w- y r - -- - 'Mr. Shorthorn" Takes Extra Award -ta During the Shorthorn Club's banquet last Frîday at Solina, Sbortborn1 Lassie, Helen Sbrong of Bethany was callcd upon ta present a money-laden j wallet and cane ta Jack Baker for his many years of service la the Shorthorn cause. Miss Strang did the job beautifully and was flot even starbied when the honored guest showed his appreciation by kissing ber on bhc cheek. Darling- ton's Reeve Garnet B. Rickard, who made bbe presentation address bo Mr. Baker, looks on approvingly fram the rear. j.ack & II lCub's ~opuIar Cornz A Poppin' rPlays to Packed Ho uses For Three Nights in a Row Cornz A Poppin' bbe won-- derful varieby show presenteti by the Jack and Jili Club of 'frinity United Cburch, scor- 1 ed a tremendous hîl. Capacity audiences in bbc Town -Hall Auditorium on Thurstiay, Fri- day and Saturtiay evenings were enthusiastic in their ap- preciabion of bbc clever skits, dclight fuinmusic anti singing, excellent tianciiig. anti amus- ing comedy. Keibh Jackson was supenb as bbc witby Mas- ber of Ceremonies. The successful producers were Marg Muiiday, June Bragg, Keibh Jackson anti Doug Rackham. Othiers who assisteti were stage managers anti props, Jack Dunn anti Lyle Hooper; scenery, Merle Slute: sounti anti lighbing. Phil Passmore; costumes. Kay Reier; make-up. Bonnie Me- Donalti; progranis, Tom Gat- chell; tickets. A-da Richards; usherettes. Ethel Wight; ill-ý ers, Jack Mîtnday; anti arches-1 tra. Glen Turniy. Tvo aienteti clownîs, El- nier Banting anti Bev'. Her-1 rington deliihteti the audien- ces each evenngwitiî their humorous antirs before tbhe opening of bbc prograîn. A shower of balloons starbeti by the clowns were kept bounc- ing in bbc air throughoub the auditorium antiatidedti o the gala atmosphere. A fine collectionî of popular musical numbers xvas play- cd by the talenteti norchestra, conîposeti of Glen Hidgson,1 piano, Danîîy Ross, tirurns,, Charles Cochrane, alto saxo-1 phone, Glen Turney, tenor <TRNe TO PAGE FIFTEEN) Lect ure r Next Monday. Apnîl l7th. Sylvia N. Poling. C.S.B.. of Phoenix. Arizona, will give a lecture ai M,,cLauighiii Library Theatre. Oshla\%a. at 8:15 pi. lier subjeet: -Christian Science Revaals bbc Door ta Lîfel More' ri~adant-~. The lecture i1 ýg¶je sponsorshîp of the Firsb chof Christ. Scientist,j oçwL sB il's anc1 Iieces HIERE, SATURDAY -- The fifth game of the Thorold-Bowmanx'il]e .Juvenile Ontario Playoffs will be held here this Saturdav ev~ening. At the moment, the locals Iead txvo games to onle, with one game lied. With no NHL playoff schieduled for Ihat date, it is hoped there will be a packed house ta greet the Juveniles who have been pro- ducing some exciting, if one-sided, games against the Thorold club. OPEN FOR INSPECTION . Northcutt & Smith's n.ew Funeral Chapel will be dedicated on Friday at 7:30 p.m. when ail citizens of the area are invited to be present. For further information see the details on pages eight and nine of Ibis issue. LADY 0F THE LAKE- Beachi residents had Iheir curiosity aroused Tuesday evening xvhen xvhat appeared to be a revolving beacon out on the lake continued to emit light ini a puzzling fashion. Police xvere calleci and did their best bo identify the objeet, but could find no connection with anything. They contacted RCAF at Trenton and thev in turn checked with the Dept. of Trans- port. It stili remains somnexvat of a mystery. Miaybe it was one of those litIle green luminous men from M\ars. However. those xvho spotted the object shou]d b e commended for their alertness. FANTASTIC ITEM - This week. itbe Editor re- ceived a eall from Alden Hoar, Allis-Chalmers dealer, who proceeded to demonst rate a truly fantastic device. It was a model, complete with motor and tini propeller. but the power unit was the unusual item. Mr. Hoar poured in some caustic soda, hydrogen peroxide, some alcohiol and other ingredients and the propeller started bo spin. It is a model which shows how Allis-Chalmers engin- eers are experimenting Nvilb a new fuel ccli which converts chemical encri,-v in certain com- mon gases mbt electricitv. Who says there is nothing new under the sun? MANY GRASS FIRES- Firemen hiad ibeir first busx' wcekcnd of the season ýwith a veritable flood of grass fires, espccially on Frýiday and Saturday. At one point ail firemen and the two trucks were concentrated on a blaze just wc,-st of the cemetery. Due to the many calis. Fire Chief Calver decided to withdraxv one truck and some of the men so further cails could be taken care of. Fortunately, littie damage resulted from an-,. of the fires. IVINDOW SHOW -W'atch tl)e Kiii,- Street wvindows of Bowmanville Public Libi arv on Mon- day afternoon. April 17. Wbat voit sec will not be monkey-sbines or Hallowe'en pranks out of season. The unusual activities xviii launchi Library Week in Bowmanviile. W&ere flot going to lel vou what vou'Il see. You'1I have 10 go look for vourseif. Don't forget. the libraýv lba- special dis- plays and attractions ibis 'weck witb Frida 'v being a hiqhlieht whcn 1,oU mav watcb a bookhinder at work. Friday night is Family Niglit when par- ents are especially invited la come with their children. Durhamn County's Great Faniily Journa VOLUME 107 16 Pages BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, Pigs, Cattie Beurn ýlq uaI:cn rm nm WEDNESDAY, APRI: lOc Per Copy NUMBER 15 Triple Tie Returns for Cerebral Palsy I.nClarke Blaze A barn, stock. and nuch' Orono Fire Chief Mercer eqwipment owned by Heniry~ and seveî ai fîremen broughta destroyeti by fire on Saturday -ntetompte frm idue,~'l ec. R. Ca rveth \4 Nîxon, larke ownih x oa p u101 b te fr ndth us night. Mr. Nîxon's farm tr Tewreal t r situated on the Clarke-Dar en.tthey fI a e to predHoa lington Line between the vn h lmsfof péd H n r d a Sixth and Seventh Cont'es- îng t) the house. The fact that1 sions of Clarke Township. The tetsdnehna lmn D house was saved umi roof, nstead of one of LiaI t\M eeting The ire was first noticediwooden shingles, also helpedj by Mr. and Mrs. Nion saetebulngfo Ih Secre1arv-Treasurer of the ' yones o, omnae fire. The wind wvas from the'Lakeshore- Minoi, Baseball i ybouit 1son, N. orm n ge 1 :norh xest blowing showers Ass'1i ,Cecil R. Carveth, re-' bout 11:30 p.m. out th toiof large sparks towards the evdasgnlhnrls beti~~~~~ hegaceiot 1 î- Nixotiî'shouse.cie inlhntls dow and observed a glow in i 1 \eek w hen he xvas matie a the sky. He rushed downstairs, Mr. Nixon losI 38 pigs, anti life member of the organ .z a- and ran outside to find that eighit catile iii the fire. The tion. He was al.- re-eiected 4~u the entire roof of the main hiens were penned separatelyv 1 the position hielhas helti for barn was blazing. :sonie distance from the barnleight years. Mrs. Nixon telephoned thie andi so were saveti from thel The meeting was hleid on Orono Fire Brigade immciid-Iflitmes-. The barn -as rom-!Aprii 7th witiî Arnoldi Wade iateiy while lier husbaîd lhur- pleteiy gutteti and more than presiding for the eiection of ried to inove the tractor, carti, haif the lcquipment owned byofficers. Most of last year's: and truck fariher bark fr-om Ml\r. Nîxon was destroyved. The: executive svas rctîirned Io of- the barn. The fire iin the barin rest was housed in a shedi lice. with Murray McKnight, had gained so much hcadwa way frorn the burning Bowmanviile. assuming te that attempts to save the stock struictire. Among the items Ipresidency for his third year.ý were made futile by the in- lost were the plow anti mani- Percy Etcher, Port Hope. will' Last year, Bowmanville Cleaners sîarîed a unique charitable scheme of tense heat, tire ;preader. _______be Ist vice anti !an Ciarke,. Ibeir own. Thev decided b ltake the entire receipts from cleaning tics for one Oshaw'ýa. 2id vice president . week andi donafe it to the Oshawa Cerebral Palsy Sehool and Clinie wbich III *d *Bcwmaiîvii1a wili fieldi a nO S It I A xjjar 'sPee Wee anti 3antam teamn serves this area. Being a ncw idea, thcy were disappointcd whcni returns wcre 'H osp tal uxili ry Sfor certain âiid once again~ not as great as they foît tbey should bc so Ihcy doubled the amotint as a goodwiii a ~they will be sponsorèt by gesture. This '<car, the folks around town were more famniliar wiîh the pro- M e m ber hip G o wing Bownîiianvilic Bî'anch of th ject and as a resuli, proprietors Ed and Carl Leslie wcre able tb hand over more M ernbe ship G ow ing ota illCaadan megion.E1- han $50 - triple last year's receipts - to Mrs. Ralph Campbell who accetdi N ow Stands at O ver 100 ffield a Midget and Ttuvenile, on behaîf -of -tbe Cerebral Palsy organizalion. At the meeting of t n Wo- egarti ig the floxwer and gîftare urgently needeti. Aîîyone !Fam iy -1k+ Frda nien's Auxiliary of Memnor21,fuindi interestet iisotilti contact Mur- "'1 !I 7 Hospital helt in the NuirFs The, prcsident askcd that a ray McKnighi. Resideîice on Friday afller- letter of thanks be sent to Dr. The i nimeetinig will bc., . noon, the secretary. Mrs. L. George JIIIs torhbis active held Friday, April 28t][, ai n v H 'nfin ~ tha t the membership noxv to- Wilfridi Carruthers and seven w1Àill receive ail entries forIII Ul IVEnIJ Attracions for~ tais 102. This includes 39 ac- former Mayors of Bowman-Pe Wee, Bantam Mîiget' tive menîbers anti 63 associate: ville to bbe Hospital Birth- Juvciîile anti Juior teams. members. day Party. The presitient also rneC. Mason, openeti theto the Bowmanville Cleaners At Maple Grove Publie r r e k A r t i7 - 2 meeting with the Auxiliaries' anti Dyerq for their ativertise-_ _____ Prayeir. A salisfactory fînaîîtien 'cenigteBrtdy col Grades 7 and 8 and _Sibuateti righît in the centre have many visitors during cial statement was presenteti Party, 10t Roy W. Nichols, 2ad3isea fe-o own, on the Four Corners~ Library Week. Member or by the treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Courtce. for having the event changing Valentines this i n fart. is a treasure bouse.1 non-member, it makes no dif- Coi. t aotinwa ec enineionto iln year, the pupils used the !R d C os Reading is the key la it, for ference. Everone is welcorne. ontiet by Mrs. W. M. Niorri- Mrs. C. Hall aîîd Mrs. J. New- il, ai ontont he s your library.Conadsoth piacl- son. On motionî of Mrs. J1. man for services. Cerebral Palsy School and CanvatNIOV eain Is The Key is the pînys-on gardening, old lace, O'Neill, serontied by Mrs.1 Mrs. Duncanî Smîith, con-1Cine hea letd 1.5~ slogan of Canadian Library historical books of the area. Wesley Cawker, the treasurervenor of the Buying Commit- n uteanme of Week being celebraled across In the Junior Library se the wasautorze1 t par.ilO n dtee tm4nnounceti that the Blood!eusedona toysd dt i, Tt i $2061 Canada April 17-22, and Bow- dispiay of beoks you or yu vance for the use of the Losl Refrigerator donateti by the in the Cerebral Palsy scîtool markn i P lei Librar 1g anrns Mras. a . oil Community Cenître on Mon- diR OPAESVNj:porm Latest returns from the' akn hsseilwe n Lbain r.F .Bw day evening, April l7tiî for ________________m__ rural areas and from townIseveral ways. Library Week er, Mrs. M. J. Ilutchinson, as- the Marathon Bridge 'ýWind- . have brouglît the local Red15 flot just an isolated seven sistant Mrs. D. McArthur, and Up" Party. 4' a~j~5 Cross Compaign total 10 days though. Itbiis rather, in ail mcmbers of the Board hope The correspontiing secret- C o m m ends i LI o LII il $2,06 1.42. ail libraries from Vancouver you will corne oflen and stayr 1ary, Mrs. H. Sauntiers, report-. ei rssc-10 Halifax, the culmination of long. Browse, enjoy yourself. * been received from Mrs. K. ý ecutive wish 10 acknowledge;výce in books and reading 10 course, not just Library Weelc. Squair for the syînpathy and i o r G oLoJL C ond L i tI i onI-I the assistance of bhe foliowing'Ull Ihose Canadians who be-t New Books flowers fromn the auxiliary on pros wî rvd bd lieve that books do open the Appro ximately 100 new ber recent bereavemeid. Mrq.I ,5~ weather anti bati roads to' timon 10 inspiration, education1 books (received since Febru- Saunders alsogave a report r I on ica anvass the rural areas. j' f D r i g o o danti lasting pleasure. ary 1) will be available to - ---- - __ I ~Etîniskillcn--Mrs. IL. Hib- 'Special Displays members, and a hglgto ORONO MAN DIES !ben, Mrs L. Ashton, Mr-s. F. h ekwl eFml ih A lctter of tiianks was re- amount iniclituietiapymn George F. Vice, Librarylonthe w eekwl e Fing i Nig, Word was received Weti- ci-t imMs .M hit f$434 < arbYngîon e, Ms. 1McLaughîin,,Poard Chairman, hopes IhaUo i ayeeigApi2, nesday morning that long- ian ai the meeting of Darling- hr ftecsto h uli-Mrs. R. Vtu, r.L. Wearn, BowmanviileC Librart-ofy14,34 wi iii to"n,(TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) time Carke ad Oron res-Ion Townishîip Couiil helti in ing of the addition to Memor- Ms .Wry i.E rgî __ Ident, Hector Bowen. had1 the Townîship Hall, Hampton, ia] Hospital, Rowmianvilie. anti: Hamptoît -Mr-s.J. RiceMrs* dicd in Memorial Hospital. iast Thursday afternoon. Mrs $116 for Public School deben- jH. Balson, Mrs. H. Coutts, Mrs. I ý~Ilf Bomavll.Nodtal .o hristian commendedti hbe1 turcs. R. Farro\w,, Mr,,. B. Mackli, funra aranemets wee outci an te radsupri-ý atYen Bwnianill. p-Mrs. S. Reynolds. Mrs. D. avalabe. endnt.Mac Short for the peareti hefore Darling t o n lWhite.Pil ani herod upri- atYe. owaniieap Hvdn nPD.ilCaernU p i13-3 V ictory --en ocd condition in ,hich bbc Cotirîcil regarding the possib-iHyo--r .J aeo. POLICE CHECK METERS Broknn Front Roati wa etiit htth ulnlcu e c ue igai nw~ intrnîbis. ib the district ,.n---Mr. N. Aver, Mrs T... During the past %veek, diingal organie te estict7Saieni Take LEeadis 1police have been chcckinz O' mon of Deputy-Reeve mnight share a ciubhoiîse wibii T. BrimacombT, Mns E Twîs fIU7UI parking meters from early A. L.. Blanchiardl, secoîîded bv the Soutbviewý Golf aîîd Couin- Tyrnie-Mrs. W. Murphy, monng t soe lsing Councilior H. C. Muir, roacl try Club. !Mrs. S. Goble, Mrs. M. Hamil-! Bowmnanvile Juv le n il1 e s fracas that tievelopeti between times. This policy %vili con- accounts of $8.593.81 were 1 He expiaiîed that such a ton, Mrs. A. Kinwlbon, Mrs. opeti home 10 an easy winTordscahani ple tinue until further notice, passetilfor payment. Council- developmeîît would he an as- ýW* Park. Mrs. H. Stainton, on Tuesday night here when whien officiais orderet i hîm apparently. lor MNuir. secondeti by Coun set to the township eventuali Miss J. Taylor. itiîey wallopeti their Thorolt .put out of the player's bench. jAs a result there lias been cillor Fred G. Smithî moveti ly andi serve as a tourist at- - ___ __- ld lns133 uewn g ed th e amn, heistchr- j adefnie icraseinthetht gneal accounts amount- traction, but that the firsb fcw the brcais a bwo bo one etige, gdwt raigadsub amount of money the tow,ýn ing 1(1 59.417.15 ho approveti years of operation would iii- FI RE NEAR COURTICE wiii one game lied, in the, ance anti releaseti on bail. hias receivcd from pirking foi, pa.%nîeît. Ib was carnicti. clude finaîîcial probierns ho- Just before noon on Wed- hs fsvn Obro Ln hriianvt ntw ticket fines. A cheek on Th-? paymnent of bw.o speciai cause of compctitioîî with es- nesday, firemen Nvere eali- ais. ishort of five players who Wednesday shouwed thit in nccnuits otaling $14,450 maqItalîlisheti clubs elsewlîeire . d to queli a bush fire on iPiayiiîg before over 700 xvere reporteti suffering Lrom only four recenit d;ýs, the a]. o auLbtorizcd Ion a motionî Couîîcil resol\-'ti( that it is; Hancock Road, near Court- fans, the game failedti t pro-iflu. However. their mainstay toncolleebed a total of by Councillor Smith, secondeti favounable toteeb isb ice. They returncd to town vide h xieetocr-BlyRi a nhni u i$153 in parking fines. by Counicillor Muir. This (TU.RN TO PAGE SEVEN) wibhin a haif hour. vious conbesbs, except for a his efforts were curbaileti due to penîalties. Doug James was top scarer Hoptal Receives Blood Refrigerator from W me s AuxiliaryfrBwavle etn ospi rriens ybat rick, andti wo assists. Don Bagnell anti Terry Black sconedi two apiece wilbh Blarkie also grabbing two as- ..........sisis. Other one-goal scorers were Vrrn Rn%%,,,)on Kerr, Alex Wisemnari. AI Woodlock, 'Grantb Flintoif anti Scott Es- seny. For the visitors. Mastin, Reiti anti Smith weîre the ion recelvd I that a wond- erful timne as enjoyei, wlth excellent hospltality. Thi wa along-awaited moment at the MemortalHoptl R. G. Cowie, Purchasing Chairman Mrýs. Duncan Smith, Board This corocalt en so far b TFli new blooti bank îcfrigerator bad arrived and was in operabion. Chairman Glenholme Hughes, Laboratory Technician L. A. Taylor, Rick Rickaby wlth meem- To celebrate the event. a big sbep forward loeaily, several officers Board Vice-Chairman and Chairman of bhc Equipmenl Committee bers MNi. Jim Crombie, of the Women's Auxiliary gabhered to present their cheque for $1350 James Stutb and Hospibal Administrabor Bernard Hoiden xvho is mms Geo. Stephen and Bill ta pay for bhe essential piece of equipment. In the paoo are from xreceiving th~e cheque. Tesburgdfethed a pick lIef t ta right, Auxiliary President Mrs. L. C. Mason, Treasurer Mrs.i hosta 8 to 1. NUMBER 15 10c Per Copy