WEDNEDAYAPRrL~îh.1961TE£ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL. ONTARI O PACI TmVE I jrdyeven ngaet aEster Mens: League-. (225 and WT RE$.OBNSTP 5 Gay ianccklnMrn. d ove)- Ken Whitney 336, EI _________________________________ Gry anockinOnao. Gond Garnod, 314, Bihl Starks C E S Ingersoll 301, Doug Wallon 281, Jim C E SICS 8-oz. Package Ida ie o rd uyRd-Se9' MALCOLM THE MILKMAN * - by GLEN RAE DAIRYCaisle 25,At Dubeau 253, WTHFRE 2.O ONS AP RAerR IT - OF 1 fflm ~~~~~~Lamne Johnson 248, Bnian WT RE$.0BNSTP ELLq FRIENOI 1 HOW WELL. RJowe ~'9 Rj~*~~<5,>l~ 6~ .. 246, Ron Munno 243, TwcP GUESS I1 ELPED 50, OF RN OWN... s0 r IHR lu TM-E EXTRA VrTAmJs NS, »< w . C Aà LenWod27 Sa owl ONET DEW6-oz. Tins VOU.* USINESS DOC? ORDEREO MER 10 DRINK pPROIff AD g EAII »AD gUT..CtAY IWNS- 230, Bruce Tilison 229, Bey. LamOF &r A fl U NA PUA pM Genoe 225. AVALENCIAoORANGESder, Fnll No. ~~UUI ~~~Wcdneaday Ailernoan La- Se9 edr ulFaer-N.iGae-Oiia uce dies League- (200 and aven) r unS U wifts Prem. 6-oz. *..- I* RI . O .1lm -Ruth Couch 326, Judy Mik- GEICE OE.UD 8 ]R aA' Sand. Stye Pkg. -T ' b~ls 310, Bsl BeseFerguson 270. _____________________________ ______________ _____________ e) ~ Wilde Simpson 253, Gent Gray 250, Janet McCracken 233. _eMarilyn Couch 219, Irene Win- CHOP AND S cep 217, Myntîs Pearce 215. S O N A E A T Thursday Mixed Lea gue- (200 and ave)- Grace Couch m 297, Mabel Lewis 258, Stan Art Dubeau 228, Gary Bar- I A Mr e chard 226, Besuie Forguson For Prompt Delivery ~M IkB 219, Marilyn Couch 213, Bnian BOW!NAN VILLE - ONTARJ PhneNA 3-5444 G LIN RAI DA RYO8 King St W. uhof213. fi h mte «osA Mr e ýWE WILL SPONSOR BROADCAST ALL AWAY GANMES 0F BOWMANVLLE -THOROLD ONTARIO You can neyer expect too JUVENILE FINALS OVER CKLB o iigyusl oohr. .Theodore C. Speena. at and active member of thesb c NtMat4 Change Ma nagers at Fi re Brigade his aSivaa i el i A ,. J I ~ ~~~ AAI es in the Lions Club, includ-spertemntr - ~~~~~~~~~~Cdn. Bank of Commerce ing that af president, and has'irsSao hitwsteacpe had 15 years of perfect at- t t ~ V ~ '~3I ,*Newcastle, Ont.- Always He was second vice-president tendance. Until the rink was; keenly interested In commun. af the Community Athletic taken over by the Recreation Gord~nAgnewEdîto Phono3621 ty activities, Harold J. (Doc> Memorial Centre and wvas a Cornmittee, Mr. Porter served' On G rasir u GordonAgnew Edifo Phon 3621 Falk, new manager o The familiar figure, when time ai- for seven years as treasuireriNwate Canadian Bank af Commerce lowed, on the golf course and of the Newcastle Memoriaiuncwste - Thr e lclVoDEe a h nwm branch here, Is looking for- the lawn bowling green. In, Arena. He was also a member ute ieDprmn aercie noCuc e Malklewicz was presented ward with enthusiasm ta his Port Coîborne, where he was of the Board of Stewards off its first run off h pigsa hpwr rsne îh first prize for the best poster residence in Newcastle. Mr. accountant for the bank for the Newcastle United Church. son to grass f ire O lainothNwTsae advertising the Festival. Falk has been transferred a number af years, Mr. Falk Mr. Porter was born in De-! day- afternoon. TeDpr- SeilEse ul of the Independent Grocers Ont., where he was manager Chamber af Commerce and mnes, Ont. and received his1 flames, fromruis benigsrieat73pm Alliance, Toronto, presented af the Commerce branch, re- secretary - treasurer of the high school education at Hg undi h a set af the "Golden Book En- placing J. C. Porter, who is Lawn Bowling Club. ersville, Hamilton and Sa-bte.i h adofte _________ Spig M sc Festival joined.t te cholli cyclpeda" a te shoo I_ retiring. Born in Stratford, Ont., Mr. Catharines. In 1922 h e jdWoodland Produt( lnt nA rary . Falk was educated at Strat- the Sterling Bank of Canada, Toronto StreEt agto Graduatione certificFetivlatesnte byth 1weref ,,ed pllford Collegiate, where he was which later became part of, sonie long grassadwst-Sc u M oh , Newaste-Thespcios c Fstvalprsenedby hecaps nd il-box hats presen- presented to the following who snior athletic champion, and The Canadian Bank off Com- v'el]iný fast in tebikwn I~e" cst~Community HallIPublic School studentÈ and tdfv numbers which were graduated from the school at the University of Western merce, at Port Dalhousie, On- toward a groveof on wa5? filled o Wedfesday ev- saff dandte r.iestast o mchgoodd h large last June- Alfred A'ldread, . Ontario. He joined the bank in tario. After serving the bank spruce trees on h rpry ietn ______________________terms graduates. thm. rh imcoi a, Jan Clark, - Guelph, Ont., in 1928, and at various Ontario Centres, off Ed. Barhad Jim Colwill, John Cunnîng- served at several Western On- Mr. Porter wvas appointeda- h iee eeo hi Lcsl-h ac~~t The chairman ai the Public Three sangs, one a round, ha Mary DeanRnlFa-troctesbfe iapcutn hein14,nd School Board, Mr. John Rick- were pnesented by students rwn, a , Rgona lrFa !trocnrsbeoebsa-cutathn n14, and nquc ard welcomed the large gath- af Miss Sheridan's roam, gnad- Flintoff, Susan Flintoff, Joy p . . .Lite rti. aaerfu yaslae. on arrivai emplye iteAxhaywshl nt ering of parents and visitons es 3 and 4. These students p e- Gaines, Patrick Gaodwin, Mil- In 1936 he marnîed the for- He is marricd ta the former Ifactory lhad camo aterscecenith nmnt and said the school was for- sented a dancing reel ionrteir dned Guay, Robent Heatle, mer Beatrice C. Loth, of Strat- Mary F. Veale, of Beaverton.1and had the firepet elI a eotdta tunate in having a gond staff final number. Lila Jacobsen, Dennis Rudnian fond. They have one grown-up Thev have one growvn-up son, undcr controladnodmgWiîmshd iù,e af teachers and also an excel- ih ubr eepe i Stephenson, Barb anr a son, James. Robert. had been donc.eupetcpod lent Music Supenvisor in Mn. sented by students ai Mrs. Sundbeng and Linda Whitney. Arthun Collison. He said the Martin's roorn, grades 4 and . semaColebfags ha Board was indeed sorry ta 5 commencing with t w heshlGle Club i fnihdfrth cus learn they were losing three rounds and sevenal other The fist cGe Club hlh r a str S el Dvît an off their teachers at the end sangs of foreign lands all pre- the recent Kiwanîs Music Fes-RaShceon ccs ai the term, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. sented in lovely costume and tival inPtroruhpe Patton and Miss Sheridan but ending up with a pîayîet en- ua nPtroog r-D I Evstos able ta fiî heywauld be titled "ICinder l,, sented three numbers in ex- f eI abeoing theystoswih Gae 5 and 6 under Mrs clet fashion, using their Wi l e d A ceso h ae ult.Saltn n r.Js r*award winning selec ti o nMr.Ja culghre M!~ost Flk re The program opened with sented 4 choruses plus a solo Th GeeClbeasitohagetheoalCFair"c o as olsaeacefianaelaee.ualtHaSapetnlnd rsJJsepr- Cone a heFal"asa inae.wcastle(oc -ak ewasle- oodFrd-v i io n undyvirinceen ornsntths rop t Careful Drivers the singing ai thnee verses of by Gardon Allun When I TMn. eClubso n, hargtpe nLtl ntiM.Fl and Easter services were wcil!nmne new memrsveen-2hatBwaiIe "The Queen" by students îrom was a Lad". These presenta- ton and Mrs. Munro and Fred was active in the Lions Club, ~ tedda h ntdCucicic nofi nmcsi If you are a caneful driver, grds89ad2îîae b in eevr od Graham was theizr accompan. holding office as treasunerà last weekend despite the in the church. Ths1 ergr-Te etn dore c all me. You may qualify for a drill by girls ai noom no. 5. Awards Presented ists. one yean, and was secretary of hita-iewahro h evdb rf State Fanm's top-notch pro- dressed in white skirts and The Wilmot Gold Medal for Followlng thein selections, the Little Britain Curling. nsras-lkeweteraith ein vcdberessof attcCaknsgop tection at rock-bottom rates, blouses and carnying flowers. scholastic achievernents was ita were pnesented ta Mn. Club as well as a memben of OîFiayeein.tur ai RobrteFruo, --.-- Apaltentitled "If I had presented ta Victoria Chnrd ollison and Fned Graham on the Oakwood Curling Club. was a gond tunnout toar Vî'l1iamRbrîet an a ~~the fine presentation by the, George Pearce. Gog rn Dirk Brinkman Wings" was pnesented b stu- by Mrs. G. Chard and the behaîf ai the gîce club by Jan. choir under the direction off1 ton Rickard, Wlc on FR I~~I State Farn Agt. dents ai Mns. Munno's class, Coleman pnize for Public ice Rickand and Tom Chard. lM.oraWiim ffteStat1ikrd Doug1a DA.OD&(RP * Newcastle grade 1. The playlet and the Speaking also went ta Vic- Students af Mr. Munro'. secMr. cN aenil msoTh .e rc.fam, omnvle Wl-AR SOC Phone3671 fivesangs which followed tania Chard and was present- naom, grade 8, presented two uï %we Fnî Mdial Atorbi manCmM37 were excellent and the cas- ed by D. G. Walton. Victoria choral numbens and Mrs. Pa t r Eet fixioxn" yJ Stainer The ex- frac Wilson, aidb rnfn RmvdFeo h I4~e ~eBnmigtn.turnes wene lovely. Chard was also the winnen ai tan's raom, grade 7, pnesented cletat a lre ceîved byfthe Andrs, rs yt eninmae - ARhythm Band cornposed the Munro Pnize given for tbree choral numbers and caagreationwelrimany tfine rh.sona AkYorOprto <'anadian Office. Toronto, Ont, ai students af Mrs. Nesbitt's Leadership and Personalîty these pupils cornbined for the cogeainwt *y n hrh o.a roorn, grade 2, dressed in and was presented by the finale "Evening Voices" and Off icers commens fllwin heer b;eCa auramtitiov Znh655 school principal, R. Munro: "Now the Day is Over". TheJ.CPotrvc.Slswe nde bCmuin a The Hoopen pnîze for music harrnany presented by these Newcastle - Al cîficers M.Prertrn Jack and Glen Allun.1 this service. N olCag wspresented ta Susan Flin- groupa was excellent and were re-elected by acclama- . Pnentnn ana- The churcb was filled ta In bis sermon h e.E îk eoi-Ptro tofi by Mrs. W. Storks. The made a fine finale ta a well lion at the March meeting oi gen here, bas been a populan capauity for the Easter Sen- C. Woodland speaigo h 3 nSquain Pnize for Englisb was pnesented and conducted con- the Newcastle Recreat io n ~r1O I -presented by Mns. S. Brene- cent and a credit ta the school. Cammittee held in the Mern- tan to Linda Whitney. The Speaking as a memben of oanal Libnany on Tuesday af Rickard prize fon History was the School Board and as a last week. Tbe executive mem-BO U TA EGF presenled ta Lila Jacobsen by parent, Mrs. Win. Starks said, bers are Chairman, Sam Bre- E U Afk'. Mn. J. Rickard. following the concert, III reton, Secretany, Mns. Stan OF THUU~EYUMLUU The Lions Club awands would like ta say that the ef- Brown and Treasuren Mrs. wene presented by the club fonts ofail those who heiped John Northrop. president, J. H. Jase to Fran- witb the concert wene appec- Tetaserpsntde- ces Rickard and Stella Mal- lated, the concert was a won- cheuts in the amauntda 2c2 eyout in by utheoskating.26 cluc o coasi c-dru scesadte b w as awee rdered reunnd oS ieeeti gae7 icoithioro te uisws ex- treasu re ai th anlu Chr n im atnr-clln.Ajbwl oeiAe M n m OWamac ionmof ceivd te LonsClubFied gatiyingandcomn ties frenRcratindn tedl Da aars n Rsear orth wr ptlaget.I ouhthe attaincofchi mng- h da lihigtuhfr » Social anc1 /Il~~~ers nal ybail tnu. the commtte i uifldcrto uho cu assitnc oreboys aund tnl ourivn-omfriu wr. oua llt ae ayn vlai xiyu hlec MrseBnth lHwson M s tir aiIhw n d se caing mmra hel- dcrtrclus eteb ingin ofreain a ith thesetnvile-wthda kpk Oliv Howon ad Mis Lida Ms. SellaAndesogene he oat the chir-no hewalnimmeiat nedemo- Howsn a Toont wee bl- astn Dy gesî wih M ssitancS e reond gief o urliing-rooiitm faitureIGa idySionscial .PCnannd Mn-. Gelr orgaBl ler PLUSe IFOLD!Rautfu dcoatr usi Hutchnson Mn and rs.dlintn Fa- , hone a21. Storae. In$37.So E MA ?of 4 Easte Sunay vsistr wih ro andson ien i Ne ton rews teish acigthe om M.aMrs. ha os A r. and i hardoEOater Sndy te htBetnReadWeoreserve thr etre but qatte.Pie fecieAnl5 ,7 OliHawan n.and Ms. E. aM. SHlaoldwitDehe ten md Mn. summen. apok Warburtowon o arno famil ci aye FiDandgerofTaanthMss Teoniteeie aFeh vnRayWt rsigB R L T E R o 5 ma amBertn Bereto nti te tyu G W ~ Gd Fiday guaor w tMs. ealh wilhan. d MrsW. GgeBtonk il onhanAe e422 taa1. Store. AChekn ooi I l M U *~~~~~~H Mn an . HMCrDnns and Mily. tndailssson a hefonFar.I K~E ~~. ~E*swer Mn a M s o rnitb MisansoMarilnofaeweto nu a Zoe wChoieen- N ~ a~~~ ~u Mr. * m and mly as.nibvA. C apla w a a Sunday estt theEat ent one icai the rMIXEShe * . 3Pk:s.29ciie. risEfeciv spente week.eDnd it Mrs. nd usn andfrs.niy B liontiu incaeof Hihe Frd yrs inCDaniel and at- Mn.eendelal se r c Fee-sehoonl o atue rd Apil KyleLLCoGGS C RELcPki Ohshu h e n r n .E r. ndguerolth Mn. and Mrs. rsOe ed ihDesn Mabun. and s.Al oRardJyHe Fred Bokbanks dcf dTo- R BAR.,T7 unY onLlbB .:. a~~CricOshaa wee Easter Dy MsKahln ya _getsnd tthe reshiden Sam the -f ~ Gesds wih Mn tswhwhM. and Mrs. H. sn Bh aiConord nd n an A eendrAssoiatnACice M. aid Wiilams H.weC.weeendisitons wiUi tnd cang essila othe A on-t GelphMrcanld Mon n. itnd M ss anMr. Jon aut n sluioswlh ilmaete rsBonelesOe ed ihDSCemSye 0o.Tn PO adon Agne on mtuvled a mtoneila, da uetthasitontaraZnthe oy esSgA L ER COIEC INnPo 5 S Mis.Saidey Pansons on tM. and M KenRotssPeaceOariizonce angAoia-in Lb.lae 2 Du RHA M iA K MIK~~ anl spent e asekndt r ly and farniy. thoughout thellprov igc. PRhB T U ~ 9c Bso rw 5o.Tn wedekedvsi a n d ith t Mr. ent GoodFilavshe of Thene will lson be ray panel sO L E . . ... tendd the aster ervicein Iocussionas annducted ai- 5tthec con- O -O P ~. ~ E. C.hWoodland with d t ihM. abn crene BNTONOFR -OdTye-1 z u Mn. Nan r.Wle oodlad Jci HMissett an wullai. -rdBSbnso o-SnyMr 1,7Tnof istdawith bbc ev. ayMple Gavesthedwit Man. no h rsdn fteO .and.. MMress M. .Wdaaand Ms .snd Bisl ofE.Cncard n TbMrr ~u~Pg.c LL2 fMiry onavidWlay s evening. Satuday. trswih ommhngs n t ORA couun- Mnlh al nM. and Mrs. DcAneonMr. n ryJohn Vuand sin- wih il a- th DFemshBless n en e suoi Drsin cfrnSyl weeendvistin wlent e spent Good Fiday viit- 'Ter ilalob pnlds Rev an Ms. . . Wodand atu raday wilh th frn- sin Idced hecn VFTDN--ESDAY, APRM Mth. 1961