WTDNESDAY. APR!L l2th, 1981 1 TIM CANADIAN STATESMMI. BOVMANVILLEZ ONTARIO - PACZ TmV leaders, fer making arrange. in this connection that what Hnyo otHp n .R ments for this serv'ce. enables a country to lead inll2 eligia e odado rntetd The Explorers heid theirx I is ol-iedvlpe 33Expeditton of 6th Explor- Ineu.it es V rt es lai * era nd provncial cndidad- T he O ro ii N eW S iiyear at the home of Mrs. Caad ad uaaiis i tus ths colassie advelopmenPicked for R. Virtue with seven girls By C. J. Barris i quence of a greater accumu- :counitv *at deliberately 1ev- rtes lnFyadRbr prosent. W opened with Pur- The "fair shares" philosoaphy, lation of capital." he writes. l els such dif ferences alse ab. ie eto omnil:Gro Mrs James E. Richards, Editor .Clse and 'Motto. Mrs. H. Ash- being well established, in 'lit is mainlv the resuit of: dicates its leading position-Li e ai le t Tik o Mlbok ar zon called the Muster; the logCndad elsewhere, it may their more effective utiliza- as the examp1: of Great Bri-ofCak Twnhp ndwas read and found to be cor- seem absurd to cdaimi that tion of kriowledge. There cantain so tragically shows. Ail E. R. Lovekin ofNecslM.E.RLokicfN - Mr. and Mrs. WV. Normanf Mrs. Viola Abbott, Port iMlrs. Ainsley G. McGeean rect. Business period wa.- man's progtress really grows' be littie doubt that the pros- classes there had profited Imom the President of th Duhmcsi;E oeSot fHp Porter returned home on Mon. Hope, is staying with MHrs. daughter Tamm;e. held, then we had worship from inequality. But the ar- pect of the poorer. 'undevelop- the fact that a rich class with Cut iea soito,0 avr onhp day after three weeks motor Cecil Powers, who bas been Mrs. Thornton Wilson is and prayer by Mrs. Ashton. gument is supported by care- ed' countries reaching the old traditions had demanded IonyLiea Florida 11 at be home. vsiting M. and Mr. FredIarilvn Yellowlees took ur fui logic in the book The present level of the West is products of a quality and taste troaynnuedheelgts M.Lokin Durhamhat th Mr ndýrs amsLo. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- Mý1ottashed and family, Sim- collection; Marie Beckett gave Constitution of Liberty by very much better than it unsurpassed elsewhere a n d fropren ha onywOll os era ~~~~~ii.troMr. and Mrs. . J. c . the password; Door Keeper, Friedrich Hayek, formerly of would have been had the West ti:at Britain, in consequencerpeetteAscaina drs rdyeeigfo ery and famil::, Kîrbyisttet, ran Mr.A J.Ice Gail Stainton. Games were the University of London, now flot pulled so f:r ahead... came to supply to the rest of~ the Annual Meeting o h n :d -Ë and IMrs. *Gus plitz Jakeman attended "Ben Hur" Mrs. Geo. Crowther and etaredoy LibeRthalthAssociation f soito nbeorathedeHonoulograsle Lesterth B. Pearitihrl in Toroto, Satrday eeninýg.son, tLeader iofbetherlNationalc aeFmiy Pikrno1mi iie r.CaKeeper of the Log. science at Chicago University. tries lead, ail the others can a oe with the diaper ad1.adrs t ono Str Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Wood on Sunday. MsCoteGahm Pu- Athghtefttathefloahug tete a s apphoe styl Mr n r. Vco oi-Niagara Falls, spent the week- MMr. VictorharP r- l'lMann te arttgt hes work. ou h he condi- n eo th cls w oe syea d 15 vstdir.n thMr. and Mrs. Chtoaobnsý.i torMning ed &Whit e ~Hill, sent Friday witb' people of the West are today tions for spontaneous progress of living the others imitated. The delegates in adto otyJh .Wnemyr .. snvstd r.and 1Mrs. BertE.Mlean soMradSte.r. F. To - so far ahead of the others in mav be absen~t in them... . It xnay fot be long before the Mr.Chas.Lovekin and RussedilWhitC.'Ontario Liberaelr. Leader.an Robinsoni n Waliacetown lastE.MlradsnM.ardSoe Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sh arp, wea1th is in part the conse- 'It is worth remembering- British workers wilI discover wekn.Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and fam- Congratulations to Ralph Kathy and Cordon were Sun- that they had profited by be- wee-en.blyn whedon as. e e t ottngEerweek. Mtrp rOda vios. Ian h Mr. and I A D r~ h ing members of a community ialyn co ale ons Fe enl J Oa gerwening a tIvtoSharp.H A M PTrN containing many persons rich- S E I L CND'ONYher home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- I er than they....#à CANADAS ONLYMrs. J. H. Hammili and D. G. Hooper were: Mr. and ner, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke, Note, Mrs. A. W. Prescott visited his father, Mr. Stanley -IRecent European experience daughter Mrs. Maurice Fearn- M~rs. Harold Awde,TootM.Abr k eeSnawilewiigthHmpnCatoot. SHORT HEEL ley, Detroit, Mich., visited her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Torn sto r. setOewr udywlb rtn h apo hn oot r.M strongly confirms this. The ,L'1HE UEf A II0. ery strsat Mr. and r.F news until Miss Norah Horn, Mrs. T. Chant, r.M rapidity with which rich so- FASHION STORES sister Mrs. Howard Walsh. Tyrone; Mrs. Win. Green- Dorland's.Ms. the regular correspondent, is Mountjoy an~d Mrs. Burrows cieties here have become sta- NDINO Ie Cfi OF MissJoye Hrri, Trono, wod nd r. ormn Srole Mr an Mr. Je Sitzer, able to resume this duty. Will attended the animal W. I. Ex-. tic, if flot stagnant, societies A FELLOW 4OLE SU9 nurse-in-training, spent the Kendal. Gates Mils, Ohio, Mr. and anyone in the community ecutive meeting, Bowmanville. through. egalitarian policies 1BiPAT HI-STYILE FLATS wep.kend with her parents Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham Mrs. F. Pethick and Robin, please phone news items to Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode, while impoverished but high: - ~ ~TIQII I C E il end 11%» Heel Styie uýn and Mrs. Laurence Harris, were in Toronto on Monday. Toronto, were visitors at Mr. Mrs. Prescott on Mondays. David and Paul. Lakcfield. 1y competitive countries have TUN11EBA R IU~ê3 I'JL (JET HEELS) th Line. Mvrs. Alex Watson returned and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Mrs. A. E. Billett wvent with ý'isited Mr .and Mrs. Clarence ,become verv. dynamie and S Conratlaion t Mr ad hmeon unay ro Roh- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford,, Mr .and Mrs. Keith Billett, 1ik progressive, bas been one of 7.99 to 12.95 'Mrs. Everett Stapleton on ester, N.Y Preston Lake, were Sunday Bowmanville, to visit Mr. and Mr. and 'Mrs. Lewis Trulli the most conspicuous features1 V ~SIES 4.il'their marriage Wednesday ev- orsa r n Ms e r. rd BietSabr re on a week's motor trip f0 of the postwar period. Th O LY 3 7 (IE)4lIlening. April 5th in Orono Uni-, Mr. Lyall Lowery, Mr. Geo. soi's. ough, on Sunday. 1atr naj n ubc otati hsrsetb ted Church, Rev. Basil E. Mro teddteOag Miss Marlene Martin and Mr. A. L. Prescott, Mr. andMrs. Chas. Smith, Oshawa. is tween the advanced Welfare! rt,. for Our Caaïr.gve Long- officiated. Grand Lodge in Peterboroughi brother Grant, Bowrnanville, Mrs. A. W. Prescott and Miss visîting with the Trull i ch- States of Great Britain and or V'l;t Us Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, last week. were Easter holiday visitors Marie Priescott ca11led on M r en. the Scandin'avian countrieswt ucaeo Bowmnanville, visited her mo- Mr. and 1vfrs. Clarence Allun of their grandparents, Mr. and and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Or- Ars. Lrenzo Trui1 snent on the one hand, and countries -$.OGsln ther Mrs. D. N. Myles on Sat- attended the funeral of her Mrs. Arthur Brunt. ono, on Sunday. I iast Friday with Mvrs. Harlandi like Western Germany, Bel- stAînsley McGee ayd brother-in-law Mr. C.~e Mr. . W. Beley ad Carolre Mr God Wke Truli, Bow mariville. gium, or Italy, is beginnrng ta 1.TON dugrs. is ae MGeeandOroun Cmetery. nem twr SdavitosfM.M. and Mrs. Gordon ShkPot or UOWTOWN: 90 N'ONG ST. agtrMs aeMGe rn eeey n r.Gro hnPr yadchlrn ootvst r n r.AfGaai'b eonzdee ytefr ONTO 7 ONGST. Watn isKrnMn- Rev. and Mrs. John Wilkin- Perry. ed Mrs. Luther Allun on Sun- Fred and Janet, Newcastle, mer. If a dernonstration had ray, Lion's Head, spent the son and daughter Miss Mar- Bruce an~d Chester Milis day, and called on Mýrs. Sarah vstdrl.adMs i o-be eddta hr sn _-Eaterholday wi M. ad Mr. a ikndMsonEve retryd ere rsistrD r. and Mrs çihmorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Her many friends hope that a society stationary than by anEnkle;Mr. and Br.Eeet rd ryeire, Dr.ond . We hope that she will soo Rosellen Hanna 'viii soon be imposing upon ail something man, Howard Crydermn Mr. and Mrs. XV. HowllsToiprtv. home frorn the hospital andIlike the saine average stand- Br, ow a rde, isie rsan M.d Mil vsite W . H and Thmroe.G...Mo r abl ae to go back to sehoûl. lard, or no more effective wav Bowmnvile, vsite Mrs andfamiv viitedMr. and her Banque Mt whe l nd Mrs. Paul Kelly anid Mis of slowing down progress than pt Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. Floyd Maybee, Toronto. Duhe aqe a il Nancy Kelly sDent a few days by allowing the rnost success- Mr. Jack Bryson and daugh- Mrs. Fred Toms accûmpafli- Monday evenng. A more de- wt Mr. and Mrs. Fred fui a standard onlv a littie W V R W 9 ters, Linda and Jane t t e, ed Mrs. Lloyd Siernon of Hay- tailed report 'viii appear next Hoiney during the Easter holi- above the average, 'these ex- dndy.prmnshv rvddi. M. Sherwin and Laurence, anniversary of Mr. an.d Mrs. Mr. and1 Mrs. A. L. Ilancli- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryson. Malcolm Emnnerson of Nestie- ard motored to Toronto en~ Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor ton, and were tea guests of Sunday. HUEand daughter Nancy, Bramp- Miss Rose M,ýountjoy, Nestle- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balsoni 1 1 srton, spent the weekend xith ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wi]. j Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- iI.aind IMrs. Azthur Jack- kins spent several days in1 TO CEEBAE ..terton and Mr. and Mrs. Or- son and Stanley, Toronto, were Penetang and attended theli TO CLEBRTE .. .ville Chatterton. Carol and Sunday visitors at Mr. and LittIe N.H.L. Toui-narnent in Ca adin L b ary \Afek Sunday evening. Mr~. and Mrs. John Grilfin Balson, Solina, stayed with CaMrs. Geo. Shnpsoee and family spent Sunday with the'Balson children. 115N 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Banks, Wes- M.adMs da rsot turned to her home o ilton.M.ad rsEgr ecot THE BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY BOARD Street after visiting her son ort eptMs.H'S-EnilviedathA.W cordially invites the public to visit and family in Bowrnanville. vensy binrepor MrIs. . te-1Enfeld, visomedonatuheA. W. th lca LbrryMrs. C.uth eDav, C'Mrgn Bowinanville. Mr. H. Stevens Her many friends were sor- the ocalLibrry Ms. LtherDavy Coburg;is ill ,vith 'flu. Mrs. C. R. r to hear of Mrs, Georg Miss Bonnie Goheeri, Cai*- Walton, Kingston, is with her Wright's fail, which kept n er M n to tA ri i 2 o urne, were dinner guests 0f ±ather. in hospital eradys Mon.to a, Ap i 7 2 Mrs. John Morris Iast Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. K. McGiIl and Mrs. Win. Chapman, who day. boys with Mr. and Mrs. Lyal bas been ill at the home of bier Afternoons 2 to 5:30 -:- Evenings 7:30 tO 9 A miscellaneous shower was Brock, Bowmanvil.le. daug-hter, Mrs. Gordon Shack w tlsfrSrjgadSm e ofr Special isplaysof: OLD ACE andheld at the home of Mrs. Or- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright Jeton, is much better and uWwils otphg n umo efr SpeialDislay o: OD LCE ndville Challice with Mrs. Leslie spent a few days with Misses Mr. Chapmnan has returnedBo s OL HLDE' BOSAlldred as co-hostess on Wed- Annie and Effa Wright, Osh- home.Bo s OLD CHILDREN'S BOOKS nesday evening, March 29, in awa. r n r.LvreCe Boos o GadeingandLoal istryhonour of Mrs. Everett Staple- Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr, mens with Mr .and Mrs. Alvin > ~~~~~~The evenîng was spentin 1 Mr: and Mrs. Carl Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemeris,PoohitanJesy gmsadcnet.Ms hl iieMradMsL.Wn-Toronto. I FRIDAY., APRIL 21, both afternoon and even- lice read a hurnorous poemn worth, Barrie. SHsORT. . LeaskSTYLESn to the bride-eleet and then Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Lee SHORTM SLEEVE STYLES-man ing - Parents are invited to inspect our called on Mrs. Robert Allun Kedron, Mr. Frank Lee, Osh: Ville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pas i Ce N c Childreii's Book Department to read an address while Di- awa, -were Sunday IdInner coe, Solina, were guests o'- rw N c tlePl hr tl p aneGibat ndDenn gust o M. ndMis.A. husdy it M. ndMrs.1 Smoll, mdu or large Fits sizes 8 to 16., Challice presented Hazel with Wry Sain Dewell. Mr. Mark Tur-!i f its sizes 6 toai12. a well filled basket of gifts Werr. adMrR. J.Omiton ner, Oshawa, was a Sundaùl FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Mr. McPherson, Osha- froin the thirty-five friends Mr. nd Mrs. . . rmdincs t Y wva, wlunch attendethearttfheo5bitdnn weddinaFologee y a eriI wilI emontratethe rt o Bookindig prseln.hFolloed by aheelic- anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jeani and Mr. James . 0j 9 Estimates may be obtained from hfin on old ghters of the co-hostess. on Saturday. Blunt, Bowmanville, visited I books you may want rebound. Orono Post Office received Mr. and Mr,«. Stan Thomp-' Mr. and Mrs. Samn Dewell. EACH EACH a fresh paint job lover the son and family, Stouffville, Mr .and Mrs. Sam DewIel Fvourites with boys for weoririg iOw through ta Fait .* s oft The newest books will be on display and Easter weekend and is look- Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hlogarth Cotton knits of colourtul stripes ..comnpletely woshoble. ing very smart inside. Toronto, were Sunday visitors attended the Holstein banquet: polo style with 3 bu.tton neck for bigger boys - sizes 8 to 16, are available to Library mnembers. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hooey at Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair's. at Solina Hall, Friday ex'ening.: .a! ech 1.98, or crew neck ta fit those wecring izes 6 to 11 loch and amiy hae mved nto Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn, Congratulations are extend-' l i.O part of the former Telephone Scarborough, Mr. Earl Ain- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ax- Office. h be brase, Toronto, Miss Lorna ford onter25hwdln Mr. Harold Goode has Ho- e arBw nv.wereanni e ir 251 d i HAV EIHT a patient in MemorialHo-Wan omnilwr niesy 1 EVY EIH 1 SANFORIZED1 pital, Bowmanville. weekend visitors at Mr. and r. adMrrMltn.ra Miss Evelyn Harris, 8th Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. adMs itnByn Unespen th weeend ith Mrs. W. IHowells accom- ceebratd their 25th anniver-1il B y ruII J n Miss Deanna Challice. panied her nephew Denice saryleBrys"rthrillvJeans Mrs. Arthur Robbins pass- Doyle, Camp Borden, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Semi boxer or reguIar style waist ed wayat er omeon ar his parents Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, were Sunday tea I! eSzs6t 6dul ne o ie o1 'See wa t hon T esdApril t Frank Doyle, New York, and guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. l appSieor one d o ule ties foreav eig6 t PAIR ,. Funeral today with interment also called on Mr. and Mrs. Srae.Soo fe esia oort enfrmkft lntroaucin in Orono Cemetery. kenip, Kingston, and Mr. andi Master Jimire Blunt, Bo- i l apoac adwcigqaiis ev etP I J Mrs. M. H. Staples attend- Mrs. N. Moore, Trenton. manville, spent Easter holi- "Sonforzed" drill, double knees up ta size 12 ed a Music Convention in Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox and days with his grandparents, ail points of stroin are reinforced . , a pont thot ontodurng astr wek. famiiy were visitors of Mr. Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Hogat is mode ,o stand vea, - and thoroughly wosl-M ____________ and Mrs. Blake. Cox, Orland, Mr. Claude Blunt, Gai7t, wtýh! able. Antelope, grey, olive, or block. Semi-boxer and callers at the homes of hîs son Ted and lais wife visit- iIl 6 Io 12, regulor woist 8 Io 16 - Double knees 2 n9 .4 «MTLTTrTTT T r'L EarI and Claude Rose, Tren- ed Mr. andi Mrz .nJas. Hogarth ý with sizes 6 ta 12. vear cours at te iUnited' brothers and their familleslEaster holidays with Mr. and' Seil~caPrhseILw o re at Tor-arrived uflexpectey at e ruikshanks, Peterbor : or Jil9ýlng ~ ' udn onto, told us of the prepara- Ashton home. The afternoon ouzh. D1l iim i tin h rcevd tthe sehool wvas spent in vis!ting anid live- Miss Jean Brown and KAV rnnom ov 111for full Urne service vvith the Wy conversation. A delicious bie, Oshawa, sperlt part of Bos Spr h t oy' ue United Church. Miss MeGre- lunch was sexr'ed and follow- Easter week with Miss C aro- *SrnwehtraoIid gor gave a very intere.sting ed by the presentation of a lyni DewelI; and Carolyn visît-, l SIZES 8 to 16 Srn accourt of her experience, dinner set in "Fantasy" pat- ed at the Brown home ini Il Brown 8to1 serving as lady minister on a tern and two scatter rugs. 'Ar. Oshawa. PLUS THESE 2 816 INTRODUCrORY OFFERS two point rural charge during and Mlrs. Ashton expressed Mr-. and Mrs. Raymond I J "U or .9 2 for Jfs MSIbsadMs.F r.ad.r.S . a1ndMs R .Tçàgo. ~p Regular valu110 miles north of Saskatoon- ful gifts and enjoyable party. Hodgson, town. visitpd Mr. 3.98;I ~cae rn~thstn $4.25 volUFE ~.O Toms received the offering, lToronto, were Sunday visitors~ Mr. and 'Mrs. Jackson wW il for Spning wea. f wah n w rfinshbrodcot; SPECIAL AC SERVER Thanks are due 'Mrs. E. Tre-1with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- anid two daughters, Mr. andiil1 in a variety Print patterns ond colours - one pocket. Spring Jackets modeseilyfrby nodwe- SERVERwin and Mrs. K. McGill, group ton. Mrs. Sam Kearie and children, Permanent coller stays -8te 16. Ebch 1.79; 2 fft UsefiuI in $0 Damnty' petite Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs" Il 3.50. Ing cotton suedene. tldtewybyiete mn asARLT. Wry knitted collors, cuffs n asbns ffystnlnd <nn wy oCoc ES ARL rfull zipper closing ordtopcei rw ny8t 4 A littie bit of Heaven here on Earth field, spent Easter holidavsi'"nfrzdpu"fnsh1Ec2.9 14 RO E SB o . Aporil! Touch us with your warmth m. 1th. Hok__ __________ 18 7 R G RSB O . Take time in vour gentie hand SBoys___________Jean And %ve'l1 knowv you understand. spent the weekend with Ir' t Maufcntured only by The Infernational Silver Co. of Canada Ld. Walk in the garden with your symphony an d Mrs. Cecil Slemion. I 1 SIZES 6to 12 ____Of sound. Let ail your humble beauty Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brook-Purh88 Jew llein&Gif Shp hxi a c ;hb ynSS ilblo h re n . P$rLHZpewerSunday SpOcia c hase2 ARoB w mnle - - ay everyraindrop fu eachfMrr. ecdl SieAIn H IJ UtK ~ Singway e e ahno lew lsomu h e tree. e ei ta geton Mr an Sturdy jeans Ym popular random cord - good looking H OPR . ith joy in a crescendo of happiriess. Mrs. Therori Mouritjoy Is! end good weoring... double knes for 1rnger %eor. Ho a hr eaylsin tesvstn r.Ratni rngSnoiedpu"fbi sue a-hblt.Sm.1p.