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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 4

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- r- PAGE TOL - EDITORIAL COMMENT ADeserved Tribute to Senator Bill Last Wednesday evening 'Vas a great night in Trenton, when nearlv 300 guests gathered in the beautifu] iiew Legion Hall to honor a man, Senator William A. Fraser. xvho has miade - and is still making-- a great contribution to bis eommunit.v as vveIi ais ta the nation. Senator Billy as guest speaker ilhe Hon. Robert H. Winters affectionateiv cailed him is wcli-known. niot only in Northumberland, but in Ibis county as; well. For many vears he bas been a prominent political figure and a great fighter for the Liberal part ' . As a long time friend wP %were present to help pa.v tribute to our political mentor and guide ever th v,,ears. Il was a rare privilege to se men of ail walks of life. at this dinnei f rom onîe eoast to the other, and varý , ing in importance from the t 'ycoon t the ordinar v man on the street. A] wcefriends. business and politica associates of the honored guest. A] we-re there to do him honor and wis] him manvy more -,,ars of productivE c'n a mie living. On Mondas'vlie was scheduled ti enter hospital for an operation and thi thought lay heav 'v upon those preser as lhey shook his hand and looked for ward to meeting bim in the future witl his radiant good heaith and enorg7 restored. le ce One or flic sternest faims <of discipline for- cbldren, cspeeiallv the very young oiîes. is attendatuce At cburch. states the Bî-ockvi]Ie Recordcu and limes. Iii cîîui-c the %'utIIgstcrýS must curb their îîaturai entbusiasm ai-d inquisitiveness. Attempts fIo ask questions of their parents sitting beside bbem are cither ignorcd ai- greeted witb a forbidding glance. On btcexvbole. thc young people be- have pretty wch]; thîs may lie acconu- plîshed in bhe knowledge tbat the'yvw'î]i Jeave before the sermon for ibeir own Sunday Sehool. while some pau-ents kceep theit' brood quiet by giving thenu romething lu rcad, as often as noltihe comics. Tbis latter habit, we feel, is sometbing of a last resort. If childreui mnust have comics tb keep bbem quiet in churcli bbey sbould flot be there at ail. Soon, lîoweveu, il may he tItihices- !;aïy to use comics as soporifics fou the c'hildrcn, if a plan bcbng put into opera- tion by churehes in Canada comes ino widespread use. AnalYsing changing '(Pio'n 'Jhie01,01o im l'es)I A receit article tnut he Globe anid Mail and in bbceIin-ancial Past reports Ibat the Town of Wallacebuug. popula- tion 10,000, bas reccntly been choseui as the site uf a small incustr v, anîd uat it is the foui-tbhuîexvindustrvy ta ho set tîp lut Wallaceburg in te lasi bxvo' xcaîs. Instrumental in attîadbiuîg ndustï ' Io \Vallaceburg, as tic reparts poin. out, bas leicouthe pîogu-am of Wallace- bux'g's Industrial Devclopmcnt Lîd.. a company furmed ta attracu. iîdusîr'V, similai' lu the plauîued COMMîtiitx- iiM- x'estrcenl couporation utaxv iun ils faim- alive stages is Port1 Hope. Auuailîci feature atlributiuig ho Wallacebui-,'s success is tlue interest of the majorif.x of the citizens wbu ar'e also barking tue towuî in the seaî'ch foi' cexv inuîstr-v. The most interesliuîg part. of 1lite report is bbe fact that 2,000 citizens of Wallaceburg are stockbalders of tie developmcnt company. Il is appaienlt that al bbc people in Wallaceelurg, nal jutst businessmen, are xibally interesbcci Ireuids ii buî-cbh ife, thie Unibec Churcli Observer says Ihiat. sound-prooi giass-enclased cryi1ng rooms witb built. in speakers, aie being ititroducecî. lu thiese rnothieîs ai-d infants may scec auî lie secîî, aund uot be beard by bbc con. gî'egaîian an the other' side of the glass This is an excellent tbing, flot onlb for the conr'egabion liat wishes bi w'orsbip witbout distraction, but alsc four bbc,ministeî's. Wbose bearb has nut bled for tbe pt-cacher iin the middle ol a pi-avec ou sermon who.5e thouglit pro- cesses are suddenly hamsbrung by somE crying eiîild? Despibe sueh interrup- tions xve bave itat heard a preache' y'et xvbo lias not been able ta weatber such sf0cm s. The sound-proof erying roont, low- evel', is not a new idea (altbougb ir cliurcbes il may lic so). We have beer informed that in Soutb Africa movie bouses are similarly cquipped. Ant-ibi could be the case in the United States too. In church or cinema there shoulo be silence; bhc sound-proof rooms pro- xide the answeî-. Census Questions Too A Domnion Cehîsus will lie takeu this yeah, and alî'cadv before thie exent gets underway, tlîeue are criticisms ta the fore. One is tlue Lise of bbc waud "Canadian" ta designabe uîatiouîalibv. We understatd that bhe influence of the French populatiouîib apposition. has resulbed in reprinting of bbc census forms witbout the w'ard Canadian. Qîtite an expeuise. Another critieisnu is thbc Kinse.v- type" questions, wbieh tbe Dominion Bureau of Stabisties deny, but li Ihe opinion of some Canadian women bao'd- ers close ta bbheUe. For example. in xvhat is admîbtedly a fertiliby surve(for wbat î'cason bas nat been divulg- td) it, would like lu ask wonien how, znany' illegitimabe childucu and inter- 1-upted pregnancies tbcv have bad, ir I a test late last Veai-, in ilu Ç)ntario and a Quebec town bbc reaef bou to this question was exaetlyiy vlat would have been expected. As a resuit the question will probabiy lie rewacd- .'d: "How manv cbildî'eu bave voit hiad?", witb tbc bureau of sbatisbics liopeful that womeîî who bave luad mare than their ncigbbours kiîow abouIt will admit il. Wbat a hope! Wbatever statisties the answer to the question rmay provide will bave no validbty wbat- rver. Il sbould be droppcd - -- nîaybe il was in the re-prir-ting of the faims. A sampling receu-tilv sbowed thaI Personal (huile as niucli resentniont.i i ros by the proposed questionîs as tri peisonai income. 'rwo reasonable objections were expuessecl. One is Ibai an itîdi- vidual's income is bbc business uf nobodyv cisc but bbc bax colleetars. rThe allier is that the census bakers aie oftcn îîeigbbours or' acquaintances ta whom one bas a normal aversionti t disclosing persanal affairs. The Unibed States CensuIs BLtî-eat.î, which asked abotut personal incomes in 1950, found thaI ontuhue average Peuple Uuiderstated bbeir incamres h\' ton peu' coul, auîd did uiot divulge spaue lime income. The answcu-s \Vce tua inaccurabe t avaxe value for statisticai purposes. and bbc quesbionî migbt as w-cil nof have been askcd. There is no reasoti fou' cxpcbing btie expouienco in Canada wililiec diffeuent. There xvas a time xvbeuîthe ceuisus lakeu' was on' cauiceh'nod xithu bbc number of peuple. theit' age, sex and racial origin --au-d box', maui'xN pigs the * v had. But inii-ceu-i yeaus ail sorbs or orgatiizatiuuls and businesses hax'e lu-ed ta uise tiec ecusus depaîlment as a fitee palliuig agency ta gabbeu' infor- mationi of limiu.ed Public value but uIsefuLl tt Iern n1h leit bîus- iness. The Bureau of Stau.isbbcs shouIld lie sut-e thai ail questions asked ar'e designed la elicif informabionî or nation- al importance, aîîd thaI ibe answers \Vili hie statisbicalv cibl.-mil Faits Recorîd-News. iin inuîstrialI dex'cla)pni . Il is of Course lagical tiaI cveryanvoie li a cummunibvy be inteucsted ini attraeb- bntg, iexv industrv. Newv irdustr x cîcates nat on]y e mployment for ils uwiî staff., but. as srxe h ave sixv v.cxiimaie jobs elscxvliei-c-,iii the' cauumuiiy. Greater industîjal emplux*aient. en- liaiccs tflice job sent rit- uof ccvw age ciarrie r. The' WaIaCCbLIIît" (1dexelapmretif comtpaui\*'yuaised $150,000) nof altîho finîance btuildiungs fut newx'iuidusbry. but ta pi-oxide capital foi, expansiaon of exisbiuîg planths. As cati bc seeni b * v te large nunibeî' of stockhlodeis. ueau'iv ('xciv hîead of a familx bas sioxvn inter- est bx- putting up same mone-icv lbep thie toxx'î. Pcssiniists mit-lit sav tlîatlbil, aîtld be ncail 'v impossible to lit bjush about exeu-Y citizen ta buY ah leash aine share iii a communihv inx'esbmetît corpora- tion. Wallaceburg bas sbowîî bbab il. ('an be donc! lb lias also sbown that til-se iti a cammunity can wurk together for a bellot- ar-d soutîdet' (ommunity. Duzham Countv'.,; Girart Ianily' JourncT) r.Maiblished 107 years mgm in 1854 Alrm lncorpoiaîinil l'li Bowmcînvîlle Né-wý%Il Thç, Newcastle Indepenldet * The Orono News Produced Every Thursday by JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITEr.) PO. Box 190 62-86 Kng St. W., Bowmanvil1e, Ontcrim JOHN M. lAMES GEO. EVITORo-PUBLISHER ADV SUBSCI %4-00Oci Ysar, 3alnctly Ir, rdvancoq )W. GRAHAM )VTG. MANAGLR GFO. Ir. MORPI:5 RtistINEsS ,Mm.4 ;BIPTION 1RATES % m Ymteai n uhm United Stitmà IIfmrriMI &W5dgEute #%MIME~.Eey'I J NwVcr I oplgiE W!DNESDAY. MAR 29th, uf EASTER NMORNING I planted my Easter Iiues, Brown bulbs, so ugly, and baie. Packed the soft brown'earth about themn, And lef t them lyving there.- But wvith constant show-crs of blessing, And the warmth of the snof Gnrl'scra Church Sound - Proof Rooms ni ' vaung people at hus parents'i Stuart, Cobourg. before lcaving for St. Tho- bhc Incarne Tax people in Oh- homeî. Meadow Lau-k Farm. The skating rink is fa bc mas, wierc sie inîends muak- tawa, teîîing me that I nHOShIdrSLOfai h bte Hia-dou: A rnmber ofMlad- movced before nexi wintcr ing hec home witi her mar- overpaid five dollars and slxtv nHCHueodrLa stebte ics \vecc ai. a quiliing at Mrs. and %ve undersland Mr. Ahex. ried son. And, that us when cents, and that 1 could ex- way of providing the furnishîngs, hom2e improve. Tlîecou Moun-tjo's TucsdaylTaylor- intcnds iengtliening we arrived! perf their cheque for f lai ments or remnodeling job you want and need. You xveek. ,tic ire surface about 30 fit. Heu English accent xvas ar- amount. but they didn'b say Blackslnck: Wc wec(ome Sauina: Master Joc Rey- quired tirougbhuhaving been wieîî. Maybe tiey believe in~ arrange for cash fromn HFC. Anid you decide how Mu. and Mns. liames Gion io nolds is betten irom an at- born, and raised in Kentltien axiom. that, anticipation long you'Il take to repay..- and how much à oui' village. We are sorry Ia taek off pneumonua Couinfy, England, whcre Jiis bebier than realization. Per- hase Mr. and Mrsz. John Ham- Hampton: Mr. Jolin Aber- was suationed for- six montis. haps ib wouid be better if' month. Drop ini or phone ..-. borrow up to $2500 ilon, wvlo have moved ta their nethy has uaved ta the Guy Sic was pleased ta meet tiey kept the amount due, ini with Up Un 36 months ta repay. uîew home on tie Port Perry farnu, Base bine. someone who iad same know- view off wiat iappened a fewi road. Courtice: Mrs. NI. Exerson ledge ai', and could chat about years ago,ticy sent me a che- Nestieton: Mn. Sidney Stap- and Miss Birdie Deane vis- her aid home. 1 enquired if que, bien, afler a few montis. Lew coi ide insurance ovodtobi. on cil lame leF hast saine tungens in lie ited in Toronto recentiy. her Late iusband bad been made me reburn il. and paY Faxv. aîud k n Part Perryi Enniskillen: Mn. Le.shi e Englisli born and nearly fell interest berause ai' being del. hI~ia.Robbins lias, scarlet fevcu' in off thue chair when she said, loquent. At that lime, bbc In- 11# S H L I A C Sae:Sorry tn hearathiat'a igit form. 1witioubt knowing wiere Butch came Tax rehurns went f 0aaH US HD F NA C the \'oung son ni' Mn. W., J.I Tyrone; Miss Clara Wood- and I ]ive, that he came from local district office, now they Rcards broke ils aru. iley ià learning tiec Miliinery Darlington Township, near go direct ta Ottawa, so it wihi. Maple Grave: Mr. and Mes. jat Dinrnan Parlons, Bow-IBowmanviile. and that his be interesting to see if cen- 64 King Street Eau , *9;:zz iTelephons RA 54326' Wm. (Mick) Brown. Goru-, manville., name was Herb Sqtuires, tralization m2kcs for better' O*howe Shopping Contre . . . . .....Tlphome RA L 2 !cy. rp.cenbl-,, isited her par- Enfueld: Mr. Johin Mc(,ul u htacfiog onbsns results. Most people cnt-. Mn. Pand Mr,;. Anthir loch rccenth.v v-îstcdI ai To- wr!nger! advocate de-rentralization for, OSHAWA Gibson.i onta. Another surpriae, iast week, greater eficiency. THE CMJADLAN STATMSMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO RELIGION FOR TODAY by Rev. R. R. Nicholson Y hr re mn polHé. Ioked Up (rom hi.1 pi!-î Yes! There on Easter mox-ning, toýeven professing Christ 1 a nl Iaw with the sweetest smilt,1 Stood tal it hes in their place. peoiple who fear death. They and held out his hand. He w - Jltvt vd t hyrfs pressed mine 'varmly and1I axen bells. so pure and so loveiy, itta sea ofil.t or taethiekstrongly, smiled again ad Sweet perfume spread o'er ail thbc arth, ýI about it at ail. They wvi1I fot, again and sald 'good-night'. Transformed from the mundane and ugly, ;h attend a funeral, if they cati Then hie Iay back an his pil- Proclaimed to bbc world. -- re-birtb! Ipossibly avoid il. They shud- 10w. put his great left hand ' a te- e der xvhenever they hear death 'an his heart. He waved hi g -in ica mi tesag eso f steri mentioned. harid round and round as hie C-nie iht wneso pig [o 1 have heard or' a Young used ta do when hearing music That, througli faith,. as the lily's pure lustr, iswoman who had a waY off say'- or humming a tune ta himself; Cbanged, one da\, wp shall meet the great King. ing: -There is one thing 1 î it was clear and bright and -M -.o-eCniga i ll îlot stand and that is alI happy. He was fuil off joy and--aroeCu nga 'death in the famiiy!" No in harmnony with the love tha, ýh daubt she changed hier atti-........ ..... filied it, he heard the heaven--* - v tude as the years passed. l. y melodies calling him ta his THE PROMISE 0F EASTER 1 heard a womnan when dy- hael oe ing crenn gai an agin:Lord Lytton says that death A Lily wbite looking up al, ne. "I want die. 1 wont leave mny ie but a birth inta undying Apsywlo udn rr beautiful home ad foe lire and that aur loved ones. Apsywlo udn re gades awnd. Twenr simotlsiisae~vr A daffodil of smiling -vellow'. But death 1was iecT ble near us though unseen." A babe with a voice so iclo 1 n sedi,'e There is no death! An an- Mankind to love - a Robini abovr f, Other people who are afraid gel forinmncpytmb ie od tn die speak of death as "thej Walks a'er the earth w'î1 Aucpy ob arsn od - sunt tead.An 'Alleluia*" in an oî-gan choî-d- n Great assassin". "the lasAdbasorbs o,ç em,~th kngoft e n-or..,, iilears aurbeiIoediends' Ri-lit nusi ever prosper. But why shouid we fear 1 ontes away, Can there be a Promise grcatcî-? 'et? < And then we cal!l hem drcd Pîay xith me - "Tbx- kin-.dom cor, The Apostle Paul bad such "Boreoa ht unyn Nol m xiibti b oc a strong faitli that lhe rejoiced iAlife, lewok-fi- u t d in -the prospect off death. In - They la. u btThimsA vow h ili w-oke foi- us tad ~writing ta lus friends in Phil- again: Ti ewh idlk onn e o ippi, hie said: -1 long ta de- tesie patadb CrsfrWith joy wp eloefen If wxe kneel humblv by fthc sepulelbrr t pr n ewith ChhessainerAnd forget self in fthe love of anotheî-. fIthat is far-, far better." (Good- 1E"orepi theithr sin anadd speed Trans> and again he' "And evei- near Lis, ihough fiîii 1 eKndm adtePwr writes. "As lire means Christ unsen FORE VER!"' e1ta rire, so death means gain." 1, The dear, immortal spirits To die Io livr: Ah. tlue pi-omise of Easter! Phil 1:21. "For as I see it, flv- Fred -MroFrd ing means Christ and dying For ail the bou.ndiess uni- soiiethig exen bhPe 1 t e r.' verse îdad' __i, ,,,w I$iUiIIi Death is par-i of the plan Reinenber the words off e of' God. Man was made ta die. Jss h ad rnheî The days of oaur \cars are F surrection and the lire." SC three Scrie \-cars and ten, IPsalm 901:10) and -as for man . his ciays are as grass: as'a-, Letter to the Editoran fiower of file fiield, so he flour -i ishe.fh. Ps. 103:15 and in lob R.R. No. 1 Bethan)ý, Ont. 14:, 2weread "'Man thaï, is bon of a woman ira' iebea E qr days.and uil of truble.He IIr your masculine sceSP G rorneth forth tike a flower. IfonYietnmse h and is rut do-n: lie fleeth Fashian Show in Bethany. he rîîF- loasahdondonn-lias nobody bo blame but hlm 1 V DIIb îey 'tw tîeth flot. self. 1 amn sending under sep-, The Christia n dors t'of fea i. arate caver the paster, adver-,iTlis is the i'ag-eîd ni' the about ail tiîs. TI's simplv deauh. U fears haf lic a~. --Ilising ou Fashion Show that ve Winleî a retî-eated as tuai hie ridns i'hî de in sin". morthant o aspu uma,,heMiI"in isulienly as a raftlesnake with 1rountry have entered that :de-hiim, erfî. Isporant Io' eh n- an ulcer. Summer is as re-i miserable, wel. rold, frustrat- lives his lire. tnnt l10W mUîrh The shapely samiples ai' ie- mote as heaveni. And flhe titi- ing, dlismal season that de- lie î-ooiis t He ace wih mie uichitue wî-e notzens ai' Canada are at the end iights ini the name of Spring, Christ, the great inevitable %vasted. Seven men enjoyed off their tether. gldoeSp'9.Wemgi fact ai' life and isinafraid. Y the show. My husband w as Ini mast noîtlerrn tountries,i as weli be honest abaut if. Tlhe men who i'ear deafli o ne of them. The next day a wiiiter is the bad timne. The Spring in this country is a hlave non vital experienre ai' neiglibour remarked thaf il Fioins and the Swedes andj hideous oightmare that may if orgiveness ai'sin. they hav.e was easv ta see who the lien- the Russians do most of their!iast froro the end off March no~~~~~ roiota'I oySu lpcked husbands were. i îe- suiciding inthie melancholv ta the rniddle of May. ini their daily lire, no assur- plied, "l'Il say! You didn't aof the long, dark mnhs o Because we are a people ance ai' saivation ilirough 1 even brust youcs enougli ta Canadians. We are1boanusy' used to Doing, rather than taith in bhc Risen Christ, as bring him."' curling and going ta meetings Thlnkint. we flnd spring an the anil Savioui- and Re- Pechaps lhis was alsa the and wýýatcinig thie hockey excrueiating ex perle n c, deeni- ai'rnmen. Thev bave "But bc kshetIn God. WhiCli 'Edslcur s aà rr .oyous resonMi-. Malcolm riaîed ta gamcs on belevîsian. There's nothint to DO!Ci nio failhli inGod as the Per- gîx-etli uis fl(ic xrîiv t111rough911scason, because ni' the great b rsn.Eeypse a- NO. W. get tlrOugh the îng lis about shot. and 1tr, sonar Fallier, xx'ho is ever'oLrr Lard Jestîs Christ.*' hope il hîings Io us aof Resur- peauiîîg ta the N\omcn) mein- %vinter~ famrously: It's, around ea.rly for boatlng, gardeni meeiulan raias.Nw il Ihs sirtulrection and Eternat Life. tioned bhec facl. that men wec the end off March that Cana- golfing or fishlng. ,ItVi. the, Paul in iril ing honithe biessiuigs, aînd naîîv nmore. Whien 1,azarus, the beiovedwelcome. Thils one (for ',lhedinbentarotara mating season, presumably. chui-ch au Carinth makes these îuiay corne lI~o u thisi, Easter brother ai' Mai-y and Martha,1 men)1, del'initei-v invited themn. In on tlîemrielves, to eye each but everybody lis ne lrritable other akyAbu hstnei* ahrawt. pasiive anîd assurîng sMate- jif You ,ill roni'css vou- s iîîs ook il], the siste-s sent for As a matter aor interest. thse of y arl. t ha ou t stider tin r ther a sn t. w i mieîts. He sa 'vs n 1 Cor. 1354faGnd, and aucept ftie sacri- JesuS said: "Th ' brother mdesprefe* a mxd ad- vud ver shuspectin . oute nahe pig ti - Death l wIoe i nýrr la eu nitmd nMrli uretoi1 ne ence. Perliaps these words ai' Canadian% ar a.s marrian ing periad, this speli of mad- virtar-v", and in 1 Car. 15:57! the Ci oss for your redemtplian. Hlm, butlii ie nhe Meatioie, James Thurbeî- expiain why, bMarh ha,,e ness, hias resulted in near- -Larus died. To raîîifort her. "A spectacle that depresses * ragedies around oui' place. Jescus said: "v bi-other flie maie and makes Ilim shrid- Wliai*.ý beliid il ail*. Firi,lt: have seen myseif pick up a s , *shall risc again. Martha der is Iluat ai' a wamuen look- if musI be remenîbered that roal sliovel and batter a harm. I.n ti.c j tmrfl doubted. l'lien J.esus xttered ingatiother woman up and lehv îs aetruh ess aid furnace with it until In th D * thurese meniacable wards: -I clown ta see what she is wear- fi veonîli siege bv a 1e dropped fram exhaustion.1 arn he esurectan.andtheing. The raId, fiat look thal determiîîed aîîd-inmplacablehaesnmywftrmlg anLlire: lie that believetii in me,lj cames, into a waman*s eyes euiemy. Wc have foughu. gal- with liamicidai intent on and tloug-h lie'vere dead, yeh wlîeîu she does, this. the switt lantiv and xvell, but aujr catchiing une chipping piecex shall he live: Anud whasoever coac-seiîing of he cauitenance nerves are fraycd, aui- bodies 'froal with my nine iran T ài liveili and believetli'ln m' and the inîmediate evapara- rakd n u aohsic 1wsupoet b D istant rast sliall lievet' die." Johîn 11:25. tionu froni it of al' humaîc raced, aecnd, au gaoshe llîî i wasupp obsedet . 96 and ta the great hoy ai' qualiiy is anc reasaji why hoed.e co ried nd hagt heerieaiguptebaeet -F'rom 'The Statesman }'iIeq Mary' ,-ard Martha. Lazaî'us m en fear women" (fi-rn ebe seg s aed ,offdthe eier1Imv o nri s s rn __________________________________________ xas îaised frani the grave by Vaut' Mid AJonc). ihas moved aoffeatha reolif Iii e soerauonrifor ig the power ai' the Risen Christ. Men are îess critical lliauiIrlm i ilat otîmy1easaou.o ih 25 Years Ago I 49 Vears Ago I Muny of oui- gi:eatest paets women anîd ai'course rmen aa.Orsavn ol u'lîarisafrdloeafrcngBa n lAprî 2, 1136 tApil 4.t912haveatfeted f Ilu powr of hav the masciineînîîîe i'cdna sombhinh and anddancng. ut i hae arestrrec ti h aepowearlf.hseusthof a cuciaine innsrate nu codta clbut the truc narth, strong and (Apri _), 936)(Apt-l 4. 912) ithe esurrctio overdeatf'. snsee ffrpreciîîîg,.71 breszaggray atuay emeoo ]Dîîuald Masori aid Tommy. Mc. Alfred Vî/aniu. ha\?iniî_ Wieî Clirles Kinugsley lay mabters.". people. waiting, ai' despair, off 1he ,Dustan rnerged oui '1hursdlay isold Raby Head. lias bouglit dying lue saidi, '-How beaufi- Let's hope Mr. Malcolm l'urcae e$ii celles Mardi mania. nîgluf wiîuîuers ai' the JuniorlIthe Rehdeî' lot on llorsýey St.,,fuI God is'" e]y rudtgel abasii ur homes, as mn d Yuc'thvalither Iand Seniîor aratoriral tilles opposite itie Southey residenre . Tlhe storNT is told ai' Phil- sibter fliat nighut . l en ai-id I Venou nthave a Ilght hfuel repctxel.adwl eet îîîsm1lp Brooks. b lis brother.Sncey oeîre ucd tirwe o ae hayfe respctielv andwil vrct IiadsoE-ýiPsaîîd hildren snap at iliciribihl. 1 defy anybody to fait Miss Hasýlem. 'rorontlo. ishome. It is a spleîîdid Ioca- Uc wriies. "Pliîllips kncwme(Ms R. G.> Nanc.v Prestori. pîus. n ofiebssin love ln Canada ln March. speîîdiiîg a month xith Miss iol. snarl aîd seurc es wp. or og antb hed E. R. Graliarn Public Healthi Mr. A. B. 'OLIîC1. NMontr'eal. !fil lui -rîooîs. Leîu'i-sit amolk above the howl of the wind. Nuise, getting experienre and. made a bnci' ral l i father. l.4~jandîrjlîuîllieniîselvrs bead-ijThe only people who are instruction ini the varied dut- I Mr. W. B. Couclh, last week. V)tf .J Lf1 /II I.S '1h51 ai ihackboards. laughingr are being takest les ai' heu' choseiu vocationi. lie lias, goîue oi a business l'le March madncsç takesawav by the boys in the white Mr. Francis Sutton, Mîus. Itrip ta Eîîglaîîd, Gcrrnianv -Mall.y orms. Honest. upstand- I ward Adancing whe yu're Bac., ocganist and chair dir- and Franuce anîd xxill be away O' Iz citîzens spend hourl arddnigwe o'eu ectar ai' Triniiv Uunî t e ci about two iuonbhus. liU/~ coced over incarne tax'10 bhe kneer. ln mud. Churlhis attcuîdiîug the Mus- Bowmanville Chacal Societ ife s bulriil ni' .ýurprisr.s; as waýa lcir outaiiing tir forms .tr:ving diddlre irIEdrlinNaîîîlCo-joioee t 1hw hus - a "'iusane ast week, nmy informuation thah uirohi . ocnmn.Elderly -ladies Oh, îm ailriglt, I lîaveo't ferenre in New Yack Cif), day nighîl aîd prcsentcd: mwife aîurh h visited sornin'my afficia] itte wiil be "Ran-,stuinhie around their back- siiappcd *yel. But my wîffe N.Y. ý"H..M.S. Pinafore" in the in-1gfrieîîds bei xeeiî Barr'ie and ger' înstead ai' the prescrit.yard,, in ruhhier boots. peer- aîîd kids aure laoking raîher Mi-s. Clittard McNaii - Kiru- leres1, of tiche hspital tiiere. i Orillia. Oui- bosless ushercdjanc ai' "Ca-etaker'. Regard- ýi ng wildly ai the ruina of sinistci'these days. And same cacdiiîe, acrived luii Bownuan- . Mi. H-ubert NI. Faster i' us! ita thie living rooni, ta less ai' the chanuge. i will stili 'hast vear's herbaceous border, ai'f my neighbours are begion- ville oui Satuiday tIo.1010 hec; Bank i' ofMiitrea,;l ,ta2ff ha ue pea'hec emae b tu sae seetlemerdht-uil-ii --xc iaî-. . igt- r igt euir It Can Be Done

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