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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1961, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADXAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO "7 7EDNESDAY. APRIL 5th. 1961 Uic organist Mrs. Helen Mc-teMs nn*Ho.Sh 1ijuries Increase Due 'eca v:aredseet aj eO B IT U AR IES niedChrciLike Car A UHoly iy heteeo Palm! R.M[TNJ ER R.EHLMU Y The deceased wvas possessed c ie n s Sunday continued throughoutMS.MLO .WER MS.E EL AU PY of a patient. understand-Ing the se'ce, teRv .K Serious]y iii for the pasti The death occurred at Bow-an ongpsoaiv nce Trffi nuj i daa Dvn xet eomn oman preaching the last of five months, Mrs. Charlotte: manville Memorial Hospital, vhile lier healtddfotpr Soarhi e iaereased by 5,707 or 6.7 per the fol]ow ing rules for nýght:Lenten series fror- "The (Lottie) Elizabeth Werry, for-, following a lengthy illness mit active participation, she seem to prefer th( ZMtt in 196) as compared with driving:Pl udyJuny it merly of 117 Coloorne street Stra, ach 25, 1961, ýÏ took a keen interest in chu:'h riewie 1959, according to the Al 1Beklng îis it Jerusalem." east,'Oshawa. died in Toronto,lMrs. Eth-el Mauci Pye, former, and village afa.netmins P CaaaIsuac ueration. easy stages On Sunday, April 9th ,reg- Monda- March 27, 1961. iv of Ennikl ad Bow Mr Wray aretry). inntrord hawa ui Easter iron*h cf April 2-Do not drive when over- u1ar service v.hîîl be at 10 a.m., me n 0- T. Wnyg(aretry), sistrorecnin< owed the greatr'st increase tired: stop for coffee or a'dur-ng this srie the BrniTynSp.25hmnvl. and Norah, ail of Hampton. and fmv bii 0,Z injures oer th preicus hortnap.young people- will be receiv- .1876, she was the daughter of BoniTrn.sewath and twvo brothers, Wiliam of marocri. 1e-,vý2' b' ar.: 3-Effects of mia;îv *wake ed into memnbersh;pofo The the late Mr. and Mvrs. William Elizater fthe ate o sa The Federation, %vhich re- up" pis May be unsafe for United Church of Canada fol- McLaughlin. She was married and ElzbehBrnen r . amptn ad rEda f sh- grWitcn f&] , J, resents more than 220 fire, drivers. loved by the Sacramnent of in Tyrone, December 5, 1900. Pye xvas in her 8lst year. ýa sister, 'Mrs. Wm. Doidge use in votn utomobile and casualtv ny-ih rvn eursTeLr' upr r.Wr a The deceased xvas married1 (Maude) and a brother, John 89 percent of c'i' iný -Ngt rýig eqie;Th or'sSupr.Mr.'ý1'r, asaresident, to the late Harry 1-. Pye, Bailey Horn. in solidcoo. surance cornpanies in Cnnada,> slower speed than daytîme1 On Good Fridav evening a of Oshawa 'for tbe past 38 in Tyrone, in 1903. She1' o.-ý i reported that manv om-divnçhe iibility iS short service was iield at Wes- 'vears, coming here fromn Ty- blas býeen a resident of the The mnany lovely floral tri- s,"'ci bile accidents occur at night, good. leyviile Church at 8:1,5 p.m. rone. She xvas a member Of, Bowmranville-Enniskillen area~ butes were evidence of the Latu-,St t~d particular]7 durinig spring and, 5--Purnp youîr brakes sev- conducted by the 11ev. E. K. King Street United Churchfor most of ber lifetime. Mrs. esteem and affection in w1icntIe rather t1 ýMMmer when motorists 11n- eral timnes to give drivers a .Norman for parents of oui' and a life member of the Wo- pye w-as a member !fTiiyithe deceased w-as heid. isiars xvît, in . taT] doDrtake long trips. good warning whcn you are young people who are wiiling. men's Christian Temperance. United Church, Bowmanville. The funera] service w a s n fs.FNec about to stop. and prepared te be received Union. Shi ssrie yasse hl nteMri uea 6-Aiays iro eadhhtsi into the church on Easter Day Mrs. Werry was predeceased Airs. James Oke, andtw CaplBom vie.nTes when approaching or folow- and Sunday following, mem- bv hem .c 2, n ws o n other cars, bers of the Ses7sion from each~ib e husband. the late Mii- nieres, Marjorie and Greta, ai-a. ac 2,ad a On-«?o i-ul ~ei ffth hgh church and others interested ton J. WerrY, Se. 12. 1953.1 of Bowmanville. daptcnted Re. F. . Idn- way if you must stop for re- were a3ked to be present, a tes sri by two daugh- The romnains rested at th- terment wvas in Hampton "WP!~~ ~ pairs or other reasons; do not film Thirftue s o rs , Mrs. Walter Mur r a yNorthcutt and Smith Funeral North Cemetery. p: Z»ý get out of the car on the dri- wýas shown to emphiasize the (Irene) of Toronto and Mrs.1 Homne for service in the Cha-- ~~NJ~Z -ve'ssde nedc preit e el an Philip T u r ner (Hazç'l) ofr',Tesa,~rc 8h Pallbearers were Sam Keane, ~ J¶- '" C -Alwvays carry flashiight iguide their children's spiritual Strathroy. Interment followed in Bow- Oshawa, Jackson Wr3y, a ~~ ~~~ 'ior flares te warn other driv- . lule at the close of the e- As iviigaetv manville Cemetery. Rev. W neph ew of Oshawa, Percy AI- ' 9f, ors cf yur positioniii an em- ice, a short miee ting ciof the ters, Mrs. Harvev Cook (Zilla), K. Houslander, minîster c iBwavle rdTe ergecv.Sesionwas eldin reDra- f COksill andMis ~1..'Trinity United Church, con- win, Blackstock, and Eoirl Tr- - 9-Nover travel with tee tien for Easter Day and the 'ence McLaughlin, of Toronto ' ducted th~e services.w- cfEnsil. i may popl in he ar. foilowing Sunday services. and one brother, Douglas, ofl The palîbeamers, ail neigh- - Ms.Lloyd Marvin was busv Oshawa. Five grandchiidren heburs of the deceased, weme 'on Wednesday and Thursday:'and four great-randchildren Herbert H. Richards, Reginaid À~~~~~ MORRISII last xveek ciivas-giiig for the also survive. ïadnRswl aln r Rect Cross. 'The remains rested at the oLeserHiEmestPefet n 1 3 .7 .9 Aunited W.M.S. service We understand Mm. and Mrs. Armstrong Funeral Hoem e,LetrHhfed xvas heid at Newtonville on Frank Byers have sold their Oshawa, fer memnorial service -perhapr. the largestsi gl lè- Good Friday at 2:30 p.m. in farm but will net be leaving in the Chapel, Thursday, Mar. HUGU TRACY MANES B'ewmanville, Ont, lt oss ver paid under oneC the United Church, the church.'until the end cf this year, Mrs. 30th. Interment followed in Apil, 16 uc b ay me cn nsrace was filled with representa- Byers is vice-president cf our Bethesda Cemetemy. Rev. M. Feflowing an illness of two DearSir6- tives fmom the surrounding W.A. and a valued worker A. Bury, minister cf King weeks the death oceurred at ~ma)districts including Newcastle, in ail church activities, we Street United Church, con-' Mlemorial Hospital, Bowman- Just a few lines on beliaif draf fo ths aoun wa We]cemne. Zion, Wesleyviile trust Mr. and Mrs. Byers and ducted the services, Iville, on Tuesday. March 28. c h aen igtHce amGro e~ed by the Hartford in payment and Morrish. family wili net be leaving this Palîbearers were Rae Me- 1961 of Hugh Tracy ManeslClub plav.ýing in the Liens Jii- - Iss on thousands of head of Ti sa nulGo n district. A surprise party wvasMach Ca belgd92yasi venile Midget League Satur- T a ' Rnl stn odnTedcae a oni k destroyed on October 6 day Service conducted by held at this home on Friday n stn odnWr h eesdwshm i day aftemnoons during the s17 by incendiary fire in Kansas memers ofNwovleW. evening, March 24th, cuchre Wr rnwe h ttne itrmnh.Ontario'. J uu si Missouri J M.S.In charecfthisevie wspiayed and a pleasant ry, Vernon McLaughlin andOrn, hee eatnedWtemohs PO, Aisour. MS. n carg of____serice___MicaelTurer'school, and was the son of the~ lst. We wouid like te thank CWhether your need i snforanve weî-e Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mms. time was enjoyed. Mihelunr ate George and Isabella'the Lions Club for miaking the cucub4BE] ;k insurance --.or nuac A. Wade and Mrs. C. Burley, Miss M. Beckett Is sponding Manes. He was predoceased ice available. sp:îrkliîîg - No. Famur home, auto, busin1ess, farm.ý the Rev E. K. Norman cf the Eastcm holiday with hem Business Directory by bis wife, the former Regina 2nd. To the rnany loyal se U K Ir ieWelcome charge was guest sister Mrs. Mary Simpson in - Eey n adrsddi1spotr h Club hid l l~iorlie..loktaTe artoad speaker. o hs rvcToronto. ~id c c 0 U n f a n C v Newcastle for 25 years. winter.Cip,.i<, . MlltyptJO% At the close ftsrie Mr. Niel Anderson of Wind For many yecrs, the late Mm. And last. but net lcast, te an invitation \vas extended te sor arrived '-omne on Good - RAY J. DILLING 'Manes lived in Toronto. A the Referees handling these' N NT S the congregatien te jein in a Fiday te spend Easter vaca- Certified Public Accountant machinist, ho etired from his games. A very successful sea- friendly gt-to-gether in the tien with bis mother, Mrs. 93 Church Street trade aftem 45 years employ- i son was enjeyed by the Club. BEST BUY -b XrSunday Sehool where tea with Frank Anderson, MArket_3-3861 ___ ment in this earnacity. At the' On behaîf of the players and # Sun okis ee ereabyt School v7as held as ~ JH OGN time of his retirement 25 years m a n a g e m e n t once again Mial Vp- .'uAnR . JAMESL tea committee cf the W.M.S. usuIa o Eastor Day at il CareedAconan go e hw~as with the Massey "Thank You" on a job well L UANEthis friendly gesture was nu*cli .m There w-as an average Shrerdcon Floo Fergiison Company Ltd., Tor- donc. ~Bi RELETT pree and noysi evic attendance. Mr. George Hamn- New Libmary Building ente. Ail boys were cf Midget ace, *ing St. E. Bowmanville Reguhlar orshpalmServicess uperintendent. conduet- Cor. King and Temperance Sts. The deceased was a mcmn-; and one boy was an'd is a BEST BUY - Mach2tb t 0 ..,t ere the session. Phono MArket 3-3612 ber of Newcastle U n i t e di Bantam. Maple Leaf -6 Office Residence waa r y gocha cong.,reo Thore vere several happy YALE ,FRIEDlANDERfifj Church an~d cf the Independent Mîaroons Midget DIA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 g e. E. K. Norman offic- yeung faces under pretty Eas- & COMPANY OrdeHocf Odd Pellows. duh Hockey Club.'CH E D , I ating.tom bonnets, but dainty dress- Accountants and Auditors H is survivcd bya ugh J. C. Coyîe, Manager.,; ___C __in_ The choir accompanied by os and slippers weme covered Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy ter, Rota Embioy.; grandsons --___ -with winter ceats and rub- 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Ross Embloy and Tracy Em- BS U -bers, toc bcd this retumn cf Oshawa, Ontario blev; acd 1thmiee groat-grand- a -12o.t wintem ariveci this weekend, B. L. Yale, C.A. ehiidren, M m ra optlý Prevent Metrecal - I 4 Flavours our Easter hymns could well F. Friediander, B. Com.,C.P.A. Ainong the many floral tri- l iI 1.29 -7.49 ib olwdb eikon MNET MONTEITH butes wome thoso fmom Nw-_ W e R porC1 Math Damage Z-pety on- Wakig ays34 nTWnd roty onde-rWalkn RIEHL & CO. castie Pire Department, W. A.1 Larvex Spray 1,09, 1.69 Ad -___ ~ iiTeWne odrLn. 135 Simce St. N., Oshawa cf Newcastle United Chumch; For the week cf March 27 - BEST BI - Chartered Accountants Massey Forgusen, Toronto;; April 2 inclusive:- Sweet Nlixed - Larvex Bomb ---------- 1.98 Thln-O-Tabs ___ 3.95 i RA 5-3527 IMemoial Gardons, Leaside;1 Admissions ----... 57 - Dec Tee Moth Killer 59e Naran --- 1.98 JJULI.KXETJ.ON Bowmanville, and Leaside Liens Club. Births, 4 mnale, 7 fomnale... il:fIN Diehioricide 75e~ Cail ZEnith 45750 iTho-i funerai service was held Disehargos---................. 60i Moth Proofer Bomb 1.5.9 Bathroom Scales. 6.95 The C.G.I.T. are erganizing Partners: lin -the Morris Funeral Chapel, Major oporatiens _. .....13 BS U -----a collection cf knitting wool. . W. Monteith, . Fo.C.A Bowým-anville. on Thursday,Mieoprtns" BLT t - SaiP E CryIeA Lm Anyone having l:nitting wooA. B.Moneih, B.AC., .A. Mai-eh 30, and xvas conducted Emergency treatments 8 A lmner - Soup j~~~ RPid Crylree mav contact Mrs. L. A. Ar2iue 'G. .Rei .. ... bv Rov. E. C. Woodland of Visiting boums 3 - 4 pi. UI' %or 'Bomih wlth Comb or Mrs. J. A. Tu rnbull for full! (Licensed Trustee) Newvcastle United Church. In- and 7 te 8:30 p.m. £ unL'A 1 98e size Lustre Cremne 79e 73 in format ion. G.E rteeCA ermenf vas in Mount Pleas-! - -- ' 1.69 73e . ~R . P. Ligbtfoot, C.A.___ n entrTrno 1.25 size Desert Flower ______ The C.G.I.T. wii.l meet in -'- - I y ornt.ElSlBrS 111-8 Dritan Deodorant - 2 for 1.25 !the cbureh hall at 7 p.m. Tues- Chir cIic Palîbeamers were Bruce S IEApe-Oag Absrbie dcx- evening. April llth. _____Whitnev%,. George K i mball,l Tabs 3 le TohFse Jr. The Burketon W. A. wi . EDINFAN - D.. Fred Yeo. Freeman Eddy, Mr.A O.Tinb pt 1.25 2.252 fo 89e1.19 -2.39 etjtheurb alet' Chiropractor Molev Terwiliegar and Will; several days recontly 1 AthL hem ________Pepsodent Bomb -- 98c ______ pm cdedyeoig p Office: Terwillegar. 1 n agte-nlw m il i2th. 15 Elgin St., cor. cf Horsey St.adMs otTrml FAIR -S! Dristan 98e size Brisk Faste - 79e Minards Our choir enjeved goïng te Phono MA 3-5509 ' ndMsRotTrme. FAIL-S Spray 9e siz Suave2 for 8c Linment ýnniskilen onPridayeven-ifMrs. oumma y ApuonameWarnes.Mm.a codsaMrs.e ArtandrMGibArthr'GFray Bentosento igto worshin wvith lbem !ni---- - i ___ visited bis cousin, Mrs. P. An-' 1.25 98c sire Spray Net__ 69c 59e - 98e0 h odFia srie The death occurmed in bier 1 drus, et Welcome on Sunday.N Glad to sec M . rF. Edna Mc-' De fa late residence, 360 Park road Mrs. M. A. Thompson spent,___________ south, Oshawa, late Wednes-a awiherdutrMs. Crest Home Permanent 98e Privine Nose Drops 95e Laughlin home aftem spendingi DR. IV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S.dvèeig ac2916,A.Jsustwk. FEATT RE . the wintem mont-bs with hem' Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. dv vnngMach2,16,AJespatwek Prom - 2 styles 2.00 Bayers Nose Drops - 99e fam-ily.i 40 King St. . of nvl E nm iaWme oe Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Trin'1ble ' rencli'S - 7 _____ ~~Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter Office Heurs: Bomnul c.2,16,i amlnte~ fmly visited their daugh Al New Bobbi ____2.00 Super Anahist Spray 1.00 adfml Wnsr r îit ..t m diy Township, Mrs. Wanee bas rsTMkeF New Ton! i ___ 2.00 Vicks Smex 1.25 inpg with Mr. and Mrs. E. . Closed Saturday7 and Sunday been aLe er hathfrmoetm.and m rl, s. MkiFrn Tip Toni ___ 1.39 Vicks Drops -___ 64o Adams and Mrs. .re. Office Phono - MA 3-5790 M.thdon a. yeam. i' EAUR -S. __________________________________ 'Mm.r Robert Carter ivili e saHuoPoo- ecsl 51 The former Emma LouisaiM.adMs .B~ei tioed n Trono wth heCann. she was t'le daughter of, and Ruth, Niagara Falls, Mm. ITATeli's--1 i) îieod n Troto :thth DR. E. WV. SISSON the late Edward and Mary ccd Mrs. Charles Plch and ttliS l GERTOL Vi imnsandMioras -1.5, .2, 549 Bell Telephone Corrnpany fort L.D.S., D.D.S. Can1b wsmrîeIehmchildren, Toronto, were aa ro GERTOL- VtarinsandMieras -1.3, 329,5.4 ;a week, while Mî-s. Caiter cnd Office ie bis home late busband. Charles Wesley weekend guests cf their i ccarn family will stav with tceim' 100 Liberty St. N,, BowînerivilleiWme ltefmlyrs-ents, Mm. aed Mrs. Arthum ________ ~ frnly or.1 Phono MA 3-5604 idecce, noar Salevn, Dec. 24,!ise.FEATURF - 8S Congratulations te Mr. Jos-, Office Hours: 1890.' Mrs. Edra Price and Mm. Jay' eua 0 S eph Stepher. son on ,vinnin:z 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Mi.? c r, an mvd Truli were Good Friday evcn- eulr20' C O W L IGdS y evpenia tnoe. et Satur- ýClosed Wednesday -_Sundayv h obugaeaflo iging teaeguests of Mm. nd Mrs.'1* 'I PHONE . ' DR.! C . CATTRAN,-DDlS. 'the marae c ametaDaidPrstnBomavie n aking an nOhw etne -it-ih Brise.olicitor , plot in saw nion Ceme- and Jack, and visited ber me- âiiced nreai their son, M'enod Mi-s. J. A.- Box 9 Newcastle tr.Rv .K oft iis- ther who is a patient -in Osh- Sunbeam Rtaspbe I'flLSEY Tuchuliced fmiW. î. KAYLYCET, BA.tem cf Simcoe Street United i awc Genemai Hospital.anh u E L V I nd Mi3. Albert Adams Barrister and Solicitor thp services. cead Donnie, Oshawa, wereCaaa- FLAMNG 12& 1 cd girls. Ecwmanville, were' In the offices of 1Pallbearers wereWI. Warne, GCanaidyafe--cnc4(e) Voz.A .M.AdarrF. Mi Street, Orono, Ontario ieW odn e . isDoob oe a nReCeryS Héat EhtD Mr.AandMrs. James Laver !1 asa EDNTaronto. were Sundny guestsý M or age s ovomnigbt guest of Miss Janice f ORREST friy SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO MRS. NORMAN DOIDGE RedmdWhit Mrrn rRselSik, hn 1 r 16 M.adME.Sm1attams Rd&Iht weeSna us.; FrtMortgage Funds Tedahocre n e pn h arweKend' el od DELRIOf r.and'Mr. ThýmarHode: Residences - Farms moii Hospital, Bow'mcnville, witb 'Mm. aed MrF. Douglas acd fm___nd Agu. _ usnesProperties ;on Sund't Ec 1t,161 atms ad fm l i,., Mr.Alan -imer Trono, - --i f Ltte Par Hon n hrandatendd hewedding cf E setteMcrtgcge Leens MusterdE ________________Mr._and_________Harold':_Prompt,_ceurteous service The deceased, who was theýto Mr. Kenneth Fitzgerald, RD EV 1\I adMr.RosHubrd ARL C EDEL Mms. Chai-les HrwsbriMisMrocasoe ad IAG MO. TUSje T7.0 idJnc.Trnowrý Ra saead i Hampton and cttended ber girl friend, Miss Ja z S na uzso Mran .is1 M rgg rkrsehool there, On November' Simpson, St. Catharines, Mr.à T3. ubbad. 122, 1941. she married Nomman:Curtis Vanstone. Carol and Mrs JhnCreso id -*s'Nwcste Pon 356E. Doidge w-li predeceasod'hrysetSuda even- 3fo ______A._E.been a.lifelong esident cf- AN isL .Iilti pn- ET .BLET apo xetfrafw Ar alo Steamishlp O M in atrwe Ihreaie poers yeams when Mm. and Mrs.i T 1 C K E T S *Mr. and Mrs. George CarterUOfice Heurs: By appcintment ing this peiod Mrs. DoidgcýCnut f% L "TisReelBreed and family, Bowmr-nville. Mrm Telophone MAmket 3-3252 Iattended King Street United'Cnsi and Mrs.XennethCiuechill' Mcn. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fmi. wCuc nOsaaadas a3URY&L0I A utEntertainment cd John. Torc) M. Fredý 9 cmr. te 5 p.m.i member cf the choir. Siece 15 KIng St. W. AIA 3-3361 B N ý 1Carter, Toronto, v-,isited Mrsj Thumsday evenings ýreturning to Hampton she bas Bowmanvlle A. Carter on the weekend. Wed. and Sat. - 9 -12 imade her home with ber sis-il 96GMcoiers are m'etahiic. 'M has matched them. Coor i w uererrd bvei Somne 1.200 pait slpeciflca. L1ordler. Even flve roars a,-,. w'îth L700 more i-eserved' for W hitree feen.fooet uers. These combina- M1ost peplar colors in 1956 tions are made up fr-om 670 la.C-i-,iýii cwe medium bliie, light bIne finishies cnd primiers. er ne casad nedim ngreen. antedi( black. i-.w most p:rcolors poplmiar. thien rinked poor noiira \Iotors sixh cd çeve-cth. Third rim- xiôblack vincy beige wasn't even ie thie e.Hondurzîý to-a tee." A330 ne acci arbor To szitN:vFooret cusome'- M -30 rdel. w-be xvant thc ir oxvn celo er uf for n focr extra paini. GM lbas a speciai de-WA Tf ~But about partnment w uhccc have ai-i flIflU Z; c,ýe i- r st nny colff% i ipio mna1cn- li eeirn d. Over the SERVICErbe S recerdof Ciîoth], sîceves cf ilIC towards sub- setrbits cf gass. ou St,ýrtlinc fin- 1,- bes and e-nodid bls of' ;c colors gaIn- pq:n1 hc-e been gubtittled Il ,lo toi sevteî custoniers as, colur -,anple i- No. 1Grade - Il oz. Cello 2FOR4 i- Ilot ). 1Grade -.&8oo. Celle Bag !ADISHES 2 l'or 15C .A. - i ci Grade- 3 lb. cello Ilouse - No. 1 Grade D DRESSING qq.3 5c SAVE 16e 6c Off Paîck- 16 oz, jar -R-SPRED .*.. ..*.47C SA1 4<.l IIEON MEAT.... 43c SAVE.I lic -Siveet Relish - 16 oz, Jar PICKLES - 2F0R*59qc lwramla No.I -1 0 6 'n l, T0 SOtjP ql FORsI1 e- (.rtpe i Fruit Puinchi - 48 oz. 'i, N'SDRINK - 2LFOR JJ *C AVE 8c. ED BEEI eq q.49c kN T POTATO ..... 29c SAVle ior spaghetti 2 LFOR3 5 LLE TISSUES qq3 pkgs. . 9 c fee -a 99C j / als iAVE lOc Agght - "s ùz T:c Swiff's Red and Blue ,Brand fleel, 5 ir$1.00 4YE e ROUND STEAK<IRÔ 'hite or Colorcd 2or 33c OR ROAST» - LB 9 oz. Pi'i4 ils ' 25c BONELESSIYt lS4.39 RUMP IROASTS LB. C, 15c, 25c SIRLOIN STEA<LB 24 oz, 1,:! Bd - 1 9c OR ROAST q- - 7 errY - 6 te pkg. 15 - 35c T-Bone adWn ug -2ca igL.9 n.t « 29ca Steak or Roasi 9ç - 89c Swift's Eversweet - 1 lb. Packa~ge Rindless SIDE BACON 1-1. 59C ens3/5v SLICED TABLE READY MEATS FOODS 3ACARONI & CHEESE, DUTCI LOAF, - SAVE 7r. VEAL, PORK & CHICKEN LOAF, ICKLE & :JUICE PIMENTO LOAF tic Vue Vac O < 79C 6 oz. Pacliage 4 O 9 LNVILLE - - qMcQuinn's Market ýGROVE N aple Grove Groceteria - - *- - -Cornish Marketeria Fresli. Tender - No. îinappy, Frcsli - No. I Grade GREEN BEANS- *'eîw Crop - No. 1 CGrade 1 Grade .3c S29C i23c PAGE StK C THE CANIADIAN STATEStLý,N. BOMIANVMLE, ONTAIRIO "Vr

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