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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1961, p. 13

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W~DNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1961 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLZ. .ONTAiUO 'AC.F~ THTRTW~ brought the message in sang.î IdE W T ON V IL LE The solos by each one, also tria was very much enjoyed. bu"s Do¶thy Stapleton off1 M.. and Mns. Geo. Hender- After the service ail went Mf i + " ! m ~ o J m ®r4ngs lnis spending the Eas-j son off Pont Hope and Mr. and into the basement for a social Mg 'ç r i e , or ten hotoida ys with hen parents! Mrs. Beverley Henden s a ii, houn aver a cup off tea and Mn. and Mj;s. Geo. Stapleton. John and Elaine of Bowman- cookies. Miss Anme Nesbitt of Osh- ville were Sunday visitons awa and Miss Alice Nesbitt lwith Mn. and Mrs. Arnold ed i Bo m n le offTorntospet te weknd Wae. i-i__ JApril 4th, 1961 "You wanted someone else Alphonses John Tîlley, 49, at om. Ms. Ire eEenAt eu LJ V James Lawrence Hutchin- ta take that nesponsibility Pont Credit, was fined $100 Miss Doris Ciysdale unden- and ffamily off ithboorg son, 34, of Oshawa was ne- when you went inta the ser- and $3 costs for driving while Ment onil openation Mns. C te eeBnley. thakr. manded one week on a charge 'vice station and asked themr unden suspension. He had tonilatspntth ekndoff robbing the Toronta-Dom- ta investigate, because there been driving to get some is 'Ville on Saturday. Weckend visitons with Mn. inion Bank at Bethany off w'ere othen people at the for a heart condition, his coun. Miss Lyn Yer off Hampton and Mrs. Gea. Ryan were Mn.,A ~ $1345. Robent French, 24, was sceîîe and you heard shouting. sel toid the court. Is spending a ffew days with and Mrs. A. Doaks, Mr. and 'At ykstras 'remanded until Friday, Apnil The sole purpose off this was Nick Chiplick, 34, 413 Bloor M. and Mrs. PauCl Mooan aeyk lLBsehonesf n Miss 7th on the sarne charge. Bail ta tny and relieve yourseif off St. E., Oshawa, was assessed Ms.J.C.MomeHaelLehon ffToana. Tliare was an attemptcd was refused at this time at the the terrible mis-apprehension a total off $53 for contributing off H" M pent the week- Also Mn. and Mns. Lew Hutch- bnejik-in at Dykstna's Variety request off the Cnawn Atton- you had. ta the delinquency off a juv- end *hyr and Ms l!isan off wan l. Fo ds Store, 77 King Street ney. until the Crawn makesi "You had no concern for enile. land Lane. 1Mn. and Mns. Jack Wade West, in the early hours off more inquinies., the well being off the person Hariey Hayes, R.R. 4, Bow- Mrs. J. T. Peance retunned IadsnDulsofNwcsl audymnig William Bruce Gerry, 47, bit by your car and I have manville, opemating as Han- home on Friday afftem spend- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade It was discovered by Con- Orono, had been convicted at fonnd that you did know you ley's Uscd Car Market was ing a ffew days with hem dau- lwere Sunday guests off Mr. stable Louis Phillips off the an earlier sitting off failing ta hit a persan. Sometimes when convicted off failing ta keepc y"î1ten Mrs. Walter Grayson off and Mrs. Wm. Wade. Bowmanville Police Force nemain at the scene off an a persan knows that he has the propen records in a usedt MisseAlen Achso Mrs. Willis Jones and hem when he found a window off accident on October 3lst in donc something wrong, he car deal. in s MemrilHospita, ow- sister, Mms. Zena Carlaw off the store on the east walî which Nancy Martin had been will try ta get away with Cnown Attorney Deyman in Memoial Hopital, ow-!Whtby arespendig a fewfakilgthe son of5thHighwery.ilwhatn th5Hlahwanequiresthehirnretaipointetadpoutedtoatth propererrr- manvilie on Thnrsday for an Whtyaesedngafwfcn hesd f h etern Crown Attorncy lHarny R. 'do. I say when you drove on, cords must be kcpt and the appendix operation. Arlene days with Mn. and Mrs. Bud Tire prernises had beentm Deyman, Q.C., tcrmed the 'von xvcnt on xith ont doing reason for lit was that this came home on Saturday. Joncs off Burlington. pered with. actions off Gemry as caliaus wvhat a normai persan xvould was a good way ta operate Mr. and Mms. Sid Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Boss Brown It is believed that whoever and brutal, and made with aido. a stolen car ring. and dauchten Doneila spent and son Martin were week- had unsuccessffuly tried ta complete disegard off other1 "This is futher aggnavated Hayes told the court that Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. end visitons with hem par- force the window had been people. He requested a tcnmibecaus'e you have been con- he had two 1951 models. He Carrai Nichais off Wesieyville. ents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey alarmed and frigbtened away off imprisanment and an order victed off this offence before. sold one ta a wnecken and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott Taylor off Brucefield. by the appnaach off the police- pohibiting Gerny from driv- You kncw xvbat you slîonid sold the othen ta a local man.1 and danghten Dorothy and Mr. n alHgisudret a aighsrud.B ing again for as long as pas- have done and you had no He then gave the local man and Mrs. Wray Sonies off Tor-: o uaeaina eo-mnil oieaeivsia-sbe doubt about what you shîouid the wrong registration card. onto lef t on Friday on an ex- ial Hospital, Bowmanville., ing the attempt. Magistrate B. B. Baxter lu have done. Whei'nlit was cbecked on bisc tended hoiiday in Califfornia. n dy'atiek delivering judgrncnt s a i d,l Youn counsci lias requested records, theme xvas no record Mrwn r.WlaeBu ee indTorntoReCenWte a You stand convicted beffore, that 1 impose a fine in thîi off the car being sold. Penalty ghnsen nda ih r ttn fanyrena wt L1JIN me cii a charge off leaving the1 matter. If I impose a fine, 1 $23. and rs.Gerld ishp aL tted afariy eunon ithWED INGscene off an accident, failing would bcenecouraging you in Robent Maradian, 19, 98 Osand . MsGeadBsp lhem sister Mrs. A. Preston and Miss Darothy Hill11off Ton- lher brother Richard S. Gil-! McREELIS - MACNAB ta give your nanme and ad- this pattern off conduet. Pun- Harbord St. Toronto, pleaded onta and Mns. Alffred Allin 'lingham, St. Louis, Mo. U.S.A. dress and ncnderingc assist- isbment mnust be imnposed ta guilty ta two charges off offBomavile er E str heywee ntetane atth iHampton United Churcb ance. showv you hoxv serions this bonsebreaking and thefft, afftem viitnsxvth Mr ad sh orne off relatives- Mn. andi was the setting for the mar- "It bias been said by your offence is. eiecting trial by Magistrate. Cinitonrow .1r.and Mrs. ak emy nTus age off Frances Dianne Mac- counsci that had youn îît coin- "Irnposing imprison m e ni t H-e had been arested by ClitonFaro- day last. Bey. and Mrs. White Nab, daughter off Mm. and mitteci this offence, had you upoiî a man off your age is a Metro Police on a charge off - ad onCavinwee uetsMrs. J. C. MacNab and Robent stopped, given your namne and most serions matter. This will abduction off a juvenile girl off Mms. White's brother at the George McReelis, son off Mm. addrcss and rendered assist- alter the lite off a man. It and was acquitted. This was Thbm 'ee 'Genosha Hotei. Later Mn. B. and Mrs. S. MeReelis, ah off ance. you might not bave xill alter the life off the man's the reason behind bis enter- S. illngam nd M rs. A. Hampton on Satunday, Feb- been charged witlî any off- famiiy But the punishment ing the cottages. They lefft i Preston visited at the parson- 1 mary 18. fence. mnust be coniensurate witb Dou!glas Wilkie's cott a g e, B o sage at Newtonviile. l Standards off red carnations "That may be truc, oniy the crime. You xiil be seni- thena, was noalieat and broke 1FO AEOE Mission Band met April 1. and white 'murns decoratcd yon did not stop. You did not tencedi to 9 menths dcfinite into Ivar Guest's cottagre (FRM PGE NE) 1961, with fourteen members the altar. Bey. F. J. Beed off- knoxvw wo or xvhat you lut. and 3 nionths indeterminate where there was a fireplace.t off the size off the boat. present. The meeting opened ficiated. Mrs. K. Biilett (aunt You did not know hoxv ser- ini flic Ontario Refommatory. Bath cottages are at Caesanea.1 The raft made by the boys wtthMisoBad ymn, off the bride) played the wed- ioi.s the accident xvas. The Your license ta drive wiil bc He was emanded ont offc tbemnselves was six ety Purpose and Lomd's Prayer. ding music and accompaniied anus was upon you ta ee-snpnc hruhu1 Cnd utoyutlApril 25th for1 eight feet, bound tagether by1 The meeting was presided the soioist, Mn. G. Balson, mie what happericd. for a period off thrce ycars. pre-sentence report. twine. They launched it on' ___________________________and__Sec____________of__the__bride.__ the lake about 11:30 ar..and' oeGbiae tcevneSc ncle nff he rie b le hoseda Val hen they di-iretary Adrey Teengs. After è ie nmrnaeb e hoistd a ail.the bu4iess, the offering was father, the bride wore a floor coveed bey erebein :ta en el dd by Judy Stacey while length gown off white nylon R waid andoutve otinulad t ec H, 're' pennies dnapping" and lace over taffeta. The bad. ,Report Fromn Q ueen's Park took the sail dawn but te was sung. Gloria Terrance and ice was off white nylon and lace carythirffimy0rat 1a Jackie Teengs held scripture dotted with sequins and carche lms rf airrdq. Following nnayer "Jesus peanîs. A crown off sequin ÂIcÀI.I ont en the lake. Clîietis ise" wa sng. ottd flowes hld er lbo Jobn Barry Broxves, is a son'Crs sRAn -ssng otdflwr edhe rl.i off Mr. and Mrs. E. Boe;A Easten stomy about a cast length veil and she carried Bna ail oe sB owe~<ff buib which tnnned ont ta a cascade off mcd roses and ISomnîce bas said that a the proccss off nanufacturej ween 1005% anîd 160%. The1 Mm.a adielM os. Le sod James ot eatfu Estrwhite carnations. ibudg-et is a mathiernatical 1are exempt: tiiese exemptions suggestion off awihtds and William Michael Cryder- Lily was read. Befare the Mns. Raymond Seilers off confirmation off your suspic- are iimited in mast off the pro- tance tax would also havej man is a son <f Mn. and Mrs. ciosing benediction a couple off Bowmanville wvas matron off ions. Evemyone had become vinces. The Ontaria Bill pro- tbe adverse effect off decreas-E Byron Cryderman. Ahl are games weme enjoyed. honor. Mrs. John McReelis off suspicions that there xvould bc vides tbat ail single punchas- înZ the carniage off goods, de-c residents off B.B. 4, Bowman- In spite off inciement weatb- Oshawa and Miss Sandra Mac- a sales tax and as suggested es under 17e are exempt crease the consumption off gas, ville. er a weil attended Eastem Sen- Nab off Hampton weme bides- their suspicions were confinm- which compares most favoun- increase taxes in other fields8 During the Easten bolidays vice was conducted in New- maids. Ail wane identical cd when the budget was pre- ably with the lc, 15e and 14e and tend ta increase unem-1 the tbree lads had been spend- tonville United Churchi. Tho dresses off winter white bro- sented by the Bon. James Ai- exemptions off other provinces piayment. Sncb a tax mightk ing a lot off time playinga on choir sang the Antbem, bv cade and headpieces off net Ian, Provincial Treasurer and and ini the case off Saskatch- raise $15 ta $20 million. the shore not fan from their Von Berge "I must go with aven flowem petais. Tbey car- Bill 107-An Act ta ImposelI wau no exenîption is alloxV- The lagical conclusion then homes. Tbey were enthusi- Jesus". Mrs. Melville Jones ried cascades off ncd and white a Tax on Betail Sales--- was',cd. The exemption on schooi is that a sales tax is the fair- astic about a cave they hîad xvas the soloist. The niinistcr carnations. introdnced. 'supplies and text baoks is also est and mast efficient metbod theme Thein parents on Tues- gav2 an Faster message from Little Miss Jeanette Mac- It is a matter off regret thiat' more favourable than in mast ta aise the requirdd sn day, aware off their voyage the snbject- Intimations off Nab was flowen girl. She wore Ontarioalbas been forced ta other provinces. needed ta carry the extra ~a 'memnade raft, werc flot Immortaiity. The fallowing a dmess off white nylon onganza become the eigbtb Provine TeCC group moved load the Province is cailed i'ld ythi asnc ronunited %vitb the cbuch- Den- and carried a basket off red ta adopt a sales tax but I do an arnendmeut ta the Bill upon ta bear. As the Windsor ~ir homes as they,. believed nis Bnniey, Joann Camemon, Carnations. not thinik anyone can dispute statirug tiîat alternative saur- Star states editorialiy: Ohey weme pnssing the time at Diane Giimem, Yvonne Gilmer, Mr. John MeReelis off Osh- the fact that it is designed ta ices off revenue should be con- The Government is not im- the cave and amusing them- William Gilmer, Robent Hen- awa, was best man. Mn. Bay- put the ieast tax burden pas- sidered and ini particular, in- pasing this tax fan lits own selves on the beach. denson, Donnua Porter. A toala mond Sellers off Bawmanville, siblc on the low iuîcorne group.1 crcasecd corporation tax c s, benefit on pleasume. The extra offtxcnt -six joncd tu Mn HrryMceels nd m. Th- aim off the ta:: is: adienuate charges fom the use money is ta be spent on ser- Achunch on the charge during Bill Meceeis off Bampton, (1) To prevent large scale off tlîc Provincc's natural re- vices and facihities for the the day. The service closed weme ushers.- - borrowing xvwhicb would in-isources, a more ealisitic Pal- people off Ontario.f * witb the neceivîng off the Holy The reception followed inraete rvnildetadiywihrgrca rcspi Com Wmunio. hl thanalbie'sunday er hose Boom.aTe require harge interest charges. distilleries and breweries, and WERENEAING XPETS Te WM.S.bei itsannal bides moherchos a ale (2) To maintain hospDitai a wccghit distance tax on c ut ' WEREN A FÂCT..!W- Eastem Thank-offening meet- bine silk sbeatb with brown insurance premiums witbout trucks usiug public higbways. siis TSSAFÀC...';;- ing in the cbnrcb on Good Fni- accessomies and a corsage off wbicb prerninms xvould bave The cfficial Libemal oppos- ANY 40O6 WE DO, day as it bas for the past six- pink carnations. To assist, the risen from $2,10 ta $3.15 for ition attcmpted ta bave the t a "MUST SE E,<ACTIu" teen years. A good congrega- groom's mothen wore a fIg- individuals and from $4.20 ta ameiidrent ruhcd ont off order 300 Deleg te tio wa peset eprseting uedcree res wth lak$.3 for a family. and ciiailengcd the ruling off 1 ieah appointments off Welcome accessories and corsage off yel. '(3) Ta maintain the stand- Ihe Speaker in alioxving if. __A and Nextonvihie circuits and lowcantos ards off education in the pro-lupTheldScîea ver' con w3 as2.T on e e QQ Newycastle W.M.S. Mrs. Sid- The couple left for a boney- vic and at the same timenpudbyavtof43a20T C o fe nc ney Lancaster, president was maorntrip ta Niagara Falis, nliuevefrnadrsdntial1 The C.C.F. gnoup xvene cnit- On April 29th, the Bow- > in charge off the programme the bride wearing a two-piec. taxpayers by a $5 per pupil !cal of the Libcral opposition manville District Boy Scouts, witb Mrs. A. Wade reading suit off lighf blue, black a c- grant as tax relief this year ta the Bihl ciaiming that thev Canada, wiii play hast ta 300 the scriptnre and Mrs. C. Bur- cessonies and a corsage off red îîce"dt 1 etYa a ecsdtepolicy off delegafes from the Quinte re- lcy leading in prayer. Bey. B. roses.t $2netyarhd eese h Noranof Wecoe rouhtProseaemrnae h and $20 in 1963. 'tiîeir leader, Mn. Wintermey- gion for a one day Confer- the Good Friday message. Be bride was entertained at a u cmaia vt lce~xvî a nnmru c ne spoe of Clvrythedeah ommnif shwe. Ms. arlsaes ax ff thr povices Icasions advocated sncb a tax. The Bawmanville H i g h n spok of Cavary, he deah commnity hower.Mrs. Erl -alsItMn.f Wihrtprmences.inr.statinmeyrScnîoolinbashobeens procurcdredas off Jesus an innocent man and Luke and Mrs. Percy Dewell flie %Ontario fax offers: asked and answercd the ques- and other neighbours con- many advantages. The Ontario i bis party's paiicy with res- lîeadqnarters for the Confer- tri- 0~' tion The staff off tho Traf Bill exempts ail fuel inciud- peet ta the Bill is quotcd as ence which xiii commence Go iow?" God is witb us fieepf.ofThe Bellofthephone ing gasoline and fnel i avig i."îcuak mysnd ta-rand scontieon ath10o3gh th PU BN H TI i awashehping by sharîng Company i Ohiroit tiiesen cntnu o hrug t- î0each blow as it falls. Mrs. Car- the bride is employed, pre-_ exemptionîs. Ciildren's cloti- ih ihcroeecnitn. a idn pa .i ~soBRER DEALER Eisso ail Nichoils and ber - threcc efdhe ibashe n n d footwear are exemuf with the position that I have the evening. youn daghfrs ad Brbaa p licae set. nflue OtaiaBhnidSak t!kn ii l.i ueiat 6 Mn. Alfred Browýn is Chair- - - - - Gencrai Matons presenfed in he Otari otiTh ; OnaBi ta ie reords Nn twell iidmfeead e o16enwt with an eiecfrsicndmyingapan.iprovidespesemptonfo al g-fIt iw:' hai fve fakn he oiiife fffvhvedn Theyoug oupe ihlne niulura eqipcnfan ~ smc.joitian. co herabe ofr ensunem- cra from here attencied the A service off reception was iihon ad ith the cx-vi coa ebIauple o ff eksoeitMn. ad _qteW.M.S. off the United off xvlonî xere baptized pnio' cess off expenditure over me- rMrs. Wilfred Frank, Toronto. 2 9 C lb 1 .m., Go nda evc edb elifrnx ebr , enue W if h $240hmPlovniai dcb Mri aund ay a lten soendung __________________________________________ Chnmch in Newtonviile. Ifta this service. They xvere'enebng24milotisI n.adMsWlimPr- was an inspirine affennoon ta Larry, Ron and Joan Asiîbyi year. if means that ta borroxvi ton, %Courfice. xvere Satnmday LBYSmeet with workems ffrom at Boy Austin, Gary Rosebus:' this eron e ol e ievcning visitons at Wes Cam- icast six other churches. Assisf- Bon Dinner, Canal Thornidyke, creasin0 flic debt by about c ran'ý tn HEINZ ing in the programme were and Helen Walter, and b2~ hsw antg n M.adMs i titn HEINZ Gloria, Joaîî and Ruth Nichais transfer off mernbersluip fnomidoiugc yeaî' atten ycar. i David and Douglas, wene Sun- xvbo sang, "The Oid Bu'rgcd other churches, Mrs. Harold, If xould appean. therefore. daN' snppsen guesfs at Leonard, Tom to elcUP Cross'", accompanied bx' their Baroxcongh, Mn. anud Mrs.,thuat inereased taxation coup-Savs saa miothen Mrs. C-irroll NichaIs. Hector Danke and Mr.ed noeaebnwigM. and Mrs.Fan Wc- 11ozTUS oaî sang a solo "Be Lives", Jack Walter. Theyxcn werwl-, i h oia ouin ol lk d fml n 2 BtIs 4 5 c 'Barbara Dinner san% "Blpss comed ta the con-regafian by %Ve saffuiy raisqe the corpora-liWestlalke Sr. were Sunday, This Bouse", and Ruth, the Mns. L. Holdaway. Communnion, flan fax? At flue present time suoruer %Yueýts at Nelson Ficc's.' sala "He". foiioxvcd this speciai service. 'Ontario and Quebec have an Mn. B. F. S f e p h e ni, Mn. :! On Friday eveniniz a meet- Nala Boldaway was bomeý 11 % Corporation fax. In- George Stephen, Oshawa, were LARGE E UE LARGE ing xvas heid in Wesleyville frorn Toronto for Eastem xvihlceesiiig the Ontario fax ta Sund ,ay supper guests at R. C. Church as a preparation for hem mothen, Mns. L. Holdaxvay;ý 14% as snggesfcd by the StV;nton's. the coming reception off new Mrs. W. T. Nicbohs off Pont C.C.F. xvou]d have the tend- Mns. Russell Stainton, Mrs. memnbens in the conc!regation, Hope, and Mn. and Mrs. S. encv ta drive ncw industmy Jim Stainton. Davd a n d on the charge. A film xasLancasten and Dorclia off Nexv- xvith ncw job oppontunitie-, Douglas visited wifh Mrs. Boy 2 FO R Z 9 c shown followed bx' discussion. tonvilie xxith Mn. and Mrs. Car- ito Quebcc, and wonld tend Thonias and daughters, Scar- 2 2 9 -Bey. E. K. Norman xvas in roll Nichais on Sunday; also'ta discounage funther expan- borough. on Thumsday. charge and opened the meet- Mrs. Bruce Dinnen xvas fontun-j sian off Ontario industries. In Mrs. John Monahan Is in' ing with devotions. ate ini baving ber mother for' the snme respect it wouhd me- Oshawa Genenal Hospital for How fotunate if is that the day. quire a 10%7 increase in the observation. Best wisbes for D ykstra sEastem happiness is not de- The holiday week seems ta liquor fax ta aise even $50 a soeedv recovemy. V ori ty F ods howers gave wav ta winter's with a meeting off the Golden1 age the punchase off iquors sment the weckend at Keith binster but in spite off that a Plongh Lodge Auxiliary in manufactuned ontside the Pro- Sti-infon's. PR IE M 3341SndyScol n churcb. Mrs. A. Austin -wýho is a mcm- the use 'off maturai esources and grand'Fon Lawrence visit- Pnu'u NA ,- iiservice bere. Jame Nicho1sber off the executive attended,,it is interestimg ta mate that cd at Willianu Dant's, Wood- read the monning sciptune at1 accompanied by Mns. E. Bar-lit vonld require an increase ville. Sunday Schooh and did re- rowchough. off taxes in this respect off bet- Mr. and Mrs. William Dart,I Scarborougb, visited at Henry Dart's on the weekend. Miss Doris Dant, Woodville, is holidaying at Hem-v Dart's. Mn. and Mrs. James Mc-, Master and sans. MiIhbrook,ý weme Sunday visitons at Mns., Alex MeMastem's. MIr. Frank Lee off Oshawa on Snnday dinner guests ofMrN e and Mms. Rodgen Bishop xvere' BRev. E. S. Bishop. Miss Kath-ý Mein Cihrlesand M. audFor J Toronito. i Low H-ogs mr Atnr ier. .Nidaaa Easter -wee1kend guests of u ~ U Falls, visited at Mrs. F. B.'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee werein y o Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, who have just returned frorn' This looks like the vear that Oshawa, Miss Ada Pascoe, spending the %%inter at Da--you rnîght save just the best Port Credit, Dave McCullough, tona Beach. Florida, Mr. andOf your gilts for breeding Dave Rickard and Bon Dickin- Mrs. Adam Hawlvev and Cath-' stock. and really concentrate son, Newcastle, were Sunday erne. off 'Peterborough, Mn. oni boostincyot'r pretg guests at Frank Pascoe's. - and Mrs. Tom Sobil,1 Mr. and 0f Grade A's. pretg Miss Louanne Ayre enter- M rs. Allan Werry and farni]Y, At least that's thc feeling tained sevenal off her ffriends. and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee off O.A.C. hog-pnice analyst at her binthdav party' on Good and Susan. ýR. G. Marsball. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Williami Wood- "Expect prices ta drop ta Mrs. Fred Cameron and lier ward made a Saturdav visit at least $25 in 1962. In fact, daughter Mrs. Aubrey Hir- R t the home off Mr. and Mrs.II wouldn't be surprised if they cock, Oshawa, took the week- Lloy,,d Pearson, Scanboroughi. fel to $20 in the faîl of that end bus trip ta New York. OvrEse eendirya', Marshall say~s. Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. and Mns. WVil1 Mountjoy en This is how ho secs the Alex McMaster, Joan and Boss tertained Mr. and Mrs. Bentprice trend: Prices xviii climb visited Mrs. John Faweett,; Luke, of Toronto. Miss~ Bervi from their seasonal lowx in Whitby.: Mountjoy and Miss Mary Me- Apnil of $26-$27, Grade A. Tor- Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli and Dermott. of London, littie onto, ta $28-$29 bctwccn Mav- Gwen, Tvnone, visited at Mrs.jMamnie McDerrnott off WiIlow-_ and August. Prices will start Alex McMaster's. idale. and Mr. and Mrs. Ever- skidding in the fail. By the Mr.andMrs Me Mogan so Norton and boys off Mark- end. of 1961. prices xvill 'prob- Oshawa, visited at Nrnh an.ablN be S24 or $25. Prices wl Norma am.stav bclow $25 for most off Leach's. Gucsts at an Easter Sunjdav 1 96.. Mr. and Mrs. Doug-las Flit turkcv dinner given by Mi 1.Tereonfrhiped- and farnily, Miss Pearl Leach, and Mrs. Norman Woodward tion: " Forccastcd marketings Sauina, M.\I. and Mrs. Arthur were Mr. and Mrs. John Wood-' forte a prof16ae Youngrnan and famiiv. T\'- xvard Sr... Mr. and Mrs. XVil teis atof16 r ron.'wre undy vsitrs t ]a1n Woýdwad, o d oiiup 16', over16: this mecans e Say stos *at ood\m ,ircand. Gr'd o w e'Il be set] ing i 4.-.000 to Noran eac's.Woowar ani Ms. ila150,000 hogsa week trom Oc- Mr. and Mrs. George David- Vlcs tober 1Iot the end off this son and Patti. Wbîtbv. xvcre Vear'. ln 19621 the situation xviil Perc-y Davidson's. Z ion (oeTownshInP\l abtl\ be w1rse,, g2.00marc Mr. and Mrs. Pencv David- hg vc n16 hnw son ere Snday gucsts aI Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baby ,did in 1961. Peak marketings Elme Don's Ebnezr ;Pont îast Sundav xvith Mrs. will probablv be in the fali off __________-Rabx<s parents,1\7r. and Mrs. 1962," states the O.A.C. econo- Hlarvcv Traver, Fenwick. i mist. KEDRON ' rsNoanG- He mentions that there lias raxv and David spent Easter been a doxvnxard trend in hog- In spite off the heax x snoWw xeckend xvith Mrs. Geroxv s pnîces for the last 10 ycars. stonrn on Saturdax-, the auc-istradfriyM.adilsThis has mca ut that in timc tion. sale on the Trevail farm Don Mordon, Wellington. 'Of short supplv prices, didn't wswell attended. Wit theUi Mr. and Mrs. John Menile shoot upwards 'as high as thcy was nelley iuscd ta: and ini times off over- coid wveatber, the refreshmentoff Port Hope attended Easter1 production. prices haxve tcnded booth run by the Motliers' Sunday morning churcb serv-,t r Auxilieroff the Scouts audlices, at Zion, and had dinner' xvr Cubs did a brisk business. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuf-, ____ Mr. and Mrs. Hoxvard Farn-iford. dale spent a veny pleasantiM.adMs hs ard weekend with Mr. and Mrs.1. and agtr Debbiesof Crn- Lamne Bell off Odessa. MWadh wer visitingfithors.' Callers at the borne ot Mr. LaPradee's broterGeo. Baby and Mrs. Everett Mountjo.y- ade'r. F red nd Hil ab duning the week were Mr. aster. Sud and la aby,~ A330 Fred Ormiston, Brookîlu, IVrs.1 atrSnay A330 Cecil Found, Ebenezer, Mrs. Services were hield at Zion, Percy Langmaid, Oshawa, Mrs. Easter Sunday, April *2nd atfo Norman Gimblett and îhef 10 ar.-B ey. E. K. Norman Colbusw as iin (breadgv a 'grandson Donnie, Colu b autiulEase ar maeae and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Han- 1'SeatflEasiermsg. cock and sons, off Kedron. Sripture reading - St. John, SEVC Mrs. Ernily Stover off King- chapter 20:1-21. Communion, stonis sendng prt o t Service followed the regular Estn i spending par of theservice. Mrs. C. Baby, Mrs. C. Eater hoîds. ith hoberdn-Mencillcy assisting Bey. Nor- ghtr Ms. isl Nole. man. There xvas a fair at- Mn. a.nd Mrs. Douglas Love tendance. and family called on Mrs. ______________________________ Love's grandmothcr, Mrs. Lii-1 lian Stevens, of Oshawva. Mrs.! Stevens celebrated lier 89th hr s' uh in et. birthday over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, H vyorse téâ d Dr. and Mns. George Werrvj and Mr. and Mrs. Meredith!, 4~ Moffatt. attended a perform- ance off Sriring ThavW in Tor-i onto on Thursday evening. OnIy a few more weeks before spring work Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle, eis...btsiltm nuhfryut attended the funeral of a clos< berins in. . ut ste grtn forgh for you and fmiend, Mrs. Bertie Snvder. inrn nyurse ri orcenn n St. Catharines on Wednesdav. ' ' treatiig. -À Mm. and Mrs. Howard Farn- - W Ve cari treAt Yosar eed with th¶e famous., dale held a farnily reunion at . nationally advertised PANOGEN PROCESS Easten when Mr. and Mrs. ... the moedem mcthod which is recomnmended Douglas Farndale off Burlîng- L. ton nd M. ad Mr. Roentby agricultural collegee coast to coa8t. For ton nd M. an Mrs Robrtbetter. healthier stands and bisser yields next Farndale off Oshawa paid a h~..i iip o abigyu edu visit. hret twl a o obisyu edi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle' and bave us Panogenizc it. and farnily spent Easter week- Ar.notofIldertns. ia ~Garne-iB. Kuckcard Mn. and Mrs. Boss Lee held: BOWMANVILLE MA 3-7150 a family birtbday party for _______________________________ CHRYSLE R - -W ý M ý AUTHORIZFID APPRVED [that's a BIG wvord with us] EAE USED CAR SPECIALS, 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Standard transmission, radio, wind- 6 cyl., radio, ncw paint. shield wvashers, white waII tires. One Overbaulcd conmplctcly. local owner, very Iow mileage. New car condition. 1Ol fl ITT&d' A flD 1959 FORD 2-DR. V-S autornatic, radio. 91 Special this wxeek 1959 CHEV. 2-DR. Automnatic transmission, windshield washcrs. 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 cyl. One owner car, real sharp. Radio. Backup ligbts, courtcsy lights. Sportstone paint 1957 DODGE REGENT 2-DR. Radio, new paint job. Good rubber$14 1956 DODGE REGENT 4-DR. V-8, automnati. transmission, radio. Twvo-tone green. Laii u a Vl Bltt'X&iDAI. Radio. 1955 DODGE SUBURBAN Radio. 1955 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 8 cyl. with Power Flite transmission. Radio, white wall tires, good clean car. New paint, black and white. 1953 NETEOR 4-DR. Cican. Real good car 1952 PONTIAC 4-DR. Radio 1948 PONTIAC 4-DR. Cican insidc and out. Runs good, good ruhbe $79.98 BUY NOW ... SAVE 3% Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - DODGE - SIMCA FARGO AND DODGE TRUCKS VALIANT Now Open 'Tii 9 p.m. Monday Through Saturday 20 RING ST. E. BD WNAN VILLE MA 3-5487 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO 1 1961 . VZDNESI),AY, APRIL Sth, PAGE THIRTEEN

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