WEPNESDAY, AP~IL 5fl~î, 19~1 THE CAN AD IAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL~, ONTARIO PAGE SEV~N Ither-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. ý i' 'N rs. Ruth Carrigan was ap- fnsadcluae ulig "IM - er ee rts ~ t v d ig'n ir pointed the club's official dele- m S otadrnas omsin Mr. nd Ms. Nwtonýshgate t attend the Regional SS octal I LI-'rsonalI l~a~Nwtns:i n A>ccidents Poes alWmnsCl ubs SVK ford, and Mr. Roy Ashton ~,ad ~ i Larry and Sharon. ToronLo, 2th. eldi Cburg (RoAn NE uces oaliduty e Phn Aer 30 get fMor.a vnd g supHper.'On Vveekend On motion of Miss Helen During the nienhsvnsligfo afla rc i P hoe MA 3- 3303j guessof Mr and Ms. H. r:~a~S~1~d crisid-Nelles, seconded by MissMIiad- new applications frwlaelmt uigteH fr Mr. ad Mrs. E. Hunt and'velled by 'plane. Mr. and Mrs. RonalgedinHall, , to sponsor the B. and P. \Vo- cepted. Employ met vacosldthHihaTrfi fa I-v Eastvie. v;ere holiday MissDr n agrtNnyadJxnCahron 40H ighway at Sauina men's Clubs Regional Confer- found for four peros h c n he in~ ofm viiithwhrlaiestPronhenEep e nd a- poo octAcaEdivn be162 weekendReor uaio. th cnMrt.;xt M rs. G eorge H all of Tor- % h t e r n ph % n a - and Airs. Jam es H all. N an y o uis o si, ond y rnoo w a Ofl Miss R h d oon M a s inth, ea e ndu rst;l C m i s o a o a r t e s w h . w nnto is vsiting M rs. K v le ily, Rev. K enneth Purdon, and Jim m v rem ained to spendt e ou h sh u1er19te 6h rg2o.t e drIan he Re o t r aRch si tt d u d r t n . w H s g e t Squair, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Caughnawaga, p* Q.their hoidays with their Lhighy oingTorsnowy whe1wMkss erhodasordns i Mar-ndstia grandparents. tesot soldrof cky i fbtey K. N. Me!epot or MrcheCmi-ouclttthspoe e Mrs. John Clark ai West Mr. and ~frs. H. Hancockit made a left turfl ta cross veline Bird. It was agreedI sioner, sta ted thatdicsonstie ihave aa- S isti and' brothe-i-law. 'Mr. the Frank Jamieson family on Crago and family were Mr. ted tou nt oan o no-taifrteBulindtr. whtolclonesfco-oclnuîyin92. and Mrs. Jack Childs. Monday and attended the Ju- and MArs. W. R. Firth and Sai-! ing car driven by Orphaî Mrs. Florence Tomlinson that mercial properties voae Terptsttdttth MenilenhoMkeygarne. igTon, V R agnt rand fMrs.' Browvn, Camp Petawawa. they cannot attend a regular contemplating redeeo etalstdiy eqssfr Mr adMr. og ig nd W . aret ndfmiyM. osisya sustained dinner meeting of the club be projects. MIr. Moris lor-sre as it > oa family were weekend visitors' MNr. Vernon Saunders and' Scarborougli; Larry and Davd dMrge amanin tar$5,ixdfrteWdedye-pre htpirt h pl-dsre n te otn with his mother, Mrs. Harvey son Bob, Toronto, were Good'rernaining for halidays. ane damage othe Br $1o, fiei pror tae eisuca meeng. ctod the fpirm iMDn iet(eeacomdtd Rýgg of Stratiord, Ont. lt, r. andsit rs t ispr*Good Frîday visitors withi adehe damagunte tae B300. iss VrieteF eetin. atd is o nd ae y aTan TwnCuni isuse Mr adMr. .D.Flkrens M. n Ms.AthrMr. and AMrs. -George Graham Meeisenoijuis.Cn-bha oteebers onhe aunc il forapermissint tl ite o h afa rc Brockville, Ont., were week- S aunders, Waverly Rd. adfmiyian tetwr table W. J.nReinjeriOPPCon- localfB.oan P.emens o tCluizethfuopenroalow iisadonmto a on end guests oailher sister Mrs.'Mrs. Charles Clark. Port, her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-!veigtdprstdMs.GtWoleaeadongthDmnoncloKehLtagee- Gus BounsaIl, Church Street. * Perrv, and Miss JudV Hutchi-ijthur Thompson and f anil, eraedws nohe1mtrethefrer ropriertar of teStoe apropernty nKnSre oddb nilo osS Stanley Stephens, Bud Hart,' son of Toronto were Sunday; and their daughter, Mr. and' accidII Tent on as nter Sndo totefer, wi o a etir fultset iEStr essoprs. R o ne n es.dcddtahv« a'rchie Croey, obind Ge'ýR-sperguCla rk n ap. adMs'Ms .Knke i iOhxa1:30 a.m., when a car driven jewellery. The gift was made Milis had saught hsoiinITw lr edltest aIdMajerionwer i B!-Ros Car ad alh.Mr. and Mrs. George Morris by George James Bryans, ta Mrs. Wooliey as an expres- ai their analysis o!hestsPocr dRecnEgn fal fr heEate weknd jMr. and Mrs. Francis W7II- and Karen wcre weekend R.R. 3, Bowvmanvi1le. wvent sien ai appreciation for hier patential. He also a n-erad h nai eat Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamie- j liams and Shirley, Prince St..! guests ai Mlr. and Mrs. Doug ., out ai contrai on the Caurtice constant co-oiperation a nd wercd their question nsc eta Hgwy eadn son Lrry LrrnendDo-! spent the holiday weekend atAne and family, Collins Road a littie mare thani a mile helpiulness taeftie club. Mrs.i matters as local shopighb iet Sreadi ti sn arLraeadDnAgrnorth ai No. 2 Highway. The Woalley graciausly thanked its and hours o!bsnssfanane ytemta1h niei pnt aser eeendSubuy wthCorarl ad ayOn. issFrnce Agerca sid nt thorporithatelemersfo loel git.MOntori' rpotiasosta radis trne nogh a ak visiting relatives at Tara, Ont. Ms Oivr .n Cty. returned with them te spend candrlld novte ontit rof.the mexcelsrlenenetaientAted that lxx Mrch olo-pimdaectntaaawf Mrs. Joe Taylor was an 1Mrs. C. L. Upper of Peter- 1 Eastcr vacation with Miss' ndF dortnaeMr. Bryats rwas.wasemucelltene Miss iv-nt dtatin ver ad ithtreituklaso ssre Easter weekend guest oai rborough spent Easter week 1Karen Morris. ort inateu r. age a hs in adlchesepress iv aco ndutas roect.Tw ionarut a h o y son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tay-' end with ber brother and si: Mr. and Mrs. E. B. AMenzies. car amuned tamaboute$175. asahsearrtaivaae i ae ontractprs wee cl-D CnriRpr \or and family, Belleville, Ont.' e-nîwM.adM) .RRbert and Margot, Air. JohncarontedurrabJoyt,$1OP, fine sols, terc Yo taei the iv atse iremnOf [ DgCotaOice' Jaîe n arysen ater a-law__Mr._andMrs. C.prospectabis Murray Jor- Reportfiforsoaoc, statedYthat Mr n r.Bo ee,1Bike ccsso tet Dippeil. all of Cliton. and Mr. er sv and'Hoy il Mr. ceand Mrt.BbYeeBike CnesinSee r.R. R. Miha.was the iflvostigating officier. l i<. ~ISs Hlteacieis.Tetid ~'-ekndwi se thser,' Mfrs. J. H. Johnstor± was anPeter, S'e,,ie and Bill, Suid- 'I__pNells.Ms. Trudypiano aoiinal plan in the igb icr iebouhyi n 3ds Oent. h e ro her dau1 wer nd vsoit- Oarnt.Mr.and rs. L. X. t- B ..neis.is. s the and cxi- animais welanpickedeu1 Ors. Ihiisna BrslEer duwieknd vsior v-ith! buipry.rt.. M r i i w.r:_M_ as thle leader ofth singsong. rient conditions, a il toc.To orwr e Mýr. and Mrs. Bruce We4ley' Dippeil, for En-ster eekeiid. ilîer eauitu ?nmvrsAi rs A. G. Brooks %vas a guest deavor ta carry onrinbsr-tundathiowean Mr. James Dolan ai Ren-. and family aof Peterborough. !Mrste, Nor'metig.aen Soatinithr frew and Miss Jimie Dolan jrdn U I anc raanbiesSn- inonofEbnzs-Curie cs.Mrytonoscai-dv c mdneo. of Ottawa spent Easter -%%ith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swietzeried by "jet" an Saturday fiom aeM- n r. . sno Eeee-oriemrso.teMaryConnrs, cair yacmoain Mr.an Ms.PatDoanan an Cnd, rs. Swietzer Sr.,la i- th holiday with hier! area. The ývedicnr, ')0 years ago. of the for-mer IrenerRMPAEON) aTa he repon Man rt stated htnwdg -sbadd II.adAr.PtDln A gdan inaur, On., d augs erix-maoin n [FRArouOM PAGE ONE)dM CViso. oi mms or tcoresonin scaver, olietrgaerer peprtrttatstca ifomatonba le- oucilo Stves.chir were oa , as coannMr.venorn.o!o thebosuc esul! corne available iiitef-tmno teDgCnriCm family. F~~~1,riday guests of 'Mr. and Irs. Bernardino, Caliioria. S h ejinEng-and, tUookplace at the home of the bride s il- s cii rrsookngs trearr, asprintie asof how ai sfemotsa19,adh- tt.sttd"ioudik Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elliot t Hg conl n Kry.and Mrs. D. M. Paliner. Osh- AEs E t Btok, say that tue four monthowoffewmothsof19 and Stven. hitb w e he1 aa, spnt thandeknd v'h' îaeitand thev lhav-e rnainecl in the s-a.re district Mrls. Aildrey Cookson, and the Hats, which w%,as lheld by the cause af this, certairesin Sandatv ser g ss ier e,!Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hofiman awa, s ini he 1acî1 l ter wtldlfSccmlt t>vo aefloig crritee chair- club an Marcli atli. Pro.ceecis 1r en aei h e~-pro hc h ota parents rad r."..T .mcxi, Interna4ional, Airs. Mar- cleare ion teeventduralbche.Seaieuainswrhednaey 'sC M. nrke. . and daughiters Andrea and Jl.thue. 'inJdcy iic r.An mu te a$73,40, Mrs. Con- 1 tus work bas been oree newa i h ih Cak.Sally, Elwood City, Pa.. we le in- efer- Ci - - - tAna aouep holiday guests of ber parents ts Tailva GoCidard and: lW7ats 4 I letn rs n nr tae.by the Industrial Comiso-drcin epeloc ie Mrs. W. Bennett is spendingrWudLebnfca oBw Dr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Miss Jayce M1eckback ai Kit- ,I -ul ebnfcilt o-llNaughton and Miss Violet Mrs. Reita Hobbx-. chairman er.teîdos.adtre er Faster wtýeekz witb bier son-fn- - chener are sp)entding their Eas- IW liV atinanlvilie Io put forth ail cf- A1cFecers, Wiays and Mveans, o! the Sunshine Cammitteê.,. He reported thatitth e lwmandMoynhe and.!andiySusanand Lis. at, rook- evi ion ThursNasu.evni S a orth taobtlinthe advntaes Mrs. Aarveline Bird and Mrs. gave her report for Marcb.1 quest afittie Trad~adl-~ rnpan Mrs. I. ~ of >uch a pruiect. 1 M-trv Glîl. Sunshine, Mrs. Ag- A satisfactary financial re- 1 dustry ]3ranch aoteftai ______ Ottawa. ville, Ont., were Easter weck- with Tanya's parents, Mr. an' an ia n'.n oxclr tvn n<rtedI n a \-ei&î.Press, Airs. Beryl port was presentdb'teDprmn i omreadjlS U Mr. an id Mrs. Ewart A. end guests of ber parernts, 'Mr. MmTr. Laurence Godciprd, ana u cuilil that as a resuit of in-u'ghes. Mlembership, Miss treasurer, Mrs. Audrey Cook- jDcvelopnient ixfornaonhdi(NADNSTTSA Peters and son John ai Dtta- and 'Mrs. Harry Allun, Edsall leit by 'plane on Gcad Fridlay quiries he hý,-d Iound that a Hielen Dcvitt, Pragram, Miss son. The ncxt executive meet-j been given concernn u L~IIDAS wila visited w-th Mr. and Mr,ïs. Ave. y.nrning.j i uiiber Ciofuse t "le Riioda Gordon, pianist, Miss ing will be held at the Lionslposition af Bowmanil n D. R. Alldread over Easter 'I.ad~r.Gog av Mrs. N. C. Yeîîoxviees bs owxnanvîlle Beachies, .,h-ýicli Helen Nelles, assista-nt'planist, Commuîîity Centre on Aprildustrial Develapmetimi- FRFS EUT Monday. inger and daughter Leslie, returncd home after sve:îiding j had been built for suinnuerj Miss Madlyni Wilcox. ll1th. dlntemtr Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Stapley, Scarborough, spent the Easter a week with bier son, Mr. and accuparicy only. ar'e be*ingl Margot, Tony and Michelle, weekend with ber parents, Mr. _Mrs. Dan Yellowiees and fam-. used for ail year resideiîce. Toronto, were weekend visi- and Mrs. J. Newman. Silver ily af Ottaw%,a. Master Greg The average a.ses 1.50fo tor wth ie mthe, rs.'W Sree. eLowlesretrnd ith Ms.10 ai these iîouses is S"1,5, CoNIPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE tors ;vitb ber mother, Mrs. W. Street.Yellowlees ret'irnd wit r.i lie said. At the prése'nt-mill H. irs.Sudayviî~s ith\I Xwlees w th l'scosinend E+ei rate this woldniean anl aver- Misses Hallhe and Sharonî and Mrs. L. MeFeeters, Car- wck wif t b cuin. DonEl-i c axor evensof $72. Iulligan and Peter Gardon of~ lisle Ave., were bier sister, Mr.lct iPtroogi boniîrSees sac Kingston spent Goad Friday and Mfrs. Jack Weatherhead, Mr. -Murray M.Litchell. Mliana- taiIeovrrnaibus With Mr. L. 13. Nichais, Car-1 Brian, Lois and Bruce, Tar- ger 01 the New Toronto1 ul ne icDpracî Mr. eae i. RaoRn to nt rnr fth ayiBlu-of Coinmerce and Develop- Mr.an Mr. ae unilM and Mrs. Ted Coiwfo ui imrinlw~-nent plan w-ould be assesed adDaScott, Greg and Toronto, spent the Easter Street. J .N. Michll. enrte;oud$b3,160 isandnore Leigh, Deseronto, visited Rae's weekend with bis * mother, Streetl ca woen route $ 975. a $20t0x more a moter Ms.FrnkRundie, Mrs. Bert Coiwell, and bra-teMriR M ichl i yerar tban on tâe type ai Eate eeen.ther Irwin. Ted remnained for Belleville, Ont,. dwellings beiog used fur ail Mrs. Tom Buttery and Joan tbe week. Hsrayfinswl e year living by sanie people ati havQ. eundfo he.Hsmn red i- e Bowmanviiie Beaciies. j SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIIS WVEEe reure fo atre-Mrs. M. E. Leask arrived happy to learn that Mr. John- The cost af construction ai' wee - visit witb relatives and boels audyfo yStwoudreta ___ _-month's vacation %ith er appendectomy at M e m .o r, ai' 1t r l o e ieti1o s 1______and___________r.Hopitl___________,s-_Thbsies I,-Ieîiibet wtIeenoud e$12.0001,000 brother and sDtehamn-law, i >i.inS13.000Oper unit, and tle' STi. PAUL S 'Baclorida. Monday. We hope te see will be heic a t the Lionisi éet ,,citd be lrsýý thon $ 1,000,' YOUR DRUGGIST M n y -S v n Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burk and Jnyback "on duty" nt fthe Centre cri Wediesday, Ap . j Cou-nillor Stevens expia ined.i Jonspent Est weekend or so1 e and 1uc N HO CHURCH of Paul Douglasr..eneciva , a l a WiMis Iow, i Dorval and a Menuber of a survey of the matter niade ...Bad-Wt I e.L L.... .... ....AlyNrhuthdtemis- Saturday for a seven-week I oI Be, rn njWn foruneteAliponhebard- visit with M.,rs. W. Jolînson, the exception of a mituor ex- wood fora i oebreak- Mann Sre.They wili aiso I pendîturenfor0a'seRti.ing0 nrg hshp H__aptin__uepni-refravetsn :anda, rsrlJM.CsLt meaf Dr. nhsi n»W i i JL ; , CoLveCpslsL== inOshawa Hospital. ti ranpev Councillor Ken Nicks then; j... .. ales - 9:0am isMre aT obeofS î noved that application be 1__ OT 9:50 a.rn. Miss Muril La Trobe The Marathon Bridge Wind-' W, nd o nba uvy on 9 SU.NDAY SCHOOL ohrnwaleeken . .damuetUp Party will be beld in thel (RMPAECE cillor Glenholme nluglies se- I.A.rad-e.98-I 11:er00ce, r.S. . dansLions Community Centre on: (RO Pl OE jconded the motion, and it' Cod - ECONOMYCapsule bhile helping him get settled odyApi 17, at 8 p.m. boulevard there. Couiillor ,______ - ieI un.bis a artnyenrinathesubstitutes, asj Ross Stevens. seconded y1 M or W l ïd C ruh s GuEit ics.erApts Kin St.E. ias ail Hospital AuxiliarY Reeve Sidnuevy' LiÂC Otdtatdtl IasorLLt sin~Colgale Dental .ream th______ oRmE. . ofCHamo Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dick- mlembers, are invited ta at- tuat a copy of the relevanut ai tue Third, Street Sewer is l ach taLIetContelns 7- tomelyo!Hap ,nson ai Ottawa and Miss Susan tend. Don't stay home be- ByLaw bce 'sent ta' the being instailed on Higli Street: e ssentiel vitamin&. Coe 55C--- Evenlnt Service Wthdrawn Dickson, Queen's University, cause your partner can't couac. j ro vus' Bread Com'pany, anud and bluat he is payirîg Most aiofon4 da W iKnsowere w ee k end There wil1 be others likeï tilat the fîi a' be inforîr C (Itriat the coC. The Bowmr_ýnvi Uc tet7ton (i.dey *guests cf hier sister and bra-, ors79cerse Rv u ~ eg. jMrs. Ross Steveris, Scuigog 'would imt thi e ai tu * coin-j1 vol-ved on],y ta a mmxor ex- I Hutton and Deborah Stevensltians ta flue prohlem ai bread' '" Tri* ity U i'ot d C h rch are visitiag hier aunt, Mrs. j1dciiveiy by their velicles iln reeBis or Creme Rinse#nSe Miniter Re. Wm K.Hou~andr, BA.,B.D. F. bapnan.in Lnsig, the ai-ca. This was carried.49 Mieh an clli n brcoLaCuciir st Lianu, RG T eg. 75e Reg. 2.00 ___ Orgnistr- rev . Atr oln Mus.B., .. m j si ns d Brue onhie a scu oîîed by ouncfýih ala O J.cI .d.Ne wc ffReg Sc Sze49cE D. G.MiILeod. Daniel sti-ed o snall îiuicpaIities as fainly roorns anud nuany other, CBAnrw ieSat5 Il U bU I M M K I ~ I A N fl wer gue~ts ai u-. 1d Mu-. j lar e sticpligete is o'i, fut i. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .AdrraLte Sit ________m- ~~REFOR/~~AED ~ ~ with Mr. aud Mu-s. P.'ulici - ber -auras in thec honme prooc-D.Cae'eer od98,29t k~ ~rLK~1 ~ iSimms, an.d the Misýzes vliWDrCassev o 1-~aad Tin huhes x,.creand Mrz-'. (3 J.PrestEri vu il l ilfou-m aniesseitialrm m Scugog Street, Bo wM an iille of Mr- and M u. Robert Skel- ii harge ait e e )ius food part af the structure, especia- e rto l - liu idoa l t . 5 . 9 4 lton. Miss Tixua Hughes is Stijli'The beautifiul bouc' e I N,- attrauctive because ai the;AL - '- ~~~~~~ nd i d ucai entrances whch G rt l J.- - . --------- 2 " o Rev, John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. isitng theSkeitons and uîi~wand mauv inuinsa n rke r-6-9---------- jretuu-n ta Bowmanville this' daffodils wvicli ceni-ed the gcte iua3 I.D.A. lleaIth Saits -- Minister weekend. ser-vinug table sdnacibv _____ _______ w a~~'M s. i aV. te v . T h e l o u i t e d U M ~ U ijId a p h o s w ith B i - - - - -_ _ _ _1 5 e u a aid Mu-s. Walter Woollev were fram t'lceaccount aif the B'11u- C r e s-eVstn nSna wt u.M-.V . t:y -oeIdatone ------.----------------- 10 AM - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 1.N Mu. and Mu-s. Ivan Woalley, day Parivuîlî~c in' tlie a Idafer - Capsules or Liquid27Pre SecaOfr frm Peter-baorough. Ris par-'last issue of the Sta'esîuuan. ie V LR E BrokBodBtes------ 19$1 7:30 P-11. - SERVICE IN DUTCH ents weu-e plcased ta sec tîuexuî i SIE IVnakt% ----- 10 onTV Channel 12, Good Fr1- Tue BowPAGEuONE Wine 1. e g---on ÎSunday School mrnmediately ai ter day, when as members oftePieB-a ~c the PpBadpe tebridiaI:--------------------------------------------------5 Churclu, Peterbor-ough, ther 'Ciiurch foliow-iixg ttie Thertpeil- to be their guest next Mon- Warnpole's Phospho-Plex Tbes25 Fretanprato ortoe ilngbtunbe particîpated fa a beau:ffi u-ý,ign di on Salurday day at 8 p.m. whcn they ________________- Freetranporttionfor hosewillng bt unble asteu- prcçram. Iacldcntally, aiternooni. Anuung thue enjo\-- hv honoeiterfc ta attend the services. Phn A353 he choir again won the troohvPhnMA357 1t able sciections plavcd b;' Piperý ilities ta assist the local icanîpetition at the Kii-anls AhbM avhia iPper Gary rup. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALT uefore 9 p.fl. Strlynihs Festival this Spuing, ale du ug the ueccton at, It ls haped thîaL many fthe leadership of Mu-. Charlie} the Legion Hall afucu t'le 1wed-, would-be or actual curlers SAllun, organist and choir mas-idia wcre -Thue Green Hil *Is of; from Newcastle, Orono and A ter. Tyrol", -The Weai-ing aof thel the rest of the surrounding "Back To God Hour"" Broadcasis Green". "The Mirîstrel Boyý",l territory as weIl as asis B.-Al te enjovable Hospital: and "King Bill%-." A ligiut-1 manville will attend the l x crg rthiday Partu hled by the' fcoted Hiclifnnd F!'ng was meeting here on Friday so CKLB Osh waat 3 p.m e~-ry unday J om--'s Auxilha- -of Bow- fcl- da.ncol ib- M'z:s S[ir- the organizers %'ill have a \ e De veYo r L c l ID A I ruSt ePh e M A 3 5 9 e14EY, 2OM - - the Lions Comrmunity Centre pipes during the v.edding re-i willing to participate in the L -- pum,- recentlYo, Mr&. Harold Lakeiception.1 new club. THE CANADIAIN' STATESI-MAN. BOMLUIVILLE, ONTARIO WI-MIKESDAlf, APRIL Sth, IOS1 PAGE StVM