THE CANADLiN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLEP, ONTARIO 04 otit-of-town buyers f a i r Lintia Aaibers, Susan Gray, out te watcri theié isplay.i garne for every type of corn- ý Edith Nirnigon, Julie Aluin, Lunch was serveti at the endi, er cuttlng that wlll squeeze i Judithann Sparrow, Lynda with tea and freshie for thé an extra dollar of profit out Camenon, Gail Baker, Nancy childrt-n. of tise sale. ýStephensen. Lyn di a Patta, Weekend visistons with Miss Pniscilla Crawford, Sandra Jean Perrini anti Mn. W. Mon- I! you deal out o! your Chaskavich, Grace Barnes, ley wene Mn, anti Mrs. JoeS p town or city witb this type Joyce Davey. Barbara Phil- Duby anti Mr. anti Mr. Ken e! operator on the under- lips, Lorraine Fox, Shirley Duby, Guelph.A standable desire te "save" Knapp. Jeanette Quinney, Mn. andi Mrs. Russell Rahine,ý a few dollars, yeu are likely Anne Stinson. Helen Allun, IlIne anti Deug, Mn. Goatdon G...... te, regret it, as thousantis o! Pat Fisher, Joyce Knapp, Mur- Rundle. Bowmanville, wi t h, A buyers who have will test- îel Owen. 1Mr. anti Mrs. T. Wilson Satur-; ify.' An intenesting panel dis- day evening. cussion gave the audience an, Miss Linda C-ail took part *outline o!thie knowledge af ýin the Fashion Show at Bow- N home making acquireti by manville ligh School on Fmi-, Support tise Canadian 'Grade 10 pupils. Those taking day evening. Highwsy Safety Conncl's part were Carole Greenham, Weekend visitons with Mn. Su.san Bodnar. Jeannette Mac- anti Mrs. W. Caîl were Mr. May Safety Camnpalgu.- kie, Diane 'Martin, anti Carol anti Mrs. M. Downs, Gant-y "'Safety la In Tour Haints",! Riznek. and Steven, Mn. P. Call, Ton- 'o!arisnacit ugagenttina anti ileMm ai. EPR ai s Bunti" anden1 teraienteM. adMs .C n was an effective presentatien !amily, Mn. anti Mr. Stor-ms SEPR President. wvell chosen supply o! pack- e nte, with Mn. anti Mm. R. able anti fashionable clothes 'Sinipson on the weekend. The smart traveling cases hadj with his tiaughten, Mr. antiO M N 166 King St. E. been lent by Osborne's Sport M ns. A. Martin anti boys, on 'Store anti the charmi ng clt-te weekend. Phones: MA 3-3321 es and accesizores by Wide-Î Miss Bon nie Bridger enter- shawa RA 5-2712 nian's La-dies WVear. ta;i-iecl sorine of!lier girl friend.Ž 9 6 K IN G STREET EA ST The panel discussion on the 'on Satundav on the occasion subjects covereti in the Grades 1o! ber 10Oth birthtiay. WEI N5fAV, MAT 24th, 1981 Il and 12 Home Economics' j** ~ A Welcome, was guest speaker g ~ ~~lasses was also cleverly pret M O v *.i v E I Sunday at Kendal Sunday C lever D'esign W n sented. Dietetics and the pre- MO VI e..MyE REV School anvray h hl paration o! special diets were' ROYAL THEATRE lany time. Preston portrays a dren sang "The Lord Is My referred to as well as calorie! o.t W 9MY29.31 harness salesman who mnust Shepherd", very nicely with countng, te maing o mix face the harsh realities Of1 Mrs. Westheu.ser at the organ. B y S ud n s tes for baking, selection and The aksthTo of thse changing times being ushered!There was a good attendance care of kitchen equipînent.'îSar in by the automobile age. He and we were pleased ta wel- diferet ype o tetils n- it RoertPrsto, orohybrings considerable exuber- corne so many front other B. H-. S. F'ash ion S ho VI cludingrman-made fabrics, the netth rofeqnlycmuies caeadfeeding o! childrenMGurEeAdn shouting forth his lines in an We hear one fishermnan L. W. Dippeil, the princi- ment head, 'Mrs. H. McMas-. and other topics of famuly liv- Family drama based on hit inimitable style.laed afn eghpod pal welcomed the capacity ters. Lloyd Johnston, who is. mg. rawypa.hscmd, We rso oe i o trout, but naturally just where audience in the Bowmanvillein charge of the Industrial 1MArs. Arnott. the head of pathos and wide appeal. Fine hie feels an oppressive sense is net for publication. High School auditorium on Arts courses, and thc two the Home Economnics Depart-, performan~ces. o!Ilife closing in on him. Since Cnrtltost r n ThF r~day evening for the pre- other teachers ini this depart-: ment wvas honoured by thei An intimate, dramatic glim- hie receives little understand- Cnrtltost r n se4C îen of the Bowmanville-1 ment, J. Fitzpatrick and . presentation of a gift from sr ffmlnif n a-ig rmbswfMss Mc- Mms. Hr- ilw wr Courtice Home Econom Ic S Casey. the Grade 12 students in ap-idid view of humait relations Guire, lhe flees to an old, !marîried Saturday afternoon class Fashion Show, Art De-. h hmeo h asinpecaino terxone .lu offered in The Dark at the platonic friend, Miss Lans- in Tyrone Church. Mr. and partment Display and Exhibî- So a Gy ae. h and profitable instruction re- Top of the Stairs. What gîves bury. This further widens the Mms. Jack Carscadden and tion o! the Industrial Arts Staho adben"G a nsrme d Teived from lier. Judithanno the film distinction Is Its rift between them. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevens classes. into a spring Parisian street Sparrow made the presenta-,goigsnec amhad Nwsrce n ersewr mn h uss Thelare urnutdesitescneousid a mat sde tin.simplicity. The draina some- Miss McGuire invites ber sis. reception ivas held at the the inclement weather was a iwalk cale. An attractive and In thanking the girls, Mrs. times strikes out with sting- ter, Eve Arden, and lier bus- hoe l onaHenry itip h trbtec9rs . .Anomuc large awning o! wide scarlet Arnott paid tribute to their ng force, a other ie it band Frank Overton, to the couplletoawedntp 1--d o! the Home Ec ri and white stripes was sus- work. She also voiced hier ap- meanders pleasantly, touches bouse for a visit. There is Sad- te Niagara. Department, hier assistants, pendcd outside the cafe. Pret- preciation of the excellent in- humor and plucks at senti- ness, comedy and irony in Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Me- Mrs. N. Wolfe and Mrs. H'2r- tv flowers in window boxes struction given by the twoi ment. It is based on the fain- these scenes in which Preston Roberts, Toronto, spent the oldGibonth Ar Deant iflkedthe retauanten-Hoe Eonoics asistan drama by William Inge spars and jabs at the domin- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. trace Gibson, h r eatIÎne h etuate-Hm cniis assand which captivated Broadway eening, loquacious Miss Arden. Charlie Gay and, witb Mr. and The~vit pintd rogh techrs Ms.audiences just a little while The screenplay by Harriet Mrs. Gay, visited Mr. andi Mr.Wof.i back. The film bas winning Frank Jr. and Irving Ravetch Mrs. Sutch on Surîday. iron furniture of the sidewalk Mrs. Arnott also expresseti jqualîties for motion picture is smooth andi touching, often Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Kean cafe was exceedingly chic, gratitude to Mrs. McMaster,1 audiences. with insight. Other aspects of and granddaughter o! Orillia The tables were glass toppeti the head o! the Art Depart- Michael Garrison who pro- it concern the romantic awak- visited Mr. andi Mrs. Ken Se- anti the chairs had cushions ment for the beautiful decora-i duced, bas assembleti an im- ening o! young Miss Knightpeunandascaet of bight chintz with pink, tions and lovely paintin gs. She posncs eddb o pnmeig ahnio ernd and rs. BertThomp Ilue- and reti flowers on a also especially thanked Lida psncs eddb o pnmeig ahnsm nM.adMs etTop whitp ground. Several trees, Roberts for the excellent job bert Preston, Dorothy Mc- cadet, Lee Kinsolving. One Oon. ablooni with beautiful pink she has done as co-ordinatoriGr, Ee Adn neatefco htlast h Weekend guests with Mr. appl blssoisaddd t th o! he ashon how an Fa Lansbury andi Shirley Knight. boy's reckless death ln ananM.NomnK neyn appîle atsmsphrde, an tioFisher asnd FreoGraaind, tjDelbent Mann's direction is automobile accident is the re-adMsNomnK neyn sprng-ikeatospere an FshE an Frd rahm, hesmooth and resourceful. ligious bigotry dîrecteti to- the farin were Mn. andi Mrs. there was even a Ilite size rep- pianists who hati provided the The story Is set lni the early wards him. R ay~mo nd Woodward andi *= - lica of a French waiter near musical accompaniment for 1920's and the famîly It cen- As the final curtain cornes Douglas o! Georgetown, and the mdels.Mr. and Mms. Robent Collett the tablesth oes. tres on coulti be any place,, down it is a happy one. o etn ea An excellent musical pro- The finale o! the delightfui Iof__________________ gram was presenteti by some Show was the crowning o! the *- m Little Miss Irene Mencer o! music, D. C. Peters. The bara Hughes by last year's K EN D A L Tuesday morning at Memor- opening sextette playeti Mo- Qucen Sharon Hancock. The r.GogClrTonMs okad iaofo.iRHspt. Whatever Type zart's lovely "Serenade". The pretty 1961 Teen Town Prin-1wsrdGwrto Clars Taront Mre d in tthir of T r , anHopital. Percy Burley six taking part were Dorothy cesses, Leslie Lander, Margar- home a few days last week. mer cottage west of Kendal. and M1r. and Mirs. John Bird Home You Own .. Foley and Terry Elack, clar: et Vanstone, Connie Osmond George was i hospital then, Over the weekend Lloyd andi bougie visiteti recently tha White, French horns, Pat presenteti on stage. but we hope lie will be eut Glas, accempanieti by Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wevego jstte igî om-Knox anti Lois Ashton. bass- The noteworthy exhibition again by now. Glass, took a bus load o! Bow- Vannatto at Port Hope. WvSo uttergtHm-oons. o paintings and drawings b Last Tuesday eveninig Marie manville ladies on a trip to Quite a crowd were eut te owners "Package Policy" for your An; effective alto sax solo the Art Departmnent puyl Couroux, Sharoni anti Barbara Ottawa andi on east. They en- the mitiget gaine here Mon- meedss! h combines the broati by Faye Rudman with Fred was much admireti by al a-Burley, Mrs. E. Coureux, Mrs. joyed the guideti tour through day evening, wben Bowinan- property coverages-fire, theft, Grahamn t the piano, "Day- tentiing the show. The display Eart- Burley and Mt-s. Hendet-- Ottawa anti especially liketi ville were the visitors andi Iiailiy tat ou houd hveforbrek" ompset by Fere ncldet soe prtiu1al~son attended the Mother andi the grand display o! tulips wett down te a 15-10 defeat Babli-rth o un poction.vestfor Gore.ak"loso eeiv eretimha iovle stio ie pantings rlyDaughter banquet lheltiby the which were at their best. by tihe Kendal lads. John plause. Theeflutotecttpoa.edesginaldesigns, fine îandsca- Brownies anti Guides lni Or- Mn. andi Mrs. Rani Burley Quantrill anti Terry Carlton &Il, you can budget aIl this Pro-i by Mlary Munday anti Maryi pes silhouettes, portraits, anti 0. anti taughters recently vislted wr ntenenifrKn tection by the month, just as you Osborne, was Stephen Fosteris delightful animal pictures. Many of the local tobacco Mr. andi Mrs. George Durward theal ffin t aher. Th at do your rent or utilities. For the delightful "Tioga Waltz". Fred The Industrial Arts exhibi- growers starteti planting Fnl- and lmy tSnead ti a fiestnt, ladseanti we ~om1ec toycai n s ody.Graham also playeti the piano tien in the gyînnasium was the day or Saturday te get the afaiiey at Sundenlandti accompaniment for this selec- centre o! attraction. Parents large plants out o! their Ms .Vntoat eU are ail routlng for you te tie, ati ntreseti spcta o ~greenhouses. On Mondae a Mrs. John Bird anti Dougie, keep it up. tinon clsona o nd ihail sterspec Caoinesa ,îong manville, and Cecil Bur- e.E .Ntmx a h In cnclsio ik oodindviewed the splendid examples hl trmcmeaog oi- Bow.K Nranws h quintette, Mary Munday, flute, o! the boys' work. Excellent the north bu t Is thought not ley were Sunday visitons with dinnen guest o! Mr. anti Mrs. David Brent, oboe; Terry pieces of metai work were on to have causeti muoli dainage. Mn. anti Mm. Perey Burley. Lexi Falls, Sunday. Black, Clarinet. Sharon An- display, anti the many fine Mrs. Eddie Coureux anti Mrs. Alva Swarbnick went Menday nigbt was fine- derson, French Hern, anti Lois items perfectly fashioneti and Marie, anti Mrs. George Mer- home with Mr. anti Mrs. Wil- cracker night anti was enjoyeti Ash ton. bassoon. playeti the finisheti testifieti to the skills cen spent Friday evening with fred Roughley te Oshawa on by the young folks anti num- ST A T R.JM Sperenni al favourite, "Over the acquireti at woodworking. t Mr. andi Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Motîher's Day, but bias return- erous eider folks as weil anbw"Visitors aise wereabet Peterborough. edt ier home here. Mr. anti Quite a number o! familles LTA TB A E Rinda obet a hepe-sestdnsa or two Miss Judy Foster and Jacki Mrs. Russell Wright o! Lorne- pooleti their supplies anti let INSURANCE REAL ESTATE! tv fashion and art co-ordina- turning, and operating mach- Fonk spent the holiday week- ville and Ross Roughley, Osh- thema off on the vacant lot nt Klg t E owavll tor. She wore a fetching art- mnes such as the blue-pnint end with is folks at Burks awa, visiteti ber Sunday. the east enti o! the village. KnStE. Bwavleists's costume anti worketi at machine, the variety saw, jîg- Falls. The Aedile Construction Ce. Some adjourneti afterwards Offie Rsidncea pintng n a eael bsid sa, lthe an drll aw. Guests with Mn. and Mrs. o! Whitby have put i the for bot degs, pop, or tea at Offce esîenc a ainingon n eselbestiesaw lahesant drll aw. George Met-cen on Sunday foundation fer our new pub- the home of Mn. anti Mrs. Ed- IIA3-581MA . the3 sho wMisscRoents toit the wvere Mn. and Mrs. Cy Elsey lic school. due Couroux. MA__3-5681_ MA_3-5493__ ience otrt es otag e t- B SE LNEanti taughters, Oshawa, Mr. Mrs. Garland Cathcart, Mms. Mn. anti Mrs. Russel Wright audincethatthestag set- B SE INE Martin anti Miss Aleen Mar- Eleaner Poster anti Mirs. W. (Hilda Bell) anti family o! _______________________ing depicteti a popular "'ren- dezvous" o! artists anti models MUrs. Hilton Tînk visited iher tin,. Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Mercen attendeti the W. 1. Dis- Lornevile were dinner guests on the left bank of the Siene. sister Mrs H. Jebson, Beaver- Chas. Elsey, Mn. anti Mrs. trict annual convention held i wth Mn. anti Mm. Garland eln55soeo h rctcltn nWdedy !rl le n hi ai in St. Paul's Chut-ch, Bowman- Cathcart anti later visiteti Shespke ! hepratialTnon"Ae sdlamny. Haoltie seranti eir ville, lasti Wednesday. othen frientis. ~Let's T aik istconiveasestherHe u n !Bs eN.3 od Mn. anti 1&s. Bob Young- Mn. anti Mrs. Miler anti Misses Margaret Seens oi intcton ive n asses Hoeher t-igoae gLar mo.thly ma l es, ox-n. e o h JdadMs . tkrOtw ndCaeS so et lolearn the history Neighbour Club met at the mnwr nQee o h uy niMs .Soe taaat aeSeso C a sof design anti style, nutrition, home of Mrs. E. Price anti yeekenid where Bob was a spent Wednesday li Toronto. Peterborough holidayed with C ars 09 ý1'ousehold budgeting, furni- Mrs. M. Bennett on Wednes- jutige at the dog trials. Mn. anti Mr. Martin Poster their sister, Mrs. Reg. Elliott. ture standards, anti relateti day afternoon at 2 p.mi. Miss Mr. anti Mm. Ray Hughes were in St. Cathenines anti Mr. anti Mrs. McMackin anti WO T PEsubJects. frdt Caniilila Hounsell, Sinicoe St., anti Gloria, Mrs. Luxon ant iher aunt, Mrs. E. Kerslake, Mr. anti Mrs. Siti Rutherford T O T P SThe omnarsfrd- Oshawa, won the cioll tîîat Mrs. Irenie Mercer spent the caintb home with thein for a attendeti the graduation of ferent sections o! the Fashion YMrs. Sain Battams hati dress- holiday weekenti at Lake visit. their sons at Queen's Univer- 0F EAL RS Sh'ow were Julie Allun. Meri- eti so beaut!ully. After a short Ktolhog. Rev. E. K. Normian, B.A., o! sity, Kingston. idy Mutton, Karen Barrabali business perioti anti two en» i eeîyanti Sharon Hancock. The joyable contests, a delîcîous 1 rcenlymany beautiful clothes shown lunch was serveti by the hos- y heard a deal. indicateti the sewing skills tesses.0 er acquaint- learneti by the students. Eacb Mrs R. Metcalf ted ance who liaitgrdoeldgret she ed the Womnen's Institute Dis- had matie hersel!. trict Annual on Wednesday. very large clty Teewr eretymte Mrn, anti Mrs. Charlie Pilch to nidiu isuits, top coats, blouses, skirts, anti famiiy, Toronto, spent the size place ex- i jackets, ensembles, jumpers, weekenti with hier parents, L ferencte a.. Wen t singlets, day dresses, party Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Gibson. plaie ten the dif- frocks, evening gowns anti Mn. anti Mrs. Neil Brownell, LUN BER He smme il upby ay-beach wear. Suits anti coats anti famniiy, Mn. anti Mrs. Sam He ummti t u bvsa were lineti anti interfaceti. Van Camp anti famnily spent i K ing that in bis large c ty There wvas a witie variety of the long weekend at thein En dealership be rarely knew materials including cottons, cottages on Mink Lake. and almsteys er met thei corduroy, silks, miracle fab- Miss Dorothy Foley accoin- D socially. t ne mevîheng rics, ongandy anti chiffon. Fine paniet iber grantiparents, Mr.i te ia mleBun center the taste was exemplifieti in the anti Mrs. E. Foiey andi aunt opposite was nlow true - bie choice o! coloun combinations, Mrs. Bert Colwell, Cryl seldon DOSN'Tknawthe nes, styles anti tailareti de- Ave., Bowmanville, te Tonante:o peel wh oE are byn g hetails. te spenti the weekend with! fnom bum. Quite a few on Those taking part were ber cousin Mn. anti Mrs. Eti- T a fra nmebaisani an GenGlaspeIl, Doreen Ha-_ wand Colwell anti famuly1. as ersna frents.mer, Lyntia Davey, Danlenel Mn. anti Mrs. Russeli lear-: nelpr.nsl risoneat ithIrîs ak-,-sthr Reevea, Lui-T MNNETY AVAILABLE FOR MGRTGAGES DALPH S. JONES Darrister sahd SolcItoi 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 1+ ,Im GILL Get in on the Free Draw This Week Last Week's Winner: MRS. COLLISS, 69 Grocery Specials Firsi Grade Creamery BUTTER witis $5.00 purcisase of grocerles lb.59 Stafford - Save 6c RAISIN PIE FILLING --2 c 20-oz. tins - Only 10-1b. Bag of with each $3. purchase of produce at reg. prices York Brand MEAT PIES-4 for 99c King Street, East. Meai Specials THIS COUPON worth on 25 any ROAST 0F BEEF at regular price Maple Leaf BOLOGNA Sliced -lb 3J5c SmaIl Link Pure Pork SAUSAGE . lb Y C Fancy Cello TOMATOES 2 pkgs 33c M4cQUINN'S 1,11 NAIKET GARDEN PLANTS - ALL VARIETIES KiA 3-2431 55 King St. E. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER $5.00 OnIy 5 weeks left to get i on BICYCLE DRAW GUARANTEED B A s E LUMUTED LUMBER MArket 3m3 388I 1A c PA(EM N Memor~ial os ia 'C Roger, Mr. and Mrs. and famlly, Hampton, visited iaospliai erry and Laurie, Osh-lat Allan Fisher's on Tuesday t awa, were Mother's Day visi- evening. Weekly Report tors at Perey Davidson's. Mrs. Rose Poloz, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff, visited at Harry Poloz's on For the week of May 15-91 Oshawa, were Sunday even- udy Inclusive. ing visitors at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher, Admissions-------4 Ray Cameron and Judy, Oshawa, were Saturday even- Birth, 4 aie,3 fea y i Donna Henry acco mpa n ie d ing visitors at Allan Fisher's. Discharges------ -____ 56 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin toi The Zion Peewee Hockey Major operations 7____ ýtheir cottage at Caesarea onýteam concluded their 1960-61 Minor operations 12i Sunday. lactivities with a basebaîl gaine Emergency treatments 10lOi Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, at Zion Park on Saturday af.- Visiting hours 3-4 p.m. and ,Miss Mina Ferguson, Ux-iterfloon. May 13. Crests were 7 to 8:30 p.m.i bridge, were Sunday evening' presented to ail the boys to visitors at Keith Stainton's. commemorate a very success- The Doubles Club meeting fui season. The boys then on Saturday evening had an went to Nemis woods for a poor attendance and ver ebaec. of the W. A. ladies ai-d hus- George Fisher Ieft by train (Intended for last week)i bands attended. S er ge a n t on Tuesday afternoon for Davy Stainton entertained 1 Powell of the Oshawa Police Winnipeg, Manitoba. quite a number of bis little Force gave a very interesting friends at his sixth birthday and enjoyable talk on bis party on Saturday afternoon. work. The ladies served re- Cet Cash ioaay iMr. Jesse Arnott, Bowman- freshments.Fo ville, visited at N o r man Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher 5 ' Leach's. visited at Harvey Webster's, ForOldAppialces Mrs. Inez Henry, Hamilîton, Little Brîtaîn, on Sunday. siirouth spent the weelSend at Ray Forbes Fisher, T o r o n to, Cameron's. spent the weekend with his S T A T E S M A N Mr. and Mrs. George Gor- parents, Mr. and Mrs. AIlan C L A S 8 1 F 1 E D 8 don and John, Oshawa, were Fisher.Phn MAkt-30 Sunday visitors at K e it h Mr. and Mrs. Frank* Leachi hn Akt330 Stainton's. Mrs. Sain Adams, M r s. Chuck Terry and Laurie, Osh- 1VurC. ton, Courtice, Mrs. Wes. Cam-' RAV 'E ER1E eron visited their mother Mrs. 1 R W E RYE K Delbert Flintoff, Kedron, o n, Sundayafternon. TE FLLPRHS PRC 0FYU &John~ Barlow and Jhn Stain-1 ORDER FREE EACH WEEK TO THE WINNER ;1: ton attendecî a bowling ban-j quet at the Fiying Dutcbman,, Bowmanville, on Saturtiay' night.1 Mn. anti Mr. Howard Ah-1 bott, Bunketon, visiteti at Percy Davidson's on Tburstiayi evening. Mn. anti Mrs. Ken Fisher anti Kirk, anti Jehnny Hooper, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests at Pat Roberts'. Mn. anti Mrs. Don Prout, Donnie anti Randy, Bewman: ville, were Sunday visitons ati Ray Camenon's. Mn. anti Mrs. Henry D:artý visiteti at William Dant's, Woodvilie, on Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Wilfreti Franki anti Davidi, Tenanto, were Sunday visitons at Robent Killen's. Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Scott anti family, Ketiron, Mn. anti Mrs. Raiph GlaspelI anti family, Tyrone, were Mother's Day visitons at Mrs. F. B. Glas- pell's. Mn. anti Mns. Normaxi Leach were Sunday visitons at John Kivell's, Solina. Mn. anti Mms. George Daviti- son anti Patti, Whîtby, Mn. anti Mrs. Rimer Down, Larry' LUMBER