> a * -- - - mm ý - - m- ý &y--- ~-. -.i- y - - r-L j 1 ,I j PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ON~TARIO The Society and the service cubs organize the clinics un- H elp C rip led hild ender the medical committee, which enrolîs a vlnerse Return Pink< cnvemope cialist. The latter includes iterally every top specialist: in the field ef medicine andý Ea'tr ea C mp in urgery which are esarý Euste Seu Co m p ign o Ihe children's benefit. Planis for clinies are laid well in ad-1 During the past year. lead- Society and the 226 service vance. Tbrough local offices1 ing physicians and surgeons cf, clubs whicb each yÇfar conduet. cf bealtb, public health nurses, hopeacseies atlened dm-!the Easter Seal campaign, le and local doctors, the Societys leaserviatsrateied loaionsfinance assistance te help!nurses locate and visit crip-1 tcshughotOtarie foratbenscrippled eblîdren. lI addition ipIed cbildren. report tbeirý throuhout ntari for te helping finance tbe treal-:needs, and plan their attend-ý benefit of crippled youngsters. ment of crippled cbildren from'ance at elinie. On a plannedý The out-clinie service pro- their community, the serviceday for instance, ebjîdren1 vided by tbe far flung facili-' clubs help witb tbe clinics by from bundreds cf miles aroundý ties of the Ontario Society for transporting youngsters a n d a communily, sucb as Kirk- Crippled Cbildren has de- belping to previde accommo- land Lake will gather there. veloped under the closely re- dation for tiiose who cannol To meet tbem will b special- Iated co-operation between -the returnimmediately.- ists in orthopaedic suargery and other branches of medicine to-ý gether with local doctors wbo' diagnose their conditions and! prescribe treatment. If the latter ean be provided locally. the local doctor then supervises it. If trealment is required in a big city bospital, arrangements are made for transportation and hospitaliza- lion by the Society. Over the years thousands oti crippled cbildren have attend- ed such clinies, have received treatment, h a v e benefited from the follow-up programn provîded by the Society's nursing services. These nurses, especially trained in orth.o- paedîcs, follow up every case, te ach the mothers how te crry onýthe therapy prescrib- ed by the doctors, and see that anything required is provided' for the children. For the 1961 Easter Seal campaign, whîch is held* from March 2nd te, Aprîl 2nd, there is a minimum ef $875,000 needed te, carry on this and other services. Everyone is askied te respend to this great need by answering the mes- sage they have received from the community'q Easter Seal service club. STÂLRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, ;Orono. Mr. and 1Ur.Car Speech Th erapy for Cerebral Palsy VictirM" Children who are crippled with cerebral palsy very often are affected net only in the movement of their arms and legs, but aise in their speech. Here,1 a young lad is taught what most boys do without thinking - how te move his tongue from one positien te anether - a very important part cf speech therapy. The Easter Seal Campaign currently being conducted by Service Clubs in 226 citie-s and towns in Ontario must raise $875,000 . . . this 15 the minimum amount BETHANY needed te help the more than 15,000 crippled children. Tl'osc from Bethany wbo attendcd the 601h anniversary cf East Durham District Wo- men's Institutes Banquet held What Oters Sayin Millbrook on Wednesday i evening were Mrs. Addison1 'Scott, Mrs. Raiph Preston, Mrs. R. N. Carr, Mrs.W. Pbîllips, Mrs. Ina Pal' -Twelve Rules for Raisin g Children &s. HectorMotn r. UlulvIVI. aluIvi:5.%1rari n response te requests rrm iJont trust a ctIild's spirit' Iemnember that each chjid'Jennings, MVrs. Winnif r ec Hol, Toronte, and Mr. La- several readers we are re- when he fails. And neyer needs TWO parents. Present Speneer, Mrs. Emory Smith verne Stone were r e ce nt proclucing A n n La n de rs compare bim wilh others who a united front. Neyer join Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatherilt guests with Mrs. F. Stone. Twelve Rules for Raising have outsbone him. with your cbild against ycur Mr- and Mrs. Mansel Finne:, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy Children. Hundreds cf thou- Remember thal anger and m.ate. This can create in your Miss Margaret Lowes, Han entertained a greup et friends sands cf readers read ber hostilily are natural emnotions.! ebild (as Weil as in ycurself) ilIon, xvas home for the xveel, at their home Saturday even- daily syndicated column pub- Help youm child te find soc- emotional conflicîs. Il gives end with ber parents, Mr. anc ing. lished in hundreds cf daily ialiy acceptable outiets for rise to destructive feelings cf Mrs. Donald Lowes. Misses Norma and Beulah newspapers in the U.S. and these normal feelings or tbey guilt, confusion and insecuri- Mrs. Thomas Jennings speni Hallowell, Toronto, spent the Canada. Surely thîs wide dis-, may be turned inward and ty. l severaî days last wcek in Bui weekend at Mr. Llew Halle- seminalion cf such sound ad-lerupt in the form etf physical Dcoct haod ycur chiidlington, visiting xith Dr. anc well's. vice will have wholesome re- or mental illness. everything b is littie beart de-!Mrs. T. W. Scott. Mrs. Lorne Todd spent hi uî:Dsiln orcidwth sires. Permit him te knowý Mrs. Milton Wright, xvhc weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Remembeî- that a cbild is a firmness and reason. Don't the thrill cf eamning and tbe bas spent the xintcr mcnth, Don Stapleton, Newtonville.- gift from God. the richest cf IcI YOUR anger threw ycu off joy cf deserving. Grant him in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs Mr.andMrs Bran a awla blessings. Do net attempt balance. If he knows yen are the greatest cf ail satisfactions J. E. Mowat, has ncw returr. Mr. fand ily wer SndCa din-te bcîd hlm in the image of fair you will net lose bis re- -the pleasure that comes ed to lber borne. Mrs. Artbui aner gul eesîsaI m. arid yourself, your father, your speet or bis love. And make ibproaacivmn. TmsecfBabigei nest's, esleyvill M. Hrodbrother or your neighbour. sure the punishment fils te ibeo nlahemnt ops fBrcbig,5 Best', Weleyvlle.Each cbild is an individuall crime. Even the yeungest tb net set yourself up asivisiting witb ber for a few Miss Betty Saverv who Is and should be permitted te beechild bas a keen sense cf ju- te epîtome cf perfection. Tbis weeks. working in Oshawa visited at bimself. t ice. is a difficuit i-oIe tbplay 24 H. F. Rayson. Guelph, cal]- home,._______________________________heurs a day. You will find il ed con numerous friends in tii Mr. Roy McKay. Bronte, easier te cemmunicate with village on Wednesday. vistedMr.ArîurMcKy r- f),your ehild if vou lcI hlm know Ernest Lamb left on Mon Mm. and Mrs. Car] Tcdd at- cL.JLLer Io tLueo teIded the I Milk Producers t banquet aI Solina. The Palm Sunday service ai ",553 Aima Road, troni Hope Princeton trail Shileh was well altended witîi Vancouver, B. C. road. If these will interesl you .. special music by the cbildren's Dear George: 11 send them along somelime, ~4 choir under the direction Of Thanking N'eu foi- copy cf althougb I suppose some time Mrs. Liew Haliowell, an h ttsan bnisx'will elapse befere the buildingr message by Rev. R. C. White- Bowmanviîîe is tobave a Mu- is ready te show thern. Should 1 Saturday evening Mr. and seumn I set aside two pieces f I ever again gel mbt Mt. Rob-À Mrs. Llew Hailoweflenter- rock with fine tossils i hen tnso Pr and ente tibedE- in__ lained friends aI a five bun- One is cf sandstone with a tnuse bc ime n- dredpart. god secien fom l. Se-1913 first ascent, and 35 years, -- - - phen fossil bcd in the Rockylaelare itwa"mp- Mountins.The theris asible"~, I could gel some of the T~TTmn1-VTTMoutaie n fs.hae wthrfosare-finesl specimens obtainable NLWIUr4VILLE ic fsaewt fsi e nwee mains of a spur cf bemnlock amwbee ________and___ Mr. Rymon Bruc andwbich bad setled in a pool I rnee p ou ig well ad as Mr. Rayend Brce andand is se beautifully preservedtriedyubrtaycda- jMr. Win. Skelding have each rived on the day, Dec. 5th, myl had a new weIl dug on ter ~* . 801h birthday. Again thanks.. property. l Memoriai 1Hospital Have beeni very well Ibis win- Weekend visitors witb Mr'7. ter and hope te bear you are dzlngo ok n le )-i)iloi Ge.Ryan were Mr. and Mrs.' R pot !keeping fine.-muchavemainbde~o i jnrto c bisns îîîI Ray Rvan and son of Orillia.' but lyn itrmc anhv %o h (riaino'huad.Oliei' aise Miss Doris Wardless andi Foir th, week cf March 20- col ad teae r ad ar Mr. Robert Saunders cf Tor-,26 inclusive. dnsho nd towres (are lrad T e onto. 711shcwingi flowers (fort Mrs. Raymond Bruce i'Admissions q9 months) and Icaves on many, spending a few days withî Bîrtbs, 5 Maie, 2 female 7 sbrubs and trees with Jap' frieds t Bncrft.Dîseharges .- 63 piums already sbowing won- frind atBacrot.Major operatiens 5 derful colours. Mm. George Ryan enteredi Miner operations 27- Sineercly. Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Emergcncy treatments 8 Preston L. Tait. ville, on Friday for treamn. Mm. and Mrs. Lennox vase~r Vstn er n of Port MeNicol, wbo bave 7 te 8:30 p.m. Dear Edilor: arrîved home from Fîcrida,ý The lelter frei the 'reen- petthe weedwith Ilfr.Clarke Township,»> ~ ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. ELIZABETH VIL LE ýprotsting the cpening eft h: Staffleton. quor cutlets, is encuragîng > ~ ~ .:5«~y ... Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam*sý Churcb services and Sun-ý and agrees with my estimatel.... and Mrs. Wilmot Prouse and'day scbool were beld as usual cof youth's idealism, tbeir coin- . . . . . . . ." . son Chas. spent Sunday wjtliwih n 'eag'atedace.ceme for safeby on tbe publicýi Miss Nereen Prouse cf To;- Rev. Wrigbt was back and' wayVs and for their prepara- MisAneNebttrsu. spoke IoLi. tien fer responsibie coduet. ber millinerv duties at Osh - On Wednesdax' e v e n - eyn arth e oce s utelfsuffer -three car loads attended the'adti cc suslib M r. and Mrs. Jas. Adams o nî\raycfbcb uebb te be se trealed. fToctspnSndywîî 'si of the Institutes in o etrrlnl.Igir be Troatoer.Mr. ndw itb- East Durhamn. It was beld in XVe bear a lot cf statisties ' 1 ii 11 i11<11liiiliWIc.I'fir heilibro3k.UMited CburcheHall::and findings. That cfthie De- doors. And lor1uggrige sjace wîîit till veî see-lîoI- ath. i te rm cfUaited ureyHalin-1puty cf Transport 'indicating' iieiv dcep-Nvcll trtînkt Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane '!nter Abioutf00a te ded. th at cnly ene of ferty invol called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. - -Abot w0a oened.byThe cd in road accidentsw prgrmmn impai b te're,a lo i day.eli WaoflPnstwHe nSun 11Qeîerî, foilowed with h at oundethat manrd d-e day.The akelns wre cle-1. I grace. District President htdeta mnndos ibrating their 57th wedding 'Mrs. R. Preston, Betbany, pre- it agree witb reports fmom î n £ lt t t c anniversary.1 sided. Address cf weîcomc was Magistrales' Courts, or the ex-an o t a c Mm. and M1rs, Thos. Turneriie bvMsW.H Ar peience of drivers? ? ? and bis mo1e,1rs.Joo trng. Mlrc. WMm. A. & Toumists are said te want Turner cf Bewmanviile. were: Daîrymple gave bbe toast le oroues.Treaesm Sundav visitors with Mm. andthie -W I. wih te rpl by hundreds of cottages, owned , Mrs. Fred NesbittMs url.M. anid for ent, where ours is, Mrs. John Pearce is spenci-anrs QuanîriliqMm. aarrisaand, ing a few davs witb Mm. and Hall. Port Hope, rendcrcd two efdnd qer a t rnuisanhe. Mrs. Walter Graysoîî cf Mon-! excellent tsolos. Ianodorfernethb ent tetsef 'breal. C reetings were extended tOfind the outiets suf- Mm. and Mrs. Keith Burlzev bbc W. I. bv letter and in per- LasI summer we drove some and son cf Cobourg, spent Su,- Ison bv Miss H. MeKercber,! five bhousand miles in Great ~ dav witb bis parents, Mm. and' Mrs. Emerson, Miss J. Lilly- Britain. We saw one 'impaired' Mrs. Cecil Burley,,. crop, Mrs, C. Moynes and Mrs. man ina tcwn pub. We saw nu The sympathy cf this cern- Wiseman. weaving drivers,- ne acci- ........ .. mu nity is extended te the Mrs. Ross Cair gave uis andent.s On tbe main higbways.... Rowe famiiy on the passing excellent bistorv cf the Insti-1 (oubside cf tcwns) we found...... ef their brother, Mm. Frederick!tubes in East Durham. Mrs.,Ine 'outîcîs'. I drove about ................... -Roger Rowe, aI the Bamnes Armitage intr cdu ced Miss!Britain in 1916, in 1939 and It's ajpaîeîut for ail to see! 'The masterly combina- Numsing Home, Brampton, on Cora Bailey, cur guest speak- last yeam, and in tbc wbole tien cf superior styling, advanced engineering and Monday. Funeral service was: cm. Readings by' Mrs. Jennings spent two years there, and convenience, is making Pontiac one of Canada's beld at the Morris Funeral and solos by Mrs. C. Niebol did net feel driving a sîraun fastest selling cars. If you have v et te discover the Chapel on Thursday. compleled bbc program. An cm dangerous. I feund aise the aydvngeofwigaPnta-nlig Visitors with Mm. and Mrs.levening long te be emember-, yt c 'pe unay ter nansdvnaesc wnnl r est -i d neIdihe Fra k Gimer bc psl ecd by these wbo aîîended. and on thc continent te be a it ensbl rice-we suggctvnd eate weme, Mrs. Mabelie Leushnem Mm. and Mrs. Sam Moore, myth. I know places in Eng- of Niagara Falls, Mms. Clifton Toronto, are spending a few land, Ireland, Scotland, wbcre Whi1eu'a1l tires optional at e.utra co.il Robb of Montreal, Mrs. Aliceldays at Tbicksen's. yen cannot buy a paper or Pi6DSILE YWI< LOCALJ Rowe-Sleeman and Mr. Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Russel, Mrs., find an open restaurant on nold Roe-Slecman cf Tom- Fowler, Mm. Collins, Oshawa,! Sunday. London, Dublin, Glas- ente. ispcnt Sunday aI Mm. and Mrs.ýgow, etc. are as quiet as Tom- Weekend visitors witb Mm.!E. Fowlem's. ente, on Sunday. If you ever R O B S O I and Mms. Wiliis Joncs werc Little Barbara and Johnisht e LnoorPrs. Mm. and Mms. Bud Joncs,,Sheppard returned home Sat-I drive about on Sunday, but! Douglas and Dianne cf Bur- urday after spcnding bhre'lbtiy youm lunch on Saturday lington and Mm. and Mrs. Car- weeks witb their aunt and-anld yeur beer also, if ycu 16 King S.E o jman Comnisb, Cheryl and John' uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis, iieed il g St . o of Orono. . Bewdley. i Fred J. Rced._____________________________ .oilege COM MEN ClNC, TUES., APRIL 4, 1961 1 If yen would like a career with a. fine salary, anod work- inc conditions, pleasant co-workers, and excellent Pro- motion opportunities - get specialized Business Training. At. the OSHAIVA BUSINESS ('OLLEGE your training ivili be concentrated on practical, joý-g-etting, pay- raising subjeets. l'eu wvIl in(d expert teachers friendly considerate - eager tn help you gel ahecad. Even in this Job-scarcc periofl - Grades ofthe Osha'wa Business College are in demand. E ight courses (rom %which In ehoose. College Is open throughout entire year. Start nowv - graduate In the fail - wvhen jlobs are more plentiful. Modern Equipment and Teaching MIcthods. Ask about the ncîw Student Lnanl Program. Phone - Write or Visit - Obtain the latesi literature ACT NOW Diai RA 5-3375 fis tindctver styling triniiirr-î ri insile yeii enJoy uiocs[îacc iîî spvaeIu l t a i I rlx "g cat r coil t rI I xiii- anmi c <n fuit-size d f4ela tures 1Àj' I li)1j e 1 1it l l id ll lIl' Poii L's l îîlI .S-lrato-Si\ Is (auada"s niost poWert iii (-b idlier 11.1 hriig-r car e<-gne and ILtsax t-S plu ioylI nd lt ir- d ho rs. qr is AI e ring slssces PO NTIACà ..0s A4ICH A FA"r«:0F '61e - -. - -A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ,>0PONT(IAC DEALER1 OTORS /manviIIe LIMUTED MA 3-33ý ______________________WEDNESDAY, MAR. 29th, 19§; that Mom and Dad can err. day for Si-~ sburg, Flor- too. ida, and wI&main about Don't make Ihreats in in- three weeks. ger or impossible promises when you are in a generousi The Bethany Girls' 4-11 mood. Threaten or promise Club met at the home of their only that which you cani live leader. Mrs. Ralph Preston, up to. To a child, a parentfs continuing with their course word means everything. The "Fruits". Mrs. Preston dem- child who has lest faith in his'onstrated how to niake Ban-:7~ F . parents bas difficultv believ- ana Bread. Dianne Bigclow ing anYtbing. and Patsy BiFelow showed the Do nt sothr %or cildeasy way to cul up grapefiliit Do ot moterxou chldand oranges. A fruit cup -,vas %vith superficial manifestations served to aIl the memibers. of "love". The purest and, healtbiest love expresses itselff Mrs. J. J. Clark leftonSt in day-m., day-out trainin * uird,,Iv to spend several xvcck;. which breeds self-confidence with ber son Dr. John Clark and ndeendece.and familv in Niagara Falls. and ndeendcc.N.Y. Mrs. Clark biad the miis- Teach your child thel'e 'S fortune to fali on the cellaýlr dig-nity in bard work. whether steps ajt ler home carlier in ilt is performed with calloused :the wveek, Iracturing lier lecU hands that shovel coal or skil-wrî. led fingers thlat manipulate RoetSsn lc surgical instruments. Let him -. oetSso n n .. know a useful life is a blessed fant dautgbter Lauirie Ann ar- ELECTRIC LTD. one and a life of ease and rived home fr-on Peterbor- CNTRACTING REPAIRS pleasure-seeking is emptyv and cu'gl Ci\ ir HJospital on Satur- m-- meaningîess. da.v. REFRICERATION ELECTIRIC Do flot trY to protect V\oUI' r Mr. Illa Palmier spent s-cv MOTOR - SA LES - SERVICE child against1 every small blow cral daYs last week with ber T.V- RADIO - APPLIANCES and disappointment. Adversitv brother and sister-ini-la\N. AMr. strengthens c b a r a c t e r and and Mrs. George Walke ai t makes us compassionate. Ajax. Trouble is tbe great equalizer. Let him lcarn it. TR IN'i Teach your child to love SATI ( God and to love bis fellow ToNvard a Wondcî lui J101 Future- Enroll Now~ man. Don't SEND your child to a place cf worsbýip-TAKE for the Eastcî Terni ai the from example. Telling hi. jsometbing is flot teacbing him. O>shawca If vou give vour ebild a dee p and abiding faith in God il can be his strengtb and his light wben ail else fails. B s n s --Yorkton Enterprisc. ~j --r-! r. -