field, spent several d.ays last' week with her parents, Mr.T af i Garbage ey-Law Volatorsand Mis. James Mcinnon. Tafi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell GarbagehByrLawnViolat orsrg -May Face Court Action guests with Mrs. InaPamr Ladies Guild Meeting I C St. Paul's Anglican Church y I s In D rlin ton Town hipLadies Gulld were entertain- ed at the home of Mrs. Char- Mtropolitan Tor les Smith for their meeting the third largest At the meeting off Darling-: Tentative approval w a s Ontario Department of Trans- Wednesda.v night with Mrs. traffic area in Nort] ton Township Counicil held in given by the counicil ta the port ta have these road signs MranBglwpeiig npco A. Witts, the Township Hall, Hampton, request off the Burketon placed by it on the highxvays Mrs. John Palmer gave the the dinner meetin, iàst Thursday afternoon, ac- School Board for the issue ofi in the township. financial report. The secre- Bowmanville Lions ounts amounting to $14,136.58 debentures for the construc- The dumping of rubbish by t.ary, Mrs. Glenn Wentworth at the Lions Comir *ere passed for payment. tion off a new two-room Pub-isome people on roadside pro- read the minutes and corres- tre cri Monday lever 'This included road accounts, lie School subjeet ta the ap- perties was also deplored by pondence and announced that interesting and prý $4,997.81; general accounts, proval off the Municipal Board Mrs. Budai. Council agreed additional dishes had been dress on driving *1,933.36; and special ac- and the Departmnent off Edu- that such illegal actions are purchased for the Parish Hall. spector Witts disci. punts, $4,305.41. Ail mem- cation. offensive. It was discussed It was agreed to continue oring problems ar bpers of the counicil were Pire- i Third reading was given tol and decided that any person, serving refreshments at the The guest speak( sent at the meeting. ta By-Law fora the si10o88)o or persons, who place rub- dances7held in the Parish Hall, troduced by Lloy Prices for the paving off the construction program for a bish, refuse, or garbage i4n with Mrs. Mervin Smith and who told bis fellow ëriveway ta the municipal two-room addition ta the such properties will be char- Mrs. Morgan Bigelow to be in Inspector Witts is building were discussed. On Hampton School, a similar ad- ged before the courts with charge of the booth for the with the Traffie Sa motion off Councillor Fred G. dition to the Zion School, andi contravention of the pertin- next dance on May 12; Mrs. off the Attorney Ge Smith, seconded by Councillor a tXVo room unit to the Sauina lent bv-law. ýG. Wentworth and Mirs. Carl fice. Toronto. Mr.C Sidney Cornish, the matter School. - Smith for May 26. lîned the inspectar' was referred ta the Road First, second and third Following the closingi pray- Off valuable servicE Sueinedntfrfuterrain a as gvntca rs, Mrs. Mervin Smith and Ontario Provincial Stupeinenen frBurhe Lrawg f o gventa0app,,-, o tarys Gift Mrs. G. Wentworth assisted The importance study. By-Law fo nstructionupple-the hostess ta serve lunch. driving habits xva - tsaryroo nstruct00 ion.Of'achsl United Churc'h Spring ez ized by Inspector spent on roads and $92ORea hA a pointed out that Mu N E.Y ti aont$3,01' A920i delightful Spring Tea was most skilled driver for bridges and culverts. At Christmas time 1960, the held in the Uited Church afford ta be car( On motion off Councillor local Rotary Club presented Sunday Sehool Hall on Satur- added that an nsi AVAILABLE FOR Sidney Cornish. seconded by Rotarian Murdoch Beaton day afternoon, with many at- tention when in cl Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blanch - with a cheque for $50 ta be iending from the surrounding motor vehicle can MO T A E adthe Township Clerk, Wal- lused ini furthering musical communities off Cavan, Mill- tragedy. ter Rundle, was authori7ed ta growth off aur children. Since brook, Ida, Pontypool, Yelver- Men should flot apy for an iiterim-w,\intcri Christmas 1960, five bus loads 1 ton and Janetville. about teenagers RALPH S. JONES works subsidy. off Bowmanville children (in- Mrs. Carl Porteous and Mrs. driving ability, thE Mrs. Mary Budai, secretar i cluding the excursion off this James Fraser wvere the receiv- explained. Many a off the Darlington Ratepayers j cvek) have visited Masseyl ing hostesses. and sensible. Otiet Barrister and Solicitor Association, appeared before Hall. The fund lias alternately The central tea table was 130 King st. E. O 1w -cuclad se f h e rown and becomne exhausted attractive with a floral centre- Mrs. G. Baker. RA 8-6246 Iraad signs bail been receiv-1as variaus bus trips weîre piece off daffodils: two silver Mrs. Orme Millet 1 ed. She xvas infformed that the1 part ially financeil trohth tea services with Mrs. Gervin weekend with rel - request hiad been sent ta the ffund. Thanks ta oal nr Mulligan, Mrs. W i n n i f r le d Tara. Sosity the $50 lias gonile a long Spencer, Mrs. George Richard- Mr. and M1Vrs. J. 4way. son and Mrs. George Waddell were Sunday eveni M OTHEs DA M AY 14thIndividual tabls seating Mr. and Mirs. F. DAt A 4h~ our weg teca. it offherBwavl BETH NY lanil lily off the valley, served daycallers off Mr. 4 by Mrs. Earl McQuaid, Mrs. e1, Coupîcil with the fr Creîghton Carr, Mrs. Ralph i snow storn off May 3rd at Preston, Mrs. Allan Beer, Mrs. 'I Bcthanyý, came a cheerîn,' Earl Weatherilt, Mrs. Harold qw oîinote off Spring. Mrs. Hugh Sanderson, Mrs. Haroldl White 4 ,,DeGeer reported dafflodils in and Mrs. Preston Neals. "bloom that were planted on« Assisting in the kitchen were eJanuiarv l lth. Some bulbs Mrs. Waltcr Rowland Mrs. t n triljYohner *ýîVthey h ,ad forgotten to plant May Webb andl Mrs. Gladys 4 ýlast fal vcre placoil iin the Ma lcolmson. SMOTHER'S DAY CARDS by Coutts Halimark ', cellar. Noticing that thcy were In charge off the bomebak- Swill best express your sentiments on Mother's emlstairting ta spraut. during the ing and candy table were Mrs. mýrilil spellil'n Janlu.ry ýMrs. Milton Wright and Mrs. Emma SSpecial Day. , DeGeer xent out and dug 1UP Cavano. ,Çsome earth close ta the east Mrs. Henrv Jakeman andl QUEEN ANNE eeful planted the bulbs and.i!- charge o!fthe fancy work table. nowrewrdd ~tht lile i r The hall was attractivel C uPS and SAU C E RBS#4,spring beautxv Must eswedcrtdhravad. English Bone China ý< bulbs at that date and have with spring flowers and the Vale a $1.0 4then blooming now! cecorating had been done by Very Special Valurre t reortthat Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Jennings, Mrs Man oherbeutiultakn aLeonard Driver, Mrs. Earl Many other beautifl Hospital iii Peter- Weatherilt, Mrs. Harold San- CUPS and SAUCERS- Priced from - $1«19A I orouch by ambulance on dersonl. Z Wednesday niglit. suffferng St. Paul's Woman'g Auxiliary * * * *4 from onieumonia. lier husband~ The May meeting offSt. JutArie Dr. Hamnilton is a patient ifl Pa ul's Anglican Church Wo- JustArried Civie Hospital. Their nianY m an's Auxiiiarv was beld at P O TE Y RO EU OP ~ î riends here are wishing thern the home off Mrs. Noel Wood. POTT RY ROM URO E boh aspeedy return ta health. Mrs. Ina Palmer presided and ./Miss Margaret Lowes, Hamn- led the devotional period, Bowls, Vases, Jugs in wonderful brown tories. M lon, Norm an Lowes, Tor. with specia prayers offered ~ ant, vce om fr he ee* orthmecksft-ormm-............................................................................ e nd with their parents, Mr. es is Mlrd Sso FL WE A RA GE EN Sd Mrs. Donaild Lowes. read the seripture lessan. a B IBLES HYMNARIES WALLETS ýe land were in Toronto on Fni. sale off home baking late in e4 dav and Saturday visiting May in George Waddell's PHOTO ALBUMS~ with Mrs. Nelles Rowland and stor~e....... Pnrve iHTOALBUMS 4 ofamiaygeMrs. William Phillips, for- Enrae wt nm Feeo Cage 4Mr. and Mrs. George Moores, cas secret.ary, reported on ar-........ el Miss Mary McKenzie and Mrs. ticles ready for a mission COME IN ANI) SEE TRESE AND MANY, Florence Johnston are home balle, also for the sick and MANY MORE GIFTS AT aigsettepasi visiting committele............ /'five months in Florida. Mrs. Douglas Smelt, secre- el Bob Rylev is in Civic Hos- tary, reail minutes off previ-ous 4e pital, Peterborough, and will meeting and correspondence. e, undergo surgery for an injured Mrs. Wood announced that 4knee this week. the Junior Auxiiary w a s 4 The sympathy off the com- functionin'g ag a in following -munity is extended ta Frank winter holidays. Mrs. Wood /Bigelow andl family in the sud- is the leader off the junior ýe den dealh off Mrs. Bigelaw in graup, assisted by Miss Ro- 4Civic Hospital, Peterborough, berta Scott. e4 on Sunday. The funeral ser- Followinag the closing devo- vice was held from the United lions, lunch was served by the "B G ~ Q~LIMITEDef Churcb in Beihany on Tues- hostess and a social hour en- ""BIi 2 " ? Ralph Cliallîc;, with the jyd Y" R.C.A.F. at Trenton, was home for the weekend wi i1ý L NG SA L Sther, Mrs. Richard Calc. L N A L I MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! i <'Il Shelley Bone China j :~I CUPS and SAUCERS I 411 Reg. $2.95 - $.95$1 5I 411 Sce Our Window Display j 41A Lasting Crift for CHAR!' Cultured Pearl Moîn 17-jceîe BRACELET . NECKLACES j1 411i Wrislwatch Fan (I jiand -1 $ 19.95 Up EARRINGS j" il$ 17.50 Up Ji]. ~N' an. miany more gift itemns for your lady! Il, 4Ill~~~~ , . .with boy and girl i. 41 pictures, for suitable en- We invite you to cine in graving. and brom'e around! 41i~ H OPER'SJEWELLERY&j. 139)I)PER"&% GIFT SHOPj 429 KING ST. E. MA 3-5747 -A-t-- 7 .qv -îér -W It pays ta reail the signs and believe them itaa. The signs 1 at Mr. Majcher's cottage plainly states "No Fisbing Al- lowed". Over the weekend two young men foui-d this oui the bard way when they were eaught fishing aI the pond. the air was let out off ail four tires on their car, s0 tbey couldn't make a very quick get-away before the police arrived. Mr. anil Mrs. Rye Gibson ýwere weekend visitors off Mrs. 1 Herb. Williams, Alderwood. i Mrs. Gardon Bentley, Port Perry. Mrs. B. Simpsqn and iMr. Doug. Bentley, Toronto and Mr.and Mrs. Harvey Gib- son, Ajax, were Sunday visit- ors off Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Gibson. Club 50 ladies lbeld a very suecessful bake sale in Bow- manville last Friday affler- noon, proceeds $34.12. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toi- onto, spent the weekend with hus parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher ai-d Mr. andl Mrs. Fred Broad, Toronto, were Sunday visitai-s with the Flet- chers. Miss 1. Sawden, Oshawa, anil Mr. Joe Toma, Havelock; IMr. andl Mrs. Alffredl Lînes and family, Oshawa, were Sunday guests off Mi-. and Mrs. James hSawd e n Mrs. Aruther McBurgney, Mrs. Forysthe, Brandon Man- itoba; Mr. Clare McBurney. Trenton, were Thursday ai- ýternoon guests et their com~in Mr.May Johns and Mr'.mnd' er for his stimulating and i thought provoking address. 1 P rob e m sThe birtbdays off Jack Cale celebrateil by their fellow Lions. Bernard Holden, ail- ried To Lions innitatroffMmralHs ~ IAI:J.s..meeting. pectiu r V iII) Il was decideil ta senil a delegation off 12 members ta conta bas, but ail sbould flot be blarned attend the celebration off the congesteil for the thoughtlessness of 30th anniversary of the Port th America. some, the speaker asserted. Hope Lions elub on May 3Otb. ;OPP, tolil, "It is up ta adults ta set This club was a co-sponsor ig f example ta belp yaung off the Bowmanville Lions g of th Club on its formation. sClub beld people develop a sense off nunity Cen- responsibility." I n s p e c t o r Plans were also discussed ming. In bis Wiits stateil firmly. Imitation for the Lions District "A" ractical ail- is natural ta youth and good Convention ta be heid in King- saffety, Ini- driving standards are essen- ston on May 28th. The Bow- ýusseil mat- tial for the safety off the pub- manville Lions Club will nd bazards. lie, lie advised. i senil a marching delegation ta zer \vas in- In diseussing the congestedl take part with tbe Bowman- -il Clifton tralfic off Metropolitan Tor- ville Legion Pipe Bandl in the vLions that auto. Inspectai- Witts spake1 great convention parade there sassociatei off its resultant problems. He!on that date. afety Office told the Lions Club thai Los eneral's Off- Angeles anil Detroit are thel Clifton out- onlv other cities on this con-ý OBITUARY 's 32 years tinent with greater traffie ,e with the con-cstion. HAROLD C. NICHOLSON 1Police. The score off trafffic dcaths ýoff good in North America is now well The death occurreil at Four as empbas- over the 2,000,000 mark, the Winds Private Hosipi t a 1, Witts. He speaker stated. Over the years Perth, Ont., on April 27, even the these fatal accidents bave 1961, off Haroldl C. Nicholson rcan neyer causeil tragic consequences (Dooley), only son off Mr. reless, andi not oniy for those direcily Robert Nicholson, formerly off tant's mnat- concerned, but for their fam- Bowmanville, anil the late charge off a ilies. It is sad ta know that; Mrs. Nicholson, nec Minnie nresult in many off these accidents were Alle'n. in bis 59th year. preventable, lie assertcd. Bcrn in Bowmanville, bD Lgeîîeralize There are more than 100,0001received bis education here, andl their collisions in Ontario each llater taking a position withý ie inspector iyear, Inspectar Witts infform- iMr. Wes. Cawker in the gro- ire reliable ed the Lions. It is up ta theicery department. The deceas-ý rs are not, drivers ini each district to do cd lefft Mr. Cawker's employi their utmost ta lower this ta- ta join Domninion Stores. taailbe stated. For a number off years bie r spent the Oni behaîf off the memnbers manageil the Dominion Storei latives at !off the Lions Club, Ken Kelly in Stirling, Ont. He was then! nimoved a sincere vote off transferrcd ta Road Manager, TC. Cook lhanks ta Inispector Witts for whieh position he held until ing visitors, his informative speech and iii health forceil bis retire- v aluable advicc. The presi- ment. Mr. Nicholson then E. Alexan- dent off the club, Walter opencil bis own grocery bus- were Sun- Rundle. alsa expresseil bis ap- mness at Perth, Ont. .Robt.-S-im. preciation ta the guest speak- Suiviving are bis wife Vi- Î,A&(W wrvEE --THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMANVILLE. ONTARlIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1961 ola, a son and daughter. and Maple Creek in 1898. He r his father Mr. Robert Nich- turned East in 1903, married olson of Sunnybrook Hospi- and went to Vancouver where tal, Toronto. Also surviving he had lived well over 50 are an aunt, Mrs. Rilda Davey years. of Flint, Mich., and an uncle, Mr. Goard worked for the Mr. Monty Allen off Buffalo, C.P.R. for many years and N.Y. later lived in Chilliwack, B.C., Service was held at theas sales manager for Ford Blair & Son Funeral Home, cars. He then became inter- Perth, on Saturday, April estzd in insurance and was 29. Interment was in Elm- employed in the insurance wood Cemetery, Perth, Ont, business until retirement three years ago. Surviving are his wife Mar- BIT ARYgareta son Dean of Van- OBITU RY ýcuvertwo daughters, Mrs. ARTHUR SAMUEL GOARD M.AâHris(eln- !couver and Mrs. R. T.CRà The death of Arthur Sain-1ilton (Jane), Bagot v111e, uel Goard, off 3629 W. 34th1 Que., nine grandchildren, and Avc., Vancouver, B.C., occur- three great-grandchildren. red on April 20, 1961, in hisl A sister, Mrs. Edith Turner 84th year. 1off Victoria, B.C., also sur- The late Mr. Goard was, vives. born in North Cornwall, Eng., The funeral service was and came ta Canada at th(, held in the T. Edwards Co. age off three years with bis Memorial Chapel, Vancouver, parents. two brothers and on Saturday, April 22, and one sister. He attended public was conducted by Rev. Hart- and high schools in Bowman- well A. Watts. Interment was ville and later went West ta in Ocean Vicw Burial Park. LIBERTY NURSERIES Liberty St. North Bowmanville Phonie MA 3-3074 RENT A TILLER . . . $1.50 per hr- LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZERS (So-Green and C.I.L. Evergreen 6-9-6) Ai Purpose No-Burn GRASS SEED ---- ------ 77c perlb PATIO STONE 16 x 16 69c cach ROSES - SHRUBS - EVERGREENS Ai Under Priced to Reduce Stock in Our Fields 50 FREE HEDGE PLANTS CIIINESE ELM SEEDLINGS if your order arnounts to $20.00 Be sure to ask for our Spring Sale Folder W. C. SCOTT, Prop.