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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 6

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h I _________ PAGE SIX Advance in Fabrics ToId by Speaker at Men 's Canadian Clubi Flexible and durable fab- the Men's Canadian Club1 rics in al] the colors of thelweek. Mr. Slee, Ontario SE spectrum are now available Supervîsor for Canadian for furniture coverings, car dustries Limited, was upholstery. and other uses, guest speaker at the dîni Richard Siee, Toronto, told meeting held on Wednesu evening, March 22nd, in laul's United Church Si GEl TE PRETIGE day School Roorn. a phic biographical sketch INGER ALE Pauline Johnson, a nota' Canadian poet, who was b. G ruWILVN~on the Six Nations (IndiE tario. The daughter of a Tý hawk Chief and his Engi ___wife, this talented wonr gained renown through1 I literary talents. E Two of Pauline Johnsc I i poems were read by Mr. liott. "The Cattle Thief",' narrative poem, vividly p sented the Indian's impr sion of the white men taki over the west, and "The Sc My Cattie Sing" illustrai the author's lyrical abilit. 3 -z- ~ Harold Cooney, a Bow.m ville High School studenta a promising young musicfi delighted the club by pli ing severai fine selections his accordian. Bernard H- Sden, the new administra, ..~ -:of Memoriai Hospital, was guest at the dinner meetii Mansell Stacey in introdi ing Mr. Sîce, the spec speaker, mentîoned the ui 9 versity scholarships awarc eahyear by CIL. He aý spoke of educational value the "CIL Oval", a montl publication that is of partic ar interest to science si dents. The many changes a i i igreat advances in the man facture of coated-fabric in t L ~ 35 years since he joined C were emphasized by 1% Slee. These materials wE gnon as leatherettes in yez goeby, he explained. In1926, 90 per cent o! Vacuum Bottles 790 Kleenex Tissues 17e 63e sire Pepsodent 49e Absorbine Jr. 65c Metrecal In Four Flavors OneADay 1.29 - 749 Multiple Vitamins 1.49 size Free wlth 4.49 size Ayds - .4 Other sizes -- 2.75 - 8.75 Tbin-O-Tabu ____- 3.95 Geritol - Vitamins and Naran _____ 1.98 Minerals 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Raid FIGHT NOTHS Dristan Bomb Spray 1.69 Dce Tee Moth Kilier 59e 1.25 ________Larvex Bomb . 1.98 _____ Kan Larvex Spray 1.09, 1.69 Drîstan Dichioricide - - 75e alt hîi Safe-lex Bomb-- 1.69 Taet 1.39 Fiy Tox Moth Proofer 1.59$ 1.25-2.25-3.75 1.25 Desert Fiower Wampole's Ext. 1.57, 2.75 Deodorant - 2 for 1.25 Phospholecithin -.--- 1.75 6"ûe GIeem Tooth Paste Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 2 for 89e VI-Cai-Fer -- 1.95, 4.95 98c size Lustre Creme 79c Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 BRYLCREEM - Lge. size wiih Comb 73c COWLING'S MAI9IDRUNSOR WE1 FIT MA3-569 R G SO E TRUSSES ROYAL BOWMANV1LLE MA 3-5589 LAST TIME TO-NITE (Turs.) ai 7:30 1 7ý£1 RU NRWU Aduit. Prices 65c, 50c, 25c GOOD FRJDAY AND SATURDAY 2 SHOWS 7 and 9 P.M. LMATINEES FR1. AND SAT. 2 P.M. JEMRLE oIs EXTRA: Walt Disiney's "MYSTERIES 0F THE DEEP" (Color) APRIL 2 - SUN. MID-NITE SHOW "THE BLOODY BROOD" AND "FROM HELL IT'CAME" Aduit EASTER MON. TO WED. - 7:30 p.m. EXCITING HOLIDAY SHOWS "'CIRCUS STARS" (Color) and "THUNDER IN CAROLINA" lVorld's greatest stock-car racing, the "Southern 500" in rotor with Rory Caihoun last ales In- the iner Iay St. ýun- ra- of ible ýorn an) glo- ish nanj her un', THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IBOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO automobile upholstery was in' P dark colours, mainly black or 'le ar Pone Voices brown, Mr. Slee said. Auto- mobile manufacturers then had a limited choice in con- .. trast to the wide range of 5 1 beautiful and long wearingT r p tC He discussed the progressi made through the years bvP a ne CIL research chemists. The extensive tests given and the A i checks employed to qnsure S a o high standards of quality were,A t S a o [also outiined by Mr. Slee. Luxury fabrics at reasonable prices are now being used for!I by Aleen Aked a a xide range of products, heI The last meeting for this' pontd utIjseason was successfully held a Mr. Slee showed an inter- by Toronto's Durham dounty ax esting series of coloured slid- Club on March 23, at I.0.D .E. T es which depicted the CIL Headquarters. Tickets a re '" plant and warehouse at New now available for the annual thi Toronto. The pictures present- bus trip and dinner on Sat- pr, ed every phase of the manu- urday, June 17, to the Caes- ap facture of many types of the area, Nestleton, Blackstock m« excellent coated-fabrics flOw districts, for members and v in use. friends. P Bob Mutton, the vice-presi- The nomination and ap- w:. dent, moved a vote of than..... pointment of tjie ,Executive wi art wri ght Area by Durham Club nr?'s Last- Meeting udience. The staff of the Bell Tele- lone are trained to speak in pleasantly natural voice, xplaine'd Mrs. Armstrong. The sound of your voice on e telephone creates an im- ression o! you. We alter our ppearance with hair-styles, iake-up and clothes, also ourý oices can be changed to put ur best voices forward. Try peaking In front o! a mirror ith a smile on your lips and et a sparkle in your voice." amusingly demonstrated their daily phone talk. On view were coloredý phones o! aqua, beige and green, including the new square push button type min- us dial and letters for use with the seven figure numbers which will be found in parts o! the new directory when letters o the alphabet are replacedoby digits. Also shown wvas the small, colored Prin- cess phone, which can b used as a night light, also El- M r. Slee for fis informa- and other Committees w-à'b ketenited "Y-rha -nillumnaeddil'he aitive address. President Lucas hel by President G. J. Spicer. Voice Can Sparkle," availabie the receiver is lifted. re- also expressed appreciation to The present officers were re- from the Bell Co. tells how Miss Beverly Hamnett, asý Ie the speaker for his fascinat- turned with fcw changes; two to put that "'sparkle" o! per- soloist, made a return engage- :iin g account of the work done ncw Vice-Pres. were added, sonality into your voice. Many ment by request. First appear- ogby CIL. 2nd Vice-Pres. Bert Ashton booklets and also demonstra- ing when an Oakwood C.I. stu- ted Alvin Davis, the past presi- and 3rd Vice-Pres. R. Crow- Sion films may be obtained dent Miss Hamnett returned ty dent, thanked Mr. Lucas for thers, wvhile Mr. L. W. McNeil for groups from the Bell Co. this time as a City teacher. ýan- întroducing Canadiana into and Mrs. F. W. Bowen con- aandlgtdhradec and lib's programns. He paid tri-ltinue for another .year as On a tape recorder Mrs. agin deHol itd"herauince ian, bute to Mr. Elliott for his Vice-Presidents. Armstrong gave some exam- itho ly CityRy", "aomingo ýa- reading of Pauline Johnson's The speaker Mrs. Anne pIes of telephone voices then Thrugh te R y n e tar.y", opoems, and also spoke highlyI Armstrong, was introduced by showed Cartoon drawings of MrLaghter" N Thear. 101- o! the talented young music- Mrs. O. J. Henderson as a the impression created by the become official accompanist tor ian, Harold Cooney. valucd member of the Bell voice. First the ladies, withanmaeanxclnto- Telehon Co whch he uchimpessonsas "Mis tribution to the programs. ing. joincd in 1926; since then she Breathless, Miss Shrill and Thanks were given by Miss Uc- EBENEZER had been the first woman to Mrs. Bossrnan" created great Sybil Langmaid to those res- c ai supervise many jb includ-amsen through sight and ni- ing the directory sales, Presi- sound. As horrible examples ponsible for the program. Mrs. led Ebenezer W.M.S. dent of Service Club for Wo- the men wcre not spared;S Howvard Bowen, assisted by iso The afternoon a u xili a ry men and now lecture demon- "Mr: Muffle" who spoke with Gop5 a the soilrehostess or o! meeting opened with quiet mu- strator. Given i a friendly, a pipe in his mouth, "'Mr. h the oiseseshmucent hour hysic by Mrs. Chas. Found. Mrs. informal manner Mrs. Arm- Mechanical" had a monoton- and Bertha Thompson pouredý cu Glenn Piekeli, Christian Stew- strong's "Telephone Talk," Ous voice o! Jazy jaw and lips, tea and coffee. The hostesses tu- ardship Sec., gave some im. interestcd and amused her whîle "Mr. Fuddle" demon- j1eetakd yMs .J portant facts concerning ber- strated a pad and pencil is a Spîer for sue xcellent re- J .nd sub.iect. A Steward is one to Business Dîrectorv msyb uieso home freshments. Mr. W. J. Milîs! nu- whom something can be trust- _ phone. of St. Marys sent regrets that, he ed. AIl we have is loaned to ACC U fa CO Ms . B. Dickinson and he wvas unable to hc prescrit. IL us. We are stewards, not only MissCOU lia ~T\ Shirle Kingsmill re- So another meeting, another1 vlr. of Our time, talents and mon-j A ~ ILN corded a telephone chat which season closedl with the circle! ere cy, but o! Our association with RYJ ILN lars others. A verse "On the Crss Certified Public Accountant was played back at once, foi- o* "Auld Lang Syne", played, 93 huch tret lowed by Mrs. G. J. Spicer by Mr. Bruce Madden at the, a hns rpete i uisn nMArket 3-3861 and Mrs. Russel Lowery who piano. aili ten ungbyaIl. Pres. Mrs. - ~ 7ÔGN i--Alian Down read a poem "God WM. J. . COO GR T IC = 50s. loved the World." and led Chartered Accountant in prayer. Mrs. H. Mackie Second Floor CUT 1C brought us the follow1ngý New Library Buildingfrmheateddwopsdterbletet iwords of advice, fromn Mrs. Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Several fo eeatne h asdterble et Sopcr's closing rernarks at the Phone MArket 3-3612 the Skating Club Carnival at recently in Oshawa. ______ ______ the Children's Arena. Osh- recent Presbyterial, "Keep the YALE,ËFRIEDLNDER aa eety Moefon Crs tlat ions o who.cae-d d ream in our eyes, wisdom in & COMPANY awareeomntly. ThosebfrniCnraulat inso Mr. and- our ears, courage in our hands, Accountants and Auditors aherrrien er Debor- brated their Golden Weddin.g ahNrri, Sepen orrs, I. this past wcek. Mr. and Mrs., and faith in our hearts." hicensed Trustee in Bankruptcy Van Walkcr, Wendy Brown.I A uitig il b hldo~6King St. E. RA-62 Gordon Vinson entertained at' iWed. March 29 at the church,, Oshawa, Ontario Congratulations to Jennifer their home for soi-e 50 mcm-j ýW.M.S. Sunday service is' B. L. Yale, C.A. James and Lorraine Elliotters of the family on Satur- pIanned for April 16. The an- F. Friedlander, B. Coin., C.V.A. day evening. nual family parts', including MONTEITH - MONTEITH IBURIKETON Mr. and Mrs. Vinson were members of flhc Berean Class, RIEHL & CO. honoured ata presentation a will be held on May 15, with 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa M.adMs lvrHb Ebenezer Church on Wednes- Miss Eileen Ratz as guest Chartered Accountants day.cveding. etOilsveppear speaker. The annual salvage RA 5-3527 bard, Mrs. Ida Walmsley, elsewhere. collection xill be taken ini Bowmanville Oshawa, were Wednesdav i May. Used clothing wil bel Caîl ZEnith 4,5750 j evcnîng tea guests of Mr. and Ms odnOhrevst coilected a t June mneeting Partners: Mrs. B. Hubbard. c ihrltvso audy W.M.. wll urcase J.W. qntifhF.CA. ur hurc wa filed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor,. W...wl ucaebadges Hon. .W *ihFCA u huc a ildonlMr. and Mrs. Harold Nugent.' for the C.G.I.T. A. B. Monteith, B. Cons., C.A. Friday evening when an Irish radMsle unOb In a fcw well chosen words G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. Variety Concert was held. The awa; Mr. and Mrs. Geraid, Mrs. S. Vinson presented a Licenscd Trustee) progri consisted o! threc Baîson, Hampton, with Mr. 1 life membership fo Mrs. 1sI G. E. Trethewey, C.A. numbers from the C.G.I.T. and r.W Brown Saturday Oke, in appreciation of berlR. F. Lightfoot, C.A. girls under the leadership o!fr.W faithful service in our WMSIr . Mrs. J. A. Turnhull with Mr. evening. l and particularly for heri-n-' u h ir opracti c J. A. Turnbull at the Mr. and Mrs. George Pid- ferest and effort in preparingpan.Mr . .Riebi-i duck and Ron visifcd with Mr, quilt coverings. j1 .EDVN #AN DC very capable mariner acted as adMs tnOlTutn Mrs. R. Gay gave a talk 011 jOffice:. Chiropractor j master of ceremonies. Mr. W. Barbara Brown wvas in Pet-1 jEaster, rcviewing- the life of 1 li tcr.o 4re t H. Crawford. our minister erborough last Safurday bowl- 1 Jesus frma ayt 1EliStcrofHseS.i gave a short scripture. Larry ing on the Bantam teani from Cross. Ifro b heabtothe, hn A -59 Johnson accompanied by Mrs. Bowmanville. They finished Tricloingshe rea sh fieHur:B.ponmn Reg. Johnison of Sunderlanid second affer compefirigagainst: j T. Gox'ne renîd the scripture.~ e at the piano sang two Irish teams from Oshawa, Whitby, 'Mrs. G. Annis !avorcd with a nun1 mbers, which wcre vcry Newcastle and others. vocal solo. Mrs. G. Tub b ledji.W RUELDif delîghtful. Miss Mary Had- Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Found jin the WOrship service, Crown Off. Ice Jr ubîE lDdgS. di o! Sunderland sang have returned home from! Hirnthe Lord of Life, pren)ar- Ofice:g urSt. W. Bman aouat.sojNaples, Florida, where thcy Idfrthlate hnkfe- Office Hours- Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe spent the winter. îng Atendric 24 9ans. to 6 p.m. daih hw e oey fls ! Rcv. and Mrs. Harold Stain- Closed Saturday and Sunday Ireland and etc., v,ýicli they ton have been holidaying in Ofce Phorie - MA 3-5790 toured last August." Then at the sunny south the past few; OBIT ARY ff'House Phone - Newcastle 3551 hast, but not lcast was Mr. wecks. DR. E. W. SISSON Mcl Smith from C.K.L.B. sta- Miss Betty Ormistoni, Bow-ý Thomias Herbert Stainton L.D.S., D.D.S. ýtion in Oshawa who playcd manville, spent the weckend! t Office in his home i n cc eyipratwt is Carol Robertson. Folownga lnghyill"ss 100Liberty St. N., Bowmarivillc e i urpoga. u Ebenezer Explorers met at the death occtîrred iiiN Mernor-! Phone MA 3-5604 -rand evening ivas brought the Sunday Sehool room Tues- ial Hospital, Bowrnanville, un Office Hours: j 'o a close by siriging the N a- day evening. Following open-, ýMonday, March 20, 1961, Of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily !tional Anthern, a delightful irig ceremonies, business in- Thomas Herbert S ta in t on, Closcd Wedncsday » Suindayljlunch wvas served to the art- cluded our sale o! chocolates,: di8 DRC. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. ý is'ets nstenogr.We ou election o! officcrs and a let- Tedeceased, who was born: Officejhief exnd or an ter was read about UNICEF. inEnniskillen and attende 2 9Kn St. E. - Bownianviîîeithanks and appreciation f, al Wrhpsrie olwdwt school there, was the son ifOfu or*which made this evening î argrtDw edn h the late James and Sara'i 9- a.111 to 6p.i.daîl y great success. If you wou'u*Scripture and Helen Carneron (Clernens> Stairiton. On c îse au dyac Sna ike to hear a prelude of this gave the prayer. Offering was I lober 14. 1907, hoe married thei Tolephone: Office MA 3-5459i event furri your radio on Sun- dedicatcd by Betty Goyne, Iformer Edith Mabel Creeper e iýdymrnn a 0arn. April with response by aIl the gi rls. Mr. titna farmer, hadj L awa. tures xvas shown by our lead-' resudcd in Hampton for 37i STRIKE and STRIE_Ë M. n Mrs. Ross Hub- jer wvith the story o! each pie-~ years and retired five vearsl Barristers, Solicitors bard and Janice, Treriton* Mi, ture, and how Literature and aqonior to t hate he vsi Notaries Publi and Mrs. B. Slinigerland, MÏr. Litcracy can help around the Fnnikilen wcrche wV . R. Strike, Q.C. land Mrs. Ross Raby, Oshiawa. jWorld. The film -was "Lit- choir leader for a nunher of A A. 11. Strikrc, B.A. !wcre Saturday guests of Mr.i Lit makes wîshes corne truc". "ýearS. He was a member o! 40 King St. W. - Bowi-anvilloj and Mrs. B. Hubbard. j Work continued on our map: H3nipton United Clitrch. wf Telephone 1'MA 3-5791 ~ sryt eotta ~r and pictures. Sur'iin beids is LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Toa rc i1o 0wî The Midway Group o! Cour- Pre eight children, Eric of' Barrister, Solicitor ThagsTrickope is otion llice W.A. met af the home o! Bownanile, eonrdcf n-Notary Public wil soon iînprove. Mrs. Harryv Herron recentiy.: niskillen. iirn cf Everctt. King St. W. e Bownianvilhe' President Mrs. Stan Kinsman Washington, U.S.A., Henry ofý Phones: Office MA 3-5688 David Mackie, Nestleton, opened the meeting with thej Tyrone, Jean (Mrs. Ernesti Carlson) o! Toronto.Ane Residence MA 3-5553 spent the weekend with Terry Lord's Prayer in unison. Four, (Mrs. Clarence 'Englîsh) of MISS APIIA 1. HODGINS Hubbard. new members were welcomied. Bowmanvihle, B le t t y (Mrs) Barrister, Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hicks Items for the accessory boof h Lindsay Scott) o! Toivonto, and Nofary Public and Robin, Oshawa, Mr. and> for the Spring Tea in April Bob o! Bowmqanville: 24 grand- Ieerance St. - Bowmanville Mrs. Norman McKcnria and wcre handed in. Plans wero chidrn ad ourg e t E.RIHAR LVEKN anily, Hampton, Mr. and made for the project of the grandchildren. Barrister, Solicitor Mrs. Earl Slute and family month when it is hoped the Also surviving are two r- Box 9 Newcastle Oshawa, wore Sunday guests Bewdley Belles wili etleir-- rojof Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gatch- tainus. Lunch was scrvcd by tCers, Albert and Wallacc o!1 W KAY LYCETT. B.A. ehl and family. fhe hostess assîsted by Mrs. i WMEINSDAY. MAR. 29th, 19 gave the treasurer's report.!reported for thîusiewr sedt ie ofns Mrs. Rudy Wehnert reported iCommittee. Two new mn-,plans for the Father and Son' for the sewing and reported !bers were wvelcomned, Mý'rs.! banquet in April. Refresh- material purchased for neck- John Walter and Mrs. Wil-ýnments were served by Mrs. Golden Ilour Assorted CHOCOLATES 1 lb. Box FEATURE - SAVE 8c Brighit's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 43 oz. Tini 3 FOR î79c FEATURE - SAVE 4c Libby's Sliced PINEAPPLE 20 oz. Tin 33c FUATI IIL -~ SUE lic A Stuart Hlouse - 25 l't. Roll FCXL WRAP - Garden Fresh - No. 1, LETTUCE Nutritious - No, 1 YAMS Large, Solid Reati 2 FOR 29c 2 FOR23c Florida Pascal - No. 1, packed in PoIy Bag CELERY HEARTS 23c Crisp, Curly - No. 1 Ccllo Bag, 10 oz. SPINACH 2FOR29c 2 r',r 59C FEATUJIE - SAVE 9c - Whole or Jelied Ocean Spray - 15 oz. Tin CRANBERRY SAUCE 2/45c FEAT[RE - SAVE 4c - Loose Pack M anzanillas - McTLaren's-S e'TiviiAntivre! oz. Jar - 6) O. biluggL U UIALab A- FEATURE - SAVE 8c Enter Nesties' "Wln a Home Contest" Nesties' - 1 lb. Can QUIK CHOCOLATE -53c FEATURE - SAVE 4c Monarch - 18 oz. Pkg. PIE CRUST MIX- 35c FEATURE - SAVE 8c - Fancy Culverhouse - 15 oz. Tin toutViEE fiUAfh0) - FEATURI - PREI'AREi) - 16 oz. FRENCH'S MUSTARD Jar 23c FEATI3RE - P1IEPARED - 9 oz. Jar FRENCH'S MUSTARD 2/33c Golden Hosir - 1 lb. Cello POPPING CORN - - 19C Supreme Brand - 51 Gauge - 15 Denier. Pr. NYLONS - - - 89c FEATLRE - SAVE 4c Nabisco .- Jumbo 18 oz. Pkg. SHREDDED WHEAT - 27c FEATURE .- SAVE 10e Kingsdale - Jlumbo 30 oz. Celio ASSORTED BISCUITS 39c FEATURE- SAVE 26c Mlapie Leaf -1!'. l1. Tin el l tIKLLA I tURfl£- ZFor ~JIÇ 1-AEIIIUJML'Ai FROZEN FOODS Save 4c - 15 oz. Pkg. BIRDS EYE FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 39c BO WNAN VILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO ... * - * cGuinn s Market *Naple Grove Groceleria a . Cornish Marketerla~ OF 'edk Wed. and Sat. * - à12 :a.m. Il lm

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