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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 11

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IL , -Z Q!m - w..3'* r -' _____ - WEDLNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Men's Bowling League Biys Memorial Trophy As Tribut e t Ted Belsey Newcaste- On an unani- ta his death forced him ta re-' mous vote at their annual tire. banquet held in the Elmhurst The members of the league on Saturday evening the~ had a deliciaus dinner and memnbers of the Men's Bowl- afterwards elected officers for ing League decided to pur- next season, after which pri- chase a playoff trophy ta be zes were presented as follows; known as the Ted Belsey League Trophy ta Don Park- Memorial Trophy in rnemory er captain of the xv:nning of Ted Belsey who worked Wildcats team. League Play- hard for the establishment of offs were won by R. Glan- the Community Bowling AI- ville's Avengers team. The leys until the illness which led prize for the high average le wca st/e jSocial anc1 £ersonal I Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt itorium on Fniday evening. visited in Kinkfield on Sun- Pictunes will be shown this day witb Mns. Vera Bell. yean in addition ta the elocu- Mn. and Mrs. George Stev- tion contest. ens o! Hornepayne wenc Mns. Clarence J. Allin bas ovennight guesti witb Mn. been visiting with Mn. and and Mrs. D. M. Bernard on Mrs. Robent Howsam and ber Thunsday. new granddaughter in Pont Mns. D. R. Dcwdney, Miss Pcry B. McIntosh, Mns. P. F. Le- ny Gresley, Mrs. Thompson and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Barr o! Miss Olive Thorne attended Bowmanvile wene Sunday Ifhe annuai Missionany meet- visitons with Mr. and Mns. ing o! the Woman's Auxîiary G. H. Hodgson. o£ the Anglican Churcb in A numben a! Libenals from Toronto on Monday. the village wene among the Mrs. J. Cowan of Oshawa delegates attending the South is visiting witli ber daughten Central Ontario Libenal As- and son-in-law Mn. and Mrs. sociation annuai meeting in Ross Dickinson and family. the Genosha Hotel in Oshawa The W.C.T.U. is holding on Saturday. E. R. Lovekin its annual silver mnedal elocu- o! Newcastle was elected a tion contest in the United member o! the management Churcb Sunday School aud- committee o! the association. Mortgage Wiped of f Co mmunity AIIeys Af fer OnIly Two Years N5ewcastle- One of the fin- et communityefot seen in this village in a long time was culminated in the announce- ment by the Bowling Manage- ment Committee that the Inortgage on the bowling ai- leys had been paid off at the close of its second season. The idea of a community bowling aliey in the base- ment of the community hal was first broached early in 1959 when it was leanned the Martyn Bowling alîcys in I3owmanville were going ta be sold and a meeting was called of representatives of the variaus organizations in the village with the result that a committee was appoint- ed ta look into ail details o! the plan with R. B. Riekard as chairman of the committee. Armed with ail pertinent Information as ta costs of moving the alleys and setting chm up and a prospective Mortgagor ta put up the mon- ey a public meeting was caîl- ed by the cammittee. After considerable discussion the meeting voted in favoun of having the committee pro- cecd when they could get sufficient backers ta sign notes ta caver the costs and a management committee was appointed at this meeting ta work with the original com- mittee in the installation of the alîcys and then ta man- age them when they wene SCOUT DOTTLE DRIVE The Ist Newcastle Scout Troop wili be holding their Semi-annual Pop Bottie Drive on Salturday, May 6 Starting at 9:30 a.m. Botties collected from your door in the village. Those outside the village eaul 3586 for pickup. wcnt ta Ken Whitney witb an average o! 204. The bigh sin- gle was taken by Joe Lewis witb 333 and the higb triple was won by Eanl Evans witb 834. The prize for the most impnoved bowler went ta George Butler. A gift was pnesented toala- iey manager Bill Harrison for bis services as scorekeep- er etc. Thu rsday 'Bowlers HoId Fine Banquet Newcastle- The Thursday mixed league held their an- nual banquet in the Elmhunst on Friday evening when Mns. Bihl Harrison was the guest o! bonoun. Aften a iovely meal the pni- zes wcre presented as foilows: Ladies bigh average Marilyn Couch; Ladies high single, Grace Couch; Ladies bigh triple M. Lewis; Men's high average, Brian Rowe; Men's higb single, Art Dubeau; Men's bigh triple, Stan Couch. A table iighter was pre- scnted ta Bill Harrison for bis services ta the league and Mrs. Harrison was pnesented witb a bowling pin. After the banquet the mcmn- bers o! the league went bowl- ing ai the Moton City Bowl- ing aleys in Oshawa. Plan Scout Bottie Drive For Saturday New( village .completed. fraemot oset 1 The backers fowh mr-he gage wene secured and many Thno bours o! bard labour by vol- Top unteers. were put in prepar- bottie ing the hall basement and those helping the contractons ta been e move the four alcys from wint*er Bowmanville into the local outsid, hall basement whene contnac- scouts »tons installcd the alicys. A for yo 1great deai o! volunteer labour Scot was required before the alîcys homes wene ready ta open in the laite mericu fail of 1959. mornuj A manager was bired ta up at apenate the ahicys wbich bave dents 1been kept busy almost cveny have i inight in the week as weil as phone Lsome aftennoons and now a!- a truc .ter twa seasons o! bowling The s< 1the cammittee bas announced than1 that the montgage bas been the l liquidatcd and there us same addîtîc money left in the kitty ta ne- clearec Efinish and repaîn the alleyÈ do yo neady for the faîl season. funds The management committee cm o! the alîcys is composed o! ing thý Ken Dean, Chairman, Ruth out fa Bonathan, Sccretany-tneasurer and Albert Peance, Helen Han- a mis-' cock and Harold Gibsan. Mns. The Hancock was appointed ta fi ded a the vacancy caused by the the Bu deatb o! Ted Belsey wba was suner's a memben o! the original com- was d mittee and cannied on as a $50 ta member of the management tal anq committee until bis dcath. ciety. The chairman bas asked us The ta pass on the appreciatian af tee fa the committee ta all those as fol. who heipcd in any way with Mns. Iv this project. sant. _________________ Mns. ro! get' CADMUS don i The members o! the Cad- meetin mus W.A. and W.M.S. met ait talk w the home o! Mns. Lewis Stin- enil or son on the evening o! ApnIl The l18th. Thiene were 18 members ofa! present and President Mrs. Gray, 'Sweet pnesided aven the meet- ty Lot ing. Nancy The meeting was opened Mns. 1 witb aur theme sang and the a sîng- Lord's Prayer. Prayer was of- crul ai I fcned by Mrs. Les. Jobnston A h and a hymn was sung. The by Mi rail eaul vas answered with group. ,vcastie- People of the ýare gaing ta have same ýnce with thein spring cleaning on Satunday the lst Newcastle Scout make their annual pop drive. Just clear out aid bottles that have accumnulating during the r months and set them le the door and the ,will dispose of them OU. uts will be cavering al] sin the village com- Ig at 9:30 Saturday Ig and wil pick thein your door but for resi- of the district if you a quantity of botties a caîl ta 3586 will bring ck ta your door also. ;outs have raised more $50 coilecting botties in ast two collections. In on ta getting your home id of aid bottles you can ur part ta heip raise ta send the boys ta this summen by gather- im up and putting them r the scouts.- ;ionary !act. Sconrespondence indlu- athank-you card from schien family. The trea- sreport was given. It decided that we donate )the Port Perry Hospi- id $10 ta the Cancer Sa- Sentertainment commit- r the Garden Party is lows- Mns. Sameils, M. McKee and Mrs. Pas. Mrs. G. Johnstan and M. McKee are in charge ting work done on the n basement and poncli. ,ymn wvas sung and the, ng closed. An interestingî vas given by Mrs. Rom- n the Study Book. program was made up piano solo by Mrs. K. accordian solo by Bet- iu Stinson, tap-dance by 7Stinson, reading by M1. McKee. AUl enjayed sang with Rev. P. Rom- ithe piano. ovely lunch was served Is. L. Stinsan and her KELSEY'.S QUALITY MEATS NEWCASTLE REPEAT . . . BY POPULAR DEMAND GRADE "A" ROASTING OR FRYING ONTARIO CHICKENS IL29C SCHNEIDER'S "KENT BRAND" EINDLESSBA ON SLICED B& O IL a55 ALL OTHER MEATS AT SAME LOW PRICES FREE DELIVERY Community Bowling Resuits Newcastle- Following are the resuits of bowling play- offs in the Newcastle Com- muntyBoln Alleys last weelk. Monday Ladies League Final playaff resuits, Pan- tiacs 7247 pins Thunderbirds 7139 pins, Wildcats 6984 pins, Cadillacs 6744 pins, Kendal- ites 6673 pins. Scoring 200 or over were Marilyn Couch 263, Marina Graham 246, Doreen Neai 230, Alta Langstaff 219, Betty Major 208, Ruth Irwin 203, Carolyn Garrod 202, Dorothy Mercer 201, Alice Hooey 200. lVednesday Afternoon League Final playoff pinnage - Candy Canes 8134 pins, Gum- drops 7172 pins, Allsorts 6683, Jeliy Beans 6447 pins. Scoring 200 or over were Marilyn Couch 245, Ruthi Couchi 238, Helen Bowen 214. Men's Tournamnent Winners Pinnage- Albert Pearce 1851, Ken Whitney 1775, Milt Brown 1750. Badminton Tournaments Newcastle- The Newcastle Badminton Club held its championhip tournaments in the community hall on Fn-. day and Saturday evenings, April 28 and 29. The winners of the ladies Doubles Tournament were Mary Dewdney and Ruth Bonathan who defeated Audý rey Waiton and Nancy Ste- phenson in the final round. Bill Lake and Audrey Walton were winners of the mixed doubles defeating Bert Kelsey ýnd Sharon Hancock. Bill Lake and Ben Dickinson won the Men's Doubles defeating Fred Yates and Bud Wagar. After the tournament on Saturday, evening refresh- ments were served and the president, Harper Kelsey pre- sented the trophies ta the winners. It was decided ta leave the election of the new executive until the fail. ýOrono Fair ýWilI Run For Days1 Newcastle- The Directors o! the Central Agicultural Society at a meeting held hast week, decided on a full twa day Fair at Orono this fal witb exhibits in the building beingc placed and judged on Thunsday, September 7th and a full fair on Friday and Sat- unday, Septemben 8th and 9th. Thene will be livestock judging and horse~ racing hnth G ordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 projecton and films, while Mrs. Ashby pointed out speciai points o! interest. The mag- nificent vicws a! flowers, trees, waten and cities wene a nevelation o! beauty ta us wbo have neyer ventured fan fnom Canada. Also shown werc well known points o! intencst neaner home. AIl was thonougbly enjoyed. A beanty vote o! tbanks was given ta Mn. and Mns. Ashby at the conclusion o! the pragnain. The meeting closed witb the Mizpab Benedictian. A social bal! bour was enjoyed during; which we enjoycd visiting and the dainty refnesbments senv- cd by the lunch cammittee. We wene pleased ta bave join us for this meeting Mrs. E. Barnowclougb o! Wesleyville, Sharon Wrigbt and Donna Byens. The Men's Cburch Club beld a pot luck supper at the Sun- day Scbool on Tuesday even- ing, Apnil 25tb. Membens wene present fnom ail points o! Welcome charge. The guest speaker was the Rev. Wright of Canton. The Rev. E. K. Norman and Mn. George Han- ness conducted the meeing and served supper suDplied by Friday ad Saturday. The Holstein Associaticeils black KENDAL and white show and the 4H Club cal! show will be held Fihmntok datge on Friday. . o! he pleasnttocool watae- A new feature a! the fairnofthe aa n btweciold ta b on Satunday will be the Dus- thero thewkrdt ' trict Gucrnsey Show which inonte opening o! the fish- bas pneviously been held ing season along aur, trout! Oshawa. Also on Satunday streams. Reports ta date haveý will be the judging o! bec! been o! nathen meagre catches.ý catthe. On Tuesday evcning Marie, The negulan featunes o! the Couroux and Barbara Bunley show such as midway, grand- attended Bnownics and Shanoný stand show, hanse racing etc., Burley was ta Guides, in will be in full swing bath Onono. Satunday tbey distri-' Friday and Satunday and in- buted thein cookies. side exhibits will be on dis- Wednesday evening a num-1 play bath days. ber o! Kendah's young folksý attended a Jr. Farmers' meet-ý ing in Newcastle at the Lions, centre. They were privilepgedý Cail B igade to hear the guest speaker, Mn.1 Cal B ia e WilsonofTrno ecie ýTo Two Fi es which is expected ob the dbest sports car racine centre iAIIin Canada. Sports car nacersý LastW eeK ridand tourist !rom distant points Newcastle- The local Fi ne ill bc attracted bere and, Department were called aîîtnecd accommodation,1 twice ta extinguîsh fines hast Miss Betty Savory spent th e week. The first eall came weekend witb Miss Jane Fos- just wvben the finemen wene ter.1 preparing ta icave for Brigh- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Longston: tan for their finst mutual aid o! Roanoke, Virginia, visited, exercise o! the scason. ber aunt Mrs. Hatchen Fosten The alanm was neceived and family part o! last week.1 fram the Woodland Products Stra feno ite Phant whene an old truck Msaturda Latnoon li t e body sitting beside the build- MissLindaLagtf!, Massisted ing caught fine and was Lagtabemter, ns. ar lt1 threatening the factany. Thene Lt! f, te taied boelto was quite a blaze in evidence ceebrate ber f iftb birthday. when firemen arrived but it was soan cxtinquishcd with- On Tbursday the grass was, out damage ta the building. burned off the grounds of the!I Acconding ta firemen the new Kendai scbool site andý truck body was situated onîy ground ploughed. The drive-, a couple o! feet from the way in bad been prevîoushyi plant locker noam. Cause o!f buiht up. Sa that is a stant. the fine bas not been deter- The cold, dull, sboweny mied. weatber o! Apnil seemns ta Foilowing the fine, Chie! bave been excellent for catch-ý ! Frank Miller, Albert Naylone, ing eolds as many have found, secretany o! the Nothumben- ta their sornow. May is not' land and Durham Mutual Aid starting out any better, but. Association and fine mn c n we ive in hope o! a change Douglas and Cecii Miller and soon. At ieast we missed the Jack Noden attended the Mu- snow necently forecast. tuai Aid excersises in Brigh- rMs. Irene Mercer visited ton. Mrs. Ted Coatham, Onono, on 1On Saturday a!ternoon the Friday. finemen wene again calledi out ta extinguish a grass fireiMr. nd Mrs. Tom Stevens, . on George Street at the rea agte n oni-a o! the home o! Alfred Gar- 1 wcre down ta the fanm for! the weekend. nod. It seems Mns. Garrod 1 had been burning nubbish in Mn. and Mrs. George Byens an ncerator and the flames and Marion, Toronto, wcrel had cauglit on the long grass down ta their summer borne. on an adjoining vacant lot. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass. The fine was quickly extin- spent Sunday with ber sister,I guished witbout damage to Mii. Noray Goheen, Port, property. Hope. Ail Features Effective May 3, 4, 5, 6 Only We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Discount Value! Save 6c - Prem - 12 oz. Ti Luncheon Meat 43Ç IGA Magie Liquid - 24 oz. Tin DETERGENT 49Ç Discount Value! Save 10c Swcet Mixed - 15 oz. Jars Bicks Pickles 2for49Ç Discount Value! York PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. Ice Box Jar 39C 9 oz. Decorated Glasses 2 for.55 C "A TREAT FOR THE IVHOLE FAMILY" Piump, Luscious. No. 1 Grade Direct from Californiaç StrawberrieQT. 59 No. i Grade Califonnia Valencias - Size 138's SUNIKIST ORANGES U.S. No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh - Size 30's LETTUCE .. .2 U.S. No. i Grade - Tender Green - Sîze 24's CABBAGE . . .*.2 For29c U.S. No. i Grade - Crisp and Tender - 3 lb. Cello Baz CARROTS .. .. .39c B OWNANVILLE 1hsway ta a Hydro meeting Lockhari's Section in Toronto. "q 1 j were Sunday visitons with Mr. M O R R IS Hand Mrs. Jas. Harris, Lindsay. A. ORR1HMr. and Mrs. T. G.Lag The monthiy meeting of the - for once - the stay-at-home feld anived home last week W. . was heid in the Sunday wives.1 from Florida. Over the week- sehool hall on Wednesday the Mrs. Mary Simpson of Tor- end the Phiiip Langfeld fam- 26th of April at 8:15 p.m. onto visited bier sister Miss; ily of Toronto vlsited his pan- There were 16 members and Beckett for the weekend. ents. foue meting waes ened b Mrs. William McHolm had Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Pre esien Mrs. Lod Mai Sunday dinner with Mn.. and Oshawa, spent Thursday with Presden Mr. Llyd arvn ,Marvin and Elmer Nesbitt and with prayen. Hymn 574 was Mrs. Milton Brimacomb and, Ted Lennard. foiowe bysciptre eadbyfamily. A drive was later en-1 Mrs. Hard sboptrne, esso joyed to Wesleyville to col- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson T ugbyMrs. HaodObrn Asn- lect Ruthie who bad spent the attended the funerai of is andpraerby rs weekend with bier au.nt, uncle cousin, -Mrs. John Webster, in derson,an ryrb 1rs and cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Lindsay on Monday. Wm. McHolm. A Spring poemnTonyeadfml.Mr n r.CclSeo was read by Mns. George Han- ofndk adHaiy.M.atn Mre SunS imon ness. Many large fiocks o! geese o apo eeSna ii The president requested two were seen flying aven Morrish tors with Mn. and Mrs. L. minutes o! silence in memory this week, their hionking a Mountioy. of a long standing and faitb- weicome sign a! Spring. Hepa- Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- fui member, the late Mrs. May ticas are starring the bush sorn wcre in Sunderlanid ta Marvin who passed into nest giving promise o! many more bring bis mothen Mrs. Jas. on April l6th. Hymn 377 con- tO follow. Thompson home for a visit. cluded this devotional pro- Morrîsh village is soon ta Fniends wili be pieased to gram. lose the wcll known family o! ieann that WiIfnid Williams is The rail was calied by Sec- Mn. and Mrs. Richard Ellis, improving slowly following his reta rns. Anne Hanness. The Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Hawes and recent iilness, aISo Milton minutes wene read and adopt- children and the aged Mn. Fisher who bas not been weii ed. Several "Tbank you" jet- Bribbean. Wc are sorny to tis winten. Best o! returnn. ters were read and many items lose aur neigbbouns who were health toalal o! the local sick o! business wcre discussed. always rcady ta give hielp on folk. Tresuer rs Gorg Hr-fanm on jr- the home wben Mn. and Mrs. Bill Westan reasuraen Msh eofnnilrepoHanneded. We undcrstand Mn. and three boys of Bowman- nfe gaether finanaaler Ellis has bought a plot o! land ville wene recent visitons with o!r oth atrobTeagan$3Salefnom Mn. Allen Petens situat- Mn. nd Mrs. Ivan Rohren and anda lttl ovr $2.0 frm e onthe fourth concession. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Elliot and tnhe boottlebuaven 200f We wish them ail the bcst in family. thebooh, ut anyitems their new home at Zion. Mn. andMsJa. cuin were bought in quantity and dMs a.MMle wiil be used for other sales. Sunday School was beld at and Carl o! Ballyduf! spent The nnui Snawenr Su-1i a.m. There were 26 pre- Sunday with ber parents, the Tsent andaMn.tGeorgerHannessLarmer Hylands. per is scheduled for July an d s etan tM.heoesion We are sonny ta report tbe a cantmittee was chosen to con duc tdth sesso.neiaus illness o! Mrs. Wesley take cane o! this. The 'Ma y We are sorny ta report that Beacock. meeting wiil be beld in the Mr. Cbanley Raby is a patient Lawrence McLaugbiin is Sunday Scbool an the l7tb at in Pont Hope Hospital. We home foliowing bis !inst yean 8:15 p.m. Mrs. D. Haines made wîsh bim a speedy recovery. at Ontario Agricultunal Coi- a motion that ail outstanding lege, Guelph. buis be paid, seconded and ~Mn. and Mns. Herbent Hooey canicd. The Easter W.M.S. Nestlelon S1ati«on took Mn. and Mrs. E. Henron, o!fering was taken up, aisa Rager and Kevin ta Peter- the Red Cross and W.A. ones. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip borough Sunday monning ta The annuai Tbankoffering spent an evening with Mn. and bean the Knox College Choir and Anniversany Service wiil Mns. Fnew, View Lake, and o! wbich Mr. Hennon is a mcm- bc bcld on Sunday, October Mn. and Mns. Norman Irvine ber. On Sunday cvening Mns. 22nd, at il a.m., Mrs. Dawson and Mns. McFadyen, Bow- Harny McLaughlin and Mrs. Beebe and Mrs. Harold Os- manville, were Sunday eaul- George Wolfe were at Calvin bonne ta contact a special ens. Presbyterian Church, Toronto, ministen for that date, and Mn. and Mns. Ed. Stapies o!f t ed wth ev.andhoirMnsd Mns. Helen MeHoini, arganist, Janetville spent Sunday witb Ronaled wCampbel and MR. wili be nesponsible for choir Mn. and Mns. A. Hyland. Donald Cmpblland a Rmevr andmusc.Sunday visitons with Athur ministers on this charge. The meeting was then turn- Huibent wene Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Cooper, ed aven ta Mrs. Helen Mc- Andnew Manlow, Oshawa, Mn. Mount Albert, Mn. and Mrs. Holm, convenor o! program, and Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Pet- Ralph Cooper, Uxbridge, and and Mns. Ken Asbby our guest erborough, and Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Mains and speaker. We wene then invit- Perce Huibent, Tononto. Jimmie o! Erindale visited end tase te ban oun eats n.ndMns. Richard Davi- Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mains. andou fnilmsthofan eutiul son were in Pont Hope on Dr. and Mrs. George W. cripounflmo a ond efu Sunday ta visit bis brother James and Mns. (Dr.) L. B. tnp tr.aFnda takens yeawho is quite iii following sur- Williams of Bowmanvilie caîl- by Mr. shy. gcny. cd on Elmer Nesbitt on Sun- Mn. Ashby manipulated the Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gist day. The Home and Sehool Club of Lockhart's Clarke Section joined the Ladies Club last Monday night at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson's. During the evening a ticket was drawn on a ioveiy quiit made recently by the ladies. Mns. Hans Lempen, R.R. 2, Newcastle, was the winncr. The pnoceeds, appnoximately $46.00 will be donated ta the Cenebral Palsy. Tbanks ta al those wbo helped in any way. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Allun and family visited relatives in Belleville. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Banchard and !amily, Mns. A. Fisk call- ed on Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Glenney and family at Lind- say iast Sunday. Mns. Chas. Fisk spent a few days with her daugbten and son-in-law Mn. and Mrs. Jim MeQucen, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hanold Ling visited relatives in and near Trenton Sunday. Mrs. T. Fairhrother spent a week with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Mifflin and girls, Wbitby. Mrs. Andy Batelaan's sister bas anived fnomn the Nethen- lands ta spend the summer with Mn. and Mns. Batelaan. Mn. Bill Ling bas been tnansfenned ta the Font Wil- liam, Port Arthur district until late Fail. Mrs. Henry Bowen and Danlene, Newcastle, spent Friday witb ber sisten Mns. Bill Banchard and famiy and wene present for Jimmy's Sth birthdlay panty. Miss Manie Kent, Peter- borough Normai, spent the weekend xitb ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Bob Kent. Mn. and Mns. Chnis Ban- chard and Sharon, Newcastle, with Mrs. A. Fisk on Sun- day. CHICKENS Predressed 2½% ta 3 lb. Average c lb. 31 Fresh, Meaty PORE SIDE RIDS m Lb.49c Alpine Brand Choppcd BE EF STEAKETTES TableRite WIENERS EXTRA 59C m m m Lb. I'kg. 49C A TOTAL OF $310OO IN IGA BONUS TAPES RECEIVE FREE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES ORANGE JUICE FANCY PEAS CHIPITS Treesiveet 48 oz. Tin Green Giant 2 - 15 oz. Tins Van Kirk Chocolats 6 oz. Pkg. 49C 11 LIQUIID WAX - MLAR 32 oz Tin RECEIVE FREE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES ào 29C I CEESE STIX Black Diamond 8 oz. Pkg. RECEIVE FREE $2.00 GREEN BEANS SAUSAGE P.E.1. POTATGES Old White or Colourcd IN BONUS TAPES Birds Eye French 10 oz. Pkg. TableRite Small Link Pure Park - i1lb. Pkg. Canada No. 1 10 lb. Bag .ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market nEWCAsTLEci ommRo Mrs. Mabel Bennett has re- turned home after spending a very pleasant two months with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Dobbins, Leamington. Mrs. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, was a Friday afternoon caller with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mr. Milton Carmen, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett. Mrs. Benny Woodward, Mrs. Norma Taylor, Miss Mary Taylor and Mr. Bud Smith. ail of Toronto were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Coombs. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil- son were Sunday dinner guests of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Oshawva. Mr. Jackie Woodward, Tor- onto, spent the wveekend wvith his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Coombs and uncles Bill ai-d Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and family spent Friday ev- ening with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright, Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Wordeni and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry and Betty Jane, Enniskillcn, were Sunday vis- itons of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett. 1Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bat- itams and Valerie, Mrs. Gardon Turnbull, Elgin, spent the weekend with their father Mr. Sam Battams and visited their mother who is a patient in Bowmanviile Memnonial Hos- pital. Mrs. Turnbull stayed for a longer visît. Mr. Neil Brownell and Ted Barnes spent the weekend trout-fishing at Mink Lake. Mrs. Don Jessup entertain- ed several ladies at a facial demonstration on Monday af- ternoon. Get Cash Today For OId Appliances through STATESMAN C L AS81F 1E D 8 Phone MArket 3-3303 - PHONE 2411 SHOP AND SAVE AT. Bowmanville IGA Market BASE LINE m Vi The negular montbiy meet- ing o! the Base Line No. 3 Good Neighbour Club met at the home o! Mrs. Arthur Gib- son on Wednesday afternnon, Apnil 26th. Duning the busi- ness period a donation was voted ta the Cancer Fund. Lunch was served and a soc- ial balf! boun spent. Mn. Alfred Lavender, Ma- doc, called on Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett, an Wednesday evening. Mn. Lavenden was an

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