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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 13

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t - t -~ r ~ WEDtNESDAY. ýXR. 29th, 1961 Classified Ads THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -1The Orono News- PAGE THIRTEEN Mospvt IMagistrate's CourtI tbngagements In Memoricum In Memo irn &J-- w - wPAGEw ONE)w w j ME-, Marc] The engagement is an- BRADLEY-In loving memory BROOKS-In loving memory M rJmeJ Rcar FRO ý,. Mr. PcAGihsaEdO . usaMrb2t 91 o aet or bu e nucdof Gloria Joan, eldest o u kr ohr ara fa dear husband and father, JmeMrRchrs, E Wil cTso mhasated. the Ch-arles Brian~Aîrd ~igcekdb oiea r daugfact ohatrthenmanagementdoeyR.R. No.s3. NewcaStmuel WesleinBrtoksuspendR Ruro.icense Alber Philipsof Curtie, t Aprl 3,1957 pased aay Aril th a-955. The nmonthly meeting of the Sundav with Mr. and Mrs .surgerv in Western Hos~pital,1 Mosport Park wants to be on committed forialn afr zeya. Mr. Archie Courtice, son of There is a linik death cannot Every memory is a keepsake,iOrono Scout Ladies Auxiliarv Len Pears and family. Toronto. igood termns with its neighbors. of Criina el- JmsTiko,13K Corc. Th.E rriage wil Lof ve adrmr ance la th hpart. l nve was hl nMarch 23rd, at Mr. Wm. Reid has purch- Miss Viola Noden, Toronto,! He pointed out that Bowmain-gnu.bth ne ortoS.W. armndd uto C t ice quhetly on April 1.L ove a dreer. a ce a t ho gh Goahsrot. hs8:30 p.m . with a small attend-! ased the Turner house on M ill will spend Easter with her vile is a near ei h or en compc t he c i i al ui di- uso y u i A rl 5t afe keeping,~ ance. Minutes of the last meet-1 Street. mother Mrs. J. Noden. lonlsr about nine miles r 0* al\\a e a uooh leddgilyt acag 13-1' -Ever remembered b\vte soun tio.BiwaS familv. 13-1 We have you in our hearts zing were read and Mrs. Bert Mrs. W. J. Oliver of Bob-ý Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown,: west of the motor, race track.i0 noiain ei emt Lt~- -Ever remembered by hs Black and Mrs. Earl Taylor caygeon, mother of Mrs. Neil Bethianv, with the MeLaren iThe general manager of thiis'caSh1. td4 ote fbe c Mrs. Jnc te nageebRALE-n Oun m. ovwife Doreen ada amnvdee ppinedf0lok ftr Prtr asedawy n os cilre wil tei arnt nwaenerrieliieh xas lI hd ec carcdasfh wckfo hmecosupto nce the enggement BRADEX'-In lovig mvniorv ~gifts for the sick. Plans for IMemorial Hospital. Funeral:attended a convenîtion in Tor- most happy to hav'e this op- rsi fa cieta i-adi obdc iuro of their daughter Alice, to of my dear wife, Margaret a Bake Sale and Teawee aso MndyiBoc-oto portunitx' to speak to the com-ibvrg omoiiee.H Murtand .A. Dumaresq o a Aprib l Brd ,vh1957. ddicussed. We are hoping forigeon. Mrs. Geo. Shawv and chiid-ibined service clubs of the1 erty and KingSret onhdben rnin ru. Mr ndMs Th . ues wed ave îosrmy suls copan7 o of a dear husband and father,'a better turnout of the moth-! Miss Barbara Reid and Miss rien, Kleinburg, visited hier: town.i Februarv lOth.Jsphdad of Dartmouth, N.S. one Apr-I'havle linkd it my ' on: rn k olrwops ers at the next meeting. 'Elizabeth Reid of Port Arthur, granoimother Mrs. H a r r Yvoo!sot nCnd aide n t 7,TI. o PrtHoe 8. 1961, in Trinity United iAnd day by day I miss heraway April 2nd, 1958. lMr. and Mrs. Jim Pattersonwîlltariv tisevEse it iRowe ile Mr. Rotwe was reumle 'Sbots Canb.dian te liatBo anil nttouhardr ra Church. Boxvrnanvîlle, Ont. more, ~~~~~The heavenîy gates NxverelBwnI thMr.C.S eirprns M.adM-MsJni - ihrdo vdiewt n ies lt.Sb 13-lr As IOna.kmroueiealn. opened, iLaren, Mr. and Mis.A. Mc- terprnsM.adMs r.Jni l ihrs. moakes rules for alll motor Polic> chased a a squtl he va care 1 l ovAsIngly tremh emrd aloeti oc si one. Laren. Miss Joyce Vagg, Mr. Wm. Reid of Kirby. Toronto, spent Ilhe weekend sport activities. Orami to Liberty Street a 0mph ihdiigwiehslc husan Lonad. ~ 3'"And with farewell unspoken iReid Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. r.Go utnxh a s . J. make Mosport a major tour- and thenweto Hiha Mr. Joh Lllcso, e qielyentrenhoe. 'Rot.Ruheror1 M. ndspent the winter at Orono Hamm. ist attraction and we wili draxv 401, until Ilhe mtzl h es 1sude upni Waterdown, Ontario. wish to - Ever remembered by Mrs. Norman Allin attended Rest Home is returning ohr MisMr! ,-in or epl rm al rtecrbuio u, brug h t o- 'eas Iko !tecr announce the engagement of Rece~tion IMarjorie and the Famnilv. the Lumbermans Convention home on Cobb Hill this week.1onto, spent Sunday with Mr.!iworid.vifonnachrefCr-cutacsurudng ou to Mr. Merrill Douglas Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor and augpe he Melane ,Osh- fMr. rs2'. xvii akeplce O hauay.1. 446 FlcihAeh ie f$0adcsso son of Mrs. James T B o1MHamn r.Willibeal.mefodLUTN-nloinnemr ghv rtrne hmearndwa senrte eeenRwtss r.WmTay- sen aJue94t. tcdii o poso-thhea Iletod hecortheal T tcr i ay nivn and the late Mr. Brown 'New- fHmpo-vilb a ooof a dear mother Emma Eliza- tn r n r.Rs i~ Miss.and Mr ts ha.L Kn.wln eewth Tronand r. L- Cdmpanyathe imp e CaToa- c aCor.'n 0otu h o-orassac yayoyi e-stie. The 1'rriageviitakeýt0 their relatives and friends beth, who passed away April lor and family, Ottawa. a-Mss te Fno sr, shaw ndea te Torotomand a-h omwnln ihteCaa c a.gtig o a odi paeon S-rav April 22,'on Tuesday, April 4. 1 s, 19 ý152, adada ahr r and Mrs Ceviad rs.ThrnonWiso, Mrs. tende the Spotsmananh dian Racing Drivers Associa- Th Crvn Atre r-adthe cas aybefofete place , from7 to 930 p.., on he Ear Grad, Mrs.A. Gery CoaratuGrady, tMrr..aA.tiGerryrlngCongratulationsesteto hMr. 1961, in Grace Anglican CurhFrederick James, who passed Caverly' of McArthurs Milîs Ms and tdel nd is ion tisdrli vers, wlth efrn usiondina hev ies ss 0 rxncomne h 13-1 occasion of their 25th Weddinglaway April 9th, 1959. spent several days with hier en Wdl sntTu-bre hi 1hwdiga- Waedw.Annivcrsarv\,. 13-1 We HeynepWadelinspnt Tuesvbrateatheir 5th weding an J L ~~~~i Wh fennk oere il oeth er adMr. MrC aChtteton. - day, March L21, in Lindsay, the? niversary last week. pr i hseet n ti ec. tards of Thanks E' bkguest of Mrs. G. L. McGoe. MheCucaxinisSti-raxplctee Fa pxadso 1\r. and Mrs. Malcolm Em-ýThe family chain is roken*"rTheo adMr.WmCMthelurciifbirxitonn"i,000 eolo il e uat Maitrl R . axc frhe mntsan1e- B ort a n d M a r io n M u tto n rso n . N e stie to n . O n ta r o , w ill1 n o w P rt H p eC olad M r . E i i e.s e d n h o g E s e ,G o r;d y S r i e i e -ý a d s s e d would like fn thank nmi,ýhbors, bc at home to their relatives! But memories live forever. Osborne, Bowmanville: Mrs. % speend itth Mrlon E z. ast GodUFid Serc luTNev . iO1~i. S n upne ies ie w'ceend vithMr. nd Ms. cstieUnitd Chrch. Thc Plans and architects sketch-'friva.\ihtee(il n o tlreiiCak 500 Cub, rlativs and friendtdfinds on Saturday. April'T sto hv o one awav Heber Souch, Mrs. H. Bailey, Burns Kittmer andl sons at St. service wiîî ho at 8 pirn.os of buýildings to becon for cards, gifts, etc., on, the 8th, 1961, betwÀcen 2 and 5 p.m. Nor have they travelled far,IMr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Marvs. Messrs. Jack and Glen Allun1 structed at Mosport xvere Pass- r Twnsip rouht pealt Anniversary. 1.-I cnio1ftei ode o- home 'Miss Audrey Billings, Mr. escinv nrý ats mit ecn thsprnsM.adthe Orono Congregafiion are0ftefvenrgaeoc-ossaaloga odrvchrs$4.Nntecage ding annivcrsar.13- And left the gates ajar. iaelocr r n Mrs. Mrs l thsprnsMr 0atn.crii clubhouse. control fo\vcr. in a commensense anran'udrteHhxyTrfi Jarnes Pwer, Mr an C. V WilsonfollowinglnicIoatd.arf a 1 would like Io sa.v 1îhculk -,ai. onmisedv eci ordone Poxvwere gest shaaon *V iso nioand refreshnmcîit stands.acufu man.Yoîxl Atxrc.ttdfo$28 you to the doctors, nurses and \Vork Vlanted Dra.sni-a e i M. Wihesower familthOshawa, o staff of Oshawa General Hos- ____ --frix 31Friday cvening. S in Mr. WIln tol th ccl- __________________________ Miss Kate Foster, Oshiawa 'Iar e row d A ttends ig ta h olnsec pil, also to relatives andMAN. 26, wants xvork on farm. LUXTONIII loving nmeiorvisited lat veeîk with Mrs caWh Speila ceSthtyopo!t friends for the care and kind- E x e i n e . P on A k t o ear m t e n gran d-iTv is on adis E r dD ness I rccoivcd durin e-Epreno.Pon Ak th a Emothlzertd TWisonan Ms.E. ray r hatwil actaIMnpot. cent iîîness. ~l~~EiaehL, Judy Tamblyn isspnigHaHerardthtLodCi-DOA T N towopassed away AprillEse ihM.adMs1tn aae fteBwin Mrs. Gordon Shuekileton. DIGGING xater lunes, sewers, lst. 1952, also a dear father Eanteklith mr. adfaiy epieteiclmn - andMsv vileton, m ngroshe Bola an- - P1.1cellar drains. Harold Raby, 9 and grandfather, Frederick Fakj aby adfml ept tculm e adnar~~xleHint, hed lnt, meeting inHamilton. ither the annual Hospital and there were also a settoprsnathodnemeetn.sC iDuke Street, Bowmanville. James Luxton who passed Visitors wifhi Mrs. Charles Birthday Party held by the and chairs. Even the rcaîzstîcl Many people hlave askod' would like to thank al] m' 12wy pi th 99 Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Women's Auxilîary o! Bow appcaring buttertiies were of im how1 the name Mosportý OLI CAE n friends anci ncighibours. Trin-IEXPERIENCED stenographer In ail the world wve salal fot Bok>n]o hî,Os avleMmra osîa n axteh Si-s pronounccd. the speakeri TRAY Compee a tyWACompanion !telaî om ok fast and find iayeleloxvne i i po Fot, Beebive liR of e a accur e Wrk detse; crt oxodrfully awa, Mrs. Harold Saiter, at the Lions Community Cen- tai colours.'sd.H exlno ilspr- Lode, BWomie' nsie aand11,c/o a naiStadtean k ind. s ione Hampton; Mi. and Mrs. Ernie tre last Thursday afternoon'nuedaift r sle RAYP l odgsoen ars nd floersrP.O B cox 190, Bow aemanvie. S, sf vice.Osxqeta' Annablo aîid son Roy o! Wal-iwas a gala ovent. Beautiful Tho front of the stage gar- 'Moesport' as i. is a contrac- BODR alu my rent oravfomentp. Bx1903-wiai i Io sm aiîe. s j e itoers Falls. .decorations transftbrmed the don xvas outiinedxith chry- tion of Ihle voids Motoz ODR -4-d p 5 Tbey were deepiy apprcciated. Inspiration su woithwhile,1 Miss Marilyn King lias re- spaclous interior o! the build- esandem su .ws dfd lcrcu- Sportal o aYblMrs Nna lak. e3 na Van De Bl A sloveh so b eifl o keep, ing a long xeekend witbhe although outside gri March cd by two huge papier macho dobenture at throe per cent GENEA-1ONT1CTR Togetso! eatem aret e nar-ents Mc. and Mrs. W.L weather provailcd. yellow and mauve shasta dais- for $100 rodeemahie in 15~ eAs ar Mr.C.W.Varoe Rsenat, ric -Blck- Cncet r hoghs o Lve iKiug. The many guosts wcre re- les Mrs. W. M. Rudeli was ln years. Xith this low interesti wouldlike o thak bismany: and Carpentry That will live tilI the lougest Mcs. John ITurneCrlias SOld ceivcd by the president, Mrs. wchageo!tedec rats. hess r aste dbetre pydouk reeva r EMLD h utpitfrm lsrae dal ie otak i ay, , lber home on Contre Street Io Lawrence C. Mason,Mrwaasitdy Mrs. Js a asl h adc rafirDF odFns frens orthirkid nqiie N~VWOK ndREAISihey wont wear out. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Harness Stanley G. McMurter, thr Nest. A number of enormous each mnajor event for six years. and cards recceivcd duriug bis PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTONI 't lsadxo ' 0and moved to an aoartment vice-peiet n r .W bouquets added beauty 1thO t Tickets for this privilege will FULLLNE0 191W LPPR Catay in Mt, ndoriali'tHospital.'et, 3-tf . W.BirthdayPrysstig sa inMmra optl11r given away. on Church Wesf, lu Bowman- M. Morrison, director of nurs-. a ary etig wo selI at $5 cach. KMLN FPIT PE AI Boxvanvile. pecil th nksf( D- Lovingly remembered by son ville ou Saturday. ing at the hospital. Il was the i h nruehi oee- Mr. Wilson furthei- explainzi ALIYE FPAN RSE tu Dr. Slemon and the nres iiPastering [epairs ýSid, daughter-in-law Denelda Mc. and Mrs. Hcnry Smith 48thHsia'irha at pecially admircd. One O! cd that any man xvho lias pur- at the hospital, Trinity Churcbý th Hsia itdyPrytese wscmoe fsf hsdlv eetrsna for cards and fiowers, and1 QUICK SERVICE jand grandchildren. 13-1* and sons, Gravenhurst, spent givon by the auxiîiary to com- xvn gas oamscd of s! hsdfv eetrsna _______ the xvcekcnd with hiec mother. memnorate the opening o! the pikgail admueii, buy txvo shaccs in Mosport, MkOsonan i Jusi STUCCO AND NEW WORK THERTELL-In loviigng ie- NMrs. D. N. Myles and together hospitai bere lu March 1913. and the other, near the re- Park.N for thoir kind thoughts. 13T-Tl"9 mory o! a dear father and wec dinner guosts of Mr. and The Woman's Hospital Auxil- coption lie had a profusion Lion Stuart R. James thank-ý J. 1h . A b r e > R3I ... La. .TAFT grandfather, Walter, who pass- Mrs. Jack Davis and daugh- iary was formed lu Bowman- o!ylo0hyateus dM. isnfrbsifra tr 'l'~ei ar n wods î54 King St. E. MA 3_5030,1ed away on April 2, 1954. tors, Bowmianvilie, on Sun- ville a ycar carlier. and will daffodils and orchid iris. 1 tive and stimulating speech.'Pitad alae fullepres ws graiudl ___ __16-tflI little knew when I woke davy. elebrate its Golden Jubilce Mrs. WE. iaceHom es ain He alu esseaker asgi aM 3-43 elaîvendneib- EN S Te srrw te ay ouli carorogh au teir grand- -'The i a1charg~e o! registration, and gth saso-L"rd M ltvs, friends and kmd A That morn Mhedv ol i. rbruand thRo Twhe 'u 96.auxiliayI q p Ms .V Ha ee i tveni fhspeak t er Inter -« rsi for their visits, kn R N Sbjing. daughtec Wendy Powers o! Birthday Party is traditionallv treasuror, Mrs. R. G. Coxvi e,(C v ent isniitg. teIne- s tneand sustaining 7CTtThe cal .r a sudden, the shock Beardmore visited Mrs. Cecila leading eveut o! the seasonan r.D cnSmt c__ friendship while lu the bus- JL C RCM T R severe Powers on Monday. each year, and the one hcld sîded at the donations table._____________ cards and enquiries broughl al your Electrical Equlpment dear. ter Dale, Welcome, visited Mr. able to date. Mrs. Stanlev charge o! the display o! baud me a real wealth o! joy and Sales & Service MA 3-30.58 Sometimes ils blard tu under- and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn and McMurter, the vice-president, kitdbbwaado h. you lu Dr. Hubbard and Grant, 19-tf Wby some things have lu be, Mrs. W. L. King sptut a were the convenors. Each lady boes. A pair o! the latter also the nurses and staff of In His wisdom God has planned week with ber paren s Mr. lu the reception liue wore a are given by the auxiliary to Memorial HospitalSforbtheir ebirHospBeyon expert care and constant words -YAAvA.AjEver remembered by the den. and mauve cbrysantbemumsoraHopai of encouragement. ANfIIFCIG 'amiîy. 13-1 Mc. and Mrs. Luther Barra- given by Mrs. Roenigk. Mrs. B. R. lleavyxsege was; Mrs Mmi Mor. 3-h all visited Mr. and Mrs. Ru- Th large ballroom was ex- in charge o! tickets for the P umping TORDIFF-In loving memory bort Barrabaîl and familY, quisitely decorated witb the draw on the exquisite real Mrs Herbert Stainton aand to Jessie Tordiff wbo passed Maple Grove on Sunday. hospital's colours -o! yellow Cluny lace tablecloth which family offer their sincere ei 'wa March 30, 1955. Congratulations to Mr. and and mauve predominating. had becu donated by Mrs. L. friends, relatives and neigh-, BARN PAINTING ,But memories stay as near and l7th Wedding Anuiversary, îow and mauve fîowers and aiso a draw for an appealing hors, Ladies' Legion Auxiliary' dear March 251h. pussy willows adorned wall cake, a replica of a whitc 178 and alI other organiza-ý BERT TOMPKINS Asl eserayMc. and Mrs. Dick Howe plaques o! the same shades. lamb. The cake was made and lions for their kind expressions __HusbandDai and osan!amily, Courtice, spent The stage had become a donated by Mrs. Mark L. Rue- o! sympathy, floral tributes al, NEWTONVILLE Donald and Peter. 13-1 beautiful gardien with ils own nigk. The Provincial Presi- the lime o! their recentl Phone Clarke 4721 10-tf Blackstock, were Sunda'y ev- flowers, grass, and fountain. dent, Mrs. W. P. Telford, bereavement, also tbanks toi oning visitors with Mc. and Cedar trees formed the gar- Owen Sound, drew the lucky Dr. Austin, staff at Memorial TV TOWERS WESLEY VILLE Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and den's background with an at- tickets, Mrs. Glenholme Hugli- Hodsnt ardthse prior l Mci Aerials and Rotors family. tractiv'e white trellis in the es was the fortunate winner adsntn' s pasig. Speci: Repairs to Aerials Percy ul.CacneNc- Several men froni Solina centre. o! the Cîunylctaecoh Sthain sas l in SLaisadRtr llCroiNcos n r attended a supper meeting aI The thcee level green foun- aud Miss 'flua Hughes won PDAL Morris Fmi o rthe thgo ieisig.Ms.A As in wa luîugaI actSKenuys wReti anchol nd ter as ven w er te lce.w[PEmuvNanDARLE EDBEATO whu helped at the bouse after O0 S H A WA T V i E. Barrowciough attended a inwe OSgop eeti asms trciewt m ae the services; Rev. F. J. Reed Supply Ltd. joint meeting o! session with planned for the three chur- water constautly falling loto' 'Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and Mrs. o! Hampton Cburcb. Mrs. RA 8-8180 'other churches on Ibis charge cles. tbree Pools. Wateriillies and Aubrey Smith wore in charge >E Albert Cule at the organ,' Bill and Bob Leask aI Welcome last Muuday even-. Severai Solina couples, danc- coloured pebbles graced each o! th2 smail tea tables, whichi1[ 8-fCobourc the same evening for on Friday night, were scen on life-like replica o! a frog. A yellow cloths. Mrs. Smith! APPROVED ~AE and efficient service. 1_e37uivemetin-o!th television. yellriw wheelbarrow. filîed made ftho pretty floral decora- [tflat'S a BIGor vtnus auxiliary of Golden Plow. Mrs. H. Tiuk is home from with narcissus, daffodils and lions for these tables, circles Lode.Bowmanville Hospital. Mcr and crocuses stood aI the oppositeŽ o! real mauve and ycllow A uil asfiiseda Mrs. Hilton Tiuk called tlside o! the garden. Similiar flowcrs around alftrnating Clara Darke's Ibis week and visit bier. rety fowers bloomed lu a yeilow and mauve tapers. Mrs. D yk t asýnow ladies are putîing awa r nd Mrs. C. Langmaid flowerbed. Nearby dainty1 William Cordon, Mrs. $ EHA.SEIL i their needles and thimbles foc audr«cbîldren wece Sundaylwhite garden furniture 'vasiSaunders and Mis. Gleuboime BrceTik ea xry Coueand friend, Oshawaitiere xvas cousiderable amOni.~.îe owner. R I B R O A S T Fruit Cocktail intresting sîory o! Kocea.'were Sundav guesîs o! Mc. age lu the older bullding from' Mrs. 0..1. Pr..ssoi, xvas ii Cîofbs were hemmed foc wali and Mrs. E. Spires atîd familv.lfrozcn pipes and other troub- charge o! the delicicous food 1~ O G E E T4D .15 O TA -R pictures. The \vorsbip service Mc. Edwvin Ormiston, Ebeéiles from the severe coîd aud'foc the pacty'. Four beautifui 196£O GERE E4T4-U was led bv Mrs. Tink. The zcr, was a Suuday guesl o! matny o! the resideuts had to0 birthday cakes wcco made V-8, automnatic transmnission, radio. Rdo o)nly6 9 lb 2 tins 4 9 meeting closcd with the bymu Mr. and Mcs. Tom Baker and1be rnoved to the newer lodg<. and donated by Mrs. Roenigk.i Two-tone green.Seca whoxva Jess' miss Kathleen Patterson, guesls and more are expectedr were Mrs. Bruce Mullon, GARDEN FRESH ROSE Mr. Ron Poole o! Toronto Trno a a guesî last hrls for a lime aI Icasti immodiate past president, Mrs. BUY NOW ...SAVE 3f L ET T UC E MARGARINE A representative of the Tem- Bruce Montgomerv.a r. Perhaps becausc of winîer, Stephenson both of Newcas- perance Fediecation, he gave a Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Knox, wcalber, and also because alhi le, Miss Mary Jewell, Mcc. - vecy intcresting talk, urging Brougham, Mr. and Mrs. Keith o! us have our days su full 0f!R. Hetherington and Mrs. rC drinking alcobolil bevecages, ville. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox nol been su much attention: Afler the Birthday Partx' 2 for I 1ý d4 as nu une can tell what oneand Nancv wece Sundav tearPaid lateiy, but ou the firsl Mrs. J. O'Neill and sPe M cs.W _________________ drink xill lead to.uso!M. and Mrs. George Munday lu April the auxiliacy H. Birks were the couenors t'FIRYSLER- PLYMOUH-VAIN NexI Sunday, April 2, Eas- Knox and familv. bhas planned a pot luck sup- for 1he casserole supper given Extra SPECIAL Extra CRISP - TENDER fer Sunldav, a special pcogram Mc. and Mrs'. Rae Pascoeîper at the lodge tu begîn atlfor the Provincial President,ý DODGE-SI A will be presented during the and famiIv were Saturday tea!7 o'clck. Those lu charge Mrs. W. P. Telford, OwenI'ARGO AND) DODE T CK RED GRAPES C E LEBRY Sunday sehuol bouc. Came zuests o! Mr. and Mrs. j.'hope that individuals and re- Sound. the Regional Presi-j o pn'I ..ModyTruhSira alone lu worsbip wvith vour Dyec. Oshawa, ou Mrs. Pas-1 presenlalives will keep Ibis dent, Mrs. A. H. Humble, Port, failies. coe's birthday. date lu mind and corne withý Hope, and the other visiting N w O e Tl9pm o lbs L ~ ~~~~~~~~a Sundav school included a 3nd Mrs. H. Pascue were Mc.,will be provided. Mcs. N. Car- tend the spring meeting Thoeprnfporr ud lagusso c hi o uk e ndcfe xctvs h eel i 2 1s 9 for ra bmEelu'oca-i md Mrs. Don Pascoe and'ru.thecs o! Cobourg is the p-- the Womcu's Hospital Auxil- 20 KING ST. E. DO WNANVL EMA 358 dav. ons Hampton, andMr andIsident and Mrs.cTrawin of aries o! Region 8 t be held, Mr. nd Ms. .Lmei Mrs. Rae Pascue and cbildren. (Port Hope is secretary. ikater in the evening.

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