoks and feels ike the finest band engraving. Tbe letters' bave an legance and individuality only the finest baud en-. graving can match. Thermo-engravîflg <BAISE» LETT-ERINC) Costs about hall as much as bond engraving, because it cumrin.1 mte the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expenauve ANTnI r's READY WITHIN THE WEEK Of course you cari order nîatching enclosure carns, receptian, responee, thank you and at home cards, etc. Select rom our giant catalogue of flawlces4y correct papers. Il distinctive styles of lettering. Weddiir priced as low as 50 for $.00 and 100 for $13.50, cue plete witb doublce enelopes and tîbýsu&. available at Canacitan Statesrnafl edge neckline and waist i lac, grcen, COMET beige, gald or white. 12 ta 182-9 Comet's a colt as you can see, GLOV ES He slobbers of course all over me, To me, he's the dearest thing I know In petal soft woven nylon 'Boy oh boy' I love him sa. or smooth cotton fabrie . washable. Choose f r a m He's only a baby as you can see, beige, lilac, brown, green, An-d I'm sure so sure that he likes me, blue, black or white. He's kind and gentie, f aithful too Dobewvnnln And around the farm he is quite new. showing longer H N B G 1 fell in lave when he fi-st came, shirred cuff. HADB G And now my iife's just not the same '0 Y X~ Butter soft vînyls with To this one horse I'd give my life fa u-inn aeti To save him f rom ail fear and strife - foam cu tdiorntg..akn thes When rned ase2h9p8acrf urs ta choose with Whntre os eroms round, fashion leaders including Making such a joyful sound, Double wuven lc n lc aet And as he takes a playful bound nylon shortie. Hîs hoofs they hardly touch the ground. ]Pearl buttan trim, He rears and jumps around with giee, Side tucking. This because he knows he's free He plays around the pasture trees, $ 0 t-e tls$ 9 And puts a show on just for me. $. ( te tls 2 9 He isn't even one year aid, Walker's Own Nylons And yet he isn't even sold, Pootoidlntsi ie o1 But if he were I'd be soi mad PoprindIgtsnsze9tolG And it would make me very sad. New Spring tones Comets anic litle aby oo,ÇuIi Fshion Sheers Comt' a ic ltti bby oo iWalkinci sheer 45 -30 Pair 1 .00 With his beautiful eyes of blue, Dress sheer 51 -15 His tinv hoofs that prance with jay, Setter Wearing sheer 60.- 15 3 Pr. 2.85 Because he was bai-n a gorgeous boy. SemeuSes His colour toa is a loveiy chai-m Microt, esh or 51 denier Pair 1.29 Ihope he will neyer came ta harm, Plain knit 400 needle 2 Pr. 250 There's only one thing I'd like ta salve, 5 KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 And that's the one of Comet's love. -By Gail Hobbs, Grade 8, Central School

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