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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 14

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PAGE 1FYRTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE. ONTARIO WDEDY A r,1 Bowmanville, Mr. A. S. Lew- luit Member s Day Care Centre,Th naiý Hisa. GCoorgc,DreCtor mack, Rev. A. C.Hebran Ont.-. yuinte Field Commissioner Larry C. iWilcox. Dr. Cormack, the: guest speaker for the even- ing spoke on the future need ,onference for Scouting in our commun- .On Saturday,, April 29th, ville District Scout Councils. joijed at the dinne hour by 260 aduit members of the Boy1 The Conference theme was, a number of guests from the Scouts of Canada met in Baw- "Scouting for Boys*' and Bowmanviile area, who were: manvilie. The occasion was thraughout the day Scouters introduced to the assembled the Ontario Quinte Region's were studying and re-assess-, gatheririg. Two of these Annual Conferer.ce. attended ing the basic principles and guests, Mr. Sid Venton and by Scouters, Commnitteemen, idea!s that are the founidation: Mr. Bob Kennett. Bowman- and Ladies' Auxiliary mem- of the movement. Papers were ville. were past meîwbers and: bers frorn Peterborough, Port presented on "Is Scouting for officers of theLocal Associa-i Yiope. Cobourg, Kawartha, Boys up to Date" and "Have tion in Bowmanville for man y Victoria Countvy and BowAman- the I Ideals of Scouting Chan- years. - ___ -ged" One of the highlights of the' "S v - -L f " Scouting is serving an ini- Conference wasth vng "Sav -A -Lfe" reaing umbe ofboys in campfire during which a film the Regyion- 8500 are wear- depicting the life of Baden- I * the uniform at present, Powell, founder of the Scout W eek ours butstiil there are many boys Movement was shown. Taps WeK ousewho do not have the oppor- were sung at 9 pm tunity of beiongingtoScot- To Star SoO'n ing or other youth mnovements. boss of life ini a water ac- It is ta provide thesebos L N A T cident is. aîmost aîways, tra- with the opportunity tha gically unnccessary. Firstlv, if methods or the movement riidsfeyrue aefollow_ were studied through this Mrs. R. Osborne and fam- ed, the chance of an accident Conterence. Conference Chair-! ily, Bowmanville, spent the1 occrrig i cnsieraly e-man Archie S. Lewis. Region-! week with her parents Mr.' ducd ad scodly knw-ai Commissioner, adequately and Mrs. Jack Johnston. ledge of the fundamentals of; summed up the Conference MradMs.EPewde artfical espraton an elpwith the statement "Scouting: wÀere Sunday evenîng visitors prevnt ossof itethrugh j s a growing force for good: Of Mr. and Mrs. M. Keilett,' drowening. o if t in a time when the Nation re- Janetville. Caonins oe hn , quires young men of charac.- r. ot Cmr Canaianslose their lives in1te. drowning accidents. Manv of 1 Head table guests at the'urday evening visitôrs of Mr. these lix'es could have been, luncheon served in the Legiondord. Bl onoL saved. if somebody on the spot Hall by the Ladies Auxiliary Mord. àdMs alVn had known a method of arti- ta the Legion included and.fMiiydM. Petovle and ficial respiration. Too many of! Gordon Thomson, District M and Mrsy. H. eMille and us are inclined to stand by ý Commissioner, Peterborough; Mr.arnd Bm anvH. ille aere hoping the "other fellow*" wil Mr. Bert Mortlock, Executive fmlBwavle wr know what ta do. A tragic Com missioner. Reiationships Sunda y supper guests of Mr. situation develops when the1 Department, National Head- and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. "other fellow" has no idea quarter'5, Ottawa;l'Mr's.*Jean Panvpool wrslFundycaîl- either., Devîtt, Bowmanville Secret- Pnyol eeSna al The methods used in artifi- ary, Mr. George Brown,' ers at the Vaney's cial respiration are surprising- Bowmanville District Coun- theW. arrser e ly simple. In fact, they can b cil Chairmali; Mr. A. S. rshe. Davi's.w r n leradinto ous TeLewis, Regional Commission- Ms .Dvs knowledge gained by the stu- er; Rev. A. C. Herbert; Mr. a bu 0finsgtee dent during this two hours Ait Patterson. District Com- N Davishone Satr aneveni course. equips him, under cer- missioner, Victoria Counity. f.rDavir nthrday part efoMr tain ircumstances, to save a During the luncheon a Long Bio. a brrFrds ame foroMr. lite, for artificial respiration Service award was presented L '. alt otpol eh can also save the lives of ta Mr. Doug Harris, 5th Pet--Lpn.g BSaultonydl Beth-ir manyv victims of electric shock, erboraughi, for his 10 years 16f~ Bacsokad roln poisoning, poisonous gas and service with the movement. Mr. Ken Preston, Bethany, smoke. The presentation was made was a Thursda3y evening vis- St. John Ambulance will by Mr. Bert Mortiock, a for- itor at the N. Davis'. hol th 8h anua "avea- erScout Master in Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ripley Lde thee8thinnario"Sa v ille and Terry and M.r. Gil Hawe, Life Wek i Onarlofro vile.Dixie, were weekend guests May 15 ta 20. The free two- Head table guests at din- of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. hour course is a wise invest- ner were Mr. Bert Mortlock, Mr. and Mrs. G. Pugsley and ment of your time. For in- Mrs. Jean Hodgson, Regional Duaine, Cooksville, and Mrs. formation on the classes, caîl Representative of Lad i e s' Hassan, Toronto, were Sun- your nearest St. John Ambul- Auxiliaries, Mr. G e or ge day evening visitors at the ance office. iBrown, Mayor W. Carruthers, R. Gibson's. * Mrs. A. J. McLaggan spent Ba few days visiting redan Are you n a i g t ebt relatives in Montreal, also visiting ber mother at Arun- po sbl s o o r a kdel, Quebec. etran pos ibl us o yo r b nk Bruce McLaggan spent Satur- It's amazing -the number of people across Canada who are aatheDvdCigs unaware of the variety of helpful services their banks have ta offer. These services range fram lban plans ta money orders ta travellers' cheques and sa on. Al af these services are avait- able ta you at every bank across Canada. So wby should you choose Toronto-Dominion? Because we offer you ail of these handy services, PLUS helpful, interested people who enjoy providing themn for you. Our accountants are the MOST HELPFUL You'Il1find This is Clayton Casselman, at aur ICk Gln Sree brnchin ttaa. layon s sownhere helping one of aur Toronto-Dominion customers ta bring order out of chaos. He's suggesting a "T-D" Personal Chequ- ing Accaunt, the sure-fire way ta keep records up-ta-date and accurate. Through a Personal Chequing Accouint, Clavton's cus- tomer can meet ail of his obligations by cheque. Hýe'u receive an iteniized statement and his cancelled cheques every si\ty davs, just like clockwork. Clayton's thorough knowledge of bank services and his sîncere interest in his customers' prablems is a happy cam- bination. It's helped a good many people ta a more solvent and worry-free way of life. Clavton Casselman is typical of hundreds of interested men and womnen in Toronto-Dominion branches across the countrv, wvho take a sincere interest in vau and your prob- lems. Make it a point ta meet some of'themn soon and se for yourself how mu. . . PEOPLE M\AKE THE DIFFERENCE AT mmTORtONTO-DOMINION s THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAO L-2690A B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanvile Branch COURTICE Mrs. Gordon Osborne and Linda Hamilton visited rela- tives in the community over the wéekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKenzie, Ottawa, renewed acquaintan- ces in this vicinity over the weekend.- Mr. and Mrs. C. Kemp and Mrs. R. Beatty attended thc wedding of Miss Patricia Bar- ron in Oshawa -last Saturday. Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary held their April -meeting at the, Sunday School recently. Mrs. Wilfred Brown, the pre- ident, opened the meeting 1 with à verse.1 During the business portion1 of the meeting the following! announcements were made:ý The W.M.S. Family Party! will be heid on May 15th at 6:30 p.m. The W.M.S. Sunday Service- will take place oný April l6th at 10:30 a.m. The May meeting will be at the home of Miss Jean Gay with Mrs. J. Litovchik assisting. Mî's. A. Dennis led the Eas- ter Thank-Offering Worship Service and Mrs. Ross Hawke gave an Easter reading entit- led "Mary". The meeting W asi closed with an Easter thought by the president. Refresh-! ments were served by Mrs. Herbert Nicholîs and Mrs. A. Dennis. The l8th Scout Mothers'l Auxiliary met for their Aprili meeting in Courtîce Churclh.! Mrs. Charles Carpenter presi-: ded. Secretary Mrs. Carma n Thompson gave her reportý and Mrs. La Chapelle theI treasurer's repart.1 A summary of the Marchi luncheon and the Father and' Son banquet was given and, the president thanked al] the, ladies who heloed make these i events a SMrs. Harold Osborne w~as' appointed ta the executive ta! fiil a recent vacancy. The ex-ý ecutive wili be in charge of the May llth meeting ta, bel held at noon in the form of a pot luck luncheon. The Otter Patral under the convenership of Mrs. Mauricei Gray had charge of the social' haur. North Courtîce H. & s. Mrs. Thomas Gladman. pre- sident of North Courtice Home and School Association, presi- ded Dt the regular meeting re- cently. Mrs. William McKnight readi the minutes and Treas- urer Mrs. Barry Johnsoný gave her repart. It was an-, naunced that a sand box would be built at the High- wav School. Mrs. W. J. Brown was nami- ed convenor ta arrange the, Graduating Night in Septem- 1 ber. Grade 8 pupils will visit the Museum and points of in-, terest in Toronto on June 8I or 15. Last Euchre of the seasan %vas held April 28. June meet-' ing will take the form of a pot Iuck supper. Mrs. Arthur Bishop, delle-' gate ta the Home and School Federation in Toronto, gave the highiights of the sessions and resolutions and guest' speakers' addresses. Mrs. C. Campbell won the room count for North Cour- j tice and Miss Gloria Eatan at [ the Highway School. Mothers o! Grade 7 pupils served re-, Ir shmentâ._ hn mgr \~1.~LKER' S 250 Ac Attend Scout C Light Weight Warmth Sale Priced! M ~ Strand Blankets Target Sole, 4 eochm9 90% Viscose 10/% Nylon Eight colours Double bed sizes 72" x 840# Popular blankets of Viscose and Nylon . . . light of weight, warm, easy ta wash and inexpensive. Richly satin hound ends... choose from light green, powder blue, coral, yellow, pink, turq- uoise, sandalwood or lilac... Usually 5.98, Target Sale, ea. 4.99. Linen ! Low, low priced 1 Tea Towels ln plecsing pastel condy stripes 16" x 28" and 17" x 29" Torget Sole 4 FOR 99C Gaod quality lmported linen tee towels . . . woven with good drying quality in pleasing pastel end dec- aratar stripes-one size with fringed ends . . . red, blue, or green bord- ers . . .usuolly .39 . Target Sole, 4 for 99. New Cand y-ton. cover! Non-Aller genic chip foam Pillows *Standard six. *Reg. 1.79 Target Sale 847 1 *ach F~ illows with soft resilient chip foarm <~ '~~"< filling - sanitary end a boon te A allergy sufferers . . . pastel candy- fane covers . . . standard 17" x 25" sîze. Good value at reg. price of i1.79 ...Exceptionol at Torget Sale prices. ech 1.47. OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. DAYS Fjr st quality, low 10w pricedl Seamless Mesh Nylons 0 Dress sheer quality 0 New spring tones 0 Sizes 9 to il 0 Choice of keg lengths / 2 PAIR 1.00 A i L Taurgot Sale, pair First quality seamless micro mesh nylons *B Dress sheer - 400 needle, 15 denier reinforced heels end toes for longer weer, full stretch welt ond neot fitting onkle... sizes 9 ta 11 with choice of leg lengths. Al you'Il wish for in nylons et a Iow Iow Target Cale price, pair .34, 2 pair 1.00. "Texmade" Quality Manufacturers Clearing Save up to 40e yd.! Save Up To 1/z ! PRINTED PERCALE CHILDREN'S ""T#" JERSEYS *WldePatr eeto * Wsfs ooaAil first quality * Short sleeve styles PaternSelctin Wshfst oloa *Sizes: Infants 1 to 3, Toddlers 2 to 3X, *35" - 36" wldth. Childrens 4 to 6X. Usually Usual Values to 59e to 79C 1.98 Target Sale TARGET SALE, Yard 39C Each99c Exceptional Value! Hea'vyweight! Two Waist Styles! Buy 4 - Save 56ec! "Sanforized"!1 Celanese * Tricocel BRIEFS Boys' Sturdy Drill Jeans Thre le stles Whit an si cooraSemi-boxer Walst, sîzes 6 to 12 0 Reg- " Thee eg tyls *Whit an si coora ular Waist, sizes 8 to 16 * Double knees "Smail, medium or large sizes with sizes 6 to 12 bothstl. Usually Reg. 39e 4 r2.98stls Target Sale Target Sale, 2 Pair, 29c prslPair 2 7 Special Purchase - Save up to 20c Preshrunk! Guaranteed Washable! TERRY FACE CLOTHS BOYS' CHINO PANTS *Substandards and first of "Lady Gaît" B Regular lVaist Style * Four pockets, or *'Camtex" makes * Good 12" x 12" size euffed legs * Sizes 8 to 16. Special Purchase- 5 fo 99CTarget Sale, Pair 1,8 SHOP EARLY AND SAVE! Fanhous "Fainily" Quality Ladies' and Misses' Sale Priced! SWINSUITS WABASSO SHEETS Pre-season special offer - ail Walker's regular 6.98 and 7.98 stock of Swimsuit.4 * Big double bed size, 81" x 100". Reg. 5.98 priced Nvith Special Savings for Target Sale. * Twin or :,1bed size, 72" x 100". Reg. 5.79 * Al reular7.9 nubers reucedfor >;ýSingle or cot size, 63" x 100". Reg. 5.49 the duration of this Sale. TARGET Sizes SALE, 10 to 20O UE PAIR 4e99 Target 7 Sale - Each 6 9 * Ail regular 6.98 numbers, reduced for Matlching PILLOW CASES the duration of this Sale. 42 x 33 Inches. Reg. 1.29 Sizes -Target 12 to 2 0 Sale, M Targejt Pair Sale - Each 45991,19 ;- a Sale Each 88c Exceptional Value - Buy Tmo Save Up to 3.96 Spring Into Summer Smartness DRESSES o! Magic Fahrics that mean easy-care SEvergiaze and Sateen prints* Drip-dry cottons * W'oven Arnel* and Cottoin SShlrtwaist, sheath and full skirt styles 'Short sleeve, steeveless and sundress models * Sizes 12 to 18 and 16!, to 24ýj. Values to 6.98 Target__ Sale, ' Eaeh 850,545 2 For $10.00l Special Purchase Brings Savings of up to 41c BIG THICK BATH SIZE TERRIES Substandards and First Quality * Stripeti and Plain Colors' Weil Known Makers - -Lady Gaît", "Camtex"* Bit, bit sizes 22"1 x 42". 22" x 44" and 23" x 45". I suaIl y 99C tri 1.29 TAECGET 5 KING' STREET EAST MA 3-5451 r mb: FINAL SALE ENDS SAT., MAY 6th Just three more days to stock up on Money-Saving Target Sale Values! See these timely new Items - Advertised for the f irst time - Shop this Great Store-Wide Event. Thurs., Fri., and Sot. OnIy ! A Timely Special Value!1 Ladi*es' Blouses Summer stylings in eosy-care drip dry cotton or rayon fobric 0 Choice of sleeveless, tuck- in or over blouse styles 0 Five different styles 0 Sizes 12 to 20 0 Colours: gold, blue, green, ~~~*" 'r" lilac or white O Reg. 1.98 il Target f S Sale 36 only each ittle blouses that ore se ferm inine in their five different styles . . . tailored beautifully in easy-cars drip dry cattom or rayon fabrics-print, plain ir fancy weaves . . . completely washoble, ef course ...sizes 12 ta 20. Reg. 1.98, of very speciol l'argot Sole price, each 1.69. À Tuk-insîseveless style of Texmade Tuipen~fd dry cotton. Sires 12 te 20. creuse r asstryon. ie12t20 C Over blouse leeveless style of cool creuse i'eslst rayon. Simes 12 te 20. ~J1/pL4R of Bowman vîie 't 1 - -3W 4-J 88C

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