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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1961, p. 5

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WLL>NESLAJ AYVt'I ru, 1951£* Charles Naylor and Mrs. H.' W. Blakely, vice-presidents, 'Presbytry W.A.Mrs. F. Reed, presîdent o!theýT n -p D ~~~~saaPresbyteral W. Pt1WM.S Tun-U Instalis f ficersminister of St. Andcew's Uni-1B T s Melville Buttars, chairman of' Oshawa Preshyt e r y, Mrs.1 "When I mentîoned at home A4t Oshaw~a IM eeting Ralph Hill, and Mrs. D. E. 1 that we were having a ue Dobbs, president of Bay Of 1 up dinner, I was treated with Mis Raph iil Trnto, ommnde seera boks orQuinte Woman's Association.' ribald laughter," said Mrs. Was the guest speaker at the study, the most important bù- Mrs. H. W. Blakely and Mrs. ,DvdDcpeieto h afteîîon sssin a th An ingtheBibe. tewrdsip . W. Bowman are delegates! Northumberland and Durbam. nual meeting of Oshawa Pres- your Faith in action, said Mrs. tOer BWa o! Quinte Co-TBAscain b ~~Womanis Association Hill. Teltrtr viai eec ..Ana et Dr. Hugo T. Ewart, Presi- btd< S. nd-wsTnheefrm oinion auncavilal i.A ng to be beld in Wbitby Uni- dent o! Ontario TB Associa- LXu.Cîî, Oshawa, recently. 's compiled ta assist witb ted Cburcb on May lst and tion, and superintendent af Wben Mrs. W1,m. .eeple, of rora planning, steward- 2nd. The Dominion Council Ham;ilton Mountain Sanator- Et. Paul's Cburch, Bowman- sbip and study, and is ready W.A. annual meeting wîll i. um, stated at the dînner in ville, inLroduced Mrs. Hill,1 at any tume for the members held in Toronto, May 14 ta the Chateau, Cobourg, that she told o! ber varied activ- ta use. l9th, and there wiil be a con- Gagarin, the Russian, circling Itie intheW.A, ad sid he ayr ~ ference on Sept. 17 and i8th the globe in 84 minutes, could ithes iasthellquandified t During tedyrepors o!flat Keswick for ail the wo*men bave carried germs. Transpac- Epa he s vl ucta! Prd o- the various committees were o! the Churcb. The Semi-an- tto eeomn n5 er r>pek unthe ubjet ofPro-distributed sa that the reports Iulmeigo h rsy ato eeomn n5 er grarn Planning, being the~ could be taken borne by the nurWAl meeig o! thedPresby- lbas brougbt rare dîseases ta Chairan of program plann- ebr.Ms lfodNy eyWA iib d~lA- the vèry doors o! inside On- « ing torMs Cifor Ny bert Street Church on Octo- tario. igtrthe Bay of Quinte lac told o! the Skillsbop she ber 26tb. "ueU"wt h ie Cafrec WA attended in Belleville recentiy, Foilowing the devotionai reveals: TB incidence is low- Mrs. HIl said it wvas just and Mrs. A. E. Hamilton cead and memocial service under est in Australia with 35.6 per as 1iî.portarit ta have the pro-Ithe "Stary o! the Year", the tbe leadership o! Mrs. R. B. 100,000; Canada is second grani plan ned for the meet- secretary's report. Just before Galbraith and Mcs. J. M. Col i- h3.,icuighg n ing of the W.A. as it is forlithe Communion service, con- lins o! Nortbminster Cburch, ithe3ce9,incluimndbIg n- a ship C.ptain ta bave a, ducted by D.Gog e-teewsati ign Lf dian; average sanatoria treat- chari of hîs pcoposed voyage; ford, Mrs. E. G. Storie sang Thine Eyes" by Mendeissoh ment was 20 months eight« without such planning the a solo, "Saccament" from theI with Mcs. Raipb Kimmeciyyasgo nwixtsen metnsflounder, just asa St. Matthew Passion .-y-J.-S. Mrs. J. Clifford Rundie and montbs; post tceatment at sbip wauld. Linked closely, Bach, accompanied at the or- Mrs. D. K. Stiles, accompanied homes includes intake o! 30 with this subJect is steward- gan by Mrs. G. R. Booth. at the piano by Mrs. H. A. pilis per day for a determined ship which in itself involves Those at the head table Mellow. peciad, but if the convalescent responsibility. It is the ces- foc lunch, with the president r.H .FlasWi-fist aetepecie ponsibility of every member Mcs. L. F. Richardson, were by, instaiied the officers for- pilîs reguiarly a sputum- ta become actively concerned Mrs. A. A. Crawle and Mcs. the îiext year as foiiows-hon- spreading drug-resistant or- with the wark of tbe Church. Clayton Lee, Hanorary presi- orary presidents, Mcs. A. A. ganism develops. Stewards rnust have certain dents, Mcs. William Teeplc, Crawle and Mrs. Clayton "I hope," said Dr. Ewart,1 qualities- jay, hope, peace, Bowmanville; Mrs. George Lee, past president, Mrs. E. "ýsomebody wiil produce a1 rejaîcing and love, ail o! Werry president of St. An- D. Cornish; president, Mrs. new drug ta combat thîs lat- wbicl, requisites can be ac-i drew's W.A., Mrs. A. E. Camp- L. F. Richardson; vice-presi- est bazard." 1 quired by study. Mrs Hill- ce- bell, recarding seccetary, Mrs. dents, Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs. H. W. Blakeiy; re- LIER Y UR ERES Hamilton correspondng sec- E N N IS I LIBE TY URSE IES retary, Mrs. J. C. Naylor; Liberty St. North Bowmanville treasurer, Mrs. Ross Dickin- Miss Elsie Oke visited with son; literature secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Preston, Maple Phone MA 3-3074 Frank Black; programi plann- Grave. 1 ing, Mrs. H. W. Blakeiy; press, Our regular C.G.I.T. meet- RENT A TILLER . e$1.50 per iii. Mrs H. E. Grose; and severali ng held on April 26 opened LAW AN GADENFERILIERScommittee chairmen. with the C.G.I.T. Pur p o se.1 LAWNAND ARDN FETILIERSThe executive serving the Lois Asbton and Cheryl Row-1 (So-Green and C.I.L. Evergreen 6-9-6) past two years agreed ta fin- an wece in charge o! worship. Ail Purpose No-Burn ish this seasan as the new or- Tbe rail cali was answeredt ganîzation wiil begin January, and minutes were cead and1 GRASS SEED _____- 77c per lb. '1962, under the naine af the adopted. Mrs. O. C. Ashton PATIO STONE 16 x 16 - - -__ 69e each United Church Women. The led in Bible study. We cal- ROSS - SHRBS EVRGRENS bursary fund chairman wili lected old nylons ta send ta ROSS HRUS VERRENS be Mrs. Charles Naylor. Korea. Fat Ellis and Kathryn Alil Under Priced to Reduce Stock in Our Fields When Mrs. Richardson spoke Slemon are in charge o! next 50 FREE HEDGE PLANTS l o! the wark o! the W.A. she week's worship. We closed CHINESE ELM SEEDLINGSi announced the main project with Taps. iffoc the year- the financial Ernest Werry while buying you oderamunt t $2.l support of Camp Quin-mo-iac, cattle at St. Chrysostome, Que-t Be sure to ask for our Spring Sale Folder l and urgcd the locals ta rem- bec, visited his cousins, Mr. W. . SOTT Prp. ember ta support the building and Mrs. C. Greer, Hemming- W. C.SCOTT Prop fund for the Victor Home for ford, Quebec.r _________________________________________ Girls. She also announced a Mc. and Mrs. Ken Herring- ___________________________________________ conference for Sunday School ton, Oshawa, were visitors at teachers at Five Oaks on Oc- Mc. and Mrs. C. Ferguson's. tabec 13-14-1Stb, being held Miss Wendy Cox spent the under direction o! the Pres- weekend with Miss Diane bytery Christian Education Avery. Committee, and also a Con- Miss Phyllis Howells and !erence for workers in W.M.S. friend, Western Hospital, Toc- led by Miss Marian Tbampson onto, were visitors with ber IJon Friday, May 12th, in King9 parents, Mc. and Mcs. W.a St. Church. Miss Thompson is Howells.E 71E SHOE W/Tf-I THE BEAUT/FUL FIT' ýfîeld secretacy for the Dom- Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,3 inion Board W.M.S. Ronald and Ray, Haydon, Mc. r and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were Sunday tea guests o! Ivan Ilere's a carefully de- SALEM Sbarp's.c Mc. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn tailed pump that makes enigthsS daM and Susan were Sunday visi-a light work of walk- BgrngthsudaMy tors at Mc. and Mrs. A. M. The omfrt- 7, cburch service wiii be beld Wear.n's, Claremont. Mc. and ing. Tecmot at 10 a.m. and Sunday schoal Mrs. Donald Wearn, Scarbor- able "Buckler" at il a.m. ougb, were Sunday eveningc with Natural-A number of Junior Farmer vstr tteWans wit Nturl. members attended a play party v2iosa teWans izer comfort. and presentation for Miss bee rnfrdtaOkil Marg. Harvey and Mr. Jim n transBaere d taOailre Coombes at the Newcastle adMs aker nd hiradn 9 ommunity Hall last Friday wîll be saigwt c n evening.Mcs. Collacatt for a few weeksv Thecontrctin o ar long- until their new home in Oak- awaited new school started vll scmltd last week. Mc. and Mrs. L. Welsh visit-S Mc.Muray owing a a-ed with Mr. and Mrs. L. Run- I tient in Wes ton Hospital, war, die, Town, on Saturday even-F able to be home for the week- ing. end. Mc. and Mrs. Ken Shackle-v SPECIL! TURS. FRI. SAT.Mr. and Mrs. C. Reynolds, ton and family were Sunday0 Clarmont wee Suday vis.-vsitors with Mc. and Mrs. WOMN'SHIH HELtocs with Mc. and Mrs. Daug. Buce Little, Agincourt. W M NSHG ELReynolds. Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. W. Misses Marion Buttery, Barb Ccaig attended thue conference D < S P M ~Bathgate, Erla Tester, Garda convention o! the W. A. atn D RESS PU M PSand Bea Craig, Messrs. Bob Wh itby church on Tuesday. E Davies, Doug Gamsby and Mr. and Mrs. George Pirie, Fashion Brown and Green. Miss Gerda Craig, Toronto, Sies5 t V2 A n B.Fred Hutchison were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ccaig and f RSie,5% $ 9,12an B .951- peiî supper gluests o! Mc. and Mrs. f h er pictures, and ber com- mentarv tbcoughout the scenas ai APPLICATIONS INVITED FROM TRAINED PERSONS was enlightaning and inspira- C FOR ULLAND ARTTIM EMPOYM NT.tional. No one can listen ta c: FORFUL AN PAT TME MPLYMET.Miss Ferrier without feeling D that we must do more for those who need so much. sr Applications also lnvited for the following positions: The members had packad al boxes o! .pinnies and scrap - books for an orphanage super- L Qualified Mledical Record Librarian vised by a friand of Miss Fer-a. niec. A special collection wvas aý taken and donated also. 1 Oualified Dielitian Miss Laura Fielder thanked CG ýMiss Ferrier for coming and B giving such a wonderfui mes- a Quaifid aboaloy echicinssage. Mrs. G. Bowman andla QualfiedLaboalor Tocnicins Miss Laura Fielder playedià selections on the piano. The1 in Qualiied XBay Tchnicans West graup served lunch. i QualfiedX-Ry TehnicansMrs. R. Griffin spent the'p weekend with Mc. and Mrs. R. Gualified Physiotheraisi. Cowling, Whitby.t Miss Evelyn Cunningham, M~ Brantford, was a weekendl at visitor with Mc. and Mrs. W. I th Write for Application Forms to: Pascoe. Also visiting the Pas- C coes were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sý HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR, Sargent and Timotby, Ida; Mrs. Keith Davay, Elaine and Memorial Hospital, Gath ycone, and Mc. and Mrs. Coates, Sunderland. W Bo-Amanville, Ontario. Mr. and M.%rs. Fred Griffin J. and sons visited the Redding:nc farnily at Sunderland. i ci q'u f'~.AT~~N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE.ONTARIO inner HeId -ociation Subconscious worry brings disease. Men, insecure over 45, develop TB much more than women past child bear- ing. Incidence is bigh with the unemployed, the inebria- tes, those in prison. TB Tune-Up challenges the voluntary worker to more flexible thinking, each case is different. Yesterday's meth- ods must give way to new ideas for the production of a better world, better drugs, and vaccines. Even dishes are washed with new detergents taday. Today's fast-whistling, can- nonading jet accelerates world travel, too, for the germ. Thi.; is thought-provoking, patent fare for Tune-Up dinners everywhere. Fcrty - four attended the dinner including Dr. Char- lotte Horner, MOH, North- umberland and Durham; Dr. Eaton, MOH, City of Peter- borough; Chas. Elliott, past president for Peterborough County TB Ass'n; C. Siat- erry, president of Peterbor- ough TB Ass'n; Dr. Sheppard of Pickering, wbo is President of the Ontario County TB Ass'n and Mrs. E. A. Collins Executive Secretary for On- tario Courity TB Ass'n; Mr. Ken Wood representing Prince Edward County TB Associa- tion; and Mrs. Mary Banton o! Haliburton TB Association. KILLEN Mc. end Mrs. Gardon Yeo attendad the Foundry Banquet eat the Lions Centre on Fciday avaning at Bowmenvilie. Mc. and Mrs. D. Yea and Lamna, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yao on Sunday. Mc. and Mrs:' Herbent Leigb- ton, Bowmanville, Mc. and Mrs. Les Leigbton and famuly, Oshawa, Mc. and Mrs. Eugena Sewell and Rickey, Courtice, wera Sunday dinner guests at Mr. end Mrs. Grant Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Miss Clara Page, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Page. Mosty-n Howells, St. Silves- ter, spent a waek with bis parants, Mr. and Mýrs. W. Howells, wbo is now transfar- ced ta Mont Apica. Mc. and Mrs. Wilfrad Banks and girls, Waston, ware Sat- ucday evaning visitors at Mc. and Mrs. John Griffin's. Miss Joyce Graham, Brook- lin, spent Wednasday with Mrs. F. Toms. Mc. and Mcs. E. A. Warry and Betty Jane were Sunday evcning callars et Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennatt's, Bow- manville. Mrs. Earl Cross and family, Maple Grave, Mc. and Mns. L. Cheasemen, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Mc. and Mns. F. W. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mrs. H. J. McGill ettended the funeral o! Mrs. A. J. Olde, St. Thomas, on Fridey, April 28th. * A (1V ~'r~Ts = tfl.fl * ~ V .L dent epened the meeting wlth motto and cceed. Mrs. E. Tre- win bad charge o! Devotianal, <IC t opening with Hymn 574 and gae al o om Cuch X ter to the Cô&itor Bible reading by Mrs. K. Mc- Gll and Hymn 377 ciosed Bowmanvilie, May 2, 1961, the Line". Ever since the dis- with payer.Kings St., East. grace o! Korea, I have been Tceasurer's reDort was giv- Dear Editor: saylng this. The Co-existing en, minutes wvere read and ap- What is wcong with ourpoiicy o! two enemies riding pcaved. Rall caîl was answer- taxpayars, aflowing Council one horse only bas one result. ed with name a! outmoded ta charge us interest on tax- Following such mistaken ad- article. Business was cleaced es of which we only received visers as the U.S.A. had in up and committees repocted notice in the mail, the 2lst China, led ta the defeat o! on aur church painting and a! April and expecting us ta democracy there- and each'i the naw cerpet. Mrs. M. Stain- pay the Srd o! May? Howi can retreat since bas been more ton gave a ceading on Chris- a warking man save out o! bard.ta caver. Despite their tian Stewardship; piano soio bis incame on such short noa- seeming peaceful intent, the by Mrs. H. McGilI; a paper tice? Do we sit back and let Reds can be trusted only ta by Mcs. R. Stenger on United tbemn do as they like with us? subject more and peacelul i Nations. Mrs. W. Crawford icrl, poes gave us a demonstration on Silcer ely pee. s b mt Fir-qt AiAWle k. hr utblnntrr Mrs. E. Tcewin thankeu Mcs. Grif fin for opening ber home and ail who belped. The meeting- closed wîth theme sang and prayer. The East gcoup secved a dainty lunch. C.G.I.T. Conferene The C.G.I.T. Conference and banquet foc Oshawa Presby- tery was beld in Nortbminster Church, Oshawa. P1f!t e en members o! aur local C.G.I.T. group and leader Mrs. O. C. Ashton attended. Thay bad the distinction of baving the largast number in atttcndance, alsa the bonour o! baving ana member at the head tabla ta, propose tha toast ta the Cburch. The re- sponse was givan by Rev. H. Mellow. Mrs. H. Tbompson from Ont. Girls' Work Board was guest speaker and gave the girls a most guiding address withi examplas of the many mis- leading sidcroads there are fecing teen-agers today. Othar items an the pragramn for the afternoon ware games, sing- ing, films, and a deliciaus din- nec servad by the ladies of the church. The leaders re- ceived instruction in Bible Study, Affiliation Services, and Banquets. Our group is most grateful ta Mesdames L. Wearn, E. Trewin, J. Griffin and Mr. Bruce Ferguson foc providing transportation. The fresbly decocaed chucch walls and ceiling in the newv tone gave an added welcome ta the Sunday morning woc- shippars who received a stir- ring message from aour minis- ter, Mc. W. H. Crawford. The renovating committees arce continuing plans with naw carpeting as the next eceom- plisbment. Attends Workshop For Teachers Delagatas reprasenting 124 women teachers' associations attandad a provincial Wock- shop on Professional Devel- opmant on April 29 ln Toc- onto. Convened by the Fader- etion o! Women Teachars' Associations o! Ontario, Miss Marjoria Couch, principal at H{ampton, Ontario, DearSir: May ist, 1961. Congratulations on your edi-ýtocial, 'Where do we draw "shortif war'. But7have ouïr peoples the concern or the will to use it? We are just flot alarmed enough to forego spending billions on space rivalry, on lavish government- ai spending on non-essentials, Trinity Sr. Members See Interesting Film The senior mambers and adberents o! Tcinity United Chucch met in the Sunday School Hall on Friday aftec- noon, April 28tb. Despite a very wet eftecnoan, neacly 50 tucnad out. Rev. W. K. Houslander op- ened the get-to-gether with a devotional period. Mc. S. Leggott read the scipture fol- iowad by prayer, and a de- lightful story was relatad by the ministar. Two hymns were sung and Rev. A. Harding ciosed this portion o! the pro- gram with a prayer. Mrs. G. Turncy at the piano and Rev. Hauslandar as sang- leader brought forth a liveiy sing-sang o! old favourites. At this meeting, the men's singing outshone the ladies! Mrs. R. Ames pcesided foc the camainder o! the a!tec- noon. A film entitled "What Hap- pened ta Hannah?" was en- joyed and was followed by four discussion groups. The group leaders ware Mcs. W. Houslandec, Mrs. K. Sumers- fard, Mrs. N. Osborne and Mrs. I. N. Pace. The resuits o! these groups were reported back ta, the gatbaring by Mrs. N. Osborne, Mrs. I. N. Pace, Mrs. A. E. Devitt and Mrs. A. Hacding. Two delightful solos by Mrs. K. Sumecsford were much enjoyed. Accompanied by Mcs. J. Munday she sang "Learn To Hope" and "Try Smling.", During lunch which was proyided by the W.A., convea- ed by Mrs. C. Weish, lucky prizes o! home baking weceî won by Mrs. R. Gilbert, Miss E. Blackburn, Mr. A. J. Clarke and Mr. W. J. Berry, A gift also went ta Mrs. El- eanor Jackman for having the most grandchildcen. Mrs. R. Amas asked the members ta save the date Certain thoughts are pray- ers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of nor to be drastie about aur representatives and invest- ments abroad, that they b. o! value ta lands like Cuba etc. It does flot appear thai we. as individuals, are wili.. ing ta forego luxucyI-; show;, gamîng; gambling; less-than- honesty in our working, Dur profits and reportlng, and some other things not righl among us. I tbink that -,%e must draw the line here. go back ta thri!t, responsibility and concern foc the w~hole. and show the world that thesE- with freedom, can do for uis and foc them. We couid also disconcert the communists amongst us. Yours truly. Fred J. Reed, M A 3.3303 WANT-AD June 24th for a picnic andI the pleasant afternoon con- cluded with Mrs. K. Sumers- fard singing "May The Good Lord Bless And Keap You.ý' and the Benediction by Rev. Housiander. Z3fI1ANV IMOgM .JLS DNIMI! doyy anj . .. ;unoasia % XeÎAI 'XupjnwuS -u-d 9 iiualdo Sq poA!0301 izp.xo £uV *sniPui alim ua; oe du *s;ucid 2utuoolq pue uaai.U pue Saialuap-ler 's;oj uaZOp St t$j - E jamli l seiuo2ag snozoqnl pai;oj dn - -------slonbnog paxiX ZuildS - - ;ualuxouemue Iamolj 'm .xaancs pue dna Uuiq3a xua yV~L 1VW '1kVONflS ioravýigi ruoie zc. oi, a - te body, the souli s On 1t5!~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- tended the one-day session, knees.-Victor Hugo. -- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dic- as representative of Durham key and Velma, Bowmanville, No. 1 Women Teachers' As- were with Mir. and Mrs. M. soc ,iation. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt were In recent years, the Feder-' Saturday eveninc, visitors at ation bias encouraged its Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, ý members ta "grow" profes- Port Perry. sionally. and has carried out Sunayviitos t . Bun'sa provînce-wide program of SundayMisiosa.Buts assistance ta groups o! its 4SAVE W ITH LOW wereMissClara Page, Tor- members who have taken the onto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard lead in cneigmsrieEK A I BrdeMaple Grave, Mrs. courses of ail kinds. At the E. Page, Enniskzillen. present time a workshop in Mrs. Fred Billett, Scarbor- aritbmetic is being held each <, SPECIALS5 TOO ! ough Bluffs, was an over- Thursday night in the Com- ~ night guest at Mr. and Mrs. munity Hall at Tyrone for Roy McGill's on Friday. the benefit of teachers in the Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and Durham No. 1 inspectorate. familY were at their summer Coc ult avsRg n2eSV cottage, Cordova Mines. Coc ult avsRg i 7-SV Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright A ~R & ~ ~ 1 CA2-ztn and family, Maple Grove ofl intl N w p4 PE CHES420oztiff weercn iitr tN . î CASE 0F 24 TINS $5.94- SAVE 54o Mr n r.N .WihPrincipal a QualityRa.2tn47-AE. ar spending a few days tw A et Co le elou. E S~ - 2 tins 39c-SV Il Mrs. M. J. Habbs, Miss Joan H-obbs visited Mr. and Mrs. His Honour Judge J. C. An-1cýioice cutRg.2tn33-AE. Thomnas Bron'd, Lindsay. derson, Chairman of the Board! P GRE NgBANS 22o tins 3 1cVE2 daMr. M. J. Hobbs spent Mon. of Governors of Albert ColleeA P G E N B A S 2 0o is l ay at the Teachers' College, announces that Reverend J CS F2 IS$,2-SV 4 Peterborough. Alastair Haig, prcscnt Dea1CS 0'lTNS$7 BV 4 Recent visitors with Mrs. F. of Men of Mount AllisonUi- Toms were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- versity, lias been appointed -Jane Parker Reg. 59o.-SAVE 10o bur Toms, Purple Hill, on Principal o! Albert ColleeCHi Thursday; Mrs. C. W. Slemon, duties ta commence, June t 'C ERRY PIE eacb 49c Bcwmanville, Friday dinner. 1961. The appointmnent bas Mrs. Lloyd Slernon, Havdon, been approved by the Board ala and ber moter Mrs. F. Toms of Colleges of the United This Weeks Super-Righ ult spent Sunday witb Mrs. Ro- Church of Canada. tQuly ert Sadler and daughter Vi- Mr. Haig holds the following, vian, Bowmanville. degrees: .HE, B.A.,B., Deepest sympatby ta Mr. S .P.H.. HowdS tees n rsity o!Trno n193Eh i on the passing o! Mrs. Stev. He graduated from the Uni-1 eowrdstevnsandfai ofTooDo n193 BwF O Miss Donna Yellowlees spent with Bachelor o! Physicai andET Sunday with Miss Laura Grif- Health Education and attend-A R A* fin. ed the Ontario College of Edu- BLA DE O A ST Mrs. F. C. Davidson, O:sh-,cation in 1953-54; taugbt at Biade Bons Remnoved awa, Mr. E. W. Begley and lNorth Toronto Collegiate Insti-', Carole spent Saturday a t Oak-Itute in the year 1954-55. He: S ORTor CR SS KIB ROAST}I1 dle and visited Mrs. Allen!received bis Bachelor o! Arts' Den t Mount Allison University in SHO U LDE R RO~A S~T Mean C. Dixie.Prt . yIs 956 and during the periad at Mr.din C. f Milîsot Pey -' Mount Allison University hel Pull Cut ped tin afewas. a eo-coached the Senior Football Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Asbton, Team. He received bis degreeShreu Losand Charles, with Mr. o! Bachelor o! Divinity at PIER and Mrs. 1. G. Travell, Osh-jEmnianuel Coilege in Toronta RMER .wa.1 in 1958 and in 1960 be receiv-fSetPkld On Sunday Miss Murielý ed the degree of Master of!we Pcld Griffin accompanied Mr. E. W. Sacred Tbeology at Andover prduice reure BegeyBrue ad Crol onNeto Thealogical School, P oC T À vîsi ta c. ad Mr.,E Newton, Mass., and at theC TT viitt Ms E.samne time was serving as Min- FLORIDA, SEBAGO, NEW SPRINQ Allgood, Smok. Jennings, Haltonville. lse ! a CogeainlCROp, No. 1 GRADESDE B Mr. and Mcs. Howard Bow- Cliste Hrvof a r as. Mr.I B ns ndRosOsaw , Hre is a weîî known athiete, Super-Right, H 'isitars at Mr. and Mrs. C. h aig played four years with NEN v T ~ A SG Pethick's and Mrs. E. Strutt. theTrnto Varsity "Blues" t l ESA AG Mr. and Mcs. A. Sharp spentýand was Captain in the 1954 P (). ndB the weekend with Mr. andiseason and beld a place on the okdadi tirs. D. B. Kay, Toronto, and intercollegiate Ail Star Teani. A D I attended morning service iniMr. aig is macried and bas the new Emmanuel United three children. u ' bhurch whece Rev. M. R * 0-5 Sanderson is the minIster. It is the unanimaus view of m-w the Board of Governors o! the W. A. Meeting College that the College is The April meeting of W."A.' foctunate ini securing sa out- AlPie was held at the home o! Mrs.1standing a Principal wha bas JGriffin on Tuesday after-1bad both experience as a noon, with 29 ladies and four Teacher in a Secondary Schoal, chiidren present. Tho presi-land as a Minister of a Church. Mieut Feutures &STS ID RUI JI ,Vac Pue WGE ROLLS lb 57c d, Sliced, Rindloe ACON 1-lb pkg 59' lent 'n Serve, Ail Ment 'PAllIES 8-oz pkg 453 c sracidd ý PORTIONS 1643c In This Ad Guaranteed Through mturdoy, May 0*1,, 1961. 1- r TIM CA-NADIA levnwvcznAv "A«V 'Qriq ICAI PA r.19., m lu il IR DnACT & lqo, Super Mar'kets

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