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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 1

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k___ Odd Fellows Lay Wreath At Cenotaph Following their well attended church parade ta Trinity United on Sunday, members of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F. and visitors from the district paid their respects ta the fallen by placing a wreath on the Cenotaph. P.D.D.G.M. Dist. 41, Donald Keeler is shown at lef t, fallawing his impressive address of remembrance. Others who stood at the memorial were Flag Bearers Bras. Wm. Wade and Brian Caswell, D.D.G.M. Armand Hollings- Worth of Dist. 42, Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, Noble Grand Harry Wade, P.G. Eric Colwell who placed the wreath and D.D.G.M. Glen Wannamaker of Dist. 41. Trhe parade was led by the Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band, making their first public appearance of this year. Honor Hockey Teams Council Wl! Sponsor ý',4an.quef .-for. Champions Bowmanville Town Council On motion of Councillori will sponsor a banquet ta be Ken Nicks, seconded by Reeve 1 held in honcur cf the Bow- Sidney Little, permission wasC o i s manville Juveniles Hockey given the lst BowmanvilleCo ke Team, the Ontario Champions, Scout Troop for this project. A I will be held in the Legion ceived from the United Sen-be Hall on Saturday evening, ior Citizens Association of 1 May 27th. This was decided Ontario, representing the 72T oe M at the meeting of Town Coun- Senior Citizens Clubs in the' cil held on Monday evening. province, asking that June 4th The response wa Counillor Ross Stevens to June 10th bc proclaimed ous, as usual, ta and Councillor GlenholmelSenior Citizens Week in Bow- 'Guides and Brown Hughes, council's representa-Imanville. vs atStra tives on the Recreation Com-i Counillor Stevens suggest- vr, base uita mission, were appointed to ed that as so many requests number cf resideni undertake arrangements for for special weeks are received not at home when the event with the Recreation it would be more canvenient called wvith their Director Doug Rigg. It s to have a iist made and ail there wvas a surplus expected that there will be proelaimed at the same time., deliciaus 'tidbits m a large attendance at the ban- Council decided that Senior:'a edd quet.letrasreid Citizens Week will be desig- da ndd A etrwsrcie from p ated for the dates requested Those who mays Bowman ville Scou would like permiissi( Mother's Day Corsag streets cf the town 12th and l3th. It assx praceeds would be Troop Camp Fund, it had been approve local Scout Council. Rev. Nic rOn His Last Sunday, A' Rev. R. R. Nicholso: the most esteemed tors to this paper, his 85th birthday. the happy occasion mediate famniiy gat his home on Churclh honor hini with a birthday party on r April 9h After a delicious dinner, arranged and b-- theirdaughters,j School Gi Acco sted Car Drive A l2-year-old1 vi',"'jjrI had a fri ex1%*rlênce on Tue! ternoon on her wa trom school. *As she pasNed a cý ing by the side oft a middle-aged mai velicie made fimpro * gestions ta ber, wl Ignored. lie made posai a second time flot &et out of the As ihe walked as he drove amway down bis licence but evidently, in ti ment must have t mistake. Police through the numi * found It did flot fit cription of the car1 the girl. ('hief of Police Kitney advises ail to warn their daul be on the alert in offefle Ik repeai asks parents to not Ire immlediatel Ifif f a suspicions nat * .W hlch tmlght re st of the1 ;tdli SFor ssed ýas gener- the Girl nies can- iy. - How- te a large nts were ithe girls cookies, is cf these wvhen the stili mish VOLUME 107 14 PaRes BOV Committee to Study Proper Allocation of Parking Meter Funds At the meeting of Bowman- abeyance the reading of the ville Town Council held in new Traffic By-Law until a the Council Chamber of Mon- study is made of recommend- day evening Mayor Wilfrid'ations submitted by the Traf- Carruthers appointed a com-, fic Advisory Board. mittce ta investigate and es- A letter was received from timate how much money willi E. E. Patterson, 98 Concession be available from parking'Street West, with a request meters this year and the pos- to purchase the unopened sible application. Those ap- portion of Lamb's Lane. De- pointed were Chair mn a 11,1 puty-Reeve Hobbs stated that Councillor Ross Stevens, D)ep-! this land could not be sold, uty-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, and but explained that unopened Councillor Glenholme Hugh- road allowances can be deed- es. ed ta the two adjoining pro- Council receîved the pro- perty holders. gram of the Ontario Munici- He mnoved that. the clerk pal Association. Town and' informn the owners and take Village Section's 8th annual Ihe necessary action at their Conierence ta be held in Ren- experse. Couincillor Wesley fre\v on May l2th and 13th. Fice seconded the motion and Councillor 0. J. Presson, sec- it was carried. onded by Councillor Hughes.! A communication from the' nioved that two representa- Safe Plumbing Committee of tives of Town Council, pre- the Ontario Association of * ferably the Mayor and Dep-,Plumber-s was referred ta the utv-Reeve Hobbs. attend the Building Inspector on a mo- aniiial conference. This was 'tion by Councillor Ken Nicks, car ried. ýseconded by Councillor Pres- jIt was dercided to hold in son. ÇL3ts andc1-,J>,eces OMISSION- A couple of weeks aga, a photo of the Ontario Championship Juvenile hockey team from Bowmanville was published ta mark their great victary for posterity. Unfartunately, the photo had been taken earlier in the seasan, and as a resuit, one valued player, Dave Kerr, was miss- in-. Our apologies ta Dave who played great hockey throughout the playoffs. CHAMP IN ACTION- The 'phones were ring- ing on Tuesday ta let us knoxv that ace bowler Bernice Buday of Bowmanvillc will be defend- ing her television charnpionship this Saturday afternoon on Channel 6, CBLT. The time is still indefinite as is the name of her oppantent, but Bernice's many friends here are pulling strong for her ta have a great afternoon. WORK TO BE DONE- If Sunday's crowds are any indication, the new Mosport Park is goîng ta live up toalal the forecasts for drawing people into its fald. The his, valleys and muddy roads were jammed with the greatest variet), of sports cars many in this district have ever seen. Sa much so, that folks in ordinary U.S. type vehicles must have feit out of place. What struck us forceably was that before the big Player's 200 race on June 24th, a tremendaus amdunt of work -will have ta be done ta put the park and the approaches in shape ta handle the volume of traffic that will be pouring in. But, even so, half of Bowmanville was on hand for the show on Sunday and most of themn were fascinated with what they saw. t t t1 t t POOR FISHING - Usually. at this time of year, The Statesman is beseiged by happy aduits and young fry holding up wonderful catches of speckled traut, rainbows and other varieties of f ish. This has either been a bad year or the f ish- errnen are being exceptionally quiet about their catches. We have heard of a fexv youngsters pull- ing in four and five pound rainbows at the Good- vei~r tdam buti1I no TiIidence I,has been -resented t 10e Fer Copy INUMXBLtR 18 __Durharn County's Great Family Journal- XMANýVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1 Sports -j,, On Sunday, Masport Park was the first stop for the Trans Canada Rally. The 104 entries started at Muntreal early Suinday and began to arrive at Masport shortly after 6 p.m. Due ta confused reports, thousands of spectators converged on the park early in the after- noon, coming over roads which were not quite ready for such a crawd. This scene shows a portion of the over 2,000 cars that remained for the trials which ý took the small and large sparts cars up over slîppery, treach- erous his, through mud hales, etc., ta test driver's skills. This Volvo went through its paces with littie effort and lots of speed. In the distance the rally cars are lined up onl the new track waiting to be flagged inta position for their run through the course. There had been few drop-outs up ta this point, but during the next leg of the journey to Port Arthur, an accident occurred with one navigator being killed and three other rallyists injured. Several cars also, became casualties. N arrow Escape Bert Mortlock For5-r-ldatRotary Speaker Recalis Maple GroveI Little Ron Staînton, age l i five, son of John Stainta ,ýany lnteresting It ems M4juV tfUVU Ma t ate escape fromn seriaus in- jury when he was struck by a car. The accident hap- pened at 3:30 o'clock on No. 2 Ilighway in the afternoon ini front of Beech's Store. Maple Grave. The young lad suddenly ran out onto the highwvay andi was bit by a car driven by L.* 6reenley, Oshawa. The boy was rushed to Memorial Hospital in Mar- ris Ambulance. After re- cciving treatment in the out-patients department for cuts to bis scalp he was able ta return to his home. Constable Bruce Tillson, OPP, investigated the acci- dent. Liberals HoId Meet 0ft Bowmanville I The ideals and purposes of President R. P. Rickaby as-[ Rotary are closely paralleled sisted by four past presidents by those for which the Boy of the club, Rex Walters, Scout mavement stands, Bert W. David Higgon, George Vice! Mort lock. Ottawa, told theland Art Ribey. i Bnwmanville Rotary Club onl The Attendance chairman,I ria.Mr. Mortlock was the iA. L. Hooey, presented a 191 guest speaker at the club'siYear Perfect Attendance PinI luncheon meeting held in the to L. W. Dippeli, and a One Flying Dutch m a n Motar Year Perfect Attendance Pin HotU2. 1ta Clare Garton. Guests at The induction of a new the luncheon meeting were member of the Bovrmanville former Police Chief Sidney Rotary Club, Wilfred Mc- Venton, R. L. Evans, R. Davis, Mechan, was conducted by ahl of Bawmanville, Charles r Worid, E. Storie, A. L. Reid,ý aIl of Oshawa, and Fred W. Vanstone, Bowmanville. The birthdays of three Bow- manville Rotarians, Walter ~ . IDeGeer, James Stutt, and ~' Keith Billett, were celebra- ted.Don Morris gave a re- e port of the District Council ,meeting cf the Ontario Soc- HIistory Vi McFeeters !Breaks Ankie in Accident bThe many friends of Miss Violet McFeeters, 100 Churcli Street, will be sorry ta learn that she xvas injured in an accident an Friday afternoon. She is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Miss McFeeters was walk- ing east on King Street on Friday at 6:15 p.m. when she was struck by a car as sh% crossed the Division Street intersection. She had almost reached the sidewalk on the Bowmanville Hotel corner in h ltl J une. 10 obtain a box of these J ' UaliL ILi u'uuic 1cu "uul pczwLtu L i1eld ircetlyin Ba ritonHehedhht c a rvnb ut Troop Ken Hooper, president cf special cookies, and belp the date. We suspect the cold weather isn't helping At'a I f he1ld ecIU nIrihtn. wehen s.hestutboferia on to seli the Bowmanville Ratepayers Guides and Brawnies at the the situation tao much. Maybe it will be warmsi hthebulngfd ge o teAssociation, asked vhat ac- same time, are asked ta con- oeo hs asadteagesw aebte A large representation cf: *si htt~bidn udRandy Muldeae2,3 ýgso h oeo hs dy n h Lieswl hv etr berals from this rea at- r,< proceeds were most encorg King StreetEst n on May tion is being taken regarding tact any cf the leaders or Lukitedd heCeta nai ing, and reported that the Mr. Mulderwsdrvn ,ete ha arquest he submitted at the phone Mrs. Lucas at MA lt t tt AssoeCinatiOnteeig! next meeting of the organiza nrho iiio tetwe for the meeting of the Board of -54.t LiberalAsoitnmeig tion will be held in the aut- the accident hpee.Ms andt ek ocenn FIVE TEAM LEAGUE - Softball fans will have at Oshawa on Saturday.1 eetr dsaid FWorks as we cacrnn cd by the, water from Durham and On-,pe ta t cheer about this vear with a f ive team Features cf the meeting in- JonBi nrd dthe Mcetrs ws dive t SEEN k~~ ~~iIè~i~ league in ccin ae f r'lay'ersap hs cluded the election of John ~ special speaker, Bert H. Mort- It was found htsess ITuRN J. PAGEISEVN)IRev. J.appeao Cameron cf Oshawa as presi- lock. He spoke cf Mr. Mort- tained a broe nl n week with the schedule still to came. Ahl games det h drse f JOh lock's outstanding careribusdhp.Teacenws denrk for thesseyoung er genr ivsted byCostblL ho s n o or d Ad r ss swiî be played on the high school grounds instead J. Wintermeyer, Ontario LB. H. Mfrothrtlock gen r-ivsar cfthe Bwani :holson H onore A ddresses of entral publieschool, which should make for eral leader, and lIon. Johnaini hscuty r beter arkngand more adequate space for the W. Pickersgill, M.P. (UNY AESVN iado spectators. The meeting also saw a film 85th Bir hda Jr.Far erson organization and hearda prn, onetof The regular meeting of Dur- OUR LAST YEAR - Bowmanville xvas again subject. cn One 01 ham County Junior Farmers'. cotib-was held la the Lions Room cited for its traffic record during 1960. The Mr. Wintermeyer stressed celebrated at Newcastle Hall on April Canadian Highway Safety Cauncil will issue a the need for goveraimeat ac- 5J To mark' -.U 26. President Bob Cariuthers specia wr atetwn far having no traffic tintMpoue oej thered aturig 160.Unfortunately, hsrcd ithere$rd themeetng. ent, labor and goveraments' ýi Street to ~ ~ ~ .Temeigwsoet which has staod for several years, was broken a must' get to-gether to salve saurdarisicete Juio1 Frmr couple of months ago when a Newcastle youth was the preseat uaen-pîoyment /* Rs t k e oUil i s were ta bring new members.1, killed on King St. East. Bowmanville will flot be situation. It was one of the most out-! aogtoehnrdfris16 eod Mr. Pickersgill suggest'ed Is turkey .n ofthe .CIontExhe standing hel wîth - J. . on J. thaotheiissue6n thcnext e ni aî or Morley Vanstone at the meetin ftePCmahwe osbeI h cisple tnigmeetings heldwiti I t teiein thuednxt e was appoînted bv Bowman- held on April 2nd, Mayor WîVl- date bas to c hagd n Mrjil-a atnac f vr6,a eral elcto wud1o b vil Town Counicil on Mon- frid Carruthers paid high tri- i nterested men ro h d supplied a~ýn aeace of ot3 over 6tha CORRECTION Bowmanville Curling Club has sociaîismn versus private en-dy, e gt i h aa bt ateottnîgsrp other meetings. The member- taken issue with a report in last week's Bits and terprise as the Prime Minister the Bnig o faille u egvnt the tawn by Mr timho utsandinplace cf the meet- ship xvas increased from 42, Pieces that it would take a year ta obtain curling inimtd.H b;ivd hlie Lti ties Commission left'Strike The Mayor stated htigb eehnn h U i n 1960 ta 7 3 in 1961.1,a gra stiefom ctan. hehveaready placed Sctlad. e would be Mr. Diefen-h h eînto fR rSrk a exdo t f h etrîfre bost tthose who i vorked their oder ad have bee ssrd that the stons record ofhislf an te poorStrike Q.C., who recentlv PUC siace 1934, four years couaicil. 'ta gt ne~' meaber, cf is amînisrat 11 xas appointed Chairman cf when he was Mavor of Bow_ On motion fCuclo by 1 The speaker for the ee- will be on hand by Nov. lst of this year. Inci- in many fields. He also xvas the Ontario Hydro Commis- i mariville, and then as PUC Wesley Fiees~oddb îing, intraduced by Bill o I- dentally, they repart great success with their drive critîcal cf the New Party, 1 sica. chairman for many years. Councillor Hge hslt linson. was Rev. John Wilson1 for members and feel certain that within asot ciaiming it was just the sam aaîanig htM i esgainwsacet ea rcie nj fro Mopor Raewa whch time, they will be able ta announce definite plans dougb" because cf union con1Strike had tendered his re: ed with regret because he had i I Bovman- Re' .R NcosnTURN TO PAGE SEVEN) ta the public. tributions. tsigaatioa as a commissioner been a tower cf strength to JanetvIII ighteîîing oison aspsetd iha the PUC," Mayor Carruthers sday af- ovely Electrohome automatic .A I - stated. "'We ahl relied on his ay home Isterea phgh and many ~v r " ' c u Te dS tîrI~ advice and he had access taH r Leadrs RIIy ~ On~U~I~~É valuable information." Ma recordings of hymas and op- , Reevecou SidneyAten RLittie statedclv 'M a 'ar stand-1 eras by favorite siagers. Mrs. that Mr.StikneyhadLienaex- teraNicholson was presented wîth t InAccidentd gvenex n nteabeautiful bouquet cf red ; celîc-nt service to thîe town ,oeru- oesfomte a Public Utilities Commis- A tracter tali \ndb aperh shg e s rm S1siiusr* ~. , ionei. and his resignation is McC Tranpr ebu id o ocain erMran Ms.happy bercause cf his eleva-, Wednesday mininaac cr.btddRbr aa(omryMr tien ta the important office cident at theY trhnec ion Nicholson) wha came by 4 fCara fteOtraHgwy 1 ni41a ca. plane from Chicago, Mr. and HdoCmiso.H o'd73 past and Mrs. J. E. Campbell (Alice), of tha hitrnof ti nforio Hghrw n ret. ow sh lokOttawa; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. H frtam the PU berreein verma anvller, te rie ws e number, i Mha (uh,' me ait-Mir. and Be ar lehie; and filed. This was carried. ýinjured. The acdn apn maekda Mrs.e Harilond.Wirsand On motion of Deputy-Reeve ed when his vheewn u chck d(acet a MiRton. and-llIvan IHohbs, secanded by, of contraliontefrof L te n d aughttrwMissdRthwampbiee, Reeve Little, Morley Van- from 115 enrot a41 o t Mrdes Otaand nehew vad ee, stone was appointed a Public stable Jim MDnlOP gie YiBowmanville. UiiisCmiisnru i! inveC~igated. gienb Mr.aNchosonHoward .J efferv Uilterst196i.Isnrtil .; Edward 1ge. g 4 Benr r Nichoson marv mssagtestated that Mr. Vanstone had; Janetvilhe, isaptet n Bernard rcipient f marîy essagesserx'ed fer two years on the Lindsay Hosptla arsi 1 parents phone caîls and gifts from sev- C hnh a ao fo aeain eevdl ighters b I eral churches and friends in i PCwe ewsMyro flcrt case the localities where he wvas min- Bowmanville. motor accidetls rdy ted. He ister in years gone bs', as weli Council also received a let-; He was drivigo telt tifY Pol- as those f rom Bowmanville ter from the PUC in reply te Concession Rod Mavr anything friends, Two particularlv Sur. Scout leader,; and assistants tram this district held a profitable Archie S. Lewis, Regional Commissioner Boy Scouts cf Canada' a communication it had sent Township, abottf ie Ieade or- e from man pembers cf tesIl-da * Begionial Conference in Bowmanville on Saturday. The Mrs. Carl Devitt, secretarv Bowmanville District Council; George 'last month. The letter stated west cf No. 35Hgwywe turc o wreprisnganmeasnblers ath that according ta resolution, his car wentr tcicnri maana-in- uch her Re. Nchosondisussins ereNoichoeletinnan;intrutiv. Inludd i thsaBodniprstdrtuctmive.le istictCoucilaadHisWorhipmcBrogwcfhe UC re eldContabe MDonldOPP was minister 47 years ago. iphoto are, fromn lef t to right, Dr. and Mrs. G. Corm'ack, Cobourg; Mayor Wilfrid Carrutherâ of Bowmanville. -Photo by Rehder ion the âecond Tuesday eachj also investigaethaacdn ~rn~bn Cars Climb Steep His at Mosport Park I ýTTr-NemvlD la r Il

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