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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 12

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_ DEADLN FOR CUASFE - ~ Births tI Memoricam 1 Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale J Work Wanted Real Estate for Sal R BARNES-Jame.c and Výalena'BROWý'N-In loving menorvi Durham Chapter O.E.S. ex- GUERNEY electric range, 21" 1000 BALES good mixed hay. GARDENS tilled. Phone New- LOT, one-quarter acre, good .IN <nee Copping) happily an--of Mr. Matthew Brown who!presses s:ncere thanks to MA 3-5062. 18-1* Rod Simpson, CO'lfax 3-2089. castie 3001. 18.1e location, in Hampton. Phone s t: nounce the ibirtiî Of their passed away April 23. l960,1Laivrence C. 'Mason. Barrister, TWELVE h.p. outboard, 13 fi. ___18-2* -COLw 3-2752. 18-1 kr daughiter Joycel:mi Mae, atMean Mrs. Matthew Brown, who; for his generosity in loaning his boa SCOTT-ATWATER mýotor,-- W'%ILL rnw lawns, 50c and up. F marial Harnital B; Â:ilep assc .aay May 8, 1947. :store for the ESTARL Oppor- . MA37e. 81 xcellent condition, $75. PhonPon A-"7.1-2'De Wi*1I Real Pdt*o gai on Wrnsly April '26. 1961. -Lovingly, remen-bered bytý4uflhty Sale. 18-1* LLOYD baby carniage, good MA 3-3186. 18-1 ANY kind of cleaning and £~A~Co 18-1 son Tom and family. 18-.*!condition. CO 3-2453. 18-1*CAN162" '4,tab painting. Phone MA 3-3262. DAR FAM20AceonM BEL .- ur.~~a~d oeli L\ lx Ivngrnmryof~ wou'd likze fo thank i12006 1 _ 18-1 paved road, good bank barn, TV i2 0 CEDAR posts. Apply m oved .* Phone Newcastle 2 56 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ BnELL -- Deinirtonci ar e p a aents, Emma S. C. Kg ing, ofDoctors Hubbard and Sylvest-iw-esley His. CO 3-2357. 18-1 after 5 o'clock.' 18-1 CARPENTER, raofing and water bowls, drive shed, silo, Stl (ne eheintn r lap,- urpret, rrm S C iner, also the many friends who tsrw eetwok re siats____ue ec;8 omdbrc e ta announice the birth oi' a son, A ri 20, 1949, and Charles H. ý o Ikindly sent me cards and CEDAIR trees for hedge. Guar- QUANTITY of baled oaasra.cnetok.Feetits.hnouec;8ro edbcke Randal Carv. at Petcrbarou gh Kling, Mav 6. 1954, and aurIgifts during niv stay in hos-, anteed. Phone MA 3-5981. Apply Harold Ormiston, En-j Phone MA 3-2752. 17-4 house, running water. Bulk Cli Civic e -p ]nn Apri! 30,hbrothers, No. 745409 Private A.;pital and myi raeu;tans1792*ifield. hn O329 sig$000 I ______ 1 HATNG Pumin adTerms arranged. 1961. 10 H-l P. Kinîw, 2nd Batt., killed atito the nurses at the MemoriallWATER for sale and delivered. CHOICE Cobbler potatoes an Eavestroughing. Cail Gould DAYFAM20aces 'Vimy I{iige. Apni 12, i917Hospital.Cali Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131.lScugog Lake lots for summer Heating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf cnen 4 ce ok COTJLTER- Cliff and \,lrvGeorge L. King, at Christie St., Ann White. 18-1 32-tf cottages. Blackstock 85 r 3. going cnen 4 ce ok Caulter are happy ta annou-~Cý:MîEtarY Hosptl August 19, JYON Columbia raspberry 182 N id oceewrk and able, large L-shaped bank the a-iva ofUNGauc____1925_W._HKin,____________1 - carpenter work. Free estim- barn, drive shed, bulk cooler. fra Debbie An'., on April 3th, 277, 1943. 1 'e %ish ta thank aur canes, 3c each. Phone MArke C rs Sae atcs. G. Mutton. Phone MA Ail cattle and machinery; 8- bai 191 t71roiIHsiaThere's an open gate at the relatives, friencos and neigh- 3-2755. 181-o 3-5981. 17-3* roomed brick house with al Col 196r1,o atir tougtfnoiiid-lodenospital, _____in ca end of the road barshfor their tndugftfue koad-1,000 USED bushel baskets, îoc 1954 DODGE sedan, Regent, inIYUmodeem convesr $3,00 eniecs. Asingca Býýozs. Anvîle. fogh 7ibs wic eah us and help, for the floral each. Phone Hampton Colfax goad condition. Phone Black-tYUGmaetahe eie $3001Trs e 6¾ o~s. A rist'ir for Lvrmustlone tributes and cards received 3-22.1- tck12.1 *wark for July and August. DAR1AM,5 ce are fine. 18-i ,And there is a light iîe cannot1during aur recent bereave- dt elusiewkprfr ed.Tle- extra 95 acres rented, 6½/ cans bai ursee dam ls mer.t in the loss of a dear îîts- HEAVY uyeectric stave; 1955 OLDSMOBILE, automat- phone MA 3-5639. 18-i* milk quota, good barn, wvater lai OrFather awis i o,,n.ýand and father. Guerney furnace. Phone MA ic, two-tane blue and white. Inbk lk 1 d h DeG EER- -Con stable James IV. B1 dthCgthar oedoes M.Cre îNeil 3-3249. 18-1 good condition. E. M. Woad, YOUNG Dutch woman wants bols blkcole, rive shedan an Gld <eTorpn)Fnd happiness and ron) esad ai. 18IAC DO,10bssScn Phone MA 3-5479. 18-1 * vonk for evenings, any kind, rco n aciey om are proud ta announce theAd there is comfort in the delli, cost $400; sacrifice $195. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. SpeksgoonEg]$16,500e bus with frae unn arrivai of a baby son, Brian thought We w'ould like ta express aur MA- 3-5060. 18-1* Save 20%. Six months to pay. BULox 03,BINGanviiE. ia-îaterAig41,500 with ano James at Ottavva General Hbs-t That a Ioving God knowslthanks ta aur friends and PAIL-A-DAY septic tank, com- For personal service at y uLLDOZNG ad Exavat-22450 don. h pitl n p___0,191."-l_ bet. t relations for cards, gifts and piete ivith stool. Phone New- home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, ing. New John Deere Equip.. DiRY 12 ARMqoi8, x24 ac res 1Awy eebrdy hï1owrs sent ta aur little castie_4176. 18-1* coliect. 2-tflment. Robert Strong. Phone wih1 cn uta 0 tF_ -we______Biackstock, collect. 8 tiîî 5, loafing barn, extra L-sbaped vit DELANEY- Douglas and Lor- Famîly. 18-1 daughter Mary Lau while a 0ONE ËFindlay Condor stove. Poe18-1;atr5phnban, milking parlor, bulk off, roanne he evaire hapoya, patient in Oshawa Hospital. Good condition. Phone Osha- 104R. 18-6 cooler, drive shed, etc.; 8 room- ¶0 ~ ~ ~ ý an- etabrho ;IcOl axgmmr fmany thanizs aiso ta Doctors wa RA 5-5959. 18-1* - - -- ed bouse with modern con- hot diaugbîer, Lora Lynne, a, _> ei dear husband and fathier,lBaldlwin and Stocks, nurses and -iiVn fh veniences. Asking $35,000. me maorial Hospital, Bowmanville Wallace Percival, who passedistaff of 2B for their kindness FIRE wood for fireplace, stove inerma an De Boell Terms. n onApil2, 96. 8awiay May 5, 1960. Ita lier. o u'ae od ei GENERAL CONTRACTOR DAIRY FARM. 150 acres We littie knew wbhen we wo oreen and Neil Malcolm.eeL.o327. Brick - Block - Concrete with large L-shaped bank barn, LEASK --To Don and Lfanre, that morn, --~~j18-1 CEDAR posts, any quantity and Carpentry drive shed, bulk cooler, silo, a son. Daniel Bruce. 7 lb!s. 3! The sorrow the day waidi!- any size, reasonable. Johnec;8roe oewt l __________________A_3-262._17-2 NEW WORK and REPAIRS ec;8roe oewt i ozs., aiMemo ilHospitai'! bring. FylMA327. 1--- TQflPAmodern canveniencas. Pnice Bownaiiville. on May lst.!The cail wai sudiden. the shack; Noice ___ 35*%fl\M CAERA Grphie f3.5 'UED CARS LbJ PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON $31,000. Tarms.i Nei Proud grandparenitsare -Nir.1 severe 1 Dr. Starey's office wiii be lens, as new. Arthur Collison, 1959 SICA ELYSEE 4-DR. 3-t 99 Acre farm, 6 miles from - Taund nd r M . XNTh àxson, ,nTo a whonwe Icved sed~ May Srd to 24th in- 34 Prince St. Phone MArket One awner, lady's car, lîke f 4 Dowmanville, strean, large L-1 Ms.M.E.Lask :o ea. clusive. __ 17-2* 3-'900. 18-1 new. Economical transportaionI Pasi ering R~epairs shaped bank barn, water buwis, 18-I',Sometim'es it's bard ta unde-'-- ------- SVEonlmbrdiet ro 95 DDG -D. UKSEVIEdrive shed, milk bouse, etc.; stand FOR COMPLETE SAEo ubr ietfo 96DDE2D.IARDTOP' UC SEVE SMIT -Keth ad Bet~ <ec lv' ome hing hav ta e, iiilta yau. Philiips Lumber Radio, two-tone Heather and!SUC N NI VR 8 roomed bouse with running Carruthers) are pleazed ta an- Iii blis wisdam, God bas Dlanned I nsurance Coverage C. Kiont n ario White. Real sharp car.war. sin$2,0.C- nounce the birth of their; eon u pwrta 'g 1n___ 45t 1955 DODGE REGENT R. L. TAFT sdr os frdwnpyen.h daughiter, Heal.1rr Li nio. at -Lovingly DIII Morrison anEYSctatmtclyw eA35315 Roomed home in Bathany cutthautamaticaliy, wbr aeI2-DR. HARDTOPva'54d ingiSt.1E.-MA 3-5030Bilithoail fuimnace.andR3-piec did SothWaeroaMtmoil as wfeEv adfaiyou8 *jw .ait, at Mason & Dale Automatic transmission, radio, 516-tfSt baM wth, oak atie afdoors. A- pitai, Gait, on April 29RthM 1961,- uoc:so STw Hardware, 36 King St. E., wbecl dss1acu6îbt __ - bat,800 armeflos. rer- A sister for Kmely 13.1* SEYMýOUR--In ]oving mcrnory. 'UA 3-3049 F'owmanivilie. 46-tf ____oeWit n e.BIC %ASON-ND n 480.Trs e oportstone Wbite and Red BRICKm-d bSickAhome Te 1 F- cîfa dean audomtebileoONE DeLaval Sterling Milker One owner, local, cdean as new. (CONCRETE IVORK B8 Roowtmed ebr ck ome n TUERK -Pu!a' ci DL)ùoi1.:passed avay Mau th, 151 tir hei Auoo i ithpip igetc. Applyl Onîy 33,000 miles.Btaywt oe ovn a <nc ;ai noîd~ xnone liaet an Sytor ~.CHIMNEYS, ETC. lances. Pnice $5,000 with terras hva the arrival of their sen .oh'Iin w.:r- heart vaur menio:'; 22-tiBlackstockl 50 r 12. 18-1 P LM R arrangad. ont a', :~iil Toz0~aX 'u,>-. îîgî-BAC tiergee. , PA SE S . jTURNER Two cottages, compictely 2 rianville. oni ~i25, 1961 .A Alw-ays tender, -und and truc; B W A$5LE0erhon HmdiirAir' M T R TELEPHONF. 3-5820 tfurnisbed witb 2 boats, etc., on bar liteboie:fi'iaxea l-~Thexe's no' a dav, dear grand- C1 toe.~0.Goicn loveiy lake. Prica and tarins gar, moth~r. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ditian. Phone MA 3-3266. 20 King St. E. Bowmanville T18-r1Pin 365 anagd WOD îkaid [Li-, - are 1 do not thîink of yaix. 1PUB*IC__ 18-1 18-1 BARBER SHIOP witb modemn 2 t; EGITRAIONOF ODEY ats clin nliving quarters in Betbany, in-u t'erSon, Earl- îuia at daugîxt-"er HaeÊf and husband BtGItr ieXCIted; in bwgs, $1,50 busbe1l; U ganJtÂI1A Meioil1lsi.l '!, Rouý-ltý,Ici Allen. 13-14: ' drel wl mechtnirdîspîay counter, etc.Asking E vile.trii 25uia , 1 .'-,t. îhil .ni.. hv i1961 tand txom but, SI bushel. Neil 15 MTO 2D.IELTECrpT~IC MOTORS$9,5oo witb $3,000 down. ho Abrother "Doinna EYO l-i oving rmeii-lù', x itha drng161aMnîcolim, Blackstock 210 r 4.I driý Shirle,-. 1311 of a dear motiier wîx "ho lie îtinth twnbm 17-2 Rdo bt altrs REPAIRS and REWINDING, to RESTAURANT with modern si 5 aa'May 5tb. 1959. E1iabths areeiil o idra 1naw paint ----- --- ----- 725 ai your Electrical Equipment living quartens as a goîng con-ca Jane Se-,inur. enSepaez-t-,.oRerningtoniladding i-na- 1954 PONTIAC 4-DR. Sales & Service NIA 3-3058 cern with ail equipmant, on Jan Symur ~ ~ pmxn ~I cmeilbn-oertc.Negwa paint, sharp car _. $ 495 43 Third St. Bowmanville No. 12 Hgwa.Prica and u ,aq~~~~~ÂLenL~~~~~~ '~Motxer. you are flot foî.gotten,iîe.t15O ae$20 etNwHgwy u Mr. and M1rs. George J. 7M.' Thougli on eaaih vouî ai-e no Ail pai-enk s 'uO isl lt 11 ttana ffcKn 1952 INTERNATIONAL Il ton 19-tf terms tray, of Toronîto. ainnouniýce more, have their ci1e-n 4e't.15 13-tff 1956 CHEV. 'U-ton NOW IS TIIE TIME FOR 12 Roomcd brick home in $8,5 0-gg!ýn tterin rnemory ,,ou are x.ithithese clac'7es axe required to 111Cf 'E -- l W~~Bowmanvilie with all modern 0 Mna..gizen ,orthelisner - ut a xeixmtoîfonm for eachî.mirdseorbnais fUAThIIf. i OMERE AjflS conveniences, cantrally located. fur. Maiiry Eiaeth E. te evtAs yçoj ah;-iays vwere before .1ild, ai i akcng wtproof cfinUsed Furniture and Ap- C .fL Rofng - Chmay Ideal for apartments. Price age, ofr -as*:al-esa. sF. f.thc:adî3 Fur ofn hnny erîî Li-e . efef nger, adl- mNsed by daughterrs age of the child, i-eLurn it t0ýpliamîe.F . rm u ruTY-.,Tm Pitn -Bikok and tanms arangad. 'Pr i Recmnland Mmx. G.1 G. i ~d Alice. 1 î*thle sciiool dimrwing trie week of tre, 37 Ring St. E., Boi, 1t'IVi.t.NI bU. onty iifaii;~-- r oi-x'cdI. .Mat' 8 - 121a.-li. -1'.!3 King St. E. Bwan ulejniario of or pool with goad well, tool shed, Ont., fix-er. or. rngeldkoEY O In loving Ânay Certificate <Birili Certii-'fNSULATION, blowing meth-' MA 3-5689 OH ARA 8-34 on 1 acre lot. Asking $2,500. 28jtf , Eizabethi ane Seymour icate, Passport, Eltc.). showinglccl, with rock- wool. Work- 1-ICaîl CollectTrs.Sl place in .uiiie. 181vimo passed away May 5th, the ehild's date of birth is ra-imanship guarantaed. Frac asti- T TdCal__ 8* 5RmedneSungloe lir. ar C'el1Jones quired of al] beg-iniiers. (Bzirb'I'mates. Harry L. Wada. Tale- fo a chneina iholfrae o-G Oron, t. Lbta nnoura i'eOf', we tlîink of youi, deanr Certificatcos foi- children bori phone Carke 2420. 39-tf, o hne- -Kna ibalfrae o-G engag-eiieint ci tixeir dallght-r. AnotherinOntario !'ua.ý be obtained CONE Moffat electnic range, onelIt s - Good - For -YuW le asigSalsue.rn kian,5ata undr pr$-0C Joye lse.ta~ir.i anis A ur 1hearts are :illed!'oiiy froni !*,.I- Reg4trar-Gen-Firidlay cook stove, ona Quaker - Jloyncori,. onýr','r.acih, vtpain. l1lofOt o,. oha îc lctx. i nA- o-Buy from the Top Seller AND DISINFECTING down. ths arb oud a St.. Toronto. ('ast $1.00). ditioix. Richard Rowan, En- ptTdysPie U pfgarae nTutnRa :rs. oo.-.s LCoanOro.o.i 1I pigauntgeondTewatoa nices ad Trhe weliî iitAplace C eaven, Chîldren x;:t eacb their niskillen. Phone CO 3-2087. Wise people who think twieTanoadNwcsl.Pice Tme in Park Street Uliited(Z Ch I ould w.e h ear yaur voiesixta irthdycrýg16 18-1 always say tt's mone otheri etians $00an p Orn.o ftical ui gm hv ot attericed Kindergarten1GARDENERS - Lawn Seed, than - BANPANNG1 191,at3 '!o'. - ~ Iwo years bave swiftiy passedin1 Bowmnarville and who wihletlzs Garden Seeds, Deaths - aWaYta ente'r Gradie 1 Classes inlonion Sets (indluding Span- AP ER O PKN oh .DeWl Deaths BEut stili we don't fox-get. iSeptemnber are al.-o required'li;). The best at the iowest iR ' E TT M KN Realtor and General Insurance fed For in the earts that lvedýt0registe.' as otliied aboy. ioces. Stewat's Seeds, Bow CA MARKET NWI îngPhn 34 Ee East Uîe'i2.Iootlait! Mciii'rnemnony lingers yet ftegistrii3on oi-ms houlcd belntariviile.d inow, w- FrteFietfPon lre 71i.fjoadMoni A 35 o 'Tuesda . \Ma- 19i,fats'Sdy nsedb aughter obtainecd froli, anîd neeUirned ~tLSCý_§O__ , w, w- Fo h Fn Ross Davidson, Bathany, 30R3 4. H-ougli o'c 1<: vax te., Scax- 'H1attiiaac!nd i-l Fred tescolwh1iîtechl Ilhîgssdngcmpns riins uaatedUa Cr Bowmanvllle and Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 acre boroug'.Oclu'. d hu~ba:d o[ i8 :~ ~.attentd. Regitration is ta bc Lorne Allin, MA 3-3871. 18-2 __7tf1-ba .iassia N[1c1iounau1 fr-ao-.' -copite b My 2t. KODAX 81nma mavie camera COME IN AND INSPECT e csteAe-- ____-___5___ BoiarÈle.fte , er.jS'MI'iH-!n laving mnmorv of Please pass thbis motice alongî with caseanaîd filter, $12. Tele-' 11.:e catl Ae Help Wanted Oroi bart Ed;vaxd (Ted!) of au dean maother ),ris. Matildaito ally parent x'.-bo requîmres thone MA 3-7283. 18 iIf'THE-SE (tle, and LDunrild James Io1,ÏýaSntith wixo paszeJ atoay Myth infoirmation I3-OAD-OOM - _ al-__--valK. O.tiMaintenance Serice MIDE-GD oan ttoca a-f î"bn2i1b'ti. o iogh tears in aur eyes do lor room size Fre estmate Venetian Blinds Claaned belp at nest borne, lit-a in.:o ,rohton xAjîo t thI Supiuvsfitg Principal.,0 all-to-xvall Sainples tak- USE C RS'Ne Tapas and Cords Installed Phone Orono 1303.18Jrj Chae1aiMûlc" S B-fnd :tt gixa1, 8- out to yurhome fan cohouri ILIfzsor IUupholstery CleanedC 159 .\se. ,.-. And ou,ýr faces are flot alw-a,.'S ___ an dcrain des.F At 94_EOTUC 1~ WOMAN ta do flght miause- witl, Eadcoatn"idas F A1 95ïRO RUK SEASONAL MAINTENANCE -'or îhren $1, Lascelles! l I.'. C, erre' saiTenders Nanted Kramlp Ltd., 37 King St. E.,! Cab and Chassis, 3-ton Foos MlANTNd AxEwm adcu rc 17h sk :'Pz -: . [ L Iý - isney-ni gtor - A :3-7071, ___34-tf' lard rock hîg tires liîdylVsin50Lws u ntan' Pa1,-!7 Wi('dor et ng- L urigJn.C -24.8iya wi B ,,t xve hink of the inather Departm.-at of Public lVorks,ipREPREf--Smmr-ceE-elen condition $ 550 ned~sadGresTne CHEF or cook, fuil or part al we han. TENDERS J~~ius foi'frnec estimates on 1957 FORD SEDAN .----S1195_ GENERAL REPAIRS ime.AppyMsotRsarn i N0* a i ado e frge yo, 1TENDERS adi's-Alurninum Doors and Windows. 1955 PLYMOUTH 8 550 Doors, Furniture, Fences, Etc . Ahwy 1Mosp3ntiestart o ~~,ICHU[',i1. e. ofi. 0-:j.aarts ciatelo ret you, i îgwa 15,3 ilsAaLh_"Jt ultal. Pex'<a. -~~~~~~ Ù'Fo wV.e e tcd yodeaî-îy ,id;t' ubi \ x bn -122.,Eqî,iipunjellt Co., 134 King St.EIECD waînre!n Pihl' c -:La:i -.î otirCaJ Yu. FBwatil. hn A14 HE.....*. 100! Storm Windows or cen quired for pant-time wark int - ic'.hiunisteti-tye' iGrid rvu jtawa, and1:o8 îtfS E eeadM oea Removed or Installed Fish and Chip Store. Apy Violp1,u0 r i s,ý, o ý,. A î teîCtst'lefirs iear 3_589. 6-tfSee TeseGndhden MCe msGolFnîshsp&FCh & ps.ps1177 I: '.-i a:m ~ xadlymisse . aîd 1 i~î -!uured "'lENi )EhFOR TH],-,--.E-STIATS-8- Th l-,es o av ederanot-iRue startn walMa 5th.t w 15 ea time to etyor . Ca QieofFrmack-frso Fnena ay1Ro.ý't ai1 - -~------ h evto n'2,crdarnîîr Trade-in - Ibrea-piaca and treated to control diseaseistock 13W. 17*-______ 0'cloc7-. 1 nf Hal-",ý, LICNSEDtClesterfieid, $29.50. Murphy and increase yields. ---72 RP TFOIITIER, '-TXENTY-EIGHT 60 ta 80 lb.Tec rsW n d i ('emrer a-î Nursing Home "'- . . lurniture, MA 3-3781. 18.1* .-_____________-wt - Cl ief' cf Acxo:umn'stratmx-e i- SAVE THE BEST ... fceader pigs, Yorkshire x Land- -wt >iOUTH Ha,.-cr. Nursing Home; Csati Secratary.SE TACOR FEDTH Alsa ana three-year-old S.S. No. 21, Danlington,meOt shawa tiy.. W4,Fo Nteali-t RESTtacerforSetebe, n- -Acontxjtinfor pi'.ata - - -___18-1 ,FrdEAls- aetlnlg Landraca bog. quîmesa nd Ca 1 ers"C',Massey 102. I ouaethn n fchangîngi1961 Tony Van te achi epambrOne' a xsai-i-prim-ate patients,'i~ - - __ - - Ue --lneyIneKaioaloeosterRTFIDSED. Phone Oshawa RA 6.Apysaiguafc-On Mou etCopn Ao1n, 18.Ue M1ieyInentonlse, O ETFIDSE1a82 ins, expemience, salary and 3 MoumntCmpnyio..g,'.Fulv lcen-secl, ,afted to Buy tl18-no etlze-ni;CseadB UR1F8RE-1 rauer r.Jn Teikp V; -u Fril-r rll asIast inspector, ta Secretary- i Spectil-lzhîg hi w-elconie. Reaaonable atas.HIGHEST pnices pald for live!7 tCitivator, on ubher; In- raue.Ms Jn rwn et MOUMNT.MARKERS. hn evte44. 13- f'poul'Lry, goase feathens, featht -.tonaI 6 ft. Cultivator; 10" For hlgher quality and greaterl Private Home R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. $7,8( MEMIIILS CONIS. --~- _ ____'er ticks, scnap iran. ragsiea...aie Mill; Inteminational 3- profits, cali at' For the Aged17 menl 1___ RW3203Osaw cdlct 2-turratt Plott'on steel; Inter- RICS RD ' OPEN June lst, pnivate ho-me Proa C VITLE 4o48-tfurnational48-5" Balen; Otaco for the aged at pension rate.! last S-AT;R'OFL bpN rŽ .? .Potno -i --- - Spreader on nuhher; Interna-, TAN Please apply by mail ta Mrs. HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber venif CEEER LTEIGSPon 3LL ii*8 .kirds of lite ooultry, tional Spneadar, on nubber; S E E . PuLrAb T Wastlake, P'O. Box 1663,Bw-gdsmaldptaiinpanig CEMTUR LLi'LINS PoneEetan 8 2. lSý*;eathers, netxv goose au-d duck'John Be an Spnayer, 35 gaI. par manvilla. Home wil ha locat- saaled envelapa with piie lîst.1 Lc 1435 Ki& SI. E. ,,,,.8'EAD and cippled farmstck,Iaiso aid feather ticks wanted.Imin. pump. Cawan Equipmant HIGHWAY No, 2 ed at 82 Churchi St., Bowman- Six sampies 25c,' 24 samples 'picked up pnamptly. Telephone Highest pnices paid. M. Fhatt, Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowman. EAST 0F BOWI"IAN VILLE villa. Do NOT apply ipersan $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, RA 8-3111 Eveniai RA 8-9876 COlfax 3-2721, Margwili FurlBethany R.R. 1 Phone 7 r1tile Phone MA 3-5689. ]PHONE MA 3-7150 at this address until afteriNov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91: .1. A. 6-15e Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115.*coilect. 21 -ti 18-1 8-tf June lst. 18.4*Hamilton, Ont, 1-52 C.8 leal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale r Newcastle, a new ranchLakRI ,e brick bungalow. A Red- ~A~IA nap, Newcastle. 1 i6 Room newbrick bunga. .VE-iUUIttUunigalowwWitlà eams iO UcJU batI.IVUUdL in.11 arage. Many extras. Harry isbed room in basement. Easy ollocutt, 41 Southway Drive, terms. $12,900.00. IA 3-5066. 18-1* 7 Room brick bouse, 4 bed. 'WO lots, 66 x 160, Ontario raoms new ail furnace. Cent- tre.Paved road, watem, naily iocated. Tenis. ýwrat s t co.A . 5 Room new ranch bunga. emens, 38 Concession St. S. lw tahdgrg,2bd 16-3* roams. Suitable for retîred couple. First time offered for >edwll R al Eiatesala. A ioveiy home. Pedw ll R al Etale We have cottages, lots, bous. 110 Acre stock famm, goad es, farms. ime bouse, aIl steel bank M. E. LEASK mrn, water bowis. On a good Real Estate Broker )untry moad close ta New- stle. $18,000. Reasonahia 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville =-s. MArket 3-5919 100 Acres, solid brick bouse,1- bedroams, all conveniences, an an40' x 125', all goadj J. Va n Nesi td, sauth of 401 Highway1 REAL ESTATE BROKER d close ta x-illage. For in-18KngEMA333 aection caîl us. 18Kn . M -21 6 Room hbungalottrwitb bathi Bowmanville id ail fumnace, lots cf cup-1 Hunt Street, 8-rooîned dtvall- )ards, full basement, ana acie îing, ail conveniencas, ail heat, irden xvith fruit tracs. CloseIself-cantaiaed apartment w-ith Newvcastle. Only $7,500 separata antrance. Garage. Oit ith $2,000 dottn. First time lot, 66' x 550'. $11,000 with Wed hae svnl4 a $3,000 cash. We hve sverl 4-oom Quceet St., 8-moomi dwelling, )uses with Ioxv dotvn pay- all convaniences, ail heat. Lit-e eots, also lots onx lakes and camfartahly downstairs and anr. rent thte upstains. On lot 66' Martgage Loans x 135. $11,000 cash. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Liberty Nantîh - Tan acres, Real Estate and 7-noomed bouse, town wateî'. Mortgage Broker Sînaîl haro. Asking pnice ewcasle Pone 85f,$11l ' .0 wcasle Pone 85e Business block, 5 stores and 18-1 5 apartmants, downtown. Par- mlcuars at cffice. Pete Fedema airy farm, 130 acres good REAL ESTATE BROKER Iland an highway, buildings finst Iclass, nmilk contnact. 200 Acres - 10 naom brick'1- usef large L-sltape haro. - ---- ildings in excellent con- IN THE SUPREME COURT ion. 175 acres wonkable, OF ONTARIO 1joining 100 acres cao a _b___ nted. Asking pnice $30,000. B E T W E E N: i-ms. JUEIN PEARL CALE 100 Acres, 10 moom 2-staray PLAINTIFF, ýse, barn 30 x 100. 90 acres AND mkabla, productive soil. Pnica ROBERT HIANCOCK CALE Iy $12,500. Tenms. DEFENDANT. 25 Acres - 6 room bouse, PURSUANT ta the Ordar of 'n 30 x 80 iînpiement shted, The Honounabie Mn. Justice -age, Il1nmîles front Osha- Traleaven, bearing data the a.Price $11,000. Ternis. l3th day of March, A.D. 1961, 2Acres - 4 bedî'oomi home, made in this cause, thene tvîll rnaca, bath, full basement, ba sold, with the approbation rage. Price $9,000. Ternms. of M. A. Miller, Esquire, Mast- Bowmanville - 4 bedmoom an of this Court, at Cobourg, use, bath, garage, paved by James Edward Jackson, iveway. Near school. Pnice Auctianeer, at 312 Libemty, 500, very iow down payment, Street North io the Town o4 sy terms. Bowmanviîle, Ontario (beit Newcastle - 3 bedroorn the rasidanca and appie wara îgalotv, full basement, ail bouse of the Defendant), an rnaca, near scbaal. Price Satumday, the 27th day of May, ,00. Down, $1,500. 1A.D. 1961, at the hour of 2:00 )rono, 6-room home, oiiio'dlock in the afternoon, D.S.T., rnace, bath, basemant, gar- a pareel of vacant land adjoin- e. lot 85 x 170; low taxes. ing the West limit cf Liberty ice $8,000. Ternms. Street North, in the Town af Highway No. 2 Bowmanville, in the County of East of Bowmanville Durham, camprising fifty acres, Telephone MArket 3-3644 mare or less, and baing that part of Township Lot No. il lesmen « in the Second Concession cf the Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 Township of Dariington, îtow R. Lovakin, Newcastle 3506 within thta limits of the said Town cf Bowmanviiie, which Mcuuav and Kidd said parcal is more pamticuianly .1 described in a convayance fnom, REALTORS the Executors of the Estate of =bhers cf Oshawa & District Rowland Mass Cale, deceased, Real Estata Board to the Defandant, Robant Han- [8 Acres itean Tynane, 4-t cock Cale, magistared an Apnil room bouse, barn, 100 x 30, 23rd, 1958, at the Registry ve shed 24 x 40. Spring- Office at Bowmanville, as 1stncam mises on propemty. Instrument Number 5968 for celient gravai depasit. Ask- the Town of Bowmanviile, and oniy $25,000 with $5000 shawn in the Sunvey attac-td rn. ta the said convayance, being ý-noam bungalow with 3¾ the mactangulan pancel comn- -of land tvitb stmeam, io pnising 50 acres more or less, nptan. Only $6,000. EXCEPTING THEREOUT AND iacres lavai land near THEREFROM the falhowing 00o, $2,000. parcels: -stanay brick bouse, centrai (1) A parcai of land, with ation in BowmianvillC. Prie- the buildings thencon, miglit at $13,700. $3 ,000 having a frontage cf 82' 'Vil 6" upon Liberty Street, entrally located bungalow- by a depth cf 132' an-d -h garage. Askîng anîy situate at the North East 00 down. Payments $500 corner of the said pancal; iy. (2) A parcel of land, witx ýacres with 210 acres wonk- the buildings aracted e, balance bush and pasture thereon, having a front- th trout stmeam, 'ýi mile age cf 154' 2", by a depth n paved road, 12 miles of 155' 4", franting on ,th of Bowniaiville. Ask- the We-st sida cf Liberty $6,500 with temms. Street, at an about the Caîll riddle of the said WALTER FRANK parcel; and ChuchSt MA3393 (3) A parcal cf land, with Churc Si. MA 33393 the buildings enectcd Bowmanville ___ themeon, baving a front- aga of 160' by a dapth Peter owalcf 350', frantiog on the REALTORWest sida cf Liberty REATORStreet, and about flici- 'D CENERAL INSURANCE w'ay hetîveen the second- Kig St. %Y. -5MA 3-2153 ly c-xc-eptcc parcai and King St. E.- MA 3-5868 the South East corner Tew 2-bedroonti bungalow of the said fifty acre lcampant. Brick construe- th Darcel; 1. Large bright living-th said f irstly mentioîted n. Modemn kitcen, nic parcel bcing lavai, and highly ng-ram. Hndwoo andsuitable for sub-division pur- floors, 4-pica bath. Oiloss and with a town water ted. Maderately pnîceci atlmain laid along the entire doxvîx tfrontage. '90000.I THE said lanxds shaîl be soid 2624.00 dwnwili huy thisif dfo h oe ra beautiful 3-bedroomn brick'fedfo h oe intf.,ecst galo. Ktchn i lodedof the Piaintiff and fmo-m-%h tgilw mahgatycuphisoads d aims of ah Subsequent',n ing blîtin an ge,, baven cumbrancens and Execution turig bult-i ranelivn-Creditors. [canopy. Lange ling THE propcrty wiIl be offered n. Dining amea. Bedrooms ,spacious closets. Prieccdfar sale subject ta a reserve sel at $14,70000o. NHI-.A. -hid, fixed hy the Master af this tgage.Court at Cobourg. ,000 awug ortie4bd THE conditions cf Sale shall 1,oo don fr ths 4bedhab the standard conditions cf m older honte. Is just right'~SpeeC the womkiog inan with aiteSurmeCurt cf Ontario, ,e family. 7 roams in aill excapting soleiy that neithar e ta sehool. Oniy $8,500. the Plaintif! nom the Dafendant O Ace fam bCouriceshaîllba at liberty ta bid, direct- 00a Aiee f8-m ickoutie, lyon indiract]y; the Subse- ~nil nce oenenbs.ick a quant Encumbrancers and irbuildings. Choice landÙ' Exacution Creditors shaîl, how- [y S12,500. $2,500 downJaven, ha at liberty ta bid. mortgage. Near sehool. FURTHER particulars cao be bug loobtainad fmom JOSEPH P. Bedroom frama uglw MANAGAN, Q.C,112Kn anice setting. Vemy wellWC,1½Rn t. A terrifie bargain at Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 3o0.00. (Sorry, no base- Solicitor for the Plaintif!, t). Terms available. Juein Pearl Cale, or from, Bedmoom bungalow in MESSRS. LANGILLE, THOM- la rav ocm sîtol. SON & THOMSON, 2 Ring yca ro er. Il om 'NewStreet West, Toronto, Ontario, cocaes. Oîl heated. PricadiSolicitors for the Defendant, t.'Robert Hancoek Cale. at t MpleGno'e 1 ,00.DATED at Cobourg this 2lst Stat alemren $15001 M.-F A . MnLeLR PAGr TIRRLVE, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAT Srd, 1981

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