WEDNEDAV.MAT 3rd. 1961 Mrs. W. J. Bagneil spent Presider.t J. Woodward and the wceelend with Mr. and'delegate members of Branch, MUrs. w,.r.. Etueklev and farnil,! 187 of the Canadian Legion A7incourt. Ont. attended the District Conven- Mrs. J. T. Mddup. Toronto. tion in Lindsay on Sunday. lias beeri a recent guest o! Congratulations to A. Burgess, Mrs. 'W. O. LaBelie and Miss Zone FI, on bis election to * LveR>, LaBele., District Commander. Dr. Maryv L. Northwav and Miss Margaret Goheen, who Miss Flora Morriszon, Toronto. has been attending MeM'-lýaster w~ere rrce:s -itors with Mrs. University, Hamilton, is teach- N. S. B. james. in-, at Bo,.%vmanvllle EH igh Recent Visitoswt M.aa Scho>ol for the remainder o Mrs. E. V. I4Toar. King Streel. the term. MiÎss Goheen is re East, uere M-r. and Mrs. J.F. placing Miss Ethel McKague Good!ellow -of Toronto. ***who' is on leave of! absence Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Lumb.1because of illness. ]B7ncroft,. Ont., were w1eekendý Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mort- v!sitors of his sister, Mrs. M.ilock and son Jamie, Ottawa, E. Leask. Ontario Street. lwere weekend guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stew- T. H. Gibbs, Tyrone. Mr. art, Renfrew,. were visitors on Mortlock was guest speaker Saturday of ber aunt, Mrs. T. at Rotary on Friday and while S. Holgate, Division Street. in the area availed himself of MissRosmaryGohen, ra.the opportunity to renew old Miss Rof ory onoThe ra.acquaintances. Mrs. Mortlock riuategeo! Toront eachers i remained for a week's visit ,Scarborough Township nextiihMs.Gbs Fail. Mrs. Ruth Carrigan, officia:. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mayberry delegate, Miss Margaret Pur- and Dianne, Toronto, were don, panelist, Mrs. Victoria Sunday visitors with Mr. and Frank, Mrs. Pauline Storks of Mrs. W. Maindonald, Ljiberty Newcastle, Mrs. Audrey Cook- Place. son. Miss Edith Brooks anci ÂV.L.LO. .LvLOGJ . ebroi Mivss M ar i on McDougall, Who bas been spending sev- eral months in Town, leaves today for ber home in Chat- Icm , Ont. Mrs. R. Hawthorne and Mrs. ft. Kerr attended the annual IEpring Show o! the Brooklin Art group, Brooklin, Ont., on Saturday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Eciger, Debbie and Randy, Peterbor- bugh, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John M. James. Church Street. At a recent Port Hope Ro- tary Club meeting, G ran t Brooks. who practices law in Port Hope, gave a classifica- tion taik on the history o! law. Mr. Brooks Is the son o! Mrs. Sam Brooks, Wellington St. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Strike were in Montreal, Que., over the weekend where Mr. Strike attended the 50th anniversary o! the 9th Field Ambulance Corps o! World War I. Forty- five o! the original unit wereý present. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Organist - Mr. M. Beaton L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. Sunday, May 7th 9:50 &.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL ST. PAUL'S MEN'S CLUB ANNUAL C19URCH SERVICE Special Speaker: Mr. John Bain Supt. of B.T.S. MEN'S CHOIR Evening Service Wlthdrawn the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club, attended the Business and Professional Women's Cliu b Regional Confereace at Ca- bourg on Saturday, April 29. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Green- field returned last week fron, a visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H.1 C. Anderson and Douglas o! Beaurepaire, Que. On Tues- day Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield, accompaaied liv Mr. and Mrs. E. Je!fery, Coiborne, Ont., motored to St. Catharines where they visited Mrs. M. Merritt and Miss Allie Bragg at Linwell Hall, C.N.I.B. resi- dence. Don Morris, chairmari of the Bowmanville Rotary Club's Crippled Ch il dr en's Comndttee, attended the spring meeting o! the Council o! the Crippled Children's Society of Ontario whicb was held ln Brighton last Thurs- day evcning. Mr. Morris is a director of! the organization. He also attended the speciai meeting o! the Funeral Direc- tors Section o! the Board o! Trade of Metropolitan Toronto on Tuesday evening. His cou- sin and namesake, Don Mar- ris, Windsor, was also present at the special meetmng. Mrs. Ross Westlake, Mrs. Charles Bettles and Mrs. Hugh McDonald attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the Tor- onto Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary o! the An- glican Church o! Canada on Monday. The day liegan with the celebration of Holy Com- munion in St. James Cathe- dral, The Lord Bishop o! Tor- onto being the Celebrant. In the a!ternoon they heard the fine address o! the Rt. Rev. Kenneth D. W. Anand, Lord Bishop o! Amnritzar, India. They attended as delegates o! St. John's Evening Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne were in Toronto on Wedaes- day evening to attend a sang recital given by senior stu- dents from thc studio of Dora- thy Allan Park in the recital hall o! the Royal Conserva- tory. Miss Catharine Lynch sang two groups of sangs on the program including com- posers Handel, Schubert, Som- ervell and Veracini. Also nu-1 Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "The God Who Provides" The Evening Service bas been Discontinued for the summer months. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.-Tunior, Interniediate and Senior 11:00 a.n.-Nursery I11:20 a.m.-Kindergarten and Primary Baby-sitting Service A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL gEHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 4 Scugog Street, Bowmanville IRev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister I Telephone MA 3-5023 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 7:30 P.ât - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday School immediately after Sunday morning service. Free transportation for those willing but unable ta attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. S "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday h CKEY, Toronto, at 7 a.m. TH~ CANADIA!1 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SZVE~ Legion Pipe Band Leads Odd Fellows Church Parade Postpone Road Rebate Counties' Assessmenf Rîses ta $ 76,268,753 The total taxable assess- Tlie Counties Council's pro- Four large municipalities ment in the United Counties perty committee decided to Bowmanville, Port Hope, Co-! o! Durham and Northumber-lask couincil to have the old bourg and Campbellford, andý land lias reached $76,268,75"' Cobourg Registry Office of- the Village of Hastings had I Assessor T. Garnet Shields re- fered for auction with a re- sent resolutions to the Coun-1 ported to Counties Council serve bld. ties Council requesting an in- last Thursday. In the record road programi crease in road rebates from This total shrows an increase of $597,500, presented to Co- 25 to 50 per cent. of $1,872,389. The population1 unties Council last week the Counties Council by a vote of the United Counties now largest arnount, $297,500, %vill of 19 to nine approved that numbers 78.979, an increase be devoted to the construction xes o$80b auhr o! 1,239 during the ycar, it of 29.5 miles of roads in the epenrses o $00ie authr- was stated. Mr. Shiclds sta- 16 municipalities. The Roads delegae oteGo od ted that the Counties Equal- and Bridges Report was read gatnestio th e GoodRoad ization By-Law should lie by Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blan- Banf! this summer. passed hy July lst after the chard, Darlinglon. chairman equalization report is sulimit-lo! the committee. The Children's Aid Society's ted.1 Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobis, annual report showed that the The assessor's report show- Bowmanville, mnoved, second- CAS, Port Hope, at the start ed that the assessmnents ofed by Reeve Sidney Little O! 1960 was responsible for the different towns are: Co-1 that the portion of the report 199 children. Some were in bourg, $12,992,841; Port Hope, concerning road rebates lie the receiving home, Hillcrest, $10,162,536; Bowma n v i111 e, held in abeyance until the Lodge, others in boarding $7,488,409; and Campbellford, June session. He urged that homnes, free wage homes and $2,775,292. a special committee be formi- in institutions. Newcastie's assessment $995, ed to make a study of the pro- During the year 102 children 001, was the third highest blem. were admitted, 105 discharg- among the villages. Darling- Warden Bruce Ashton ap- cd, 42 rcturned to parents, 52 ton, $6,343,133, was the leader pointed a four man special adopted, 10 reacbed maturity of the townsbips. Clarke came committee, Reeve Tom Jones, (age 18), and one child died. third with $3,641,325; Hope Cobourg, Deputy-Reeve A. It was stated that Miss Joan fourth, $3,182,751; Manvers Wartman, Perey, Reeve Gar- Arkett, Bowmanville, h a d seventh $2,108,075; Cav a n net Rickard, Darlington, and been appointed to fi a vac- ninth, $1,941,080; and Cart- Reeve R. C. Everson, Port ancv ori the case workers wright thirteenth, $1,648,943._Hope. __________staff. __ __ ticed in the audience were Bell for ber work in e h n Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, former- to organize this league.B a q e ly o! Orono, and Miss Jean Trophies were then pre- Stacey o! Shaw's, as well as sented as follows- Fîrst High (FROM PAGE ONE) friends from the choir of Hol0Y Average-- Marion Buttery, tarîo Streets. He was inform- Trinity Church of which Ca- Second High Average- Gla- ed that a report on this mat- tharine is a inember. dys Scott, High Single lst ter is ben rped r-1aîe - 1isuciVVLIgILL, __. Raise $295.56 For ESTARL On Weekend A mast success!ul Oppor- tuaity Sale was beld by Dur- ham Chapter No. 181, Order o! the Eastern Star on Fr1- day at King Street. The net proceeds raised amounted ta $295.56 for ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Re-ý ligiaus Leadership). A large crowd both duringi the morning and afternoon took advantage o! the sale and enjoyed patronizing the many tables. The chapter ex- tends tbanks ta aill who par- ticipatcd la any way to make Highi Single (2nd Schdule)- Marg Coyle, High Triple (lst Schedule)-. Marlon Wiseman, Higli Triple (2nd Schedule)- Enla Tester, Skunk Trophy- Olive Moffat. Wianing Team- Mary Co- wan (Capt.) Muriel Crago, Jean Evans, Helen Allen, Rita Robertson, Shirley Crawford. Lucky Draw Pnizes went ta- Marion Firth, Olive Mo!- fat, Gladys Scott, Erla Tester, Vivian Pickard, Isabel Wri- ght, Marg. Coyie, Diana Viv- ian, Mari. Piper and Verna Sarginson. Anyone wishing ta join this league for ncxt season please contact Jean Evans at MA 3-3932. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Hooper also iaquired if there had been a reply from the PUC regarding public notice o! the dates. times. and places of PUC meetings. Heli was in!ormed that a letter had been received stating thatl the commission meets the I second Tuesday of each month, and if the date o! a[ meeting bias ta lie chaaged any interested persan can telephone and lie told of the new date and time.i Robiert Trejlial appeared before cauncil and requested that Mearns Avenue North: lie improved. He said the con- dition of the road there is poor and there is no dran age for water from the near-. by field. The matter was re- 1. ferred ta the Roads and!, Streets committee.i H. J. Dadson speaking for,' 'tac sale fon te oieWiLIy case Mrs. L. C. Snowdea accom- 1 ghbtliau on Lilict Strlus such a success. aidM.adMsA. nihoro LbetSre, Mrs. Florence Hall xvas the rpne n n is .J. South, who was also present, gencai onvnor Sh wa Campbell ta visit Mr. and protestcd agaiast a suggcst- l.sitd y WrhyMto Mrs. Neil McCuaig, Ke -i on liy same other persans i Leola Thrashecr, and the fol- on Sunday. that the curbs la front o! lowing members o! the corn-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robent Smith their Liberty Street proper- mittee in charge o! arrange- and Kellyv, Brooklin, were tea tics lie removed. mnents for the exeat. Miss igo csts of Mr. and Mrs. Del Counicillor Stevens statedi Mary Jewcll. Miss Veiman Headsbee and famiiy last that a lot o!fînoney had been G ay and Mrs. Minnie Deeley. Wednesda y. spent on Liberty Street, and Miss VeInia Gay wzis con- Mr. and Mis. Cecil MilIs property awners should have venor o! the jewellery and: were Sunday gucsts o! Mr.I some say regarding curlis as gi!ts table. Irs. Myrtie Cour*t- an d Mrs. Gardon Shunk., Port they keep the boulevards ney xvas la charge of the sale Perry. neat. Ho moved that the curbs o! home baking. The chie! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore. in question remain. This was cashier was Mis. Lola Free- iOShawa. spent the weekend, seconded liy Deputy-Reeve Mmail. Grciwitii Mr n nd Mrs. JdiaColli.s~. IHoblis and carried. M ýýA!hGrerau'., v-a, Mr. andi \Irj . Sttuz.t Iron~, the clothiag coivenor, and 'MI. and Mrs. 'lM.orlcy Burgucss, I 'Mrs. Audrey Martin and -Nrs.i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White * Hevens o tenchuiren's car WadiEwng anersayGclera- iOV v enrordtea welre co-con-an ediEn aned G len sale. 1-rs. MVIrtle Morris ,vas1 tions for Mr. aad Mrs. NelsonFamer icharge o! borne !urnisb- Wýellmari in Ilavelock last -om r ings. The bats and shoes con- Wednesday evening. (FRONI PAGE ONE) venor xvas Mrs. Bernice Scott. Several Kiv.-iis niembers Mrs. Edna Anderson, past fro:n Maple Grave attended will soon lie openIng in this, IGrand Matron of Ontario the Sportsmens Show in Pet- arca. He stated that the race-1 was la charge o! donations,. erborougl last Wednesday cv- way will help ta put the namn-: The coffec and dougnuts con- 'ening with members of Bow- os around here on the map. vernor was Mrs. Jean Lobb. ma.nviile's Senior Citizens. He told some o! bis exper- ______________The Country Couples Club lences he had had wbile gctt- will hold their annuai bowl- ing the raceway la warking in night this Saturday, May order. Aay new ideas or liet-: 'Night Hawks'3 mmespcs oe e ehd noe hs Mr. and Mrs. Bil Hawk- which would help them ta aw and Miss Sandra Snow- work mare efficiently, wouldý Ho Id A n nual den, Kitchener, were week- lie a great help ta hlm ta ~A en espflrasente . ster petodseaontereis, eadnustso! Mr.Dvidand rinsow eople are ginteese 'Bowling P ry Jia. adM Ed î d He showed pictures o! the, Mr. adMs d ols n buildings that wcre lieing er- For the past two seasons a: family, Bowmanville, visited ected on the premises ta make group o! ladies, xvho caul Mr. and Mrs. Jim Geddes and it conveniet for everyone.I t hcm s el1vecs the "Night 'family,. The speaker was thanked byý, Hawks", have licen bowling Mr. nd Mrs. Neil Maguire Ronald Welsh. at 9 p.m. an Manday evenings.aniaml, Shaws, were Sun-1Rc n uc On Monday, May 1lst, their day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. 1'brouglit the eveniag ta a close annual banquet was held at Del Hendsbeo and family. land everyoac agrced it was Thli Acres Restaurant when The Girl Guide tea and bake1 success!ui. a deliciaus barbecucd chieken , sale which was beld last Tues- On April 28, the Junior. supper wvas served.1 day eveaing la the churdli Farmers held a preseatation. The following new execu- I basement was a success. Pro- and play party for Miss Mar- tive %vas elected: President- fits were $54.00 for the tea garet Harvey and Jim Coom- Gladys Scott, Vce-Pres.- and bake sale and the Brown-.lies. The eveniag was speat Marion Wiseman, Secretary- les made oven $1400 on their la playing games and daac- Jean Evans, Treasurer- Ritalcandy sale. The Girl Guideling. Marg and Jimn were pre- I Robertson. ;leaders and Brownie leaders1 seated with a set o! T.V.1 A hearty vote o! thanks wcre la charge and înstructed istools, smoker's stand and a*, was proposed ta the out-going the girls wýho belped. Severai T. V. lamp. Lunch xvas ser- executive and a speciai tra-_ ladies froîn the Local Asso- ved ta brng an enjoyable phy was preseated ta DaisyÏciation assisted in the kitchen. j evening to a close. Rotarmy speaker (FROM PAGE ONE) Mlortlock was born in England and came to Canada with bis parents wben lie was 14 ycars old, Mr. Bain statcd. He start- cd la newspaper work as a reporter on the Oshawa Times, and later served as asociate editor o! the Canad- ian Statesman for eiglit years. Mr. Mortlock later served as an editor on newsuarsn Fort Erie and Brampt. Mr. Mortlock bas been pro-, minent la church work aiso, \Ir. Bain asserted. He told the Rotarians that Ilieir gucst speaker is a licenced layl reack.r. "When a resident of Bowmanville he was presi- dent o! the Young People'si Association o! St. John's An- glican Churcb, and a dele- gate ta the synod. Mr. Mort- lock is Executive Commnis- sioner o! Public Relations for the Boy Scouts in Canada. and bas held this important position since 1956, Mr, Bain assertcd. Mvr. Mortlock told the Ro- tarians that lie weil remeni-1 bered the 13 happy years hc had spent w7ithin the friendlyl and hospitable boundaries o! this town. His nostalgie rem-ý iniseences ot Ic. 1920's and 30 ,s wcre exceedingly inter- esting.1 He recalled the days iwhen Tomn Holgate was the Mayor n YOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMENDS MULMTPLEVITAMINS Each IabletContaifls Y essentiel vitamins. Caste JleS then 4c c dey. GET&e STRONGER TOO WHEN WET OR DRY SECAUSR Ss MELOBONDED! RIGULAI 23c MAN-SIZE 33C BRYLCREEM FREE UNBREAKABLE COMIB Noney-Saving SPECIALS! I.D.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets - 300's - Reg. 99e Idasal Tablets - - - - 79c Evelyn Hloward Theatrical - 1 pound - Reg. 89e Cold Cream - - - - - 69c Noxzema Skin Cream Regular 66o 49c Trig Deodorant - Regular 89e - 83c Colgate Dental Cream Reg. 65e---- - 55c Reg. 98ec9 HAIR CARE SPECIALS Beautiful Hair Brings Compliments Free Brush, Comb and Styllng Booklet wlth Adorn Hair Spray - - 1.89 For ail types of hair - 12 oz. size.. reg. 1.75 BreckShampoo - 40c esilze Riîse Away with Â- 1.0 sze Alberto V05 - - - *1.49 -1.40 value a 1.00 Economy Size - Reg. 1.95 Halo Shampoo *- - lelene Curtis - 99e size Creme Rinse - - - Richard Hudnut - 40 oz., reg. 75e Egg Creme Shampoo Liquid or Lotion - 79e size Lustre Creme Shampoo - 3ý2 oince, Soft or Regular - Reg. 69c NestieSpraze - - - - 75e size Aquamarine Shampoo wlth 1.75 si RevionLivingCuri 2.50 value Royal Drene Liquid Shamp Reg. 49c. 39C Reg. 75e 59C Reg. 1.29 Silvikrin Shampoo Reg. 45e 39C Reg. 75e 59C Reg. 1.29 Vitalis Reg. 73e -ý- -- 69C Reg. 1.00-- 94c Woodbury Shampoo Regular!.2>5 Helene Curtis Spray Net 1.29 I ~uniuiiiniiIinnIiininniwinjiuiinniuuuium -Macleansm LIVE ACTIONI TrOOTH PASTE ECONOMY SIZE wIh~ the DELSEY* TWI N-PACK 79c IN COLOUR 79c \ ~2 ROLLS 49c ~K 73 5c 'AQUAI WHITE I *Re.erode mari 79cl Vilen eatiflg pult tu wtùng - JSpecia 9 ounceesize .~99CJ PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Yo ur Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 ,,r §Prsona I Phone MA 3-3303 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I m IJ DU.- S LITORES[I SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Àmffl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMWANVMLE. ONTARIO 1 puW- PAGE SEVEN and the first president of the than an employer-employeu Bowmanville Rotary Club, association. The town then had a popula-I The speaker told of his first tion o! 3,600, and along its kno,,ledge o! the Boy Scout main street there were more movement which lie had buggies parked than auto- learned in this town. He be- mobiles, he said. The speaker came an assistant Scoutmas- also remarked that haircuts ter, then a Scoutmaster here. ln Jack Cole's barbershop "Now 30 years later I arn stili cost only 25 cents in those a Scoutmaster and stili firin days. ina my conviction that Scout- M r. Mortlock mentioned ing can and does make a "dignified aId John Lyle." tremendous contribution to wvbo then presided over the the boys* formative years. towvn's administration, and "Basically beliiind very Ro- mentioned the budget was tary Club the worid over are then one tenth o! what it is two fundamnental principles, noxv. He spoke o! the weli brotherhood and service. It remembered store, Couch, wvas Inrgely tlle desire for bru- Johanston and Cryderman's, therhood and fellowsbip that and stated that "courtly Wil- brought Pauil Harris and his lianm Browning Couch, a fricnds togethcr in Chicago to grand nepbew o! the great formn the first Rotary Club. Robert Browning, couid quote At just about the same time with unerring accuracy ai- Baden-Powell was writing his most everything the poet ever book which brought bis Scout wrote." Movement inito being." The speaker also referred te "It is your job as Rotariang Bowmanviile Higli School, ta serve your commiunity at "1then a small building xith some cost to yourselves, same no gymnasium and no auidi- cost o! time. o! thouglit. o! toriumn except an apology enerý:y and of mioney. And for one up in the attic- ail Scouting Nvith its miotta "Be o! it swallowed up and en- Prcpared" is training boys to gulfed ln the building o! to- give their communities that day. He recalied the evident service v.hIiclh is the principle satisfaction of the new prin- bv v.hich xvou Rotarians live." cipai. Loti Dippeili, vwen Ille*The grèaltst problem fac- new sehool xvas opeaed. The iing îhu comnti-N in the field cosi was the then treinendous. of-vouîîh work is an aduit but now insignificant sum o'f problem, ',I. IMoriock stated ~1000U0.' unp1aîiclly.Ilie explained Hý'ig tribute xvas also paid ýthat onfly '2àper cent o! Can- liv _Mr. Mortlock ta Sidney' 'adian boys are actively en- iVenton w~ho for many years gagecd ;la youth trainiing pro- was Bowm-ianville's popular granis. This is because o! lack Chie! Constable. The speaker of adit le.crship. lie said. told the Rotarians o! the mag- "I bave no douibt that Scout- nceto telephone systern in use ing cou id double its member- that Bowmaniville some years leadership w e r e av'ailable later xvas anc o! the first 'he asserted. Canadian communiti e s to La moving a vote of thanks change ta dial phones. He ret Mr. Mortlock for bis excel. marked that hie as preseatlent addlres Frank Jamniesort when the first dial phone cali said that the speaker was, in the town wvas made by the well k;nowýn as a inan dedi- then Mayor Ross Strike, Q.C., cated ta the beltermient of to thec Vice-President o! the Canadian yvouth, %vho bas done Bell Telephone Company in rnuch for Canada. President Toronto. R;ckîibv also îh-anked âMr. Mr. Mortlock spoke feeling- 'Mortiock and presenited hitp ly o! bis years o! service with witli a gzift as a souvenir of Dr. George W. James on the bis vîsit ta the club. Statesman as an associate edi- -___ -- tor and advertising manager. Practiee îin lite v,-hatever ! He stated that this developd vu ry fao', and God will into almost more o! a fatherlà ive it to you more abtondant- 7and son relationship rather1Ily.-Edward Bouverie 'Pusey.