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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1961, p. 7

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#RSDAY. MAR. 23rd. 1061 THE CANADIAN STATESMAIlN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVElq ISocia! & £fe.rsoial 1 ~Phone --MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. George Lak.. day ngh.AI! are irember- Trhornhill. wcre T Il uir s d a ý of the'Os2w _Cub. Aý %cil guests of Dr. and 'Mrs. Gco. W. as takýng part in several pro- James. duct;on numbers. Yvonne Ano- Mrs. rni. L. Forvthe. W3cl- nichuk was also one of ftie df*«toiUN. Y.. is vîsit;ng 'vr. sOlOist5. and'Mrs. W. R. Strike. Horsec-.' Ms ' arciaFihr f Stret.lldnpton %von high pa~ Mrs. F. F. a.~ ct. Thiur-dax', evening at the Kî- spent the wcckend %vith her wanîs music 'estival. Peter- daughter. MNrs. Ross Stevens, borough. in the 16 'vears and 8cUgog Strcet. uinder piano cla.s. Mir. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar Murdoch. the adjudicator, de- returned Mondav from a ver'> scribed hier playing as -the enjoyable rnonths vacation ij% eonsistentiy« best piano) wortc St. Petersburg, Florida. I've heard this iveek." Patricia Congatuatios , 1rcccived ane of the first two Colngra OtuaioS treewi 0 marks of 90 since the festivali will celebrate his 901h birtii- blae eryto ek e Clay on Saturday. March 2-1t ore Mrs. Keith Smith and da,.- Triýitv \VW.A. held their ghter Kim of Gait. Ont., are March nireting an March l4t;i.1 spending a v.',eek with holr The xv-orshiip service %vas con-1 parents. Mavor and Mr.W;i- ducted bv Group v with Mr'ý. frid Carruthers. E. Osborne in charge. assis:- Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elliott and ecclbY M'rs . Allin. Mr-S. G. son StphenRickard gave a talk on the1 son tepenWhitby. were .MeaningoLet'Teb.i supper guests with her par - nes eeonfcvaLend h u.ib Cle. nMr. nd Mr ' President Mrs. L. Goddlarki Clare, o Sunay.and ýMrs. N. Osborne acted as; Congratulations and b"CSt ;ecretary in the absence of 'wishes ta Mrs. Edilli Ander- Mrs. H. Waters. son, King Street East. who "vili. celebrate ber 83rd birth- Congratulations to JohnMc day next Monday, March 27th. Guirk for his fine perform-i We eremor thn lapl,,,a nce at the Peterborough Ki- Wohaeawerefmoechan iha': Wallis Music Festival iasýt ta ~ ~ ~ ~ \ hvabrechtwt rs * Fridav. when he %vas awarded M. Breslin last Mondav. Thsth MalokpieJhnxa was Mrs. Bresiin's first vis'+ gi. 8mrsi h ls tanc her Bowms svanlesoel for piano soloists il years and: mica eriles eealxek under and was first in thel ago. lass. Congratulations also toa Mr. J. A. Bell, M%,anager OE Lincla 1Martin wvho %von thirdi the local Brandi of the Bank place ,, the girl's solo class of Mantreal, who lias been for contestants 13 years and visiting his father in Aber- tînder. foYle, in the Trossachs, Scat- land, is expected ta arrive Miss Margaret Goheen, o home this Saturday. is attending McMaster Uni- Mrs.Cha. Dpew etunedversitx'. Hamnilton, Ont., ha5z rs. has. Da epeni r eredreceived word that sic has st atrd veing after othbeen awarded a Domninion-j sendingthreean otistr %it" Provincial Bursarv and aan At-I brbote and .Ssterinhat.kinsan Foundation Bursarv.ý lRo nedrs. PuamtoRio. af She was recently elected Pre- Rio iedas, ucito Rco. sidient af Wallingford Hall andl In the list of names of thase Vice-President Of tiheXomen's who helped ta convene the Resîdences Counicil for 1961- afternoon tea at the Womnen*s (62. Miss Goheen is n her Institute Kopper Karnival an third vear of an Honours En-- March 9th, the name of Mrs. lish and French course. C. Dunn was inadvertently T uhm CuiyCn omitted. TeDra olt li Mr.R. en ron. . R 1of Toronto nieets taiiht Mc. . Bn BownR. . ~(Thursdlav) at the O . Bomavile ad r.Ro,>s Headquarters at 8:1.5 pin. Thc Stevens, Seugog Street, left getsekrwl eM9 Saudy morning on the Puir- Ann, Armstronig of tie Pub-_ ina bus trip ta St. Louis. M. i Relations Department of visiting farms bath going and i elTlooeC. e on thir rturn LibIect being "The Men on Mv' Sergeant Gordon K v a s t Line". SolOîst %vill be M'3*S Comrnanding neie o i Beverlv Hainnett who is on1 ~w~anv11 Dtahmnt f the teachinc staff of tic Tor,-' SOntario Prov'incialI Police. Onta Board ai Education. Tir Mrs. Keast rettîrnecl thýs annual elect ion of officers wîill ,Week from Florida where aiso be heid. tlnev spent the last Icco and a balh weeks. Congratulations ta o î.anc Mrs. Casey Deniertog, popular Ring Street merciant, amn tie 231h anniversary af tlreii' '«cc- dling. A party l'inoring tie occasion cvas icli at their home on Wedncsday evenirg, Marci 22nd. Sunday visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. W. Braden and faîn- ily and Me. E. H. Browen. an tie occasion of tic îattca-'s '17th birthday. cecre Mes. D. Il. Brown and Wendv. Miss Ann Brown and Mc. Stecca.'t Ha'liday, al ai Toronto. Four local ' oung skaterF, 'Ycvonne Anonichuk, W a>' i p Anonichuk. Mary Oke and Siawn Leddy partîcipaîrd in the Oshawa Skating CIlib's Annual Carnival lasI Salue- Memibees ai tire 'VI ISCLIM Boal-cli ad ami intet-esting %visit : at Hene «v Bouse Museum n rOs;iaca st Scindas' aite. - e noon. Tiey cverce eceived a:ndi - vcleamed bv Mes. Gardon:f cCanant. President ai tie Osi- ra'«a and District Historical Societc', Mr. Lean Konaroc'.'-ý ski. Executive Curator. Mes. Gower tie Cuî'ator afllie mu-', .seum and also byv several' members af tic Museum Com- rmittec of the Histo-ical Soc-~ guests ai Mes. Canant at hiem home. Simncoe St. South, for tailernoon tea. NO age or limnio lite, noa 1positian ai' ciecunstance,liras ia monopoly ami success. Any' sage is lie rigit age ta starl! -doing-Gerard. T reasurer 1B&P's Spring Hat Show Plays to Packed House seconrd vC0 irstudlit a Osgaocle Hall Lac'.' Toronta. ceas clecteul rc ta thieposition ai Trcziu tic Legal and Lileeaî'y S (Shuident Cauiicl ibc th( dent body. t'or 1961 -62. Haae v '.c'î1be îir bis final lie is tic saoi ai Mr. aird A. L. lloocc. ,Bo\%,irir'i Fi Hall Fc Discussion New Conir, The Legion Hall w~as ccl ta eapacity for tIre atteîrded meeting af i 189 of the Rubbe-w'o' Union held on Sunday ternoon. Don Kemrp tic sident ivas in thechai The meeting liad 1 caIIcd ta hear a report the negotiations far a contra.ct witi tic Goc Tire and Itubber ('ami A Bargaining ('amn itas appointed at the m ing of Local 189 causis of the president, 31r. K( Harold Cobbledick, tic presid e nit.C.James (C Ircasrer, Maurce ~ Tlire n. a sliglit increase h and Tomi Mastersomi. lIe('a-ites for schaols and bas- pilaI. ancd a cîccecase inr ii 3Ierners of Local 397 or oLm vate. 'lei'e is less ai' the Office lVorkers U'riison a in itlicm'ate lai' aillîreri 1%'ere present at tic mcet-i to'.'n>ship pntrpîses," Recvo ing as guesîs oi Local 189 Rickard assertecl. of tlle RubbcrI- Warkecs fotrl îtic '>eaî- Union. ai'e set coul as iollocc',s: Counj- President Kemnp af Local tics Cotiîrcil $78,6.54.85; Tocvn-ý 189 rereic'ec a tclegram an Isinip General $59,460.63; South 'ruesday' int'orming liitîtat iDamiiigton Sellool Ai-ca $77,ý a conciliation officer willii 617.57: S.S. No. 7 S:3,623.40); came ta Bawmasrville 0o1 S.S. No. 10. U3219.50: S.ýS. Thursday'. (tadayl, ta dis- !No. 13. 5,4.4 S.S. No. 14,. cuss lie contract negatia- S;2.982.i3: S.S. Na. 15, 32,246. 1 ionsI. 201; S.S. No. 16, $3,1562.: S.S. No. 17. S ..0.2 S. Na. 18, 'S2,920).06: S.S. No. 19, %1,976;1j 1S. No. 2M.$3.729.31; S.S. No.j W a rd en s '; S2,7)4G.77, S.S. No. 22,: '1.04ü.26: S.S. No. 23. S$300; A South Dailington Suhool Area B a n u et Dubenture. $40.725: S.S. Nol and ROM('AE ON Pa- 2Debenture. 2,341.30: Sep- 4FROM.PAGE NE, l ac'lgteS 36.343.43. 92131 jnNoustierutandgoumnt uia onyDsrc il is anlyd a torgas ilstear- Dr oVa 'iais 0 1,40. iietl.r anj'.tcrebt Rîr'kdruî. Rt ca o ai Darlingtaî. îir biscîstial B n r humnox ans manuici prapose", a toast la tie Unite'd Cacîn-O Wrk lies 7nrd gave a shart sksethl W O ai tire bistor'.'onithe counrtie' R0iPAd' tONE af Durham and "tnininO"->icrioffice c.tia sepamale lanrd. He alsa poi tribuite oltaureoncc-l)untî' ofr ailicDe- Wat-dcn Asituîî anîd tic Xsi- Poî"îunrofaiWarîcs office." tain fanily '«ho ccere riasr'euiivR..,. 4di, anadcacîcatea iii uarimgteîr - '-'" o""""'-9'a Tow«nship. He deseribed thc'c' ete"tire tIhe Board ai Works * ne'." Vardeir as a a unurc'itln scueti'v<oulc i aso assist tinel, bot fet n toý-l'Ulci. Ilustrial Commission. T-lis' Trin îty United Chur hai ceas ageeed. Mr. Ashtloun eP'lied adolfl eei Minister - Rev. Wmn. K. ilausiander, B.A.. B.D. spoke ai flicno le>cars lireIrastac'ni'înaut:rbieis 1ser-ved ii Tocwnsip andi tIreMayr sad lia i an nav, Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. County Counicils as bciîng bothIlln ayr Kdt Toa __________ ~~intreesting anui educaliamnal. .Stcccar îîeilndnta Be liamrked tInt'eunoints' cotumr- c'î'.. ..oulcl be cnabled ta a.i.cil for appoîntu:g hInin Var- keel) n ' i lseri' bci 'iti line 11ai.- MORNING IVORSHIP dTcic'.'i i Ci<'mk .c'lncfle clcpart- il dci:.MciV' s locaîcdi n tIre Townr 1e.Ashtnlciis oairefail ami:- Hall. H-e raid tlaItfire board- The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper my i ee'rmse" eri:"'aiiaitr1_r1uîîî on cecie present with tl'iir missiamn offices cill be csci "The Sin Be-crer" mnothnr'. ceiramc:clc the 1)1-- b>' tic Works Dcpamtur:ent as senttiai:oaiia sii,Ilet rii: hto v. cil o. th lnc uier offices ah: Bruice. Nir~. Ai oin alIra întî'a- pî'r' cuit tisec b>' Mr. Morris. 7 pm - EVîticeORIIIîdu ir is iaîn.l>, Lares', Dor. is i'uu Ca rruîîers saîd tînat p.m. EVEING WORHIPand Dciiiiis. tirure cili mot be a lot ai cx-, cle pî'esemntecilirhe 1961 cauîî- pe'nse ir'l"iexceît for The acrmentof he Lrd' SuperMi'. i\lemmill Vain Cainrp cuiting a cloou'. Il is sound ece- T Sara entorTheaorsduppr irs. Vair Caînp. Mr. aiir!in>' to avae Irle innoVe "The Divine DralTa" Lauc'.ienuc Ma icol and 'i ~ niac1u if. muit \cilli mrnint auri Mi's. Iani itou: SIc. Bert t' mci forthin l iac'un ijClcrk Sunaay School Gibsi aundauclMe5. Gibsoir, -eiclir is neceessaî'>'aI present, Toc"nshnip Cieî'k VicIai' Mal- H-i.. X>orilip acidecl. 9:45a.m-JunorIntrîneiat aîi Seior c'olin andurc 's. 'cIaI'oliun. Roulci Il maci betun tnaugit tInat R. 9:4 a..--iiior InernedateandSenor Suîpt. Nferlimn Suiggctt and N1mc. J. WcVin, ciieccîci' nifc'eltarc'. 11:00 a.n.-Ntirscry Sciggctt. Xc cuî icIali. inroc1cu3:10 Iir",c 11:20ýi'adcrg-artci and Pritnary I' ' sp'5c ia co' ~f'u en ntr'Wik c Servie '«s bourg clone b>' Irle pro- I:a'tiilnoîît ducvs, tire fIavor saîi. Baby-sittingSevci vincial gavermiriiiet 7A [le aoued tiralilm irad belia A CODIALXVECOMETO AL liglncc a>' aurd tliauked tine Pro- iccidec lmot toavae lim make' a ACODIA W LC'LIETO LV'imcKial Gov.ernieunt fai' tneir lire chnange aI preent. g anîs. ..c.ltî giaatîc11ie Of Cruîc'iir WeleY Ficee 'i Darliingtc:i Tocc'usliiîp,' he tec mnamked 1matIle mace ,v.ill tirat Car'twri'îgihl To'.'.'mnslip i' aid ei liciemnu'>. 1e askcd celh.- amie place lu lic e. "O01 bav\e Mr- Viisi mnnae to Drut Rccterif so)tinhe liesaItfine saine tînne REHO O TH HRITIAN spDeptît'rilofev e frthibsci'itlne Warks Depactmneurî. EHOB TH C RIS IA $pakeceois mt P':nîc fo tl~ Ih'.'as explaîneci b>'Mayvor Warieur as a townrship official. Careutines tlit itlinad béenî REFO RM E CHURlHEx-Viarcen Lloyd Iloatoi roet)- 1tinouigîl linat lîne celiare dir- iposeda atoast ta lire nec enn- ector m'i cîse one oaI'llie Scugog Street, Bownxanville ljbers ai couumcil aincd Doî T e Mao SieM aster respo itl c. i. Icvami aid lie lracd is u d t e m t Rex'. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B. D. Hbbs. Bacevmnnile. oinieter wt Plc CiiBenr 1\'Inistr U a tat ta tic ladlies cclonî'Ire R.Kitu:ec' sd sinauli sîrare lire hoînouir'Hl_' bl-d cauncul tiat tic oftreir icîsbands' success.'g Police Chief irad eemiîrdcd Mers. Geamge Deain replîcci. hînnn naî ýagistmale'z Court 10 A.M. -SERVICE I ENGLISHRev. Romrerîl ini oîfeu'iug a i mdc Iun i bitimgan 10A3.-SRIC NEGIHtoast ta "Our Gicsts*«. îoice Ldta i aitaea ofaiIlire scmse ai caunnuiniîtyaie ofcaisth lis t ofic %:30 P.31. - SERVICE IN DUTCH ilspirit iin tic Tocwnship. also iii qestofionair uthedafice of loyaity amidkîîndmess. îIn saîctire onc.1Bor . and Schoo iinediaely fterMe. Geu'oce. Dr. Dy' ninc. ail identification rnaeî'îal is! Sinday Sho iiiedaeyatrMr. Carm-uthlr"s. Hcu. Gaoci- ke'o>.tiere. tlire Mayor saîi. Sunday îuorning service. fj icloce ami Mr. Cî'cîghton De- Tic plice inad lucther ex- v 'itt alg-c'e shnort sPeeeires. plauncd lahum lihat fle ]oss Free transportation fat' those willing but unable ' Me. Devîtt is air ex-reer' cc'io oa i; rni oî'aun ceuli cucult b atendthe ervces.Phoe MA3-537 spemnt 2u vears in Tocwnshiup Police efîîciencc'. boatn h eor vics. SaPhoynights.5037 and catunt>' Ncoutircils. Caîincilloe Fi'ee asked if tie befre p.. Sturay ighs. Mer-iill Vain Camp irankeci ta'.'.'uns-sîcnograpicîs mworlk atie ONO. Club tar their cf- also for tire Cirarber ai Coin- ificient service arndjessue Gui:- nnere. K . N. Morris ansceer- t er- icpi;cd. edi."Yes. Ibis ceas part ai tie "Back To God HourzI Broadcasis ..Th<e Pauls" ai Londan pr-o- agreement cicrtic Indus- CKBOsawat3 .ii.eer Snd ddhalfl Irour aofcater- tilCaonmnissiaon cas firsl CKLB Osa~~a, t 3 an.e~'r undy taimmemnt andiltie -'Blue Dia- set-cil. Tire Cirannier af Com- CKEY, Toronto, at 7 arn. h o nr Orchestra~ 'Lindsay>', nircc pays for ils occ'n tele- b.--- - l supphied music for danciing. 'pionct and office âupplies. Il Sy car nitîe neet- ising em p. vice - 'vie. . ROM PAGE ONE ' Sc holarship Nec.',castle - lames P. Lave- km i. sain of M\l a. aincd M's. Ren., Lavekin ai Nec'.'î'astlr'. laecci firust foi' thne cnicersit' anrd ivas acvared tire Aîndrîîna MuCulloci Sc'lrlarsiip. ThIis scinolaeslipi is giecm: almnuually by Qic::tuî'r 511' l t ic' gu'aciLuote stuicient inaking ftic besI ora3l preseini - atioî ai the' abject. ictirl airc peogress ai a thcsis. purmeiaseci saine moftir'liie turc for tefic'a e, anîd nals a loken pa>'mr'nt t 400iiii o- nuafl. Wack fou' lie Chan:- ber aI Com'nnreuis omnil one c'.'en tic Indnstrial Coinii..'i si0mn permnits if. Tic Ciamber ai Conmmerce xvomls uec',er- take; pcc'c Th(c,'"IieChamn- ber- ni Coinonmu'c'. ork roulc stili be carreioui its i.. c.'sbltit'e i\la>'cr souid. t atc. tMy' inier.iorû s no1 incncicci. 1Ido not tiiiîk tic( polic sinon icI dictale. Couincillor Fie statud. Tih(' liai>. "V it' i i isc ti ig, :1z1-i>omruliecl thtlail cic - parl'nrents c'.ork in eo-ope i'i- cviti hein 1and gen lhiu X'ie'.";<)int. Cot 1ilili l) -ugine- ;'5Sd etecî tîrat cll(i i hm ( . J Pu'c 11 ..i> uiaii'i::aii fcil' iw Polîî- ic'e Ccmonimitcc. :ii'i'ui îmî ic' hast uonnnni-ittee nctîng luthjle resolu.tiaîi passed beme tonigir>. "*Rigýil. but I cii.cussd tbe case Nt c"the line'iel. andui1I c'a> ouil>' caucur. W\\'e c ooi:îirg1 Ici Ilire piI ofi'. aI li arc. Couanci i cr Pi'cssoîni pi. D',puty' -Re'c'e Ilobi.s- ounde'cîb' Reec'e Sicdney' Little, inoc'c't at tire Tnc"rClî'rk be însuccld toa oclertise Ilie office srace fore enl and tual tire publie' Propmt>' Commiit- tc e chai'mnu. Couiil I o e Hulghes bc ut lnmzr'cIob it"'- otialetic h ternis. 7"l'isuXc1a Many Events Scheduled for This Weekend Man'. eveuls are sL-iecitilcd for tic nlex>.fe'..'day5 iin ac- nranc'ille. and people ceilî hav" a buŽy and cIii)coybld' t:ii., This aflernaon Ille W0,11-11's Hospital Anxîlamv 491:: Bir1i- day PartY is ta bc icli a, tic, Lions Commuuitv Ce'ntmc fi-r:: îlnree ta fice o'cîckc. Tis îý an anrnual event tii>: is ai-'s muci eunjoy ed. 'tie Box)vman-iile Skati:g Club's Pop Concert ta s'iau't nt cigit o'elock tiscvcun:un _al. tire Arena c'.illaffeî excellent entcrtainmeuit. lIn addition ta( lie ice shrow.. a broomnball game cc'ill be pla'.'ecl. Tic Duriani Conn;t'v Juinior Farmcnrs annual banquet wuli Vie Spring Hiat Show' heid Tic past presicienlt ai' the cub by tii.'Bownianvîlie Business Miss Madi ' \il iluox vceas thu' zýnd Prof essional \Vanis able c oiine:î; alai ..cî:. Club m i CtI Bo.vnanv Ic eTremble. ..:' liutel i oriWedncdza v ening, oa i M.andi1Irs . AIc'-inile't- Miarcli 151h ceaau otstand- chii.Queen Sticet. cil ing succ'ess. A ('apacits' aud- talcnted piani.t \X ha pravideci icoce en.<o ved tic dîspiax' af apprapriate nîusi c a i back- lavel:.' 1961 spring and surn- gi-ound for thie iasciiîating dus- mner inilJiice . NIr s. M ary piavai br'antiluî i ais.. ýCennors c'.as Iceconc enar. Ti-,'unvcor, Mm-. îua r'ý Tic presidciît. Nlis. ai'.c',,Conllors. ".ho iî' sc!i'a iu cao Gi gav"e a shart acidî-css of ai tie Wa.vs andc Means Coin- c'.elcomne. Sic thanhcd ail mnitVýe. ceas assisted b>'Mm ,hase attcndiri. for their sua- Mineva Keri'. Mliss Velm.a port afIllic cliub's peajeet. Pro- GaY.'Mi's. Marvlene Bird, and ceecis traint'le Spring Ilat Ni'Ber>'l 1lluigiu1S. rmemberý jShow wcci I hcip Il Bowman- oi tlie Xay s and Means Coin- ville Business and Pi-oies- illittee. sional W'omen's Club ta fur- MerS. Ccuoi's. tIbu'coi: e'i)or., n ish a childi-en's c.aî'u¶in ti, also conducteci tic I Ui'k~ '.'. nec'.'additionî ta M.emior-ial lior t iir'i uic oom pelles. Sh;" i tIr'e lospia i. sie Iroinleci out. '.'.'as a .ýsisted [w Miss \'eima ;chocil. re pin FtSI,\ ,vsGayc. Ticec'.innu's c '.Miý. celitly a ga>la ec cnt. A c'.'dc assoit- Mes.i\Ioiv (i i. hatho.x gMss îîeîr ai muni,, oi a tti-kctic'e hais frlue art, cvitle abx auiuty n-Il occasions c'.erecdisplayed. Ms .Fet m iie o" e sci- ITho luading colouirs in this l'îs D ti ciiiori c'.'oaI .Me. late.z- mode cvere siocen. sat it kt o liier1oýj)a il veai-. pink' - , beautîful shades af i bI ec Bocenialîvilie Ilote Mi" i Mes. anici '.'îlet. filait- .,guc Gî'cta Oi'îislon. lireîaii's Ville. toi:"'. ec'mvizi.g'.".cca p oî tckn> .:MiS. San) cci: itu. ticei cc banzana siade. laest Mire. A li(ceLuac'h. yic"ig"llacc's and tie ever lamce s ta e o auîi )r ehc 1-n'k otion i)icti.iie 'Th'Scc ss Ail tic hais displaycd wcî.c Famîly Robiiîscmn" :î1tîthe fr'om Widemnan's Ladies Weai-.>Royýal The'atre: Mirs. McMar-, Q lTheme '..'ec becoming designs tn 'iyarleum pat for e'.erc' woînan. Among tic Mis. Don Marris. ciii'. ntîru- ina . popular c'ereelie famn- muni planrt: Sic.5. Bîli Mrs -act acîs cloche sînapes. fashiairable a vrglc plant ani Mýý1i s. 1 higir crawns- saine tapcrcd Lyrnr -Illyar. liree pi'utt.\, j atl- i-tufaemodels, feminine apions. jii brims, anti laiorcd styles. Sevei'ai enîci-tain ing 'oc'al Nvcl t Thcre was a profusion ai solos '.vere suîrg by Wf~.Vil- Local flowveis mîrtic ai'i 'v ai inil- son Pein.g. Tic sangs chln rkers lîîîrec. aird veiling ccas <'ev- by Mm's. Prin.g Ileasecl tir' acc- erî'ic'usedlin manv ceaycs on Jence and lie' bcd.'. coice yaf- ditÉercot hais. '.cas lreai'clta c"iuac.Ms Spre- Fiee models. Miss LenafIlelen Nelles cvas lihe piano air. . alm I's. Miarc' GilI. Miss accoînpanist. Folloc'.ing tie 1-1elIcit Nelles. MWiss Rioda Gai'- Spring flat Shaow'c'offc'c' %vas bren doîr and Mrs. Pauline Storks, scrvx i anrd a social houi' '.a. 't, 011 displax'cd 80)appealiiîg iats. onjoecl. k0 bc btid at Cue Lons Comm~un- itc Ceitre oi Frîclv evening At 631 . A.Savaeu, OR ' d. ao nu Satu r'dax' if- tt'rooî. st: t'*g t Xo o'cioc'k tie C.W.I. c ". mlii a Ncarly 'ct plac P i'Brown î- icted bc \lc1:eTcole-- c'Vo-\nw atoi A B:tt" d1 W iVO c;-((ý"iilb' jerri Ro S. o I i cand .anc a"e.: t"15 a dvciock n tir'e loc'n 1.:1 Audi:tariun . O1. Sadt o Lcattarernomn tie Aluiui O' IPark ý Bazaarî v -ibu hc'](ýci o: the clbaie 1h l (' ot, 0 méiy ncbootis in cln i u 1!n - c'!uroui . ' l S'ephanl. ho rebaking and LuidX odcin " 1 cothýng. anid a isipi: .. Aternon t e a v'.l bu r c andi tCa cuîp; 1w.f F)cc' . hre ciii be a rl l' dor.îb:ît a Uilt. andic icco dc>': i c'-' bu givrin OXX'iy al ' f 'hiand ifour oucloci:. Contracis Let îFor 6 Rooms in, Dairlinglton Tiii>Soif h LIa iii ntoit Arîca Sc'huo Do ic- i ota recelît nceling lut cooil rauts for thtý' <'mi ~ o iloiî~îîisix nc'w Sc'ool! roono...'Atwo'i-1'omn addition In 1 ifte Si tI. vh 11,; Corners suhioL iXX0i',O addition cil l Oj>lOii4)1 arilo i îi.X t'.'.' i'oor . uoni t Salon:. Ail c.f tlieseu'init-, ae t>o he orni"- pictuci Iilo"Sc'îtuîner. 1961. f{os Vi alr Colisîrucli an Ca.. 1,1(1.. X' 'ii.u iroin a ong iii 1),' C u'ivral Co:t ractor. 'lh I >0 B ,o, c t figures 'nie stlon Iout th le Dar- litigion i ('cirl. thr iii rtlc or lI; ro2 'niaiiiing thre saine asý lcust c eui. tentiun ai tîhe counili. He as-' ai pracessing 225,000 batîles seî'lecitiraItic PUC operates ai b!ood in Ontario last year Tic iirdupundently and thal ils x'.as S1,100,000. As well as not li meetings -are suppascd ta be proecssing tie blood and love,1 openr ta tic public. blood praducîs used in tic alonei "Tie PUC usually holds a hospital, tic Red Cross teci- mechai mieeting once a manti at a nicians in Toronto do tic Martir_ m iccc lapse aifa'si fe . . . Kmnawledgc, tî'ut,1 beauty, goocîness. faitîr, can gic vitali.'>' talic inism of existence-Jas. neati. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I~ ISuujTORES.L S>ECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR IHIS WEEK YOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMEN DS IINEDA MULTrIPLE VITAMINS Ecch tableteentains 7 essential vitomins. Costs Ies.s than 4(: a day. Mr fAYMUTIT ~ITAMINS " STTRONGER TOOO /WEN WET OR DRY BECAUSg iTs MELOBONDED! REGULAR MAN-SIZE 03 BRYLCREEM FREE U NB REA KAB LE COMB 73Ç a' a Money - Saving SPECIALS I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 40c, 75o Spot Remover - - - 33c, 59c 1.D.A. Brand - Reg. 1.25, 2.35 1Idol-Agar -- - 99c, 1.89 60's - Reg. 1.23 Bufferin - - - - - - 98c Regular 69c Cutex Hand Cre-am 2 For 98c Colgate Dental Cream 29C REcg. 35Ce----- Recg. 98e Reg. 65c 55C 79c Reg. 1.19 -,99c Regular 89c TrigDe odora ni - -83c Saft! Strong! Pays Up Too! IKle e ne x Cliubby or Regular -17c Silvikrin Shampoo Recg. 15C -39C 59C -e.î.~ .98C Itegulaîr 98e Pepsodent _Dental Cream 78c Polident Denture Cleansing ]Kit 7 oz. Powder plus Plastic Bath 1.83 value -- -.------- -- .- 98C Q -T ip s plus Bath Toweletles with 39c or 59c size MOTH KILLERS Bridgeport 'Math Proofer 1.59 Green Cross Moth Blaster 99e, 1.69 Larvex Bomb 1.98 J.D.A. 310TH KILLER -~59e Diebloricide ---.' 85c, 3.65 Paradichlorbeflzefle Math Crystals- 2 Ibs. 59e Math-Raid Mothproofer,---.-__--------1.39 Math-Tox Math Froofer -- ---- 1.49 23:ff MMacleansM LIVE ACTION =PASTE- ECONOMY SIZE th Guar.untee DELSEY* TWUN-PACK IN COLOURS 2- ROLUS AQUAI WHITE I c ~,When eatiing puts you wronc i, ENO puls you PIGIIT .O 1 ________________ A i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 'J DorI'ton J. P. Lovekin Tax Rate Wins Queen' s 1 time convenient ta its mem- pre-natal RH factor tests for s pecia l bers. 1 applied to attend a 1 the cloctars in tie community. Spe ial PUC meeting and was inform- Regarding tie funds rais- cd tiat it would be held tie cd. the local branci budgets M eeting nx evening a eight o'clock. 'for the camîng year and tiii P arrived at the PUC offices! amaunt raiscd ave tis is FROMl PAGE ONE, at 20 minutes ta eight on the isent ta headquarters but is appaînted evenmng. The meet-Ireturned in disaster w'-ork and uniemiploymiient situation in ing wvas already in session. I ýii blood rcceivedi atth liers- Onrtario, aiîd laY-ails at localfiînished my business tiere pita!. Iin disastu i \X'urlc.tic plants. I\i1r. Hoaper said that befare cigit o'clack the time j clathîng and other articles houacîse ai lhese conditions the meeting %vas supposedly arc bougit at locual stoi'es, arc .l c'.aUîld particularly like ta set ta start."' paid for by tic branchi.ti 'inoX" '.hal the industrial, Tiere should be mare sys- thie bills arc sent to division- Commî-nssioner. K. N. Morris, tcm about these meetings. The ai headquarters. ,\.'iicli tien is doing ta obtaîn îindustr,\. publie siauld know the timeireimibures the branch. Tho Couinillor Ken NieRs. chair- and place af PUC meetings,1 national division pays for the mou aif tic Industriai Comn- If tiey do not have this know- cast ai proeessing blaod, S4.3.5 mission. statcd Itiat Mr. Mor- ledge' hoc'. can people go ta per bottle. and for tic tech- ris lizd presented mnonthly re- thenta lcarn iow the maney1 nicians and laboratory costs. ports ta council as ta tie pro- is spent and wbat is going on," In tuis way tic funcîs sent Ici gress of tic Industrial Comn- Mr. Hoaper stated firmly. ýheadquartcrs return ta andi mission and outlines what il '-I would like ta sec council i are ai benefit ta tic commnuni- is doing. lie added tiat tic, instruct their PUC delegates!ity. Industrial Cammissioner basita si"'c tiat some action is Tic following persans bac nior,, than anc funiction. He is'taken in regard ta marc sYs- kind!y given afithciir time ta interestcd ni obtaining newtemnatic meetings. You do nat captpin tic 17 Districts iii uomîInei'cial projets ta locate hold council meetings on tic Town and tic outlcin- areas. ini tire town which would iclp ' spur ai tice 'oment," Mr. District l-Mrs. É. Rundie; thu' tax situiation. Hoaper pointed out. -Mrs. R. Bate: 3-Mi'. John .fI.job is anc ai liaison. Mayor Carutiers said tiat Living; 4-Mrs. R. Grant: 3)- et"rntic Industrial Coin-,Mi-. Hooper would like ta have, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vinisb; niissianer and Tawn Cauncil. a recular meeting time for tic 6-Me1s. C. Henniii-: 7 Srs. 1 ami a 'whale licarted support- PUC. Councillor Hobbs stated lýS. McTa'.'sh: H 1. -ow.ard cir af tie Industrial Commis- liat NMr. Haopee's request Gibson: -N R. ; R ý, sioner.- Counciliar Nicits sta- ' cas rlot uinfair. IOA-Mî-is. R. Gi; 101B -' Mr. ted. He exp lained tiat tih' Councillor Glenholme Hugi- I and Mrs. J. H. Du 11 :il- ticld for attract ian ai new es moved tiat caunicil request Mrs. W\m. Coccan: ; 1'- -Mirz induz try is higil '>N campetitive. tic PUC ta set up regularlA ..\Ic'ii:3-M\r ;. W'. .1. lie i-ciarkcd that now. Bocv- meeting times and publicize Coiban: 1'-:\ir:.1J. J. Ccii- «In'~le is ta tic point ,c-iere' lie date and lime in advance ic:1-rs I.Lic> i',:: sonictiing ta aller in- ai the meetings. This \vas 16-Me1. W. W. Dogl-i1: En- duistry. scrviced industrialiscconded by Reeve Sidney' niskilien- Meýls. Il. fihbur; land and can campete with 'Little, and carricd. Hanmpton- Mrs. J. Rfice: lla>- otiue* centres. don-Mr. D. Camieron: :NX' 'Tewark ai tic Industrialý castie-Mes. W. Riirl 's- Conimission is not like a re- a rone-Mi's. MI. i\Irphv f Sa- taîl business. il neccîs years R ed Cros leni-Mr. N. Avere.oi ground wark." Coun cillor. Pîcase weicamne thcso c'ap- Nicks said. He also mientianedB I t tains and their ('IIc'aZsserrs Johnson and Johnson, and whnte ala ordo said tiat doubtless it wiîîIl'cntelaua ii-oo buidhee n ic fuur.' (FROM PAGE ONE) Monday, March '271t ram '« Councilior Nicks suggested 'izcd is usually only tic inter-!ta 8 .m.. ca a itliîrgarea that Me. Hooper ask tic In- national phase of tie Red' will b e vseIf clun i dtuirial Commissioner for tic! Cross services. Tic blood pro- nat leave your donation for back copies af bis monthly gramme is tic largest and yu avsepus ev I'eOiIs 'mast important but also thc il at Taronta-Damiinion IDan! Me. Hooper stated tiat lie mast expensive service for tic or mail il c/o Box 1419, BoX'.- had another point liat he, Red Cross; but tic blaod is manville. cvould lîke ta bring ta tic at- free ta tie recipient. Tic cost _______ p- -:ý

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