r- - _____________________ WEDNESDAY. APRIL l2th, 1961 THE CANAD!AN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVMlLE, ONTARIO PAGE THE L JJ lnterest ln finding the cause! ~ ancer ocuey .ie~us and the cure for this form-: C a c r So i t N e s 1idable enemy. Scientists, like, CCmemibers of the lay public, You r Hel p W thConvass1ýare Impressed by the fact thati tha thir eserchandedu despite the efforts of more: During April, volunteers of ta hi eerhadeu than haif a century, cancer the Bowmanville Branch of cational efforts are contri- 1 has resisted the efforts of the Canadiani Cancer Society!- buting to an ever-rising to- some Of the best minds in the will begin canvassing for, tai of "five-year survival». world to learn its mysteriesl $5lO is is part of a pr-cae, h ocey smrle de -ven while other diseases, vincial objectiv.e of S1,55O.OOO termined than ever to deal like diphtheria, polio, dia- which in turn is part of a qthis disease a death-blow. betes, smallpox and goitre record national objective of Mearwhile the money being l'have succumbed to some mea- $3,287,000J. spen t on welf are services for1 sure of control or prevention. Wby is more money need- cancer's unfortunate victims is also growing.1 If more doctors than ever:ý edÀk& year than ever before are willing and anxious to de-1 to P.G'i cancer'! Because, hav-; The scientific communty vote their energies to a solu-1 ing tasted _succe'-ý in proof'too is showing an increasing tion for this problem, money --- must be available to suppo>rt them while they do it and to pay for the very best labora- tory facilities and equipment.1 We urge the people of this comniunity to support thisi humanitarian cause. There are fewv of us who do flot know someone who bas or bad cancer. There are even fewer who would not wish to help F'ULL LINE 0F 1961 WALLPAPERS bring about the eventual de- ASK O SE OR MUALS ET. Ifeat of one of mankind's most ASK O SE OU MURLS, TC.stubborn enemies. And we can SrdSatin - Spred Lustre1 ea ch play a part by support- Spr Podcd ing the campaign of the Can- KernPro<uclsadian Cancer Society. S P E CI1A L' In this district the follow-1 ing group will be going forth: Roller Coalers - - - - 99C Set Boswmanvlle The Sun- ian Order of Foresters Court 1.4 A! avncy h l'Venture andi Court Bowman Wl. EJ4llNIDDI7 ~ î Orange Benevolent Associa- Paint and Wallpaper Store Martin; Salem- Canadian~ Ortier of Foresters; Maple 33 KING ST. %V. MA 3-5131 ýGrove-Women's Institute as-' sisteti by the Home and School _____ -~Club; Burketon-The Canad- ian Girls in Training; Enns- killen-Women's Association. Have you tried an *... iel Woe' Asc sociation; Hampton-Women's _____Service Club; Ebenezer-The Doubles Club; Solina- The H F C Women's Institute; Zion - Wýomens Association; Cour- tice- volunteers headeti byl ___IMrs. John Walter; North An- S h oppe~r's L a n tioch-Mrs. Moffatt; roei Cree.- andi Newtonville - members of the Women's Tn- stitute headed by Mrs. Wm.J An important part of FIFC ser-vice to famîilies is the Milligan; Cowanville and Dis- ~ to elp yu buy trict-Mrs. Les Reidi; Stark- Shopper's Loan. specîally esgned ohl yu y ville-Mr. and Mrs. Brenton the matiy things needed for modern living. You Farrow. Port Granby and Lake1 shop ?.W't oe.shi at any store yoa wish-and avoid a 1 Shore-Volunteers headeti byii nufiiber of lrs end-of-the-month bis. Instead, JMiss Doreen Powell; Brown1 - - School District-Mr. and Mrs. C u~.~AI-.- T~~;h, 14.A Georgie and Susan with thrCaJD aunt of the bride pinneti a SetiIfl W as Yiiiy Uited È oto: and husband Bob'r at fl1dus Party on th'e bride and a'white baui- J EPET ---~ Kleinburg as usual u n til A rs1~v~ tonniere on the nroomn Thcx - Thurstiay night. vnd ere presented %vith a lovel, ÀIS Mr. ant Mrs. . Pagerocker chair by the commnun- L~E familv, Hampton, spent Sat Aît Iriends; beautiful diîshcs I' udyeveningc with Mr-. anti ,-rflf anti rmoker by close friends TYORW.LE urdaT.Wlsn anci relatives: pop-up toaster OUR CUTT1NG ..SETTI_ On Saturday afternoon. April' An enjoyable evening wvasb'thicilrn:a oxi SAE)1SYE! - lst, Miss Jean Webb enter- spent in the Blackstock Com sfi-ilyr tra by te: untof i tainet iber young friends on munity Hall Saturtiay even- fmiy, Bonda treie uno the occasion of her 12th birth-'ing when about 200 friends mo'dn cnakebthee-tiier d dav. and relatives gathereti to hon-' igck y te mte Miss Dorella Lancaster un- aur Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Pas- ialraî itro h ro derwent an appendectomy at sant of Cadmus onth o-adotrmsclnougft Memorial Hospital. Bowman- casien of their 25th wddigj The 1UC. called on the A ~~~~ville, on Monday morning. A anniversary. ahrotegoo atirn )rella!ther3 of bath bride tnti groom, speedv recavery, Doria Mr. Victor Malcolm xvas h sidafwwrtsTh On Saturdav afternoon M\rs. Master of Ceremonies for the'wbr id ad g roo The !W. Allun. Third Line. enter-1 folIGwing programme. Mrzbrideevnd om tan tained the music pupils ofMarxvood McKee gave a vcry Dnenoi a lyt Mrs. Marie Petiweii, their camical reatiing. Mrs. Lame ýb' Ihr Country Boys Orches- 1 parents and a few frientis. A, Thomps on favouireti with a 'tra xvth Mrs. -Ruth Wilson at gaod musical programi was; couple of aid sangs that -1v1ere the piano and Lewvis Stinson i provided by the chiltiren and! playeti 25 ycars ago. Nancy a dairity lunch served by Mrs. I Stinsan titi a tap dance. cLlreh wfor me srve t ics.Y . 1,tYANW, [AEmA.510 Alli ani bys.Thoe aten i unc wa sevet atmîd ilBOND SI.W.-OSHAWARA.3-291 Ain anfro ysBrown'ssetiond- Betty Lau Stinson playeti .night.siBN ï'S 2 Mn r W Frow's sinwere1 an accordian solo: tap dance- Mrs. . FarowMissJean' bv Miss Sylvia Lawrence; twoi Perrin, Mrs. A. Perrin anti solos by Lloyd Wilson on a Douglas, Mrs. T. Wilson, Bradi- electric I-lawaiian guitar ac-HAlE Y0U fÀ '-1# :S ley ad Wetiy.campanicti with bis mothc-r A ~Mrs. Dave Wilson at thel The tramp ivas sleeping behind piano. Cathy anti David Pas-!the golf elubliause w%,len lie sant sarng a duet; Miss Sylvia lvas suddenly awakened by .10 fl... Co~ J arne a n baton'a sharp kick fromn the club twirling. secretary demandiîîg hat lie MO herr. Victor Malcolm calletiia oigtee On Theiron the guests of honour. Thoi'Who are you?" askedth club secrctary," said the 125t W e dîngOBIUAR said the tramp, "saine- ý The venng pti 4t HER'BERT K. REYNOLDS an: hutitl 196, illlog b rm,,becdcertainly no ay t e new by M. ati rs.WiliamAx- Th, death of Herbert Ken- meflbers". for, o Hapto, whonover îîîhRnids, R.R. 2, Bow,,- 'you iiccdîft be caught "slee.p- ~~ 70 rints ad eltîxcsral-manville, occurrod ati h ng hni i comies ta select- cd t hoî hmetao fici !Oshawa General Hospital 01 ing a dry cîcaner w-ho rcaiiy - conratlatonson hei twn-Friday evcning. An)ril 7, 1961. rares about your clothes."e ty ift wtdig aniersry H',ý is survîveti by his wife I take pi-ide ini the -work wc o Mr. Axford antitd fmo the formerEseHnieania'niiikepn eîlr CusOî Miss Margaret Johnston, baththfomrEseHnlan aninkcnega utn- Shown signing the register are Mr. and Mrs.1o ovavle eem son Peter. ers who cntrîîist their gaini-- Eti. Leslie Frank Leonard Staeey who were marrie-d in Trinity' net by Reverenti Armstronc The funerai service wasenstu.Trushonx United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, March 18 ýof Trinity Unitedi Church hlia h Yr hploftm-n 0 196, a 4:0 oclck.Thebrie i te frme Shrro IBowmanville, on April 4th ,Turner anti Porter, Bloor DW A VLL 1961 at :30o'clck.The rideis he frme Sharon1936. The bride anti groon'm Street West, Toronto, on Mon- O M N IL Joanne Brooks, elder claighter of Mr. and lVrs. William1 startet their marrieti life at day, April l0th. Interment G. Brooks, Bowmanville. The groom is the son of Scarbaraugh Bluffs, Ontario, Wsi t onsNra CANCER BLITZ - TUES1.1 à, 11IL Z5îh Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Staeey, also of Boxvmanville. anti have livet in Hampton 1Comictery, Toronto. The ser- -Photo by Relider for t he last eight years. vice was coniuicteti by Rev. 7 to 8 pa. ____ ___ -With them ta celebrate their Haroldi Staintan of Courtice silver xvedting anniversary1 Unitedi Church. xvere their daughter Iri, Palîbeai-ers were Loi-ne B Ia ksto k C o pleMrs. William Nash anti bei Reynoldis Jr., Ken Skinner, - husbnd f OsawaantisonArnolti Jobb, John Melntyre, .~ -- /0s -A Mui-ray at home. Howard Mahaffy anti Lly Many Ioveiy gifts, floxvers,lDowni. Hon ored byr Friends lotters, telograms anti beau- tiful cards, combined xith th- persanal greetings to a e U n 2 rn iin iversary, e occasion a very special1p 1,,i yo rpa IFCasingzle, sensible monthly instal- T 1om Wilson; Clarke-Union- bu ne Nedan acm adacri Mrvrs. S. Rutherford; Kenty ia- MrlativMrs.anLloydPs es . S Bt ia wir eeo ga Yk Bu ment. SimpIy vdrop in or phone HFC today. Borrow i M- hednMoft; lib-'fft rlain'-îd riNew York' BSusiaLa ene ax Mrs. L. Glass, Mrs. H. Foster M.adMs ly asn ao Tiln einta up to $2.500) with Up to 36 nionths to repay. anti Mrs. G. Cathcart; No. gt9 îe nto Cmuiyilin ah asn nibc - School District- Home anti Hall, Blackstock, Saturdaylther frorn Bowmianvilie sang î tp nto e anti Mlu; rs. itee-Msevening, Aprîl 8th, ta bonourlia tuet. iMrs. Lorno ThompsonTnpLcl o Low cortIde insurance availoble on ail loan Sebl Clb; rovnd ceMrs. ie themn on the occasion of their plax-et several piano solos. SasSehool District- The 25th wedting annîversary. ýThe Dayes brothers suppliet BV o al F l Home anti School Club; South Mm. Victor- Malcolm xvas th- nItuqic for dancing. A hountifulI Atioch District- Mr. A. capable M.C. for Ithe occ:asion. lunch as seved. M. and A riomor of people from H O lSE H O D FI NAN CE! Munneke; Orono- Womens The programme w-as openetiliS asn asdWduigBxmvie at ît Assoc-iation of the Uniteti by Mrs. Marwood McKee xvho cake. spont Epstor weekenti in New Churcb; Newcastle- Newcas- gave a bumorous î-eading andi The family anti frients pro- York City. Leaving town tle Lionettes. sketch of the wodding twenty- sontoti them with a plalformn Thurstiay evening thoy tmav- 64 in Stee Eu ;; ;; ;; *Telephone RA 5656 Ths grps av five years aga. Nancy antid rocker, a set of dishos, toast- ellet al night by chartereti Put iBel y Lau Stinson gave tap Ier. silver tray anti smoker. Bre u miiga h Oshawa Shopping Centre. .. .. ... Telephone RA 5.1139 many long and tiring hours Itte itn oe t1: OSHAWA i ~~~into organizing this canvass,,*jfDlII'1am rdy so please ben uteoucandse n rROgeJIWlUVJS >Undauntet by lack of sleep: generous hntecnasrPn Ri g1 rail. Boxx s ome ntiSchol1evoryone was soon on bis way ___________Homeand_______ i sightsecing anti shopping. 0f _______________________________________________________________s__Cluboit da xiv successfiil course, evcryboty saxv Macy's LogeHld rtiparty, draw and dance at anti Gimbel's , A ihsen the school o hrdyee-trip incluteti Chinatawn, the ing, Mai-ch 30th, with 15) Baweî-y, Unitedi Nations, Wall N ew 900 calorie ready to drink diet plan - 6t"B r da lady's prizo xvas won by Mrs. ing anti the Statue of Liberty. i mThe members of Pîne Rige, Jas. Ciîrson Sm., wbo also wvon Thcy stopped t a Chnea tha ~ tasesLotige Na. 1291, L.O.B.A. colo-i the prize fr the most loneý Temple anti a mission bouse with adoudcous turkey sup- ýtonville, plaving a nman's cai't, bath in the Bowery. i per at St. Paul's Churcb. xvon the hlih prizo. Second Saturtiay was wet anti cool iThe members then ivent to high prizoeslw-ere -aptured b bt tho weather titi fot hin- the Union Hall ta ronductIMlrs. Wilta Simpson anti Mrs. dermomre shopping anti sight-. their rogsular mccting ,ith Mav Sinclair. sengatvitsathau- Henin prsiing asitedbydra wrepulledot i 23 of the graup toak the sub-' Depuy Mstrss iste HeciiboxbY Mste Ro Brwn.way insteat cf the city bus ta Shantz. First prize, a iovelv quilit in reach anti sec a sperial Eas- Prayers xver i-cati by the', fan deriýgn. was won by Mrs. ten show at Radio City Music' Chaplain, Sister Rose Ovenvý, Domeen Green, R. R. 3, Port Hall. Afterwards they walký-' andtihte flags xvere presctt Hope; second pnizo, a lovelv eti through Rockefeller Contre by Sisters Marion Potter anti table lanîn, xveît ta Mr. Cecil ta see the outtoor skating anti Arlene Patter. The Worthy' Fiiiley, cxcati iehuntrots cf Easter lil- Mistmess then xelrometid i- Lunch was serveci ant i eis, then took a trip ta the, itas fom Oakcih Ltiermaintier cf the evoning Wasi 70th floor of the N.B.C. huilti- anti Quecn Marys Lotige of' S-Polit inl danicing ta musici ing whcro al tbe brilliance' Oshawa anti Unity Lotigo fram. suppiet by tho Scott family,l cf Noxv York's lights couitibho Tyrone. Newvcastle. seen. Theî-e were many mare1 i Txvo canditiates, Mrs. Wantia' n anti M-s. W Call anti attractions too numeous ta' Hall anti Carrol Wilkon e- aivsoî atrSna mention anti net onie minute -ballototi on for iembc-rsiîip. wýitlh Mm. anid lUis. E. Caîl anti cf the xveekonti was wasteti.' They w-vill ho initiated tti I the M. P. Ca, Toronîto. Miss Levîgfrhm ati next regular meeting in Aprii.' Linia Cali ncmaiîîct with hem1 a.m. Sunday anti travelling! lA tiogrec patieo ivili bhieid auîit andi nile for the xvcek. hy the New York Thruwayý on April 19 at 7:30 pni. Lotige1 Master Keith Cqil s p on t anti Ivy Lea Bridge tbey ar- was atijourneti at 9:15 p.nî. Eastem xveek with Mm. anîd Mrs, rivet in Bowmaiiville aftor. j j Afttr the meeting a penny M. Downs anîd faiiy, Tom-Imidnigbt tiroti, but happy. i i ~~' -~ ~ sale xxas hoit. Tlîeî a de'at.Een, a beavy blizzard near1 -- licious lunch xvas senveti and, M-s. R. Sinmpson spent Eas- Wtrtown, N.Y., titi not the largo bithday cake was. tonrxvcok at ber home alono, bother the graup or the two eu y h trePat'-vitrs-:hrfanîiiy n.ioyiiig teEastorIdies i ~cu b tîotlîecPat ismes-'be tyeexcellent dierMr. Arnod: N~~-!-es, Sister Marionî Henniiîg, hoiitavs as foliow\s: Tommy Harîîden anti Mm. Koith Dor- Sister Stella Karp andt Sister wxitii the M.îstr.rs family in loy. Arrangements for the trip W. 0L~ Jean Kennedy. A very enjoy-Ma-am Nancv with hem xvere made by Mrs. Nance; ~ - ~~\ iabie eveniiîg xvas liat hy ail. aunt, ilUrs. 1FLusseli, Tarante; Calmer. q ,' ~(__ FIRTH RS 47 KING ST. E. Yes! . . . better beef here, because we seli only Swift's Pro-Teii Beef .. . guaranteed to cook juicy and tender . . . just the way you like it! Look for this tag . . . for guaranteed quality. BONELESS ROUND STEAKM AND lb ROAST RUMP ROAST EXTRA LEAN ROUND Steak lb. MINCE 79 d BUY THE BEST FOR LESS FRESH BEEF lb. 3 c L [VER zlcdTn BURNS' LARD BURNS' SHAMROCIC By te Piece LEAN, FRESII 0 0BUY FIRTH'S CHOCOLATE OR VANILL4 Now weight zontrol is a pleasure because Borden's-thîe people who are xery big on flavXr-are the irst to make a diet plan gooti tasting and econornical as well as supremely effective. No measuring, mixing or flxing-. .. just pour a glassful and driînk ... Bordens reudy diot gives you just 900 c!ories and important amounts of vitamins, mineraIs, and high quality protein. wody diet's wI(lesome nutrients wilI help rnaintain heaith v hilemestriction of calorie intake helps burri up excess body fat as food energy. No separaiting, settling or sediment because Borden's readly diet is scientifically blcnded. For dieters, a full day's diet supplying 900 caloies ... ready to enjoy! Smooth as a milk shake, neyer grainy, has no medicinal aftertaste. Delicious fresh chocolate or vanilla fiavours. Daily schedute... .To get the full effect of this diet plan, drink one quart of Borden's ready diet each day with no other food intake. Drink as much as you like at a time (take calorie- restricted vegetables for bulk if you desire). Consult your physician about your health and reducing program if you plan to use Borden's ready diet as your sole food intake, if you are now excessively overweight, have any history of kitney, heamt or blood cisorders or other abnormal conditions. Look for Borden's redydiet in the special gold carton .1 your store or at your door GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE MA 3-5444 BOWMANVILLE PKING ST. W. Want to know about GAS HEATI G? Ask the mari who's enjoying the quiet, carefree comfort of complecly autoniatic gas licating. IHc'll tel - you there's nothing like it for i-cal Iuxury-and for real economy too. Ask your neighbour-and then instail modern gas heating right away. CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Replace your %vorn out burner with an 1mexpensive, easy-to- istali Conversion Burner. $ 50 RIE1T MbiIL for oniy 3 n your REPLACE WUTH A NEW FURNACE If a neC\\ urnace îs required iîîstall a modern, low-cost gas furnace. EASYAf TîRms 40 No DownA WEEK Paymet - nty on your gai bill For Comp let e Information Cal! ZENITH 1700 (No Toil Charge) MA è«-5081 1 DELICIOUS ... NUTRITIOTJS