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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1961, p. 13

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL l2th, 1961 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THRTEE~4 ~' 4 Hos pitai AdMmistrator TelIls Newcastle Lions 0f Lifte in Deep River Newcastle- Bernard Hold-,brought the members up-to-! des showing the beauty Of en, administrator of Mernorial data on the t',ý,wn of Deep!the area on the Ot taa River. .Hospital, in Bowmanville, River from wh'ence hiecamei During th e dinner hour a was the guest speaker at thie:rcedly, wiich lio said is .1: regular dinner meeting of the littie knovr in this o)art of ivisitor, the Rev. W. W. Patter- Newcastle Lions Club hcld in!the counIrv,. He siid most fRcmndHl a n the community hall on Thurs-Ipeople think of Deep River 1troduced to the members by day evening. las soime place av:ay back th prslntouh h Intrducd byLio Prsi- he ort coutry whln 'didn't need much introduc- dent Harry Jose, the speaker fact it is only 309 miles from te oms o h ebr Tornto an Th mies romhaving been minister of the _________ Toronto,___loca United Church some ten N tesOttawva and was of no c; coun unil te bildig ;years ago. Lion Perey Hare Noties ountuntl te buldig .introduced Lion Harold (Doc) _________ - ______Atoinie Eaergy of Canada. He Falk the ncw manager of the Pictures taken at the recent said in the p-ast 15 years the.local Canacian Bank of Comn- Sports Nite and Carnival at hamlet has g~nta a townimre the arena and displayed in of 5,000 ponuflatioii and has a lre the window of Toms ICA fullY accre clteci privatohos- Durinq the meeting the store may be purchased. Or- pital. lie said rni. t of its in- 'birthdays of two members, ders should be left with' Mrs. habitants are empioyed in the Lions Fred Bridson and Tom M. Paterson at the store. 15-if Atorolo plant wïc produces Lennard wcre remembered reactors for thoC peacclLil uses with the lusual contributions of atomie na such as to the Convention fund. Lion power plants, the Cobalt bomb John Riekard in reportingc for f * , for Cancer treatmý-.nt, etc. the Carnival Committee said iMr. Iloile idc the Deeto prog-rcss xvas being made and River Area v:as a snuortsmcin's the d!ate of Friday, July 14th, W! HAVE HEATIWNGSYSTEMS ~J paradiý-e and pnQ'nted a num- had been set for the Carnival TI4AT MR REALLY " ITi ber cf boa ut iru!Iy colorcd sli- in the Community Park. TUPV IKÇPP YO(JR NOME ~ ilew ~cas t/e SQ cia! andi £Jgrsonal Il ~ - ~-k-'-< J j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J.vithMissPegPare I Allin have rcturncd hiomei Mr. Edgar Pascee, Mr. and _________________________frem a three-mnonth vacation Mrs. William Pearson cf Osh- in the Suinay South, travelling1 awa and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. A,2 rthrouch Floric-i ,,id joinin, Woudhiams and daiughter3 PLUING-HEATING thewa-llya Caravan for Marie of Tarante were Sun- B :atou of cxi day visitrs with Mrs. Fred M_____________________ and visitù-.,g iith relatives in T . Couch. Mrs. Samis and Mrs. gio BURNE ELR~9cal;iornia. Lcslie Allia. OROINO 1782 Mr. Riokie Pearec spent the Weekend vîsiters with Mr. wcokend g i iilaTaranto and Mrs. John Voutt and Neil 7\XFr nA iU IVrLS. iAu1 iy HARLEY'S ýNG ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE MA 3-2301 1961 Chevrolet Sedan 1959 Ford Galaxy 1958 Mercury Sedan 1955 Volkswagen 1955 Chevrolef, V-8 1955 Oldsmobile Sedan 1954 Plymouth Hardiop - NO DOWN PAYMENT- Up to 36 Months te Pay &RLEY RAYES MA 3-7218 HA M ______ Prolong the life of your engines with1 Esso Lubricants e Marvelube a EssaIuL, e Mineralube e Mobiloil e Esso M.P. Grea:ý other hlgh quality lubricants for ail requir A. H. Sturrock& BO WMAN VILLE ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE SE! Voutt of Uxbridge, Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Penny and Janet cf Tononto. Miss Doris Todd of Stark-1 ville, spent the weekend vis- KID Firemen Have Busy Weekend Newcastle- The Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department had one of its busiest week- ends in yenrs with three calîs te grass fires and one te a chiminey fire during the week- end. The first caîl came in Sat- urday afternoon te a home on highway 2 at the east end of the village, were a grass fire was in pregress. How- ever, when firemen arrived at the village boundary they found the f ire was farther east in Clarke Towvnship and were unable te continue into the township due te a village order. However, nei.ghbours hielined to extiag:uish the fire. Suoday miorning around 11 o'cdock firomen were again called te a grass fire which had started from rubbish burning on the property of J. McLaren, north of the Fina Service station on the corner of King and Arthur Streets. The brisk wind was carrying the fire toward the workshop of Fred Graham but was breught undcr control without damage te property. Firumien had just returned te the hall and refilled the tank on the pumper, from the new hydrant at the fiee hall, wben the siren went again andl the recîs sped te another g.rass, fire off Mill Street near thfle CNR tracks near the home of R. B. Rickard where a grass fîre cf unknown enigin was travelling across the field. but was cxtinguished without darnage. The department xvas again called eut about 8 a.m. Mon- day te a chimney fire at the Rosse home on North Street firemen extinguished the fire xithout damage te the property. Coun cil Approves Subdivision Plans <1/te /êewadcle Y4cepenciend Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 Council Agrees ta Graduated Speeds on ,Village Approaches itiog ith bier cousin Miss Newcastle:- The v ii1 a g e presented facts and figures Darlene Bowen. couincil on Moaday evening taken by radar to prove that His many friends will be approved a traffic plan pre. motorists were net obeying sorry te lcarn that Mr. J. A. sented by representatives of the present speed limit and Smd is11 an isa atintthe Ontario Derartaient of they thought it should he in Memeorial Hospital, Bow- Ilighways for centrai e! speeds changed. According te the manville. on 'Highway No. 2 at the east radar tests only two per cent Marerrsonand wcst appreaches te the of motonists are now driving Mrs. Arthur ,Mrersnvillage. withini the speed limit on these andl Miss Hockia of Bowman- When instituted, and the appreaches to, the village. ville visited with Mr. and Mrs. sigas erected, the speed limit The delegation frem the D. M. Bernard and Erie On will be set at 40 miles per Highways Department ais o Sunday. h our from the village limits presented a plan for councîl 1Mr .and Mrs. George Kimi- te the bottc>mn of the hihl on approval outlining the agree- bal vere Sunday guests withl the wcst and on the east fromn ment being prepared by the Mr. and Mrs. Melîville Jenes'Ilb0 villsge ]imaits te the neigh- Dept. and the ceuncil in which la Newtonville. borhocd cf the Elmhurst Hotel. the village will take over the MissJoanSpecds will be enforced at the maintenance of old H-ighway Miss oanKimbali spent present level of 30 miles per 35 within the village. Accord- the Easter helidays vîsiting Iheur in tbe remnainder of the ing to the plans the depart- with lier cousin Miss Irene villoge. The highways de- ment will install a sterm drain Kîmnbaîl in Newtonvslle. partrnent had originally asked la the business section on Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis for the 50 mile limit te be King street and pave the read spent Sunday visiting witb extended te the points men- from sidewalk te sidewalk. .Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pollard tioncd above for the 40 mile There was considenable dis- la Oshawa. limit, but the council turned cussion of this plan and it was down this proposai. at a spe- left with council to make de- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allia cial meeting. The delegatien sired changes and send the and fimily wvcre Sunday visit- ' -as on hand again on Monday plan back te the department ors Nvith Mr. and Mrs. Ernest aven ine with the new pro- for approval. An agreement Twist and family ia Salem. pesal.i hich the council agreed 1 will be drawn up and the M~dwek uets it give a trial aften a iengtby 1work done when the street Marie I. Gartsbore were Mrs. discussion,.a had an opportunity te Sam Powell, Dornene and Duing the discussion the settle aftcr the waterworks Floyd- Powell. . Russeil ýdeleg-ates from the department have been completed. Po1.vcll and children, Patricia and Ricky, Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Mrs. Edna Selby, Donna, Sandra and Floyd and Dana Coulter. Mn. Stan Bowven attended the Draught Horse Auction Sale at Lindsay last Wednes- day. Mr. Erie Wicks spent Satur- day in Toonto. aony Guests Attend WMS Thank-Offering Newcaste- Guests from Kirby, Newtonville, Orono and St. George's Churchesý were welcemned te the Easter A dozen ladies intcrested Women's Missonary Society ing met at the tiome cf Mrs. Preidlent Mrs. George Allia e. i\ jaare I. Gartshore on Wed- ~Tu*dyatron Sne:day. Eachi lady displaycdonT -ayftro. i crd f u dnsrepcsntîyt The presideat opened the plant life, having pictures cf 1meeting with a prayen catit- frut, egeables, flowers and led "Jesuis Stand Among Us" grain oni thcm. LadiesweeIadrdapom nttd lireseat froali Oshawa, Bov- i 'The First Easter". man' ic, Pickering, I3rook- Foilowing the singing of a lin. Port lInne, Wllington and! hymn, Mrs. Jas. T. Brown LahMY. ica,-d itho seiptune lessan and Sunav isiorswit Mr. devotional theme and Mrs. Suîdayviston wib Ms.Woocland led ia prayer. The Cerge Smith -vere Mn. and Easter Thankoffening was re- IrsLam PadcnandJea Iceivecl and was dedicated by f S' rkîlleof T Misn ermaMrs. David Gray and a lovely > alx hofTnne vocal duet was sung by Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. Chapman of Xirby. \The gucst speaker for the LveniIflJ W . A , deeing Mrs. W. W. atro * of Richmond Hill was intre- HoId Meeting'MvsHm Newcastle- The Evening Branch of the W oman's Aux-, iliary of St. George's Chiurch, Wc'dniesdaiy evening, April 5th for a regulan businessInt V Iniperial meeting. ilg beHDX The President opened the Newcastle - E. Richard meeting wvith Prayers and ne- Lovokin, Barristen and Solici- ,se-and ponîs cf the varions officers 'ton bas opened an office on were prescated. Final arrange- K in." Street East, next te the 'ernents. alenti were made for the card!! Newcastle Taxi Office, and party being held on April plans to carry on a full time l2th and plans were discus- prctice from ti oain *S sd fo eaerin, totheLiens MAr. Lavekia bas been carry- Club dianen meeting on Ap1 ing on with an office la Ton- n il 20th. M7%embers cf the coin- onto durng the da- and an Sns nittee managing this dinner office ina bis home west ef the M.XArket 3_5516 are Mesdames Betty Collier, village la the evenings and Jtnc Alldread, Audrey Gag-i on Saturday for several yeans. erty, Aresta Williams, Gwen flaowever, he bas found, now, Barchard and Miss Maryj that bis practice locally bas1 Dewdaey. 1 growa ntee large te handie1 The next meeting w-as an- both offices. He bas given up' ST n ounced for Apnil 191h and his Toronto office and moved the meeting clased with the bis home office fnomn the farmn s-cnving of refreshments and! into, the village. a social timne was enjoyed by We wish him well in hisI the members. 1 new quarters. duced by Mrs. P. F. Hare and spoke to the ladies telling of their home churches since they had left Newcastle. She said her husband had had charges in Dover Centre, Nor- anda, Quebec, Fenelon Falls and they are now serving in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Patterson gave a splen- did Easter message on the subjcct "He is Risen"' which tvas much enjoycd by the memnbers and their guests, and their thanks to the speaker xvere expressed to Mrs. Pat- tcrson. by l\Ir.q. Houarcl Allun for'her splendid address. Following the benediction, a social hour xvas eajoyed in which the Rev. W. W. Patter- son joined the members and guests during which old ac- quaintances were renewed and new ones made. S TARK VILLE Mrs. Jirn Stark spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylvester, Sarnia. Mrs. I. Plum, Toronto, spentl the weekend with Mr. Arthur' McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and farnily, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Howard Far- row 's. Mrs. Lleiv Hallowell spent Monday last week xith Mrs. Brian Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigon and family, Bowma nv iille, visited Mrs. Victor Farrow. Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances shrougld STATESMAN C L AS SIF1E D S Phono MArket 3-3303 il Choice Quality A&P PEAS A&P CFioice Quality (ORN CREAM STYLE Ann Page, Ail Varieties BAKED BEANS Chaice Quaiity Haives A&P PEACHES A&P Fancy Quality Nectar A&P TEA BAGS Why Puy Mfore FRESH KILLED, C ICKEN (U S LEGS,..THIGHS I.7 SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE mp'OK SHOULDERS Fresh, Lean MAINCED BEEF Fancy Quality BEEF KIDNEYS Sh»'rý- CaL P' RIB ROASI l39C Fresh Ib.3 5c lb29C Ib.67c Weekend Fruit und Vegetuhie Futures Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS Red Spanish, Jumbo, Size 9s, No. 1 Grade PIN EAPPLES White Flesh, Fiorida, Marsh 8..dlest, No. 1 Grade, Six. 96% GRAPEFRUIT lOfor45C California, Fancy Grade, Finest for Eating NAVEL ORANGES 5-lb ceoabag 79c For Eating, Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Atmoesphre Controlied McINTOSH APPLES 3-lb cello bag 49c For Baking, Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Controlied SPY APPLES 3-lb cllo bag49c California, Large, Long, Green, No. 1 Grade ASPARAGUS lb25c CHI(KEN WINGS'ib.25c Fancy Quality, Sliced ib43c PORK SAUSAGE i45e More O ut standing Values Jane Parker Reg. 49o-SAVE 10e APPLE PIE «ach 3 9c Campbeli's Reg. 2 tins 27oc-SAVE 80 TOMATO SOUP 8 i-oz ins.00 Reg. jar 35c-SAVE Se ,3 9-oz jars 1.00 lu.b.rry, Strawberry> Reg. jar 350-SAVE S 3 9-oz jars 1.00 Reg. tin 39*-4SAVE 170 3 î6-oz tins 1.00 Reg. pkg 27e-BAVE 8W4 4 pkgs of 2 rols 1.00 Ail Prices ln This Ad Guaranteed Througls Saturday, April 16th, 1961. ý.STOCK UP AND AVEMR H HS RA AEI N Newcastle:- Plans for aI the Ontario Municipal Boardi new subdivision in the village'i approving the extension of 11 were unveiled to the village the waterwvorks main in the council on Monday evening by Church-Robert street area. H. Stanley Graham. Blue- John DeWith ad dr e sse d' prints of the proposcd sue- council regarding the placingil division were presented te of a fire hydrant right in front council for approval before of his house where he parks'] submîtting themn to the Plan- his car. It seens Mr. DeWith' ning Department for its ap- xvent to considerable personal proval and rcgistration. expease to level up the ditch The proposed subdivision se he m7ould have parking whichi is bounded by Kin, sPace. Wýhile couincillors were Arthur, and Andrew streetsc lsnpty~ihhspeia will contain 67 building lots, ment, they said they were necessary streets and a fivc poxverless to do anything per cent park area. Entrance about it. te the subdivision xiii bc made from King, Arthur and Andrew streets. Following a thorough study of the plans %ommunity by council, a motion was pass-1 ed giving approval for the subdivision. B w ig' An application for a build- o ln ing permit for a bungalow on the east side of North strectD submitted bv M. Malkiexvicz e ut was approved bv council sub- jeot to the approval of thc Ncwcastle-Following is.the « Health Unit regarding the final standings in the various plans for weeping beds. leagues on the Community Mrs ette Btlerwasap-Bowing Alîcys and the high pointed a member of the Com- crr uigteps ek munity Hall Board replacin't Men's League Mr. J. C. Porter who has left Wildcats 133, Sabres 132, the village. Mustangs 132, Spitfires 114, According to a resolution Hurricanes 97, Typhoons 82, passed bv counicil, Daylight Avongers 64, Arrows 30. Saving Time will corne in'to Scoring 225 and over- Ken force in the village at 12:01 Whitney 291, Bob Brown, 233, a.m. on Sunday, April 3othj. Irv McCuliough 232, Brian The 1960 audited statement of Rowe 282, Bill Lake 226, Bob the village was presented to Glanville 245, Doug Walton council at this meeting andI 236, George Kimbaîl 225, Ron1 council were very pleased that Munro 297, Jirn Caswell 270, the deficit, created of some Earl Evanýis 226. $7,500 by new roof and re- IN'ed. Ladies League pairs to the cornmunity hall, Jclly Beans 108, Gumdreps had been reduced fr o m 103, Allsorts 91, Candy Canes1 $6,059.66 in 1959 to $694.32 in8. 1960 without addings any ia- <rease in the miii rate for this purpose. The deficit xvas re- duced by more than $5,000. Councillors wer g r ea tlIy concerned with the incrcasc in tax arrears. The clerk was authorizcd to take the neces- sary steps to have these ar- rears paid to wipe out the loans held in the bank cover- ingc these arrears ln taxes and the resuitant increase each year ln interest costs. A letter xvas received from Reg. 2 tins 37a-SAVE l1. 6 20-ozftnsl .00 Reg. 2 tins 39e-SAVE 17o 6 20-oz tins i.00 Reg. 2 tins 31c-SAVE go 7 15-ozdtns i.00 Reg. tin 27-SAVE 8o d4 20-az fins 1 .00 R eg. 2 tins 35e-BAVE 5a 6 15-oz tins i .00 -Reg. pkg $1.09--SAVE %. pkg ofl20.00 Rolling 200 and over- Gert Gray 234, Bessie Ferguson 221, Ruth Couch 220, Grace Couch 216, Betty Brown 214, Helen Hancock 211, Marilyn Couch 204. Thursday Mlxed League Cats 131, Imps 100, Bugs 97, Brats 57. Rolling 200 and over- Stan Couch 302, Maureen Powell 275, Bill Harrison 235, Ar, Dubeau 228, Marilyn Couch 226, Eva Langley 212, Brian Rowe 211, Bessie Ferguson 204, Gary Barchard 204. Friday Mixed League Rcsebuds 123, Sugrar Jets 120, Misfits 119, Alley Cats 110, Shreddies 87, Hijacks 84, Hot Shots 73, Under Dogs 68. Rolling 200 and over - Brian Rowe 304, Irv McCuI- lough 281, Bill Harrison 258, jean McCullough 241, Mur- ray Paterson 228, Irene Cun- ningham 228, Bessie Ferguson 225, Tracy Embiey 224, Stan Powell 224, John Riokard 221, Lary Pearce 219, Velma Par- ker 217, Ron Munro 216, Ben Hoogkamp 216, Albert Pearce 215, Barbara Alldread 204, Betty Brown 203, Frank Hoar 203, Make-up for Good Friday- Betty Brown 304, Marilyn Quanitrili 293, Stan Powell 245, Brian Rowe 239, Albert Pearce 236, Verne Rowe 231, Ken Whitney 230, John Rick- ard 228, Clarence Mclvor 219, Ron Munro 219, Irv MeCul- lough 218, Tracy Eunbley 210, George Kimbaîl 209, Bill Har- rison 203, Irene Cunninghain 203, Stan Brown 203, Hazel May Munro 202. Monday Ladies League The team standings for this beague have net been reported but those scering 200 and over are as follows- Alta Lang- staff 280, Edna West 273, Ruth Couch 256, Betty Lees 224, Eleanor Perrin 221, E Mead- ows 221, Teresa Langstaff 201. SPRING, IN MY HAND! How oft at Dawn, I hold Spring in my hand! A cool, untarnished air covers ail the land As a pussy-willow bonds aeross the fence tTo say "Good-morning,," in Friendship, as I venture hence. A soft littie sparrow flies into the ligIht; There is no ominous satellite in sight. Eternity cornes to my soul as a little chi]d Nestles in my arms! A breeze so very wild That it grasps lime and roakes of it, so fit, A mystic miracle, subsides. Houses dimly lit Awaken to a new day. My heart with a secret passion is full! There is no task difficuit, or lonely, or duli. Earth is pregnant wîth laughter as its seed Promises Maturity and new Hope, Indeed! A Robin chants a Madrigal - "I Understand," As in ail Humility I hold Spring in my hand! -Marion Ford Reg. 2 pkgs 23.-BSAVE AN EXTRA 4& Assorted Flavours (2o Off DeaI) PUDDINGS Royal Instant 9pg Reg. 2 Ibo 56e-BAVIE 10@ 4 1-lb pkgs i.00i Reg. tin 39c-SAVE 17e, 320-oz tins1i.00 Reg. 2 tins Slo-4AVE ft 7 20-oz tins 1 .00 1 Reg. pkcg 35c-SAVE lie, 3 i-lb pkgs 1 .00 Reg. pkg 37-BSAVE lie 3 18-oz plcgs 1 .00 BLACKSTOCK Miss Brenda Malcolm, Nes- tieton, spent a couple of days with Miss Carol Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family joined the rest of the Ashton families at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ashton, Enniskiilen, Sun. day afternoon on the occa- sion of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton's l5th weddîng anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock visited in Toronto, Tues- day te Thursday when Jane Mew came home with them. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mew and Robert spent the day ;vith Mr. and Mrs. Beacock and took Jane home to Toronto. Mr. and Mrq. Bruce Mount- joy and family spent the xveekend with her brothers, Messrs. Gordon and Walter Manning near Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillios and babe, Kinmount, spent the wveekend with Mr. and M Monarch, Regular & MARGARINE E. D. Smith'3 Cherr PIE FILLER Libby's Fancy Quaiity TOMATO JUICE McCormick's Plain or Salted CRACKERS Betty Crocker MIX PIE CRUST - Suve on Super-Right Quulity Meuts ut A&P BEEF LIVER Smaii Link, Tray Pack 2îbsI29C eu439c Kraft PURE JAMS (Red Raspberry, Strswberry KRAFT JELLY A rm ur BEEF DINNER Soft Rite TOILET TISSUE om-m" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMWANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THMTEEN 't, Mrs. Milton Hanian and Dono na. Blair Martyn spent a fo(v days in Oshawa with the Pere cy Collins- Terry Collins a few days with the Mt and Randy Collins with W,21 'Forders. l Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar. tyn and boys visited his mo ther Mrs. Mollon, Port Periy* Sunday.a Mrs. Ceeil Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beacock, Utica, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terwil. legar, Oshawa, called on Mm~u E. Darcy Sunday. Miss Gertrude Henry, Tor. onto, spent the xveekend ILt home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ydl. lowlees and family, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and famiiy Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. John Beà. cock, Mrs. Wesley Beaeoc and Mrs. M. Tarvis weËe Sunday guests of Mrs. C McLaughlins.

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