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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1961, p. 8

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PAGE ETCRT Ladies' Major BowlingI Jnil 1 ok ix cr *.rndsputerl possCesiofl of f:r-st place iii tne Lad isà,jor League. last Mvonda V n ght. iîntg 2-1 or r iutnno-up BuLida v, xx hi le Mai- ri siippced ba-k Io sec ond. afier being p.r': 9-1 bY Hiooks. The loss bl- Budcax leIfitlîhar(club'n ifunrIi' place. Haynes bouniced back froin the previou ' z ' ý (lie: 10I troun<'e Etcher 3-3< and c)ý the gap beiwxeeî.tin.w' I hr leader-s to lx'. o90:1:Pal,- fîpici. ted n bLi ii\t eS. Ide- risionod Du IIIII 2- 1 () k<---t r pace. Beaupiîîe ceged Bu kci ând King downied Baker. hot b" 2-1 couni:. Dot 3oorks' 291 ga iecekou- hiiRh sî îî.,Ie honoui s. ttlie!. big garoe5: goii:g b 1e DUiîn 239 and ibO ce tied i* i "a nd Ena Etli. Joyce .xecaii< ,1) , n 11 the hîgh iriple of 672. Io'.-F .. . . .. .' .... Fr V NXJ/ The addresses on ach letter and parcul shouid show M thie full name ot the personi who is to gel tl. t he correct apart- m en t nuimhber, 9 t cool ad drose, rural coule oumber or post office box nom ber. *cily, towoi or vil- lage, and postal 2one number whero rlecessary. * your name and complets relurn address in the upper lefh-hand corne r, A cornectpostal addrest speeds accurate delivery. 11 6 1 POSTOC ]<)xx ('d TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMIANMMILE. ONTARIO New Toronto Ties Bowmanville Plant 9-9 In Goodyear Bowling b v Dot Brooks- 668, joli. 64-) and 1-llda' 636. Giames 200 and Over Dor,5: Joil 254. Ena Etc!e:- 270> Bei) :eeBxida: 239. Nor!'ta Gav '55: e-Bickel Grace B'aukbur:n 209. 211.; I- be Le" . 1 .Vi Coole 2: Sad:e B u(-k fe i2B Het Wes t1ake 243. 1-lîlda Brock 2321J 92:.Peggx Hfaxrtez 208.Jo:' Lx lIe 241I. 2-.0. Dorc Maî:*on 251. Orne Etcher 211. Be« h Cha rtia n 2.Meen DoUn I0 0O1l'e Pa:i:elId 228.'204: Nori a Nori t' 222. AUdrex ,cr 22,8, Shr x Con no: s 209. Dit Brooks ,294, *201: Maboi ILew'. 2(l6. HleeiN.choison 201. Babe Boxu270<. Team Staniding LorîbîieSl 'x-n.9 8.5 4 Il Pegx x.ns 0 972 '-"0 OtIe Patfbeld 2961 7 -'0 Be: uc"p Hudai 2 98P,4.3 .' \iarg King .'28987 17 Dut Brook- . 28635 5 KaV BeauLPr'e . 28297 '5 Helen ýDLIun 28 285 '4 Hilda Broci: 257 June Baker *27 47-2 9 Young Comedy Skater '1 Legio n Bowling 'The legi Oit 1eagntuet d -k nt1< a lxxo teani iat-e 1as- lxî-~nax tigitxxtb Niarîx t -il:î Ioig 0leadi:-îirî. Saitis bv two points, Thii d îha~Baies feil tell poiti:s off the pace. xxheu ilîn'. xxc clit-oi:l 70 lb:-the Icagîte- SR leader-S. samti s ep'. -Irise lie- lîiid oin fiele îrcuilt0ofa 7-1) xiii cixer Perfect. Yen postc-d -a 5-2 cici-i-oit uor'al'axor U) ptisiithie lot-crs deeper iio Bobl SitsIeIlte te ugO trilît- lai-e x\.-!tlla 69:3 total, fýIoi îux d hy Touiît x G rahlin -6?,0. Doug Bo 6x 6 l 08. 1-ai-nd Botîtîcl 664. George E11il0oîlt65.u. Jac k Yati 653 and Bob Stocker..645. Fi-attk Saunit- took higli itngle itoîîocis xîihiJe loue i 300 gaine a 301. en iipis libeller taitnIicIs 29 7. Otp t-rbig tintgles xmone ce tor-ed bx B(ieîîcîî174. Bathi- xcell -268. Graltaîîî 26 4',:230: Dnou ig 'Taylor-2<.Stce aiid Ros's Wright 25g's aitd - Pete Dobbiîts - 242. 241. Team Standingt San niis Bat e.: Vno 'l'a' or Air. Rail or Steamship T1C K E T TO EVERYIVIIERE Consuit .1 FRY1 & LOVE LI. 15 King St. IV. MA 3-1.36 Bowma nvil le Cornz 'a Pop pin' 1961 TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE Thursday, April 6th Friday, April 7th Saturday, April Sth TIic kets available froi JACK & JILL CLUB MEMBERS ADMISSION------- ------75c spea tudcit's Price----------50c Tlhtrsda v Ni git Oil -NO ItESERVED S E ATS- "There's The Easter Bunny!" Bemember It In Print TIhis Week Onlv' Thursda v - F'rida %- - moidav r uesclay A Black and i hte Filin F"REE %vith each rol (if filmn left in for proccssing. 61 Wcn roiilL uies\emaeabtw t iiii - VxavneArîoiichk. ge sx-co mad a I lT 'igu-s h51 luaML3Iitgc cornecix- solo in the Bowmati-lle SkatiîîgHlt -îClub's Pop ýCcicei't* ai lte Aîeîa at TlîLlsdax' CvC'inBrx 30t i ii g. Ilis elex-er hobo aet drex'.- ncc laugliter- and Ctit 19 applacise. Wa *-nie's sisteri-,ùl1s s Yvoinne .Aîoîichuk. officn -~a taleîited anld g1î'aCeftLI tie akatet. \xas also one of Fait B- Ith e stars of the rshowx~. Tîtrir par-entsaraie Mi. anîd A is N-laih Alec AnnihLk, li'\ tr.-' ~- PîitotibY ReltlLead 1 folcii iC ttt Bis cIcr Teenage Bowling Junior I.adies 1,îx toit 7 -Paecdeni0. Blt: -mitday 2V\aiistile à- Cooii'bes 2. Team Standings L.ixtoiî Paedeut Va n s) ni:e Conin bes N'lciia v Ball 35 High Single J..C'oe 207, G. Sulîîltt 2 11, D. Wessells -11:3, S. Hidi 223 LIf X-nstoîe 2:34. S. Coonibea '220). Itigh 'Triple Il. VaîIStoiie 589, G. SI Ii bollauîd 56. .Iunior Meni \Vaîsfoite 5 - Ractîtanii .Masou: 7- Goculd il. Bîtîx. m BcU11ile3. I'eara Stanîdings Brown-i VIa soit Valitsto ne R it cIle G ni Ic Bac-tiiarni 4(3 [ligh Single H. Flit 22. SI Cial- . RHal(I- '-246. '218, . car- ter '207, -'13, J. undIn-'237. lliggh Triple IL. lî i 683 M.Cita ries S2. .Juînior Boys 1h:: i-t-SS 5-Peî'fec-t 0.Etcl cr 31 Coutitbos 2, Beaupcie 5-, 'lîani Sadtg Buî'gc'ss Cititrlîs 291t IligiliSingle P. Chlarhctiiiî'*î213 1. G-I lai'- itc;s-' 211.-R. Elî-lei 201.1, R. Beairie 2-106,. C.Akev225. MOîI Double G. Ak-x3939. R. EIcher :86J Junior Girls Mcliltdc 3 - Bîoxxî 2, O0-1 itottt 5 - 1\itson 0,I Oke 5- Daci-it' l0. leamu Standcings 0km' V. O. iioni 17Î2. S. Gax IliihlDouble (\ , oi 313.xn, tu S.(tGa- Ir 1D i I Nesîleton Station Nîv. Srcitl cd C( )î1 C, î, 1î t' z of XVe'ou1 i p -ei1 'li1 x'.eekenrci x 1 MNr, andMrl sý Oli-er' Boumer. NI rS. Franuk Sx-tioIIs P.,' gît ni<i aoxrit%,t.x,1e(cal' (it o'u lier-j) ucîtlier SI:vs. N Sr. andci Ss. I.)î'.it l1i oii,, sotli '. us ed lits acîtl Mu-.- '- Mr:, aind 5 sEdlgart- I iî xxitii Sîa xv-: N tut' 1irs W G. Bouxxln--.-!t In-~ cloati orlit-r trvi-l, 3:. C. 1, Ho m:oî i tif Tornto.îîî SI.and MivsAtui t1v.' - oîf Toriit xx et- t-în- xul M I . anrd NI:s. Hcviie: ' Vtî \Ir. anîd Miz. Cia: ke X I iulits, portIlohupne x-- -i - Ai:. a-ii Sl:t-!. la- ý .'r Pefîci la x.-. t'.emeSutîax toi-s xxllh the Grantt', Thtîttp- MIr. aA.d Sm. E.H Sfui. eîrîted fromo a ip ' -a:t:t ta Foi-t 1aude-inale.Fl:i: Frueîîds xx:i ' be pîl.eo leari t lItIMi 'l;ImttiucG -t soti is ecox-eittgiià-c--v (<I- Pe:mx- Hospital lt x tt. mr. antd Miîs. Ge'or-ge X i,f onî Satuî-dax- exe-uit g -Oui.'. ct ait intereat!itg serte,: of ct': ed 5zlides of their trîl '-,oE:ui- lan:d anîd 1: elarîd tasi -r .tc Thî eîu-:îg --uN 051 e! Pres'o-te rîiatiîàC t i -r rl xs spoiîsorred hxNe X-r îr.Nelsoni Mr.î- t flixe robitxns'unlier l x i Goodyea r Bowling Wiiiîtitrcex.-osiuîiî iîîg ii Ilite soctui:c -cienu hIe Comintis hold a big 14 Pointlntat'giii, as itx hr.eato:îj the Gooci , eai- Box'lIiii, Chant- pioîîx-î ip. Las: Tii uirsclax, tIll' ho captuare both slolclsa id naie' '-tr sdoxx-i d tocla t pa-'Brdidrý-rS -.lnsiiîg l' Poinîts of tlti ilturgiri,xxbi - the Tigters t rouimii (lIle I ,pad Press 7 -0. The Bell rc'ga ined iir place bx- slîtittillîg on: tIl-e C.inî-7 - 0. Tie xii v i- are filerou'other010tv-nujl xii ani it helîrtîatin-al c lt:ii 0,o i Thri' le:iiiî' x'îîtîii1l1p inia lie loir szixo. \xcjt il tilie'0 f ilc: iP- .tti 9 It)e( l'i %« es 5-2 atii lieF'ati Belî po, tiîg l - w'-n<c-i I-le lavit-lie Sltop. IhîinSILtnnît-18 galie, tori.: igit single' loiloui-s. fol- lox'.-ed hx Miiirri 'Grant -2!)-;. 35: Pet e Batlîigate --)().-ý\rt Spîcci 2,89. 21 . ePiîîo 2184, Trned gt't 7.WI tel- Goclc 2C). CulltPi x'-' e21 anidj1ai-Ik Pot ns 267.- A-t tSptîî cqan u !)- it:xi ut a 716 ltllfom i, leutîtsItl 10 Te'd Batgiiell 711<3. lma Pier 66 Pipi r 678. I Icuix staiitiîîtt 671 atnîd IcîlîuiSttiiti 661ý ;). Int te IncItes h:îg' lie Dat-On-r tî pmt the PetutLunis. 5-2 Iocilot-o 1 llet- uap Iio î~t îoinils. B it-tîdaloke ldthF. 201 lo' <t xttil a -222 ,t fotI xxlrlc Sttul a attlltr adi 22-3 andc Camnule Gotîlci2 07. Menîs' Stanudings [ileS le s'1lîp press t-sl. La2 die.s' Standings 5 4<1 for auto insurance DIRK EBRINKMAN State Fat iii \enî Newc astle Plione 2671 STATE FARM MUTUAL e.lOMii.i i'ýt,.SLRit.CI 'DMPAPy Canadian Office, IToriontoOnt. Muxed Bowling League EtIlier '.'. o i unped ito t hîg ]rad 1carlin bthe schedîîle. .%icrage,% fonud tlîeîr îiiargin erut 10 a ()nie Ficher siingle point 1a,ýt Fridav ni hli. Elton Brock Eîîo-i Biock the*leadier-s lilda Brock 7-33. xch le ru nu er-tip Sleep Art Spicer Ilitinmped -pl ar-dxv-ellitng Mo- Frank Nflohtin hun 7-0. Hao) Palmer Glen Fr'x Biontoli's xcin sti ra k. xvi ii Hoxxa-îci 'Bromieli liad uni riecl lhrm from near Norrn ORourke - file boîtoni tI a lie xx i Sleep, MalHarison x'.as sua ppeci7-0l h Palm-eî-.!.JoeNoxcan Th'le x'in lert Palmeri five Pat Yeo off fihe pace, xx lb Yen mov 1Il , Murray Granît iîîîn t birdi, Iwxo behind ileDîeBrunt leaders. on filie streiîgth or a Keîî Luxton 7-0 Iifoul x'.in oxer Hilda imCaîl Broî-k. Spicer ,;tax -i-d ini(con- 'rInoîd Sleep len2. wii uoxer Cast"LotiWVrlshl .1 -ClfîfTrexxîn Gi1c-IlFr.C-OInt1 Ili i Pto1 -h,'Fred Luxton fil(- tjils aI a I* ne cilio. sxx-Ej< CCc. INlultott a il the hottours x.ith a hi-,g-48,; 7VIA Etcher triple iii ncldlg a 296 sijjgjr,, Gord l W:lcox atnd galiîes or 5 and 3: nîi Broiell Eitoii Broc-k roI led nup a 743j Bob G lanx-ille- loinl Io tie Oniec Ehbr.for Jim CON hliax-ci ne. nîler igi "o- Sa'-Harrison it t1 e Iiiila Bock 69 nd NarvWi-o 1Ilie ladios' ugO .Pat Yeo-693). Gleii I odgsoii Nîtrîti CRourke 16-j4. Arinld Margeýf Hodgsoi) Sleep -661, NIaftFHai-rrison, Jini PinTiopsoti 656 -)C 27 Sicor 645. Fred Bob ?,htclîeli1 Ltxoî621, Mýorlex' Etchpr lack. Sc-lîll 6 17. Gord (j,\1 .ot l---613 anîd Ft'rîtBradileY 'J ii Casî le 606. Ruttii Gi-anti NoriîO*Poti rke lmcl s grsDon Bradley of :'71 anîd 2.32, foioxv-ed BîlI rCha Ies Art Son-el.2-41. Gord Nil- Doc-, utot ox 265, Ililda Bt-ock 2 i4, Marg XVojje 23-1, 2011: Elîoiî Biick 2-)r Oouk Marion Wizerni '2343ll ay oxlu 21 Daxe Park Pli Vi'Ži 246. 244. 200: Ai-- Aid:i Lution3 nicl lop24:3. 221):ccMt-Marie Yen toi'. Malt liai riFo:i. Gleni Hod- Marc Noxclan g'ýoti and 'Dike' Bruta Il Ka\- Ltîxtoiu ait 2:18.Jac k Scli il. a iiex'(-onI- Am"'.-Wiolatott ' !(tu"e league ielaciigAuýlr-C\ySIrop IcIWisernan. i. an a 2'3'2gaine. BLI Mitchell We'd h i 1Ioxxlcornie JaC;c Joan Frx aurd alIso An x v \iaci-ot RaDoocn Cha rIra for'nernininber, xv'l0io s"(t- Aura Tie'.xiii i t-tiîu1 action in place 01 Duaîîîe Palmer E-_ssie Cox. Dot Casîle3 Teasn Standing% Hel5"ti Park, N. Glaiixille Il'I. k. eatrice MVor'gan 3 Elcilci 22 14 52Shic'lex- NOIiohn 2 22 14 .5 Dot hompsoii 3 Vo 15o~< Ruhx YSîicer . 1Ladies' High Sinîgle Palmier i23o 16 47Brocti 264. Broiril1 19 17 44t Mcnu" High Single- Spîcel 18 18 42 Frv ?q6. E. Brocti 18 18 41 Ladies' 1-ligil Triple 2ast le 14 2 2 31 Brocti 698. i. Brock 14 22 3? Mo-is Higli T1riple SlIOJLJun 12 24 28 Frx 787. IMen's Major 16 16 3 6 33 ,3 su 36 30 n6 36 36 36 36 33 136 .36 33 .16 36 3:3 36 36 le-6 Avle. 214 2 1 2 1 20P. 20.5 205 199 193 195 195 191 18-4 187 185 184 184 17 178 177 17:' 1 -1" 171 17) 171 1165 16'3 161 1159 138 137 1531 15 12 147) 1408 146 H145d (Ii lt HAilda ,Bowling il lc kG a:86 sinîgle -aille .Averages utc- li xentdoxxîtthe di-aiti AI Oshort-ie .36 14 oi We'dîîesda v iight xx'iett Bruie Per-fect 36 23f C;-rePipcr startled xxitiîLarriY Piper 36 '2 25 - t-veit t-aiglil sîites iii a Geor-ge Piper :36 2 23 rctxl-ow In the eighîth fr-anie:Jack (Gay 36 2 2 c Georgce falter-ec a lîtîle bit Ed Litgienbi'ig 36 220 aîd tîeîîcaime back srigl uaHalîman :36 220 I Ic fitnishîxx-tiia 3 76 gane. Brcîc-e Muiîne -33 '2201 Pipit lias berît boxvliîîg xelt Drý. K. Sleînoîî 36 2201 foritte ast stx x'eeksandîc is PrIe Dobhîîîa -33 22(, n four-th place lii the aer Caîl1 Leslie 36 219) agea xxillî 223 forý 36 gýanies. Rosa i%1(Kliilt 36 21.1 Ross l\-iigllad a 328 )gAh Pipcr- 33 21 gto.Bcc Moses :325. Hrcîice Volx Varistone :36 21 5-llti 316 îî HarxSiiw-Bill Wnstlake 36 2i <den 30(3. -Buîc Moses :16 213 FittSailis6 21 Hi-tiie SIi lne lias sta i ted IoiR ':r'-36 211 t t te heac xxoocl aîtd c-n.0 Roîî Brocki3 1 lecton!ô8'-)pis 10 xvinIi l iH Her.1:6 212 triple. Georýge Piper lîad d-Dr. Hi. Rtindle 3 1 Ross MuKiîig~'lit 7. r o'..-Coulsoit Woolner 3 1 ar-d Ruiidîe 765. Titis scor-e or Pat Yeo 36 211 Drý. BUItdle s citiix iitDoit Bishnîp 1 as gnocl a triplîeas tssuFai. loun 36 21(1 .ohnîî md a eet ago. lohtti HBi,Bates 3 i lîud 917 iiithie teetage leagîte.. miss Oke 36 20 Dr-. Killi Sleîîîoît anîd AI Clai-roice Oke 36 20 Oslocte îot iad -1 . l i aiold Benniet 36 209 Piper 7:39. Slui-iav Lariii-n, RaîPhi li'36 208 736. Bull Westlalke -34, Bob o ilash i 'Bll' Wilîtatiîs 727. 51tir-i Hap Plalnr 36 2(1< -Tiglue 718-. GlIct odgsoît 714 Me a lier 36 20ti *a1 1n1 Buci Mos-es 710,eNoî 36 2035 Thte Caîîaduaîî l'rue teaiti .arnk Laiider 36 205 br-oke Iniose antd camie cîp xitlîRcssLaîîe .6 20.7 Ille hugzli tr-iple Icaîn scorIe ot'Fltotî Br-ook 16 205 Itle seedute .1524. 'l'lie *v a]'so]Fi-antl Lewinx 36 -205.ý had liigb sinîgle scor'e 1999. S i i 'Eex.ii 36 20 3 Frevd Coile ceîehr-aled his Jiack Bonîd 36 20.1 251h xx ednlg ariixveisar N lasi AI f Saîîîells'16 201 Sattîrda 'cvandtcltiis îîîîîsl have Dotig 'aYior 36 20 lienil lootîtîicbfoc ourir ieas- Hairr'.-Ga ' v-.6 '200 tinras Frccdc bo ' bow'lcd a Hialil Jaiidei 6 -20() lt.cxsinîgle g:ii of 7 3. Ken Lctxtoi 36 200' Gam-f (lainke l 3:88 icîrIo%'. Features This Week 1truple. Iligh Siîîgle---Geor-ge Piper., .Alley (lhatLer ipî BrteMn- Klialnitiot- Fiitiure lIniil82. antic Catacl ait Tir-e ar-e all8) lied tîp for- top spot iii the Lo,0-.'Sîîîgle -Fred Cole -,:l. leaistanidintg xxiIlî23 -poinîts La'.'.'Triple- -Garf Clartke. eau-lt. Ki-atîîp's has; a pinî an- 388. xanilge tif 2:34 x.îcî ol H igit I'laia m(I Ca nadîaîî which co l' ire, 12-29. lie t tuecler-înîî iîîg factor it - g iniit 'îinii cie-clai-miug tllie cIta iiipIoosit(.Lie :3524. oif theî sec-ond sc-hecitîîc. " 5 l1cIcctie 10 hî s I s 28.hîebrie Harclxx-atre 849. iieciontohi 24 wil E*lle Lot'.-Teaîîi (.3> Landr P-mýlec-t felI froi234 Io0 231) Ha-dx':ar-e 294.9. Lamrx YPiper ista tlîd x'itlî'2-),. hsSedl Soine good gaies xThirs 1Sckheadtilp.6 lîi.:icltOus x':oo(,k bx'Buil Jaîl.k Ga 'v-- .986r. 29e1, ik o 292i'îulcurxirno218.riGacf Claîtle 69. 213. D. H'.xai' Ruidî 28. oîx' Coombes 366. Al t) homîte 281, Gleri Hodg,-, Kminp-. sFeirniturep 1289. Bol) Wi:l Dr 1.C At-ln 28Mo- Cacadian 'Tire---1-î24, 111111 2 82.nCou296. Fratî i - Robsoii Molors 7 -83. 289.i Car-] Coulon W2o:n. Coxt,.alt Equipinent 276 Tleam Standings IV 1,I.PIs. KraiInîps Furiiiuire 23 1?,,3 2 Cautachîn tTule 2: 1 13 12: 1 Libr-t'. ox'l 22 14 22 Pi-est oitTransport 1 15 21) Pepsu Cola 1 151 21 Boxx'xîlIe (leaners 21 1m 21 Ketn! Ment! Wear 19 17 19( Jury & Lnvell 17 19 17 NedIsb-oîîîe ls. 17 19 17 Lanier Hardw.are Cox' ait Equipnut Selbx Grant i-1eal. StcpiînîFuel Chiiaîîuans Robson Motors .. 19 17 20 16 90 1li 2 1 24 24 Goodyear ail-star bow Icis were in action at Liberîv Boxci, Saturdax aftei-noon. vhcn Box'.nianvil1le and Nexw. Toronto met in thie firsi gaine of a home and home serîIE' for the Interpiant Champion. ýhitoi. Historx wwz repeaterd xvhen t he tx'-o trais battîrdi t0 a 9-9 standi-off, the sami- as they had a ycar ago. Th- louaIs xwon 101-8 ai Net. Tor- 0010 1Io take the tnp. This xear1 the return contest ts ,,:ated for April i Sth. l'le \sbo'spltird a '291 pin u1ajoritv ai the md of plax. xith four 700 bo\lrrý against none bs- Boxvmanx'ilh'. How..exer. the hosi trami rolI- vd thurec 300 gantes. and cao)-, t ured the top fix e sinigle s po0Is. Surplus Wins Opener From Snuffy's Suirpluis saîles îî Sîîu (h-* '*- Auto Bodyx 42-33 intIlte f îrs' gaule o x- aulle total pitli: series foi, theue li's Bas- ketîsall Clîaîîîpîoîîshîp las:! Trues. iliglit. The Sales eîîde-c uip in the cellar. xxiulinîgoîlx- one gaîlie. xx'ile Sliutf f' loxI, on s' once iii finlislliig onl top duriiig thelie îgîlaî' scieci cule - 'l'ie \xxiîli:,Ilg îîngiii was iiuctuail vaciex-d tfilIlle se- coud quîarter xxlîeîî Surpilus oîitsc orc the bara 12'-2." a fier lîolditîg a 7diiionte poiîî enlge ai tue ild 0f Itie opeiiiiii' cjtarlc-r. Sîu ffxvs xe' do.x 12 poitss hadiiig iîîto thue l 15 mtinutes. but rl'aIlied foi- an t11-8 lma-gin before thie gaine eîîded ILJo' d Covî-lx- Set a ;izzlintg pac.' for tflic xxi îei'a sc-oriiig 16 ponts. 13 or tlîeîîi in ili-! last Italf. Doni Welslî aîîd Doil S'at ai-h addcd sex'ei a pieue. x'.itiî John FoxxIer! c-lîppiîtg iii half a do-seii. Gcord Dudclîey\,'-as 3top iman for Snuff v's x'.tlî teilpoilts. Ted Robso-n lîad eighit, Joe Mvartie sexeit and Keîî Keil'. fixe. Guard Jiîîî .'X.liiiditîift îîelp tileCaulse citller. focUliîîg outt erilx iin he second haîf. T'he locals' oiunber ot, squad upset Nexv\ Toronto's firsi team, xhich %von tîh( first schedîile ini the Toronto Mior Industrial Leagur. Tht- isitors second, thîrd andr foutit hteamis took -vna buitîhe fifth andsitT3o.- manx-lle cntris wxon 14 end Mhe match ail cxen. Bo'.crbnklook high triplpe honou-s xvth a 735 toal, fol- loond Ib- Beanskill- 724,Niel --723, Dex-cî-ichuck - 715, Bragg _692, Gordanieer Sr. - 683. Gar- - 681, Bailey-680, Clark-676, and Freeîani-671. .-rniold Lobb \v'as Box'.'naii- villes best at 697, ollier hio.-; going to Hloward Davex- andl -Joh;- Stainton both with 692s, Art Rowxe--688, Frank o houii-- 686, Billhter67 Ah) Piper_673, and W'altrr Goode--67 I1. Rox'.e's 319 single xva ¶pq for lthe dav. xvile Dax'ev and XValt Hately h, oth rolle d.3 0.1 gaies, Jim Tilti'k ias next aI294, Lohbb 292 anîd titeti fixe Ncxx Tor'onto bo\x-lo-i's - EBrag -290. Gar- 288. Bail- o-28.Beiitîskili-276 and Tilu<--27d5. Slioitr aisolt 275 foîr lthe lotals A. H. STURROCK & SONS LTD. MIA 3-5516 BOWNMANVILLE LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE LINE I'caturing AUTOM1ATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Tiniie Available for More Lcague Bowling GOODIWILL - (UARANTEEI) USED CARS Ail Lsed Cars~ Are FuIIy Reconditimncd witli Goodvill otiaraitee 1960) PONTIAC 4-DR. Glearning black fiish wxilî xvl-uîr all l it-es. Ileatet' and radiS49 19359 OLDS. 4-DR. HARDT>1 ALomatiC tr-ansiisssioni. laate aand radio $29 $2595 .$1150 $1335) $ 750 MNore than 3"P other iniakcs and modcIts -to choose froîn "VOUR QUALII'X 631 DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD.' IV.J. McMechan, 1'csideîît Buick- Pontiac - Vauxhail Cars - GIMC Trucks 166 King St. E. Oshawa Direct Linc RA 5-271 1959 PONTIAC 2-1)1'%. Fltiiced ai. 1958 PO)NT1IAC'41)11. Bil-aiiîn as is 1957 MG SPORTS CONVERTIBLE 1'lamîuîg <-d w'ill h iatc-r and radiou 1956 AUSTIN SEDANS Your helîor of2 MA 3-3321 Port Hope Golf & Country Club A NNOUNCI NG 1961 NON-RESIDENTS FEES FU LL CLUB NMEMBERSHIP. - 50>.00 Jneltdin[ iMen, Women. Family Oist-of-To%%n membership k Linilted Invite carly appticationm A P nY SECRETARY, 98 BRAMLEY ST. SOUTH PORT HOPE, ONTARIO I - ONE CALLO TAKES ALL! ('ail L'. for FREE ESTIMATES Locail and1Long D)istanc e Ilauling A I. (COOI)S F"LLV INSUREI) PRES TON TRANSPORT LTD. 1130%V3IINVILLE - ONT ARIO --l- S2495 1 1 -A

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