WMEDSAY. MAY Srd, 1961 TEE eANAnIM~T ~ ~tfl.R A ,~imi -- ~ ~ V 4~J4~j ~~ÂN .LZI.L~Â~.E ~AUI IIIKLU 1 Public Utilities Commission Si. J. ELLIOTT GEO. VAN BRIDGER Chairnian Manager MALCOLM THE MILKMAN GGr>'1 HSH T HERE ... SOME DEUClOUS? SNXP/ S", EAT.ICOOLMILK!..PACKED WITN 80w o1 lu NAVETO VflAMINS AND MINWJS SNAL! i~uL' N6..L0V20 SY CHILOREN ANDULTSUKE ... AL$O - -by GLEN RAE DAIRY GLEN RAI DAIRY 9 Milk Bar 98King St. W. I 5ncisiv. uanuso, .Neil. *i*iL r p - M Admissions ----- ---- 48i On Saturday evening, mcmn- IIiI Births, 4 male, 4 female - 8 bers of the immediate fan_-b Micajrgoerations- - 5 1 y th eredpresthed whomhad KNSWB~ANIL.k.13 Dajosh as ns-133 t55 iy gatered at ther hea570 Minor operations ... 19 number of gifts. Thcy wcrc A Emergcncy treatments__ 5 also presented with a large IBN TW.SAAR.-9 Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. and bouquet of flowers. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Refreshments were servcd _______________ at the close of the evening. The table w'as centered with P ONT POOL a wedding cake flanked on PONT POOL each side with candles and By R. J. Payne flowers. Ross Memorial Hospital, Township Councillor Lindsay Mr. Lightle is a member of Last wcek I hoped to be the Hope Township Council writing from home but an and has been somewhat ac- x-ray on Wednesday wvas flot tive in the local political circle so good, so have to have ano- for many years. then this Wednesday. Me vas one of the directons Sorry to learn that Mr. of the Port Hope Agicultural George Hamilton and Mn. Society for some time, being Ernest Cavano are both in elected first to this capacity hospîtal in Peterborough. Wish in 1924. Me was president of you a spccdy recovery. the society from 1941 to 1949. Wc hear that the former During the 19301s, Mr. Nîclc Wozney place has been Lightlc was clected ta the sold. Rumor has it that there, township courîcil and has hcld 1 ' eat will be a barber shop and'the position of deputy-recve. snack han. He is also wcll-known -_ Mr. Elgin Budd of Smo around vanlous sporting fields, was a visitor in the village particularly in hockey and last weelc.1 baseba].L-Guide. Por Prompt Delivery %itrhone MA 3-5444 f Mun THE CANADIAN STATESMAX. IROWmAnm.t.p nwmawrm Senior Citizens Visit Sportsman Show As Guests of Kiwanis Local 'NI.t cotinueor wthearcoerPugLdeatCbr. Mrs. T. K. Stewart adMs byisaldtenwof C. Johns, with Mrs. S.CrecesreainthMrytw In t l sas an alternate, are t1 at n !at C let f r t e co n the District Annual a .Bgei ihMs N e'v Officers gates It was stated ade ssoilcneo The annual meeting of Bowecm gitfrheGdn rsnet. manville Women's Institute i was held April 27th at Lions: Centre. Mrs. S. Buttery, Pre-., sident, opened the meeting * * wxth "0 Canada," W. I. Ode. f and Lor'sPrayer. 11 55 1II- 1hII Two minutes silence wa sW W W E E observed in memory of three of ou.r beloved members whoSan have passed away in the last, Walhide Sins month and one member dur-; ubrzd e. 26 pca ing the year, namely Mrs. H.j Rbeie)R ..........Richards. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. J. Cowling and Mrs. Ada: Wallhide FiatW IPan The District Annual wilI be> (Oil Base) Reg. $ 0.Seil- held at St. Paul's Church,' Bowmanville, on May 17th.' WhiteatR uar rce Ladies of St. Paul's Churchi Two bus loads of Senior Citizens fromn this area1 Wednesday as guests of Bowmanville Kiwanis Club. most appreciative of the thoughtfulness extended to will serve lunch at noon for, th rc f$1 per plate. Them ~ m m visited the Sportsmnan Show at Peterborough last1 Reports indicate they had a wonderful timne and were themn by the Kiwanians. -Photo by Rehder ladies are asked to keep this E L A R~aaaa date open and as many as' EXTEL 1FRIWI USED CARS i .. and farm hands. When thel VYLIJ.LG It was decided to change M iss ay or D e ve Oshawa Unemploymnent Insur- the Urne of meeting from2 0u,-1ance Office received requests BROWVN - LILLI"CROP p.m to 2:30 p.m Our newl 3.49 an $ 55 gi y 195 for skilled labour and there meeting place will be Salva-! Th1ebr ,b ~ J e n I v n n were no qualified applcants The marriage of Margaret tion Army newv hall. This will GIRM WW W TO Thuderhirdfrom other parts of Canada Mr. and Mrs. John Henry tember. e H full power.A O through the National Employ- Lillycrop, Waterdown, and Mrs. S. Corden and Mrs R. f Iv eetng ent ervce.Mr. Merrili Douglas Brown Hetherigtn adaditedte Sor SIIULD REMEN8KR: A t B & P . eetin During 1960 some farm wvas solemnized in Gracci An- books and found themn correct.! Paint ana alae E t«eres195tPnticg glican Church, Waterdown,Se -Treas. read 'the minýutes! IGS.W A353 An neetn drs on The speaker stated that the workers fromn the Maritimes, Ont., on Saturday, April 22, ofSe as annual meeting 33 KN T NEVERAKENOUT!Convertible 1 the scope of the Unemply Unemployment Insurance Of- acist frm Trento,191a4o'ocbRvCn- and other reports, as well as ment Commission's O s h a w a fice in Oshawa serves Clarke Pembroke and Windsor, and on Noble. '\r. Brown is the report of District meeting 195 ChV. _8 Oficewasgivn b Mis Lna artrigt, arlngtnarn professional workers f r o m son of Mrs. James Tamblyn held at South Ward Club £ ~ De. - Taylor at the dinner meeting Manvers townships in Durham orkther pats o vOn ar ean Brown and the late Mr. House in Aprîl 10. of the Bowmanville Business L,-unty, East Whitby, Picker- wr intaylO saw ra Browni, Newcastle. Reports of standing com- 8 NO DOIVN and Professional W o men' F ing, Scugog, and Uxbridge Miss Tyorsid. She also Th edn mui wamteswr edfo190 Club held at the Bowmanville townships in Ontario County. Nusssaetme read. played by Mrs. Best, who also 61: Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Citizen- A downfailen showgll a PAYMENT Hotel last Thursday evening. MisTyo xlie ha oeo hnst Miss accompanied tLe soloist, Mr. ship and Education; Mrs. E. been "1saved" from b le o UP T 36 ONTH clu's dlegae tothe atioal ss Txayofieofrhecoirî- ddes wsmoedbyMr. Th bid, vo asgienaoatedutre;ors G Bgdumat"rvva" eeins Miss Taylor, who was the the territory covered by the Tay'lor for her informative Keith Harvey. Passant, Agriculture and Can- sin and was now alngaiq" TOPYFederation of Business and sion covers 2,100 square miles Minerva Kerr. The president, mariage by her father. neil, Historical Researchi and uedt tl fo paryt Professional Women's Clubs and has a population of 170,- Mrs. Gi, also expressedi ap- wore a floor length gown of Current Events: Mrs. A. 1ih- rty," she told the auine held in Winnipeg last sum- 000. The manager of the Un- precatotohesakr silk organza over taffeta with ards, Home Economnics and "I drank liquor and soe mer, is a member of the fed- employrnent Insurance Com- Th ebr f the club insets and appliques of lace, Health. cigarettes and kept veyae ertions uem omit e nt con ssion Office, Oshawa, is J- enjoyecl an entertaininu musi- and the very full overskirt We are to have a question hours." i ditins ommtte. M~ersheaddd. cl iterudepresnte byMrswas accentcd by a front panel box at District Annual, Any- t'Now I don't drink, saeo She told the meeting that a Th tcal nuinofu - trlud e pîîos with ay r with lace insets. The bodice one wishing to put in ques- go to parties and I'im h J ~~~brief is being prepared by the poe n1hlreae a nmnchn r.Gar- s Tetalnmrofum-rdySlwsih-ahr-a fashioned with a scal- tions may do si. Mrs. S. Cor- every night by ten o'cik . OPE 9.M- Il P.M.- BODY SHOP 9A.M. - 6P.M. committee on working condi poe nti ageae nmncan r.G oped neckline and elbow den and Mrs. W. Corden are in fact, 1 don't do a dam hn tions, opportunities, and the April was 5,257, and this total Brown, Orono, at the pianlgt sleeves, and was high- to look after tickets for lunch nw.. ecetsadrod unmîomn sit ionincluded 1,934 women, she Mrs. Sallows also led an len gth. xep tn asseted.The anaer M. joabituintsonon-lighted by matching lace ap- and registration on May 174h. n ba hi0S luydu throughout Canada. Miss Tay- Maher, had pointed out that Miss Do)rothy Virtue was plique. Her elbow-length veil Roll cail, "Pay your fees" and noiaeacmrhnîv li sfo igifgr.Ms h wne teîcydaw was caught to a small crown "Name a street in the town."1 Weil, there's nothing liebat st dy ftese cmttesiv ths aylo sa ihfgrstewi con f t helck of pearîs and she carried Solina Women's Institute ing your own drum . .. oh area.f Mr. attsinth a r hanutd by Miss Rhoda white carnations and lily-of- are havîng a bazaar at the goes. For finest dry cenn ara r airhdgiven her an Gordon. Miss Helen Nelles the-vaîîey. hall. Eight new members had care you can't "beat" thewr accounit of the local labour wvas the winner of the birthdav The bride's attendants, Mrs. been reported for last year. we do. Every garment rcie market served bv the Oshawa prize. Ken Roberts of Hamilton, her Mrs. H. Sumersford re- individual attention fromso-CaILsi Unemnployment Insurance Of- The president, Mrs. Gi, sister Mrs. Gilbert Phillips ported an motto "Thinking of ter to fînisher. For te11 r fice, Miss Taylor said. She announced that the Regional and nieces, Shiela and Ann others and flot of ourselves." of your clothes send yor3 r told of the constant liaison Adviser, Miss Jenny Pringle, Phiîîips, R.R. 1, Burlington, She took as a reference mil1k cleaning to us. with the management of vani- Oshawa, will be presenit at were in siîk organza with as a perfect food, so might ous enterprises and of the the next meeting of the club, mauve background and ap- human ki.ndness be what the SIai~ Am e hedA na supply of workers for ail con- May 25th, and will instaîl the pliqued pink rosebuds. They world needs. It isn't what we i 81tin truction and factory apenings. officers and executive mein- wore matching fiat satin bow do, but what we leave undone SAFETY: In an electric The speaker stated t h a t bers for the comin year. headdresses with short veils that gives us a headache at Nlay IsI hog ty 3s water heater, the heating there had been a shortage of Miss Isabel Davis reported and carnied cascades of pink the setting of the sun, such as uisaecceldfrprofessional engineers, auto on the cetanual meeting carnations. kindness, a smile, a letter. unis ae cnceledfor mehancstoo an di- m-.of the Oshawa Branch of the Mr. J. Earle Brown of Wil- Mrs. J. Abernethy, head of safety and efficienc. There mcancooandim- Canadian Association Of Con- lowdale was best man for his noiag comte, r are o fame, n fues.sumes. he oldof nfoma-brother and the ushers wei'e the new siate of officers fo Nr ofaes, noAfamrd tion presented there regard- Mr. Gerald W. Bon, R.R. 1961-62: Past President, Mrs. *W. A.3 ,N w w rd in hereutsofasurveY 4B avle r nG. Alichin; President, Mrs. S. concerning soaps and deter- Brown, R.R. 21, Newcastle, also Buttery; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. D. or inlterts. Those offcred with pre- brothers of the groom, and Park- Asst. Sec., Mrs. R. Web.. For Kiettes miums, it was stated, do not Mr. Bryan Lillycrop, R.R. 1, ber; lIst Vice President, Mrs. give a free bonus. The value Waterdown. M. Wiseman; 2nd Vice Presi- of the premnium is Included in The reception was held at dent,Mr.SGan;Hsta Next Season the price of the package, the Scott«ïsh Rite Club, Ham- Representative, Mrs. W. Ly-; F R The rnca in e r meeting! so gress made bv'y the s- ilton, whre the guests were ctt M s S G att Mspital T.E M -58 held at the Flying Dutchmian sie o. hldeiswa Black, r.G iln,üS Motor Hotel on Wednesd szs oahideyswa was over taffeta. To assist, the ,Ms ,DhnMs April19th.Presîent ioUI by Miss Davis. groom's mother chose a gold R. Robbns Public Relations, Setlofthe informative silk sheath. Both wore cor-Ms.WobrsDrets L WCOST: Wlhen yiu Ltagecnd tc tebleissn u o members, sages of white gardenias. Mr.L GomaMs I.Y L ET Oti11nva mu ct es s tand a rdi z ad;LkYGosedlaenshear R.FE meeting.os eecriit Miss Violet McFeeters. co- Following the reception 1the Jackman, Mrs. T. Buttery, use ow cst lecticiy A ox ocia wa planedconvenor with Miss Helen1 happy couple left for a hon- Mrs. J Aber.nethy, Distnct to heat water, you can be sure for lub mmesa means els presented a report cimo inthe fot-a Drc;,Ms .Wbe n Prom fo thatoughtay fonrebils hveiiesandtwhteastrw hat SI.a do1 iin;N P I(K Pi the heat you ay for is goxngof adding to thie convention the diversified programs en- United States. The bride's tra-AteaeMr.SCrdn es- rih notewtrLtifund, and plans wene finalized RoCneoMs .Jns fortheclb'sprjec a the .ie.Lite oyed during the year. Mrs. veiling ensemble was a green Ro ovnr r.G oc if any, heat is wasted. Kînsmen Kamnival. Last min- elMNtmcbrshiP vooIseath with matching Group Leaders: Agriculture committele chairman reported jacket, black patent accessor- and Canadian Industries, Mrs. catering to the en Town joincd the Bownianville Busi.. will reside at 38 John Street, Education, Mrs. A.Richards; Fresh Killed -Oe ed B fro te ecsn Club during the year, and that The bride is Home Econom- rent Events, Mrs. G. Bagnell j thi upr fteKnmnthe mem'bership now totas4. ist forth Ontario Depant- Homne Economies and Health,* .E . use ty Kincw s en The Sunshine committec re- ment of Agriculture in Dur- Mrs. T. K. Stewart. VIB BB U m ucdto priet ndport was given by the con- ham., Peterborough and Vie- Mns. S. Buttery will attend accepted. It was decided to venor Mrs. Reita Hobbs, and toria Counties, and is a grad- the conference for leaders at 2% to 3 lb. Averan have a "Kinette of the Year" Mrs. Victoria Frank, the pre- uate of Burlington High Guelph ncxt week. This yean, THESE BIIRDS 1AENVRBE RZN saad or oaemesnx sident-ellect, tpresented t h e Schiool and Macdonald Insti- it is for presidents. W c are A repsortivnb civic committe's annual e- tute, Guelph. I D TII E E I M P R~TAN Areortwsgîvenbthe prt Ms.Noreen Lardchair- The groom attendedBw i alo tasi 58U~US 9 commattee tnechrgeeofatienaanCom- manville High School, Ontario skit to be presented in May mIttee, stated in her report Agicultural College, Guelph, T I C K E T SFes-MetChkeA at theOsaaKnteIer that $2.5hdbe raised T VRWEEFeh-MayC w~ ~.~ ..~ m an co venentloc ti n Hlen Bro n, nd Preidet hld ec ntl S oro to. Orn o theandv rst o a nt . C9lu6b meeinPatis frw e'_- ne ýa 1