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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1961, p. 4

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PAGU POlIR THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO flmen. - . na a T flhTlffilUflIPflImmmnni,.,w .,,...,,.,.. - UiUIUBLAL LCOMMENTj SUGAR anCd By Bill Smiley mmimuu- "Goliy, Dad, are you cver aid!" This was my son's comment when he learned the othen day that I'd been born in 192'0, just a couple o! years after World War I. You'd have thought it was immcdiately following the Gay Nineties, ta hear his tone. Political jargon Is interesting. Popular today is the idea of a needs" test rather than a "means" test. Politicians love to protest against what they refer ta as the "rneanness" of the means test, writes Ambrose His. Their protests however, are insin- cere. The meanness they object ta applies, they seem ta suggest, only when the government is giving tax mnoney away. They do flot deplare the "meanness" that is involved when the government takes your tax money from yau. Every tirne you fi11 out an incarne tax form you are taking a means test; and it is very mean indeed because the purpose is ta take from yau a large portion of your earnings - flot ta give you something. If you are a rnarried man and die before your wife, your widow wilI be taxed on what you leave her. If you leave her a pension, she mnust pay a tax on entire life interest in it, because the governrnent will guess how long she is likeiy ta live and will tax her on what she may get for the next ten, fifteen, or even twenty years. It can be a big suni, even though the pension is smail. And if she dies in ten years and thus doesn't get ail the rnaney, she still has and Distant Past Guest Editorial by Professor Rover Le Chien Now that the free winter roaming days o! dogs in this area have ended with the reactivatian o! the enforcing by-law for the summer months, we were intrigued by the following editorial. It was handed ta us by R. J. Dilling o! Church St. and is from the Parry Sound "The North Star", edited by H. S. Wing. One o! the last bastions o! free canines bas falien with the passing, by the Council, o! a By-Law prohibiting dags ta run at large at any time. The Brotherhood o! Canines, which bas long looked on Parry Sound as a sort o! Mecca, is saddened by this dis- crimination against a minority graup. While we eider canines must admit that some gay younger dogs dig up gardens, upset garbage cans, and bark at innocent delivery boys, we ask yau ta look at aur record, as compared ta that o! the so-calied higher species, the genus homo. Statistics will prove that no dog bas ever been booked for drunk driving, beating his wife, or ernbezzling another dog's bones entrusted ta bis care. (Dogs, in this respect, are smart- er than man; thcy don't entrust val- uables ta other dogs). No dog bas ever 4, faced a narcotics charge, nor contribut- ed ta the delinquency af a juvenile (except in the odd case wbere a dog has wagged a boy into playing bookey and goinig bunting). The long canine bistory is devoid o! the bloody wars man fought against his brother. The annais of Dogdom contain no record o! a dog betraying bis Master, but man betrayed the Prince o! the Universe. No dog ever looks dawn bis snout at another dog because paid the tax on It! Can yau think of a situation much meaner than that? The excuse for this sort of thing is always that the governrnent has ta have money ta pay for ail the wonder- fui things it daes for us. WelI, if it does rnany more wonderful things for us we're going ta be in a bad way indeed! Many o! us would like ta be allowed ta do sorne o! these things for ourselves, because we believe we could do them less expensively, or do other things more ta aur taste. The reason governrnents have been able ta go on taxing us s0 severely is simple. Many vaters aren't aware that they pay for ail these "benefits". They think the rich do most of the paying. How wrong they are! You and I do the paying. We pay the taxes not only on aur incarnes but also in the prices o! the goods we buy. For ex- ample, next time you buy some gas, ask how much of the price is for taxes. Taxes on gasoline have gone up in five provinces recently. When the majority of voters awake ta the fact that they pay for every single thing that governrnents "give"~ them, there'll be some new planks in political platforms - planks like Pru- dence, Thrif t, and Tax Reductions! There is only one comfort, when shot dawn, and pastcd as the years rush by. One's them in the book under the age values change convenient- youthfui, siily, but harmnless ly. When yau are 10, anybody heading My Com!ortens. over 21 is middle-aged. By the time yau are 15, -you realize Despite the fact that smre that people aren't middle-aged af those girls are now doubt- until they're 30 or more. When less an the verge of grand- you are 25, middle age begins motherhood, the Old Lady got at 40. And when rau are 40, sore. She gave the snapshots you are serene in the knowl- one long, searing look ,gave edg tatyouwo'trealybcme another, sneered "Oh, inidle tat you ont rear e weren't you the charmer!" and inou 5ide5g. ii OUaeflounced off ta finish her * * *washirÀg. Kim looked pleased. This disparity in point of I decided ta take a look view is bnought home ta mie through the aid book mysel!, with some force when l'mn taik- and spent a thoroughly enjoy- ing ta teen-agers at school. able hour, lîke an aid muid One day we ail saw a film on with her faded ribbons and the history o! flight. It con- ler dance pragnams. It took tained some shots of a criai me from the dneariness o! combat in World War I. early April, fmom the mnorass Latr, rearkd jkinlyo! middle-class domesticity, that I'd enjoyed seeing some aktatiewnIws o! the old aircraft I'd f1 own young and tough, complctely myefin those days. Theyinresponsible, a nd slightly myst e teel! wîcked. did't et hejoke. Thiey neally thought I'd been a There wene the namnes, World War 1 pilot. many o! them forgotten, o! This would maîçe me ut the motley crew in mny ban- leas 60 1 ske th b h racks. I wonder what Jannie least 60. I ased them s a" Wet o! South Africu tbinks One punticulanly sweet girl inio aaatee as sNl Grade 10 said: "You don't look Jorgenson bock on bis rail- it, ir."way job in Oslo? How does it, s wh alo." u W Don McGibbon o! Bulawayo Tat'sl whyeanslot o k W . deel about the iots in his Warinki vters, who eeP Rhodesian homelond? What's thinkins g he svr ivaspult arbecome o! Tony Frombolo of fewyers go shul pul UfAlomeda, Cal.? Did Ciancy heads out of the sand. ýC iary ever get his dainy form We may feel thot we're still pnacticoily gay young blades, going in Australia? On which but we shouid reolize that ',sidc o! the Iran Curtain did whol new geneatio hasRastislav Kanovsky, the Czech, gnown up, ta whom aour war land? is as remote as the Crimean War was ta us, at the som-e There wvere the crazy car- uge. th toons by "Chuck,"y the mnad Justth same, it's fun to Ukrainian, spoofing the Gem- look back. About thec saine day!m0115s. There were the old my son wvas reîegating me to prison-camp recipes for tumnip the horseless carrnage ero, my jm ond prune whisky and daughter, w h i e prowlingýpowdercd-milk pie. There were around for somcthing ta rnad,,Ihe incredibie stories - like came across n-îy aid prisoncr- that o! the Dutch lad who was of-war log book. Slie went shot down and taken pnisonen thnough it in anc sitting. Fram while on Icave.f time ta time she looked at nme There were the excerptss curiously, cocked an eyebrow - froni letters-from-home. Theyt und read on. were horrible ln their thonught- 1 * lessness, but we thought themn I'd forgotten what was in hilanhous. For example: "Wet that log book, But I found are sendlng you a fivc-year t out. Young Kim went ta lier calendar, feeling It may corneh mother with it and said, "Lookliii haindy." And this one, froma at this, Mom."l She was point- la iife: "I'm afnaid Vrm golng ing at twa pages of photo.tahvabay Hifahrs grahs ! triingyong odis.a Canadian and very nice. Heb I bad them in my walet says he is sormy for you andc 25 VEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO (APR. 16, 1936) (APR. 18, 1912> A. L. Nicholîs' store, King Chas. H. Anderson and Ben St., bas been purchascd by Wood wili represent the Good- the Public Utilities Commis- ycons ut the organization meet- sion and wiii be convemted into ing o! Lake Shore Basebali a modern office and show- League ta bo held in Cobourg room, with four modemn opant- to-day. ments above. Mr. John Eiiiott, B.A., Six Bowmanville aviation Principal o! Bowmanviile High cnthusiasts on Wednesday last Schooi, bos been eiected Presi- neceived their diplomas ut the dent o! High Sehool Principals' Toronto Flying Club, bovingr section o! the Educationul As- compicted thein ground course, sociation o! Ontario. *which consist af 30 boums o! A scvere electrical stonm gnound school training, need- possed aven Ontario Sunday cd for the pnivate pilot's night and J. McGill's barn in license. The six Bowmanville Monvcrs was struck and a *graduates were Forest Dlling, hcifer kiiled. *Jim Burns, Bill Phillips, Jim~ Old "Umibrelia Jim" wus -Thompson, Jack Hocklcy and 'kilied on the G.T.R. track just Bob Stocker. eost o! Bowmanvilic station The engagement is announc- sametime Tuesday nigbt. Ho cd o! Miss Violet Luchla Nich- has been a regular visitor ta ois, only daughter o! Mrs. S. frontier towns for years, but G. Preston, Bowmanville, anc seems ta know bis the loto Mn. H. H. Nichais, to naime or fromn wherc he hailed. Mr. Erie Coiwell, yaungest sonlHe was fond o! drink and it o! Mrs. Mina Colwell, Bow-lis supposed ho was lying on manville, and the loto Mr. A. the track aslecp vhen killed. Coiwell. The wedding ta take Waterworks seem ta be comn- place in Trinity United Chunchi ing soon now for at o spocial late in May. session o! the Council on Mn. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham Wednesdoy evening it was and sons Mue and George are decided ta engage Wil]is Chip- with bis mother, Mrs. Gea. mon, C.E., Toronto, ta make Ingham, Peterborough. la su1'vey, prepore plans and Capt. C. W. E. Mcath, Otta- specifications for woterworks wa, is ut home. and sewage for this town. Miss Pouline Wagon, Uni- Mr. Gea. A. Stephens sold versity o! Toronto, is with ber a pramising yean aid filly ta parents, Mn. and Mns. G. L. Mr. Jobe White, Ashburn, for Wagon. $200 recently. Miss Groom, chic! operatan o! Mrs. Frank Hennings spenti Bell Telephone Ca., is visiting an enjoyable Easton with hon frîends in London. parents and some aid friends - Miss Jean Loan is visiting in Toronto. Miss Dorathy Wight, Cobourg. Mrs. T. Carl Roberts has Mr. and Mns. C. C. Cook, returned from a pleasant visit Brantford, wene Easten visitons with friends in Pitteburgh. with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Van de Bogart o! the Neil Yelîowlees. Central Miiiincry Parions was Hampton: Mn. and Mns. Mil- in Toronto Monday attending ton Avery and Donna Kay, the summer openings. Buffalo, spont Saturday with Formons and shippers willl bis parents, Mr. and Mns. R. be intcrestod in knowing that Avery. the C.N.R. are putting on a iBlackstock: Mr. George stock train lcaving Bowman- ýCrawford is beautifying bis ville station every Tuesday, ncw home with a new fonce reaching Toronto ut 5 p.m. and rase arbon. Disney Bras., Oshawa, are Enniskilion: Miss Eilcen opening up on on before May Panken is visiting friends in lst in the Bounsaîl Block a Tamonto. furniture and undentaking bus- !Sauina: Sorry ta repart Missl mess. Loua Taylor, R.N., is confinedl Enniskillcn: Misses Lily Gil- ta ber bcd with humatic bort, Hazel Pascoc and Mr. foyer. We wish ber a spcedy 'Percy Gilbert bave returned recoveny. ita their schools again a!ten S Newcastle: Congratulations Ispending the Easten holiday ut ta Mn. Lloyd Passant, Bow- tbeir homes. manville, and bride, fonmerly Hampton: Miss Emmna Clarke ,Miss Ruth Cobblcdick, dauIgbten is su!fering fnom bîood-poison- o! Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Cobble- ing. dick, Shaw's, on thein mon- Orono: Miss Esma Hooper Is niage ut the home o! the bnide's, in Toronto taking a course ut parents on Satunday aften-IBusiness Coliege. noan, Apnil llth._________ Tyrone: Miss Katherine Mac- Donald is boiidaying w,%ith hemý It Is twice as bard ta crush aunt, Miss Minnie MacDonald,! o hal!-tmuth as a whole lie.C Cobourg. i -Austin O'Malley. Mea n Tests? he is not a wealthy dog, nor has a dag ever persecuted another because he is different in colour or different breed. Because o! this exemplary record, we sincerely feel that man shouid be put on a leash, and dogs run f ree. It is a proposai which should be taken ta the U.N. - it might change the course of the worid for the better. In the meantime, we earnestly pe- tition that there be no "hanky panky" by the dog catcher. We deserve at least a sporting chance, ta wit: No going Up on verandahs ta get us. No decoys which appeai ta aur lower nature, L.e. - nice chunks of meat, canine cleopatras, etc. Three square meals a day, in the hoosegow. Fresh water in plentiful supply. A com!ortable, shade area for liv- ing and exercise. A humane way o! destraying us if aur poor master cannot raise bail. (This rnethod o! destraying" puzzles us - we know nothing about this sort of thing. Man kilîs his brother in coid blood - we kili only in defence o! aur homes or loved ones). We warn the powers that be ta proceed with caution. At the slightest hint o! maltreatment o! us, thousands will spring ta aur defence. Fashion- able matrons will desert the bridge table and circulate petitions; staid bus- inessmen will lose their tempers and attend upon Council thirsting for blood; and ail the kids in tawn will, with tears and supplications, chivvy reluctant parents into coming ta aur rescue. The generations o! hurnan children, we have helped ta bring up, who, by caring for us have learned responsibility, com- vin nd rlaffection. wuilI ,'jllvr fr the cause. Whats Wrong on the Investment Front? Anyane who takes the trouble ta study the forecast o! investrnent in- tentions for 1961, just released by the Departrnent o! Trade & Commerce, cannat fail ta be impressed by the fact that total private investment for the year will be 3.2 per cent below the level o! last year. Why does business plan ta spend less than last year on grawth? The answer lies in the fact that the rnost labor-intensive o! any section o! the private economy - domestic manu- facturing - is in the doldrurns. Imports continue ta dominate the gains in the dornestic mnarket, with the benefit going in terms o! higher ernployment in *foreign countries. In short, trade policy, 'or ruther the inadequacy o! trade policy, lies ut the root o! the hait in industnial growth forecast by the Department o! Trade & Commerce. Canadians can take no com!art !ram the !act that thep lanned overali level o! investrnent, at Ï8,336,000,000, is îa trifling $136,000,000 above that o! 1960. 1More than ail o! this increase represents spending by governrnent on variaus public works projects, financed either tbrougb high taxation, or public debt, or bath. What little ernployment may corne as a resuit o! such public invest- mxent will be short-term. No meaning- Durha'rnCounty'a G Establish.d 107 y Aloo Inco The Bowmct The. Newcaatle The. Oroi Authorised cm Second Cama Mafi Produced every JAMES PUBLISHING P.O. BC t 62-66 King St. W., Bc JOHN M.7 JAMES GEO. W.9 EDTo-PuLxSMMADvTG.b * SUBSCRIPTP S.Oa Year, istrlctly ln advanc. fui or lasting increase in job opportun!- ties can be expected from public spend. ing on capital projects by government. Recovery, in short, depends upon the determination flot only of manu- facturers to improve productive eff i- ciency. It also depends upon the will- ingness of organized labor to cooperate in holding wage and other costs froni rising, and in the determination of the Government at Ottawa to adopt trade policies which, are at once meaningful and effective in stimulating the growth of labor-intensive domestic manufactur- ing. Salesmanship is important. Wage restraint is important. Productive efficiency is important. But the real key to growth lies in trade poiicy which, at the moment, is wholly unsuited to growth and higher employment in domestie manufacturing. Those things that corne to the man who waits seldom turn out to be the things he has been waiting for. The most diff icuit thing in life is to know yourself.-Thales. Envy is the atmosphere of hell.- Mary Baker Eddy. As a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man.-Chrysos- tom. ïn httt#m4Un ; Family lournal yearsa go in 1854 .orporating mnville News ile Independont ina News aby the. Pout Office Dept.. Ottawm yWodnesday by COMPANY LIMITED Box 190 Bowmanville, Ontarlo GRAHAM MMAAEE ION RATES GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINU5S MGI. $5.00 a ln the. United Staeà and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. Scout News TELL HIM SO If you heur a kind word spoken O! some wortby saul you know, It muy filbis heurt with and of local dogs nunning ut large are pnompting the Coun- cil ta cansider the enfomcing of the Dog Restroining By- Law, which is now in effect, but has not been cn!onecd due 1.3t Bawmanville Scout News sunsnmne wýould be cretcd. Cléc is tc Our Troop is now takinglIf you only tell him sa. enquine with regards ta samE Firt Ad cases ver Tuns- I a deed, howevcr humble, in udjoining municipalitie,ý dayg evening. ebv been Hclps you on your way ta and the method and cast ai fotnt ng a in in g teSck the anc whosc bond ha enfoncing samne. The By-Law srie o!Ai Vickems fotuepd o which authonizes the impound- servies o ingofrom dobcanped youun the Oshawa Fine Departmcnt. Scek him aout and tell him s n ! i os n ut on The course entails 7 weeki straying off their owners' o! 1 154 boum lectures and pmac- If your heurt is touched and pmapenty, whiie unicusbed and tice. This course will enoble tender unmestnuined by a persan aver the Scouts ta gain their "Arn- Towai'd a sinner, lost and 10w, sixteen ycuns a! ugo, could bulunce-man's Badge"» pi u s It migbt heip hlm ta do better cast a levy o! 3 milis ta the also their "Junior St. John".' If you'd only tell him sa! ratepayens o! this municipal- The bike arranged for iast -Anoi. ity, if found necessary ta en- Sutunday bod ta be cancelied** fonce, by a permanent cm- ýbecause o! sloppy weuthem ployee. conditions. Instead, five boysA GARDEN rOR ALL TIME The 1961 Budget as pre- and Scoutmaster wvent ta the Having a gurden this year? pared by the Treasuner, was Royal Toronto Museum and Hcno's one that al, of sIm andebuted ut length und appnov- spent an interesting day theme. plant: caed in pninciple. The 1961 miii Five Scouts are now takingc First, five rows o! peas- rate is ta bo set ut a special acourse in "The Safe Huntor's rpedspomts, meeting ut mid-month and Badge" annanged by the "Ajax Prpanedncs, poitn e s s hould show no increaso in the Gun & Rod Club" in cannec- and prayer. Township levy for municipal tion with the Department o! Noxt, thneo nows of squash - pumposes. Laonds and Forests. This course Squash g-ossip, squash cri- *By motion o! Council the nstmucts the boys in safe useý ticism, squash indifference. Fine levy is ta be roduced ta of firourms, and safety rules Then five nows o! lettuce - $2.00 per cvery reconded as- n outdcor huntingc. Let us be faîth!ui; lot us sessmont for the cunrent yean. If any' vp:rent bas a boy be unseîfisb; lot us be loy- Anothor motion authomizing vho wishcs to join the Scouts, ai; let us love anc another; the Clenk ta dnaw up a new hoy are asked ta contact John let us be thonkful. By-Law ta enfonce, as fan as Bain MA3-2324, or Bob Davies No gorden is compicte witb- possible, the collection o! .5 RA8-5437. out tun.nip - Turn up for milis on ail farm pnoperty for A Scout mapping and tmack- chunch;, turn up with a the Foderution o! Agriculture, ing day will be beld next Sut- smile; turn up with a ncw unless writtcn abjection is ne- unday from 12:00 ta 5:00. idea; turn up with reui de- ccived within 30 days o! Tax Yours in Scouting, tormination. Demand Notice. Also anc ta Bob Davies (Kanga). _ -Bulington Dispatch. authonize the collection of c ti E F il L F e I ..:. k -~ I~I À k Ir~I ~mJ j ~ett eo.ît put Wl y~tr pers&tu~ esecUt ~eeds... ------------------------------------ -- - n - --- - r~--~ IZEZEZI ~iZ~ r1 7 The Road Superintendent requestcd permission from Council to repair and fi the ravages of winter in the Township Park at Caesarea*; same granted. A letter from Miss Mabel Bruce was read with regards ta condition of thcir road, west of (formerly- called) Caesarea School. Council asked the Clerk to write notes of appreciatian ta, the O.N.O. Club for their highly praised catering of the Warden 's Banquet, evening of Friday, March 17th; anéd to Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm for her delightful Irish renditiins. By-Law No. 1065 was 8 en three readings and pa d ýd authorizing the new Wage -J Schedule as agreed upon past month. The agreement with Port Perry to be able to eall upon their Fire Brigade for assistance if necessary, was signed as approved and order- ed ta be returned to Port Per. ry. Bis of $1,230.80 for Roads and $ 1,422.04 for General, a total of $2,652.84, were ap- proved paid by motion and the meeting adjourned ta the next regular date of May ist, Vlonday at 1_p.m. Air, Rail or Stearnshlp TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consult J U RY & LO0V E LL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Ilmavll tutder ewi One boan (Iife-insured) One Payment (monthly) One Visit to the B of M Bowrnanville Branch: Oshawa Brancb: TAMES BELL, Manager JAMES McCANSH, Manager reef..otMYAN Hv 10 2 #/Il log CA MAC/ANS (BANIK 0F M01NTýREAL Fami 1 Finance Plan Why flot tafl< ta the peaple at your neighbaurhood Bof M brandi about a low-cost, life-insured loan f0 bring ail yoýur personal credit needs -, der one roof,j e~44da 94rf44..WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIFE SINCE 1817 Last Bastions Are Falling WMNESDAY, APRM 12th. 1981 . 1 91- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANV=ýE, ONTARIO il Is sendinz You smre char- ettesQ I There was the long list o!fr"r things ta do when I got outE Y o ng a "1<ol m - pub s, girls and restaurants tberevisited, places ta see, gifts ta buy. There was the, Thank heaven! At last, Halifax, April 6th; a feat we than death). Maybe so! Then entire account, in tiny writing, someone dlaims ta have invent- have neyer dared try ta dupli- why do some men, having sail- of what had happened ta me led a pili that will prevent mal- cate, since. ed the seven seas ail their after I was shot down -- aide-mer. For the benefit of Old sailors dlaim that mostilives, 'ave a go at the start of comedy of errors.1 you landlubbers, mal-de-mer people suffer sea biliausness,[each new voyage? I was told And there, right at the backlis French for seasickness. These which lasts from one ta 48 ta not look at the heaving sea; of the book, tucked into a littie1 newly created pilis are sup- hours, but that seasickness wiil but sit stili and gaze at a fiap, was something that poSed ta soothe your sense of hang on for severai days- stationary abject. For a white brought me up with a jolt. It discomfort, inhibit nausea and sometimes for the entire voy- that trick reaiiy seemed ta was a head - and - shouiders keep the contents of your age. Guess I had the latter. work, but finally, having noth- photo of a Young fellow scowl- stomach where they beiong. because for the first fîve days ing else ta do but dwell on ing at the camera. He was Which seems difficuit ta under- the only thing I was able ta my own misery, I "thUnked" whiskery and dirty. But there stand when plenty of recogniz- keep on my stomach was rny myseif into another sp&~I. 1 wasn't a line in his face, his ed authorîties dlaim that sea- hand. One aid "sait" soiemnly just refuse ta seriously be- eyes were clear and sharp, he sickness is caused by an Im- advised me on the fifth day ta lieve there is a speedy or sure had a shock of thick, dark balance o! a person«s inner ear. clamp my teeth real tight if lcure for this nauseating nma- hair, and he looked as tough We are suppased ta believe felt a strange tickiing sensa- lady. as tow rope. I looked at it for that, if the body is put into tion in my throat. Another After three trips across the quite a whlle. unfamiliar motion, the inner crew member advised drink- Atlantic Ocean and several Then 1 gat up and went into ear becomnes confused; this dis- ing a cup ai sea water; I did, trips across the choppy Eng- the bathroorn and loaked in turbance is transmitted ta the and it made me a damn sight lish Channel, I have reached the mirror. And 1 saw the brain, and referred ta the worse. Experts advise stay- the conclusion that stoiid, un- deep furrows in the face, and vomit centre, which promptly ing in the middle of the boat,. imaginative people are not Sa the bleary eyes with the Durple responds by causing a sudden which isn't possible if you're prone ta seasickness as sens- hanmcks under thern, and contraction of the stomach, assigned quarters are at eith- itive, ematianal ones. There- the wlspy, graying hair, and causing it ta be emptied, which er end of the ship. fore, it may be more a matter the general colar of a milk Is why you dash for the ship's It is supposed that, a tend-aof psychoiogy than physiology. Pudding. 1 looked at it for side, ta start feeding the fishes. ency toWards seasickness can Just writing about the subject qulte a white. Pîll rollers have been be overcome by repeated ex- has started me feeling squeam- And I picked up My log peddling potions for the pre- posure ta it (a therapy, warselish. book, with the photo of that vention o! seasickness for gen- Young feilow, and I took it erations, with about the only down cellar, and I put it in a effect o! making the voyager box, and I piaced a large trunk feel warse - like the insect Cartwright Coun cil on top of the box. And just powder that was sent ta thef again, I saluted - mereîy a ing the first Warid War, in- casual flip of the hand- stead of killing the cooties, itM y E f r e C n e toward that corner. fattened them, and when the0 Then I squared my shouid- nits hatched they were huskier ers, pulled ini my pot, donned and more savage than the arig-R es r ining B y-Law a pleasant look, and, slightiy mnals, each with two set s o!fs r favaring my arthritic knee tceth. walked up the stairs, whistling' Some people assert that sea- The April meeting o! Cart- voluntary requisitions with re- ta heip with the dishes. ' sickness can be avoided by wright Township Council was gards ta Farm Union member- (Toronto Teiegram eating food which is more held in aftemnoon of Monday ship. News Service) solid than liquid; pcrhaps sa, the third, with ail members The subject o! damage ta but it didn't work out that present and no deputations in windows and piano in the Re.. way for me whie on a trip attendance. The minutes of the creation Centre was introduc- across the "briny" forty-six last meeting were read and ed by the Secretary of the Memorial Hospiai years aga, when I was heav- adopted. Parks Board who droppcd in ing more than the iead by the The first business of the on the meeting for a mom. W\eekIy Report thne we had cleared the-han- meeting was a review of the ent, and the oniored boum. The City of Hamilton Building By-Law, now in ef- the Clenk ta notify the High For the week o! Apnil 3 - 9 had donated many dazens O! fect. Same has been ondered School Board and the chair- inclusive: eggs, as an Easter gift ta our aitened ta meet new revisions man of the Group Committee Admissions ... ............ 70 battalion, and as 16 of us ieft adcaiid ne dioyta ahwudb edrs Births, 3 male, 3 female. 6 1th nito odFrdy p suggestions of the Building ponsible for said damage ta Discharges .........,2d 1915, the cooks loaded us Committee, Councillor J.R. the extent that the High idown with oodles o! hard- Hamilton and the Building School pupils and the Cubs Major operations....--121boiled gs hc ekp Minor operations............ dcgs4 hih w k p coKnehSmls r cuswr epni Emerenc tratmnts eating, in the hanse box cars, ,spctnaKedeh amli. r cot yw e repnsibl Emegeny tea mens ...17Iuntil we boanded the ship at Complaints o! stray . dogs 1ad th at y o ll e expect Vsitie hous .3- 4 -A -4! 1cdta avfo- - rP - PAGE Fouit

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