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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 12

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T -------- PAGE TWELVE MEE CANADIAS STATESMAN. BOWMWANVTLLE ON'rARTO A ~D A *.~ . ~ VVLJ.JLNLOLJftX, LVLFAI'.. d~Lfl, i~a birtns 1 Loming r1vents BOUMA-Anny announces the t Dance in Tyrone Hall, Sat- birth of a baby brother Rogerlurday, April lst. Clara Nes-9 James, on March 28, 1961, at bitt's Music-Makers. Admis-'1 Memorial Hospital, Bowman-'sion 75c. 13-1*I ville. Our proud parents areý- Okke and Nita Bouma. 13-l* 4th Cub Pack Euchre Party [at Memorial Park, April 5th FALLIS-Mr. and Mrs. Doug Iat 8 o'clock. Prizes and lunch. Fallis are happy to announce'Admission 50c. 13-1 the arrivai of a boy, Lawrence Dance in Solina Community Clark, on March 24, 1961, at Hall, Saturday, April 1 with Memorial Hospital, Bowman- jim Fisher's Orchestra. $1 per ville. A brother for Glenn. person. Everyone welcome. ý VEOMANS -Mr. and Mrs. 13-1 John Yeomans are pleased to Woodview Community Centre announce the arrivaI of a baby'-Monster Bi n go. Twenty boy, John Ross, on March 28, games-twenty dollars; five 1961, at Memorial Hospital, games-thirty dollars; $150 Bowmanville. A brother for jackpot, and two jackpots at Betty and Carol. 13-1 $250. Door prizes. Next ______ ___________-Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn. Deaths Oshawa. 46-tf Farm Implements, ail stable equipment, Saturday, April 1, two miles west of Pickering, South of Base Line at French- man's Bay, Bay Ridges. R. W. Balsdon. Sale at 1 oclock. Prentice, auctioneers. 12-2* The Durham Fammers 8tb Annual Spring Stocker Salei will be held on Wednesday, April 19, at 2 p.m., at the Dur- ham County Sale Amena. Please let us have youm con- signments ealy and avoid being shut out. Phone Orono 5 r 18. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-2* Mr.C his horn public ing, Mc- BATEAt em esienc, 61 The Riversido Seottish Dance -5'n-' Brown Street, Bowmanville, on Club CNE and TV Stars wllNorgei Sunday, Mamch 26, 1961, Annieappear at the Ontario Trading washer, Deacon Bate, in ber 78tb year, Post and Restaurant, Highway chairs, beloved wife of Roland Bate 115 Enjoy traditional dances reels, Sm., and dear mother of Wil- and a charming atm.,osphere. etc. Sa]( fred, Oshawa; Robert, Rose, Easter Saturday, 7 p.m. Youm îy 'at6 Roland, Murray, Shirley andà host and hostess. Don and weekly Don, Bowmanville. Service Friedel Cox. 13-1 Reid, ai was held at the Morris Funeral Prenatal Education Classes. Chapel, Bowmanville on Tues- The Spring Series of Pro- Tho f day, March 28 at 3:30 p.m. natal Classes will start at the Endes Intemment Bowmanville Cerne- Health Unit Office, Liberty St. Durham tory. 13-1 N., Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., Orono, Thursday, April 13. For futh- April 7. CLENDENEN - Suddenly at rer information Phono North- is a M(] R.R. 1, Hampton, on Sunday, umberland - Durham Health tractor, March 26, 1961, Gordon Ray Unit, MA 3-5661. 12-2 tractor Clendenen, aged 59 years, be- Dern loved busband of Gladys Irene Attention, Darlington Foot- eetrin Raymem and dear father ofbalLgu ayranfns tractor Phyllis (Mrs. Gilbert Pater- There xvll be a full length tractor son), Markham; Muriel, (Mrs. movie Of the International Soc-waoa Carl Hoover), Toronto; Hazel cer game between Real M-ies (Mrs. Tom McLachlan), Osha- drid, Spain, and Eintracht,16.30.r. wa; Gordon and Harold at Germany, played in Glasgower home. Service was beld at Scotland, 1960, in Darlingtonr. tho Morris Funemal Chapel, Township Recreation Centre, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Hampton, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. Auctic March 29th at 2 p.m. Inter- Evemyone welconie. 12-2 vaccinat mont St. Andrew's Cemetery, springen Markham. 13-1 Tenders Wanted ers, For chinery, HORNE, Marion E.-In Port FOR SALE BY TENDER- saw, bal Hope Hospital on Tuesday, TO CLOSE ESTATE etc., the March 28, 1961, Marion E. A 7-room frame bouse, locat- ine Rens Lethbridge, widow of F. John ed in the Hamlet of Yelverton, 6, Darlin Horne. Resting at the Funeral on 7A Highway, in Manvers cessioni Home of Nothcutt & Smith, 53 Township. The property con- east of Division Street, Bowmanville. sists of %' acre more or less, April 1. Service in the Chapel on the frame dwelling with wood prompt]3 Thumsday, Mamch 30 at 2 p.m. shed attached and a small No rosei Intemmont Bowmanville Cerne- stable. ther p. tory. 13-1, Sealed tenders to be in the Lawmene hands of the Solicitor for theReid, ai HUTCHINSON-In Arbroath, estate by April 22nd, 1961. A Scotland, on Wednesday, March certified cheque for 10% of I have 29, Melven Alexander (Sandy) tender price to accompany each from tF aged 9 years, beloved iiivalid tender and the balance shall Estate ol son of Margaret and the late be payable in cash on closing to soul Lieut. W .J. Hutchinson and of sale. Possession June lst, Saturdaý dear gandson of Mrs. M. J. 1961. Municipr Hutchinson. 13-1* The highest or any tender Oval coc not neeessarily aceepted. erator, I MANES-At Memorial Hos- Joseph L. Staples, chine, ai pital, Bowmanville on Tues-i 10 William St. S., suites, c day, March 28, 1961, Hugh Lindsay, Ont., bottom Tracy Manes, Newcastle, aged Solicitor for the 92 yoars, .husband of the late Edith E. J. Henders Regina Evely and dear father___________ of Rota (Mrs. J. Embley). Resting at the Morris Funeral Notices Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at Dr. Ewemt's office w 2 p.m. Interment Mount Pleas- closed from March 31 to ant Cemetery, Toronto. 13-1,9 inclusive. PACEY-At Memorial Hos- The Jack and Jili recoi pital, Bowmanville, on Satur- going fast. Get yours at day, Mamch 25, 1961, Robert A Poppin' and be amoi Joseph Pacey, Newcastle, in bis1 pleased listeners. Recor 66th year, beloved husband of for $3. Gladys Covemt. Service was Major D. L. Bennett held at the Morris Funeral cepting pupils in Art Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tues- studios "The Hollows", day, Mamch 28 at 2 p.m. Inter- castie. Classes in oil and mient Bowmanville Cemetery. colours, drawing. C 13-1 sketch ing for beginner advanced students. F( PYE, Ethel Maud - At Me- formation please cail Nev rn-oial Hospital, Bowmanville12501. on Saturday, March 25, 1961, FOR COMPLETE Ïthe1. Maud Branton, beloved wife of the late Harry H. Pye nua e Coe and dear sistor of Mrs. Jame s uac oe Oke; aunt of Mari oie and - M ri Greta, aged 81 years. Rested See B IlM ri at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bow- 26 CONCESSION ST. manville. Service was held in NIA 3-3048 the Chapel on Tuesday, Mareh Fire- Theft - Autoi 28 at 2 p.m. Interment Bow- rnanville Cemetery. 13-1 Travel - Life WFERRY-Entered into est in Toronto, Ontario on Monday, March 27, 1961, Charlotte (Lottie) Elizabeth McLaugblin, beloved wife of the late Milton' J. Werry and dear niother of1"r Mrs. Walter Murray (Irono),ý Toronto; Mrs. Pbilip Turner, TOWN 0F BOWMANVI (Hazel) Stratbroy, in hem Bth!D yoar. Resting at the Arm-, og strong Funemal Home, Osha-wa, g with memorial service in thef Running ai Larý Chapel on Thursday, Mareh 30 at 2 p.m. Interment Beth- By-Laiv No. 1711 oi esda Cemetery. 13-1 iTowni of 1owmaniville pri - that no animal shai ri O shawa large ivithin the town. Couacil, by resolution ed in September, 1960, rE Monument Company this Poiinfrtei Speciallzlng Ino f December 1960, Jar February and March of MONUMENTS, MARKERS, Accordingly, please bi MEMORIALS, CORNERS, Ivised that on and ifter thi day of April, 1961, no a STONES [shall be allowed to ru STATUARY 0F ALL TYPES, large wvithin the municil CEMETERY LETTERINGS JAMES A. HOSIK 1435 King St. E. Oâhawaý ________________0 RA 8-3111 - Evenlng RA 8-8876 6-15,MNotic e to Crelii TAKE NOTICE that al Flowers itors and others havingc --agaist the estate of Arel FLOWER SHOP Tô%,nO B Ywniaiil about the 4th day of Febi CARNATION 1196t1, e rqiedt 19PECIAL FOR EASTER: ment of their dlaims, il against the said deeease E aster Lilies or before the lSth da April, 1961, after whieh Potted Plants ditrtbut the sseproE C utFlow rs ail deceased amongst only to the dlaims ofi 10% Discount given they shaîl thon have nol Chnrch Groups and DATED at Windsor, On Ormaizations. ithis lOth day of March, R. S. RIDDELL, Q.C., Phone MA 3-7141 702 Canada Trust Bîdg IWindsor, Ontario. Atter Store Heurs Solicitor for the above E iphona MA 3-ZO44 Cy Barrett wbo bas sold me at Orono, will soîl by auction on Friday even- larch 31, at the Durham Sales Amena, Orono, a mefrigerator, Simplicity rcoffee tables, buffet, 2 bicycles, 4 fisbing jet pump, gardon tools,I [e to commence ropt- 6:30 p.m. prioir to our livestock sale. Jack Luctioneor. 1- famm sale of Mm. Leslie will be held at the m County Sales Amena, 1on Friday evening, 7.Included in this sale [cCormick-Deering W-4 McCommick-Deering 71 mowem, McCommick- g 17-tooth tractor cli ýCockshutt combinati-on seod drill, five-section harrows, rubber-tiroa and rack. Many othor Sale of machinery at n. Jack Reid, auction- 13-2* on sale blood-tested, âted, Holstein milkers, rs, open and bred hoif- )rd tractor, tractor ma- 7noarly new chain- aled bay, straw, grain, ý propomty of Mm. Mar- sink, Lot 17, Concession ington Township, 1 Con- north and a haîf mile Ef Hampton, Saturday, 1.Sale to commence .y at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. ;rve. Farm sold. Fur- particulars, 500 bills. 'ce. Harris, clerk; Jack îctioneem. 11-3* ve recoived Instructions ho Executors of the of the late Robert Little by public auction on y, April 8, in the Orono pal Building, Findlay ok stove, Norge refmig- Dominion washing mia- hl like new; 3 bedmoom ffiests of drawers, cane chairs, ergan, sovoral 1u an~imesir z±e LIVING-ROOM rug, 9 x 15. MA 3-5414. 13-11 FIFTEEN foot molded plywood boat. Phone MA 3-3349. 13-1l WATER for sale and delivemed. Cali Cliif Pethick, CO 3-2131. 32-tf QUANTITY of baled hay. Phono MA 3-3057, aftem 7 p.m. 12-tf LLOYD baby carniage, excel- lent condition, $30. MA 3-3856. 13-1 TIMOTHY hay, also stmaw, bal- ed. Howard Pearce, Newcastle. 13-1 GIRL'S pink suit, sizo 12, also summer dresses. Phono MA 3-3970. 13-1 2,000 BALES of good mixed hay. Rod Simpson, COlfax 13-2089. 13-1 USED lumber, iÎn good con- dition. Cail Herman Vande- boît, CO 3-2282. 3-tf-f ONE cement block maki-ng machine, new, full instructions. Blackstock 96 - 12. 13-3* TABLE potatoes; No. 1 clover seed. John Archer, Burketon. Phono Blackstock 82 r 13. TRICYCLE, suitable for 6-8 year-old; 2 shortie coats, sizes 14 - 16, good condition. 139 King E. 13-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont a r i o. Phone 17r11. 45-tf MAPLE syrup, 25 miles north of Newcastle, Highway 35, Concession 12, Manvers. An- drew Heaslip. 13-2 KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt, service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf NEW Remington adding ma- cchine, hand-opemated. Regular ,$145. On sale $125.00. See it >at The Statesman Office, King St. W. 13-tff FOR good used furniture, ap- pliances, cookware, lamps, draperies, see ahl the rest, can buy the best for less at Elmer's. CO 3-2294. 13-1* INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf~ Articles for Sale GIRL'S bicycle. Phone CO 3-2487. 13-1 1000 BALES mixed bay, 25C bale, square bales. Arthur Harvey, Tyrone. Orono 36 r 21. 13-1* UNUSED bed-chesterfield suite - cost $230; will soîl for $150 or nearest offer. Phone New- castle 3186. 13-1 TWO-furrow plough, 3-point' hitcb; one-ton truck pick-upI box; Allis-Chalmers 2-furrow plough. Howard Payne, New- castle. Phone Clarke 1422. Van Belle Gardens MA 3-5757 - BOWMANVILLE: Lawn Fertilizer 80 lbs., only $4.50 Peat Moss, Seeds, etc. Potted Plants Guaranteed Nursery Stock COMPLETE Landscape Service FERTILIZING - PRUNING 13-2 Cars for Sale - 1954 HUDSON Jet, one own- or. L. Van Dorp. Phono 2357 Newcastle. ___13-1* '50 CHEV. station wagon, good motor, parts are well worth asking prico. Phono New- castle 3916. 13-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at youm homo caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802,1 collect. 2-tf Buy yourself a Good Used Car for a change If's - Good - For - You, Buy from the Top Seller at Today's Prices Wise people who think twlce always say lt's none ether than .* ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars ýCLEARANCE SALE' 23 USED CARS ALL MAKES AND MODELSI; 1 ea ana usecl Uaily mn every home. If interested in a prof- itable business of your own, act now. Free catalogue and details on request. Familex Produets, Dept. 10, 1600 Dol- orimior, Montreal, P.Q. 13-1 A Texas Oil Company Wants Man Over 30 FOR Bowmanville Area We need a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer some- one between 30 and 50. who can make auto trips f*or about a week at a time . .. and ýReal Estate for Sale SPACIQUS six-room bunga- low, with fireplace, sunroom and garage. Modemn facilities throughout, centrally located in Bowmanville within walk- ing distance of business section. Reasonably prîced. Terms to suit. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-7041 or Orono 138. 11-4 1 **-l - - ý - - - 1L,.ý-- 4- 1 zilloq+;Olm Q"làm% 1 ll-rf;rlýno frv C:!"lm 1 REAL ESTATE BROKER Nursing Home 100 Acre fanm, 9 room frame IN Bowmanville -Private home house, L-shapod bank barn, for the agod at pension rate implement shed, garage. Very Write Advertiser 115, c/o The good soul. Price only $12,500. Canadian Sta'tesman, P.O. Box Ternis. 19, owani-e. 1* 50 Acre fanm, 10-roonm 190, ow man ille.-2 u ouse in good condition, ba rn LICENSED 30 x 100, hydro, pressure sys. NursngH me lem. Will trade on dairy farni SOUTH Hayon Nursing Home 15 acres near Bowmanville, -Accommodation for privato 7 t'oomed brick bouse, small a nd somi-private patients, barn, good gardon soil. Pmice lounge TV. Fully licensod, $13,500. Terms. new building, nmodern. Visitors 10) Acres, 8l moom brick welcome. Reasonable rates, bouse, attacbed garage, 4 miles Phono Newcastle 4441. 1:3-tf from Oshawa. Price $12,500. __________ __________Down $2,500. Pets for Sale Maplo Grove, 5 acres, e _____ 5-room bungalow. Fully mod- jj1uuýViguu uu wini; romiq8 t 194 an au o. a,n aa, ,wnIni- - "u flWfl5Lt. frSUfl.JjJLtO, c. r Estate. furniture, antique china and GARDENERS - Lawn Seed, [dustrial and rural prpryfree for good home.MAettrs -2 gîassware, cruot sets, six chests Fertihizers, Gardon Seeds,Prcdfo owners. 3-5051. 13-1 Bowmai of table linon, bedding, afghan, Onion Sots (including Span- fl_______-- __ home, bi wash sets, etc. Sale te com- ish). The best at the îowest $2500UP Worth $12,000.00 Repairs $8,500.y i1bemence premptly at 12:30 p.m. prices. Stewart's Seeds, Bow-*OrtomndrwecpialRDOndeevsnmpasaso il il eJack Reid, auctioneer. l3.2* manville. 1-f$998,50BL0I.4D 1:nng p o$1,00I Ail____BROADLOOM - walh-to-wÏail 6 cyl., standard transmission. ya. u o$200l Prompt service. Pick-up and-[ Bowmai 12-2 Thsoeigi h eiey. George's, 5Kn t!uglw 50 HIGH GRADE or room siz0. Free estimates Two-tone Blue and White Bowmanville area is worth dEPher MA ,3513ing 5ibualw ýrsaeO alt-al ape a- 1958 CHEV. 2-DR. .iust as much to the right mxan._______________Pre$9 LCornz Holstein Catile on eut te your home for colour STATION WAGON We take care of ail deliveries GURNTE tlviin n et., ýng the1 and decorating ideas. F. A. and collections. Pay eamnings GUra eieteeail mnades.neta dsel3 Tract ors - Baler KapLd,3 igS.E, 15 HV OC in advance. Write a confi- Sanie day service. Televîsion low, cil1 12MA3-7071. 34tf See These dential letter to Srie PooM -83 nc 8 is ac- Im em nsad PLATFORM for truck, $20; 2- Guaranteed Used Cars at Ipe et n E. S. SWALLOW, Pros. 49-tf Newcast at bis I' eel low bed float, 7.50 tires, R0 I TrTg~ Southwestemn Petroleun, Co. bath, cil:f New- '- truck or farmi tracter tew, $40; ROiYyW. 1UflULS Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- cated. Pl water .Lurniure 4-6 yd. gravel box and hoist, Bowmanville and Courtice Lots_____ ____ __ 13-1 atures turned, te ail makres cf utdoor Property of (wood cam and roller), $35. 11- -____ electrie motors. Higgon Eloc- His or in G. Trevail Estate FOR Sale-Wrecking C.PR .ïSED Teachers Wanted ti38-3gEs..Phoo M Telepho: weastle LOT 2, CONCESSION 4 water tower at Bowmanvihle USD CARS -S__________335 t alesmen 131Station. Tank is made frem 100% Warranty on on Highway 35. Grades 1 te REARS te ail makes cf G. Blyleve EastWhi clar cdar3" hickandis p- Al Ued ars8; 26 on rail. Duties te cern- sewing machines. Free pickup C. R. Lovy E oaspWhiby da edar 1"1hick and24in p i Ue asmence Sept. 6. Apply, stating and delivery. Lavetys Sew- iametor, bound by 14 steelý 1958 PONTIAC 4-DR. qualifications and saîamy ex-i ing Machine Sales & Service. ____ 'age Saturday, April 1 hooris 1%1. Building consists[ Radie, back seat speaker, [pected, te Mrs. Yvonne Falis' Phono MA 3-2155. 42-tf Ia > ,o ofat least 2,000 foot each oft white wall tires, two-tone. , Sec.-Treas., Pontypool, Ont. REPAIRS te ail makes cf re- HOUSE, OlTERMS CASH matched sheathing, 2" x 6" Sharp - .--------------_ $1,645': _____fig1a3s-d1nstean o UShidEn Fumniture seils at 12 o'clockstudding, and outside siding, 1957 FORD 4-DR. COUNTR--Y!grtr, oetean o-chlrn followed by implements and bas a slate roof plus a quantity ,TLivetoc or Serca;mligcoes i-PooM stok.Noreere. f ip. hlmatril n ewSTATION WAGON !' gon Electric Limited, 38 King only. stck o eere. o pp. ilmteil ngood o mileage. In excellenit P ,sra n ay utnSt. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf moieFarm Rented state cf preservation. -- - 11475Wood, Aw a-2388. Austin 1 Harvey Pascoe, Clerk IG. Talcett. Phono MA 3-5848. 196FR 2-. BODWA C R P RNG 22-tf Ted Jackson, Auctloneer ___ _______ 13-l* W1ie5 walFtRes-D. iBR-0Dsow, Lan d race,--dueM THR P IIGo S13-1 Lhome Suies rgins.Town! Excellent shape -- - 2~jditl. Phn e Certîfied Watchmaker oe NT IN Chrom Suit Bargins. -pce.2-04.Canadian Jewellers' Assn.NAIN Grinfo Sleapartment size chrome suite,! 1955 METEOR 2-DR. I TWO Holstein heifers, vaccin-, J offers mesl Seed G anfrS l extension Arbehite table with Radie, Real Sharp.- -- --- $795ated, due first and third week M r' rfi i matehing chairs. Slashed, $29., 94POTA 4D. in April. Phono Clarke 18-33.:rw nr collection RED Clover Seed and *few 5-pce. chrome suites, Arborite 19RadiOTbACkup ight. ___ 13-1: 3RigS.W ing. SteE bushels cf timothy (cheaned). tops, double legs, beavy duty RaFOUR 1 8 ligttfe9amngeS. W CT327.op condition - .- ---- $475 FU-year-od Jersey cow,ý -fcm.A 'ILLE ______3-chis Wiethyas,$7 coming in sean, good mlkrng; rrr required, CLVE ad rssseds~ 7-pee. giant size 36 x 72 table,1l952 MONARCH 4-DR. $200 20 laying hens. M. Wind. Tele-[ fil. eV A D. W CLOVR ad grss eedsin-6 matching chairs, store saînple; 1947 FORD 2-TON phono MA 3-5290. 1-* d r . art's Seeds, Bowmanville. il-tf beautiful beige and r w it Pafon . -$15SIX yearling heifers andî RADIO SERVICE QenS combination; one only. Clear-! No Down Payment Required [34tw-erDaml Dan aerBL CKSOCKd;X; dteDON'T delay, we are naw OP- oeut, $50. Many more bargaîns. ý14tw-rcoldDra an sceK T CKE thvie erating full tume and will beý Wilson Fumniiture Ce., 20 Hereford - steers. Phone o rsEPAR OT AIS ovdsglad te cdean and treat 1-h bVVA1 Ilph Davis,_CO 3-2284. 1 PLPISTOT A D S fTT u atseed before the Sprîng rush._____ __ . RECORD r muS HI We aise handle a full lineOfc FLOOR Covering Bangains - TT 1V ' ISEIAIE pass- grass seed. Swain Seed Clean- Theusands cf yards cf discon- E uuwIvlNT CO. Eastern IJnlario 1 PCAiZdE elaxed ers, Blackstock 89r11.- 11-3 tinued patterns. Congoleuni, 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 He frd Cu Hearing i ServiceM ionths- Armstrong, Sandran, VinylCaloletlasoc13 nuary, , ,. Farecast, Rexoleuni and inlaid 13-1 Hreorî-tf 1.01letBlcktok 1 ý 96. EE Slinoleums. For quick sale.I tot Ci lad- From 25e per foot. Beautiful Wanted toBuy REP IRING SALE Lau le first SPRING TIME IS SEED TIME wall te wall broadlooms, Hi-Le BABY'S APRILi od o EP I E VIE Lu inimal Now ls the time te get your sculpture, heavy pile, moth- dte srlei odcn V T,8l in at seed roady. Have it cleaned proof and allergy free, rubber- n.PooM -3970.11 Pality.,and treated toecontrol disease ized backing, 6 colours. We 13-hERTIN m KIN ad ncras yels. ad secal urhae.Huge'GOQD commercial gihts, 50 te Peterbou gh~j1 OIL HEATING UN. nd ncraseyieds.savings, $5.95 sq. yd. Ends cf 75 lbs. Phono Blacksteck 66r4.r 13-1ce SAVE THET.. broadlomn scattermats, whihe 12-2 Exiito rounas and al 131 FED THEREST they hast, $1.00. Wilson Furn- ExiiiniDMETCAPINE ,tors If yeu are thinklng et changlng iture Co., 20 Church St., Osha-H HETpcepadfriv 8 OPEN HEIFERS OETCAPIN S wa. 13-1 poultry, goose feathers, featb-GADNT CTR cred- seed, SOW CERTIFIED SEED USED Tator- MC ik or ticks, scrap iran, ags, 2 BRED HEIFERS GRE RCOSD clainis and BE SURE 0F VARIETY. W4; Fanmaîl C with 2-furrm A 3-2043dOsawa csoile 8 YOUNG BULLS C ANd rSDo ,hibald For hlgher quallty and greater plow; Model 20-85 FergusonR; -24 sawiolet n at the profits, cail at Allis-Chalmers WC with 2-row 48-tf Ail Entries T.B. andLAN OWR on cm scuffler; Allis-Chalmers C, ALL kinds cf live pouîtry, Blood Tested ANMWR ruary, ' overhauled, excellent nubber; feathens, new goose and duk Bonus Paid on Tested Bulîs ALSO SHARPENING liver RICKA R 'S Massey101, good sapeUsed aseoll feather tiks van tocd . L hrt rsKen ANMWR O f ayS E E D P L A N T run Double Disk Drill; Case Bthany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r13W. ood, Secretary, BirdsalJ' aon 15-disk Dril; 3-furnow John collect. 21 -tf 1- O TYDRY ayof HIGHWAY No. 2 Deere Plow, on ubber; Dear- M31 J H L B date EAST 0F BOWMANVILLE born 2-furw Plow, 3-point USED 21" heavy duty ehectric__ _ _ _mi :ed tei PHONE MA 3-.7150 hitch; Case 2.-furrow Plow, 3- steve. State condition, make Money to La Akt376 f the 8t pit hitch; International self- and price. Write Advertiser' MORTGAGE LOANS R.R. 3. Bowmanville For Inf those ______________ ropelled Combine; Interna- No. 114, c/o The Canada Funds available on suitable rgard r ~ tional No. 45 Baler, P.T.O.; Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Baw-1frs oesoeaat AT MAPLE GROVE Obligai] which Personcil International Spreador, P.T.O.; manville, Ont. 1-2 monts, hotols, motels. Pleasantl 8-te oi ice. Otaco Tracter Spreader, on courteous service. For infor-1 Ho who gives money ho basKi L ntanie, HYGENIC supplies - (Rubbor rubber; Cockshutt 4 - wheel V'Wanted mation write, phono, or drop net earned is gonorous with~ 1961.[goods) maied postpaid in plain.Spreader; Case P.T.O. Cern- m.'te pal'abu.Gog 'sealed envelope with prico list.1bine; Massey 17-nozzle Spray-[DEAD and crippled fanm stock, LNITED COUNTY IBernard Shaw. 20 col ., ISix samples 25c, 24 Samp1le r witb Pump and Boom.!picked up prornptly. Telephone] INVESTMENTS LTD. In this world It is net what $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Cowan Equipment Ce. 1341tCOlfax 3-2721. MangwîlFur 3645 Bathurst St., Toment. 19,.we take up, but w bat we give TORONI Estatel ov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, King St. E., Bowmanvillo. Fanm, Tyrone. Licence 115.1 Ont. RU 9-2125up, that makes us rich.- J Telep. 11-3iHamlIton, Ont. 1-52 Phono MA 3-5689. 13-1i 11-tfi 11-411enry Ward Beecher. ýnville - 4 Bedmoon, bath, garage, paved Y, near school. Price Down $1,000. Ownor ling to trade. Lnville - 2 bodroon, x, attacbed garage, 1furnace, near school. ,000. Low down pay- stle - 6 moom bunga- furnace, near scbool. ,500. Down $1,500. stle, 2-storey home, furnace. Centrally lo- Price $9,000. Terms. lighway No. 2 t orBowmanville ne MArket 3-3644 oen, Phone MA 3-5300 oekin, Newcastle, 3506 13-1 'ited to Rent business couple, no Up to $100 a month. fArket 3-5644 daytime 13--l Business pportunity UL Food Companyi sponsible persons part ime light delivery and icontracts. No sell- eady year-round in- Applicants must have ght truck. $670.00 cash ,which is fully secur- rite Manager, 2008 ., East, Toronto, Ont. 12-2 :LUsIVE LCO-BENDIX ,QUIPPED in Operated nderette Has iazing Profil Potential wlth )uble-Load )uble-Profl VASHERS and IN OPERATED 1CLEANING [ACHINES rormation Without tion.. . Contact 1aundry Sales, Lt d. DLLEGE STREET TO 2. ONTARIO >boue WA 5-4515 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 Recil Estate for Sae THREE-bedmoom ranch style homo, attached garage, estab- lished gardens. 34 £ouIcession E., MA_3-3083. VW 13-tT 1 auction bcue ïDe Wilh Rea1 Es le e 224 Acre DAIRY FAR<'ý as a going concemn with pure tri kcattle and ful lino of arr~, ýnew machînory, largo 80' x 8' loafing barn, milking parler, 50 cans bulk cooler, another vL-sbaped barn, etc.; 8 roomed b- ouse with modern conven- Ylences. Asking $65,000. Ternis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM as na going concem with ahl cattle dand machinory, largo L-shaped ebank barn, drive shed, etc.; r8 roomod brick house with ail amodemn conveniences. Asking $33,000. Ternis. 150 Acre DAIRY FARM with largo L-sbaped bank barn, silo, bulk cooler, etc.; 8 mooni- ed bouso with ahl modem con- vonionces. Asking $32,000. Terms arranged. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM on paved road with good bank barn, water bowls, silo, bon bouse, drive shed, bulk cooler, etc.; 8 moomed brick bouse wîth running water. Asking $20,000. Terms. 100 Acre farmn near Mill- brook with stream, L-shapod ibank barn, water on tap, drive, 1shed, etc.; 7 roomed home -with modern convenlèncos. Asking $13,000 with $2,500 down. 80 Acre farmn near Mill- brook on pavod road with good barn, drive shed, etc.; 7 rooni- ed bouse with bathroom munning bot and cold wator. Asking $14,000. Ternis. 9 Acres with 6 roomed bouse, creek, running bot and iceld water, garage. Price $5,000 twith $ 1,500 down. 4 Roomed bouse near Ponty- pool with hydre, good well. Asking $3,000. Ternis. 10 Acres witb 4 rcemed bouse, cil fumnace and smal] barn. Located 9 miles frein Oshawa. Asking $6,500 witb $500 down. 6 Roomed, new, ranch stylo, brick bungalow with garage, ,wali ta wall broadloom floor cevering, beautiful fireplace, built-in valance, bathroemn fixtures. Asking $17,600. Down $4,000. 12 Roomed brick bouse mn Bowmanville witb ah modemn conveniences. Centrally locat- ed, quiet street. Ideal fer apartmonts. Price and termp arranged. 9 Roomed bouse wtih double garage and workshop. AIl modern convenionces, near Orono. Price and ternis ar- ranged. 6 Roonied bouse at Kendal with cil fumnaco, kitchen cup- boardnin water. Asklng $6,500ûwith $1,000 down. 5 Acres with 8 moomed brick bhouse, ail modemn convenlences. Located 9 miles fromn Oshawa- Asking $9,500. Ternis. 5 Roomed unfinished house at Kondal with cil furnace, kîtchen cupboards, etc. Price $3,200 with $500 down. GROCERY STORE in Bow- manville with full line of equipment and 6 roemed liv- ing quartors. Ail modem con- vonioncos. Price and temw arrangod. John F. De With Realtor and General Inmurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Donald MountJoy, MA 3-3950 Rosi Davidson, Bethany. 30HZ Lorne A. Perrault, CISW" 2231 Help Wanted For Rent LADIES wanted, make Up to APARTMENT. MA 3-3573. $26.00 a week doing simple _____________6-tf home sewing in your spar2 AR time. Write Box 491, Adelaide FR , 50 acres, on Manvers Post Office, Toronto, Ont *R.Apply Edgar Cator, tele- ______________1 * phone MA 3-2360. 13-1 MEN or women for Food Sup. SMALL house, five ooms, al plement Business. Every re- conveniences, May 1. Ontario ply answered. Write Adver- St. MA 3-3827. 13-1* tiser 117, c/o Canadian States- THREE rooms and bath, heat- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ed, self-contained. 205 King ville. 12-2 St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf EXPERIENCED sales lady for FOUR-room heated apartment, ready-to-wear store. Reply, 4-pce. bath. Central. Apply giving age, experience, marital 10 Division St., Bowmanville. status, to Adzertiser 113, c/o13* Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box - -____ -- - -~1 190, Bowmanville. 13-1 IN Newcastle, 5-room modemn - apartment. Heated. Laundry COUPLE to act as caretai<ers and dryer. Phono Newcastle of bouse and maintain grounds. 3936. 10-4 Living q ua rt e rs available. Write Advertiser 118, c/o The COMMERCIAL property on Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box nýilver Street (formerly black-1 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 13-1 smith Shop). Phone MArket 3-3393. 1-tf GENERAL office xvorker, some experience and typing tieces- FURNISHED bed-sitting moom sary. Will consider part or and kitchenette. Available im- full time. Write Advertiser mediately. Phone MA 3-3591. 121, c/o Canadian Statesman, Caîl after 7 p.m. __ 13-1 P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. MOÔDERNiZEÏÏD farm home, al 131conveniences, 13 miles froni AVON COSMETICS Oshawa, $40 per month. Apply bas immediate openings for C._Wuis CO 3-2737. 13-1* women to service excellent FU-om ei-detached AVON territories. Pleasant, house, heated, bath; two miles dignified work. No experience from Post Office; paved road. needed - we train. Write to- Phone MA 3-3057 after 7 p.m. day to Miss K. MacKean, 528 ______ 12-tf Gilmour Street, Peterboro ugh. APARTMÏENTf, flve m-oons a-n-d RI 3-4006. - - 13- bath; new, modemn, self-con- WANTED: Reliable man as tained. Write Advertîser 120, Dealer in Bowmanville. Ex- c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. perience not neeessary. A fine Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-1 opportunity to step into oldNINE-roorn house, near scbool, profitable business where Raw- , $50 month. Immediate posses- leigh Produets have been sold rsion. Apply Wilson Aber- for years. Big profits. Pro-! nethy, 23 Jackman Rd., Bow- duets furnished on credit. manville. MA 3-2419. 13-1 Write Rawleighs, Dept. C-248.HUE w eros ev 163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. duty wiring, garage, built-in _______-cupboards, oil heating, bard- WE have a splendid territory wood floors, tiled kitchen, in your surroundings if you water, on No. 2 Highway. want to make money. Sell25 Phone Newcastle 3771 after produets attraetiveîy present 5 p.m. 13-1 WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 13-1 Peter. Feddema -iz- - -- - 1 -1 - 1 lvr"%Tv«"Alv lffàlb «*16 11NAbt si REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W.- MA 3-245.1 99 King St. E. NIMA 3-5869 t(1) One and one-haif store,, brick veneer dwelling in nicp residential aea, only $11,50t) with terms. (2) New six-room bungalow.ý- on nice lot. Askîng $13,000.00, Temms armanged. (3) Older style brick home, on lovely lot, very choice lo. cation, attractively priced at $11,000.00. (4) Two six-room dwellings, very central, would sell to. gether or separately. Terni'- available. We have several smai:' acreage properties with dwell. ings, close to town and reas- onably priced. Salesmen: C. Soper - MA 3-2624 J. A. Barton- MA 3-3099 13-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Bowmanville Liberty North, close to King Street, seven-roomed frame house, hot water oil heated- bult-in three room apartment, rented. Cottage, West Beach, wood panelled walls and designed for all-year living. Owner leaving town. We also suggest two five- room. bouses and a six-roorr for your inspection, to close ai, estate. Service station, g a ra ge. booth, six-room apartment This property holds an "A" and "C" licence for wrecking yard if you are interested. Two apartment buildings for your inspection. Brick con- struction and in very good repair. We neod listings. Al1ow uLq to find a buyer for your prop- erty. 13-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 15 acres land near Taunton, 6 acres of bush with spring, balance workable garden land.' Close to sehool, church and store. Only $6,000 with $1,5001 down. 100 acres with 50 acres in apple and pear orchard. Good hiproof barn. Only $25,000. Eayternis. 60 acre famm with stream, brick house, barn, 7 miles from Bowmanville, $12,700. Brick bouse in Orono, 8 mooms, ail conveniences, $2,000 down with easy ternis. 54 acre Christmas tree farm with trout streani, on paved road, 9 miles North of Bow- nianville. 20,000 pruned Scotch pine with several thousand ready this year. $9,000 with $3,000 down. Modemn 3 bedrooin home, centrally located in Bowman- ville. $10,000 with $2,000 down. King Street commercial lo- cation, $10,000. Cottages on Lake Scugog, Lake Ontario, Rice Lake and Pigeon Lake. Ahl priced for quick sale. Large selection of famms, acreages, lots, homes and bus-

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