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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO tRegDort I Opens Memorial Park Association Bazaar Communicable Dfriease -regular mnonthly chest linics Ch:ck.erpox ý,as then os for persons referred by the prevaient uoniincabîe dis- fan'ily doctor were held at; eae rurted n, February Bowrnanville. Camblor, with 31 cases. followed by in-~ Cobourg and Port Hope. fectious hepatits 13. german Immunization measles 12, red rneasies 12. The vinter immunization scarlet lever -2. whooping. Clnies in urban sehools and coup à da n umps 2. health unit centres continued Oribiî fx asf9.di with 45 clinics heid. At these,1 Clarke, Township. in addition to other immuni- Tuberculosis zation, 960 children were vac- Two recently diagnosed pa- cinated against smallpox. tfents were admitted to sana-i Publie Health Nursing toriumn for treatment. The A large proportion of staff' nursing time, approximately; one-fourth this month, wasi spent in home visiting. More f than five hiundred families, were visited regarding various Ilealth matters,-156 of theseï visits were on behaif of schooli children. Visits were al1s o î5l ýý made to maternity patients in hospital to see if they wished help with the new child on return home. 114 mothersf were interviewed in this way., Visits were also made toi patients home from mental hospital who are continuing on home treatment. Some pa- No b.»ter tirne thauI tients are happier and rcvr more quickly from illness if NOW to check they can continue treatmen t O ac 5 h eoilPr interown home. Public O aturday, ac 25th MenrlP k your Insuranoe I health nurses give assistance Association held a most successful bazaar in their Ca1u1b in this programme as request- House, and Mr. Fred Kramp is shown cutting the A periodic check of 3yout ed by hospital or doctor. ribbon to open the gala affair. The ladies participatingý Monthly visits continue to Insurance program is al. selected boarding out homes important to niake sure that used by the Ontario Hospital, yourproecton lwas iate a he request of thLIIIIIusiasrn Greets matches your needs. Don't Ontario Hospital staff in Oc- run the risk of having ail tober of last year. tininsured loss. Cati us now A sixth of the nurses' timeD a a W o k h p s elementary sehool and high' meeds. There's no obligation schoo]s.1 ,of course. Andlometry Three One-Act Plays There were 1023 children: tested wvith the audiometer j 1Much applause was award- a meloctrama by Philip John- durîng February. 0f these, 62 ed the presentation of three son. It was directed by Mrs. appeared to have hearing 'de-i oe-act plays by the Durham Madeline Tooley, and the ac- feets. An audiogram was made County Drama Workshop in tion took place in a charm- on them indicating the hear- the Bowmanville Town Hall ingly appointed living room ing loss present, in ternisof Auditorium on Friday and behind a tobacco shop in a STUART R. JAMES' intensity and pitch. Nineteeni Saturday evenings. The large town not far fron.Toronto. defects were found to be i audiences on both occasions Ms dt Cole, h was i INSURANCE REAL ESTATE one ear only and 31 in both thoroughly enjoyed the pro- charge of the properties forý cars. Eleven retests and one grain. Mrs. Jean Sheridan was this pÎay, was also the promp- Ring St. E. Bowmanville referral from a physician ap- the producer, and Keith Jack- ter. peared normal. These 62 au- son was stage manager. The cast ably maintained Office Residence diograms were sent to the The president, Mrs. Mar- the suspense of the exciting MA343family physicians. and the got Samuel, and Mrs. Wanda plot. Mrs. Pat Lucas was ex- M 3581parents requesteci to take the Hobbs were the business man- cellent as a charming and children to their own doctor, agers. They were also in anxious bride of a year, and charge of publicity. Those Miss Elizabeth Prower was who looked after make Up and also outstanding. She was LJAfflV<~!T~, avies, Doug Oke, Mrs. Lyn role of an attractive but spoiît A A PPcosatumesanwerMsSamelI aeth motymung inthedificT chreof scenery were Garth part of her fiance was well Gilpin, John Brownlee, Anton played by Ken Dennis. %A ,, Forster and Merv English, Credit was also due Ms ~~ R ~~ while Jack Darch was res- ldsEce o ~ ~ onsble or he lghtng. trayal of Mrs. Collins, mother Tefrtoffering on the of the herione and Mrs. Jean program, was 'Dark Brown", Darch as Miss Tasker was fine \A/FVF II~as a gossipy spinster. A dra- W EEKEN D for diagnosis and treatment. matie performance was given Nine returns were received'by Mrs. Wanda Hobbs in the from physicians indicating the' role of an eccerci aunt. ~. S UR IS foowup and treatment pre- John Halliday also howed to thema at an earlier date. On 1 Brown in the key role. several cases they have askced "Ali, Sweet Mystery!" a FOR YOU!for a retest after treatment farce by John Kirkpatrick, EDGAR TOMLINSONFOR Y U and in others no correction is evoked gales o! laughter. It considered possible at this was well directed by Victor If you are motoring, be sure it ends happily time. Several others have been Auger, a member of the teach- by having your car checked over! referred to an otologist or ing staff of Bowmanville High ' ciic. School, and the fine cast was We are open from 8 a.m. te 9 p.m. and we Sanitation composed of High School stu- wiII pick it up and deliver it to you "Rarin' to Go". The annual inspection of dents. Garth Gilpin and Mrs.1 schools was completed with 35 Win Wonnacott w e r e in ~AkI~ F~inspections being made. This charge of the properties, and winter, because of the lack of Doug Oke wvas promoter. FRANK'S GARAGE snow cover, many school pail- The dialogue of this playi A ND SERVICE STATION a-day tie systems froze and was especialy well paced by1 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 maintenance problems. These ed a hit as Hattie Briggs, a1 __________________________________________ systems, although _generally an dreamy maiden lady preoc- ___________________________________________ improvement on the outside cupied with detective stories.1 Privv toilet, are by no means Larry Thompson was enter- i a complete and satisfactory taining as a distraught author] __________________________________________ answer. Ail rural schools and Pat Gi was delightful as H E U HE R HI N should be equipped wi t hKate Briggs. water under pressure, flush The matriarch of the Briggs fixtures with drainage to an family was realistically enact- WE WISH A approved sewage disposai sys- ed by Helen Vanstone. The tem, and be adequately heated part of the family physician f)to prevent the fixtures fromn was well done by Fred Gra- being made unserv i c e a be ham, Mary Munday was en- I'Là; py «ýaster !hog freezing of the water tert:ining as a trained nurse, ,spl.Meig ee edadBt rw displayed a :wit nin schol oard orjairfor omed asMartha,1 TO ONE AND ALI, their representatives. :the cook. Twenty-two inspections of' A drama of the Far East Atted te Curchof ourChoce Tis astr fouses,,placarded as unfit for was the third play, and it was biainweremad. u- presented with distinction.1 AttendfoundCin somefinstanceoscthThis ESsJerrh Ross was-theTdir- Announce the return of ported on the Hospital Fund and Sis. G. Dennis reported Il 'Ifor District Council and askedýi JO H N ail Sisters, who could, to at-c John, well known hair stylist in Oshawa,- tend Church Parade to be heldj forxnerly with the salon . .. is again on our Church on Centre Street, on staff a.nd wîll be pleased to meet new and April 3th at 2:30 p.m. old cilentele by appointmnent. Sis. F. Allen reported on i the 50/50 Draw for $52.00~ whîch was won this month by Miss Rochelle Hunt, daughter RA 5-8631 of Sis. H. Hunt. Further plans CalNow . .. and make an appointment for were discussed regarding the yournew prig har stle.forthcoming Spring Dinner yournew prig har stle.and Dance to be held in May. Sis. J. Gibson was elected as representative to High Court at Victoria, B.C. Visitors for the evening were P.D.D.H. C.R. Sis. E. Ferguson. D.D.H. CuReis. .and ganders H AI R STYL N IE Balson from Oshawa 1 H ý There was also a very good 10 IMG ST. EAST, OSHAWA PARKING A REAR turnout of the memberq. ___________________________________________________________ Lunch was served by Sis. M. mis ~JT in the opening were, from lef t to right: Mrs. V.!i Jeffery, lst Vice-President of the Association and con- venor of the bazaar, Mrs. Kramp and Mrs. Walter Oke, President of the Association. Brownlee was in charge of properties. It was produced on the tra- ditionally, almost empty stage of the old type Chinese thea- tre, and it was remarkable how with the aid of only a flight of steps, a single -tree, and two wooden stools every- one present was able to vis- ualize in turn three distinct scenes. The first part of this interesting play took place iti an upper class home, another was in a jail ceIl, and the location of the happy ending was in the courtyard of a pal- ace. Tom Park wvas most natural in the role of aristocratic Chung Tai. Miss Helen Nelles again evidenced her histrionic talent. She %vas perfect as Madame Chung, while Miss Judy Jeffery as their daugh- ter, the exquîsite Silver Lo- tus, was altogether fascinat- ing. The exacting part of Mag- istrate Sun Lu was played with authority by Merv Eng- lish. Marked ability as the in- scrutable attendant was shown by Miss Apha Hodgins, and John Brownlee was decidedly humorous as the property man, yet somehow managed not to distract attention from the unfolding plot. Regina Couple, Celebrates 5Oth Weddîng A come-and-go tea was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowie of Regina, Sask., on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Morris at Balgonie, Sask. Mrs. Cowie is the for- mer Pearl Pearce. daughter of the late William and Jane (Baker) Pearce, formerly of Newcastle. Messages of congratulations were received from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, Lt.-Gov. F. L. Bastedo, Pre-ý mier T. C. Douglas, Ken More MP, and Mavor H. H. P. Ba- ker presented a plaque oh be- haif of the city of Regina Many cards and letters were received from friends and re- I latives in Scotland. Receiving guests were Mr.1 and Mrs. Nelson Morris andf Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowie.1 In charge of the register werel littie Lyle Morris and Murravi Morris. Performing the tea' honors were Mrs. H. Pearce, and Mrs. Nicholson. Servers' were Mrs. B. Gladson, Mrs. M.1 Hockin, Mrs. G. Nicholson and' Miss D. Nicholson. The table was centred with, a three-tiered anni vers a r y cake and on each side of the! cake was a bouquet of flow- ers. Mrs. M. Fox presented toý thie bride and groomn of 50ý years corsages of golden car- Mr. Cowie was born in Scotland and came to Canada' in 1905 and settled in New-i castle. Ont. He later moved toi Grand Coulee in 1910 andý settled on a farm south of thei town. Mr. Cowie returned toý Ontario where he marriedi Pearl Pearce on Jan. 26, 11911.11 Mr. and Mms. Cowie returnedý to the west where they lived' on the farm uintil 1945 when they moved to Regina and' now live at 100 Mclntyre Street. The honomed couple meceivpd' mnany gifts from family andl friends. Members of the fam- ily unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cowie of Van-, icouver. B.C. and Andy Quimie lof Smithers, B.C. Legion Ladies Make Plans For Activities Plans to hold a large draw later in the season were dis- cussed at the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall last week. A suc- cessful draw bas been held each summer by the auxiliary for a number of years. President Millie Bates ex- pressed appreciation to Com- rade E. Boumne for donating1 a beautiful figaured quilt, andý to Comrade Lorna Adair for a lovel 'v cushion. The quilt and cushion will be amongý the prizes for the draw. The president also thanked Com- rade Lila Graham for givingý the auxiliary a fine new drumi to be used for draws. It was decided that the aux- iliary will contribute towards the furnishing of the new wing of Memorial Hospital. Comrade Edythe Rundle, 2nd vice-president, was appointedi convenor of the committee forf this project; Comrade Jean' Firth and Comrade Nancy Colmer were named members~ of this Committee. Comrade Hilda Humphrey was- appointed an auditor. S e1 Muf ffins were Georçe Mutton, Mrs. Evelyn Smith, Mrs. Hilda Tighe, Mrs. C. Eastwood and Mrs. B. Walkey. The door prizes were won by George Mutton and Carl Ferguson of Enniskillen. A deliejous lunch was ser- ved. Mrs. Ralph Campbell ,was the convenor for the lunch. She was assisted by Alfred Samelis, John Both- wvell, Mr. and Mrs. David Gray, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke. John Rose, Mrs. Lawrence [Leaman and Mrs. D. Arkless, Oshawa. The Parents Council plans to hold another euchre ,Iparty at Memorial Park Club- house in May. succeeds Comrade Rena Bat- gate, who has becomeanW rz s t executive member of the aux VÏl Prz s a cia satmet aspresen4 ciýCerebral byth treasurer, Comradeý Reports were submitted b as Euchre Comrade Ann Piper for theý fsick cmitee, Comrade Dor- A successful euchre party othy Richards regarding the ýwshl yteDsrc ee new curtains, and Comradeiwshl yteDsrc ee Grace Murdoch on the birth-,brai Palsy Parents Councili day box. !at Memorial Park Clubhouse Followîng the business meet- on a recent evening. Mis. AI- ing a deiicious lunch was: bert Rose and Mrs. David served by Comrades Rena 1 Clarke were the convenor Bathgate and Betty Wood-! for the enjoyable event. There ward, and a social hour was! were 12 tables in play. enjoyed. The prize winners at cards L 1771 "' I . FIRTH BROS. QUALITY MEATS MA 3-5081 FRESH KILLED ... ..OVEN READY TURKEYS LB.49qc M-Il ý0These birds have neyer boom frozen! CENTRE CUT HAM 0 STEAKS LB.9 FIRTH BROS. OWN STORE SLICED Breakfast ç5 BACON LB.65 No. 1 GRADE CREAMERY BUTTE R ORONO lc J BRAND lb,6c 47 KING ST. E. SWIFT'S PREMIUM OR MAPLE LEAF 4SM OKED HAMS I BOWMANVILLE Situated at Highway 401 Cut-off 'Jjtnner 7M1enu Iced Shrimps - 80C Choice of : Consomme with Sherry Chioken Chow Mein Soup $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $2.50 lipped Potat< Roils Biscuits DESSERTS Easter Layer Cake a la Mode Lemon Pie Pumpkin Pie P udding Milk 1961 -4V--l""MTOR OTES RESTAURANT 8saster wàoowSELECTIONS BAKED HONEY CURED HAM Champagne & Fruit Sauce ------------------------- ROAST TURKEY - CHESTNUT DRESSING and Cranberry Sauce --------------------------------------- ROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF au jus Yorkshire Pudding ---------------------------------- POACHED RED SALMON Hollandaise ----------------------------------------------------- Tossed Green Salad Baked Potato Cauliflower Wh. Choice of Dressing Candied Yams oes Spinach Leaves Chocolate Sundae Rice Fresh Pineapple Wedge Cheese and Crackers Tea Coff ee PAGE THREZ 't. à - AT -

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