Tue Births i Cominq Events 1 Articles for Sa-le 1 Articles for Sale Repairs 1 Work Wanted Help Wanted 'Real Estc MOLROYD-Bill a-.,.d Jean Dance in Tl--,-orE, Hall, Sat- Phone MA :3-3116. GIRL'S car coat, size 14, good'Pliý-DlO and television repairs,'Bl,-ILDEII, of Custom homes. ý)iVOlvrAN for liglit housekeep- COT'-L'-ý\CýE ai, (nee Lýr,,,.-rie) are L2ý,jp' ',0 urdn-,, April 15. Clara 15-l' condition. Piione MA 3-3435. Prompt service. Piel.-iip andS.H.A. and priv-te niortgages;iii,,- duties, in exchantlle for Beach, s90ý)- u!1ce the 1-*--i',i c,-- fi Afi 15-1 rieliverv George's. 85 King St. arranged. board. Write Ad- 1_4,RGE ste-el crib.MA 3 '167.; ypcs re-,rc-o,.n and baby clai.-ii'e, Il - -17, Phone MA 3-5713. modell;ng. For ait it3 vertist r No. 125. c/o Canadian; THEEE-beciro 1961. R 15-1 1*1ý'ýO Lloyd babý- carriages.ý_i best, phone MA 3-56,12). Don ý Statcsinan, P.O. BS, 190, Bov.- home. a,,taclif, Dqný-e in Sc e-ni cor.C ozs.. a-ý 'il(, QUALIT7 po,ý',5. iition. Phone GUARANTEED television and Bro.h... 13t,:IdiIi.g Contraý-tor.'l-nan\-ilà-, Ont. 15-1 1ishect cairden: ail on Sýi4L,ý:i*d97, April -nia r,- 5 là-liradjo service, to a!] In ke3., Bov, A ý . ( -, MA 3 )040. 14-2* E.. MA'3-308;ý Ani-r- J.-,-l Tînn iSanie clav service Te[pvjsion'ý - - ACT now if you wani ex P; 1 RALLS of û;lt wi-leni USED OFFICE TYPEWRITI-TZ!Servire Co. Phoiie MA 3-388jý' oin a progressive ( oni MILLER-To ;Mý exce'Iclit corditio 'Herman Van De Belt;'p-i'ti-,Ný. Spring, Cleaning is don il, Reni-, el Pedwell Pop 'Bc)ttIe Di-i,.-e, Qaecý- Co 3 - - - - t ingt-cin 14odel M, with 15" car-: ýiIi every horne. -Make a goodý o;i Sýýt,.jruàv. Api-i1ýj-j_%,ý, fmi- àale. 25c per bale.:..i*,ý,,,, CENERAL CONTRACTOR 13unn-c- iii 1 Originýà1 price S-280ÂEPAIRS and rewinding, arm , 'inuonie offering hi-h quality 200 a i Brick - Block ý Concrele Il. 15 ai 9 P.* plione RA 5 - 25 caýh. See jtýatL,,res turneci, Io all makes oi prodiiuts iieecied in e,.-erý '!!il C -; *il ,ýfenceq, loU., c pîtr,1 (Ill Foi, ý - - - _ and Carpentry gher- Zoojý,it tlie Staieýi-iiin fice, M' electric i-notors. Ilingon Elec honie. 11/lostIv household refrigerator, ', - , 1 . . .) o Il. '8 Kin!! Easl Piiolie MA, Il REPAIRS cosilleiies, tonics, etc.ýhouse. ati (-oià D-!,i-ce fi .1el ýIA 3-3703 El. 1 NLAV WORK an , C ýýis E-ý*.,,e 1,- , at-r Il 05. 7-tf PHONE CO 3-2282, MA31PTON i Fligil commission. FaniýIex ed bank bat Frîd*:" A l! [OFF -'ýT electric range. Applý. ' -ociucis, Dept. _-N 1 il liellov éý'. MA 111_ýý9_111. 15-1, al) makes of re-' !SAND AND GRAVELREPAIRS to f,)ri)Iî-îer. :ý1- __ . - _ -Deloi izuicr, Monireal, P.Q. ýTernis arran- jfrigerators, domestic and corn. TITISTEJE' 'bib-,- cai-ri-nce, .1ilzei Daniel Ro,- jl! April 7. Prolit' FOR YOU-R DRIVEWAYS Inercial; milking coolerz. Hia-;' Plasfering Repairs lî.-) Acrt- parer- ;;I-- Lý)i Anci AII 1 . Phone MA -3740. 15-1 -ci-iv, April 2,21. 8:", AND CE'MENT !gon Electrie Liniiied. ' .8 King il SERVICE Fligh',vay. 1 a uj -IFTEEN foot niolded plv-l Teachers W anted À)0uýt', iSt- E Phone MA 34 .5 1 40, 9Q'ý 1011 boý,-,t. Plclne 3-ý -E STUCCO AND NEW %VORK PHON EARL BOTTRELL FOR rurai ,ýchool corn niencin c bui 14-tf (10 3-1.692 Pau! :WATCH REPAIRING: R. L. TAFT .;Il 'Septeliiber. write M-,,_ýcood p()ý-,,-, anci l' For Prompt Service and '; h'r*ýýI of ('off-2,eý ýl Delivery '0 Kin, SL F. 1#1 A 1 Pagmu, Sec'ý--Treas., S,' A -1 W Certified Watchmaker of Si. Catharii'eý Cet,- SaI,ý of Kot üný-. S*1 f1otatoes. C(:) ý-'_1'00 afte- fi. 'l 3_ 130Wýý' l' arl ai S. No. 17. Darliligioli, R.R. 2, Canadian Jewellers' Assn. 1 -USED Tractons McCormick' iilmf salary for RofieriFriday, April 14. conimenciI-9ý0NE steel turning lathe, 4 fi. 11-1,way. Ail ct-mr î lW4: Farmaý1 C -with. _1-furrowý G;1-ould.ý-011 ai 14--_,,!Iong. 1-Tarold Rawý-, 9 Dulze Si., Marr's Jewellery ARENDS Il,2 ý, iplow-, Ford "f;_Ný'; Allis-Ctial-; TEACIIER w. edforSS No, 15-11 * ' - * Iti(-,ri aliici- A r)i rs WC with '21-row scitffler:, 39 King St. %V. 13, Ail gracies A. W. riclay, Juýy 14ili openl - -- ý me. -ÎER for sale and ;ELECTRIC MOTORS S vý ith 'M'000 cî( àelj-ý7ered. Allis-Chalniers C, o%,erhaiiled,' rilivai _,ýn( f)u1if,ýs Io commence in el"-i 'Wýe h.ý,.-e or 4he Ca, ----ýREPAIRS and REWINDING toAPPIV, siati-ý)g qualifications' a RIrl Drav., or 47ie rýýicýn-ICaïl Cliff Pfthický CO 3-21.11. excellent rubber; Massey loi _\ s rooni brici, rýii 32-t1ýgood tliape. Used Repairs and Paris ýal your Etectrical Equipmeittiaii(l salary to S,,c'N-Treas.. Ii2s Clii«n in 'lit- 7iliriarii are ii,--iDpi. 10 . . L 0 Il fi !,5-1!;'I'WO-V,*IIFELED trailer, good;liite,ýiiafioiial 18-run Doublet ý %ales & Srvice NIA 3-3058lGrace Suilth. R.R. 1, T.,, rone.! *ile oirt'i of tleir ýùi,, IZonai Bicycles - Trieý'eles, etc. roui Appjý-,, 217 L1ert,.,ýDisl'-. Drill, 3-furrow John! 43 Third St. Hownianville oli Tl1e,-f-Jaý. Mî.:-cý-1 Nexi, Teen Age Dance. Fýi Im seen fi, l,ýý Plow. ort Dear-ý 19 -t f - Il -1 QGI, RI 0--hawýý, (1-i-- 2ýu,.jI 1S.S.No. 1 Darliigton, 1M, 1, L ý1 McNULT al Legi(,ýj boril 2-fia.rù Plow, 1-pcjntý lquircs foi- school term, cotii-ýTerriý.3. iTosDi."al. A fi), D.-tvid. Rciel, 'n RoIl lialiri. u '100 LAI,(-,ýE bales stravu, aiidýiiiteii; Caýe '2-1uiroýv Plow, 3-' SPORTS AND CYCLE ;Whifewashing Sicibles;rr.,eticjii- Sept., 1961, Protestail';ý 2 nan-,A Rnci w: n S5. Per pei- Doint hiteli: Iiilleriiat---oial Self-ý6 King St. E. 3 1 A 31 - 3 3) AND DISINFECT aeacliers for a "-iýooinect well- No. 2 .iaagements 'ING -,proptýl'ied Coiiiiiiiie; Interna-ýBOW-1-MANVILLE ONT. uliipp(-(i schnnI. APPIY, sfat-ý! N,-,i,,, LOYD deu-ýe white cari-iqgoitional No. 45 Bal,,-r, JÏOT t1le Bigý0;'.poI z u'-ij-ý(îiýj,-)jj. pil0ne MA T'ýnteri-aior,,ni Spre;ýci- PTO Potter, to i4': Pumping T, alid !i::!-,ýe tir l-,ýt iii- S4,0il -ù ý,'î C û L* - rl c', el Spreafler joyce lue Ili- M'irriRge ùý REPAIR SERVICE r!aughter Aimý-, to ProrýeeCfz fur J-:1-STAPLL tE. Septic Tanks Ont Roberi of Star Trp.ili1'Iý9 A,.--ard fiii- blade. ('Olf,,-Ili-iiozzle Sprayer -tviiii Piimpý Ili HAROLD 1 and Co,ývan Equ;I)nlpîI*ý XEFRICERATION soli of Mr, alid lig-1ulîý, L BARN PAINTING eanc-vSI-111) Real E Cri,, 1.ý"4 King Si. l".. Mortga An,ý.oIe -.iýt;iii!g fi) 1960 T)Îioi-,p YIA ýý-562.9. 15-1 011, HEATING BERT TOMPKINS il Business irég 10 'RI,ý' DIRCP 19i1 ýý N elliv cast le 1c'Orla Dav ýNeV-ý and all Opportunitv in S*t. PR r _ý-rýa NEWTONVILLE %"LOI uaslIt- -'i,4ii, phot-je "L i r-s im New Beaver Thp Phone ('larhe 4.21 bml1;j-cr. b", jr,(,(j cori- 1)OMESTIC lo-tl'EXCELLEINT opnorl'unit.. for. le Wilh Cý;1I Vurfic- R' CI v., C. 'l 1 parm ýý_i- in establisli- Farm Buildings GARDEN TRACTORS ed .3 24 4 DA .'ýir. and _Mrs. Fr nk carter. TV TOIVERS -1 yezirsý Rapid expansion -cive. and SAWS Aerials and Ritil 0 l3f), loilfil ïlýi 45" x 75', CHAIN -e -equiresý Maple Gi Mr. ilari V,,'oodvieý.v Coinii-tniiiy C 1 entre' 11REE cari build the t,ýýpe of business ur ntlý7 i Hill, soi] of Mr. Hill a"id act;ve pariner $3.000. rit) (*nb foi ioi býàs or c Repairs to Aerials the ]aie Alrs. lIenrv Hill. B i ri i cj and Cans dajl-,7 mil f,-ý-1-noF. UA 3--.059, building which best suits and Roturs vestinent secured. Write Miss alir, c'Ili, eed 0), bV c i - ___ ý D Advertizer 12ý iL-shat)ed bai n 0o (ý-raIes Your individual needs. l'rom' LAWN NIOIVER.S 0 8 H A %V % l' %, .'li'Larcli 213, 1961. To ilnilarlz. sl.5i1)ý-, -it, V/o The Canadiati Sta1ý,. with ýjac;7pot. aild rrO lids alid SuPPly JAd. ried oil Mpý, 20, 19ril in P.Ct. Box 190, r3c,ý CO 1.1 -1. to Finaneing and ALSO SHAPtPENIm%(i Doot RA. 8-818o ccý",el-t b"f -1: Construction BEAVER vvill LAWN MOIVERS Bill and Bob teay.lý 15-1 a. !ý-ifil"r'acllinc. fulî --liandle the Complete j o b.,; Marriage E X C L U S I V E hen house. Ca: t- kÊ R R' -L F W_ 18 A t T_- n - - , - - i -; i - For Perýonal servire - PhojIeý HOLTBY ýi,1 ht Sý,11,-iol I-(,pajr potatûe, et .. -. 1 -,, A an Tern j'v, United Chui 1 0,000. NIArket 3-'ýù62 MOUNTJOY PHILCO-BENDIX In its third arinia. "At 10113, fron.- lotindati;Dii sccd. Tele-: il Acre fari ýt'àle, 011 Aul'il 1. i)ý lield in 'he Phone Bill Stack miolie 504 r 2, Millbrook. 14 -'-' Le oi'ý Bowmanville 1961, Mar- E r iorl. oi-l theý R. R. 3. Bû-w in Rec-reat --il Mrs. L.ewiý ard the la cý DV S -ý V E et i Iluml -r. d-',,ect ýron,. IBACKHOE SERVICEý EQUIPPED with 'W X 30' - eveniné-, of 14 1 - )- ý t A r MAPLE GROVE Hartle- t96l. ý;1 9 i-,;Il te Luinber Oshawa RA 8-8060 workable; 8 cil , rilim ili', a r iii (IR Coin Operaied >ý 45-Ti ed Grain for Sale' -%TION AND Beaver Lumber Co. ýS 100 Aci fa Launderette Has lilanville with Deaths ý1 DîlIý IPï,-'D clover seed and fel,;:ý SEPTIC TANKS ýbank liDrn, sj C Kir-1- Si bti,,ýh,,ls of tiiiio'-Iiy (eleýiiied', Dtl(; AND BAC] ;etc.; 8 rý)or-i-iect Auction Sale t'le, -,ýWhifby MO 8-58l8ý K.F11 LED CO 1'LE Jame,ý - hi 1 Amazing Profit ,ýiI1'e Meillorial ilijsD"ýtzli cln CO 3-2075. ýrnodern conNe 'F' i le Ir 3 --- -- - - - zoned resideni é.-ctraý;-îg p I1,ý, 1 :'ýýCL(0VER ni-id gra,ýq. seeds Jn-ý April G. 1961. iai>i-ýe,; Furilhure c)f 1 . 7 Thursciat -', , f-. e (li t varîeilesý Ste,;ýf- Ivan Mount Poiential terms arrangý,t CO ý - _i', . ý _ , ne,%veý V-9 g arani loy 1111;Zbard of th- aý -:_ I)ý ý -ý1. ., Smïll Dý,%Ili 1--1 1A()1'ý'ý1ii1!i;111' Cars for Sale az-'L'3 Seeds, Bov,ýiiio-nv;lle, 11-4,f %vith Elizabetii Coac-laý d and ti -u* Saýï_s q ýW 1, 6Iý c",cis rnil - 1 11, - ý , o u! BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 4' father of A ci 1 CrRV. coacIý, 6 cyl., stard- SWADT CIeani_-rs--Weý Nestie.ton- Cc Ziý - Double-Load î 8 roceli t; e 1i'iMIýý;î01ý,;_iciý-i, Al condilicir.'ý%ili btý glad to c)faii and treîW cutt itild s"i-lith, 53 Diý-:*S!uJI b j ci Reý-,ilar1 15-1* ',(-#Lýr soed. We also handle,;a Bowmanville and Tý1e ïlý)(Jve ;i1làlii, v'-il 1 '; , - . - - - j fi-il' line of grass sf-ed. Black- Double-Profil St.. Bowniarville. Fiiiierai 1 ', -.ý. 1 ()Il S.-:ýe it 39 FOP oùd 'tires, l.qt( 'l 0 v old Pt 7 P.nl. pnor to oi.u 1119 - D coat-ii, ga _jck 89 r 11. f 5, 16,5 --itli cliapf-1; &1; 1'lie 0frice, Î_ý Servieewas lield jil z;, e 'v'-eekly Iive,0ocý-; qFi!e. J,, c n1ý-7ýI,,eater. i-ac'iici. 3150.00. Lloyd, - Newcastle Area 100 Acre fI #Dn Sa,ýl.7r(Iav. April ý , at ":30 WASHERS - - Reiri tntl B",reksiock 721 r 12. 1 broûk, STROLLER and niedium c.- S E E D S and bank bal-ii, (.i,-î siz ci: Maintenance Service térý-. DU;ý'iý1aà1 Fa,,ýineis 8týi Act-,crib witil Cood cor,-ý TDME IS SEEb TB1Eý Ilenctian Blinds Cleaned COIN OPERATED roorriccl ,tooker Saýe vý- ij 1 clilioli. Il. aire., MijIý;98 OLDS. con,.-ertible, power nual Sprirg 'l., - Noilv i, the time to get yourý Tapes and Cords Installed liril, ý ïDe h.,ýId cri W ecl.. Ap-,41 l9ili,ýStreet Soufb, 1:1«t-,(,iie ri-ins, Hoille. S,, -LIC 21 !ý)ýj gcod, g0c,ý-I MA .1-1490. serd ready. Have it c1eanedýSt0rm Windows and Screeus DRY CLEANING Fridaý-. April 1961. Renioved or Iiistalled 'L'L' lie'-Ic.l 15-1:and treated to controi disease Eleanor 'Morris, a-*t-,d 92 ooci niture.! ;Complete Cleaning- and %Va,,Ii-' 1 - and iiicrease yields. MACHINES pnoj îýocJ1-_I ivife of the laie _Rùî)ý- ing of Rugs, (7plIOIStery, Woofl-i lan1Pý,j'5l STUDEBAKER ýà-to,,ipick-j u-t 'ýlclrriFtiiiýi lieifers ra-1,il-11111 111 lrai)erie,ý. t;ee aP 1he reý,i can, oq 1 Rcre joi. -1 -1 JUP, In ivorl,, IVindom-s Onside or dear niother of Arnie (Mri% 1-1. '40 f'l l' good co-ndi-,ioli 13,st.SAVE THE BEST out),! For Information Without :'Cerryi,ý. Graham.). Ada L ". Vi c i- the i),,ý,st for Rf (),fe, M. Snaii,,tz. Phonc i FEED THE,' REST!IN'alls, C'eilinz and Fixtures.! t cows alid servi-e blills. Côlfa. 9 ý!. i Obligation Contact 24 A(ýj-c- v. ers W. 1-5-lilIA 3,ý7U,9. 15-1*:If yon are thinking of chan.-ing, Floor% and Furniture Waxed . 'L . P.S. Aiiiore ýor Polished. Repuirs and, lvy Walier 'i l", î i I dî 1 e 1, z g1"S,'3 lie Iýý TION rated'rear Poi - i . . . ell art- ý - , , \ ýý7 .- 1 j6 TWO-TONE eight Adjusiments to Drawers, Doors, Marv. Po bc --t ai-( A fi.e(- V ý: . . 1 - 1 ýfjd. wjL:ý cÉJ(ý orl, - ý 19, cylincler seed, SOIV CERTIVIED SEED Koin Laundry Sales," Sci-vice lield iý jjc-ýcj. F e,,ýtijIuiréItop Portîac. radio, e4(-.!and BE SURE Of' VARfETY.ý Catehcs. Ilinzes. -rier %,Vill (liean t"p AttWý, Base-: tes, flari. 1- icie. Te1ý--i0',ie since neýý ýV %'ý r's Ftiiiý-raI Clial) - 1. n. A 1-ia' For higher quatity and greater Lid. viPe, oil Aprij lý0ýII, ýý19_;f c,ýIlt-nt condition. Phone Orono :profits. cal] at nients. Carageir., Barkyards al] 1 at 3:11) D..ý-_ lotcrnioni j30-ý,:- 17ý'î4. 5-1, and Lawns Cut. 11) COLLEGE STREET ro ' -ýdIi)l,:P 111;,APIIÏG bat] 1roonl malvillf, Co-illeierý.. -) - 1 -_ _ TORONTO 2. ONTARIO týi Pý 0! J iýiICI 4:0,-.iplete stock of FREE ES anit i.cCI ATýLST.,',TE Auto Insiiraiice.ý! R I C K A R D S 1'td. fýi-1ýbatterjE. > -i i Telephmie WA i-4515 ýs a, . (01( _« Int e ay ý L) l PROUT -Al 'leinc- ýaV JIM HENRY A,.),-il 1961. w e King St. E.,;,,,c,[, oprýonp.l service 81. YGurý niý'es (f . 1,1Arýýc# S E E D P L A N 1 v.-Il 07hawa RA 19e3l - - 10 A MA 3-2817 111GHIVAY No. 2 anted to Reni Il vouru ýnod V%êd Car OF IVRE ilý. . ND! 1 ------ 1-1-----,-,,-.ýj 1 --ý, ý FOUR - rOOm senii - detached'R,,s Davidson, . Imsting at ilic Barlov.- !'uî1er-11 lnide and out. No Rust. ij-l-o-ùn-ge TV. Fullv li(-ensed,ýbe obtained until April 17 forý - two iiiil(-si Insurance Coverage -sl"ý1) . new -rn. Viýsitors inst3ll;iig at Nlan,(- Grove W,,,,týhouse, heated. bath, Irinic. Par1ý St., iT -\PPLIANCES 15 L". building, niodc* -0111 Post Office; paver] roaâ iLorne A. l'erra be 1 ý old; 91, .1 %RDTOP,'ý','f'IcOrne- Reaoilable rates.ý ci ùne 9.17 2-Dit. H. an We.;t Phone MA 3-3057 after 7 p.in 40,ne, Phone Newkastlp 44-11. 13-tf 'Uie Srjuýïi Dai n Schoolý là. ap-. Creen and Ivor.N.: Livestock See Bill Morrison Area a 11,', 'ic: Teýe.- custorn-built radio, White Wall 2(1 Cq)\CFSIý10N %I. qedroûlù tires. ýNo. 6" L.W.C.(-). or ý-qukl .vithýî,\1ODERN four-i-oon heated eclualizinc nipes b('tWeen,,apartrncýnt, 4-pif-ce bath. NIA Odd D r o. s sz e,. See These at Oshawa risers and retjrn inain:ral. lir.media, sý( e Couý h: Ki*(-Iiei, 1: ire l'hert boiler drairs 'i. accý)rc1an(-eýApj-,1ý 10 Division St., Bow- -REFORL Monument Company fravel lâle 00 :ir)* ROY W. NICHOLS w i th the recon-n-ýendatiow,-, of il a n 15 lifiý ca . rqI pon V, 'Jw1ýcs BOWMANVILLE LOT RE. YOUR ije cut-off DOWNSTAIRS fic-aied ?-rooni CC) . P, - 2 7 "1 A. E'ili,:i,ý;-.,,ii-e. .17 Kin- LI 'ý1e,,e] to be Pt the top of the' nent, kitchenette ard' speelalizilit ln TO I».ISlDENTýz ()lý n -ti A p iboller and the elcutrical ý1wit(ýhbýîtb, 'Ylisher MONt -'VENTS, NI. %KI.Rli:. o: (1. U. D. Baý TIII NEWSPAPER ito be connected lini o tiie Wýnt $75, Tî,11epnorý-, ME.NI 011 l'il. S. C()RNfýUs. Van Belle Gardens Wanted to Buy to t'le 0" a'-"O MA Township of Clarlze f A i *d Bol% ïPio ret-,j,-ii punip at STONES LE .-uýq OF PROPOSED OLD r0e1:ýý,g ctiair. pine seatt. , j! 1 1) Scf,ý,01 i 11EATED, niocifrn rùoi-ýs seerý; Y con- Lowest f-)r ar:,.- tender ;À y id b-1thrûO11î,ý eATUARV OU ALL. 1-YPLS ,t,;,ý1t's and am PACKS noi Debenture Issue 1 Lawn Fertilizer 1 f dryer, MA 3-599d _tjon. RA q-4185. inecessitril,. FAc(uptec), M. - Apt. 4, 0 Kirig St. W. Alý,::ONÉ i-v(ý,,r-oýc CE.11ETERY I.F:TTIýRIN(iS 80 lb,,., ouly S4.50 -o',Ii-ct. 15-1* to asidst in the erectinz and .4 F1obbý, Ern;.3lili(,ii, CO 3-2608. -if due Ariril 15. V - ------ slon, on Main %treet. 14 1435 King Nît. F, 0,sh;i%% a equillffing of a new school at HIGHEST orice3 pald _Ve PA P TýIE.,i'f-Two b - e - d - i . -oorrýs, Kend.-A. Peai Moss, Seeds, etc, for li Van RA 94111 Vvenilit IRA 8-8-864; oou]trýý. goo,-ýe feathers, feath. Your eouncil hereby requests (!inin,,-ror)ni and fi 117) ý ý,y- iro-i, rags, 1. e Wanted q ý ter 4 p.m. ý)r those persons who Io Potted Plants metals Rild raw furs. Phone' >;F- on King St. W. 0 ! 1 ptir'l'-ing. Available rticipate ln this proposed de- IS6,950 WITH security a firsti- - Guaraniped RA S-2042 O5ýhéïVja collect, POW EROI Apply state.-r11r,:,ý Pers Prîvate Home lpb'enture issue to be set at 6 per 48-É! Mortgage on 100 acre farrn,ï cent Interest per annum, to. close to Oshw -a. Phone '1141,ý IIYGEý.Tlc For the Aged Nursery Stock -1 contact tht- undersigned at _E ated 'î tc lio', their ('031PLETE ALL. kinds of live poultry.ý Newc-pFilu. On!. 1,ý U' !-nour-rij hF. goose and duéký a]-lù old teaiýlr--r ticks wanted., IDEAD and crippleci fýarjn stock, Latýi.,-(-)onî, utilitý-, 2 Six 't-!o -H E. Mýll!ron Landscaue Service ilighest prkces paid. NI Flatt ï! picked up proript'1y.Telephonezýnd -ýunrooi-n or spare bed-'$1.0(). Or Cnadîan Statesnian. P.O. Box Cierk. Township of Clarke :]FERTILIZINti, - PRUNLNCir Bethany R.R. 1 Phone 7 r 1: COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Furýrüorn. Cupboards. garden.ýNov.-ftubbeiý 14 -55 21-tl Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115.1Phone MA 3-à771. 15-liRamilton, Ont. ME C.Aý.NADlA.N STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO !, A fm IPOLM i E" "M=',ýESDAY. APRTL IM. 1991 4 Iwo&