THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWeMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY,MAR. "rd, M% at gested that the Klwanls Club chfldren who took part ln the couldtakethe ubjet asmusic festival at Peterboroughi P lc h e p clspoet Iqiead make on Friday. Six girls, Barbaral recommendations on the top- C rtw right Councii DneJa ihlWna K i a i l b M e i g ic. Is the present Juvenile1 and Gwennie Ford, Sharon K i n s C l b M e ng Delinquents Act good law? The regular monthly meet- Discussin of Warble Grub and id Thrykcm While there là no single dent of the Westmaunt-Osh- as they exist today? Will it was held on afternoon of authorizing Clerk to order in which there were five en- cause of juvenile delinquency awa Kiwanis Club, and A. salve the prablemn it was set March 6th with ail members the powder for the spray. The tries. The seniors of the school and no simple answer to the Rundie, also a member of that up to solve?" preser.t. A couple of deputa- Inspector is again George were entered in a class which problem, much can be done club. Doug Howie, one cf the ta assist in a solution, Police two new praprietors of the Records were kept by Pol- tians were present, one ta re- Johns of Nestleton. had many more in each school' Chief Bernard Kitney told Bowmanville Hotel, was also, ice Chief A. Volîmer, Berkely, quest Council to Improve a The annual Wage Schedule graup and they didn't place th Bwmnvll iwn sa uet California, fromn 1919 to 1936 certain road, so that the was again discussed and at among the prizes. specwavil Kwni sal W. H. Bonito- the subject, the speaker school bus mlght detour to the written request of the Mr. and Mrs. Hector Darke Club. He was the pca W.H (Mick) Heon tatdtwa on ta . pick up haîf a dozen children Clerk a raise of $100 ta $2,900 are in Toronto for thesot- speaker atath dinnerwmeetnguduced the.uest speaker spae ttedne etn fcdtegetsekr eo a al starting school are nearer their homes. The sec- was granted plus $100 for car men's show; and Muriel Aus-' ofthe club held et the Flying spoke. of Chief Kitney's wide problemn children. The re- ond deputetian were the mem-' expenses. The Road Superin- tin was up for the Saturday' Dutchman Mator Hotel re- experience and outstandingcod hwdta92prcnbesoteVluerFi ednt a logatdaso. cently. career in police work, and crssoe ht9 e etBrsgaie, Vlunteer Firencetenentfwas0 alo gr3te5a0how Past Lieutenant-Governor alsa ai his service as an of-' af problemn children become Biae eusigblneriea 10t 350 Other Many fromn here attendedý ,Robert Stroud, Oshawa, was ficer in the RCAF during~ delinquents, 88 per cent of of their grant and brinigingwg ae e aieet om the funeral ai the late Mr. present t the meting. wo Wori War ildelinquents become criminals, 'n their 1961 Budget which er schedule.DebrJosinPtHpen iew members jained the Baw- Police Chief Kitney stated and 78 per cent are repeaters, am t dt approximatelY The Clerk was permitted ta Saturday and sympathy is ex-! manville Kiwanis Club, Reeve that he is nat an expert in Chief Kitney stated. He added $2,000. In addiion, a request order the new Revised Stat- tended toalal members of bisý SideyLitie ad he ewth feldofjuenie eln-that this indicates that 20 ta be allowed ta purchase a utes of Ontario fram Munici- famnily who are well knawnI Sidny le, Jacdk he R eid iqey of but e ie delau- children out of a 1,000 start- very gaod used pumper for pal Stationers against a cre- throughaut the district.f Teidnforerly waac mmberdhoriive s ur ece frtbsheîu-ing achool wauld become $3,500,was leit tabled due ta dit establlshed from return a h yuopfpeweei .Reid ormer Kiwanismbreserchied so res frs. l nycrimînaîs. the shortage ai appraximateiy unusable Tex Rails. Teyugpol eei of the Strathray Kwnsrsachdades ay $1,000 fromn the available A registered letter from Mr Ajax on Sunday evening, en-ý Club, and his membership centre community wide part- The speaker gave bis opin- îunds ta be ralsed. Daniels oi Caesarea and Tor: tertained by the yaung peapieý was transferred ta the local icipation is necessary in cf- ion that Adolph Hitler was Two relief applicants were anta was read advislng Caun- ai the United Church there.ý Kiwanis Club.met forts ta salve this problem, he the greatest juvenile delin- present requesting assistance, cil ai his Intent ta take legai About nine went framn thisl Guests at the dinner et stated. quent ai ail tîme. He referred The Building Inspector, Ken procedure in regards ta bis church. Ing were Henry Reid, presi- "In Ontario Juvenile delin- ta Hitler's awn stary ai his Samelis ai Blackstock was land becaming flaoded. No There were 63 at Sunday quecy s dfied y te Jv-childhood written in "Mein enl eiquencyi eie thcte ndKmp, wic ai i i present with suggestions for action taken. Meeting ad- Schoal on Sunday morning' Kamp," wchanges in the Building By- jaurrned ta April 3rd, 1961. with Leslie Ford reding the ens aln hiunderActh anopposition ta his domineerin~g Laws. Samne was leit ta a com- Discussion regarding the scripture. The tttueai the' age ai 16 years who violates fte n eea nuics mittee ai Reeve Ashton, Coun- farthcoming Warden's Dan- thieves on the crosses at Cal-! any provision ai the Criminal "«I do nat suggest that aIl cillor John Ham'ilton and the quet fallawed. About 20 mare vary was the theme ai Rev.' Code, or ai any Dominion or delinquents will became Hit- Building Inspectar for early banquet tickets are available Norman's sermon in the even- Provincial Statute, or ai any lers. I do suggest that ail de- future decision. Mr. Alan at $2 each for night ai March lng. By-Law ai a Municipality, or linquents are dictators. What Beacock, wvas present request- 17th, 1961. Arnold Austin, Archie Ford,! any one ai this age who 11 1 arn getting at is the fact that ing $50 ai a raise for the Gar- Ken and Ronnie Dinner had guilty ai sexual immorality, delinquency is everybady's bage Route. The samne was ap- a iishing trip in the Kiný1ston' or by reason ai any other business. Does a dictator run proved by motion which in- A Tl district during the weekend -. act, is liable ta be committed your home?" creases the Garbage Collection and brouçzht back a fine bas-: Smert toJuvenileRefratury". <or 'Alilchildren have primary charge ta $800 for appraxi- kto ih JuenleReoratry.mately 25 calîs. The Tenders Women's Missionary Sa- kta ih to tarthc needs and urges. These may for Garbage Dump mainten- clety ai Hampton held their Geraid Hill ai Brockville Some people abject t h vary with the individual. ac eeoee n e etn n ekltrta iie ihE arwluhs Wieto boy... manner in which the Juven- Many delinquencie-s are the re- cainceweap enoed adi de-e mal eetig ng we atern hangetd inth e ek. rocog Wiss ~~~~ile Court deal with those suit ai frustrations ai these cso prvdt iieteuul etn a ncag uigteweed brought before theni, thenesadurs.Tems maintenance ai the twa dumpsoa Mrs. Reed, President, reg- Birds have been rather Chief said. He explained that important ai these needs are: ta Ken Minshall at $15 the ular business was discussed, scarce in the district during such people do flot realize love, discipline, guidance, In north dump and Robt. Strang including quiitings. A good the winter and it seerned taa! tha th la deans tat deendnc, scurty, faih,$15, Blackstock dump. attendance ai this saciety at- bad ta sce a cardinal mistake jueiebfretecuta protection and acceptaflce," A r,, ltin rf frr Trinity Church, Bowmanvile. arnd strike it hard enough ta an offendermust betendedPolheePresbyterial saindarwindowds to anroptenaspace GINGER ha oe n onitono __________or____ywa apovd.weeinchrgf_________ hesowbeeah ALE quires help, guidance, and Terry McCauiey, secretary Business Direclory ens road iciudi sngig a -more flavfor\_ proper supervision. As a re- ai the Bowmanvilie Kiwanis ___________________________of -mresprko~ ~suit the court must be more Club. thanked Chief Kitney two b yrnins. Scripture read- STARK VILLE -more forkl interested in the child than for his thaught pravaking and A c co n I an CTY.vlontjo , Mrs. .Mit .n -more for ~in the offence which he has interesting address. President ________IlC_______________H._Sithan your money l committed, hie asserted. Ted Hutton aiso expressed RAY J. DILLING Mrs. H. Salter assisted in the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark en- "Punishment alone is not appreciatian ta Chief Kitney Certified Public Accountant diifei'en't readings clasing the tertained a group aif fiends the answer. As the laws have for presenting such valuable 93 Church Street worship with prayer. The hirhoeSaurayevn been relaxed with regard ta information ta the club. MArket 3-3861 Prograni indlu d e d The ing. punihmen, th Juvnil Re-WM. ~. H COGINS Turning World, Mrs. Keisey, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lpa forinatory population bas gone Chartered Accountant esMrs. Blachr, Ms. Cem- ndp a ughtr g es, tMrowarde down. In 1913 in England TlTGC1T' Second FloorenMsCarltaigptwre ussat r.Hwd teewere 18,916 juvenile in-l LONG AULa± New Library Building on Questions and Answers on Farrow's. mates. In 1926 only 6,871.CrKigadTmnc t. Airican Sehools, Budhist and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin-' Chiei Kitney stated that (Intended for last week) C ongMand empr3ne6Sts their Christianity, aiso use ai son and Mr. and 'Mrs. BertF the immediate abject ai the The monthly meeting aiPonfAre - radios. Trim were guests at Mr. Orme QUARTS-lkc, 2 FOIt 35 law is the solution ai social Long Sault Homne and Schooi YALE, FRIEDLANDER Next meeting will be on Falls', Wednesday evening last, SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLES 41c cnlcs n h rmr lbwshl ntesho & COMPANY March 21st. week.1 PLSDPSTW-6 purpase ai good law ls ta con- roam on Friday, March lOth. Liconsdtrutste an rutcy Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnesý trol man's actions. He sug- Mrs. Milison, president, apen- 64 icngSedTtei BnR -12 p7Q"reT7? and family sment Sunday with ~ __________________________________ed the meeting and Miss Jean 64KigSt.waE. ntRiA 5161 LELLIJLLL Mrs. Victor Farrow. Baker played "O, Canada." B. L. Yale, C.A. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trini,! The minutes ai last meeting F. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. On Wednesdav aiternoon, Newtonville, visited at Mr. ToothPast SPE IALSMarch 8th, the W. A. met at Bert Trim's. Tooth Pasie SPECIALS were read by Mrs. T. Barrett. MONTEITH - MONTEITU the home ai Mrs. Hector Thsatedn teHut 65e size Palmolive The families responsible for RIEIIL & CO. Darke, Part Britain. The busi- Failsedtding athelefair SPECIALS Shave Cream next month's programme are 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ness was conducted by the FanisteddhuchTotole*, o 98 ieBik7e 43e size Wldraot t1 BkrMeagn n Chartered Accountants president, Mrs. A. Austin, and Unte hre: MTro ndoMon' 98 ieBik____7cCream Oil M -rphys. RA 5-3527 the annual donation was oe Saturday e:MranMs. 98e size Ipana 78c BOTH FOR 65c A hstm MsG aasBawmanvillevod Orme Falls, Mr. and Mrs. LleWv 98e size Colgates - 79e 1.30 Preil Shampo 98e introduced talented Gary Van P Call ZEnith 45750 tat heaRd ros hs. RertalaelMran Mrs. Bnian Dam who piayed an excellent Prtners: were heardMfromdthe severa 63osie epodnt 4o 8cGlem ase _ 8oHon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. prajects including the.results Caslwell . ndMsSi .ioyed bis playîng s0 much that A. B. Monteith, B. Coim., CAÂ.oa the catering for te vege -________ hie was asked ta play two G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A.. table growers' banquet in Vacum Drstan(Licensed Trustee) Port Hope the previaus Mon- Vacuums Crest Home Permanent 98a Drisa mare pieces during the even- G. E. Trethewey, C.A. day. Letters were read from COURTICE Btes Bobbl Pin Curi - 2.00 Tb ing's entertainment. R. F. Lightioot, C.A. Mrs. Hayden aiTrot 79e ____15 1.25 -2.25 Several readings were also thanking the ladies for re- The Friendship Group oif Bobbl Refi___1.50_ part oi the programme. "St. C h i ro pra c ti c rnembering her an Valentine's Courtice United Church W. A.'l New Prom -_____ 2.00 Patnicks" was the titie o Mrs. _________________ y aud telling ai a recent held their March meeting at' 300 ASA Dristan T. Barrett's selection. Mrs. H. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. visit ta the art gallery; and the home ai Mrs. John Beers.1 Tablets TntefrCid-17 Spray Murphy presented a humorous Ch-pato rm Ms. Gwen Couchman The presideut, Mrs. Franki 5c Silver Curi ____ 1.75 5 piece entitled "Next Window, Office: who bas receutly returued ta Chumbley opeued the meetingý 59e_____ New Tant ____- _ 2.00 1.25____ Please."1 15 Elgin St., cor. of Harsey St. Rochester. Rail cali was ans- by repeatiug the W. A . Themeý A typical club woman's busy Phone MA 3-5509 wered by a suggestion for the and then welcomed the 20, Bayers New Quick 2.00 Privine sehedule was outli.ned in the Office Hours: By Appaintment renovation ai the church shed members present. Mrs. Gar-1 Spray Super Quick ___ 2.50 Draps poem that Alian Youugman aWich is ýta be started this don Boomer was in charge ofi red e tasada chuckle Due n f a year. Mrs. Ken Ashby was lu the scripture, assisted by Mrs.. 990 Spin Curlers ____ 1.49 95e were the result ai Mrs. J. charge ai the worship service Art Nichais and Mrs. Angusi ______________________________________ Woodley's selection eutitled, DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. assisted by Mrs. H. Darke, Mrs. Sunirail. Reports were gîveni "To Settie an Estate." Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. Reeve. Poemg carried out the by the vaniaus committees. IC 40 King St. W. Bowmanville theme ai Springtimne and Eas- was pleasing ta note the nuni- 200 size Kleenex Tissues - 17C More music wvas provided by Office Hours: ter shattering gloomn and rail- ber of local people who have Miss J. Baker when she play- 0 a.m. tao6 p.m. daily inc away ai the stone from oifered their time and talent' CoId lmedies 1.49 size One-A-Day FREE ed eraimei n owsol. Th lsedStra n udyte heart. The guest speaker, for Variety Night, March 24, wlh he4.9 iz etrtinen heerws Office Phone- MA 3-5790 Rv.E.. Nanman, needed no at the church. A quartet fromi withthe .49 ize not over for Mr. C. Woodley House Phone - Newcastle 3551 introduction ta the 16 ladies the Sweet AdelineS will also Ornai Caps -____ 1.35 Other s1zes - 2.75, 8.75 showed slides ai different peetadsoet hr fb rsn swl sohr Naremide Caps _ 1.25 cammunity gatherings, which DR. E. W. SISSON prst dsoktahe aibpeenas eiasoes Bramo Quinine 59e, 89c Geritol Liquld or Tablets made a few people blush andLD.,D.S.isntv usieaiheqstc. Supr Aahst 5e 1.0 135- 329- 549others giggie. Mr. A. McLag- 1 Office in his home Those who remembered Mr. F. This season instead ai hold-1 Supe Anaist 5c, .00 1.35- 3.9 - .49gan showed magnîîcent coîor 10 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvllle W. Hayden's readings ai that Ing a bake sale, it was decided _________________________British___Columbia.__ Phone MA 3-5604 province take.n from the works that each ai the W. A. Groups sliesfrm BitshColmba.Office Hours: ai Norman Duncan were very would ask for cash donations' i -The gaily-calored and bow- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily iuterested in this first hand from their members. i Ponds M xica HoidayLiptick 49c bedecked boxes were auction- Closed Wednesday - Sunday descriptian ofaife and nature Projects for the Sning Teaý BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 THURSDAY (TO-NITE) 7:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAYI 7 and 9:30 MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. "The Sun downers" DEBORAH KERR, ROBERT MITCHUM AlI-family show in color NON. TO THURS., NqAR. 27-30, 7:30 w w ~ ~ PAtRICIA OWENS ~ ,~ SESSUE HAYAKAWA Over seveuty relatives aud Barristers, SolicitorsI frieuds gathered on Suuday Notaries PubliceD~* ~ fat the home ai Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Stnike, Q.C. , ,n v r J. G. Stephenson ta honour A. A. H. Strike, B.A. o v r C un i ber mathen, Mns. J. Hillier ou 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville the occasion ai bier 86th birth- Telephone MA 3-5791 Farmers' Union dues will bej determine the width a n d day Mr. Hllir rceiedLAWRENCE C. MASON, BAÇ. ceilected with property taxes deph ai Mill street, north ai many congratulatory cards, as Britr oiio at the request aifniembers, the l2th concession road. weil as a number ai giits in- BartrubSliie Mauvers Township Council Bylaws requiriug inspection cludng numer f vaiedKing St. W. - Bowmanville decided at its March meeting ai ail septic tanks aud piumb- aud beautiful floral arrange- Phones: Office MA 3-5688 receutiy. ing installations in the town-1 mients, alang with the good Residence MA 3-5553 The council agreed ta col- sbîp were passed. wishes of everyane present forlcttefe witnr- Asupmnay bylaw fori contnuedgoo heath.MISS APHA I. HODGINSlc h esi rte e upeetr cotnedgo hat.Barrister, Solicitor quests are received îram union road construction in the' Miss Georgie Simipson bas Notary Public members in the township. amount ai $5,000 was passed.i been sufiening from c aid thatiTemperance St. - Bowmanville A bylaw will be presented Appictinsbl îîcivd bas settled in the glands oai_ atthe nxtmetin tmke for the position of ware fy bier neck. Sbe bas been forced E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ahe ex mosibe.ein otioe inspector aud for supplyiug a; ta remain out ai school for Barrister, Solicitor teevpasb.Thmoinveh-icîe ta transport the spray- aimost twa weeks. We hope BOX 9 Newcastle was introduced by R. J. Payne. er. E. B. Shea was appointed she will soon be feeling mucb .KYLYET A P. W. Swanson ai the de- at a rate ai $2.40 per hour for I~~W betrKarnister partment ai lands and iorests, man and tractor on truck andf he cidrnae rite noffictai Lindsay, sud two ai bis stafif H. V. Shea vas appointed atý The ail nei theirexIsnu the R.fRfWadesofC attended the council meeting a rate ai $1.25 per hour aud idstMainStret, rono On a n sd discussed regulations gav- 10 cents per mile. frequency ai bad storms re-ManSreOoOtri eruing huuting on farra lands. Tenders are ta be called for cently bas just added onemore Mo t'A permit for buuting must crushing and deiivering 5,000 headache for the teachers who orfgages e bandaa eof$.0uicydsf%-chrs- have been tryiug so bard ta eotie taiea $.0cbcyrsa -nhcuh keep up the attendauce. Just SADIE HAMILTON . ORONo wbich entities the awner ta ed gravel sud 2,000 cubic a word ta the parets-unless Phone 1 r 16 bunt certain animais at cer- yards ai up ta tv;a inch pit sickness preveuts it, endeavor First Martgage Funds tain seasous accondîng ta the nun gravel. Work will be doue ta, keep your chîld in school Residences - Farms information on the permit," under the supervision ai the if at ail possible, it is most+ Business Praperties Mr. Swanson said. "This does Road Superintendent Maurice important for his welfare aud not give the hunter autbonity Bradley. that ai the section. Martgage Loans ta go an private property At the February meetingý OnM1h4haou 0r- Popt oreu ervice witbout the owner's consent." the clerk had been asked to! On Mrch4thabot 5 re-Proptcouteos &John Palmer asked t he contact Colonial Coach Lines latives sud frieuds gathered HAROLD C. PEDWELL cauncil ta have the raad wid- requesting betten bus servie T. Wilsonh t ho o Mr. and s Real Estate and ened lu front of bis praperty. in the ares. 1 T.Wilon t hoor M. ad Motgae BrkerFollowing a dispute aven A telephone cali vas receiv-1 'Mns. Ellsworth Caswell sud, MrggeBae property, it was moved by H. ed froni the bus finm asking1' Mn. sud Mrs. Cecil Malley on Newcastie Phone 3856 A. McMaster that the town-' that a schedule be discussed the occasion ai their 35th wed-,!hl engage an Ontario land at the council meeting which, diug anuivensanies. A plessant O t surveyor ta survey Miii Street would meet the needs ai localý avn eucbr etr whih re'500 TI . rLLT y in the bamlet ai Fleetwood ta1 resideuts and be on a payin.e ýandeucre fterwhih pe-, EIT A.BILLTTOM.detenmine the street location basis. The council suggested, seutations were made ta bath f Optometrist sud boundanies. This motion that a service inom Bethany couples. Pictures were aiso 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville was iost. ta Peterborough be estabiished taken ai the four cuttiug the Office Houns: By eppointment Reeve Robert Brown, clerk ta leave Bethauy an Tuesdays, annivensary cake. Telephone MArket 3-3252 Ross Davidson sud Andnew sud Satundav at 12:30 ta 1 The regular meeting ai the' Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. Leslie were sppointed as a p.m. aud retunn at 6 p.m. Col- Busy Bees had ta be cancelled 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. comxittee ta go ta the regis-' anisi Coach Lines agneed ta plast Tbursday due ta the~ Thursday evenings try office at Port Hope sud try sud wark out same sche-, isevere storml. _ £ Wed. and Sat. -*1) - 12 view the plan of Fleetwood to dule. i______a-_ bill FEATURING SWIFT'S FINE PQRK PRODUCIS Fresh Pork LB. Shoulder Roast Lean Meaty SideSpareribs lb.49c Shoulder Swift's - 1 lb Cello Package PORI< STEAKS Lb. 57c PRENJUN FRANKS 49c Slîced Swift's - Store Sliced PORZI LIVER - Lb. 35c Mac. & Cheese Loaf Lb. 59C Swift's Brookfield Country Style Swvîft's - Store Sliced SAUSAGE - 2 Lbs. For 89c VHE LOAF 59C BEST BUY - SAVE 9c Swift's - 24 oz. Tin £Pr0cluce BEEF STEWNEW TEXAS - SPRING - No. i GRADE 2&.for 89c CA&RROTS BEST BUY - SAVE 19c 10e Off Paek Swifts - 24 oz. TinQ 131SHSTEW3 LB. I~ISH STEWPOLY BAG "2 or 69C BEST BUY - SAVE 4c Nutritions - Fresh York - 16 oz. Jar MUSHROOMS - Lb4OC Peanut Butter Hoinogenized California - Sweet, Juiey - 138 Size 41C Sunkisi ORANGES 49d,~ Favorite for Flavor - Yellow BESTBUY SAV 4c No. 1 Grade - 3 l. Poly Bag Aylrner - Il oz. Bottle COOKING ONIONS- 17c T omato Catsup Garden-fresh ilothouse - No 1 Grade 2 for 3 5c RHUDARB -2 LbsFor 49C BEST BUY - SAVE 35e BS U AE8 Pard - Ail Varieties - 15 oz. Tin BS U AES Ballet - 4c Off Pack DOG FOOD 10 For $1.QQ TOILET TISSUE BEST BUY- SAVE 53e 45e Off Pack- Giant Pkg. 1Afr39 Surf Detergent - 95c fr39 "'A HAPPY NEW METHOD 0F KEEPING SLIM"y FOR WEIGHT CONTROL QUOTA BY QUAKER 3lFavours - Chocolate, Vanîlla, Banana 6Ê% 6 É%912.s130.8,9-e l'à0 %i ---in $129 FROZEN FOODS Libby's - 2 lb. Poly Bar GREEN PEAS 49c Llbby's 10 Golden - 2 lb. Poly Bai dt4T# 00i#Kernel CORN 53c' S'CW ISLibby's - 2 lb. Poly Bar in attractive 1711Veglabes49 pastel Colours IMx 5 300 Lb. Ccipacity Famlly Favorite - 12 oz. Pkg. Neyer Before Offered ai wiîh $500 purchase LIMA BEANS 33c DO WNAN VILLE . . . McBuinn's bNarket MAPLE GROVE- Naple Grove Groceteria ORONO -------Cornish bNarketerie::: u PAGE SIX ROYAL Adult. Prices 65c, 50c, 25e a