WEDNESDAY, MAN. 201h, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLZ. ONTARTO PAC~ ~VW~ .1 er the better. The number to A I dial is MA 3-3303. \Ve wouldM n Ate d em r l I monbeyplAttendoMemorialo Socal9)rsna ot f owP ark Tea A nd Bazaa r Recent vîsitors w îth Mr. and The Springtime Tea and F. Kramp. These prizes, ai Phoe A 3- 303JIrs. Percy Hayward were annual Bazaar held on Sat- beautiful cup and saucer and Phone_____MA __ 3 __- __3303 ____1 Miss Mina Smith, Miss Irene urday afternoon by the Mm a handsome steak knife, were i i~Baxter, Mrs. K. Wilson, al Of orial Park Association in the1 donated by Mrs. Dorothy Lea. Mrs. A. R. Virgin. Toronto,' Street.i Oshawa, Mrs. G. Cox and Gar- clubhouse was a marked suc-I man. was a guest last week of Dr. Mran Mr.BbE er ry, Mr. and Mrs. Raye West,1 ce ss. Mrs. Margaret Jeffery Mrs. Frances Bruce and ~~~~M.and Mrs. V.HBSoeobtvn n erri GephDarlene, Raye and Barry, was the general convenor for Mrs. Betty Piper were in MaonPrs sn Orono. Ithe delightful event, which charge of the Miscellaneous Mrs. C. H.Ms r. N.ýOnt., were weekend guests of, noebyalreumBot.MsAdAasad S. B. James and Mrs. John M. Mr. Wesley Allun and Mrs.! Recently Mr. Wilmot Shane wasejydb arefu-Boh Ms d dm n James visited Mrs. J. B. E)Douglas Cole. received his 20-year pin wUh1 ber of people. Mrs. Anne Dilling were the Staples, Toronto, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cover- teGayerTr adRb reA .Kfram p and Mtheconve n oth ecnyan Mr .and Mrs. W. C. Cock- Iy visited her sister Mrs. How- ber Company, Bowmanvilie.Krpfralyoee th HmeBkgBoh.Tecn shot, inipe, Mn. ar ad Seel wo i a atentinIn celebration of the occasion, Springtime Tea paying tribute venors for the White Elephant visiting the latter's mother,!Private Patients Pavilion, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Shane and Pa-' atego okdn ? h ot eeMs et ih Mrs R M.JaieonSive ona.onSatrdy.mela wvere weekend guests of Memorial Park Association. ards and Miss Hilda Simnick. _____R. M. Jamieson, S-l r. oL. Bra. chi",sIer. adMs av esnHe spoke of the fine park and Mrs. Shirley Cowan was in Midfland, and while there at: the excellent clubhouse wbich charge of the fishpond and turned home after spending 1a, tendcd the Penetang Legion us anl asset ta the community. Mrs. E. Ciapp was in charge flAl e ilaw Mr.n anMr.dodugi- social evening. The ciubhouse was effect- of the door prize tick- ST.rPAUL SJ e-i-a r n r.Du- iveiy decorated with lovely ets. The convenors of the good las Nichais of Kingston, Ont. Bowmanviile Lionettes met flowers. and pretty pink and used clothing table were Mrs. UMNITand Mrs. Wm. Hoskinon Tues layMach 2lst, neý, white streamners c-ee sus- Chittick and Mrs. Annie Oke, HDonald Cole and Allan of!0 Osh- Betty, Lancier in charge of the' streamers were attractively Association. awa were Sunday visitors with menieting. with 28 rnembers and! arranged in festoons with each Mrs. Yvonne Edmondson C LILRCFI Mi- and Mrs. Albert Cole,, anc guest presenit. After the , loop hield by a cluster of pastel was the tea convenor. Thie Oranst- r BatnScugag Street. 1agendla of the meeting wazco]ourzed baiioons. serving table was centred L.r.A.M, .RC..,L. Mrs. Marce Laeunsseandcompleted the remainder of! Mrs. Kitty Shredd wvas in with a beautiful and artistic daughter Chantai of Montreal,1 the eveniing was spent bY par-j charge of the tickets for the arrangements a! daffadils, tul- Que. arevisiing er A, *cition in an auction saleiSpecial Draw. The general ips and carnations with palm o! home baking. canvenar, Mrs. Margaret Jef- leaves in hanour o! Easter. Good Friday Service 'Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill. and TiivUie hrhEe fery, drew the winîing tickets. Mrs. Vi Thompson, the im- ia.n. w i oined b Mr. Lajeun-ýTiivUie hrhEe The euilqit was won mediate past president, and St. Paul's Congregation esea h ekn.nn AxUr edisMrhby Mrs. Hazel Franklin, Mill- Mrs. Kramp presided aver the unîtes with Trinity aF othyet b efito!tou s whomting in hS uaSc îaotrtrtiehaven, Ont., and Mrs. Jamesltea cups. Mrs. Dorathy Lea- arife not etaeoet uremclars- Room. rs SiMn terchathe C orson, Newcastle, was thelman and Mrs. Gr&ta Luxton sifed eadine le usremnd resden. ws i th chîr<winner o! the pajama bag. lassisted in serving. E aster Sundcly you that the DEADLINE FOR Mrs. D. Peters was in charge, The winners of the doori Mrs. Nellie Wilson was in CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:300!f the worsbip service andiprizes were Mrs. Francis Me-chag o hektce. 9:50a.r. -TUESDAY APTERNOON. was assisted by Mrs. E. Tlhomp- Donald and Miss Karen Beau- as asitd by Mrs. H. Dad- SUNDAY SCHOOL Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mrs. sonadMs a eel prie. The draws for the door1 son, Mrs. Helen Park and Mrs. W. J. Bagne]] have returned Mrs. R. Sadier was piinigt.'pie eemd ylr.Atre er.Tauswr 11:0 a.. -fro Dêroi, Mch. whee,ýMis E.BoY prsened heýlenholme Hughes and Mrs.Iread by Mrs. Susie Grahama. 1100ASTrn SERI-E fheomiDedterit bMch, here.,Study Book and Mrs. G. Elliott' RevA.G. ScottC 'Wesey ve th i brothr r.oîoke briefly on Stewardship.' A. G. cott esleyDavey.wbo s bash' members went in a body IR taro s e r wili preach ýpital there, and Mrs. Davey. t h oeo r n r. your Easterevisitrsotherearnd Mereceiebrating the j Evening Service Withdrawn' Don't forget to phane ia A. Coveriv, Prince Street, who. o n n e ais o i The editor ueceived a letter c i u c o l ast xveek froin Stanlev Mal- M usic i O u S ho l R HO O H C RIST A No ti ho.lo rtwitsvrih The first task o! a rnusic Patricia Goode, Susan Qitn EF R E H R IlTownship, is spending the!supervisor is to gain the con- Jan Webster, Jan Black, ScuogStret Boninvilreports grand weather nearly doch Beaton. director o! mus- Jean Billett. The Rotarians Seugg Sreet Bomanvlleal the time. A cipping he ic for the Bowmnanvilie Pub- were enchanted with the Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. enclosed from the Tampa lie Scbools told bis fellow homogeneity of their three- Ud newspaDer contained a report Rotarians last Friday. He was part singing and the blended Minister of the Municipal Trailer Park the speaker at the luncheon beauty of their voices. The 1Shuffleboard ClIu b tourna- meeting of the Bowmanville girls hummed the last verse, iment, in which the folîowing Rotary Club held at the Fly- giving the effect o! muted GOOD FRIDAY - SERVICE AT 10 A.M. Cartwright folks wvere amang ing Dutchman Motor Hotel. strings. This last verse dem- 1 the prize winners: "City tra- The winners of the hockey onstrated that a sensitive per- "Christ Forsaken, But Not Rejected phies were wvon iv. Harmon draw were George Stephen formance demands greater at- 10 AM. SEVIC INENGISHBoyd and Mabel McLaughin. nd Bob Stevens. The guests tention of an audience. 10 AM. SEVIC INENGISHTop winner ini the Ali-Stt present were N. Richards, Music appreciatian proceeds tournament was Stanley Mal-, Oshawa, Seve Persson, Ajax, from the known to the un-l 7:30 P.M. SERVICE IN DUTCH lorn"and Ash Gardiner, Fairbank, ,nw yteslcino Sunday School immediately after Sunday morning service.j Free transportation for those willing but unable to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037c before 9 pan. Saturday nights. itrs CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 pm. every Sunday i perfo7, CKEY, Toronto, at 7 ami. reward( - .Jmz= plause. Sarnel]s Oke, H McGreg St. John's Church ýAve1 n( Anglican Church of Canada and Ma Paul HKOLY THURSDAY iboter a pairi 8:00 p.m. - HOLY COMMUNION sed the ahi] ity * * their di A staý GOOD FRIDAY nichuk, 12 Noon to 3 A taler A non ici- The Three Ifours Liturgical Devotion pî'esi-nt vervýe. * *diffijculi EASTER DAY senn W'ayr 8:00a.n- IIOLY COMMUNION ther of skated 9:30 an - HOLY COMMUNION comedy 11:00 amin. - HOLY COMMUNION skates laughter 3:00 - CHILDREN AND Only se, YOUNG PEOPLE'S the pois EASTER SERVICE ýeran sIk tohave 7:00 p.nî. - EVENSONG a fine( were e3 d ancc rs Trinity United Church ]e.h had sil, black h Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Houblander, B.A., B.D. bqllets Organist- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. gard wi "The Cross Bearer" ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH UNITES WITH TRINITY EASTER SUNDAY Il a.m. - MIORNING WORSHIIP "Life and Resurreciion" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP foîîoxw tWas %& I~ a q Film - "'rucifixion and Resurrection" part m ton. Cole, Sunday School Luxtoi Wood'i 9:45 a.r.-Junior, Intermediate and Senior Sharoi and E 11:00 a.r.-Nursery Lorrai 11:20 aa.-Kindergarten and Prmmary %Tardi Gai! E Baby-sitting Service 'Gail1 4. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Walter lLeddy Ont, points o! menit from popular The speaker was Introduced 'recordings, Mr. Beaton said. He p op& by Dr. Keith Slemon. He tld played a record, "El Paso", ta the club that Murdoch Bea- show this. Similarities ln P Ston was bora nHeesbrh formai style between a com- Scolan, ad rceied isposer's vaniaus works wereý moncert eucation in Motherwell, He demonstrated by Mn. Beaton taught music in Glasgow for through the playing of Rosa- PFROM PAGE ONE) saime time before coming ta iai's William Tell Overture and ting ta watch. Canada in 1952. Dr. Slemon "Italian in Aigiers" also by said. Rossini. 12 voung Bowmanvîlle Mr. Beatoni flrst went ta Dr. H. B. Rundie eloquently gClub members, who Owen Sound where he served moved a vote of thanks ta Mr., med the Dutcb Waltz sa as organist o! St. Andrews Beaton for his fascinating ad-' nperfect tempo, were Presbyterian Chureb. Later dress. led by rounds o! ap- he taught music in Kincardine .They were: Cbristy Higb Scbool and also in the s, Shawn Leddy. Mary Walkerton Bigh Scbool and Re Uazel Richards, Sandra Public Sehool, Dr. SlemonR eC r s tor, -Pat Rudeli, Wendy stated. Be spoke o! Mr. Bea- s, Wayne Ananichuk, ton's appointment ia 1957 ta ieLycett. Barbara 1 t e, aryJen Bltho!e post o! musical director BU'mt ýieI MryJea Bilet f he Bowmanville Public FO AEOE ardi Dawson. Sehools, and a! bis excellent RO PAEN! and Susan Hughner- work since that time. IR. Swan, Mna. E. Tbompson, )shiawa Skating Club, a, "Music in the Publie Sebools 'MIr5. W. Wallis. rand sister, perfarmed was the subjeet o! Mr. Bea- District 2- Mrs. R. Bate, number. Tbey impres- toa's address. He stated that Mrs. R. Batbgate, G. eauîdience witb their as music's representative theCaerMs.AFls, is and the originality of supervisan's personal relation- L. Kilgannon, Mrs. C. Sbred, let. ship, with eildren can in- Mrs. H. Truil. ar solo liv Yvonne Ana- fluence their attitude towards District 3- Mr. J. Living, Bownianville Skating music. "Tt is important there- Mrs. M. Bertwistle, Mrs. F. was a delight ta watch. 1fore that every child exper- Crowe, Mrs. C. Dunn, Mns. L., nted figure skater Miss'tences joy in perfarmiag thei Ellis, Mrs. J. Hayes, Mrs. S. îutk aniazed everyone littie nursery rhymes and H-oaper, Mrs. A. Jahaston, twith ber lightness andi other simple sangs whîch are Mrs. H. Lake, Mrs. J. Living, Her number included taught by rate ia kindergart- Mrs. L. Masan, Mrs. M. Puk, lt feat s and camplicaýted en," lhe explained. Mrs E. Shackleton, Mrs. F. but, she perfarmed with Excellence in performance, Smith- gly effortless ease. quality o! voice, and sa on, District 4-Mrs. Ross Grant, are o! minor importance et Mns. C. Bell, Miss H. Devitt, ne Ananîchuk, the bra- this stage, aithaugb coarse Mrs. E. Grant, Mr. B. John- ýfthe orevious soloist, îoud singing is not encouraged. stan, Mrs. R. Mutton, Mrs. J. a hilariously fuaayî With kindly appreciative lis- Oliver, Mrs. A. Saunders, let. Bis amties on tening, the chiidren respond Miss J. Smith. resu lIed in delighted quickly and enjoy per!orming District 5- Mrs. G. Vinish, ýr from the audience. as soloists and la graup ac- Mrs. E. Browed, Mns. G. yven cears; aid but with tivities. Simple rhythm drilla Brown, Mrs. F. Cowle, Mrs e and abîlity that vet- are carred' out with instru- J. Elston, Mns. R. Land, Mrs. :aters would hc proud ments such as the triangle,, W. Maindonald, Mrs. P. Pass- eWayne provedIta be etc." mare, Mrs. B. Stapleton, Mrs. comedian as well. Trli Grade 1 the staff and G. Webster, 'Mrs. J. Werry. ate patteras on the iceltreble clef are introduced and *District 6- Mis. C. Hen- ýxecuted by the prettvthe child's repertaire o! rote nîng, Mrs. Mary Wilcox. lai the Oshawa Skat-' sangs is rapidly expanded. District 7- Mrs. S. McTav- .b's 'Sophisticated Bal-. Mr. Beatan asserted. His littie ish, Mrs. E. Clarke, Mrs. D. Their lovel -v costumes' daughter, Wendy, a Central Cole, Mrs. S. Corden, Mrs. G. Iver trimmed pink and' Sehool kindergarten pupil ElliotI, Mrs. D. Gilhooly, Mrs. bodices and black net sang two kiadergarten sangs E. Preston, Mrs. J. Regan, skirts. Carol Hugliner- charmiagly. Elleen Corey, Mrs. D. Rigg. Mrs. J. Ras, ,as the prima ballerina. Grade 2, also received much Mrs. J. VanNest, Mrs. G.. Barbara Ann Smith, applause for her vocal solo White. ofessional of the Bow. "'The Apple Tree." District 8-.- Mr. Howard le Skating Club, was "At the Grade 3 level the Gibson, Mrs. R. Brock, Mrs. -d ia white and gold eildren are introduced to A. Davis, Mns. C. Bockins, i ýr sala. Ber polished the instruments a! the arches- Miss A. Hodgias, Mrs. A- rwas spectacular, and tra by means a! the record Labb, Mrs. G. McMurter, Mrs. opularity %vas demon-IplaYecr and large illustrations Ina McNaughton, Mr. C. Bell. bv the accîaim sihownio! the individual instruments. District 9- Mrs. R. Ames,, the audience. Now rounds are intraduced Mrs. J. Barton, Mrs. M. Bea- phie,"a re ia!onpaving the way ta part sing. ton, Mns. G. Beliman, Mns. H. 'ng," the speaker saud. Devîtt, Mrs. J. Dunn, Mns. P.! rskated by a group of j To demonstrate the more Greenfield, Mrs. E. Masters, ivilie Skating Cl1u b' advanced musical develop- Mrs. C. Mornison, Mrs. R. Oke,! rs, xvas also a decidedi ment tawards part siagiag Mrs. D. Rundie.i AIl skated in exactiMn. Beaton called on Bud District 10A- Mrs. R. Gi!!,1 aad looked extremely Depew, Lanry Devitt, Marilyn Mrs. J. Bowman, Mns. M.' Robinson and Patsy Blake. Brock, Mrs. E. Osbonne. xciting Broombali gamle'They impnesaed the Ratanians District 10B- Mr. and Mns. d. The champioaship1 by their excellent singing o! a J. H. Davey, Mr. L. Dewell,~ on by the Daisies withicanon and afterward a part Mrs. H. Goddard, Miss V. e So! 4-O. Those takingj sang, which was in the final Feeters, Mrs. R. Walters. 're: Roses, Gloria Mut-,stages o! completion usiag District Il- Mrs. Wm. ,hervi Forsey, Donna' sol fa syllables in the alto Cawan, Mrs. Herb. Cowan, Susan Martyn, Susan' part. Mrs. A. Ri'chards. iDonna Rogers. Joanne I Mr. Beaton had Manlene District 12- Mr. A. Mavin,' md, Donna W il c o x,1 Daxman and Linda Johnston, Miss P. Mavin, Mrs. M. Mars- Burgess, Patsy Bate! Grade 6, show that two dif- 'den, Mrs. B. Spry. u1ne High!ieid; Daisies,lferent songa possessing similan District 13- Mrs. W. J. ie White, Beverly SI eep,1cbarded characteristics may be Cobban, Mrs. J. Brough, Mrs. Dawson, Irene 'Knapp,1sung together giviag the effect, J. Duna, Mrs. J. Firth, Mns. naop, Kathy B3i!antine,'!of being a part sang. Thesci R. Kent, Mrs. J. Lander, Mns. fulholland, Mary Jane girls also sangea two-part sang W. S. Mornison, Mrs. W. sBetty Rundle, Sbawnby Mendelssohn. Whitehead, Mrs. D. Masters. and Suzan Calver. i Grade 7 was represented byl District 14- Mrs. J. J. Cuddahee, Mrs. J. Biggs, MNrs.1 granted until three yvears miany roads wviil be paved as J. Brown, Mrs. J. Fair, Mrs. after adlultery lias been estab- Mu x R a e was originally pianned as the R. T. Hayes. Mrs. J. Knight 'lished.' Mr. McClcave said.1 Sr., Mrs. S. Murdoch, Mrs.* R. 'Because prostitutes and caîl- <PROM PAGE ONE) iroads and streets budget was Patfield, Mrs. K. Purdy, Mrs. girls are sarnetimes invoived meeting the entire budget %vas, reduced by $13,000, It is diffi- A. Welsh. in adultery evidence needed reviewed agaîn and a further cuit 10 hold the rate down and District 15- Mrs. L. Lucas, ta get divorce, the maney they reduction of 1.1 milîs vasi do as nîucb vork as some feel Mrs. E. Banting, Mrs. M. Con- receive contributes ta con- ýmade. %ve shouid, when we are faced way, Mrs. A. O. Daîrymple, tinued crime," the speaker, "This wvas accomplîshied by with the increased cost Of Mrs. R. Frank, Mrs. N. Gib- pointed out. He explained cutting down on new Colist rue-l1educa tion." Deputy-Reeve 1. son, Mrs. G. Johnston, Mrs. that in this wav same o! the'tion, whicb means that flot as'Hobbs painted out. A. Lobb, Mrs. R. Lunnev proceeds o! Canadiai- divorce __ Mrs. D. Orkett, Mrs. E. Tice' fillds its way ta the under-' District 16- Mr. W. W' world. Mrs.. alr. W. Bagnel],b isstdthtthr ust The Salvation Armrry Mrs.C. Tylor besome other avenue for Que-' bec and Newfoundland citi- Division and Church Streets zens than airing their divorce pleadings ln parliament. "As Ccona ouRi t stands, any memiber can de-1 SPECIAL HOLY WEEK SERVICES C IU 13bate the divorced partner's. miserable affairs la the Hous' a! Commons. These proce-â Thurs., 8 p.m. - "The Upper Room" C lU b~ ~~ins r read inta the record. Sekr at . ed otHp (PROM PAGE ONE) besides being heard a in hSekr at.J ed otHp night help by becaminga a publie ga]lery." itiesoi andgdivin or ase.t ime !there C nadliapnt his Godi00anTh woiesondi addiivonctacaue.tior- fthere 15n oadinGvri Go Friday, 1:0 . .- " heCross" Mr. McCleave endorsed the mient considering divorce re- Speaker: Dactor Robert Moote suggestions o! the Canadian 'formn, Mr. MeCleave said. He (Practising Physucian, Toronto) Bar that tbree grounds for' claimed the reason is because divorce be adcied: desertion the governîment is now too without cause for at ieast tied up in the economnie field. Eafe Snay,110 i three years, extreme cruelty, He expressed the opninthatE ser unai10 arn and incurable insanity re- perhaps la a couple of years "h E pyTm bi quiring care and treatment the House af Commons would for five years. act in Ibis regard."T eLnJy 0M He pointed out that at Mrs. Werry thanked Mr. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Stanley Gennery, Belleville least 20,000 ta 50,000 deserted iMcCleave for bis thaughit- Music: Young People's Singing Company wives la Canada would be provoking and informative! helped by anc new ground, address. Shie annaunced that rw i desertion. "These womca, the annual meeting o! the l :0U p.rn. - .Sunuay .Sciool - All Ages largely with familles, are a Canadian Club of West Dur- far more seriaus prablemi for ham will be beld on Wednes- 7ff ' " evc the country than people who day evening, April 12th. Mrs. 1 :00 p.rn. - reat .LamllySevc simply cannat agree and de- Werry informed the nîember--Msc on epesBn cide ta dissolve their mar- tbat John Pratt, M.P., Dorval, Mse on epesBn niage," he asserted. will be the speaker at this~ "If adultery is the only ac- meeting, and lhat bis tapie YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ceptable graund for divorce, wîll be "The Changiag FaceALT EESEILSRIE thedivorceshould not be of Canadian Cities." ceALTEES CAL ERI S I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE h i I IIJàUIlijIttLl [OI1L'~ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Ouf the Fines! Antacld-Laxaîlve YGU CAN BUV- and SAVE FM1NEY TOG with thris GIANT ECO NOMY SIZE 41HLUPS 26 ounces MAGNESIA ONLY ALSO AVAILABLE 4 ounces 12 ounce.s 33Q 67Ç COLOURS MAN-SiZa 33e HEADACHE? Money -Saving SPECIALS Evelyn Howard Theatricai - 1 pound %Oulu %#FeI - -- I.D.A. Brand - 8 oz. - Reg. 35o Hlydrogen Peroxide - - - 29c Free Comb-Brush with 1.89 size Adorn Hair Spray- - - 1.89 -Reg. 89c Regular 69c Culex Hand Cream 2iror 98c Gleem Tooth Pasie Reg 6C -.- 49C Reg.9ne - --6 c Regular 35o Pepsodent Dental Cream - 29c' Silvikrin Shampoo Regular 45e ---39C Reg. 75c 59C Reg. 1.29 Regular 98c Stripe Tooth Pasle Regular 89e . Trig Deodorant- 98C1 * - - 78c - * - 83c EASTER GIFTS Bilols - ---- .-- - - ----- 98c, 1.79, 2.50 up Cadbury's Milk Tray Chocolates - 80c, 1.50, 3.00 Other Box Chocolates and Candies Cigareftes, Cigars and Tobaccos Ronson Cigarette Llghters -______ 3.50 up Zippo Cigarette Lighters------ 3.95 Other Cigarette Lighters . 49c, 1.98 up Compacts.......---------------- 2.75 up Guenlain Shalimar Cologne - 3.50, 5.50 Guerlain Shalîmar Perfume-. - 5.50 Guerlain Shalirnar Perfume and Cologne Sel Reg. 10.00 - --6.50 Lenthenic Tweed Cologne - 2.00, 3.00 Friendshlp Garden Charmer Set 2.00 Deseri Flower or Friendship Garden Dusiing Powder plus Summrer Cologne 2.25 value ----- - 1.50 Desert Flower Toilet Water 1.50, 2.00 Max Factor Hypnotique Cologne 2.25, 4.00 GET FAST RELIEF Wt BE READY FOR SPRING WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It'. Tonic lime. Wintoes cought and colds are luit around the corner. HoIp vour family ta botter heuIth this winter, build up their resistance ta colds... give thom Wam pote Extrad rogularly. .. stort todayi 15 OUNCES -$1C 34 OUNCES - $2.89 ECONOMY SIZE f SAVES YOU .70U Ge WMP iEtrc IlOA a. i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local IDA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 f GDOD FRIDAY . 11IA.M. i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. B097blANVILLZ ONTARIO WMRMATI MAIL 29th, 1961 PAGE SEVEN 1 11 ý 1