PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTRIrOWENSAMYrd 9P -~- ummma aimmaam~s SPORTOpICS By Frank 5<ohun MA 3-7234 BANQUETS, BANQUETS, BANQUETS! This Is the time of year when it is the In-betweer eason in the sports scene. Nearly ail the winter bowling leagues have completed their playoffs, badminton, basketball and hockey are ail over for another year - and the summer sports aren't yet in full swing. Wlth the clocks hein, advanced an hour over the past weekend, the extra dayllght wlll have the saccer, softball and basebali teams out on the practice fields ln force. The lady softballers have already had a couple of early practices. The off-season makes work easy for this sports write: .--and enjoyable too-at ieast If you like attending banquets. We do-and have managed ta go to two in the past several days - Goodyear hockey and Goodyear bowling affairs. This Saturday (May 6th), the Men's Major Bowling League will hold their season-ending banquet at the Legion Hall, starting at 6:30, and the foiiowing week the Mixed Bowling League banquet wili be heid at the Memoril Park Club House. Last Saturday Men's Town League Basketball League waund up their first season with yet another banquet. This year basketball was very successfully revived in Bowmanville and judging from the players' enthustasm the following years should even be better. Also on the agenda is an early season -Southview Golf Club Dance, 8:30 p.m., May I3th at the Badminton Club. Tickets are iimited and according ta the -advance publicity an the Bill Miller orchestra, At would be wise ta get your tickets naw. They may be purchased at 1iggon Electric, Cowan Equipment or from any member of the executive. t. t tI' t ti LADIES' SOFTBALL UNDERWAY Aif Samelis, manager of the Bowmanvlhie Ladies' Soft- bail Team, informed me that anyone (of the fairer sex, that is), wishing ta try out is weicome at the practices. One session bas already been heid and next practice ta be held this Saturday p.m. at Central Scbooi. Pearson's Smake Sbop will again sponsar the club that won the Durham Ladies' championship last year. Jim Richards, wha played a major raie in reviving the team severai years ago, will be assistant caach. George Piper wiil coach the club. tt ~i 'tt SOUTHVIEW IN GOOD SHAPE Over the weekend we managed to get ln a round of golf and were very impressed by the excellent condition of the Southview course. The biggest thing in aur opinion was , the fine way the fairway grass bas grawn - it is bard ta .beiieve that the club is nat yet two years aid. Several other improvements are planned, to be instaiied very soon - a practice green, rakes in the sand traps, distance niarkers and an impraved method of starting gaifers at the first tee. Everything points toward anather top season. j. j. . j. j MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE EXPANDS The Men's Softbail League wIll be comprised of five teams thîs year and games will be played in a new park. 'The name of the fifth entry Isn't known yet, but backing the boys are the aId standbys - Stephen Fuels, Surplus Sales, Ken's Men's Wear and Snuffy's Auto Body. * Work is now underway toward making an infieid at ýthe High Schooi grounds, s0 the scbeduie can be started on *May leth. Games wii be piayed en Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. A player draft was held whicb should re.sult in an excelent loop. Nicholas Basketball NichlasTeams Hold First Banquet Bowmanville Hotel was thet Effective May l5th scene for the first annuai Men's Basketbaii Town Lea- The following hours gue banquet, Saturday night. will apply: Fooing a delicious meai, 8 a.m. uantil 6 itrduced as follows: DougI Rgrecreation manager; IrvE y Taube, George Stephen, Johni Monda Io Sturda Se ta and Seth Hunt- sponsorst of the four teams. CLOSED A beautiful tropby, dona-v Wedesdy Al Dy ed by Art Hooper, was pre-r Wednesay Al Day sented ta Seth Hunt, sponsorc of the champions, by John1 Seto. Mr. Hooper was unabler LIBERTY BOWL LTD. ___ BASE LINE Featuring AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY AND EVENING Phono MA 3.5663 Tirne Available for More League Bowling WE ARE NOW AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR Peterborough Canoe Ail sizes in: Fibre Glass, Molded Plywood and Cedar Strip. 10%1' DOWN ON ALL BOATS Up to 30 Months to Pay We also carry a full lin. of GALE OUTROARD NOTORS Corne and bave a look around IAfternoon Ladies' Leaguel Sellers, Holroyd, Lyle andBetty Richards............'!74 Patfield ail won their two'Lii Hooper .... ... , garnes-which stili leaves Pat- Alyce Hodgson........... 165 4 ~~field's teamn well out in front. Bernice Sellers ............ 165 e# .- - 4 ~Two nice games were rolled Marion Gibson............ 163 by Martha G.oudy, 247 and 188, Marion Malley ...... 160 ta give bier a bigh double of Jean Lobb. .............. 153 -n ~~435. Over 200 gamnes went ta Sadie Bucknell............ 154 _____Bernice Sellers 243, Jean Lobb'Marion Crowe .............. 153 259, June Clarke 228, Marion'Pat Bradd -.............1,92 Gibson 234, Pat Bradd 218, Vi Norrish............ 5 rWOllie Patfield 211, Nellie Mc- Hilda Sininick . ....... ...; 4 ýg Fe s23 Our banquet will Doris Holroyd...._..« 146 it ~be Wednesday, Mav 24, at Marg. Covle .~......144 Memorial Park Club House; Daisy 1Bel................... 144 ,e time 6:30 sharp. Fran -Alin .. . ...........141 y O l Ti er G es hro gh Is P cesTeamn Standinge Jean Harness................ 14o Ol Tme G esThouh tsPaes Present Prizes tb Team.....- Points Dori e lsh.......... 14o S23 retaShels ..... ...13-8 r Pa- ie-.d .............. - - ----------Selles - 317 rKatDodds 13 G ood0 year uow iers Bîckell .............. ......17 Betty Lou Locke.........135 S ~~~~~~~~B ucknell -. -... . .... . . 17 N ellie M e1 Feeters ........... 134 G i so ................. _ . 15 T hieresýa E by ............... 113 Godyear sporting activities dule, "Jake" Brown and Ted :Hloy.......- 15 Marg. M/IDonald.....131 (winter variety) came ta an Tice won the high triples, and Lyle .............. 13 9officiai close last Saturday Kari Piper and Frank Mahun iRcad . . . I night when the Bowling Lea- walked off with the high sin- Aeae gue hcld its annual banquet gie prizes. The remaining HosaTthe heockey Park Club prizes were divided amang, Audrev Biekeli..--........2900MI\xed League S bad earTierhobeyd enthusiasts the top ten averages in eachîOlIie Patfield .............. m5' hadealie hldtheir ban- scheduie. a Dot, Brooks ............... 195 Spicers tearn proved to be quet a week before. A lengthy discussion wa .J e Lyle .......... 193 the nloney bowlers Friday SSeated at the bead table beid on ways and means of i Helen- Dunn.................. 188,ffnigt, when they rolled up a 1 ý~were Benny King, president; impraving the league for the' 'big 3139 score ta win the roi]- Pete Bathgate, vice-president; next season. A change in play- and Mrs. H. Wonnaeott. Tor- off bv nearly 200 pins. Sleep flan White, secretary-treasur- offs, pîcking the teams by onto. ýtrok second spot with a 2934 er, John Stainton, Frank Mo- averages and discontinuationi Mrs. C. Shý w and Raiph, total, followed by Bromnel hun. Jack Bond, Arnold Lobb of the use of repIacementý Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. 2879. t and Tommy Graham. bowiers were the main de- E. A. Virtue Mondav eveningli The roll-off wrapped up arn- The Combines were pre- cisions hrought about. and presentcd Mr. and Mrs. other fine season of rnixej sented with trophies by Ron The election of officers re- Virtue with 25 red roses in a bowling, but one major iteni White for winning the 1960- sulted in ail posts being filled lovely vase with ribbon andi remains before the 1960-61 61 Championship. Pete Bath- by acclamation. Benny King silver trimming for their 25th season ofeallyeds Th gate made the presentatian of was returned for a third terni wedding anniversary, May 2nd. banquet xviii be beld at the the rail-off maney, donated as president and Ron White MrA.V wadofWlMe ri PkCubH s o by Liberty Bowi, ta the Beit will again handie the secret- Mr.A .Ewrso e-Mra i Ph ar Club House0o Dept. team. ary-treasurer duties. Jack land who bas spent severaîMyltsariga :0 The individuai money aw- Bond is the new vivce-presi- weeks with bis daughter andýAny bowlers who will be un- ards were presented hy Frank dent, whiie Arnold Lobb wili son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T.Iable te attend are reciuested Mohun. Jack Bond took bigh look after the duties of lea- Scott and family, accompanied ta flOtifyv a memiber of the averge onous i eah sce- ue tatitican.tbem ta bis borne and visited executive as soon as Dossible. aveagebonur ineac A. V. Edlwards at Wel- Art Spicer led bis team ta i land Hospital an Sunday. victorv with a nice 806 triple, Spectators at Mosport Park on Sunday taok a special interest in this 1,adDan Ide te -hg Oasgigt e 1937 Rolls-Royce which had been entered in the Trans-Canada RaIly. Driv a , ;VD 'U N: spent the weekencl with Marga Luxtan 761, Howard Bromneli by these two men from Part Alberni, B.C., it stood up well during the apening LaandsTrMaorrMurphy. 688, Hilda Brock 657, Matt day of travel, but unfortunately became stuck in the mud near Ottawa and had Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- Harrison 655, Emma Bromeli ta be hauled out. At Mosport, it took the hilîs and mudholes with very littie Joli clinched first place in Onie Etcher 218 201, 203; Dot ley attended a bridai sliawer 645, "Duke" Brunt 630, Aida effort, but flot too much speed. At last report, the Rolîs was still going strong the final week of the second Bond 215, Heleni Piper 218, for Miss Jo Singleton, Tor. Luxton 624, Elton Brock 622, sceue, last Monday nigbt Greta Luxton 215, Dot Brooks onto, Saturclavenng Glen Hodgson 615, and Joe on its way across Canada. ta earn a bortb in the finals. 242, 260; Lola Wright 200, Mr. and Mrs. 1ierho Powell, Nowian 610. The len-gue-leaders hook up~ Hilda Simnick 204, Dat Vir- Bowmanville, visited Mr. and P \wîth Brock, first schedule tue 218, Helen Dunn 224, 239, Mrs. A. Yourngran. LJ ec ea to i J(ev e swinners, for the Ladies' Major 223; Lorraine Martyn 254, 205; Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngrnan D e r a »n e i»wBoln egetitie. Mre ory 1,Bb teddteOdd Flos Joli edged King 2-1, while Brown 217, Bernice Partner Church Parade at Tr in it y By D ouglas Rigg Martyn trounced Dunn 3-0 ta 266, Ev Embley 221, Pearl Cburch, Bowmanville, Sunday F E _____________________wind up oniy a single point Kilpatrick 201, Marg King morning. Draina Wnrkshop Pee Wee Tryout joff the pace. Haynes ended 258, Grace Blackbuîrn 208, 261; Mrs. Isaac Murphy, Toronto, The Drama Worksbop will This Saturday morning at another four points back, af- Ada Richards 204, Joyce Lyle is spending a week with Mrs.O Ï bold its election of officers 10 o'ciock at Memoriai Park, ter heating Baker 3-0, with 234, 235; Doris Joli 219, 260; Edith Murphy. for the 1961-62 season at the ail prospective Pee Wee base- fourth-ranking Buday being Ena Etcher 276, Bernice Terry Severai from here attended Annuai Meeting t' be held bail players are asked ta be QLep Up to a upset 2-1 by Brock. Beauprie 215, Betty Westlake 241, 218; the funerai of the late Mrs. Thursday, May 4th at 7:45 present for a tryout. They edged Patfield and Brooks Helen Vivian 205, Ollie Pat- Howard Stevens of Enniskil- p.m. in the Lions Community must also bave a note signed M A L L UIdecisianed Etcher, bath by 2-1 field 227, Audrey Biekeli 243, len an Monday. Sympathy is Centre. by one or bath parents, giv- LM mB O scores. Vi Coole 231, Donna Preston extended ta the bereaved famn- ing themn permission ta play. Hilda Brock wound up the 205, 235; Nancy Bryan 263, ily and relatives.FO bel pre baent edblcta Murray Bate wilI be the coach. regular schedule in great fasb- Alice Hodgson 218. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeweli R.NL Ah mreber arte le sedavil on eg CANADA'S MOSTIlion, roiling games of 304 andW Teamn Standing were Saturday evening guests FINL invited ta attend. Bowmanv ll onLege279 for an excellent 813 triple-lDaris Joli ....45025 35 o Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, SEVC Choral Society Player list as follows: IVIULAR POWERBeIrIice Buday mTatched the L'aine Martyn . 43854 34 Oshawa. Sacetyhav ben ske t phnsAceRihars, . h- PO ER279, followed by M a r ion Peggy Haynes 44000 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkinson CIVE us The members of the Choral Stephen's Fuels- Geo. Ste- 30 îgt27adEaEchrBrieBdy406 2 and family visited Mr. and ACA.. pesAcRihrsB.A-276. Mrs. John Wrigbt, Bethany. present their operetta "Trial bott, D. Masters, T. Dadson, Other high singles went to Ollie Patfieid .... 42661 26 Misses Jean Stainton, Bow- by Jury" at the Millbrook F. Cowling, J. Bond, V. Van O E ee un66 osJl Marg King ... 41566 23 avle hyisM nrd Town Hall on Wednesday, stone, J. Aluin, G. Wright, R. helen Dunn 68.., Dor8s J21/2anle, MP.HylWooisM a nrd, May lth, tmder the auspices Crombie, H. Lane, G. Dudley, -68adDo ros65BoyBaprb. 18 2'2Sl., O oodJaer.and Arl2,16 iDt Brok .... 42233 220 oObwWt c. A .SU R C of the Milibrook United P. Chant. Arl2,16 id rc ..457 2 Mrs. R. Maynard. A .n.dURR C Church. They have also been Kcn's Men's Wear- Pat ae20an vr Hl D n...494 1 M.adMsLn MCy asked ta present the operetta Corneli, Bob Wiiiams, B.9, 230;3200an Ovr ee Dunn _... 4209047 9 M.adMs aeMCy atke te Wesethoug ettua Carle, BoMajerio, ia rd id rc 0,29 30 neEce .407 171/2 Broaklin, visited on Sunday 'O S L D at theWest ouge ublie ole, . Marerriso, T. ird,,Thelma Bates 205, Marion June Baker ...40427 12 with Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. & SO SL D Scbool, on Friday, May 26tb, B. Perfect, J. Stainton, K. ..................Sag77,29;Br utnLaeFshM.nd r.WlerR m under the auspices Of the Kelly, D. Bagneli, J. Twist, ha 08, 208; Bernice Buday rc eetdJl y3 eeSna e usso r A351 Rouge Hill United Church B. Adamns, T. Fairey, J. Cas- 27,Vri rw 1,Nraan r.CW.RhFu Young People. tic, J. Bird. Gay 227, Vivian Cowan 212, pins ta win the champiansbip. M and er. C .R ,Fu BOWMANVILLE Due ta the success of their Surplus Sales- R. Davey, operetta plans are underway D. Girardi, F. Cowle, G. Jon- Deluxe 18 ta produce "H.M.S. Pinafore" es, A. Crossey, M. Yourth, T Y R O N E next spring. J. Parker, I. Brooks, L. Piper, Ail luxury Iawn care features- Men's Softball J. Moorcraft, J. MacDonald, onc pull start-proven depend- The second meeting of the public sehool, favaured the IncomparaLle.. Plnsar el udrwy oD. Brunt, L. Crago, M. Tighe blt-ls2FL ER'INot alntn Tahr'gopb inig"euiu get the Mcn's Softbail league denMuressu S. Hu n, M WARRANÎY Arithmetic Semninar was held Brown Eyes" and "Open Up intoacton s son a posibl de, M Buress S.Hunt M.$8250 in Tyrone Hall on Thursday, Yaur Heart.' Her sister Miss W Due~~~~ tateices nitRBicholds, . Hamsi .Ln, E.only April 27th, 1961. There were Maureen MeNair accampanied u. Due o te icreae i iner-B. Nchoson L. amiton E.sixty-five teachers present. at the piano. est it bas been nccessary. to King, B. Yerex, J. Kennett, Miss Valda Kocins, teacher of, Mr. Dean Sceats, teacher of increase the league ta five G. Tigbe, D. Bishop. 0 Long Sauit Scbool, acted as Bakers' school, introduced the teams. Tcam Na. 5- J. Carlisle,m chairn.spae for the evening, Mr. It is boped that ail games T. Hoar, B. Welsh, J. Ricd Te etigwa oeedmry B. 0 etr will be piayed at the Bow- C. Fcrguson, R. Poliard, J 1xvt hesngn f h N-brouhTabes aIlege'W TC manvilie High Schooi grounds Fard, T. Masters, A ie Deluxe18 with .',tional Antbem, Miss Laura 'Mr. Emery spoke on "Prablem j __ rr-...... .,....1.. -- T T- - '1NT '..- r on uesdy, Weduiesday anu mani, J. James~, N. YeU, J. Thursday evenings. lFowler, B. Richards. 1 mus Lands and ForestsI Weekly Report Pire and Thoughtlessnes rples spread on a pond By S. A. Shields, Deputy Chief when a stone or other abject Rangcr, Haliburton 1is dropped in the water. y Each spring regardless ofý Charges are laid under the the many methods used to try!Forest Fires Prevention Act Just wind an( to inform the public living against anyone who sets out Boy sprinigs t within the fire district, ana fire iwithouit first obtaining a FULL YEARS' the summer rcsidents who fire pcrmit. This bas alrcaciy may corne occasionally on'happened in one case in the weekends, that the fire season'Haliburton area. The party opened on April lst, there are responsible for the fire is also a great rnany people who Stnilliable for ail costs involved in persist in burning vithout aïfighting the fire.. See ther permit early in the season. 1 A good policy is -When in On someoccasions these Idoubt 'phone your nearest On someRanger Station and be sure". fires, intended ta be only srnalliThe Ranger Stations are open fires, get away on the person;seen days a week during the Pal who started themn and endang-'ýfire season for the convenience er land nearby. In some cases 0 f the public as weli as to safe-I4or ýthisis grass, and i others it guard our forests. o r Imight be valuable buildings, D .Wlo, 2 igS.E timber, or a bit of land withý .R isn 2 igS.E great aesthetic value. In the District Fore-ster. ________ last two cases it may take many ycars ta repair the dam- age caused by fire. When this occurs the usual excuse is that the party con-ý cerned thought that the fireLE IO season did flot open uni il some, time later than April ist. 1iI N It seemns an unfortunate human trait that any law *which is flot weil enforced and COMI0E which does flot have penalties exactcd for violations or non- i observance is usually ignoredSU E CA I 'until such time as cha:rges are E A I ladadpenalties exacted. ~M T ' ~ This asoappears tK lUne IAIN, MA u1, 8:30 of the most direct ways of spreading information ta the ýpblc Wie hage relad$6 . 0IN P Z and fines paid the news spreads6 5 0 N RI in a manner similar to the way INCLUDING to attend because of illness. s100H-O C M Ted Dadson presented the in-$100H -O C M dividual trophies to the mem- bers of the winning Snuffy's $ 1,000 SNOWDALL JAC] Auto Body club. Jackets have been ordered, but xveren't 1961 FORD or $2,000 CL availabie for presentation _______________________ the banquet. In the election of officers i P TERDOROUGH Ted Dadson was voted mnto $6,500 NE O IL C TR the office of president, Jim IRA E4 R jAllin wvill be the treasurer and 1Doug Rigg, secretary. // Fielder, teacher of Unioni1Salving." e starter school, accornpanied at thej He gave measons wby pupils piano. Following the Nationalihave t roubles with prablem Anthem, Lachie McNair, aisoiving. It was also stated grade 7 pupil of Enniskillen that some pupils aren't ground- ed welI enouE!h in solving W ESLEY VILLE problems therefore they don't May the first, and duil Cancrete materiai should be skies with chiliy winds, are1 used by the teacher sa that still with us. A few men have1 the pupils xviii see wbat be is been on the land but there daing. The probiem must be xviii be a lot ta do in a sh-ort meaningfui ta the student. time when weather does get!Tbe teachers found this ta be w%,arrn2r. very interesting and helpful. id release-Lawn- Church organizations a reý Mrs. William Ashton, senior o life. Carrnes 2 winding up a series of mneet-iroom teacher of Solîna school, ings with a congregationai thanked the speaker and pre- WAPRANTY meeting last Manday nigbt in'sented bim with a travelling $ ""50the bqsement and a meeting kit. a0 t Welcomne this Monday night. Foilowing 0 Canada, a lunch 0111Y $9 I On Tuesdoy, Mesdames A. was served to Mr. and Mrs.1 'Autin, H. Austin, G. TuffordjEmery and the teachers ofý F. Barrowciougbh and BernieceNorth DarIington by the pro-j ml touay at PELst drove taý Castleton for gramme cornmittee.1 the annuial meeting of the Ca-j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skin- bourg Presbytery W o m a n's ner were tea guests iast week Association. Most of the day'siof Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes,ý Imer business and programme cen-'Bawmanville.i trcd araund discussion and1 Congratulations to Mr. and, plans for the new United!Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mr. andi Sales Church wamen organizationýMrs. E. A. Virtue who cele-ý MA 3-5487 xxýhichi will corme inta being brated their 25th wedding an- Jan. first, 1962. Iniversary May 2. IThe Sunday Sehool sponsar-1 James, Joseph and Jeffery ed a crokinole party on Fmi- Parkinson were baptlzed atý do,' evening with nine tables1the Sunday morning service' played. Visitors Mr. and Mrs.'by Rev. G. Lokhorst. Langridge, daughter Cather-' Syrnpatby ta Mr. and Mrs.' in, Mrs. Edgar Harcourt and J. A. Rosevear on the passing ýt) daughter Rita fmom Port Hope'of bis father, Mr. E. A. Rose-, were very welcome. Prize vear, Cobourg. xvinners were Rita Harcourt East Group beld a quilting who won every game and Lar-lbee at the home of Mrs. Percy, ry Ashhv wbo won ail of theiMcCOY. games be plax'ed. Childrenl Miss Jean Philp spent a' have good contraI and wîtb1couple of days last week with practice will become expert.'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Philp, Even t.he tiny tats enjoy the Nestieton. [GO game. Jean White, Bawmanville, Ail were glad to, see Susanne1 recently visited at Mm. and Evden back at Sunday sehool Mrs. A. Hoar 's. sharpafter ber illness. There werel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, 57 out and Linda Tbamndyke Mrs. A. Hoar and daughters read the scripture.wekendisite1d Mr.anrd Mrs. D. G.1 werc: Ruth Brimmacombe of, Miss Beth Miller, Oshawa, Bunker Hill at Thomndyke's;ývisited on Sunday wîth Mr. Bob Vannatto, Mm. Tonkin Sr.,jand Mrs. Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonkin and Miss Joy Chamberlain and' famiiy and Donna Oughtred Bill Demille, Oshawa, vislted' of Toronto, Mrs. D. Vannatta with Bannie McQuinn. [<POT and Cecil of Bowmanville, Mm. Mrs. H. Hall spent a couple, and Mrs. Lea Martin of S. of days with ber sister, Mrs.i A SH Monaghan, with the Oughtreds; S. Walker, Bowmanviile. i Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Woolacott Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall and of Part Hope with Arnold famlly, Toranto, Mr. and Mrs. Austin's, Keith Robinson and Michael,' Mr. anid Ren Amqhby Webt Beach. visited Mm. and' were at Mormîsh on ThursdaylMrs. H. Hall. Sunilay. evening to show movies andj Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtuel slides at the W. A. meeting. spent the weekend with Mr., ýP IE S Exciting beauty... world renowned dependabilty .. . that's Longines. Wittnauer. Terms ta suit you. H OO PERS k;sone te Jewelerycase. $79.50 1 ! WITTNAIJER. $mort & Gift Shop $b' 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747$45 GOODWILL -GUARANTEED USED CARS AUl Used Cars Are Fully Reconditioned with Goodwill Guarantee Executive Driven Company Car 1961 BUICK INVICTA 2-DR. HARDTOP Fully equipped, only 6,000 miles. Savings of almost $1,000.00. j Cali one of our salesmen for an appointment. 1959 FORD COACH Automatie transmission. heater. Former local O.P.P. cruiser. Only ---- ----------- -- - - - $1,445 1958 BUICK CENTURY 2-DR. HARDTOP Fully power equipped $1,750 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN Excellent condition, heater -- $1,195 More than 30 other makes and models to choose frorn "'YOUR QUALITY GM DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. McMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhall Cars - GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MA 3-332j, Oshawa Direct Line RA 5-2712 s. omgzcg é FQP 1