_PACEsix TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANV1LLE~ ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. MAY ~rd. 1961 published on the basis of warm1 music was provided by George te 1960 quartette. Hugh!Bonnet". and the ChIrcnHenGenSilPait- -B e r d c r l nDelegates also asked the' tures of recent gathering andlLJLIBank NSIf Baird, Walter Kerry, George!Icluded the nmusicalprgaiEli Wer, aiynStR t federal and provincial govern- picnics were shown by Georgef adRs Rsboghih -TeBtl V oluntary Prograrn to ments to work out common ýGraham and Stan Hodgson M a n tc'Ire Ie Mexicale Rose". 1 pae uigtesc- T h lo scin wr licensing and load limits in ý Several enjoyed playing cards M g et c Cqu s1A pakrdin western provinces to facilitate: Lunch was served in the low- Tomediies were present-lond haîf of the progrr xa Ja MrhlPtKo I p o e C n u p i n simnso ate er hall where the president,i ed, one on the theme "ýHeart",'Lord Athol Layton. h o ore lds Goi at Im prove C onsum ption As urhipren so tion~ asked Don Thornpson conducted a! New cheques being issued ment. and one of the tunes from gether with Whipperil nsad~bra~r~at Beefprodcersin Ontario would be made voluntarily by 'the directors to continue their brief business period. Isabel1 by The Toronto-D o n nio n: Each cheque or bankdou- lor, accompanist for the ev- in the work with CrpleKrr, 'îr'a onti y cornng eartoe tke artintaectd adapid oer oaterai raes.thelase picicsntAuustofiumeais.wAluidntif thfbak. nd crpt frrn Giegs "oncrto"nioncceedtTirmv"nia vile. avi Lec Huh Bird t oluntary plan to improve organization by the packing 1 Two dîrectors at large elect- 1960. It xvas decided that a1 These are what North Amn-'the particular branch. In the in A Minr.rentd itaceqefr rntPtt. WatrB- beef consumption and the beef:plantsan coruit sales ed were: L. B. Mehlenbacher n g ath eern uhathi o e riecan and United Kingdom'case of branches in larger, industry generally, as a result barns. The bills of lading usediCayuga, who was also elected an annual event. Coihoi7 by r aPesdnt. Pirm pk h as eto nld of a resolution passed at the.by the shipper would carry aýthe new president, and Mn. Isobel Davis was the i bankuaers and "A he Comon tente ofitrwansaatsoindcte IWiRs"eeshI uz" n T byy rn artttekyad oetSi éinnua1 mneeting of the Ontaria special authonization clause ifiStewart Brown, Shedden, Ont) ner of the lucky cup prize Dominion Bank is the finst in, ype of account and the ac-'te15 ie unet.briefly in accepting tegf lveSermGog a -,te15 ie uret'on behiaif of CrippledCiu il.Jh asal(i Beef Cattle Producers Associa- this plan is accepted by beef.ýThe remaining directors were and Douglas White occupied 'Canada to stant rnaking use of count number. The possibilitv'Jane Paro. ene tren. tion in Toronto on April 14. producers. lelected in their representative' the lucky chair. them. of errons in processing is ex-! Stearman, Walter Kerry ani lds edLnb i Th poosi sbaedo a D.H.L.Pttrsn Ciezones. They are: r .K el eetdofcr re: Çnd wl eseing trernely small. Each caerload er.Betty Weir IMembers of the corelcSP or ero, ln~i Dr .L atroCifiJanes, Watford; Mr. V. Kauf-: President- Vernon Powell, rnuch more of these charac-'has a different magnetic sig- sang another gopc songs Enid' Mountjoy, Ja o.Kih Bcn rc deduction of 10 cents on every Econornics Branch, Ontario mnan, Woodstock; Mr. Ross: Vice-president - Jessie Elli ters in the future. They are' a n h caatrc d sWhc nc luded ig CudHvhtimn aro1 Mdly es. lnBiRs ie head of cattie. including calves»Department of Agriculture, Beatty, Stayner; Mrs. J. A.!cott, Secretay- Lois Yellow- printed with magnetîc ink and!printed on ahl cheques in a Dne i ih" "Wonder- ýJunie Ilaynes, Joan Le.Go-bruh uh ngt o sold for slaughter. This to'cited a number of challenges Brr, Dunoi;M.l.Hmýees, Treasurer- Grace Wni- are being nrdcdt pv pcfcll eie oation u u" n ~oreO i aCoeHahrCoc.CoiradCr any include beef cattie spsoldiatlcom-facingl beef producersy"inand"TBerre unrobin; CMr.eC. Harn-e inclue be for fee oderadt 1arig. Hef saidutaterts te'n ilton, Lakefield;Mr. R. Mac-_ ght, Programi Cornrittee- the way for the introduction en abling the machine te, read munity sales frfee niai esi htefrst Gregor, Kippen, and Mn. A. A.' Jean and Gerry Glaspeli, Wes of electronic machine wic1them correctly and quickly. tocker purposes, even though improve marketing practices McTavish, Paisley. A tenth and Ada Yellowlees, Susie and will sort cheques at a fantas-' Why is this revolutionary; -they may be subject again te arnmust take into account the director appeinted by the other George Graham. tic rate-up te 90,000 per heur.' change in methods necessary? deduction when they are ulti-dairy cattle sold for slaughten dinectors was Harvey Eckhart, Solina Women's Institute The characters make up a; The reason is the fast grew-1 lTately sold te packing plnsproe i nai.Hs e icrie or on the public stockyards. search snhontt ar e H seKncdne will meet on May Il at 8:15 code which can be read by:ing avalanche of paper which, Th roeds hihmihjccut o apoxmt1y5 o'clock (D.S.T.) sharp. Mrs. the electronic machines. iconfronts the banks each day. reah amaxmumofsom'pe cet o ttalmaretigsAdair cf the School for Re- Magnetic ink printinga, In Canada the number cf $7,0reah a aximumof e se'fo sper n talmrkeinge tarded Children, Oshawa, will new facility for processing cheques issued is about 2,500,- S70,00 er ear ar tebe ued'or lauhte inthi be guest speaker. cheques and other b an k 000 pet banking day-a tetal bytebe atepouesH eiwdte strong The Temperance program documents. The common Ian- of- 650,000,000 annually. At1 - oranzt for a d stryepne1npiedtriation and stht h in storesllenve at Sunday School Sunday guage cf numnerals and sym-lpresent, each cheque is hand- ** ,ar ora f romo xadelnpie eemntion and ieosmtonc ifr n Y. ro-en morning included a vocal trie bols will appear on al cf eut led up te 20 times. preah ofDeregatisteand e tout th of p roto -H by Susan, Kathy and Ronald cheques, regardless cf w ho This enormous amounit of seach Dleats isend o!ucs hrugh pomtions.H Vice and a story read by Mrs. draws them, or on what processing must be done as ~ an outline cf some major oh-si ht n hi i eotdGraduatsiWony branch they are drawn. The economically as possible in the! jectives cf the plan which la- te buy al cf its livestock in atraWnessofgvgth eluded m-arket research, pro- Western Canada, where it is On Tuesday, April 25th, the Mn. J. Yellowlees is con- Fiumbers and charati.r îtrsscfgvn h besti- <tuction research s u c h as custom killed and shippcd te Bow-manville P e n t e c o s t a 1- fined te bcd and quite 111 at imnitdiannk oni-sevctehebk'csor pasture studies, beef bull test- a central warehouse. This re- Young People chartered a bus time cf writing. chared ande, ic a supers.MICR eipnt offerath ing, feed additives and pre- duces the demand for Ontario te the 20 th graduation cf the lvli-. and Mts. Don Taylor speeds, bymgei n hrletslto oteepo - vention cf shipping fever. beef, and producers should dis- Eastern Pentecostal Bible Col- and childrea visited with the acter by adign( eticinkca- ems.ouinteteepo The program is aise te pro- cuss the mater with the chain lege held in Massey Hall, Ton- Abernethy's at Manilla.radn (MC)euples viefor negotiations r freight and packers te find e h nte. This is one of five Pen- Mrs. Bruce Tink visited her L rates on live cattle versus this conditien exists.euwh tecostal Bible Colleges la Can- mother, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, U . dressed beef, standardization W. P. Watson, Ontari's ada. Approximately 2500 pet- Brooklîa. KW -R O cf yard and commission charg- Livestock Commissiener, ex- sons atteaded. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and (Intended for Iast week) United Church for the pu- SP IGTINE IS VEAL TIME es, grade differentials, shrink amined the potential for beef fliere were 130 students Off hiîdrenvsted Mr and BLs. oseBf co- SAI Eplaslfo on hot an'd coîd weights and cattie production la Ontario. which 36, the "Courier" class, M. McCarrell, Omemee, on On Wednesday evening the she cf ometang plans for VEAL- HALF OR WHOLE apbr'oStabry-2o.Jr other problems cf the beef He noted that in past studies had compieted their three Sunday. Mothers' Auxiliary cf the Baqe.Mohrsand agHtpkin Industry. ~~some beef cattle preducers had years' studies and were gra- Mrs. Wrightsen Wight and 25th Brownics met with the Banet. Mns Clifthe opkeins-1 % oa t 1. g Retnig reidetA.A.received a labour income cf duating. There has been over Miss L. Hoar, Bowmanville 2O)th Brownie and Guide prsddoe h etn. L egl.6 0 RetiingPreiden, A A.about $1.000 pet year. This 700 graduates from this Bible visited Mn. and Mrs. E. R: Mothers' Auxiliary at Kedron It was decided that notices' McTavish, Paisley, Ontarioý low income had forced thcmn College. Taylor. should be sent eut te ahl moth- explained that the -deductions into other uines such as dairy The coilegfe is reprcsented Mn. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe B sns Directoy esanucn httept VA * ~~~~~cattie, during the past five from ah over Canada, the and family visited at E. H..ucsperwlsttpom- -HoeIol FIN QALTY years. He said that size cf the Uie tts n sfna evrsadJ yrsOh ly at 6:30 on Thursday, MV[ay MONUMNTS AD busness propr usecf caitalthe West Iadies, South Afnica, awa. 'A ou 8h ! ll~ .~I> MNMNSAD and labour, plus total volume Cog Cg n IeanMrad___E.Sirs The mmbrsdcded 1 o MARKERS cf marketings wouîd deter HoagKogal nd Ierelscas.Mn.n Mrs. .Wt E . Sp ciresc RAY J. DILLING purchase a flag fer the 2th RIB PA îrO "ekýNmine how successful a producerHSleia numbr u" ch a sit e Mrs. .Wote a n chid ertified Public Accouatant Guide Company. 'KUL \ ~** S? @.oultht te prosectsfot he beef Hl and "The Lord Is MY Mn. Elmer Creuse, Oshawa. __________ofthe___________ 0F AFFORD hath pro e cts o the mall f Shepherd"l were sung by the Mn. Frank McCullough and MArket 3-3861 Bause c the roln ___________________ a TFFR roe nett e gh, aticuarly students cf the college. The Mn. N. Stinson, Enfield, vis- IM .H OGN Meeting will be held at the - SAlE 6cb.6 9 Ar RO. renotto bimansericlalonaldMayia wsiM.tavd tinstead rs N.Wcfe. hRedrd cRonanemaseonMa60ûhBagsa o asud poue at om e was a Kechaie. Mrs. Frank Westlakc St. Second Floor the usual day. The speaker VEAL istikorka limiting factor. The speaker for the gradu- spent Sunday with Mn. and New Library Building will be Mrs. J. H. McKinney DUW Another resolutien passed at ating ciass was Mn. Lyle Car- Mrs. Percy Westlake and fam- Cor. King and Temperance Sts. cf Brooklia. Staff od Bros. partment cf Agriculture te an- Ghost Baptism." It was in- Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- YALE, FRIEDLANDER Oshawa has been spcnding a r l i sl.5 ~T A B G 3 StfodBo. range t have ail carcasses spiing to al Young people te lake Jr., and family were & COMPANY week at the home cf Mn. and BS U AE8 Mou etlW rksgaded and weighed by gov- sec these dedicated young men Suinday dinner guests cf Mn, Acceuntants and Auditons Mrs. Ross Lee. While Mn. Ar- Swift's Prernium et paid on a warm, dressed te funther the work cf God. ville. 64 King St. E. HA 5-1621 several days with his daugh-6eOfac-Re&Wht Ph8oDnd SE. Whitby weight basis. This is, la cffect, Mn. and Mrs. Frnk West- Oshawa, Ontaiol ter, Mrs. Lee, a welcomc af- are e Lb.4C PhaneWk 8-35 rail grading, much as hogs are lake Jr., attcnded the evea- B. L. Yale, C.A. ternoon caller was Mr. Jesse a b q eF A K Mhw 8-52 sold by now. The same reso- SOLINA ing service at Albert St. Uni- F. Fniedander, B. Cern., O.P.A. Annott. Swift's - By FR Nh4e Pea utB ttr e lution asked te have prices ted Church, Oshawa, Suaday MONTEIT-fï _ MONTEITH On Saturday evenîag Mn.tePic _______________________________ Cogatlainste Pggy night and later visited Mrs. RIEHL &L CO. and Mrs. Ted Maîdman, Marie ~f,1.ni~L~ ETBY-SV 0 ___________Congratulations_____________ Hilda Mutton and Mn. W. R. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and Margaret attended the A reminUIIE UUUo IIU $1. Milîson who was awarded the Westlake. Chartered Accountants Minstrel Show put on by the'redN"Btr-24zJa 98e size 98esie 19 size 1.25 Junior Elernentany Award in Mn. and Mi's. Keith Rowe RA 5-3527 Doubles' Club cf Simcoe Swift's Eversweet 1.49Cogae size the Legion Zone Public Speak- and childrn, Bowmanville, Bowmanville Street United Church. 1b 9 --_________-______---___________ ber". family. 1Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA. nturnd whomelno to _______________________ Winners cf pnizes for high- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mon- A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.Aptaend hwaurseicoug nt Odo-Ro-No Ajusta Roll 98e Stri-dex for Pimples 98a est scores at the Solina Good risey, Harold and David, G W. Riehl, C.A., R" .a ttnd technh evieo FEATURE - SAVE 4c FEATUE-SAE4 Ban Deodorant 1.25 Aenomel Cream ---- 2.00 Neighbors card party were Pickring, vsited Mr. and G(LensdàTrus.te) OnSaurayevnig he Brad'I" Butter - 16 oz. Jar LibbysFny-4 Mennen Brake___ 1.25 Clearasil Cream 69e, 1.19 Mns. B. Hooey and Ronale Sunday. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Ontario County Junior Fanm-P C LE I Fresh Roll-on ___ 89e Sentor Cream___ 1.50 Broome. The doon prize, a pot Mn. and Mrs. Charles Smnith, - rs' Choir presented a veny YOIRK PICKLES 27c T Arrid Spray - 75e Clearasil Soap o ome.fois a wn Lloyd Gis eorgeBitter saw ad M. Chi r o p r ac i c successful concert la the aud- _______ cf daffodrgswas issJenCyerm saw ad Mn.- C- itoriumn cf Pt. Penny High Ditn Harold Yeilowlees comple- ited on Sunday with Mn. and G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Sehool, with the proceeds go- BISCUIT FEATURE Gin Drita ted bis first yean at OAC, Mns. E. Cryderman. Chirepracton ing te Crippled Cblîdren. The-Sae2e-Yu hi W 79e- .29-9 1.2964 12579225 retnnd omefoete1.2-c5,-G2t.vsitd n.andMn. 5 Egi StoorecffoserSt ohMse lse obsn.ui meL AS ales ueihonApnl 4,aadbaMM. and Mrs. o5 as-Ofi: , o. fHrsySt fm s sic a ne on edrcinKnsae-Sv 2 -Yu hlelakrs-1l.P ublBahie.iz,9e mer months. Stan Milîson and sons. Phone MA 3-5509 The evening opened with a 5 c . a ie es /8CS Dodd's 1.9 th8ge size - 7.9 Disa Several Solina ladies at- Mns. Stan Milîson enten- Office Heurs: By Appointment genetal introduction jy Mnr..V reis3SO atn O A 5 Puids 1.8szHao 12 rtn teadcd the W.T. bazaan at tained sevei-al school chums - Lyna Fait, County Argnicul- Pi9e 98c size Gleem Paste 78e Spray Blackstock. cf Glena's at a party on Mon- D e ni fai tunal Representative. Master Bayrs acum ottes - 7eing featured an iatenesting bîthday. DR. W. NI. RUDELL, .DS. was Rick Campbell, C.F.T.O., AspiVna.23umzeBufflerin -98e Nozm and informative tour cf Harnp- The Solina Hi C's met on Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. T.V. Bayrs .23siz Bufern -98e Crxea ptoa Creameny. Aften the tour April 19 in the church base- 40 King St. W. Bowmanville The pnonam beanhwit 573 20 size Hair Spray - 99e 73e the gtcup met at the home cf ment with Lorne Tink, presi- Office Heurs: twe numbens b hiuia the chois, 57c- 9e 129 izeSilvikrin - 98e 93c - 1.10 Murray and Faye Vice. Mn. F. dent la the chair. Gail Baker's 9 a.m. te .'6 p.m. daily "Canada, Our Henitage" aad _____________________________________ Recd gave a talk on Hinduism, group xvas la charge cf the Closed Saturday and Sunday "il May Neyer Pass This Way one cf the cldest religions. The programme for the cveniag Office Phone- MA 3-59 Aga la". The 1959 quartette, Us ersn iei edpresident, Stan Milison, closed unden the theme of prejudice. House Phone - N~ewcastle 3551 composed c f Jeanine Wenry, UeCrsnM o ra edgrain th meeting with prayen. Pat Knox and Gail Baker led DR. E. WV. SISSON Roberta Baird, Hugh Baind Lunch and a social time werrc la the devotional period. A Ibs. DDS ndGat pne sn h 14o. .5 1 b --- ------- 48 enjoyed by ail present. story was read on the theme Office in his home negro spiritual, "Do Lord", About seventy relatives cf heur prejudices. Mabel Hug- Phone MA 3-5604 Love Song." -S the Yellowlees family cnjoyed gins sang a solo, and eveny- Office Houns: Dr. M. B. Dymond, M .P. P.,i1 ~~~ ~a reunion la Solina Commun-~ one joined in a sing-song. The 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Minister cf Health for Ontario' SotGosy naieN.IGade Crlan Crs-N.IGad C O W L IN G 1 ~~~~~~~~ity Hall- on Satunday night. next meeting will be held On Closed Wedinesday - SuindaySotGosOnai o rCr THURS., 7:30 FRI., SAT., 7 - 9:05 MNATINEE SAT., 2 P.M. JERRY LEWIS Plus L I Color Cartoons PUJQoIR Mlon., Wed., one complete show ai 7:30 "Key Witness" Jeffrey Hunter, Pat Crowley Veny good juvenile delinquency story ALSO "The Beat Generation"l Steve Cochran - Mamie Van-Doren Aduit Entertainment sta'Ilers needed because of the oughly tnained its own crews %V. R. Stnîke, Q.C. tremendous growth cf the who have since cannied eut-I A. A. H. Stnîke, B.A, natural gas industny la On-'without incident-four major'40 King St. W. - Bowmaaville tarie, The Consumers' Gas' conversions from manufactun- Telephone MA 3-5791 Company working with the cd te naturai gas-in Bowman- Ontario Departmettcf Enen- ville-Oshawa-Whitby district,: LAW RNCE C. So B.A. cyhas set ouk a niwv senies of Bnockville, Peterborough and' anse. oiio training ,sehools .f:Dn plumbens, OtUava. Company. of ficiais are i o tary. Pblicnvl and dealens' installers - the'quick te say that they have Phones: Office MA 3-5688 finst of which concludcd la' the finest natural gas service RsiecMA -55 Toronto recently. crews la North Amnerica. eincMA353 The Department bas onder- Al cf Consumens' training MISS APHA 1. HODGINS ced that after Julyv 1, 1961, all activities since 1954-includ- Barristen, Solicitor gas fitters iastaliing or re îng courses in pipe weldiag, Notai-y Public ýmoving gas appliances la corrosion prevention, appli- Temperance St. - Bowmanville othen than ono two familyî ance installation, instruction E. RICHARD LOVEKIN dweihingas must carry licences in gas codes, venting, burner Barnisten. Solicitor obtained following w n i t t e n adjustment, etc. - have lxen Box 9 Newcastle exarninations. The next cen-'aimed at increasing the num- W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. tif ication examinations arc set bers cf q ualif ied gas installers Banrister and Solicitor for May 23 and 24, 1961. ite keep pace with the tremen- Ia the offices cf In the ncw senies of class-1dous growth cf the natunal R. R. Waddeil, Q.C. eunden the direction cf Pat; a nutytruhu On- Main Street, Orono, Ontario Mesl, TriigD ,tarie. Monsrucion Tnaiing D-otr:AIse, the pregram keeps t Mohe gag instucton i beng gven service men, nstalers and: _________ Bsro , Dick thrainigCassofin-plumbers up te date with the!SADII HAMILTON - ORONO pson, ehre gopsc 4latest equipment changes and i Phone 1 r 16 penonseac.1 safety methods. Finst Mertgagc Funds Classes are being held at 36i T hÏ e r e are fully-equipped Residences - Farns ,Mutual Street, Toronto, each training schools in Toronto, Business Properties succeeding Monday and Wed-' Ottawa and Fort Erie. nesday at 7:30 p.rn. for the, The result cf this long-termMrgg on nex tw weks.program is evident in the fact Prompt, courteous service Sirnilar sehools are in op-!that in 51/ ycars la Consum- eration in Toonto North.1 crs' Gas service area more HAROLD C. PEDWELL Geongian Bay, Toronto East, than a quarter cf a millioni Real Estate and Toronto West, Ottawa and:gas-burning appliances have! Motgage Broker Provincial Gas C o m p a n y's been iastalled witheut a single Necsl Pee35 aroansumrncs' Gas inauguratedaciet nregular training schoois and ,- corssorits own service mcanau0_____________e_______y 5, prieaers'ite he rplacment.FrOdKEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. cf5, ro manufaetreacbynt, o O Appliances Optoertist ufrauate gas in 955 la the5 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville ure as tenDc19be5.196, me 'hrougb Office Heurs: By appeintment yearsto Deember 1960 moreTelephone MArket 3-3252i than 2800 installers cf natunai S T A T E S M A N Mon. - Tues. - Thuýrs. F. gas equiprncnt werc trained C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S 9 a.rn. te 5 plm. 'under The Consurners' Gas Phone MArkct 3-3303, Thursday evenings Company program.1 Wed. and Sat, - 9 -12 and "I Believe". The guest artist for the evening, Betty Weir, cf C.F. T.O., presented a gnoup cf songs, "Shaîl We Dance",' "Smoke Gets In Youn Eyes" and '"Enjoy Being a Girl". To conclude the first haif cf' the pnogram the choir sang "~No Man Is an Island". During the intermission girls cf the Junior Farmers' Organization sold home-made caady fnom baskets attractiv- ely deconatcd la mauve and, yellGw. The pnoceeds were te cover the cost cf rcntiag the' grand plane used for the con-, cert. The choir returncd te singý a special arrangement cf:1 "The Belîs of St. Mary's, and Credit Union Plans Drive For Members The regulan menthly mneet- ing of the Board of Dinectons' cf the Onono District Credit Union was held la the Co-op. Building on Tuesday evening,I 3Apnil 25. The directors will henceferth have mernbership cards for those wishing te join the lecal Credit Union. The preseat membcrship is 119. Iti was decided te put on a drive'ý for in crea sed membenshipi through publicity and direct! contact.1 Today's pioneers are build-ý ing to-morrow's progress. Thomas J. Watson.I SUNBEAM - SAVE 4e Brown "N"- Serve - 12 to Pkg. TWIN ROLLS - 25c FEATURE - SAVE 6c Beef or Irish -- 24 oz. Tin Puritan STEWS 39c Swift's - Cevers 5,000 lit. - 35 lb. Bag VIGORO - Golden $4.39 Golden Heur - 1I L Ce0dbBý, POPPING CORN 19e Red & White - 50 per Pkg. BOOK MATCHES 19c This coupon is %vorth 10e on the purchase of BIRDS EYE - 9 oz. pkg. French Fries 2 1 or 29c, WITH COUPON (Good only until Sat.. May 6/61 IrEATURE - SAVE 6c - LIQUIIJ Glide - 3e Off Pack - Bottle Laundry Starch 21c FEATL'RE - SAVE 10e Twln Pack - 12 oz. Trend Delergent 2/59c FEATURE - SAVE 4e Aunt Mlary's - 24 oz. Louf Cherry Hill - 12 oz. Wedge SLICED BREAD 19c OLU CHEESE M 59C PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE ISTED RED & WHITE FOOD STORES ONLY MAPLE GROVE MARKET m Maple Grove ICORNISH'"S MARKET -......- -Orono, ai THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANviLLZ oNTArao - WEDNESDAY, MAT SM, 1961 tc