PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5th, 1901 Two Littie N.,H.L. Teams Leave for Midland this e These young but eager hockey players are the Eastern Ontario champions in the Little NHL playdowns. They le ave today, Wednesday, for Midland where they will rneet teams from other sections of the province to decide the Ontario winners. The games will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with hundreds of boys taking part. The Atom team at lef t, includes, from left to right, front row: Warren Aider, Danny Nowlan, Bruce Simpson, Mike Cawk- Larry Nemis, Stephen Burns, Walter Riekard, Bill Depew and Larry Perris; er, Billy McCullough, Kim Rogers and Billy Woodward; back row. Irv. McCul- back row, Ed Rundie (Coach), Don MclVurter, David Puk. Brian Forsey, Terry lough (Coach), Ronnie Webb, Jim Robson, Larry Devitt, Gary Wilson, Greg Walton, Wayne Down, Irwin Colwell, Peter Werry, Bill Budav and Doug Walton Corden, Bob Hutton, Sandy Brown and George Cawker (Coach.) The Bantams (Coach). Many from town are expected to accompany Ihese two groups to are at right, front row: George Bail, John Hughes, RickyGay, Howard Burgess, Midland for the series. Zion (Hope Townshîp) Received too late for last week A demonstration of audio- visual aids was held Saturday. nt the Port Hope United Church. Members from the foÙr churches of the Welcome Charge attended, also from churches in Cobourg and Port Hope. Mcs. H. Caswell re- presented this appointment. A meeting of the Eiders of the Welcome Charge was held Monday night at Welcome Church. Rev. E. K. Norman was in charge. TIrs. Chas. Raby spent Sat- tilray in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. John Meneilley, the meeting. Minutes were ST KVIL spending the hioliday with Betty Savery. !vin Souch and Bruce Todd.'ed and the minutes of the last were nanîed as a conmte Port Hope, a dinner on Sun- by ec'yPatHarnss.Linda Hallowell, Toronto. Mr n r.MuieH!' Communion service xvas ob-imeeting reid and approved. Iokaerpcain a day with Mr. and Mrs. C.Rolcl asnsecdbre Mr. and Mrs. Russell Saverv lowell Newtonville, and Mis- served and special music wa Corpndneilddapio ochSulvSco. Meneilley.paigaBexre. Mrs. M. and Mrs. Clarence Pa-entertained a group of friendsses Norma and Beulah HaHo0-!pcovided by the choir with'note o fthanks for synîpathvl We dlecided b topa Mrsn t Mrs.R. Grow ttened tehineyaBiberdnEste. rsryden and daughtec. Michigan»at thecir home, Saturday evcni- xell at Mr. Llew Hallowells. Mrs. Llew Halloxwell pianlist. cards sent from Mr..C. Hiili on bh ficmothfotdst Senior Citizens entertainment Mrs. Menelley read the Scrip-,visied r. adMs ore nMr. and Mrs. Allen Corish - - ýof Blackstock antî one from the chiurch. Saturday afternoon. ture and led in prayer. Birth- Peen r and MrsaWetheve U.S.A., visited r ~c<~1h ~i Mc. and Mrs. Lorne McKec. The nicetiiii was closdb The Welcome Charge Men's day box was passed. Offering! Mr. Andy Grey and Miss and family spent Easter in and failv. he treasurer's report w~asalsiin th hvn Crt A.O.T.S. Club met at Zion was taken by Russell Green.'Helen Hallowell T or o n to,!Toronto. ohrMs itFro.. read. The roi! rail next month the Lord lias Riscî o -day Church, Tuesday evening. Worlds Friends distributed byspent the weekend at Mc. Sici Mc. and Mrs. Charlie Hoît Mrs. Lornie Todd spent Fn-_ The members of the Cadmnus is to be answered with a mis- and the Mi,'palh Benleito The Zion Mission Band Larry Green. . HalIowellVs. ýand family, Toronto, Mr. and day- with Mrs. Orme Falls. 1 W. A. and W.M.S. met Tues-,s yr~ fact. repeated in unison. Thepo meeting was held Fiday af- Mrs. Whitney closed meet-I Master Leslie Caswell has Mrs. John Stone, Orono. spent, With a setting of Spring day, Macch 21st, at the home Tt was decided that we send gram included rendingsb ternon t Zon chol. ng ithpraerfolowig te rtured rom Bowanvlle Sudaywit Mr. F Stne. flowrs nd astr llie atof rs.MaroodMcKe. he 10 o te Uite ChrchMis ra1 Mrs. D. Whitney w-as in meeting. The pupils sang where hie was a patient for Mc. and Mcs. Martin andýShiloh on Sunday Rev. Vjhite meeting was opened by our'Overseas Relief Fund to buv Mrs. R. Phavre, and acots charge, assîsted by Mrs. Men- several Easter numbers, ac- appendictumy last week. famil*y, Toronto, 'wece Good gave the Easter ni e s s a g e.' theme song and a hymn. blankets. An invitation was by Mrs. S.* MeQuade wii eilley. The meeting openedicompanied by Mrs. Raby at Mrs. Henry Bowen and Dar- Fridav guests with Mr. and Those received into the church Prayer was offered by Mrs. read by Mcs. Sweet to in uwas wvon hv Mrs. G. Edgetn with Mission Band Purposelthe piano. Mrs. Meneilley lene, Newcastle, spent Good Mrs. M. Shutka. menîbership were Elva Ann Passant and the scripture les- evenîng at the Pacish Hall in A lovelY lunch was serve y. and hyn. followed by prayer.1read a story 'Deeds, Not Friday at Mr. Jim Starks. Miss Jane Foster, KendalRobinson, Bob Robinson. Roni- son was convened by Mrs. Blackstock on April 20th. Mrs. Mrs. M. McKee and lhec ru Ray Moore then took charge of Words". Miss Nancy Hallowel1 h was a Sunday guestwith Miss ,nie Robinson, Jim Souch, AI-: Samelîs. Roll cal vas answer-. Ken Gra yand Mrs. M. McKec and a social hour spent. * THURS. m FR1. M. SAT. APRIL 6 m7 m8 ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE ON SALE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST LADIES' DEPARTMENT DISCONTINUED LINES 0F ""Exquisite" B Most Sizes eg. $00Ea. RBA s WALKER'S BRAND SEAMLESS NYLONS Reg. $1.29 Sale - $1.00 LADIES' RAYON PANTIES Sizes S - M - L 3Pair $Q 3For$10 i CLEARING LINE 0F EARRINGS AND BROOCHES Reg. $1.00 Line 59C 2 2For $1.00 NYLONS 51 Gauge- Popular Shade 59C Pr.- 2 F.r $1.000 LADIES' SHORT SLEEVE BLOUSES Sizes 12 to 16 Sale - $1.00 GOODS OrBOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' COTTON STRIPE sO0cKNs Sizes 712ý to 9!,-. 59c DEPT. CLEARING 0F PLAIN BROADCLOTH Good Selection of Colors 36" IVide .5C d - 3 Idg. For $1.00 j SLIMS OR SKIRTSGODELCIN0 Y Most Sizes- Reg. $698 POLISHED COTTONS GINGHA31 and PAMPERED COTTONS Values up to $1.49 yd. $100 GI1R L'S DEPARTMENT GIRLS' GIRLS' NYLON AND RAYON TERRY CLOTH SOCKSI PA N TIE S White Only Sizes 7 to 14 2Pair $1.000 GIRLS' FLANNELETTE IPY JANMAS Sizes 8-10-12-14 Reg. Pi $2.59 U$Pair GIRLS' STRETCHY COTTON SOCKS Navy - Blue - Green - Red Reg. 79c SO5C La. m 2 For $1,000 35c - 3For$100 GIRLS' FLANNELETTE DUSTERS Sizes 8-10-12-14 Reg. $100 $2.59 $10 GIRLS' WOOL JEAN SOCUS Sizes 712 to 10 White - Green - Pink Reg. Fo 9Pr. 2 or$1,00 - 2 l'or $1.00 BOYS' WOOL AND COTTON G L'OVE S Reg. 79e Pr. oPair $0 BOYS' JEfSSEY and BRIEFS Sizes up to 16 Summer Weight 59C Pair ff For $10 DEPARTMENT CHILDREN'S TERRY CLOTH PANTIES Sizes 2- 4- 6 3 Pair 3For$10 LITTLE GIRLS' BLOUSES Sizes 2- 3X $1.00E BOYS' FLANNELETTE DRESSING GOWNS Sizes 4 to 6X Limited Quantity Re$100Ea. $1.98 HOME FURNISHING DEPARTMENT LARGE FACE CLOTHS D IS H C LO T HS Assortcd Plain Coloi', Size 17 x 17 ani Stripes 5 Vor $105 1 or$19 KITCHEN SPECIAL! ZIPPERED TERRY TOWELS PILLOW RENEWERS Asst. Patterns and Colors Good Quality Cotton Use as hand or disb tovel Sizes 17 x 28 Rcg. Size 39C Ea. - 3 F.r $1.00 2lier $1.00 PLASTIC COTTON P LA CE M ATS~ IRONING BOARD COVERS Coral - Rust - WVhite - Green- Yellow %vith Lacing 29CEa-4 <$1.00 59Oda.- 2 or $1.00 S P E CIAL!- LINEN COTTON WOVEN T EA T0W EL S PLACE MATS H-omnespun Type Size 18 x 29 Brown- Turquoise - Red - Coral - Green 39C Ea. . 3 For $1.00 29c La. 4 or $1,00 s of Bowmanville $1, CHILDREN'S *CHILDREN'S COTTON PANTIES Sizes 2 - 4 - 6 5 PFor $1.00 BOYS' Sizes 4 to 6 $1.00 SEE OUR BARGAIN AND RENNANT TABLE Where the prices are so low and varied that it wvould be impossible to print them ail. They i include: SLIPS - SWEATERS - SKIRTS YARD GOODS - ETC. OUR POLICY IS "SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED" ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET OR CHARGE PLANS 1 PAGE FOURTFM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILE, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5th, 1961