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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 15

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~D NSDA. MX' ncq.196 TH CAADIA STTESAN.BOWMNVILE.ONTRTPAGE FIWTEEN ens, O. Ashton, T. MicLaugh- W ate Con erva ionlin, B. Begley. eac one re- Water Conservation (BIvth D Ils A V ital Necessity Tropiiy. won by Blackstock D ri g o teai R. Turner. G. Marlow, ci N. Bailey, J. Venning. H. Mc- S c e c e u e Says Kiwanis Speaker I1aughlin. J. MBrloHamB Cards of Thanlcs ln Memoria.xnWork Wanted Notices Te Horaceogcner-Naverertaahsgoeg e- H. ~MeLau- Senior League 16 n otoe ae The family of tLie latte John, LOGAN, Olive- In loigjRLAL woman for even- L. C. Mason LawOfieation of ail natural resources. dry. Clhicago*s \ater difficul- Laughlin: High Triple-- H. Maple Grove atCorceheolwngMnanit 1Iawkshaw wish to express: mlor of a dear mother and' ng.CalMA 352.1- loe .ntl-a-3tl 93. ndcessity ot athceva- isý,eeasdsrbd lwsBoml:Bs prsin yoee ap their gratitude to eachandigrandmother who pas s ~ __ -90 1 lsedunidMy3O Wl 3 nd paticui ar cothervt pal ic ee a e e. t we roeil: Besta s o rtsan-e yon ataponi heSno2La9, n-h every one who lhas helped dur-, away May 9, 1959. MNvt oe oe ii'ONBUE rdae~to as emphasized by 'Ter- exabed truhiagois*th e xvt. r e el:lowerag Te \4onanv9-folwigrdaengtenth dea rbnd nd athr.Padoaye MA 3-2178. 19_14 operating in my Barber Shop:r dinnauer in his address Ail fresh water cornes froni special includcd gifts to sornJnorLaue16 Phoe re~piaton Threk p-of thie bowlers for things donc Sat. June 3- SSpec 1311;anks ho Dr. Ewert When one we ioved was CARPENTER, roof ing and D A I L Y'Bwnnil iai lu rxmtl 0ice each during the yNr hywr: Sln iTrn ~ and members of the Memnoria] God took hier home it *Was Phone MA 3-2752. 17-4 Previousiy from Mapie Grove1 Mtor Hotel on Moinday il t'ipitatioii. The miotioni picturc' Mil!s, .Jin Coornbes, Harvey Wed. Jtne 7- Ensilna apo Park Committee. 19.l*ý His will -- MRS. ALF. MITCHELL, Iing. v.ividly presented a descrip-iPartner. Keith McGill, Tom orie hHmtn oravll tZo _____Within our hearis, she liv- HEATING, Plumbing a ni d PONTYPOOL The speaker was introduced lion of vapor rising from the pleasance Rts ShaptBria We wish to express our sin- eth stll. E ewcastlen433Caîl Gouîd19-2 1byChiarles Biekie, who told sea to clouds, xvhich in turiî Hamilton, Orville Ashton, Sat. June 10a- GoeahSln thnk ad ppecatonEver remembered by John, HeaeiclubNewcastre 4331. 18-tfe1-Maple Grove at Bowvill cer negh fa ra, oycaDnody nd NYkin cocrte orkan FOOCR PLTE he lu tht r.Harvey' ae bow inand Tmpea- areydeiaxveesanda ox ionatBt manile Jne to ail our friends and neg-MurraJye ooh n N idcnrt okad is a graduate of the Ontariolture changes bring ramn or Iof Pecans for Mrs. John Mac - Tyrone at CourticZinaEnsiln bours for the beautiful shower failies. 19-1l carpenter work. Free estim- T1 rnc Agricuit ural Coliege, Guelph Jsnow, and eventually much1 Lean.. Wed. 'June 14- HapnaiCuie gifts presented to us at the ates. G. Mutton. Phone MA JfSLL Afier bis graduation Mr. Me:lof the water is returned to ils Ofcr'o 16-2sao amtna oi Sln iTrn comrnunity shower. A specialiMcCOY-In Ioving memory 3-5981. 1 7-3* -u~Cauiey spent more than a!sources via strcams andciv- ae atPesAl' ery a.Jn 1-8Trl a al rv thank you to ail who made of a dear father and grand- C -MPETE -rdenservie,' ee Bill MivorriSOn year ini British Columbia in 'crs. Pre:s.t eoPi-e. Vicn erryes. Mape GoeaiZo Bwvle hEnikle this memorable occasion such father Wallace Percîval, who enulriiig oiig 6CNESO T .sagebrush control work, Mr.!i Pollution is now a major Bruce MNcDon a i d, Treas.. Bowmanville etH, tn ina Cutc a passed away suddenly May 5, roto-tiiling. manure. Phone Bikesae.polm-nieGetLks Bruce Taylor, Sect., Bill Bog-,Wed. June 21- -i-apo ioln Haroldd Ruth Bullock. 11960. MVA 3-7059 or MO 8-2233. 19-4, MA 3-3048 which have become a liquid loy.1 Solina at MpeUr SMaple Goea apo 19-1 l"We littie knew when wet're Theft - Automobile dumping ground, il was as- Eveivone had a good lime. Sat. June 24-EnikleatCuic woke that morn, HOUSEWORK by the day or sertcd. Remediai action wiil So long til Sept., when we Zion at Solina The sorroxv the day would hour, also baby-sitting in my Travel - Lille 1 be expensive, but not nearly start agaîn. Sec vou then. Bowmanville aitvrn omnil iTrn 1 wouid like to say a great bning. home on Saturdays and Sun-, 2241j ~ - as costîy as il wouîd be ho Wedî June 28- Sln tZo big thank you ho ail myThe caîl was sudden, thedys 4 years nursery exper- ri leaxo e this problem uncheckcd. Maple Grove aiBweit2-rn iZo friends and neilhbours who soc svee ence. Phone MA 3-5242. 19-1TwnhpO ia er- Ptroaîovdaoî . aiZnEnsklnai.Goe have enquired, sont cards,lT-I ftansh1M.MCalyai apina Bwnnxel .uring o part with one, we loved BULLDOZING and Excavai- MAY ONCEN ofthans Cour.tice ah Solina Cra flowers and gifts ho me clrni so dear. ing. New John Deere Equip- ýTO WHOM IT AYCNENfrlsiersing a li1i- Sat. July 1- my stay in Boxvmanviile and Sometimes it's hard to under- et oeiSrn. hn o ~77fornmahive address. and lorf yrone ai Maple ~oe -ina apo Oshawa Hospitals and to Drs. stand Blackstock colleci. 8 tili 5,11 y-aw N . 1377 presenhing the fine film. Hei 5as f o Courtice ai Bo\;nil' Trnea niklo Ferguson, Sturg-is and Rowseil., Why some thing8 have ho be, Phone 118 - 12; afier 5 'phone'of the Towvnship of Manvers also thanked Foi'rest Dilling Wed. July 5-Cuhc iMpeGo Again, thanks so much. In His wisdom, God lias 104R. 18-6 enacts as folloivs: tbat 0o for running the projector. 1L 1 Zion ai Tyrone SoiahBo anil Jac Kvei.planned pro hhosrcecme Presideni Ted Htîtton aiso ex- LawIn s H5 ear Solina ai CourticeJuy- 19-1 n ourpr to see Hermai an De Bflt or foi an" of the streets, pî'ssed appreciation. Sat. July 8-6Bo anieahoutc Byond pokw er Van Lighas rro o h Cecil Alldread was the w'in- Was crab gi ass' a prohleni Hampton et Zion alrrv hZo We would like ho hhank Upon the path you trod, GENERAL CONTRACTOR Tnhiplays orstofthen f h rw.Geisa nyour lawîî tast suminer. If Courtice ai MapeGoe HapnaiTon Dr. Rundle aiso ail the nurses We bless the years we hiad Brick - Block - Concrete on arag or materlal of any thnniskillen ai Sohinay 1 who were so kind, aiso the with you and Carpentry kind whatsoever unless lt is Abernehhy, Port Hope Kiwan- numbers of secds aie lying on.ý Solina ai Bownviî 3Zo a omnil many relatives, friends and And leave the resi, witli NEWV WORK and REPAIRS approved by resolution of the is Club, Andrew Suwala, Har- or slightlx belour, the soil' Hampton ai Courice j Hmtna nikle nieighibors xvho w le r le 50 God."POECO-'sHA TNConl. nypso fon old Davidson, Jules Ethier, over the whole area. These Si uy1-Trn iCutc thoghfu ad in sndng Sadly missed, daugh t e r 3t uyo violating the pro- and Fred Dcnshani, ail of the sceds xviii begin ho germinaleI Maple Grove aiHmtnetnaa al rv floer, ifs ndcadsdu- heesaJim and grand-- visions of this bY-iaw lis lhable - Oshawa - Westniount Kiwanis about the middle of May, even Tyrone ai Solina 0BwvleaiMpeGo ing our receni bereavemeni children. 1- ~ -~ to a fine not cxceedlng $300,00 'Jerry McCauley i Club. and Forresi Dilling, hhough the lihile plants will Wed. July 19-EniilnaiZo in the loss of a dear wife and riasterlflg nepairs and costs. The provisions of-le o Boxvmanvilie. likelv not be noiiced until July Bowmanville aiZoeoutc i apo moter MeEEIn ovng emry f hisbylawar bengstrct Mr. McCauley reiuîiRd !t Folloxving the dinner meet-lor Augusi. xvhen the long, Couriice ai Tyrone Mr. Robt. Shred and family. a dean son and brother, Orma QUICK SERVICE efrd.'Onaitoak part ii con-: ing Harry Locke, chairmaniwirv seed heads wili be pro- Sat. July 22- 2-al rv tTîn 19-1* MeKee who passed away May STUCCO AND NEW WORK ,enfrced servation work in this pro-i of the Ways and Means Com- duLce. Hampton ai Tyro(eEnsilna o'iI j ROSS DAVIDSON, Clek vinco where lie is now Con-[mittee, caîîed a meeting of There are several ways in, Zion ai Maple Grv - - -8th, 1946.o! i R T TA T 19-i servahion Field Officer for!ii omîe etn fwih~~eiiaeii e.Jîy2-Cuic iZn Iwe idsofeprssour heri- usta t54 King Stet . . TAT3-5030 thisteedi mhriigtoo! 242h square I Solina ah Hamptonly 26 wews th pess our hsoro-Jsirerembrance, 5 in.i.E M -53Uti dsritof22 qar lGroup C was also held. IPest, says C. M. Swiizer of! SolLna ai HampionA felt thanks and appreciation Jusi a nmoil fond and true, N TC miles, Mr. Biekle stahed. He '~__-the O.A.C. Botany Departi Bow'ville ai Mapi rv gs to our many fiends, relatives Jusi a token of affection -1 6-tf also paid trîbute ho Mi. Mc- ment. Sat. Juiy 29- i3Hmina al 1o and neighbors for the kind- And a heartache still for n~rc Cauley's efficicncy and fine i The prodUtîcion of a denseý Hampton aietortc a nnsile ness and sympaiby sbown tus you. , AlL'LJ wr a ecear f h Bx-Bowlers stand o! turf is of prime . Trone ai Bxvmanvill wîf -OVingly rememere ~~~~~~~~~~ manivilie Kiwanis Club.prac.Ti a rm m oîaa inZo iSln in the ioss o! our loir e LongPTDT lsbdb poe friiz-Wd.Ags reebd by nposhrtautgephcTaiRur Se sonbe accom-aiTrn and moîher. MurieliS eves.mother, broihers and sisiers. LLCTRU J. U.RS 16 _1dress Mn. McCauley drew the'""" ish- lO-Zionrfe We especialiy wisbh o thank 1-1REPAIRS and REWINDING 10 attention of lus foîîw on wîeran-m, i . al rv tSln .Goea nikl Mr. Crawford for bis consol-MTO-Iîvigm or ai your Eleetnical Equlpment1wanians especialiy ho xaer workI D Chemal li el o. Somie! Zio ai urlcBwanil a ampo ihe modany thelfu forl !o!fPercT. Mu loingwho asedSales & Service MA 3-30581 ~us IIUL>conservation probicirs. Water wr xrmeyWl.SoeSh uus oia1iCuhc onf wordsT.,Mail the clonors T o! St Al l Houseldest an u t1o! these (c.g.potassium eva- Tyrone ai Bowmavle 17Hmtn iZo 43emilThird St.oal f-Bowmanvllepollution in Canada and thea qul.EnîkllnaiTrn ferings, the pal-bearers for away May 12, 1959. 19 tif a - ae otappiAugus te i MpleGroe aiCoutic ther indes an ie WA.Ever remembered by the :MSO on the new 'sanitary sewer on1 United States lias causcd uio!bolr ate)re tapli e untýlcion ai amhn owmnvll i oln thmly.i9 kiBICn-nND LibnanandTthdetrets mustl serious situahion, and action:ea rs a emntd o! the church. A special ________________ CNRT OKgta1 toremredl' it must be talcon ' ýand ladies attended the ban- faiy RCU AO N !iet n hr te1ood control can be obtained,. T\yrone ai Zion24Cutcaionanll thanks to Dr. Ferguson and COCET OR'etaimmediaîely, he siatoci. quel and dance hcld in the1but soveral applications mui! Courtîce ai SolinaZo iMpeGor the staff o! Memorial Hospi- Lepairs CHINEYS, ETC.Plm ng er t The mangemeni of frcsh!Hamipton Hall recentîy ho'be m-ade-a.nd some discolour-! Sat . Augusi 12-aiCuîe TynetHmpn tl and ho the Morris Funeral PlRADIOemi andd p hebolielevisiono o te hoe repall Bwmrsl e Chapel forIOihnir kindiandner-pTTTTwater stanhed 30,000)ycars in thbolgseo.aino!fcianil Bwmvie Chl fo t naeeikn ond t-e Prompt service. Pick-up ai-d IL. URNER JJL i from the Building Inspector ago, the speaker said, teilin 'A delicious hurkey supper! occur. Maple Grove aiTyo__olnainisie. seices.mngeetoftl deiivery. George's, 85 King St. TELEPHONE MA 3-5820 Ibefore joining their Building of the ancieni limes wlion ail xvas scrved by the Hamptou! A bether mcthod is ho appli - servic Lcheadsord. LahoedAi-51s.29hiTepoar aone3-60 Dai t teC.wnSeer te va obigdhoerbicidgeLdis l.C.No- hebiid bfoe ehecra A EENNGFRYE Howard, Lue-la GUdRAorEon.televisaon Phone -iri t h on ee.tebanks of rivers and lakes. biti and lber band suppiied grass germinales. The chemi-j j9_j,ý GARANTEE tellevsion and19 - 1 muJi MOfor teoeedancing.t vcalractostonmutheforounedsnced-.calidcmeonofhtheunpressureidoefoday! radio service, to ail makes. -NOW IS-THE TIME-FOR BuligIsetr oeiln salke hy PeietAln Wry lings, kiling them bofore ibey Oe wide the Same day service. Television Bi1in9-1pctr.movt einna ail knew theloe vrn adnt-1blm saliie.Seu] Bfengh I CashToda ervice Co. Phone MA 3-3883. HOME BE PAIRS 1- usdoan erasup eo~d heryono tadmro estscomherbchis Pe. Svlel Bfr ih an l wy 1 ahTdy49 lo! gooci waicr tosustain life dic al ebcde r vial, Evening!Thebamtapesds Roining - Bickwok B Egypt was the firsi coun- wo were Rex. and Mrs. F. (.g. Zytron, Dactal). REPAIRS and rewinding, arm. Painting BrCimneys BWMAN VILLE try to deveiop machinies ho J. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Il is e xhreiy imporianti Rosi for the wer'ot.My vr e r0ýd pplcines tues urnd, o al ake ofmov waerup ill an laerPannrer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecui hai application be made soon, Tree chant Thywlho! thold Ap la nc s aue und o i ae hS H Othe ancieni Chinese invcntcMrIS r, M. and Ir.G o e llo om f te h riie houhtrie, 38 King East. Phone MA nehd fsoigwtr rem o S TA TE M N 3-3305. 7-tf OSHAWA RA 8-0344 REGISTRATION 0F mlos !*oin e , ibhar, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Be- ta issomve o be he rabie 'e efo efsns.Tebat elcticmoor. igonElc-On ai Colletafos P BEINNEROS MCuysahd reai a ilbe, M. and Mrs. Aliani er- h islebefore ficnat i : C~~~~~~~~M L,%SS F N CDalEPIR t ilmols0!nee 1.4tC dEGInEoReahth vcacest tcd. ratngadr. rss begins ho gro.i Of the earthisikacasengod PhonoMArkt83-303 firto domil ad orn- - I!ot inthay dning1961 an dstrbuino aei ' wor o!Then came the preseniation The O.A.C. botanisi suggeshs Reach ouIt pmeatoasiaIea Phone____________3-3303___mercial; miiking coolens. Hig. Whi iewashi Siables live ' 1961t anm-made by the Romans iin the jorprizes: isi team, The John lreahmeni no laher ihanthbe Dear God aem arorTie St.E. hon M 3-305 7 If wAs iSfCTIG sare lig ibl e o Knergn- mins Century A.D. and re- James Trophy, won by En-!Ifirsi week in May witb this St._E._honeMA3-3305._____AN______ o! iheis areil builifoRo-inniskit-mainsSr teamweL.buWeaRn-,npreemerge. tece typeeao!iprhemerginMatypono Ehord on Classes, opening in Septemn- man aquoCduchs can still be ï Siemon A. Sharp, G. Shev- cal. WA CHREAIIKPupigber. viewed in Europe. _.1 -_ -- l- -M DY S R '1AC EARN upn Ail parents 'vho wish tol An inhcrcsting motion pic-OSAAW D R UC SH A DY S R ' ertified Watchmaker of . *ri have their cîflidren attend iui'u, *"Pur'e Wahcir the Best SAAWO RDCSWO Canadian Jewellers' Assn. S~eptic Tanks Ibose classes are required ho filo!filh~ was prcsented by VARITY Mar's eweleryBARN PAINTING oui a registration formi for each Mr. ïMcCauhley. This film liadOdPO UT VAR ET 1Mars ewllrychild, and along wiih proof O! been produced by the Con- ~r~ j FOU S ERT OMPKNS te scool duning the week o! îario Depariment o! Com- rA NEWTONVILLE Ma 8 -12 merce and Development. E- ~~~~~~~~~~~Phone -5 ear n ai hn Clarke 4721 1-fACrfcaeBirth Certif- The picture sho -cd a tour' P h o n e MA_3 3 5 41__ _ _ _ _ _a dP a ts__ _ t h A e fc d s a te o fB ir h i e i e o n o y a C v e~I ~ IO Biyces- riyce, tc MflTUTfV icahe, Passport, Etc.), showlng o! wahcr plans in Trafalgar W v o S r eS SAVE - ALEN'SMcNUTY'Squired of ail beginners. (Birth Service Engineor. A dcscrip j SPORTS AND CYCLE BACKHOE SERVICE i ntrio may be obtained1 meni was given by thirenRgc ee edn- ORANGE DRINK 6 King St. E. MA 3-3531TRN ES-DAS only f rom the Regisirar-Gen-1 cor, who said thail R e cr e n e 0 00 BOWMANVILLE ONT, RNHS-DAN rl fOtro 0Lmadgallonsofwtri ufed onIy~~5- aSit.UAIN N Toronto. Cosi $1.00). 1thore daiiy. oa RLrA27ianinFOUDATON4ND Childrcn who reach Iheinj This engineer also (iescn-rib' REPAIR ERVICE SEPTIC TANKS sixih binihday during 1961 wlio ýcd tih any indur.hriai Uses SAVE ! ! In DUG AND BACKFILLED 'bhave not atiended Kindergartenni o! wahcr. Ho gave the lad Iii- IM U D PILBR in Bowmanvilie and who wislb formahion aiso on si-oke con- O SHW AW O O DJL> RO UCI PILLSBURY REFRIGERATION 10 enter Grade 1 Classes in tmol by sheam frorn waher, andlW U W WW W W ~ IvanIViLLILjuy Sepiember are also required o! thle laboratory and resoarch iIOIL HEATINGIvnMuio eitra ltie bv.ueofwe. DOMETIC PPLINCESBLACSTOC, PHNE 8 r i Registration forms should be J North America 230,000,'( o ic h v 'o m and ail io reHONs8er a4o1lne- av. uses o! wate ... week's paper. Cli!! Pehhick, DrSSli atonr191On Wednesday. Mav 3rd, aij House, always a fax'ourihc, v,1èýp 1I aurly 59c lb9- 19_-_ g e nuire"Fbris a _____TV TOWERS - :30 p.m. a united mcting for was sweethv sung xib pianoý Auiin ae,65Hreor1 Aeriais and Rotors mmoso heWmnsA-accompanist Mrs. IHelen me-:sceeing tht wllno call,12Yokhie ovs AC Repairs to Aerials s-lto !Wecm hre Hoim. VEL A TIS 5trac12 orksiew Hoand baernd Rotors wasbel inthe Sunday School The Rex'. A. Cooke tcuok for fELPTE ý4 rc or agNe Hoarvesier, O HalAl.VA T was well athended.,tho subject ob is sermon '*The iustorc rde A.C. combine,foaehretr! 0SHAATV The Rev. E. K. Norman c0on- parable o! the wîcked bu.,.- lb full ne o! up to date impie- Supply Ltd. uTeobcîtispeci a verse S t3 o4. ITheser21c' onl 5 C a l ments, the pnopenty o! Allan' i RA 8-8180dced bnmn'StTvahe 21 ____________E. Thompson, Lot 35, Con. 4,i Bl n BbLOk1erv Dalington, on Counhy RoadadBbLa~ gaîhering was ho icarn more closed with hymo ii 15îand the ÇýoF B L U SPCIL No. 1, just East o! Taunton, Rf aot the cbancing o! the Benediction. DEEP CUT Trms - cash. Sale22 91'- - --peetW .sognzhosSna colwslda a 12:301 Rioom and Board h hio h nihed Chunch Il ar. whhMc Gore ar- 1 S R EN NSAURA M Rnii o'clock sharp. Harvey Pascoe, -- -,jWomen's Onganizalion o! Cao-iness, superintendent, conduect- Oc T-BONE STEAK cierk: Ted Jackson, Port Perny, 1 GOOD home for womnan bnu ada in 1962. jing. There were 26 present.iM T Mt auctioneer. 19-2 ber 70's. S25 a monib. Phone!I Tbe meeting opened wiihMiss Dianne MeConnell ac- MA 3-2813. 19-j! hymn, seriohure reading and companied the bymns on the___________ only89C lb I hve re__ved insructio- prayer by the Rev. E. K. Non- piano. ony 9ca l om bas reeirutioslimn and th'e Lords Prayer Next Sunday, May 14th, î- c !ON by public auction on Saturday, in n, '. . . usful n- amiiibeIuLawubeocia C U O May 20 at ber resîdence, souili formation was given. Ques- service un cbunch . Chidren ~ir a J~ of Orono United Church, bed- teswene asked about the of the Sundav Sehool will takeO s aaWoP MBrlng tbis Coup- room, living-room and kitchon financiai syshem which seem- part and thene will also be a< onan e one funtr.Icued in10sedt be the greatest probiem. Boys' Choir. It is requestei :% Loarde "ael:furnihue oici ude d in-i MA 3-3303 However, Mr. Normian answer- thal ail members of our Sun- < Limr ited r Larte ýing-noom suite, 4-piece wainut for ed Ibis ho the stsato! o day School hryteb present., M C4bdoom suite, 2-piece chester- tWAMTrset.TMaintllreOffice sulilaandZ 1 ShowroomOSEVEYO lu Efor 01 fierasutr,Wet-b use relecti»mains a !ew doubîts in the We are sorry te report ihat Dwtw SCro 1 EEHOE OSEV O Q o friedst, Westnghousectre- SE C iosmes: as te t hil eird- as usua'l, loun. f,84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8-1617RA-11 oniy tn 'Axminster rugs, giassware, EM tien. Ah the close o! this meet- Hospihal on Thursday for a ANVAXL - MAni3-21300 ganden tools, etc. Sale to îng lunch was served bs' the;cbeck up and treatmen'. forBO ANIE-MA-23 0 U P 0 N cmmence promptly at 1 p.m. Morrish W. A. Mrs. Lloyd bigh blood pressure. We wish Ternis cash. Property sold: Keiogg moved a voie o! iber a speedy recovery andAAWO POUT SAA ODPOUT Jack Reid, auctioneer. 19-2* thanks for this friendiy and retunn home. B SAAWO RDC SAW THE CANZADIA.ýe STATESINTAN. ROWMANVILLF. ONTARTO

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