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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 11

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WVEDNESDAY. MAR. 29th. 1981 --------- --.---.-- LJôLt O U A RLflI Bowmanville, Saturday after- her grandparents, Mr. and1 subjectifor his sermon"i-so ad ihlaesMs noon. Mrs. Leonard Stainton. ats iemma" had aca-dmsE rgt .J er bMS. HARRY MeGEE Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bell, lenging message for al sadW rfî a nitr A lfe-ongresden o!Ca-Lindsay, were Wednesday vis- Craig and Elaine, Toronto, we are in a similarpoionstnmeiginhecrc .4e IV ew cc4t Y a4e4e# d van onsi Mrs. a-y iors at Mr. and Mrs. How- Mr .and Mrs. R. Acton, Ux-, as Pilate was in makn aeet McGee, aged 66 years of R.R. ard Stevens'. bridge, were Sunday visitors choice. ,eaenicptgaohe 1, Ida, died in Civie Hospital, Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. Albert at Mr. and Mis. A. L. Wearn's. The Sr. choir sang toa-seilwrhp srieo Phono 3621 Peterborough, on Sunda v Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor r and Mrs. A. L. Wearn thems "Pass Me Not"an 1eGoFrdywhnhec- Gorcinn Agnew, Edilor Poe32 night, March 19th. Mrs. Mc land, Ennmskille, were Thuors-w er visitors on Monday at Died of a Broken Her"ggain fo th Gee had been ill at herhoe day tea us a Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer's, Tor- which were a very f ittin u-pit ilji oehra for some time, but was just Mrs.. Clarence Avery's on the, onto.1 plement to Mr. CraorsEnsile Curh n te taken to hospital that morn- occasion o! Jackie Avery's1 Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry,1 ,ermon. eeng ing.third birthday. Toronto, were weekend guests pI~, S p e ial S erv cesBadminton Born Floy Isabel Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's.UED CR e v c sshe was the daughter of the were Saturday dinner guests Congratulations Io Misses, P la n p e ci l S lte Jhn Stwartand i at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wer- Susan Wearn and Betty Janei C u ly d wife the former Ida Stinson, ry's-. Werry on passing their grade!~CNERIL both deceased. Mr. Harold Stevenson, Wil- 1 theory examinations in8'toai, oe She is survived by her hus- lowdale, visited Mr. and Mrs.. music with £îrst class hon- baepwrserfg belleville W e ken band, three daughters and a Russell Ormiston. ours. They are pupîls of Mrs. TUE ONLV WAY rai, hte als ieiga w evcsl t eresson; Mrs. Harold Davis (Ger- fmiyr. d is E. ox andMr.J.Albert Cole, Bowmanville. I TO FIGHT A xheldic, ahes Newcwcast Spce-lserpOn ood ridyrevn1 Onat Gtoosevice inSt.eiore Neweccsttlen- teirnirshtrde) !iRR. tPetrbo-)faofywerevistorsat M. rbHowrd yMrOhaHoward, bck p lihtshawaaco vie îl ehldi ot t8inteUntdCurch the Church on Good Friday. At o* Mrs.CehtnCr and Mrs. Geo. McDonald's, crs - $3.800. Nor anddowYM kn George's Anglican and the Choir under the direction o! h ila.m.Matins and an Ante lre oramShiiem g, .reeyîg B tn r r Ont.Jopnt SunaywihM .and m N U.! UntdCuê oosreteMr. Norman B. Williams wîll iCommunion Service will be bers o! the Newcastle Bad- eN~relso o e ad r ayd Mrs. MrdBan s .JonSenadfm ADonstop Easter weekend with special present a Cantata entîtled conducted and ln the evening minton Club made a credit- Morris McGee both of Ida. Grace and Beryl, Weston, rnusic planne nbt hrh- "The Crucifixion" by J. Staîn- at 8 an Evensong Service. able showin ttetun-As uvvn sabohr Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone' The Explorers held their CNERIL esfr od rida n d Easteh r er îhslsbyMsr l On Sunday at the regular igwîth tura-A s tt f wî i aboter th Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grif- 32nd Expedition of their 6th I Da.and Jack Allun.There wîll be il a.m. Worship service there mnaedi team~e nd ae r eandhre~rntoEI6 lnesadr will be a reception of new Belleville on Saturday night s rs Lloyd Slemon, Hay.. of Mrs. H. Ashton wîth 9 girls tanmsinodw The funeral service wIs don, Mrs. F. Toms wvere Sun- present. We opened with the ipmnt-$9. 3 members adfhe Sacrament wi'- approximately 20play- 4b. l.ionmnths o pay celebrated. In St. George 's ers competing. Kaye Funeral Home in Pet- Johns and Mrs. Will White, ton called the Muster and the 3TI WEKOL Church there wilI be three In the ladies doubles con- erborough, witîh the Rev.. A. Hampton.log Ilsthe fîrsd focars soîd li w a teservices with Holy Commun- sellation, Mary Dewdney and E. Larke o! Fairmount United Mrs. Herb Stainton, Bow- correct. Business period wasanittonmnsol ion at 8l and 11 a.m., and an Nancy Steph e n s o n went Church, where Mrs. McGce manville, spent the weekenci liad and Marilyn Yelloves ilbe ien oth Eve nsong service at 7 p.m. through to the semi-finals as wsammer, offciating. at Mr. arnd Mrs. L. Stainton's. took up collection. Prayer prhsr I There will be Easter hymns did Mary Dewdncy and Fred Burial Ias in St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Eng- Ias given by Mrs. R. Virtue. cSocial anc1 ,.6 o5e ns a and anthems by the choir at Yates in the mixed doubles. Cemetery, Ida. ihBomnlewrSu-Tntey adcfsad ail services in both churches Bud Wagar and Fred Yates day visitors. games by Marilyn Yellowlees. on Sunday and large congre- ent through to the semi-fin- ~ TT1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stain- Diane Avery gave password; Mjrand Mrs. D. L. Ben-I to Mrs. John Garrod, organist gations are expected at alas in the men's doubles, L N ton, Messrs. Albert and Wal- Door Keeper Marilyn Yeiiow- **j Maj er or t . the East: o! St. George's Church, who services this weekend hon- while Walter Staub and Bert L N A L lace Stainton, Toronto, Mr. lees; Keeper of the Log, Ruth Central Art and Crafts Asso-i wiil be celebrating the 80th ouring the death and Resur- Keisey went through to the and Mrs. Clarence English Pethick. canet whosts a fenolniesr f e it Mrs. Sawden, Oshawa, spent adMs eb titn o- Pl udy steLne OPEN 9&9A2 M 1 11P -O YSO 9.PM ciaio o Studa aferooIanivrsay ! erbitht0rection o! our Lord, quarter finals. teweed ihM. andnvi Mrs. e . eang, s almson da s t h ce was March l8th. The council ofimorrow, Friday, March 31st. Mrs. James Sawden.Mr Tnd oniîe, wrega . and seo rved at orcuchser-l the Association held t h ei r Mr and Mrs. Chas.A. Cow- Mr. aesSadn quarteriy meeting. A mon gan have returned home fol- f¶ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bur-Ms .H or'.vc udyam naseia 1 o m uiDDIDI, - gess and family, Bowman- Baby Joann Cryderman-- way. Our minister, Mr. W. were laid to hold a Sketching south and on their way home ville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ad- Raly in the Belleville districtivisited with Mr. and Mrs. g cock and family, Hampton, My27-28. Jack Butler, Queensway, and e o Mrs. Henry Wood, Margaret! Th olwn ebr fMr. and Mrs. Frank McMullenFa e e l P a tv o Wood and friend, Oshawa,i The following members o! F ~ ~were Sunday afternoon callers NMybe oucu 'tfforduiluA isceuinb to c nufrd e the executive were present: in Scarborough. arail President W. Max Hinritz, Mr and Mrs. Donald Jose ofa'Mr. RobertE. Dus . Sec. Treas. Miss Dora Purdon, and family o! Brampton were J. C .UPorter Fa miIII Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, - Bowmanville, and Directors- Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Tyronc, Mag ret Hr Wood ,,d rind Mrs. Rose M. Baker, Peter- Mrs. J. H. Jose and !amiiy. Necsl-Maeelpr ! i-ic ivrtas r saw, ere Sud nday fer- borough, Ms. H. R. Digman, The village Ils saddened easlA aeelprofasxpe ivrtasr«Ohw, eeSudy fe- Lindsay, Mrs. Lewis Andrews on Tuesday morning to îearn ty for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Por- vice, and purse o! money and noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ville, Mrs. V. Hall, Port Hope, Manes a former popular mcm- the United Church Supiday Mi. Porter, very feelingly conî. School hall on the evening o! thanked their many friends cars spite of muddy roads,, and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o MaosadMs.D L e- eto h vlag 1arcîî 22, 1961. Although the for the generous gifts and cr fromn the smallest "sports"' ;"J riett. Mr. Paul BennettArt Mrs. Ross Dickinson s e the l nlmn h idwrsadaljie nt h uhbge oe advisor for the Ontario De- Monday in Toronto. watherwasileme n t apcthe kin For and ar joe y ntre to make their way to pRrtment of Education (adult hl a ildt aaiyt ig"o hyaejol Ms~fr yo 7F stri~u when the honoured guests ar- good Fellows" which was f-,m Port" Sunday afteenoonft#OU A0 education) Ils also prescrnt. rived. îowed by a few words from but m any were forced to tur e. W.abF. g ickard a tsti a cdi the pry M.Reeve Douglas Cunningham. back because o! soft holes on, loieaditaberguest atnaTeti-n , CoIflrun iy and rs~. Porteradp barnMe.The Country Four, Messes. the town lune. nioialdiner hel in Teenton'f Mr. and Mrs. arwn Bo nd Jack Allin, Don Staples, Mer- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- Senator W. A. Fraser. #%IAirhI were dinner guests with Me. nIll Brown and Glen Allin eyk, Mr. and Mes. Harold on edesay n onurwhich tby wee escorted to tet selections to the enjoyment Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. Gordon Agncw were Me. and Mrs. David Simpson, the gathering in the Sunday o! ahl. Foîlowed by a sing- Penwarden, Mr. and Mes. Earl Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunter, Kesuits School hall where they were song led by Me. Jack Allun. Penwarden, Mr. and Mes. John Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agncw o! given seats o! honour while Dainty refeeshments were Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Petrbooug; Ms. . J Ag Necasle: Folowng resoft music Ias being played served by the committee in Rye Gibso:n weee among the Inew and daughter June N!tewhighsc- orers ing h e by Mr. Norman Williamus charge from a table decorated niany guests attending the tue-I Mrs.Ian echndor an dautheStaff, Mis. Gordon Garnod Jr. tions, daffodils and yellow sponsored hy Tyrone LOL. Mes.IanHeccndrn nd au-Newcastle Community Bowl- Miss Marilyn Baskerville and cnlsadasca iews74i yoeCemnt al Potr Coîbornef anfd M. adoslausbwigonte Temmesochan with ndyclsocialums, canna-6keynsupper and social evening. 1 htee M arnofBurfon ing lanes for ast week. Mr. Be. Genoe pinned a cor- enjoyed. Saturday evening.I Mrs i » m Sark o ewtan- M o n d a y Ladies' League - sage on Mis. Porter and Bou- Margo and Trevor Murphy1 Mr ' Floy ~~(200 or over) - Ruth Couch tonniers on Mr. Porter and pnthwekdwt Pt Mr~Flyd Badd ! Boman-249, Dora Youngman 239, Julia Bob.PO T P LanDaneWoly IsptTusday afternoon Jackson 235, Carolyn Garrod The Rcv. E. C. Woodland Me.YOO and Mrs. Smith, Jacki wih e. enyBo- 220, Betty Lees 219, Teresa was the master o! ceremonies Neighbors and friends gath- and Brian, Ajax, were Satur-' eiiê neqh eofia aý~he Mr. and Mes. P. F. Hare Langsta!! 213, Eleanor Perrin and aftee a fcw wcll-choscn ered at the home o! Mr. and day afternoon visitors o! Me.1 spent Sunday visiting with127 remarks, called upon Mrs. P. Mrs. Fred Youngman on Sat- and Mes. A. J. McLaggan. . . .u .a . . .h .ha. .n . friends in Brighton. Me.n's L e a g u e - (225 or F. Hare to read the farewell urday evening. The ocain Pauline DeSmit setteJooemt.we oapeet~o atywt omns.nnpin Mes. Henry Bowen and Dar- over) - Ken Whitney 286, address. Mes. Hare rcfcrred was a farewell party and wekndwthJ nt the':o é. zdtoniE& en eaue a vz epzma lene spent the weekend vsit- Lowell Highild 276, Bob tO the Porters as being fine dance for Mr. and Ms. Mer- gaen ihJntMLg'Mdpohtv ing with Mr. and Mes. Carl Brown 269, Ron Munro 247, citizens who weee active in vin Bowins and Alan who are lnua radEad aSrvSotSheak, llySkCe'meeated(hoe rHa Todd and family in Starkville. Doug Walton 245, Wynn Col: both church and community moving to Bethany on Thurs- Mr. Win. Irvine, Hamilton,1PplrBadRdytSevhothnk uy Congratulations are in order lier 244, Art Dubcau 243, affales. Mr. Porter bas been day. Me. Bowins has purchas- spent Thtfrsday and Friday atl - -George Kimbaîl 242, Irv. Mc' manager o! thc local Bank o! cd the Reg. Edmunds Grocery his sistcr's home, Me. and Mes.i Cullough 232, Emil Schmid Comnerce for the past thieteen and Meat Business in Bethany. Bert. Johnson. 1 230, Don McHolmn 230, Brian years and the family will be During the evening they vere M. and Ms. Wm. Care and ,COE À A!tenoonLa-Following the addrcss, Me. img pan by their neighbors. guests o! Me. and Mes. Nor- PouaBrns-eaytSrv-Garteden Wednesday fennLa Fred Couch made the present- Dancing and cards weee en- man Davis. Me. and Mes. Da. .~STPCINIk I ~ I.I A dies - (200 and over) - Kay ation to Me. and Mes. Porter joyed by alh and lunch was vis viere Wcdnesday evening; - 0% - Ib W WCIO Powell 25 Irene Cniga served by the hostess. guests of Me. and Mes. John 27i2, Ruth Couch 231, Wilda AI NR H & ohsnEve ig W u young people were seen day evening guess o! Mr. and BtyBo2, uy ikiao ,v enne- orGereksaosoeoaWdhe ehny n Str Bet oin 20 , Wîlma Lguove-0g on Channel 12A on Dance Mes. J. Woodley.I MONEY SAVING SPECIALS *Trd A r-rse QThursday Mîxed League Plns April Party. This week Me. and A large gathering o! friendsj Stock Up At This Price 00 r o er) - ih arrsonI"M es. Laery Bradley were secn viere at the home of M es.' I çL5é 289, Brian Rowe 241, Bessie seea ,e nCutr lxMMseHmpoJDHiz-Cokdi ..1 z i Frguson 211, Grace Couch Cat Style on Channel 9. Thcy viere Friday cvenîng and peesentedîm 4 to 8 lb. 21 tnCuh28 a d P rywith a large group from Ome- the rTor**wlwes, r.a 9veag 211, San Couch 208. - (00 anr andOrange Cor ners. Mes.Norman Davis, with a SPA GETTI6 fr g) oride) ay Mied eaue 200, Newcaste- The Evening Others seen on the pîcture large selection of very beau-ý orn hiver) 258,LArbert75,Beanch o! the Woman's Auxil- weee from Orono. tiful gifts. After the opening! Excelent Value - Hunt's Choice - Whole - 28 oz. Tin FREE! On1itBic ihel Ken itc y 256, 8, iesnt iary o! St. George's Chuech Several couples !rom here of the gifts by the bride and 1P4,eanr5, ess4,ae eo met in the Parish Hall on vient to Woodville on Fniday groom, somne very nice moviciA P I O S o . 0 C R A 248 Iaro24vGi 246 Claee Wednesday, March 15th, with night to dance to Mcl Lavig- viere shovin and afterwardsa PCO S3fr10ic te 23, eGo errino 31,s the Vice President, Mes. Aud- nes Blue Water Boys Orches- delicious lunch was scrved. Wt h ucaeo n 6o.jrSirf' hclt _____________Don__ ee ar2kenr ern 231, rey Gogerty presiding. tra. O1audyngtaot 0SetTetFnyo F P L U M BD o n P r k e e 2 6, V n e o e T h e m e e tin g w a s o p e n e d T h is w rite r w s p l a se d to frin ud s u e p i e d t h ea n eo u- G o l de e f C h o i F a c e yl c 8oz. T i nh eSu d ha seT opn Row 29, ear MCulouh nd eprtsecd y -te-re- iga oidywthfied friev u rnaly iettotow n. f- i. fore I .UU- OU Me. anid Mes. Hrry Excellent for Frying Chicken, Etc. Alcan - 12"AN NVETS G arnet B. RickcardEN IL Englarîc, Pre war they ovired Strutt, Oshawia, Me. G. Mc- 0îLR P 2 f.Rî i sr1 .P BOWMANVILLE MA 3-7150 ~~~~~~School. Thev aefairîy wl 3EFE Dtefrna Bovirdd nsL anvMiss, witha aiMeadEa MA3-15 IMe. Allari Griffin, Darling- and viîsh to Serecmembered to oMnie ifod thick andc Bl csocvisited with Mes. Ail o! our business men Me.adMs. A TurribuilN Me.1MaRdSErs. 196anROrmistonn were generous in doriating Mran s.ATubl, Mix 'em or Match 'em Dare's Panned 1½o.Pg .NIr an Mr. Ian rmitongood peizes for a draw in aid Bueketon, viere Sunday ca1licrs 'an chîldreer visited with the our hockey team. A veev at 'Me. and Mes. Harold Ash-PliorP eno82 9 B.Wiso's Oshawia. large crowd attended the ton's. Pano iet z a Mr. and Mes. R. Bea, Ham-1dance and draw on Satueday Mes. Heb Staînton Me. and a1 ANilton, Me. and Mes. Jack Bea night. We undeestand the team Mes. Clarence English, Bow- C EESE WI J o9 5 Dare's Easter o.Pg AN ~~and daughter, Toronto, ierecjclcaeed about $175. Sorry vie manville, Me. Howiard Pye, M AA Saturday visitors at G. Bow- viere uriable to attend but the Tauntoni, vere Sunday visit- Plain Cheese 8 z.P(' . [JGN mxuio !ran's. ,best o! luck in the future. ors at Me. arid Mes. H. Ste v* wu . Exiiino There was a combination j boys. We understand that the cris'. IV E LV EETA 3 for 9.5 c Moir's Cream Fil]e rMrhalo k.o shower and social evening inI Memorial Park Board arc Mr. and Mes. Miltoni Stain Canadia ContemoraryAt the school Feiday night. Mr.jholdirig meetings and consid- ton viere Suriday visitors at KatCnda l nls Diarine Beckim, received mariyl get funds towaeds havirig a Bovimariville.' Plain or Pimento 8 oz. Pkg. E G and uaflmlcralis lovely gifts anîd the goodirink here. Whe e sccuee Ms. Pat Tresse anidKathy E SES I E for 9 5c Robinson's Crea illd o preseritation o! showie gifts vil insert thcm in this col- calers at Mr. and Mrs. N. E.~ r cuchrole. Winnes vire s.S evrillctzveere M. and Mes. Cr cgsn & T R E G ~ vaATllw- b pogesiv uîr. nihts AT - ____nes wreN__._Sevrailoal itzen we_ . ad _s.Car Frguon Russell Cochrane and Mr es.,dsap ine hen they vient socrit Sunday at Me. and M ns.i Regency Assorted 1 lb. Box Dairy Maid Marshm o kg !1' The Cocrane Luch ws srvedtoBethany on Thursday to do Ken Herrington's, Oshawia. TheCoceae. unc ws sikiTsPPon69c CHCHOC.*Cad ~~~~~~~ children. 1 11:30 a.m. some holdup gents ner, Oshawa, Mr. ai tooe cet dlsadbsns nteBn.AotMand MrlyT .1GG Y N ortnw ay R estaurant There vas a good attend- had helped thcmselvcs to all Frank Dorland were Sunday _______________________ ance at Chuech and Surid3y the money in Uic till. TheI viqitors at Me. Albert Oke's. 1I Vle fetv nBwavleutlcoigtm School on Sunday. An addcd stolen car uscd in the holdup Mn. and Mes. E. A. Werey STORE HOURS: Open Thursdar Evenln.g 'til 9 p.m. Vausefetv On Highway 115 treat vias a duet by Me. and vias !ound later parked in the and Betty Jane, Me. J. A Closed Ail Day Good Frlday I It M.R. 1, NEWCASTLE Mes. W. Crawford. We are Civic Hospital parking lot. Atý Weery, Mi. and Mes. Allari Open Saturday 8:30 a.m. ta 6 pa..SaudaApiMlt 16 hoping foe a full church Eas-, time o! writing no trace o! the Weery attended the 9thii O IINSOE IIE ter Sunday. robbers or mnoney. 1bîrthjay o! Mr. Wes AllUn a. TTM CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO 19 A eq-1p 1" v-irru

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