* 'EDNESDA~. MA~ ~th, 1~1 T1~ CANA1MA~ 5TATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLL!, ONTA~IO *1 ~Ar~ NINN 9?Recireation cRei By I buglas Rigg r,,. Peter McCullough sqnd .lm i Hendry were the goal gelÉùers . <i~ ou A371.34 for the Cubs. Io the thirdi game of Ille Baotam Mug Series the ]Bra- JUVENILES M1EET THOROLD HERE INONDAY ves defeatedi the Pirates 3-0 to move int the Mug Fiflîals The second gamne of the best of seven Ontario Juvenile against the Huskies or TI gýers.' Minor A Championship 'vill be played here starting at Dennis MeFeeters. L a..r r *y 8:30, Mlonday night. Bownanviile Nvill meet Thorold in the cion d r e Braves îîrefinals. after the Thorold club eliîîinated Leamington 8-5 in goals.d foih rvstr' heir total goals set. l'lie first game ended 6-3. with the Mug -;erie-, Schedule, terms hattling Io a 2-2 lie. Saturday iin Learningtoni. ModThprl3r 'î opeoilis tilt of tlie final series was played lasi nighit ,50)0 p.oî. -Huskîes ~Sc ii,1'Ihoroll. and] aithougli it is not definite the third and' (Baîitam). touirthi contests might go Wednesday. April 5th at Thorold; 6:0(m . Or;îhîîs vsCileei arnd back here on the following Monday, April 101h. These, Tuesday. April 4th dates aie *ust guesses, and we would advise the readers to 1:00 pin.-- Atom Lea gi.io' - ch in next week's colurno for more concrete cletails. Bombers vs Giants. 6:t)0 p.m.--Pee Wee Lragile --Leafsz vs Hawl;s. J v 6:0p.m.--Bantam Lco iP llgua li Braves vs Winnes H»si kes 17:00 p.m.- Mid. g A Aý- oars ig nne O!haiTip ivinrlie-ç a.4a Mi1ner HoekeY In the special play'off game between the Canadians and Hawks the Canadians scorec four goals in the first five mîinutes of the final period tc defeat the Hawks 5-3 and ad- vance into Mînor Hockey Night. Joe Hircock (2), John Mrc, Allan Maguire and Ru ruirSimpson accounteri for the Canadians goals. Phil- lip Manduck and John Tav. )or t2) were the goal scorers for the Hawks. In the special playoff game betwcen the Raiders and Gen' erals in the Lions Midget- Juvenile League the Generals overcarne a 3-0 deficit by scoring three goals in the final period 10 send the game ioto overtime. Leigh Sommer- gcales scored the ,?inning goal after 2:55 minutes of sudder dleath overtime. Keith Bal) (2) and Bob Blackburn put the Raiders ahead 3-0 ini the first period. Leîgh Sommer- .eie 2> and Jirn Archer ai' rounted foir the Generals goals. The Geocrals uîow ad- viilcp inoaMinor Hockex Night %vliere they uill1 play flue Maroons for thie League Championsh ip. Miig Series InthelicAtoni gainueof t17 M-u-g Series the Ranis dlefcale tIi Bisons 3-0 to move lito the second round, against the Gi ants. In the second Atorn Mupt Scnieg the Bornherý defcated thie Iortiets 4-3 aftci 2] sec- onids of overtime to move bict the Mug finals. Greg Cordei: scored three of thew ~inners goals including the wiiining Let's Talk Cars ... Hlave You Heard ... Down in Ari- zona the high- ways have a stralght Une down the cen- ~' ter as every- . ~r where else but ' IL becomesa w a v Ywhite line as It approaches traffic signm or dangerous Intersec- tions. Traffic researchers have found that self -preservation is a greater force io causing motorists to obe 'y certa in gulations, and] this idea is ~irected ai. that instinct. 'Yer-oid tests prove it's effective. 1 wouldn't be sur- prised if the idea spreads. The.v must have got that songr titie "Poor People of Paris" from the traffic con- gestion there. In 1900 there %vere 45,000 cars and trucks operating on Paris' 600 miles of streets. Today there are 2,000,000 vehicies, but still enly 600 miles of streets. On top cf that, only 486,000 cars have parking spaces in garages and on lots. The rest have to park on the streets. And we're corn- plalnlng? A few car dealers wiîo gave our industry a bad name for wild advertising aren't the only ones. A deep freeze manufacturer sent out direct mail ads in which lie stated that food saviîîgs xvould pay for the appliances lie was selling. A West Coast housewife wrote back as follows: I'rm sorry we ca't accept your 011cr at preseot as we are now paying for our washing machine on what were sav- ing on laundî-y bills: wve're paying for our car on xvhat we*re saviuîg on bus fares, and we're paying for~ our TV on wlîat were saving on niovies. We .îtst cant afford to save , aoni ore at the niornent" Pt41!i't Robson Molors Lad. 166 King St. E. PhonesA:~ -2 Oshaw~a RA'X5-2712 THOSE O when Sprir These toys 'viii be pi Bownmanville Kinsmen C painted by tbem ..for nias to ncclvfarnifiis. PICK-UP DATE T( Heip Kinsrnen goal in overtime. Wayne Mc- Roberts acounted for the other j Bomnbers goal. Stephen For- 1sey, Borys Wereszczynski and eBobby Howes accounted for the Hornets goals. In the third Atorn Mug Ser- ies the Giants defeated the Rams 6-0 to move into the jiMug final against the Bomb- [;ers. Sandy Brown (3)u. Billv "Woodward. Warren Aider and Mike Woods accounted for the sGiants six goals. Pee Wee Mug ser!eî-ý e o the first Mug game of -the Pee Wees the Leafs de- - feated the Wings 3-0. Wray sRendel]. Paul Huggett and yTerry Smith were the goal e scorers. The win rnoved the eLeafs into the Mug final. ý In the second Pee Wee game 1the Bruins defeated the Bears i 4-1 to move into the secondi UI round of the Mug series 1againsi the Hawks.. Peter Tor- Cdiff. Randy Beauprie. Faut _iilcýuvw éiluléii viuual-je1 w urs 'SW V W rs-4 IFa W bd WSt. Jalhois W. A. imeith le addtioî. the experierîced vet- 'ývere the goal scorrrs for the or Cornets. Parislî Hall, Mardci l6th. witlî craiii wiil also pass along a sBruins. Donnyv Jarnieson au'- Girls Broombali Bo\\iîiaOlIil î-îo >KNPa- jattenîpit t pull the goalie oui 12 ladies presentl. Mrs. W. W. wealth of other inforrnation: counited for the Bears lonc, 'Tie Girls Enoornbaîl C'hanîl- Iackrrs, wuib gocl1i f Grantilof position. aCm a goal. pWorîîpgm va ae i ughtli, onhelwbcoc, pullecd Woocilock anud Wisemnu an Cap dded a St. Pai- and t'ip)s*. of tremendous3 V o Ili e tîîird Pee We 1u, ias iîurgay e wcoiuig ed ut a 4-4 lic with Toronto gave Bowmaîiville a 2-0 bulge rick's touch by giviîîg each valu" tn the Young footballý ganeth Hwk sord îree o~îî kîug Cu atMarlboros. io anexeitiuig .iv- iin the opening session. In lth adc samoc.player. urnes iun the final pcrioid t o< te0kt Clb'-Pon eieMeigoee ihalvni h saa"tný" defeut the Bruins 4-I<o o c ert The Daisies .àe1eatîi euil xhibitionî coutest ai second. Murray bagged the Meigoce îhalvnî h saa'rps vî i~ ~ ~ - ot itugfnl aauio , iI.BtyR~ movc e <ie emniral Arciia, Satur- visitors first tally but Breni Devotional \vas given b M'\rs. lave cornnetcd ini <le Junior the Leais. .ohn Tav]or (2 1. couliecl for <lre'ý of thie D i- dc~i. i.\ i lit. AI Woocilock fird Huglies got that one bck o H. Baile ' . Minutes and tist.î I Football Coufercice foi- tli, Phîllp audue ad ef i s oas vib ~ia~1Lcld\li ~seoid -o:u1 of tie ouglit to maiîîtai thie Ju s. t wo goal reports wcee !zive, Dorc.î. past txvýo scasouis. ill or Gihîo]y er <id olgt-aeioig o leira ol ive Ille biilati a tlr th(, ilargiui. Secretarv reportecd <licbale course execet a fuli turu.t cr fr li aws.Rad Playtrroîînd Supervi si)rs Mai e t:d taken a 4 - 3 1e Barfeti fi rcd a pair 10 put ladbci seuit ea:lv li Mardli. of al] players eligible for' er'o h aýk.R l Flic Reercation Der 'tieta rîahig3IhIdo ootlîe Marîboros oni cvcîîternis, CiîiiYpatch hiockç ovcre re- Junior football (21, oru uder.ý Beauprie accounted for <lie i <tnie andi witli six minutes to p \".Ceed and plans made for, a Deceuibcr 31. 1961). Last year, Bruins only goal. requIIres îîersonneil tii act p Wthe final'ericii. ci lelui nviqihuguc'îip"nal aceial Bantam àMuz Series parnudStPt i0i1'0suoiî ifioii licci cd iiioff a dcfoiider Fulucatiolua I secret o.vrr e iwigii<ls" .ru Iîlaygrouîiids <lus cornÉiie suml- li <lic firsi Balitaîn M4io 2 inir. iig ,\ ex Wisemnoliaul a gncal <o sood <lic isitors outiniiiporîccl iehid iiia i lea-tire. vithaia in'of youiig i Senues ganie flicBraves dc- 'Tlc(, ' escales -w\i Il rn ch llulueto lire i oIocr frilfoi tlue tir: tturne, bers stud ' vgnicles. vhiich weplayers niost of whorni wil1 be sieated <lie Tee Pees 3-0 10 $18.00 10 $30.00 pet- veek au- wxvlie uen ci i ual one on TIlîcîîcailc the t<li l rordoi-cd. were oui or stock . back xvth <licclub tliisso- zmove imbothe second round conding thleqaiicain iek\vy u dte huiaI mniute and a liaitf vvhen The Pî aveu panînier secretarv son. Tcddy' Morriis. liasoti taI- of tlîe series against tlie Pir- andl expeniencc fîe _pl-ficlcl leelescr nfepfelha isJanM-ci scout for Argos. will be ates. Larry Sirnpson. Peter catit. Enîplox-nirrot. xvýfl. be rtr ptolsroîl nol rlits sIu ýil, oal ieou't> w \oi tiegarne. Nabb. wio lbas nesigîîed lier, on hand <o ittroduce the Ar- Werî y and Dennis Mi\cFectci's a sevrni werk perioci cgnîugtaluî psto isboi0 os lule Oshîawa Coacli fenul huc pSitionuiiin clinrclu "Bih 'Zock xvi]! a iso attendc. ,vcrs the goal scorers for the Jiiîy Ird. D I A t V T LJr wrk oc hh se tok 1O fortacis pyr Braes.Aplictiuî rui î~ ,vtul-~ ~ W ~ rauîi1 a <ic I'strerigth and talent frouîî In <lie seconid BaittanuMug ablc, alth<le ecreaFti.u d Offr.(aiicng alîthe Angliia - Senies game the Huskies die- iii the Lionîs Cornmui.biy Con- Commuuuiouinevice 'il bf n George Skelcling and a cis Training Sehool. nciglibout'ing centres, as well leated tlie Cubs 3-2 ho nove tre ou at thr Town Clî heC-ld oSt. .Toliu's Angighcauigraîîcclc. Thîe need for- used starnps ino the second r-ound of the fice iii tle Towun HallJ. AI] ap- Clîiuli Tîuî'sda * yai î:30 p).rn.: Mrs. D. Hudsonî and son for the Theological Schiola,.- H Y sei- agaiuîst tlie TiRers. Ir- plicatiouî forrns niu.ili be ne- and Gond Friclay serv;ce w:ll Gi-egg. Torotîto. visited Mn. sîiipb t.Pees oleg. o xin Colxveli aceouuuîed for ail turnedt leRcviiu < ea 030 a.îîî.. Maicll :Ilst. anîd Mus. Stani Rahm anîd faîn-:iîîaica. contiuites. itl % d- M.vudMasu- iayaî trcof tie Huskies goals. lc n atrtbu PpriIl 11h., Sc-viue ton the four appouit-'ly. Sundcay . Lsi e-cided <bat lie' ladies andan borsw. Arter ua. nietits of bbh' United Clîuncli Mc. auul.Ms.bras.edOshawa.îelîouî ai Pon vi] e wd l Blacksto!k ýcock andc boys, Prnuce Albert, Ferryv be asked <o ar-ange onesupper _guesîs ";al n udMs North istlefn t'lePparýs<ouage. Dis- (l ilicon u d ii ava Cleni Rabim*s. Mn. and Mrs. orîn sesn ofn a Clîu'c-îOn GooFnilav auvisitect lus mother-, Mr-S. Wes- for the W. A. lieu-e iin Apnil on ýLeonard Wilson anîd Ann \werre tho fol a p-d no'puuwsd plv -Il a.11.commuiuniotn for. IIIl1ev Becock. and sisteu' Mrs. MaY. Mrs. Orrmiston cotu1d' Mr. aiid Mus. Fnatik Enter'- ecl by Mus. V. lMat'olm aîida ppoil uuerlts \VuIl bc' lueicl at Tarvis. Suîiday. pasir emonstra- son, Mary anîd Faula of Peter- seconîced liv Mn1-s.G Johns <lueur regul i-ois ofrv M-.Vn sd Mns. Fred Buad-Irtioniii May, peuîding clîoice or, Mer.Mr. dib Bsa. borougli were Sunday visitors <liat ilb tichcld aven ountil [al ienSuîîa burni. Jalîctville. visited Mn. cldate fou' luuîcheouî. Truta r.W rp wt MnaîdMrs. Malcolm Carriecl. Mi-. anîd Mus. Enicsi larnuerci and Mus. Carl Bnadburn anîd Decidecl <lat tutoieF W. A.son*s. Emnerson. M\1rs. K. Sauiielis.,.pedutpont ast week \vjtl Coiistýibhe boys. Suridiay. uieig wilI be hcld iiIi is ltneWeu.Hra Mn n us oh elaî ave a full report ci ithie pI e. ad Mns. Ken Stu'ang aund iM. Bob Smith,. Miiico, Mn., 1cvenings. Slides oui study ton, speuit a few days with' Johuîny ofSanît Se Marie Meeting hcld dinBowfSLISt1\ Touîî. Otiaxca. aud Murs. Bert Hooey an d books w-iil be slîown. Vantous'Mc. and Mu-s. Lloyd Ashton ýMr. and Mrs. Keith Bittain, bytnile Mc...Hasi and Mrs. Chass. Sriiliî Georgae. Peterborough, Wcre clîurch ladies' groups, who are auîd faniilv. Julie Ann and Judith Annelltt uvle. Ms ea slu t<ed Mus. P. Plîîlp. West Sunclay guests of Mr. aiîd'Mn:.! studyini h oi gave a veu-v intero, tiuug papier HulI.1oui.Wedthesdax I Ecurnenui- Mn. and Ylrs. C. Downey ConnCesistianli and Oliver. ecty" are <o be ivited ocaîh-. and girls, Mn. anîd Mrs. W., Jirmrn Dun s, M. and Mrs. o lnsta dcait hidi Mi. Murnav Byes vas ii-: Mn. anudlMus. EarI Trewuir ýTc9Anad cOOkes vil] be serv-! Bcuuctt, Bowmanville.weu'e Jimrny GrievesaMr.fandlMrs. was muchv euu.»I ya1CIl. ni ~e orn c e nruuii i cl, i.Lanud f Mril . M'and Mrs. An- cd Sundax' visitors at, Mr. and' JohnnCcilGVil eve n fmes. Mokd enu. d ?h: cluiYorkshiire swiii0 on tIie Guass tliuurT-ewýii aundIWillianî. Eu- IM. ee Vil wnewekedand seconc1ed bv M 1. G. 1Bo\v- . - '0tMisSicAu'uhuu:'ouibelil I u.D 1 arns visitons Iwith Mr. and Mrs. es,, ua ' ue-oos progr'ammuue of Chîannuch91 uîskllciu. vsîtcd ilhe Fued Tnc- lieu' nuîiheaepueit r.rMu-.D.Can rs.Loyd slîo Chas. Fallis. -da: sfrtu wSuil\ afieunooii. vlis aud Albert Wrighls. oi lousfuatu'e upn ' n a ceSudvdue r Mn .ud Mus. Grantt CanpAllocation ,Tes be pîînclased li-augau'et and Jimniv Lelisk. Srunclay. plansu-foarn eruer Alhan.f Rayosîs M u ndpM . iliR -'tWisons to'~.aud lua Sîbia. speuut uîîost of lasitvwecklMn.' aondMus. ..Duirv eJev sdn. -vas uead M ali i..adMsRo bell and family visited C.,M 's.C.Adams de liven sauîr'nin, ' "" n cg tee îdDges' iuvitingIie oueuîue oa, Anhîu' Rad îdIn and Mrs. Stewart ini Toroito ýto MIVr5*Dowris ait Bowuuuai- l uu cauaeits. Mr* ugg, wr udy uH ivtigteneriesI lMns.ArhrRaad oui Sunday. ville. Cau'icd. and . Wallace Marlowv. lof Mrs. A. Lcightouu. 1meeting iiu Christ, Chuincll.'Beul\1 visitent Mr. anîd Mrs. JMrs. Eva Campbell us stay- v rs1 E.Mu'. and M.Gcouge Skel- M1vrs. Jeanu Cook anîd fiiclici r.E ar -,dapeIiI sl,. ClaYton Reaci asud fami]-\, Pet-ý ing with Grant Camnpbell for e1 îeî Mi- i'oîaPii lugvusiteul nr. liud Mns. Wuh- Ton-ouito. visiicd IMn. and Mns. Ohavarbro.ui feeling bHett Ea 'uaicy'ionme lint Skcljing auud fani 1 . Neil Malcolm auud famil ii onIMus. . .Scott, pnesidîoit. was .T. Poils auîd ae fewelans. Hpe vou. 001reported 10 calîs ai iode tatIeo extoivilie. on Suriudav auud lSiuudav. chouse"i delegalete othie ainu'îi Mu'. and Mrs.T.Plsatr get. JenCokad i ck and shut-itus duu-n?*(' !iltIi"tdMr ndMs Mrs. Jea Cook ad Mu' e <crd lic btldav f Ir. and M rs.Kentti Duns- e(etu"' tuîToronito on uliMvstcai' au Ms Past mouîth. Collect on auuouruiul3 r. .A iln - 1- ---- - - - - --- ---- 2 S A.Shoeniaken,' Tom Suiitli, Bunketon, Sun- Jim Millet, Toronto., werele o .3-7,î 8wSdv sule fllvve , Diocesan treasuret'. wu'ote coi Sunday visitors with Mr. and'.uu flove x the mixpoi ' euingte 'eCes oIdel)'iMc. anid Mrs. Lloyd Ashîtonu,, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. benleelion 1 0. 1 for 961. cacornpanied bx Mu-. and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freci- and! At Ithe close ol' <uex- metiuul 'li i D/I ifi h 1 10' u.J -auloirs tdRyMGl udM.Hr famiiy visited friends in Ton-' tue ladies baught; and iiode-ýè O f icwi i uin i;.J aitontrlo-f ,RyMeGil adMr.the fuea onto for the weekend. Fwn led Eastei- Boniwjts. desi2tueni d'lie requested qul design hasiMof . th e nddtefieaI Mr.an Mr. dcOone. Mes. Ashurore reportcd o hir cousin, Mn. James' and MowerSi bv other ladies of <lic W.A. ý' of > u iu tedîc taLtl Knigl. ,Peterbor'ough.r w-r rcntvsios ilîM.The suu'n of $5.0n- was nealizerl:é'Hlescuieec.Ms Sunday School ZI 10:30) and an rs.Wn. Amsron. rom <lus verittiV e. Mrs. W. Il NEIVLY RENOVATEI' coedte!îetn wlcChurch service at, 7:30 aii Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Jackson thauiked Mns. Baxvcu's / edth metngwihPraY- Sunday. Easler ser-vice aîdý Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Gin, for tohe use of luer- homehaiiauI*k * , -r sacrament will be administer-! were visitons at Vie Maleolm's Mrs. W. Vine a a d hec rop.>LI' * d duning t h ee. o te peudi * DIN IKRenIGR VEA Good Fuidav serv'ice will *aes M Vs e R alcomSad aeuA. V.APLE G O E ehuel al Tyrouie Clîurch at Sael. i acomadMr. r ai:30) Frudav eventig. Haydon i and Mrs. Malclm Emrsout '31TON Il", Mu FuIgct ciDbbs repue,- aPPoinIment is iuviled Ilata- vstdMr. and Mns. Don Stuti LJjY JlU. i' *j11 uedteMpeGaeGopeid on Tuesdav nigh<. ;111t I ,ComitîeeMai te Goy Scoupt M. au u..i al W.A. and W.M.S. 'o uînk ii ix nVI Ev ii e lH o e E~ Council Executive Committee' and fanuuly, Dunbarton, cailed Tlîe Marclh meeting of <lie xeek Iii Ye1vE."1on Of Cru Ir~ ~Mn Course, whiclî was held'ouu Mn. and Mns. W. Loveridgc Nesticton W.A. and W.M.S. us the bank robiocrv -oinnlj'iu- *i (foi,'nîeri]. Balmoral intel) i~ n Peterboroughi on Mai-ch 18.1on Suuiday. \vas held nt <lie home of Mrs.l ted atlhahkAluION- i Mr. aud Mus. Ceeil Milis' Sony ta lina Mus. A. Mr-, George Bowens iii Nestletani cteuient. for a «Jiai--auî'.'~ndnBanbar'a visited Mn-. aiud Neil us iii 'Toronito Geuicral xvth 21 ladies present and one'M.adMr. .H.Suîou #,4Mus. Roy Cbaode ai, Part Peu,-ns Hospital. Hope her condition' ehild. aud Iwe %wre pIeaser 'caier! oui Ms. Daîboi Bnoxviu:l. dI'islvekn.Tîe loril ilsau npoo i o have one nevvnember ioiuî 0Of eew o 0e day lii. ée eJ-, ~ -~--~-., d oui Mns. Gardon Sîîuiktvhio Missionu Bond waelIueld iin oun group. i week. FloYd S tinsuiu repots '\.i) aslI e.i u .t /15s apatient in Pont Pennyschaol on Salurday afteruîoon Thermeceting opeuîed wth tlîe1an iuterestiuig'ttip to Si. dHe t],0iliJa Brnrni ro1 sunun o <ie benesaîg oi J~UhJ, US... à,uj, ile R I 2" v Mi ss Saiidt'a Sooxvulcui s Blackburn aud Gai] Thompsou loved by puayerr hx Mrs. A. uit uained uîcau-ly evcrv dax . 'ipendiuig Ihus week xitli len os leaders. Meetinîg opencd' Htand. Mrs. E. Min ea oca esremi veepca- Ente,-îajn vour farnii>- tbEaster Sundav Dinnter 4parents.oi liolidovs frarn honciticl<o-rsialo d the scipture. an! Mi-. \wl,ecd< iex'Mi,, Mura Bvr î11 4 / xs-ark at. Kitchetien. by Mission Band Watchwou'd.' Vinîe took the devotiouial. Witui of Blackstock and lis îuog oun- ',in a homes' atmospbicre. 4 M.ad n.Juîe ikou m u Proe1Mntso Mrs. L. Maicoini leadung, hyrn terpnuse ou i C-ta nuiel 9 Sundav imn(o' f' aîuy rvobus.îeels etugwn e!aî 86 \vas then sung. :,d, ný wf eux'u' // eekend guests af lis paIinîsý offering neceived. Gai] Thomp- Minutes xvere rea! au!d ap- 500 of the Pot. Prodruren"S. ' TD!MV and Mrs. T. S. Dicksouu son rea! <lue nom <the provecl. A ouilt that had beenî A spee!-v necover ou-'ti u.T 'a! ae. isonBn boseo 'pice bs oîe f herdesJintIuv isrtt i' vious di'-'< AM - DfDVMus.Sam Dcwell. Hampton. chapter, "Thue Fnîce of Good andqult! y smeotie5. neuîi spaýi<uiz!.a-~B a as oi overoighit guest with Luick*'. Hymuî, "God Secs a oftas . dip as. ent xo en dsade ccaiis cs4Fu ll course home eoed Iel'sisîcu-. Mis- L, C. Sllow- Little Spanrow Faîl" was suuîg. of tuans. vas xtede!toof Mn-. Dorug. V1r'nîp 0f" Bowv- thie ladies woi di! the qulilt-! nisixille wcue pleasantix sunr- demca!withail the trîm- eiden oui Saturdaycx'ening. 'Meetinug close! with Mission îuî. is t Ms.Boeus o~lîis! a i v ui aiuluir1, mings.. and pastry. do, TIe L.N.O. Cirele, wil uneet Ban! prayen. ing alo t Mr. Bwer foýprsrdIo îvv Iis clulin, e Thunsdav eveniuîg (tonight) ai Mu'. and Mrs. Cîau'lie Gar- tue use oflieu uhomne. and the profile iuu tue :lau.est edutiotu of éi I'iiner- 'viiI he scrvcd 12 noon 'tii 7 p.m. thie liornue of Mns. Jack Huu-nie. rond wcre Frirlay visitons at iox'eîx' lrnch pnovi!ed. Con-'!tle Rr.al Cc-Operaton xvwî'il Mr eiolct srcvr r n r.LreGifns respondî!c'e xas <hen cea!. !accoiiîpauiiniýg, b ioagi.a p h v. ' n e lct srcvr n n .LreGifns Il ws moeciby Ms BDOLI isthe i)pilartresure d iug niceîv aften bcbng ilI witlî Blackstock. It~~~~ xvsnoe x Ms .Dcgu <u clntraue a poceurnonuia. Hcasîip and secoirbe! bY N a'11 Doftunluam C lex'F!eauo don AI ~-J,'I' Mns. Alaiî Suiow!euuwas ,M. Emîersonî <laI <lue W.A.. of Agu'icrultuu e-, de guest of honor at a buncîidav LI l1 scuîd ý3.0 o Dr. V. T. Mooue' I 'as our ;p1casurc tut al- "0"OR RESERVATIONSf L s0t ui0tudvevuiu Ni ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P bet:h abu îuktsfrtur u r ~niun'h îc'ti' e home of Mrndi!Mu-s. Rouu OxesesReif.Cnnel. ue, uiticI~:us oIn i»,IV dLI10/Roger-s. Those present xe- YOU CAN NOWV <WN The tneosrueu- repou-ted <hat .Boxvniville -ouî Fn,:dax ex'eu- / 1Vddings Banquets, Dinners or Pactics ,Mn. an! Mis. iularv SnowdounHSBAUIU $12.60 bar! becuu pal! oui. bcuuîg hiig as repi'esci itatives of Duîr- é, ' ><Bowenanvilhe. Mc. uri ndMis. HSBA Tri onuslîuea tu cv ba'-i5ii onuîtv~1 lentitu I' g- ~WilliamuîîDavidsonu. 1 a mo Mc.A avac o <2iu'vaK NS M ENr . ahi!Mu-S. JohntuAivio, Mn.,sad Mrs. Sam S nI' puovecd ta be -a 2:ftrrl . înrBlacks<ark. Mr nd son , Corîiuaihugt-n Thîuu hu 1HE NEXT KINSMEN Gaodmrnupiv. Oshaý,4 'rsT - tteuition outflsureuc s id d wrIu umK Suida Suowdn. -~~ ssnuuig a balloe b ii ' ' j A I IMr. Boh 7,ooduiinpl NDavAFIOR * * 'arllufrul l1ueie ncu a,! pr-wmmSUurERiuCARnaBINGO 'ok.uug mrh. thori2hit fou',du- N MadJn. !Sins \Val Do une egugit4tin uopeMr.'DuI I U!' O'AnL..aLnd. Riebvaler ye 1 n A% â% ÉN Ela u aa ýHI d Meeting AVAILABLE FOR 1Here Sunday GTGGSý The Ontarion Ai nag A S'o iaion led iiî onthly i let R LP . O E ing n Sudav atternoun at B HS OE filic Bowmanville Hotel. Thie atteuîcaiîce totalcd 78 and in- Barrister anid Solicitor cluded arena managers, assoc-l 13 King St. E. Oshawa iate mi-embers. and arena dir-i RA 8-6246 ,ectors froni aIl parts of <ili ýprovince. Thîis w~as <tiefis - - Are You Planning, a New Home? Contact us for A NEW HOME ON N.H.A. Approved Lots Serviced witb:- Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewers, Paved Street. Soine bouses nearing completion wvith N.H.A. mortgages arranged. Choose from our large selection of plans or we will build f rom yours. DUANE BEERS 22 Parkway Crescent Bowinanville Memorial Arena BOWMANVI LLE NO SKATING GOGD FRIDAY NIGHT MARCH 31si SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd FAMILY SKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. MONDAYI APRIL 3rd J1UVENILE HOCKEY 8:00) p.m. JUVENILE "A" ONTARIO FINALS THORGLD vs' BOWMANYILLE JUVENILES ADMISSION Aduits 75e: Children Me L THE1 HUDSON Model C129 Reg. List $399.00 23" BONDED PICTURE TUBE 3~ SPEAKERS FOR FULL FIDELITY SOUND PHILIPS EXCLUSIVE PICTURE SIZE CONTROL I4IGHTEI) CHANNEL INDICATOR WIarranty on Ail Paris and Service )LE GROVE LEVISION rERHEAD MEANS LOW PRICES" MA 3-2312 Tnt CANADIAN STATESMAX, O"AI;10 r rAGt 1qiNs 1 moran eh i tJ ied meeting of the organizatiori ai WVest Hill. Sundav. çrver hl nBwavle Mr. and Mrs. John LawreoceA rs os, Atflc lnceonReveid >have returned to their home n, e>- Little, vice-chairman of 4,ýin the village after spending L v'jé5eI the Bowmanville Areria Bo- >the winter in Oshawa. Jr Footba llUSP.IIL l/lard, welcorned the visitors. Miss Emma Henders, Yel- Others at the head table in verton. speot the weekend IA ~ addition to the Reeve were >1with Mrs. Velva Ballev. in/ fri the president. Maurice Snider, Ten children and one leader n O s a a, A ri s North Bay, Deputy-Reeve Iv- attended the Msson Band Juniorfoball 1< *jst R roteiterc:ýt infootball an H obbtheloY cadsen, ml eTuesdaY after school. Meeting of Bowman\*ille wilî no doubt n general, besicles offering hage Hfhesloca rnanGof topened with the Band Purposhom Huh.caiano and Prayer in unison and se be keenly interested in tt, te eportuniy t<all pcrso the Bowmanvilie Arena Bo. hymnwas ung.The peeal -football school- being held intercsted. <lhe Oshawa "Imps' ard. J. L. Dahrner, Niagara Easter offering. Thecich by Toronto Argonauits "Big Football Club is extending an Faits. tlie secretarv of the as- lasted terpink envelopevs. oui- Football Club, ai the open invitation to football' sociatLoîî and W. M. Morrison. wlasceiv te b Jnet n cr psArmouries. ini Oshawa. thisplayc-rs of High Sclîool teams, a nmenîber ot the Bowmanvilo ad dedeicaed b antMrs rlSatturclayý morning, April [st, < or recent graduates) in Port[ Areîîa Board. who 'vas in anM cahlin who as toldh ai 11:00 o'clock. Perry. Bowmaoviile. Whitbvicharge of arrangcnments for J,'stry frm th sttiy boo '[' lie *sciool' blas been ar.- and Ajax, to attend the Argos i the eveot. 1"The Neglectr-d Garden." , _ ane by officers of the Osli- P'football school' this Satur1 h r nebers of thie Bow- ter the cîosing exercises a i.wa "Inmps' Junior Football day morning. ai <lie Armour- mnilAraBodpest culofgames %vere played. o'lnc-oeaio it es nOc haw.noi e re Ed Rundle. Frank Hoop- coupe ofToronto Argos. Such well- ococ.Thcre ikno"fee' and \eraoelsnObre n A good crowd enjoyed the! known Canadian prof essional hO " equipment of anY kind oer ofdheoar Osborne n Famiv Nglî Dane son or-football stars as Davie Mann, I needed.Wila wsuabet a- cd~~~~~~~ ivteOO Cu r y "Nobby'* irlkoski, N o r ni1 Bowmativille ILS, footballtn.Temetn eiwc ilight. Spot dances were won iStoneburgh, Steve Radzik and players ore ail invited to par-ted*Temtigrvwd bY Mrs. Harold McLaughli Faîk lak re. activities of the year, and a and son Bobby, aod Mrs. Mer-ý ly scheduled among thEas cpae.pane! discussion was held of ,ill anCamplandMr.s a the ci as011arena problems in Ontario. VanCamp. Music was provid-iSaîîirda' morning, wlen the'A eA r.' l rd bv Jake VanDam's orcheo- ýbasic fundanientals ofc o-n o rvI irbalwili be review'ed but in i - -s oc